Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 8, Episode 12 - Expert - full transcript
Detectives Lenny Briscoe and Ray Curtis think they have a revenge shooting on their hands when a small-time hood by the name of Mike escapes a shooting in a restaurant men's room. Dr. Leon Mayer from Seattle is seriously wounded in the incident and the police soon realize that his shooting was not an accident and that he was the intended victim all along. Mayer, a psychiatrist, was in town to act as an expert witness who was going to testify in a high profile case, something he did on a regular basis. It leads them to Lindsay Carson who blames Meyer for her father Arthur Rigg's conviction. It seems that Meyer refused to help them with her father's appeal and it's left to Jack McCoy to figure out why he refused to do so.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police who
investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
Hey, what's taking Mike?
His dessert's getting wasted.
(LAUGHING) Maybe he fell in.
It looks delicious now.
Hey, easy.
Hey! You said it
was getting wasted.
He said it's Mike's.
(sun FIRING)
MIKE: Andy, Paul,
I'm in here. I'm okay.
The moron missed me.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Go. Go.
OFFICER: Milton Garner,
37-year-old camera repairman.
His wife's out front.
Poor woman's all shook up.
Some lady saw him walking in
just as the shooting began.
Excuse me.
Do you mind?
This lock get busted
in the shooting?
We broke it to get
at the second victim.
Leon Mayer, 54,
he's a doctor from Seattle.
Now he's at Hudson E.R.
Good luck to him.
He's unconscious.
He's got three slugs in him.
And three holes in the door.
That's impressive shooting. Was
anybody else in here with them?
All right, these two guys,
they were at table 14,
and they came running by with guns.
I figured them for cops.
Their friend was
in the second stall.
The one next to
the wounded guy.
Looked pretty scared.
Where'd they go?
Oh, they went right
out the front.
Where does that door lead?
That's 47th Street.
You got someone
canvassing out there?
Okay, the shooter
probably went out there.
Then, Mark here, says he saw
two guys run into the john,
then three run out.
They say anything?
The third guy, the one that
they'd gotten out of the stall,
I think he said that
the moron missed him.
Okay, Mark, do me a favor,
you wait up front,
then we're going to take
you down to the station,
put you with a sketch
artist, all right?
All right.
Sounds to me like a hit.
And a miss.
This is a disaster.
This party of three at table 14,
we're going to need a name.
Party of six. Three couples.
There was no reservation.
Really? The busboy said
you had a full house.
We did.
But they insisted.
Someone slipped you a $20?
A $50. We've been
reviewed in the Times.
Anybody come in after them?
Did you see them talking
to any of the other patrons?
Not that I noticed.
Oh, uh...
One of the ladies
gave me a card.
She fancied herself
a wine expert.
She ordered
the Cabaret Sauvignon.
Can you imagine?
How gauche.
Gayle Landis, sales
representative, Wines Aplenty.
She said she works
for them part-time.
Wine in a bag.
The guys seemed nice.
Considering I think
they were ex-cons,
which normally
doesn't bother me much.
I mean, people make
mistakes, right?
Right. Who were they?
Maybe I'm old-fashioned,
but if you heard shooting,
would you ditch your date?
He wouldn't.
Uh, these jerks have names?
Andy, Paul and Mike.
That's all I got.
I never seen them
before last night,
and I don't expect to
ever see them again.
CURTIS: Which one was
in the restroom?
What does Mike do?
Professional stamp licker.
I don't know.
He had his tongue in Jen's
ear most of the night.
So how'd you hook up
with the Three Stooges?
Jen. She said they were friends
of her husband, Kenny.
Maybe we better talk to Kenny.
He's easy to find.
He's in Altona doing
three-to-six for armed robbery.
JENNIFER: Gayle's wrong.
You're cheating on your husband
with a guy somebody tried to kill.
We understand how you'd
be scared to talk to us.
I wasn't there.
Why would Gayle lie?
Out of habit.
Did she happen to tell you
she was in Cats once?
Maybe we should ask Kenny
what he thinks of his wife
getting the wax sucked out of
her ear by his buddy Mike.
Go ahead and ask him. He knows
it's just a bunch of lies.
He doesn't know any Mike,
and I don't either.
So, you want to
take a trip to Altona?
And get lied to by a pro?
If Kenny got wind
of Jenny and Mike,
maybe he had one of his known
associates take care of things.
(CRYING) Monday would have
been our fifth anniversary,
but we couldn't get
a sitter for then,
so we figured
we'd celebrate early.
Why would anyone
want to hurt Milton?
We think he was simply in the
wrong place at the wrong time.
We were eating dinner in a nice
restaurant in a safe neighborhood.
We're doing all we can. We're
very sorry for your loss.
I have to pick up
our son at daycare.
What's happening with the
other victim, Dr. Mayer?
Still unconscious
and not getting better.
His family been notified?
His home number's unlisted,
but we got his address
off his driver's license.
Seattle PD's going to send a
car over to ring his doorbell.
Didn't he have a credit card?
Yeah. His billing address
is his work.
I left a message on his
machine at his office.
Maybe by Monday,
somebody will call us back.
Where was he staying in town?
He had a hotel key card, but the
hotel's name isn't on the card.
Okay. Should I switch
to easy questions?
Well, we know what caliber
he was shot with.
Hospital pulled three
.38 slugs out of him.
Kenneth Felker's sheet.
The guy he pulled the stick-up
with, Michael Thompson.
VAN BUREN: Felker's still in,
Thompson's already out?
Oh, it pays to
rat out your friends.
He rolled on Felker
and cut himself a deal.
So, I guess Mike was in a hurry
to console Felker's wife.
Get with his P.O.
for a current address.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
about it, Mike.
We passed your picture
around the restaurant.
Four people made you.
So why did you take off?
What we hear, someone was
trying to whack you.
I didn't want to get violated 'cause
I'm eating with the wrong people.
You're going to get violated now
if you don't start talking.
So, who was this
moron throwing shots?
Willie. Willie Felker.
Kenny's brother.
He found out about me and Jen.
We had some words
a few days back.
Those words include,
"I'm going to kill you"?
So what happened
at the restaurant?
I'm sitting on the john,
minding my business.
People come in, they go out.
Then I hear a gun cock.
So, right away,
I pull my feet up.
Then it's like
a shooting gallery.
I heard the guy next
to me getting popped.
How did you know it was Kenny's brother?
You saw him?
Oh, yeah. I just stuck
my head right out
and said
"Is that you, Willie?"
How did this guy know you were
going to be at that restaurant?
He didn't.
He followed me.
You sure?
He had to.
Unless the brother is Kreskin,
he couldn't have
been waiting for them
if they didn't know
where they were going.
Could have waited outside till he
saw Mike head for the john. Curtis.
They were stuffing
themselves for an hour.
Somebody would've noticed him
hanging around.
Yeah. Thanks.
It's Profaci.
Hospital just called. Mayer
just took a turn for the worse.
May be our last chance
to talk to him.
He won't be able to
talk for a few days.
We had to open him up again.
But he's stable for now.
What happened?
Pulmonary embolism.
Once we got inside,
we figured out why.
We missed a bullet
the first time around.
You missed a bullet?
What can I tell you. It
didn't show up in the x-rays.
So that makes four bullets
you took out of him?
That's right. I hope
we have them all now.
There were only three holes
in the door of the stall.
The door that was locked.
So, Mayer must
have taken a bullet
before he could get it closed.
So, if the door was open
when the shooting started,
the perp had to see
who he was shooting at.
Mayer was the target, not Mike.
Good news for Mike.
CURTIS: We got Dr. Mayer's
personal effects here.
BRISCOE: Breath spray. Breath mints.
Maybe he had a date.
Here. Check his
wallet for rubbers.
You think his date shot him?
Or whoever he came
to town to see.
Picture of his kids.
No wife.
Probably divorced.
Seattle PD said they didn't get an
answer when they rang his doorbell.
Restaurant receipts.
Modo Mio in LA Monday night.
Receipt for magazines.
O'Hare Airport Wednesday.
Another restaurant
in Atlanta Thursday night.
Must have had
a hell of a practice.
Rent. Friday night. $75 ticket.
You think he went by himself?
Well, he had dinner by himself.
Maybe his date got a headache.
September 14th. Row what?
Seat 14.
Is this about somebody
scalping tickets?
Come on. You gotta tell me.
My friends are going to die.
About the ticket.
The ticket was bought as
a single by Leon Mayer.
Is that the guy
who was homicided?
BRISCOE: No. Did Mr. Mayer
call the order in?
No. The concierge at
his hotel would have.
The ticket's part of a block
we put aside for some hotels.
They're mainly singles,
real tough to unload.
Which hotel?
(COMPUTER BEEPS) The Hampstead.
He checked in Friday morning.
Housekeeping doesn't think
the room's been slept in.
You booked his theater ticket?
Did he say why he was in town?
No. We just talked
about musicals.
He said that he'd seen Yul Brynner
in The King and I in 1964.
Well, it's just
clothing and toiletries.
No address book.
No appointment book.
Probably all on his hard drive.
It's password protected.
Is that his bill?
No phone calls.
Did he get any messages? No.
What's this notation mean?
The room's been prepaid
by Phillips and Schulman.
It's a law firm. They
often put people up here.
He's an expert witness,
forensic psychologist.
One of the best in his field.
He was due in court
after lunch today.
Yeah? What case?
People v. Worley.
The guy who ran
over his girlfriend?
Dr. Mayer was
going to testify
my client isn't responsible for
murdering the girl he murdered.
Oh, one of those
expert witnesses.
And I thought Mayer
was being paranoid.
What are you talking about?
He was pissed we made the hotel
reservation under his real name.
He always checks in
under a pseudonym.
This is going to be a lawsuit.
I know it.
Worley. Didn't he crush his
girlfriend against a wall with a car?
Yeah. A '54 Studebaker.
Mayer was the hired gun to convince
a jury Worley's a mental defect.
I'm convinced. Guy purposely
messed up a vintage automobile.
So Mayer was shot by
an antique car collector?
Or by the girl's brother.
Lawyer said he attacked
Worley at his arraignment.
Well, see where this hot-head
had dinner Friday night.
LARRY: I begged Lisa
to get away from him.
She finally told him to get
lost, the bastard killed her.
So, what? You went to
court to kick his ass?
Seeing his smug face, it seemed
like the right thing to do.
CURTIS: Where were you
Friday night?
At home with my wife,
my kids and my mother.
She's staying with us
during the trial.
Must be tough, thinking this guy
might get off on an insanity plea.
Mayer made a career
out of this theory of his,
dissociation disorder.
He says Worley snapped
and went into a trance.
It's a joke.
Big break he won't be
able to testify, huh?
It's funny how things
work out, huh?
But I had nothing
to do with it.
Try the families of the 200-plus
victims his clients have killed.
MAITRE D': Sorry.
I've never seen him before.
None of the busboys
or waiters...
No. They don't
remember him, either.
I wish I could help.
That pretzel guy,
is he a regular around here?
Day and night.
I can't get rid of him.
Sometimes we can smell
those disgusting things
all the way in the restaurant.
Well, thanks.
So, the shooter comes out the side
door, maybe he ran by this guy.
Yeah. So, what do you say
we have some lunch?
CURTIS: Hey! How are you
doing? Police.
I have a permit at home. The
boss won't sign for renewals.
Relax. We're not the pretzel police.
Let me have an extra salty.
Yes, sir.
So, last Friday night, you
here for all the excitement?
Excitement? BRISCOE: Yeah.
The shooting inside.
Oh, yes. Yes.
I don't know what
the guy's talking about.
These are pretty good.
Thank you.
So, did the police officers
take your statement?
Oh, no. When cops are coming,
I'm going. Quickly.
Did you see this guy
run out the side door?
Nobody comes out
from that door.
CURTIS: Nobody? You sure?
Yes. If people
come out, I see them.
So, nobody saw the shooter
leave through the dining room.
He had to go out the side.
Unless he ducked in here.
Oh, sorry.
There were interviews with two
women who were in the can
at the time of the shooting. I
think they would've noticed.
Not if he was a she.
PRENTISS: The poor man
who was killed?
He was right in front of me.
Walked into the men's room
just as the shots were fired.
BRISCOE: So, what did you do?
Ran into the ladies' room
and stayed there.
I was terrified.
Anybody in there with you?
One other woman.
She came out of a stall
and asked what was going on.
And then another woman ran in.
How soon after you
did she come in?
Right after the shooting.
We heard a commotion
in the hallway,
but we just stayed put until the
waiter said it was safe to come out.
What happened to
the third woman?
Don't know.
It was very confused.
CURTIS: Can you describe her?
Ann Taylor knock-off pantsuit,
wannabe Prada pumps
and a leatherette copy of a
Coach portfolio bag in black.
Very tacky.
What did she look like?
Oh! She was about 5'7",
light brown hair, bangs.
I noticed her earlier
eating alone.
Why? Because of
the tacky outfit?
I noticed the man in the Zegna
suit who tried to pick her up.
He and another man were at the
table next to me and my husband.
CURTIS: It wasn't hard,
Mr. Patterson.
We traced your pal
from his credit card,
and he gave us your name.
I better be careful.
Wouldn't want my fiancée
to get the wrong idea.
What idea is she
supposed to get?
(SIGHS) It was a gag.
My buddy bet me I couldn't
have dessert with the lady.
Did you get as far
as exchanging numbers?
Not even a first name.
Said she was busy and
pulled out some work.
Didn't want to talk to me.
What kind of work?
Looked like party planning,
promotions, that kind of thing.
Funmakers. That was
the name on the book.
We're gonna need
your help with a sketch.
I got to get back to work.
We'd really appreciate it, Hal.
And so would your fiancée.
YELLIN: It looks like Lindsay Carson,
but it's not very flattering.
What does she do here?
She's a freelance coordinator,
handles corporate events.
CURTIS: Do you know
where we can find her?
Oh, let's see.
She's in Chicago at a convention,
and she'll be back tomorrow.
Is she in trouble?
We just want to talk to her.
Did she ever mention
if anybody in her family
had been the victim
of a serious crime?
I don't really
know her very well.
She's only been working
for us a few months.
She's not a talker.
Do you know if she's
from around this area?
I don't think so.
Maurry hired her.
He read her resume,
but he's in Pittsburgh
till Monday.
Can we take a look
at that resume?
(LAUGHS) You don't know
Maurry's filing system.
BRISCOE: Mayer's office
faxed it over.
It's a list of all the cases
the good doctor testified in,
including the names of the victims.
None of them named Carson.
That would be too easy.
Dr. Mayer's been busy. There
must be over 100 cases here.
BRISCOE: One hundred
and thirty-two.
What's his batting average?
Forty-three acquittals
by reason of mental defect.
The doctor let these killers
walk into a padded cell.
And then they walked home.
Okay. According to the
state employment records,
Lindsay Carson worked in Albany
for six years
before moving here.
Albany? Dr. Mayer worked
a case in Albany.
People v. Rigg.
Double homicide.
The victims were Robert Kort
and Kathy Morris.
My back was to the door.
I don't remember after that.
I never saw who it was.
Do you get a lot of threats
in your line of work?
I mean, setting killers free?
Nobody goes free.
They get treatment.
But anonymous calls
and letters.
I've been doing this
over 20 years.
The name Lindsay Carson
mean anything to you?
Business or otherwise?
No. Who is she?
CURTIS: She's from Albany. You had a
case up there a couple of years ago.
People v. Rigg.
Guy killed two people.
Yes. His boss and
a co-worker.
He'd been fired.
Being a defense witness, you
must have been very popular.
People get emotional.
That's why I'm careful,
but there's no reason anybody
in Albany would hold a grudge.
CURTIS: How's that?
The jury found Rigg guilty.
Life without parole.
BRISCOE: Thanks.
Oh, Doctor, one more thing.
What's your fee?
$00,000 to $60,000.
If I was Rigg,
I'd ask for a refund.
Rigg is in Attica. Guess
who was on his guest list?
Lindsay Rigg Carson.
His daughter?
We make her 10 feet
from the scene
five seconds after
the shooting stops.
That's 10 feet too far and five seconds
too late for an arrest warrant.
Even if you talk
to Judge Siedenburg?
He's in the hospital.
I could talk to Judge Flores.
Search warrant good enough?
I need you to open the storage room
for this detective. All right?
Rey! Get a look at this.
It was under the bed.
Court TV, Mayer testifying
at her father's trial.
Mayer testifying
in Florida, in LA.
Without Reason
by Dr. Leon Mayer.
Looks like she has
the complete works.
Yeah. Plus a bunch of
newspaper clippings of Mayer.
Only thing missing is the
doll with the pins in it.
I'd rather have the gun.
Take a look at this.
Must be Rigg.
CARSON: What are you
doing to my home?
You can't just come in
here like this.
Ms. Carson, we have
a search warrant.
I don't care.
That's my property.
Yeah. Well, now
it's evidence.
But if you want to make sure
we don't lose it,
you're welcome to
come along with us.
Once we're done, you can leave and
take this stuff back with you.
I guess I don't have a choice.
Then if you don't mind.
We have to check and make sure
you're not carrying
anything dangerous,
like a hatpin. Officer, you
want to escort her, please.
I told you, I don't know
where I was on Friday night.
I've been working very hard.
So, you really don't remember
where you ate dinner?
Why is that so important?
People saw you at
the Trident Restaurant
on 9th Avenue around midnight.
It's a mistake.
I never eat that late.
Funny thing is, that's the same
time two people got shot there.
One of them was killed.
And the other one seems
to be a hobby of yours.
Dr. Mayer?
What? You think
I shot him?
It sure looks like
you got a problem with him.
What, you blame him for
your father's conviction?
Oh, I get it. My father got railroaded
for murder, now it's my turn.
This girl's going
to be a lot of fun.
She's been here almost an hour
and she hasn't been Mirandized?
We told her she can leave
whenever she wants.
I'd like to keep her talking.
I'd like to be sure whatever
she does say, we can use.
Ms. Carson,
I'm Lieutenant Van Buren.
I'd like you to
clear up a few points.
Do you own a gun?
Have you been in
possession of one?
No, of course not.
Have you fired one at
a shooting range recently?
Then maybe you can
explain why our lab
found traces of gunpowder
in your portfolio.
I've answered enough questions.
I'm leaving now.
I want my portfolio back,
and I'm taking these with me.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
I'm not leaving without them.
You're not leaving.
Please, put those down.
You're being arrested for
murder and attempted murder.
What? You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can be
used in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you can't afford...
VERDON: This material
serves only one purpose,
to make my client look like
a blue ribbon lunatic.
If the shoe fits.
It's just research.
My father needed an expert.
Ms. Powell, would you
instruct your client?
Yes, Your Honor.
Ms. Carson assembled
these clippings on the doctor
when she was thinking of hiring
him in her father's defense.
And her client went
right on clipping
long after her
father's trial was over.
What was she researching then?
She had an interest
in Dr. Mayer.
It doesn't mean she
wanted to kill him.
It's for a jury to decide
what she wanted.
I'm going to allow
this material, Ms. Powell.
Now for the other part of your
motion about the gunpowder residue?
They had a premises warrant
for the apartment.
Ms. Carson was in
the building hallway
when they searched
her portfolio.
The defendant voluntarily
handed it to the officers.
They took it from me.
What did they tell you?
Their exact words?
They told me because I was going
to ride with them to the station,
they had to check my portfolio
for anything dangerous.
VERDON: Assuming even a temporary
seizure was legitimate,
People v. Clements allows only
an inventory of the contents,
not a chemical analysis.
The gunpowder residue
was apparent to the officers.
How? Were these
canine officers?
The police have
every right to...
To check for weapons
for their own safety.
They don't need
a microscope to do that.
The gunpowder is out.
Then, Your Honor, I move
to dismiss the charges.
The People have
no direct evidence.
We can still place her in the ladies'
room right after the shooting.
Come back when you can place
her in the men's room.
The motion is granted.
Charges are dismissed.
Don't these cops know,
you got a premises warrant,
you bring the suspect into the
premises you want to search her.
And procedure tells them
to keep a suspect
outside the premises
they're searching.
This wasn't their fault.
Of course not.
I hope somebody's putting
this case back together.
The police are pulling her
travel records, phone records,
if she stalked Mayer,
she might've left tracks.
What does the doctor say?
He doesn't remember
Carson or the shooting.
He'd just gotten out of the ICU
when the police talked to him.
How's he feeling now?
I told the police. I never
heard of Lindsay Carson.
You say she kept a file on me?
Apparently she blames you for
her father going to prison.
She said he was railroaded.
Look, I did everything
I could for Mr. Rigg.
The jury was out for blood.
I can understand their feelings.
He executed two people.
He was dissociative. He had
no idea what he was doing.
After he was fired, he had what I
describe as a psychic overload.
If you say so.
Have you even read the case?
Arthur Rigg had
been an employee
of Pine Mountain Fabricating
for 18 years.
He was fired on a Friday after his shift.
He snapped.
He took a .38 out
of his glove box,
and he shot his boss and his
boss's secretary in a parking lot.
He didn't remember anything
for the next two days.
That's classic
dissociative behavior.
Rigs used a .38?
Lindsay Carson shot you
with the same caliber gun.
Not surprising.
It's symbolic.
Or just practical. Do you know
if the gun was ever recovered?
Because Rigg still
has appeals pending,
Albany police wouldn't release
the actual slugs Rigg used.
They sent macro photos.
Will they do? I can make a phone call.
They're fine.
I checked them against your
slugs from Mayer and Garner.
The good news is,
same number of lands and
grooves, same pitch.
They were fired
from the same gun.
The bad news is,
the slugs from the restaurant
have too many secondary marks.
Three went through
a metal door.
Two were dug out of the wall,
and the sixth struck bone.
So, I put you on
the stand and...
I'd have to say
the match was 60%.
You get me the gun,
we're in business.
That's not likely.
She shot Mayer
with her father's gun?
Freud must be
having a good laugh.
Unless we prove it,
so will Lindsay Carson.
Her father must know where that
gun ended up two years ago.
According to Mayer,
Rigg went blank
for two days
after the shooting.
Well, maybe we can
jog his memory.
Who was the riding
A.D.A. in Albany?
A deal for Arthur Rigg?
JACK: What I'm asking
isn't unreasonable.
If he cooperates with us,
you give him a shot at parole
after 25 years.
If he lives that long.
SOLVAN: He's lucky
he lived this long.
I asked for the death penalty.
Robert Kort had four kids. Kathy
Morris was seven weeks pregnant.
Rigg has a history of
drinking and brawling.
As far as my constituents are
concerned, I lost that case.
What will your
constituents think
if you let another
killer walk free?
That case is your problem.
It wouldn't be
anybody's problem
if your cops had
found Rigg's gun.
That's hardly
a fair assessment.
Lindsay Carson would've found
another gun to do the job.
By the time we're through, the
media won't care about fairness.
Especially if Rigg gets
anywhere with his appeals.
He already lost
his direct appeal.
And now he's writing
his own briefs.
Have you seen
Acevedo v. US?
For a jailhouse lawyer,
Rigg isn't bad.
If a judge ever gets around to reading
his brief, he might just prevail.
JACK: Ms. Solvan.
If we convict Lindsay Carson,
there's nothing I'd like more
than to give the credit
to the Albany County
District Attorney's office.
I was finished with
this case a year ago.
When I ran out of money.
I did the trial.
I did the direct appeal.
That's all I was
required to do.
Now I drive all the way from
Albany to listen to this?
We're prepared
to drop murder one
down to murder two
against his daughter,
and we're giving your client an opportunity
you haven't been able to offer.
An opportunity to
sell out his daughter
for a chance at
parole in 23 years?
He's got a better shot
claiming I screwed up.
ROSS: I read your brief.
I wouldn't pack
your suitcase just yet.
Maybe you haven't read Acevedo v.
US down in New York.
You should give
the dissent a closer read.
You're here to
stay, Mr. Rigg.
You tell us how your daughter
ended up with your gun,
you get a chance at parole.
Parole after 15 years?
You're lucky to
get any offer at all.
I wouldn't wish
this life on anybody.
Especially my own kid.
Even if I could answer your
questions, I wouldn't.
You can all go to hell.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Niagara Falls is 45 minutes away.
You ever been?
When I was nine, my brothers
tried to push me in.
Maybe we don't need Rigg
to connect her to the gun.
If Albany Homicide
couldn't find the gun...
They don't know what we know. They
tracked Rigg, not his daughter.
ROSS: Monday, May 7.
County jail records have
Lindsay visiting her father
six hours after he surrendered.
What time Monday?
3:30 in the afternoon.
Well, her work has
her checking out
Monday at 1:00
in the afternoon,
and she didn't come back in
until Tuesday afternoon.
Monday, May 7?
Wherever she went,
she had a full tank of gas.
$18 worth, Monday, in Albany.
I wonder what else she charged?
Tuesday, Yellow Shutters Motel.
Binghamton, New York. $2.50.
Must be an incidental charge.
Phone call maybe.
She probably paid
for the room in cash.
So, after she talked to her
father in the lock-up in Albany,
right away she jumps in her car
and drives two hours
to Binghamton.
You guys want to check out
the accommodations
at the Yellow Shutters Motel?
We'll break out our thermals.
Here it is. May 7.
Lindsay Carson.
Room 103. New York tags.
Charge was for a phone call. Must've
been posted after she checked out.
You have those phone records?
From two years ago? We get rid
of that stuff after a year.
Weird though. We were
pretty empty that night.
I don't know why
they stuck her in 103.
It's right beside the kitchen.
Maybe she asked for it?
Who used the room
the night before?
Oh, here we go.
Gerald Foster.
Him I remember.
Almost had to call the cops.
Borrowed a screwdriver from me.
Then he nearly took
my eye out with it.
How come?
I wanted a deposit on the
screwdriver, in case he lost it.
The guy just went off on me.
You get his license tags?
Foster said he needed the
screwdriver to fix his car.
After the Carson lady checked
out, I come to find out, uh,
the space heater in
the room got broken.
I think Foster tried
to take it apart.
Lennie, it was Rigg's car.
VERDON: You going to
keep arresting her
until you find a judge stupid
enough to let you get away with it?
JACK: We've got her
at the scene.
We've got a decent
ballistics match.
To what?
To a gun she didn't
have access to?
You mean the gun she removed
from the space heater
of room 103 at the Yellow
Shutters Motel two years ago?
What's your evidence?
ROSS: A registration book
which shows your client
and her father stayed in the
same room on consecutive nights.
Another coincidence?
The way they keep piling up,
it's enough to bury her.
Not if you expect a jury to
vote on a capital charge.
We'll argue inevitable discovery,
and get the gunpowder back in.
You have an offer?
Murder two.
Assault one. 25-to-life.
Give us a day?
JACK: It's still a mystery why she
chose to wreak her vengeance on Mayer.
In my book, her father's
lawyer is a better candidate.
Better a doctor
than a fellow attorney.
We got Carson's answer.
She wants to change her plea.
Not guilty by reason of
mental disease or defect.
She's claiming she was
dissociative when she shot Mayer.
Her father's defense.
Maybe it's genetic.
I don't remember anything.
DR. SKODA: Nothing?
Ms. Carson, the court ordered you to
answer all my questions honestly.
I don't remember where I went,
how I got there or what I did.
I don't remember anything till
I woke up the next morning.
What's the last thing
you do remember?
I found out where Mayer was
staying, and I went to talk to him.
With a gun?
The city's dangerous.
I saw him outside his hotel.
And I don't remember
anything after that.
You were very interested
in Dr. Mayer.
Because of him, my father will be
in prison the rest of his life.
What did Dr. Mayer do?
He screwed up.
He got to Albany three hours
before he was supposed to testify.
He only spent half an hour
examining my father,
and on the stand
he confused him
with another one
of his patients,
and we mortgaged
the house to pay him.
He was supposed
to save my father.
(CRYING) By convincing the jury that
he didn't know what he was doing.
It wasn't his fault.
Just like this
wasn't your fault?
My father is
a very good person.
He is. He just snapped.
He had worked so hard for those
people, and they just threw him away.
If only the jury knew what
my father was really like.
And it was Dr. Mayer's
job to tell them.
What did you feel when you
knew he was coming to town?
I don't know.
I just went numb.
Mr. Rigg retained me
two days before the trial.
They expected miracles.
She's absolutely convinced
her father's not responsible.
I don't care what her beef is.
Do you buy this as a defense?
Dissociation disorder?
Even if I accepted
it as a legal defense,
the symptoms are
too easy to mimic.
How do you prove or
disprove memory loss?
No offense, Dr. Skoda, but this
isn't your area of expertise.
I mean, as much as
I wish it weren't so,
Ms. Carson meets all the
criteria for dissociation.
Those criteria are
completely subjective,
and you gotta believe whatever
the defendant tells you.
MAYER: Well, my studies
show otherwise.
The disorder manifests itself
very specifically
through irrational violence
brought on by emotional catalyst,
accompanied by memory loss,
lack of affect and remorse.
If that's all it takes to duck a murder
charge, we're all out of business.
JACK: Doctors.
The question is very simple.
At the time she fired the gun,
did Lindsay Carson appreciate
the consequences of her action,
and did she know it was wrong?
PRENTISS: She ran into the restroom just
moments after the shooting stopped.
She was perspiring
and breathing heavily.
JACK: What happened next?
We stood away from the door,
the three of us, and waited.
The other woman kept saying
"Oh, my God," over and over.
I told her to be quiet
so whoever did the shooting
wouldn't know we were in there.
While you were waiting, did the defendant
do anything out of the ordinary?
Thank you.
Ms. Carson never said a word,
isn't that right?
Yes. I think so.
She wasn't screaming
hysterically, was she?
No. She just stood there
quietly the whole time?
Without displaying any
emotion, isn't that right?
Didn't you think that was
strange, given the circumstance?
Thank you.
Since she wasn't seen leaving
through the side door
or through the dining room,
we concluded that she ran
into the ladies' room.
That was later confirmed
by two witnesses.
In your opinion,
would she have been seen
if she'd left through the side
door or through the dining room?
Yes, most likely.
What if any conclusion
did you draw from her running
into the ladies' room?
That it was
pretty quick thinking.
Thank you.
My client has been charged
with shooting her victims
in the busy men's room
of a crowded restaurant.
Is that also evidence
of her quick thinking?
I don't know.
It was better than shooting
them in the dining room.
(SIGHS) Move to strike,
Your Honor.
The jury will disregard
the witness's last statement.
During questioning,
Ms. Carson told you that
she didn't remember
where she was
on Friday night,
isn't that right?
Did she say anything to you
to contradict that statement?
And you were with her
prior to and after her arrest
for nearly five hours,
isn't that right?
Thank you.
That was Briscoe on the phone.
Feels bad about the way
his testimony went.
We say she's cold blooded,
they say she was in a trance.
Tomato, tomato.
There's nothing
Briscoe could've done.
It's Friday, Jamie.
Go home.
I got the pleadings
from Rigg's trial,
to see if his daughter's beef with
Mayer had any rational basis.
It seems she had a better
case against the judge.
The defense asked
for a continuance
so Mayer could prepare
his testimony.
The judge denied it.
Fourth amendment due process violation.
Tailor-made for an appeal.
That's just it.
I looked at Rigg's appeals.
They never argued due process.
Rigg is pretty sharp. He
wouldn't have overlooked it.
Track down his lawyer.
You think I'm an idiot? Of course
it's grounds for an appeal.
Funny it didn't find
its way into a brief.
What're you accusing me of?
You gave a less-than-zealous
representation of an unpopular defendant.
Maybe the ethics committee
should look into this.
He got a better defense
than he deserved.
Look, I told Rigg
and his daughter
we had a good
due process claim,
but we needed
Mayer to back it up.
What was the problem?
Mayer refused to help.
Did he say why?
No explanation.
When was this?
A year ago. Then Rigg
told me to drop it.
And that was the end
of my involvement.
You have the transcripts
of Rigg's trial?
If Mayer wouldn't
help with the appeal,
it gives Carson a whole
other motive to shoot him.
If this woman had
been in touch with him,
why did Mayer say he
never heard of her?
Maybe for the same reason he didn't
want anything to do with Rigg's appeal.
He's hiding something?
The psychology profession.
Good night.
Jack. Mayer's testimony.
This was no mistake.
There's only one way
he could've known.
Find out where
Mayer is, fly him in.
I don't see him volunteering
to take the stand.
Tell him we need to
put a face on the crime.
Tell him we'll subpoena him.
Just get him into court.
MAYER: I spent two months
in the hospital.
I have an hour of
physical therapy every day.
I suppose, though, I was lucky.
Luckier, certainly,
than Mr. Garner.
JACK: Were you aware that the
defendant holds you responsible
for her father's conviction?
No, not until recently.
In Dr. Skoda's
videotaped interview,
she claims that
you were unprepared,
that you made factual errors
during the testimony,
that you confused her father's
case with another. Is that true?
I was prepared.
I made one misstatement, which
I corrected immediately.
What was the gist of your
testimony at that trial?
That Arthur Rigg
committed his crimes
while suffering from
dissociative disorder.
What symptoms did he exhibit?
Sudden and irrational
violence, memory loss.
How serious was
his memory loss?
Well, he couldn't
remember the shooting
or anything that happened
in the next two days.
And you believed him?
Oh, yes.
So, he would have
no memory of his stay
at the Yellow Shutters Motel
in Binghamton,
the two nights
after the shooting?
That's right.
I refer to People's 16.
The grand jury testimony of the
manager of the Yellow Shutters Motel.
I'd like you to read
the highlighted portion.
"I remember him clearly because
the day after he checked in"
"he threatened me
with a screwdriver."
People's 43.
This is a transcript of your testimony
at the trial of Arthur Rigg.
Again, read the
highlighted portion.
Dr. Mayer,
please read the passage.
"Mr. Rigg exhibited classic
dissociative reactions."
"Trance-like behavior
over a period of two days,"
"instances of irrational violence,
including the shooting..."
Please finish, Doctor.
"...and the attack
with the screwdriver."
This is the misstatement
that you referred to earlier?
How did you know
about the attack?
Answer the question, Doctor.
Mr. Rigg told me.
JACK: Even though
he'd lost his memory?
Permission to treat as hostile.
Go ahead.
Isn't it true that Mr. Rigg
had no memory loss?
He had some loss of memory.
He wasn't dissociative, was he?
I stand by my diagnosis.
You perjured yourself, Doctor.
You sold your professional
integrity for $40,000.
Isn't that true?
That's why you refused to
testify at Mr. Rigg's appeal.
It is absolutely not true!
You were afraid you'd
be found out. No.
That your theory
would be discredited,
a theory upon which you had
built your entire career,
and that Mr. Rigg would be
shown for who he was,
not as a good man
who just snapped,
but as a violent individual,
a bully and a liar
who was no more dissociative
than his daughter.
VERDON: Objection.
I have no more questions
for this witness.
You turned this into the
trial of Dr. Leon Mayer.
Whatever the jury
thinks of him,
they'll take it
out on my client.
You hitched your wagon to his theory.
Your mistake, not ours.
Man one.
Not until I hear
what she has to say.
I needed him to help us with the appeal.
I thought he owed us.
Dad told me to forget it,
but I couldn't.
I tracked Mayer to his hotel.
And you brought
the gun with you?
Yes. Just to scare him.
Uh, he wouldn't speak to me.
I followed him everywhere,
the theater, the restaurant.
I waited to talk to him.
(SIGHS) When I thought he was going to
duck out the back of the restaurant,
I went after him.
I told him he was a bastard
for abandoning a good man.
And he laughed.
Said he wasn't the problem. The
problem was my father was a murderer.
And then he went
into the restroom,
and I didn't believe him.
(CRYING) I couldn't.
I was just so angry that I went
in there and started shooting,
and then when
I saw that other man,
I just kept on firing.
I'm sorry. I didn't know...
Murder two, 20-to-life.
That's the best I can do.
Whole world says her father's a killer.
One man says he's sick.
She heard what
she wanted to hear.
We all do.
Yeah, but we don't all
pay $40,000 to hear it.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police who
investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
Hey, what's taking Mike?
His dessert's getting wasted.
(LAUGHING) Maybe he fell in.
It looks delicious now.
Hey, easy.
Hey! You said it
was getting wasted.
He said it's Mike's.
(sun FIRING)
MIKE: Andy, Paul,
I'm in here. I'm okay.
The moron missed me.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Go. Go.
OFFICER: Milton Garner,
37-year-old camera repairman.
His wife's out front.
Poor woman's all shook up.
Some lady saw him walking in
just as the shooting began.
Excuse me.
Do you mind?
This lock get busted
in the shooting?
We broke it to get
at the second victim.
Leon Mayer, 54,
he's a doctor from Seattle.
Now he's at Hudson E.R.
Good luck to him.
He's unconscious.
He's got three slugs in him.
And three holes in the door.
That's impressive shooting. Was
anybody else in here with them?
All right, these two guys,
they were at table 14,
and they came running by with guns.
I figured them for cops.
Their friend was
in the second stall.
The one next to
the wounded guy.
Looked pretty scared.
Where'd they go?
Oh, they went right
out the front.
Where does that door lead?
That's 47th Street.
You got someone
canvassing out there?
Okay, the shooter
probably went out there.
Then, Mark here, says he saw
two guys run into the john,
then three run out.
They say anything?
The third guy, the one that
they'd gotten out of the stall,
I think he said that
the moron missed him.
Okay, Mark, do me a favor,
you wait up front,
then we're going to take
you down to the station,
put you with a sketch
artist, all right?
All right.
Sounds to me like a hit.
And a miss.
This is a disaster.
This party of three at table 14,
we're going to need a name.
Party of six. Three couples.
There was no reservation.
Really? The busboy said
you had a full house.
We did.
But they insisted.
Someone slipped you a $20?
A $50. We've been
reviewed in the Times.
Anybody come in after them?
Did you see them talking
to any of the other patrons?
Not that I noticed.
Oh, uh...
One of the ladies
gave me a card.
She fancied herself
a wine expert.
She ordered
the Cabaret Sauvignon.
Can you imagine?
How gauche.
Gayle Landis, sales
representative, Wines Aplenty.
She said she works
for them part-time.
Wine in a bag.
The guys seemed nice.
Considering I think
they were ex-cons,
which normally
doesn't bother me much.
I mean, people make
mistakes, right?
Right. Who were they?
Maybe I'm old-fashioned,
but if you heard shooting,
would you ditch your date?
He wouldn't.
Uh, these jerks have names?
Andy, Paul and Mike.
That's all I got.
I never seen them
before last night,
and I don't expect to
ever see them again.
CURTIS: Which one was
in the restroom?
What does Mike do?
Professional stamp licker.
I don't know.
He had his tongue in Jen's
ear most of the night.
So how'd you hook up
with the Three Stooges?
Jen. She said they were friends
of her husband, Kenny.
Maybe we better talk to Kenny.
He's easy to find.
He's in Altona doing
three-to-six for armed robbery.
JENNIFER: Gayle's wrong.
You're cheating on your husband
with a guy somebody tried to kill.
We understand how you'd
be scared to talk to us.
I wasn't there.
Why would Gayle lie?
Out of habit.
Did she happen to tell you
she was in Cats once?
Maybe we should ask Kenny
what he thinks of his wife
getting the wax sucked out of
her ear by his buddy Mike.
Go ahead and ask him. He knows
it's just a bunch of lies.
He doesn't know any Mike,
and I don't either.
So, you want to
take a trip to Altona?
And get lied to by a pro?
If Kenny got wind
of Jenny and Mike,
maybe he had one of his known
associates take care of things.
(CRYING) Monday would have
been our fifth anniversary,
but we couldn't get
a sitter for then,
so we figured
we'd celebrate early.
Why would anyone
want to hurt Milton?
We think he was simply in the
wrong place at the wrong time.
We were eating dinner in a nice
restaurant in a safe neighborhood.
We're doing all we can. We're
very sorry for your loss.
I have to pick up
our son at daycare.
What's happening with the
other victim, Dr. Mayer?
Still unconscious
and not getting better.
His family been notified?
His home number's unlisted,
but we got his address
off his driver's license.
Seattle PD's going to send a
car over to ring his doorbell.
Didn't he have a credit card?
Yeah. His billing address
is his work.
I left a message on his
machine at his office.
Maybe by Monday,
somebody will call us back.
Where was he staying in town?
He had a hotel key card, but the
hotel's name isn't on the card.
Okay. Should I switch
to easy questions?
Well, we know what caliber
he was shot with.
Hospital pulled three
.38 slugs out of him.
Kenneth Felker's sheet.
The guy he pulled the stick-up
with, Michael Thompson.
VAN BUREN: Felker's still in,
Thompson's already out?
Oh, it pays to
rat out your friends.
He rolled on Felker
and cut himself a deal.
So, I guess Mike was in a hurry
to console Felker's wife.
Get with his P.O.
for a current address.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
about it, Mike.
We passed your picture
around the restaurant.
Four people made you.
So why did you take off?
What we hear, someone was
trying to whack you.
I didn't want to get violated 'cause
I'm eating with the wrong people.
You're going to get violated now
if you don't start talking.
So, who was this
moron throwing shots?
Willie. Willie Felker.
Kenny's brother.
He found out about me and Jen.
We had some words
a few days back.
Those words include,
"I'm going to kill you"?
So what happened
at the restaurant?
I'm sitting on the john,
minding my business.
People come in, they go out.
Then I hear a gun cock.
So, right away,
I pull my feet up.
Then it's like
a shooting gallery.
I heard the guy next
to me getting popped.
How did you know it was Kenny's brother?
You saw him?
Oh, yeah. I just stuck
my head right out
and said
"Is that you, Willie?"
How did this guy know you were
going to be at that restaurant?
He didn't.
He followed me.
You sure?
He had to.
Unless the brother is Kreskin,
he couldn't have
been waiting for them
if they didn't know
where they were going.
Could have waited outside till he
saw Mike head for the john. Curtis.
They were stuffing
themselves for an hour.
Somebody would've noticed him
hanging around.
Yeah. Thanks.
It's Profaci.
Hospital just called. Mayer
just took a turn for the worse.
May be our last chance
to talk to him.
He won't be able to
talk for a few days.
We had to open him up again.
But he's stable for now.
What happened?
Pulmonary embolism.
Once we got inside,
we figured out why.
We missed a bullet
the first time around.
You missed a bullet?
What can I tell you. It
didn't show up in the x-rays.
So that makes four bullets
you took out of him?
That's right. I hope
we have them all now.
There were only three holes
in the door of the stall.
The door that was locked.
So, Mayer must
have taken a bullet
before he could get it closed.
So, if the door was open
when the shooting started,
the perp had to see
who he was shooting at.
Mayer was the target, not Mike.
Good news for Mike.
CURTIS: We got Dr. Mayer's
personal effects here.
BRISCOE: Breath spray. Breath mints.
Maybe he had a date.
Here. Check his
wallet for rubbers.
You think his date shot him?
Or whoever he came
to town to see.
Picture of his kids.
No wife.
Probably divorced.
Seattle PD said they didn't get an
answer when they rang his doorbell.
Restaurant receipts.
Modo Mio in LA Monday night.
Receipt for magazines.
O'Hare Airport Wednesday.
Another restaurant
in Atlanta Thursday night.
Must have had
a hell of a practice.
Rent. Friday night. $75 ticket.
You think he went by himself?
Well, he had dinner by himself.
Maybe his date got a headache.
September 14th. Row what?
Seat 14.
Is this about somebody
scalping tickets?
Come on. You gotta tell me.
My friends are going to die.
About the ticket.
The ticket was bought as
a single by Leon Mayer.
Is that the guy
who was homicided?
BRISCOE: No. Did Mr. Mayer
call the order in?
No. The concierge at
his hotel would have.
The ticket's part of a block
we put aside for some hotels.
They're mainly singles,
real tough to unload.
Which hotel?
(COMPUTER BEEPS) The Hampstead.
He checked in Friday morning.
Housekeeping doesn't think
the room's been slept in.
You booked his theater ticket?
Did he say why he was in town?
No. We just talked
about musicals.
He said that he'd seen Yul Brynner
in The King and I in 1964.
Well, it's just
clothing and toiletries.
No address book.
No appointment book.
Probably all on his hard drive.
It's password protected.
Is that his bill?
No phone calls.
Did he get any messages? No.
What's this notation mean?
The room's been prepaid
by Phillips and Schulman.
It's a law firm. They
often put people up here.
He's an expert witness,
forensic psychologist.
One of the best in his field.
He was due in court
after lunch today.
Yeah? What case?
People v. Worley.
The guy who ran
over his girlfriend?
Dr. Mayer was
going to testify
my client isn't responsible for
murdering the girl he murdered.
Oh, one of those
expert witnesses.
And I thought Mayer
was being paranoid.
What are you talking about?
He was pissed we made the hotel
reservation under his real name.
He always checks in
under a pseudonym.
This is going to be a lawsuit.
I know it.
Worley. Didn't he crush his
girlfriend against a wall with a car?
Yeah. A '54 Studebaker.
Mayer was the hired gun to convince
a jury Worley's a mental defect.
I'm convinced. Guy purposely
messed up a vintage automobile.
So Mayer was shot by
an antique car collector?
Or by the girl's brother.
Lawyer said he attacked
Worley at his arraignment.
Well, see where this hot-head
had dinner Friday night.
LARRY: I begged Lisa
to get away from him.
She finally told him to get
lost, the bastard killed her.
So, what? You went to
court to kick his ass?
Seeing his smug face, it seemed
like the right thing to do.
CURTIS: Where were you
Friday night?
At home with my wife,
my kids and my mother.
She's staying with us
during the trial.
Must be tough, thinking this guy
might get off on an insanity plea.
Mayer made a career
out of this theory of his,
dissociation disorder.
He says Worley snapped
and went into a trance.
It's a joke.
Big break he won't be
able to testify, huh?
It's funny how things
work out, huh?
But I had nothing
to do with it.
Try the families of the 200-plus
victims his clients have killed.
MAITRE D': Sorry.
I've never seen him before.
None of the busboys
or waiters...
No. They don't
remember him, either.
I wish I could help.
That pretzel guy,
is he a regular around here?
Day and night.
I can't get rid of him.
Sometimes we can smell
those disgusting things
all the way in the restaurant.
Well, thanks.
So, the shooter comes out the side
door, maybe he ran by this guy.
Yeah. So, what do you say
we have some lunch?
CURTIS: Hey! How are you
doing? Police.
I have a permit at home. The
boss won't sign for renewals.
Relax. We're not the pretzel police.
Let me have an extra salty.
Yes, sir.
So, last Friday night, you
here for all the excitement?
Excitement? BRISCOE: Yeah.
The shooting inside.
Oh, yes. Yes.
I don't know what
the guy's talking about.
These are pretty good.
Thank you.
So, did the police officers
take your statement?
Oh, no. When cops are coming,
I'm going. Quickly.
Did you see this guy
run out the side door?
Nobody comes out
from that door.
CURTIS: Nobody? You sure?
Yes. If people
come out, I see them.
So, nobody saw the shooter
leave through the dining room.
He had to go out the side.
Unless he ducked in here.
Oh, sorry.
There were interviews with two
women who were in the can
at the time of the shooting. I
think they would've noticed.
Not if he was a she.
PRENTISS: The poor man
who was killed?
He was right in front of me.
Walked into the men's room
just as the shots were fired.
BRISCOE: So, what did you do?
Ran into the ladies' room
and stayed there.
I was terrified.
Anybody in there with you?
One other woman.
She came out of a stall
and asked what was going on.
And then another woman ran in.
How soon after you
did she come in?
Right after the shooting.
We heard a commotion
in the hallway,
but we just stayed put until the
waiter said it was safe to come out.
What happened to
the third woman?
Don't know.
It was very confused.
CURTIS: Can you describe her?
Ann Taylor knock-off pantsuit,
wannabe Prada pumps
and a leatherette copy of a
Coach portfolio bag in black.
Very tacky.
What did she look like?
Oh! She was about 5'7",
light brown hair, bangs.
I noticed her earlier
eating alone.
Why? Because of
the tacky outfit?
I noticed the man in the Zegna
suit who tried to pick her up.
He and another man were at the
table next to me and my husband.
CURTIS: It wasn't hard,
Mr. Patterson.
We traced your pal
from his credit card,
and he gave us your name.
I better be careful.
Wouldn't want my fiancée
to get the wrong idea.
What idea is she
supposed to get?
(SIGHS) It was a gag.
My buddy bet me I couldn't
have dessert with the lady.
Did you get as far
as exchanging numbers?
Not even a first name.
Said she was busy and
pulled out some work.
Didn't want to talk to me.
What kind of work?
Looked like party planning,
promotions, that kind of thing.
Funmakers. That was
the name on the book.
We're gonna need
your help with a sketch.
I got to get back to work.
We'd really appreciate it, Hal.
And so would your fiancée.
YELLIN: It looks like Lindsay Carson,
but it's not very flattering.
What does she do here?
She's a freelance coordinator,
handles corporate events.
CURTIS: Do you know
where we can find her?
Oh, let's see.
She's in Chicago at a convention,
and she'll be back tomorrow.
Is she in trouble?
We just want to talk to her.
Did she ever mention
if anybody in her family
had been the victim
of a serious crime?
I don't really
know her very well.
She's only been working
for us a few months.
She's not a talker.
Do you know if she's
from around this area?
I don't think so.
Maurry hired her.
He read her resume,
but he's in Pittsburgh
till Monday.
Can we take a look
at that resume?
(LAUGHS) You don't know
Maurry's filing system.
BRISCOE: Mayer's office
faxed it over.
It's a list of all the cases
the good doctor testified in,
including the names of the victims.
None of them named Carson.
That would be too easy.
Dr. Mayer's been busy. There
must be over 100 cases here.
BRISCOE: One hundred
and thirty-two.
What's his batting average?
Forty-three acquittals
by reason of mental defect.
The doctor let these killers
walk into a padded cell.
And then they walked home.
Okay. According to the
state employment records,
Lindsay Carson worked in Albany
for six years
before moving here.
Albany? Dr. Mayer worked
a case in Albany.
People v. Rigg.
Double homicide.
The victims were Robert Kort
and Kathy Morris.
My back was to the door.
I don't remember after that.
I never saw who it was.
Do you get a lot of threats
in your line of work?
I mean, setting killers free?
Nobody goes free.
They get treatment.
But anonymous calls
and letters.
I've been doing this
over 20 years.
The name Lindsay Carson
mean anything to you?
Business or otherwise?
No. Who is she?
CURTIS: She's from Albany. You had a
case up there a couple of years ago.
People v. Rigg.
Guy killed two people.
Yes. His boss and
a co-worker.
He'd been fired.
Being a defense witness, you
must have been very popular.
People get emotional.
That's why I'm careful,
but there's no reason anybody
in Albany would hold a grudge.
CURTIS: How's that?
The jury found Rigg guilty.
Life without parole.
BRISCOE: Thanks.
Oh, Doctor, one more thing.
What's your fee?
$00,000 to $60,000.
If I was Rigg,
I'd ask for a refund.
Rigg is in Attica. Guess
who was on his guest list?
Lindsay Rigg Carson.
His daughter?
We make her 10 feet
from the scene
five seconds after
the shooting stops.
That's 10 feet too far and five seconds
too late for an arrest warrant.
Even if you talk
to Judge Siedenburg?
He's in the hospital.
I could talk to Judge Flores.
Search warrant good enough?
I need you to open the storage room
for this detective. All right?
Rey! Get a look at this.
It was under the bed.
Court TV, Mayer testifying
at her father's trial.
Mayer testifying
in Florida, in LA.
Without Reason
by Dr. Leon Mayer.
Looks like she has
the complete works.
Yeah. Plus a bunch of
newspaper clippings of Mayer.
Only thing missing is the
doll with the pins in it.
I'd rather have the gun.
Take a look at this.
Must be Rigg.
CARSON: What are you
doing to my home?
You can't just come in
here like this.
Ms. Carson, we have
a search warrant.
I don't care.
That's my property.
Yeah. Well, now
it's evidence.
But if you want to make sure
we don't lose it,
you're welcome to
come along with us.
Once we're done, you can leave and
take this stuff back with you.
I guess I don't have a choice.
Then if you don't mind.
We have to check and make sure
you're not carrying
anything dangerous,
like a hatpin. Officer, you
want to escort her, please.
I told you, I don't know
where I was on Friday night.
I've been working very hard.
So, you really don't remember
where you ate dinner?
Why is that so important?
People saw you at
the Trident Restaurant
on 9th Avenue around midnight.
It's a mistake.
I never eat that late.
Funny thing is, that's the same
time two people got shot there.
One of them was killed.
And the other one seems
to be a hobby of yours.
Dr. Mayer?
What? You think
I shot him?
It sure looks like
you got a problem with him.
What, you blame him for
your father's conviction?
Oh, I get it. My father got railroaded
for murder, now it's my turn.
This girl's going
to be a lot of fun.
She's been here almost an hour
and she hasn't been Mirandized?
We told her she can leave
whenever she wants.
I'd like to keep her talking.
I'd like to be sure whatever
she does say, we can use.
Ms. Carson,
I'm Lieutenant Van Buren.
I'd like you to
clear up a few points.
Do you own a gun?
Have you been in
possession of one?
No, of course not.
Have you fired one at
a shooting range recently?
Then maybe you can
explain why our lab
found traces of gunpowder
in your portfolio.
I've answered enough questions.
I'm leaving now.
I want my portfolio back,
and I'm taking these with me.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
I'm not leaving without them.
You're not leaving.
Please, put those down.
You're being arrested for
murder and attempted murder.
What? You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can be
used in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you can't afford...
VERDON: This material
serves only one purpose,
to make my client look like
a blue ribbon lunatic.
If the shoe fits.
It's just research.
My father needed an expert.
Ms. Powell, would you
instruct your client?
Yes, Your Honor.
Ms. Carson assembled
these clippings on the doctor
when she was thinking of hiring
him in her father's defense.
And her client went
right on clipping
long after her
father's trial was over.
What was she researching then?
She had an interest
in Dr. Mayer.
It doesn't mean she
wanted to kill him.
It's for a jury to decide
what she wanted.
I'm going to allow
this material, Ms. Powell.
Now for the other part of your
motion about the gunpowder residue?
They had a premises warrant
for the apartment.
Ms. Carson was in
the building hallway
when they searched
her portfolio.
The defendant voluntarily
handed it to the officers.
They took it from me.
What did they tell you?
Their exact words?
They told me because I was going
to ride with them to the station,
they had to check my portfolio
for anything dangerous.
VERDON: Assuming even a temporary
seizure was legitimate,
People v. Clements allows only
an inventory of the contents,
not a chemical analysis.
The gunpowder residue
was apparent to the officers.
How? Were these
canine officers?
The police have
every right to...
To check for weapons
for their own safety.
They don't need
a microscope to do that.
The gunpowder is out.
Then, Your Honor, I move
to dismiss the charges.
The People have
no direct evidence.
We can still place her in the ladies'
room right after the shooting.
Come back when you can place
her in the men's room.
The motion is granted.
Charges are dismissed.
Don't these cops know,
you got a premises warrant,
you bring the suspect into the
premises you want to search her.
And procedure tells them
to keep a suspect
outside the premises
they're searching.
This wasn't their fault.
Of course not.
I hope somebody's putting
this case back together.
The police are pulling her
travel records, phone records,
if she stalked Mayer,
she might've left tracks.
What does the doctor say?
He doesn't remember
Carson or the shooting.
He'd just gotten out of the ICU
when the police talked to him.
How's he feeling now?
I told the police. I never
heard of Lindsay Carson.
You say she kept a file on me?
Apparently she blames you for
her father going to prison.
She said he was railroaded.
Look, I did everything
I could for Mr. Rigg.
The jury was out for blood.
I can understand their feelings.
He executed two people.
He was dissociative. He had
no idea what he was doing.
After he was fired, he had what I
describe as a psychic overload.
If you say so.
Have you even read the case?
Arthur Rigg had
been an employee
of Pine Mountain Fabricating
for 18 years.
He was fired on a Friday after his shift.
He snapped.
He took a .38 out
of his glove box,
and he shot his boss and his
boss's secretary in a parking lot.
He didn't remember anything
for the next two days.
That's classic
dissociative behavior.
Rigs used a .38?
Lindsay Carson shot you
with the same caliber gun.
Not surprising.
It's symbolic.
Or just practical. Do you know
if the gun was ever recovered?
Because Rigg still
has appeals pending,
Albany police wouldn't release
the actual slugs Rigg used.
They sent macro photos.
Will they do? I can make a phone call.
They're fine.
I checked them against your
slugs from Mayer and Garner.
The good news is,
same number of lands and
grooves, same pitch.
They were fired
from the same gun.
The bad news is,
the slugs from the restaurant
have too many secondary marks.
Three went through
a metal door.
Two were dug out of the wall,
and the sixth struck bone.
So, I put you on
the stand and...
I'd have to say
the match was 60%.
You get me the gun,
we're in business.
That's not likely.
She shot Mayer
with her father's gun?
Freud must be
having a good laugh.
Unless we prove it,
so will Lindsay Carson.
Her father must know where that
gun ended up two years ago.
According to Mayer,
Rigg went blank
for two days
after the shooting.
Well, maybe we can
jog his memory.
Who was the riding
A.D.A. in Albany?
A deal for Arthur Rigg?
JACK: What I'm asking
isn't unreasonable.
If he cooperates with us,
you give him a shot at parole
after 25 years.
If he lives that long.
SOLVAN: He's lucky
he lived this long.
I asked for the death penalty.
Robert Kort had four kids. Kathy
Morris was seven weeks pregnant.
Rigg has a history of
drinking and brawling.
As far as my constituents are
concerned, I lost that case.
What will your
constituents think
if you let another
killer walk free?
That case is your problem.
It wouldn't be
anybody's problem
if your cops had
found Rigg's gun.
That's hardly
a fair assessment.
Lindsay Carson would've found
another gun to do the job.
By the time we're through, the
media won't care about fairness.
Especially if Rigg gets
anywhere with his appeals.
He already lost
his direct appeal.
And now he's writing
his own briefs.
Have you seen
Acevedo v. US?
For a jailhouse lawyer,
Rigg isn't bad.
If a judge ever gets around to reading
his brief, he might just prevail.
JACK: Ms. Solvan.
If we convict Lindsay Carson,
there's nothing I'd like more
than to give the credit
to the Albany County
District Attorney's office.
I was finished with
this case a year ago.
When I ran out of money.
I did the trial.
I did the direct appeal.
That's all I was
required to do.
Now I drive all the way from
Albany to listen to this?
We're prepared
to drop murder one
down to murder two
against his daughter,
and we're giving your client an opportunity
you haven't been able to offer.
An opportunity to
sell out his daughter
for a chance at
parole in 23 years?
He's got a better shot
claiming I screwed up.
ROSS: I read your brief.
I wouldn't pack
your suitcase just yet.
Maybe you haven't read Acevedo v.
US down in New York.
You should give
the dissent a closer read.
You're here to
stay, Mr. Rigg.
You tell us how your daughter
ended up with your gun,
you get a chance at parole.
Parole after 15 years?
You're lucky to
get any offer at all.
I wouldn't wish
this life on anybody.
Especially my own kid.
Even if I could answer your
questions, I wouldn't.
You can all go to hell.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Niagara Falls is 45 minutes away.
You ever been?
When I was nine, my brothers
tried to push me in.
Maybe we don't need Rigg
to connect her to the gun.
If Albany Homicide
couldn't find the gun...
They don't know what we know. They
tracked Rigg, not his daughter.
ROSS: Monday, May 7.
County jail records have
Lindsay visiting her father
six hours after he surrendered.
What time Monday?
3:30 in the afternoon.
Well, her work has
her checking out
Monday at 1:00
in the afternoon,
and she didn't come back in
until Tuesday afternoon.
Monday, May 7?
Wherever she went,
she had a full tank of gas.
$18 worth, Monday, in Albany.
I wonder what else she charged?
Tuesday, Yellow Shutters Motel.
Binghamton, New York. $2.50.
Must be an incidental charge.
Phone call maybe.
She probably paid
for the room in cash.
So, after she talked to her
father in the lock-up in Albany,
right away she jumps in her car
and drives two hours
to Binghamton.
You guys want to check out
the accommodations
at the Yellow Shutters Motel?
We'll break out our thermals.
Here it is. May 7.
Lindsay Carson.
Room 103. New York tags.
Charge was for a phone call. Must've
been posted after she checked out.
You have those phone records?
From two years ago? We get rid
of that stuff after a year.
Weird though. We were
pretty empty that night.
I don't know why
they stuck her in 103.
It's right beside the kitchen.
Maybe she asked for it?
Who used the room
the night before?
Oh, here we go.
Gerald Foster.
Him I remember.
Almost had to call the cops.
Borrowed a screwdriver from me.
Then he nearly took
my eye out with it.
How come?
I wanted a deposit on the
screwdriver, in case he lost it.
The guy just went off on me.
You get his license tags?
Foster said he needed the
screwdriver to fix his car.
After the Carson lady checked
out, I come to find out, uh,
the space heater in
the room got broken.
I think Foster tried
to take it apart.
Lennie, it was Rigg's car.
VERDON: You going to
keep arresting her
until you find a judge stupid
enough to let you get away with it?
JACK: We've got her
at the scene.
We've got a decent
ballistics match.
To what?
To a gun she didn't
have access to?
You mean the gun she removed
from the space heater
of room 103 at the Yellow
Shutters Motel two years ago?
What's your evidence?
ROSS: A registration book
which shows your client
and her father stayed in the
same room on consecutive nights.
Another coincidence?
The way they keep piling up,
it's enough to bury her.
Not if you expect a jury to
vote on a capital charge.
We'll argue inevitable discovery,
and get the gunpowder back in.
You have an offer?
Murder two.
Assault one. 25-to-life.
Give us a day?
JACK: It's still a mystery why she
chose to wreak her vengeance on Mayer.
In my book, her father's
lawyer is a better candidate.
Better a doctor
than a fellow attorney.
We got Carson's answer.
She wants to change her plea.
Not guilty by reason of
mental disease or defect.
She's claiming she was
dissociative when she shot Mayer.
Her father's defense.
Maybe it's genetic.
I don't remember anything.
DR. SKODA: Nothing?
Ms. Carson, the court ordered you to
answer all my questions honestly.
I don't remember where I went,
how I got there or what I did.
I don't remember anything till
I woke up the next morning.
What's the last thing
you do remember?
I found out where Mayer was
staying, and I went to talk to him.
With a gun?
The city's dangerous.
I saw him outside his hotel.
And I don't remember
anything after that.
You were very interested
in Dr. Mayer.
Because of him, my father will be
in prison the rest of his life.
What did Dr. Mayer do?
He screwed up.
He got to Albany three hours
before he was supposed to testify.
He only spent half an hour
examining my father,
and on the stand
he confused him
with another one
of his patients,
and we mortgaged
the house to pay him.
He was supposed
to save my father.
(CRYING) By convincing the jury that
he didn't know what he was doing.
It wasn't his fault.
Just like this
wasn't your fault?
My father is
a very good person.
He is. He just snapped.
He had worked so hard for those
people, and they just threw him away.
If only the jury knew what
my father was really like.
And it was Dr. Mayer's
job to tell them.
What did you feel when you
knew he was coming to town?
I don't know.
I just went numb.
Mr. Rigg retained me
two days before the trial.
They expected miracles.
She's absolutely convinced
her father's not responsible.
I don't care what her beef is.
Do you buy this as a defense?
Dissociation disorder?
Even if I accepted
it as a legal defense,
the symptoms are
too easy to mimic.
How do you prove or
disprove memory loss?
No offense, Dr. Skoda, but this
isn't your area of expertise.
I mean, as much as
I wish it weren't so,
Ms. Carson meets all the
criteria for dissociation.
Those criteria are
completely subjective,
and you gotta believe whatever
the defendant tells you.
MAYER: Well, my studies
show otherwise.
The disorder manifests itself
very specifically
through irrational violence
brought on by emotional catalyst,
accompanied by memory loss,
lack of affect and remorse.
If that's all it takes to duck a murder
charge, we're all out of business.
JACK: Doctors.
The question is very simple.
At the time she fired the gun,
did Lindsay Carson appreciate
the consequences of her action,
and did she know it was wrong?
PRENTISS: She ran into the restroom just
moments after the shooting stopped.
She was perspiring
and breathing heavily.
JACK: What happened next?
We stood away from the door,
the three of us, and waited.
The other woman kept saying
"Oh, my God," over and over.
I told her to be quiet
so whoever did the shooting
wouldn't know we were in there.
While you were waiting, did the defendant
do anything out of the ordinary?
Thank you.
Ms. Carson never said a word,
isn't that right?
Yes. I think so.
She wasn't screaming
hysterically, was she?
No. She just stood there
quietly the whole time?
Without displaying any
emotion, isn't that right?
Didn't you think that was
strange, given the circumstance?
Thank you.
Since she wasn't seen leaving
through the side door
or through the dining room,
we concluded that she ran
into the ladies' room.
That was later confirmed
by two witnesses.
In your opinion,
would she have been seen
if she'd left through the side
door or through the dining room?
Yes, most likely.
What if any conclusion
did you draw from her running
into the ladies' room?
That it was
pretty quick thinking.
Thank you.
My client has been charged
with shooting her victims
in the busy men's room
of a crowded restaurant.
Is that also evidence
of her quick thinking?
I don't know.
It was better than shooting
them in the dining room.
(SIGHS) Move to strike,
Your Honor.
The jury will disregard
the witness's last statement.
During questioning,
Ms. Carson told you that
she didn't remember
where she was
on Friday night,
isn't that right?
Did she say anything to you
to contradict that statement?
And you were with her
prior to and after her arrest
for nearly five hours,
isn't that right?
Thank you.
That was Briscoe on the phone.
Feels bad about the way
his testimony went.
We say she's cold blooded,
they say she was in a trance.
Tomato, tomato.
There's nothing
Briscoe could've done.
It's Friday, Jamie.
Go home.
I got the pleadings
from Rigg's trial,
to see if his daughter's beef with
Mayer had any rational basis.
It seems she had a better
case against the judge.
The defense asked
for a continuance
so Mayer could prepare
his testimony.
The judge denied it.
Fourth amendment due process violation.
Tailor-made for an appeal.
That's just it.
I looked at Rigg's appeals.
They never argued due process.
Rigg is pretty sharp. He
wouldn't have overlooked it.
Track down his lawyer.
You think I'm an idiot? Of course
it's grounds for an appeal.
Funny it didn't find
its way into a brief.
What're you accusing me of?
You gave a less-than-zealous
representation of an unpopular defendant.
Maybe the ethics committee
should look into this.
He got a better defense
than he deserved.
Look, I told Rigg
and his daughter
we had a good
due process claim,
but we needed
Mayer to back it up.
What was the problem?
Mayer refused to help.
Did he say why?
No explanation.
When was this?
A year ago. Then Rigg
told me to drop it.
And that was the end
of my involvement.
You have the transcripts
of Rigg's trial?
If Mayer wouldn't
help with the appeal,
it gives Carson a whole
other motive to shoot him.
If this woman had
been in touch with him,
why did Mayer say he
never heard of her?
Maybe for the same reason he didn't
want anything to do with Rigg's appeal.
He's hiding something?
The psychology profession.
Good night.
Jack. Mayer's testimony.
This was no mistake.
There's only one way
he could've known.
Find out where
Mayer is, fly him in.
I don't see him volunteering
to take the stand.
Tell him we need to
put a face on the crime.
Tell him we'll subpoena him.
Just get him into court.
MAYER: I spent two months
in the hospital.
I have an hour of
physical therapy every day.
I suppose, though, I was lucky.
Luckier, certainly,
than Mr. Garner.
JACK: Were you aware that the
defendant holds you responsible
for her father's conviction?
No, not until recently.
In Dr. Skoda's
videotaped interview,
she claims that
you were unprepared,
that you made factual errors
during the testimony,
that you confused her father's
case with another. Is that true?
I was prepared.
I made one misstatement, which
I corrected immediately.
What was the gist of your
testimony at that trial?
That Arthur Rigg
committed his crimes
while suffering from
dissociative disorder.
What symptoms did he exhibit?
Sudden and irrational
violence, memory loss.
How serious was
his memory loss?
Well, he couldn't
remember the shooting
or anything that happened
in the next two days.
And you believed him?
Oh, yes.
So, he would have
no memory of his stay
at the Yellow Shutters Motel
in Binghamton,
the two nights
after the shooting?
That's right.
I refer to People's 16.
The grand jury testimony of the
manager of the Yellow Shutters Motel.
I'd like you to read
the highlighted portion.
"I remember him clearly because
the day after he checked in"
"he threatened me
with a screwdriver."
People's 43.
This is a transcript of your testimony
at the trial of Arthur Rigg.
Again, read the
highlighted portion.
Dr. Mayer,
please read the passage.
"Mr. Rigg exhibited classic
dissociative reactions."
"Trance-like behavior
over a period of two days,"
"instances of irrational violence,
including the shooting..."
Please finish, Doctor.
"...and the attack
with the screwdriver."
This is the misstatement
that you referred to earlier?
How did you know
about the attack?
Answer the question, Doctor.
Mr. Rigg told me.
JACK: Even though
he'd lost his memory?
Permission to treat as hostile.
Go ahead.
Isn't it true that Mr. Rigg
had no memory loss?
He had some loss of memory.
He wasn't dissociative, was he?
I stand by my diagnosis.
You perjured yourself, Doctor.
You sold your professional
integrity for $40,000.
Isn't that true?
That's why you refused to
testify at Mr. Rigg's appeal.
It is absolutely not true!
You were afraid you'd
be found out. No.
That your theory
would be discredited,
a theory upon which you had
built your entire career,
and that Mr. Rigg would be
shown for who he was,
not as a good man
who just snapped,
but as a violent individual,
a bully and a liar
who was no more dissociative
than his daughter.
VERDON: Objection.
I have no more questions
for this witness.
You turned this into the
trial of Dr. Leon Mayer.
Whatever the jury
thinks of him,
they'll take it
out on my client.
You hitched your wagon to his theory.
Your mistake, not ours.
Man one.
Not until I hear
what she has to say.
I needed him to help us with the appeal.
I thought he owed us.
Dad told me to forget it,
but I couldn't.
I tracked Mayer to his hotel.
And you brought
the gun with you?
Yes. Just to scare him.
Uh, he wouldn't speak to me.
I followed him everywhere,
the theater, the restaurant.
I waited to talk to him.
(SIGHS) When I thought he was going to
duck out the back of the restaurant,
I went after him.
I told him he was a bastard
for abandoning a good man.
And he laughed.
Said he wasn't the problem. The
problem was my father was a murderer.
And then he went
into the restroom,
and I didn't believe him.
(CRYING) I couldn't.
I was just so angry that I went
in there and started shooting,
and then when
I saw that other man,
I just kept on firing.
I'm sorry. I didn't know...
Murder two, 20-to-life.
That's the best I can do.
Whole world says her father's a killer.
One man says he's sick.
She heard what
she wanted to hear.
We all do.
Yeah, but we don't all
pay $40,000 to hear it.