Le chevalier Tempête (1967–…) - episodes with scripts

Ah yes THE FLASHING BLADE a French show I can remember very well from my childhood away back in the early 1970s . It has a very memorable stirring theme tune that has the lyrics " It's right to fight for what you want and all that you believe .... and truth and love and happiness are well worth fighting for " and how very French that all sounds . No doubt the theme tune is very popular in the Foreign Legion . Despite my claim that I can remember the show very well I am unable to tell you all the ins and out of the plot , in fact I may be correct in saying that if I saw it again the plot would be totally forgotten as the story progresses . It's set during a war between France and Spain and a French castle is under siege by those nasty Spaniards and it's up to a couple of heroic French pretty boys to save the day . This plot lasts for a total of 13 episodes so make up your own mind as to how tightly plotted it all is . And ignore the polemical view that all French men are dashing and handsome , that all French women are total beautiful and that all Spaniards are cruel , evil , have beards and are absolutely rubbish in a battle because this is a French show and the French were never good at objectivity . Best aspect of this show ? The fight scenesTHE FLASHING BLADE was broadcast in its original format once in the early 70s and again a few years later which is the last time I saw it ( So if you've viewed it for the first time last week and found it sucks don't blame me for misleading you . I loved this show as a child ) , but round about 1988 a BBC children's show used it again except this time it had been massively re-edited and redubbed . For example the hero found himself being thrown into a cell where he meets the heroine for the first timeHero ( On spotting heroine ) Hhhmmm . Sexy ( Hero walks over to Heroine and puts his hand on her shoulder ) Well hi there baby . I'm an incredibly handsome guy and I was wondering what your name was ?Heroine ( Disgusted ) Get lost creep !I didn't know wither to laugh or cry . Tell a lie , I laughed till my sides hurt