Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 7, Episode 16 - Turnaround - full transcript

In the ongoing investigation into the death of Heidi Ellison, the murder weapon - a hundred year old knife - is found and turned into the police. The knife was found near a small airport where Ellison's ex-husband,Eddie Newman, took a private plane to Los Angeles on the night she was killed. After the police find her blood in his car, they issue an arrest warrant for Newman and Briscoe and Curtis head back to LA. They arrest him but Newman's lawyers - who include Jamie Ross' ex-husband - contest his extradition forcing McCoy and Ross to fly to LA to argue their case. Meanwhile, Curtis gets a job offer from studio executive Lisa Lundquist - and the offer of a relationship.

In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police
who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Come on, Mike. I got to stuff the
turkey and put it in the oven.

There's time.

Oh, no, they're gonna be here at noon.
All 17 of them.

Count your blessings.
Your in-laws live 3,000 miles away.

That's right, Buster.

And if any of them cross the
Mississippi, I'm out of here.

Mommy, Mommy!

Chasen chopped up Baboo, and now
he's gonna hurt Paddington!

No, no, no, Janey, honey,
he's just pretending.

No, he's not. Look!

Oh, God.


Chasen, stop this minute!
Give me that.

Where did you get this?

I found it outside.

Oh, my God.
Where did that come from?

He says he found it.

Is that blood on the handle?
Oh, my God, Chasen.

Well, he looks okay.
I don't see any cuts.

Maybe this isn't his blood.

MEDILL: Little kid
out on the Island found it.

His parents turned it
over to the Suffolk police.

And here it is.
So what is it?

It's a barong. Used by the
Moro tribe in the Philippines.

I guess
they have a local chapter.

Thing looks old.

It's almost 100 years old.

I found blood on the grip
and at the blade joint.

A-blood negative, same as your
headless lady, Heidi Ellison.

Yeah, but a lot of people besides
her have that blood type.

See these nicks
on the true edge?

I matched them to marks

found on the victim's cervical
vertebrae, radii and tibiae.

This is your murder weapon, fellows.
All the way from the South Pacific.

Saved her
a trip to Bora-Bora.

Chasen, sweetheart, just tell
them where you found it.

You know, everybody's real proud
of you for finding the sword.

CURTIS: Hey, Chasen, check this out.

My lieutenant's gonna make you
a special deputy detective.

That means a personal tour
through the squad room, okay?

But first you got to tell us
where you found the sword.

It was in the field
behind my school.

How did you find it?

We were building a snow fort.

So it was under the snow?


BRISCOE: Do you remember
what day that was?

I think it was about
two weeks ago, before school.

And do you remember anything
else that happened that day?

Miss Angeli took us to the Museum of
Natural History to learn about whales.

BRISCOE: The machete
came from Heidi Ellison's den.

Her assistant remembers it
hanging on a wall.

VAN BUREN: I'm waiting for you to tell me
it came with a set of Grant's fingerprints.

Sorry. CURTIS: And
there's another problem.

The motel in New Paltz has him
checking in at a quarter to midnight.

We're not sure that gives him enough
time to dump this thing in Islip.

Well, maybe he
ditched it some other day.

The boy could be wrong about
finding it the next morning.

No, the school confirmed the class trip
was the day after Ellison was killed.

And the weather bureau
said it snowed that night,

which fits in with the kid's story
that the knife was covered with snow.

If Grant wasn't in Islip,
maybe Eddie Newman was.

Wasn't he in LA?

He was with his cell phone,
which could be anywhere.

LAPD says it could take a week
to get his phone records.

Well, before we start
apologizing to Mr. Grant,

retrace his timeline
and nail it down.

LT, could you sign this?

"This certificate
identifies the holder

"as a special deputy detective of the
New York City Police Department."

Special deputy detective?

I made it up on my computer
for the kid. Just sign it.

Whatever you say, Sheriff.

(LAUGHING) This is cute.

This is very cute.

Okay, I give him 15 minutes to argue
and bury the machete in her head.

Yeah, fine.
But now comes the tricky part.

It says here the Westies
diced and bagged Ruby Stein

in the ladies' room
of a bar in under an hour.

Yeah, that's three
guys working together.

Now, I remember
one mutt up in the Bronx

cut his mother-in-law up into eight pieces
while his wife was out getting the groceries.

Grant's pretty muscled up.

A couple of good whacks to
the head, hands and the feet.

What, about five minutes?

Okay, so 15 more to clean up,

and another 10 to get
everything down to the car.

Say he got into it with her right
after she called the doorman.

By a quarter past 8:00,
he's ready to go.

Yeah, so am I
with a couple of Bromos.

Here's your change.
Thank you.

Okay, he dumps the head in the alley.
That's two minutes.

Now, the torso's
a bigger handful,

plus he actually has to
get the car to the river.

Twenty minutes. That puts him heading
to Islip at about a quarter to 9:00.

Islip to New Paltz
is about 120 miles.

That's two hours minimum, if he's
gonna get there before midnight.

Meaning he has to
get out of Islip by 9:30,

which gives him 45 minutes
to get there from here.

Fifty miles on the LIE on a weeknight?
That's pushing it.

Yeah, if you drive
like an old lady.

December 5th on the LIE?

East or westbound?
Eastbound to Islip.

Okay. Give me a couple.

So what'd you do with Lisa?
You show her the sights?

Showed her the precinct.

The girl flies in
all the way from California...

Well, jumping in the sack with her is
not gonna save my marriage, Lennie.

Well, neither is your
on-and-off separation.

The expert speaks.

Hey, I know what doesn't work.

Believe me, if your wife wanted
a doormat, she'd go to Sears.

Put a clock on it, Rey, so the two
of you can get on with your lives.

All right, fellows,
you want to come around here?

Okay, this is what we got.

We got a 15-minute delay at the
Cross Island Parkway junction.

A car ran out of gas
in the second lane.

Then a 10-minute delay
just before Interchange 42.

(SCOFFS) You like
living in the suburbs?

Last thing. The Islip off-ramp's been
closed for repairs the last three weeks.

Detour adds another 20 minutes.

Okay, thanks. All right.
Take it easy.

Yeah, appreciate it.

Well, unless Grant grew wings and flew,
there's no way he'd make it in 45 minutes.

Okay, so one of his pals buries the
knife, and he goes up to New Paltz.

Yeah, pretty dumb
to involve somebody else.

Hey, they don't take
steroids to build brains.

Well, whoever dropped the
knife, he wasn't invisible.

Someone might've seen him.

Tuesday. Right, the Bulls.
Rodman had blue hair.

Got ejected
during the second quarter.

Let me ask you something.

Did you notice any unusual
activity in the field over there?

I was watching the game.
It was a slow night.

That's what everybody says.

You have any
interesting customers?

Except for a city cab.

Stopped for directions
during the fourth quarter.

What was he doing
all the way out here?

He was dropping a fare off from
Manhattan a couple of blocks from here.

What, was he lost?

I'm sure he knows
his way around Calcutta.

He was yammering about his
fare catching a plane.

Isn't MacArthur Airport
just down the road?

Yeah. A half mile.
And he dropped his fare here?

Was I speaking Martian? Yeah.
A couple of blocks from here.

I guess our guy figured

they wouldn't let him take
his barong on the plane.

The last commercial flight leaves
at 8:45, non-stop to Albany.

Then what?
You roll up the runways?

The noise abatement
regs kick in.

We're allowed two cargo flights
an hour till 1:00 a.m.

Then we shut down,
unless there's an emergency.

What about the small planes
we saw parked outside?

There's no limit
on private flights.

You check everything
that goes out?

Every plane has to file a flight plan
before it's cleared for takeoff.

Even the little ones.

You need a degree in aeronautics
just to read these.

(SIGHS) You mind?

You want everything
after 9:30, right?

Okay, this is the plane's
registration number.

This tells you
the type of plane.

This is the number of people on
board, crew plus passengers.

And this is the destination.


Montreal-Dorval Airport.

Everybody knows that, Rey.

You can look it up in this.

CURTIS: And if we want to know
the names of the passengers?

Private flights don't file manifests with us.
You have to talk to the owners.

We went to San Francisco
to meet with Caltone.

They're going public next month,
and we're handling the offering.

Your flight plan said you had
six other passengers on board.

All of them employees?

I had a couple of friends with me.
We played a round at Pebble Beach.

We're gonna need
their names, all right?

Well, I'd like to
get their okay first.

The other nine people we talked
to were very cooperative.

Of course,
they weren't hiding anything.

Who exactly
are you looking for?

Anyone who might've
known Heidi Ellison.

FENWICK: The movie executive?

Well, if you're looking
for people who knew her,

try the G-IV that
cut in front of us.


Gulfstream IV.

Steven Berger's plane.

He has an estate
in Southampton.

He's not on the list.
You sure it was his plane?

The control tower doesn't
kiss just anybody's ass.

We were second
in line for takeoff

when Berger got bumped
to the front of the class.

According to the flight plan,

Berger's plane was supposed
to leave for LA at 9:00.

Except it left at 10:15.
They say why it was late?

Well, maybe the cappuccino
machine got busted.

That was Berger's lawyer.

The great man just got back
from the Gobi Desert,

where he was scouting
locations for a movie.

And tonight
he's going to Morocco.

You tell his lawyer he's not going
anywhere until he talks to us?


He has a meeting with Julia Roberts
at 2:00, Brad Pitt at 3:00,

but he canceled his 4:00 with some
writer to meet with us at his lawyer's.

KETTERING: I represent
Mr. Berger's legal interests,

along with Mr. Mittleman
and Miss Schulter.

Sands and Palnick are his agents,

and Ms. Canton handles
his relations with the media.

Mr. Berger is deeply saddened by
Heidi Ellison's tragic death.

He considered her a friend and a
colleague, and a woman of great talent.

CURTIS: Mr. Berger,
was she a close friend?

They had a
pragmatic relationship,

which in their business
is considered a friendship.

Mr. Berger is eager to help
in any way that he can

to bring the
guilty parties to justice.

Well, we appreciate that.
We just have a few simple questions for him.

Before we get to that,

Mr. Berger doesn't want news of
this meeting leaking to the media.

Well, we hadn't planned
on telling anybody.

Of course.

But if it is
going to be leaked,

Mr. Berger would like Liz Smith
to get first crack at it.

Her number's
at the top of the page.

CURTIS: What's this?

It's a suggested press release.

Of course, feel free to put
it in your own vernacular.


Mr. Berger, your plane left MacArthur
Airport an hour and a quarter late.

Could you tell us why?

Mr. Berger was
waiting for a passenger.

And who was the passenger?

Eddie Newman.

a hell of a ventriloquist.

His mouth never moved
the whole time we were there.

The story is, Newman
called him around 8:30

to hitch a ride
to the West Coast.

They're friends?

They shared architects.

I don't know
what that means out there.

What else did Berger say?

He took a pill and fell
asleep right after takeoff.

Who else was on the plane?

Well, Berger's personal assistant
dittoed everything her boss said.

There was also
his executive producer

and the guy who does the
merchandising on his movies.

We haven't talked to them.

Say the word,
we'll get a search warrant

for Newman's car
and his apartment.

We leave one "T" uncrossed
on that warrant application,

and Neal Gorton will shove
it down our throats.

Hey, Newman lied
about his alibi.

He was in the same area
the murder weapon was found.

(CHUCKLING) What are we missing?
JAMIE: A motive.

Find somebody
who'll say he hated her guts.

Well, Newman palled around
with Steven Berger.

People are afraid to talk.

What about Evan Grant?

Heidi Ellison must've told him
something about her ex-husband.

JACK: Ask him.

But don't let him know we're
considering another suspect.

If we're wrong about Newman,

I don't want to give Grant an
alternate theory of the crime.

I'm not going to dazzle you
with a lot of bull, Miss Ross.

Evan and I are realistic about
our chances with a jury.

You put a serious offer on the table,
we'll give it a good, hard look.

I'm not here
to negotiate a plea.

What happened
to your other lawyer?

Money's all gone.

My friends in LA
stopped returning my calls.

He's the only one I can afford.
He tells me I should take a deal.

Miss Ross, I'm innocent.

So why are we
having this meeting?

Your client might help himself

by answering a few questions
about Eddie Newman.

Is he a suspect, too?

Mr. Grant, your cooperation will
mean something down the line.

On the last day you were with
Heidi, did she talk about Newman?

Yeah, he called her on her cell
phone when she was at the gym.

What did they talk about?

I didn't hear.

She took her phone into
her private dressing room.

She didn't say anything when she got
back, but I could tell she was upset.

Was she often upset after
talking with her husband?

Yeah, sometimes.

From what she told me,
he was a piece of work.

What specifically
did she tell you?

Well, she said that all the time they
were married, he wanted to control her.

Movie directors are like that.

They bang their leading
ladies for the control.

Was he ever violent with her?

She said
that when they were married,

she had him
arrested for assault.

He got nuts because he thought
she was cheating on him.

When was this?

She said last year,
right after New Year's.

What's the problem?

We don't have a record
Newman was ever arrested.

She never filed a complaint,
so I never arrested him.

Then why did you voucher
his personal belongings?

Your sergeant found a voucher
in the precinct's file

for Newman's gold watch,
two rings and his wallet.

You just took him in, you put
him in the holding cell,

and then you let him go?

Did his watch find its way onto your wrist?
I resent that.

I resent being lied to.
You tell me what happened, Detective Miller,

or I am
walking this over to IAB.

Look, I showed
a little compassion.

Newman and Ellison went a couple
of rounds in their living room.

She had a bloody nose
and a cut on her lip.

She wanted him arrested,
I took him in.

Why didn't he stay arrested?

Because he was very contrite.
Very ashamed.

So while he was in the tank,
I talked to his wife.

You convinced her
to drop her complaint.

She came to that on her own.

Without her as a witness,
there's no case,

and you know it,
so I let Newman go.

What did you get out of it?
A couple of autographs?

He appreciated
my mediation work.

It didn't take. We think
he might have killed her.

I knew it.

I tried to tell Briscoe and Curtis
I liked him for that murder.

What do you have on that creep?

Barely enough
for a search warrant.

Son of a bitch.

CURTIS: Newman's car will be
at the impound in a half hour.

Anything here?
Not yet.

Newman hasn't been around for two weeks,
but the maid comes by every other day

to change the flowers and restock
the fridge with fresh mango juice.


The ego wall. We got an Oscar
nomination for Best Editing,

a couple of honorable mentions
from film festivals in Europe.

I guess it works as foreplay.

Well, if those don't,
these might.

I counted 14 pill bottles here.

There's 20 more
in the bathroom.

Not to mention this.

Uppers, downers, anxiety pills,
sleeping pills, painkillers,

codeine, morphine...


Prescribed by
Dr. Daniel Duval.

Newman's shrink.
Amphetamines, also from Duval.


You could jumpstart the
'60s with what's in here.

The guy who detailed his car
did a great job.

You find his number,
let me know.

As soon as we book him for
destroying evidence, he's all yours.

I said great, not perfect.

I found a dozen strands of beige
silk caught on the gas pedal.

From clothing?

They were stained
with A-negative blood.

It's Heidi's blood type,

and there were three blood
specks of the same type

found on the lining
of the trunk.

I doubt Gorton could give us
any grief over probable cause.

Swear out an arrest warrant.

Newman's still in LA,
finishing his movie.

Fax them the warrant.
Tell Briscoe and Curtis to pack their bags.

MAN: Welcome back.

Yeah, we're just
here for take-out.

You guys have him
in custody, right?

Not quite. He checked himself
into the Judith Harvey Center.

He's in rehab?
Let's go in and pull him out.

It's not that simple.
There's a medical angle.

Hey, I know the word rehab's
like a religion out here,

but he can't just check himself into a drug
treatment center and yell "sanctuary."

I've got two units parked outside the clinic.
Newman's not going anywhere.

Hey, Rey, way to go.

I don't know
anything about this.

Over here.
CHAUFFEUR: Detective Curtis?

No, he's Curtis.
I just hold his hat.

Detective Curtis, Miss Lundquist arranged
a car to take you to your hotel.

She said she reserved
your usual rooms.

Well, that's real nice,
but we're leaving tonight.

I'm happy to take you
wherever you're going.

Well, we're on official
business here. No, thanks.

No problem. Miss Lundquist
asked me to give you this.

It's her numbers
where she can be reached.

She asked that you give her a
call whenever you're done.

Great, we should've
brought party hats.

Jerry, these are the New York detectives.
Lennie Briscoe, Rey Curtis.

Jerry Weiss, Deputy District
Attorney for LA county.

You know Mr. Gorton
and Dr. Duval.

This is Alan Sherick.
He's local counsel for Mr. Newman.

Well, drinks are on me as soon as Mr.
Newman's in our custody.

Mr. Newman is in the second day
of a drug treatment program.

I've proposed, and Mr.
Weiss has tentatively agreed,

that he complete the program and then
surrender himself to the police.

CURTIS: You agreed?

I agreed to consider it.

Well, he better be cured by 8:00,
'cause that's when the plane leaves.

It's a 10-day program.

BRISCOE: Hey, we're not gonna get
into a slow-speed chase with the guy.

Mr. Weiss, unless you look forward
to running into some problems

when you're looking
for somebody on our turf,

you'd better execute
that arrest warrant today.

This is abusive.
I'm calling Garcetti.

This man is sick.
It'll set back his recovery by months.

He can recover at Rikers.

Eddie. Eddie.

Eddie, these detectives are here
to take you back to New York.

Don't worry,
everything is gonna be fine.

They're arresting you, Eddie.
Just don't say a word.

Be with you the whole way.

Can he stand up?

Sure. Stand up.

Want to do the honors?

Give us some room, please.

Edward Newman, you're under arrest
for the murder of Heidi Ellison.

It's gonna be all right.

I won't let them hurt you.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you do say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

JUDGE VAN NESS: This matter's on for
the arraignment of Edward Newman.

A warrant for his arrest and
extradition having been received

from the sovereign state of New
York and lodged with this court.

Mr. Newman is filing notice
of a writ of habeas corpus.

contesting the extradition?

Yes, Your Honor.
On the grounds

that the arrest warrant issued by
the State of New York is defective.

Defective how, Your Honor?

Your Honor, I respectfully suggest this
isn't the forum to litigate this matter.

I agree, Mr. Sherick.

I'm setting this down for a hearing
on the defendant's petition,

five days from now.
So ordered.

More developments
following the arrest yesterday

of Hollywood director
Eddie Newman

for the murder of his ex-wife,
studio boss Heidi Ellison.

In a highly unusual turn, Newman's lawyers
contested extradition from California.

This means Heidi Ellison's
latest accused killer

stays beyond the reach of New York
justice for at least another five days.

What the devil is Gorton up to?

Trying to lure you out to sunny
California to see you in a bathing suit?

It's a better reason than
his writ of habeas corpus.

Maybe I should read it again,

but I didn't see grounds
to challenge the extradition.

Yeah, well, maybe our extradition
papers were written with the wrong ink.

There's nothing
wrong with them.

Gorton's attacking the arrest warrant.
On what basis I don't know.

Get on a plane and find out.

I want this
bi-coastal nonsense over.

Drag Newman back here
by his heels if you have to.

Gorton hooked up with Alan Sherick.
Very connected.

Plays skins with all the right
judges, and he lets them win.

Is there any actual law
supporting their writ?

Could be a stall.
Could be your warrant's no good.

Miss Ross, you ever thought
about television work?

I beg your pardon?

I'm an on-air commentator
for Justice TV. Part time.

If you have an 8-by-10,
I could get it to my producer.

I've got a snapshot
with my daughter at the zoo.

(CHUCKLES) That's cute.
Do you have a card?

This is the break
I'm looking for.

There's nothing frivolous
about our petition.

There are grave issues
involved here.

I spent six hours on the plane
staring at that arrest warrant.

I didn't see
anything wrong with it.

Maybe all that free champagne
blurred your vision.

We sat in coach.

NEAL: Coach, Jamie?

That's really sad.

JAMIE: This case is a loser, Neal.
That's what's sad.

Otherwise you wouldn't be
wasting our time here.

I don't find lack of
probable cause insignificant.

The probable cause is spelled
out in the arrest warrant.

If you weren't having such a
fabulous time in first class,

you might have noticed.

The place to argue about probable cause, Mr.
Gorton, is 3,000 miles east.

The California courts
don't have the authority

to attack the
underlying facts of the case.

We found a judge who's happy
to disagree with you.

How many golf strokes
did that cost you, Alan?

I'm going to ignore that and refer
you to Michigan v. Doran

and Gerstein v. Pugh.

The Supreme Court
reversed Doran.

Once the governor of the demanding
state signs the extradition papers,

they're valid on their face.
The asylum state can't challenge them.

And under Gerstein, California
doesn't have to grant extradition

until a neutral court
determines probable cause.

That's not what Gerstein says.

It says whatever Judge Van
Ness interprets it to say.

One of your judges
is hijacking my case.

Doesn't your office have
anything to say about that?

We can help you
file an appeal in Sacramento,

but that's about it.

You're not in
Kansas anymore, McCoy.

I don't get the problem.

We've tossed out his alibi, and
we've got her blood in his car.

Well, maybe this judge thinks "smoking
gun" is a famous Indian chief.

This judge is an idiot.

He took the Full Faith and Credit
Clause of the Constitution

and tossed it
into the Santa Monica Bay.

Maybe you should take up golf.

BRISCOE: If it'll help,
I'll send for my clubs.

Does anybody
want to grab a bite?

Not me.
I'm booked for dinner.

Quick, turn up the sound.

We're going to prove that the
arrest warrant for my client

is produced from
evidence planted in his car.

REPORTER 1: Planted
by who, Mr. Gorton?

We'll get into that
in the hearing. Excuse me.

/i> REPORTER 2: Mr. Gorton...

Now, Wendy, Jess, of course
we'll be contacting

the New York County
District Attorney's...

What a load of bull.

Who had access to the car?

I'll call and see
if we can get on the red-eye.

It did not look this big in the photo.
You take this out by yourself?

It's not set up
for single-handing.

Right now,
it's perfect for two.

You like boats?

Well, I've been on the
ferry with my girls.

Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty.
Uh-huh. Hmm.

I bet your daughters are sweethearts.

Most of the time.

So, Rey,

you ever think
about changing jobs?

Every Monday morning. Why?

I talked to the head of
security at the studio.

He says they're looking for
someone with your experience.

To do what?

Background checks.

Special investigations.

I don't know what you make now,

but you would
easily triple your salary.


Sounds great, Lisa,
but I can't leave the kids.

I wouldn't expect you to.

LA is a great place to live
if you're an orange,

but you'd work out of New York.

You would travel to movie
locations all over the world.

I don't know.

No strings attached.

(SIGHS) Your plane
is not for a couple of hours.

I know, but I should probably
head back to the hotel.

Don't you
want to sleep with me?

Yes, I do. But...

It's just sex. It doesn't
have to go anywhere.

I wish it were
that easy. I do.

Thanks for your offer.

(CHUCKLES) Your job offer.

So when are you gonna give
Giuliani your two weeks' notice?

I ain't going anywhere.

Yeah, right. Why give up all
this for a six-figure income

and free travel
to exotic countries?

Come on, come on, lay off.

Hey, Rey,
I like working with you.

You got to be nuts
to turn down that job.

Think of what you could do
for your kids with that money.

Okay, black Mercedes, 500 SL.
Edward Newman, owner.

Brought in on Thursday morning.
Wasn't looked at till Friday afternoon.

Anybody go near it before then?

Yeah, it's the
only car we have here.

I'd never take my eye off it.
How the hell would I know?

well besides your regulars,

who was in that garage
between Thursday and Friday?

What was
Detective Miller doing here?

Looks like he had a car in here
in connection with a robbery.

This is a photocopy.
What happened to the original?

My supervisor took it.
Said somebody subpoenaed it.

That robbery case wasn't
even yours, Miller.

You had no business
being in that garage.

I can go any damn place
on city property I want to.

Listen, we find your prints on Newman's
car, you'll be going to Rikers.

I got a subpoena
and I got a ticket to LA.

Hey, hey!
That's where I'm going.

Hey, Miller, if you've got
something on your chest

you want to get rid of,
now's the time to do it!

I didn't plant nothing.

Now, if you guys excuse me, I got
to go buy some suntan lotion.

They subpoenaed Miller, someone
from the forensic garage,

and Dr. Dietrich Parks, a fiber
expert from San Francisco.

Miller's prints weren't on the car.
No one saw him near the car.

It's all innuendo.

Neal never wings it.

He's putting our evidence
on trial here, on TV,

for the benefit of potential jurors back home.
He can say things here

he wouldn't be allowed to say
in a New York courtroom.

That's right.
Let's look at his evidence.

The sign-in sheet from the
garage, blood and DNA studies,

studies on silk fabric.
That's one good thing about California.

Reciprocal discovery.

What do you make of this?

A woman's beige silk blouse.

NEAL: Please state
your name and occupation.

Dr. Dietrich Parks,

professor of forensic
science at UC Berkeley.

For the record, I renew my
objection to this hearing.

This court has no jurisdiction

over a crime committed in
the State of New York.

As long as Mr. Newman
is in my district,

I'm going to see he's protected
under the Fourth Amendment

against any unwarranted
restraints on his liberty.

With all due respect, there
has already been a finding

of probable cause
to arrest him.

This court certainly has jurisdiction to
inquire into the basis of that finding.

Your Honor, that's precisely...

Thank you, Mr. Sherick.
Mr. McCoy, sit down.

Proceed, Mr. Gorton.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Dr. Parks, you examined the fiber
evidence found in Mr. Newman's car.

What can you tell us about it?

The fibers
were single-ply silk

colored with a beige
vegetable-based dye,

and weaved
in a jacquard pattern.

They were stained with
Type-A negative blood.

NEAL: Dr. Parks.

Do you recognize this?

Well, yes,
I examined it two days ago.

It's a woman's blouse,
single-ply silk

colored with a beige vegetable-based
dye, and weaved in a jacquard pattern.

It's also stained
with A-negative blood.

The same as the fibers
found in Mr. Newman's car?

Yes. They match perfectly.

There's a tag
attached to the sleeve.

Please read what it says.

"New York City Police Department.
Evidence Clerk's Office, 16th Precinct.

"Recovered from the
person of Heidi Ellison."

It's dated January 12,
one year ago.

It's an evidence voucher.

Please read
the signature on the tag.

"Detective Stu Miller."

Thank you. No more questions.

Dr. Parks, can you state
with absolute certainty

that the fibers
in Mr. Newman's car

came from that blouse
and that blouse only?

No, not absolutely.

They might have
come from a similar blouse

that Heidi Ellison
could have been wearing

the night she was murdered four weeks ago.
Isn't that right?

I suppose so, but...

Thank you.

MILLER: Ms. Ellison
wanted to press charges.

I took the blouse because it
was evidence of the assault.

She bled on it
after he hit her.

To your knowledge, was Mr.
Newman ever prosecuted for this assault?

No. Ms. Ellison
dropped the complaint.

Because at Mr. Newman's request, you
talked her out of pressing charges.

Isn't that true?
I had a conversation with her.

I didn't talk her
out of anything.

Isn't it true that Mr.
Newman promised you a job as a technical advisor

on one of his movies?

He might have
mentioned something.

Isn't it true that Mr.
Newman promised to help you write a screenplay

based on your experiences
as a police officer?

Maybe. I don't remember.

But Mr. Newman never delivered
on any of his promises.

Isn't that right?
I don't know.

And when you learned
that he was a suspect

in his ex-wife's murder, you
took fibers from that blouse

which you placed in the
evidence room one year earlier,

and you planted those fibers in his car.
Isn't that right?

That's not true.
I did not plant evidence.

Thank you, Detective.

Detective Miller,

are you aware that Ms.
Ellison's blood was found

in the trunk of Mr.
Newman's car? Yes.

Did you plant that blood?

Did you have anything to do

with Mr. Newman's lying to the
police about his whereabouts

on the night Ms.
Ellison was killed? No.

Did you have anything to do
with his being in the area

where the murder weapon
was discovered?

Thank you.

I admit I smacked her.

I had never done that before.
I felt sick to my stomach.

I apologized right away,
but she was angry.

She wanted me arrested.

After Detective Miller
brought you to the precinct,

did you ask him
to talk to your wife?

Yes. He said he knew
exactly what to say to her.

And did you promise Detective Miller
employment in return for his help?

I told him I would spitball
story ideas with him.

In the industry, that's a euphemism.
It means "get lost."

But Detective Miller
didn't, did he?


He called my home, he called my
office, he even called Heidi.

Finally, I told him if he
didn't stop bothering us,

I'd call his
commanding officer.

I never heard from him again.

Thank you.

Had Detective Miller been to your home
before the time you punched out your wife?

Yes. But I didn't
punch her out.

How did you break her nose?

I didn't break her nose.

It was bleeding.
Her lip was swollen.

Objection, Your Honor.


Mr. McCoy,
get back on track.

JACK: Yes, Your Honor. Mr.
Newman, isn't it true

that Detective Miller was a
regular visitor at your house

because you routinely
assaulted your wife?

We had arguments.
I never assaulted her.

You mean, you were never actually
charged as a wife beater.

Did you ask Detective Miller

to talk to your wife
on those occasions, too?


No more questions.

You can step down,
Mr. Newman.

I guess Neal's not the only one who
knows how to play to the cameras.

Based on the fiber evidence,

and on Detective Miller's
history with my client,

it is a reasonable inference that the fibers
were placed in the car by Detective Miller.

Even if we
grant that allegation,

there's still plenty of evidence
to sustain probable cause.

(SCOFFING) It's all suspect.

If Detective Miller can plant fibers
in the front seat of the car,

what's to prevent him or anyone else
from planting blood in the trunk?

His client fabricated an alibi.

Which, of itself, doesn't even come close
to being probable cause for arrest.

He's right, Mr. McCoy.
You toss out the evidence in the car,

you don't have
much of a case left.

Speak up, Your Honor. There are some
people in the Bronx who didn't hear you.

What did you say?

You're usurping the authority of the
citizens of the State of New York.

It's for them to decide the
facts of this case, not you.

You just watch me.

I find your arrest warrant
unsupported by the evidence.

The defendant's petition
is granted.

The extradition request
is denied,

and you, Mr.
McCoy, are fined $2,000 for contempt.

And we don't take
out-of-state checks.


Have my office wire you the money as
soon as we get back to the hotel.

(LAUGHS) I don't think Van Ness has
ever been talked to like that.

Someone ought to
yank his leash.

I'll ask my boss to call the
Chief Administrative Judge.

Their kids go to
the same pre-school.

That's our problem.
No friends.

We ought to
start cruising the bars.

Miller screwed us.

An overzealous moron wanted to
make sure Newman got nailed.

I hate leaving empty-handed.

Well, Moondoggie,
what do you want to do?

Rent a beach house
and wait for the appeal?

Or we can come up with some probable
cause that Van Ness can't dismiss.

The police searched Newman's homes
and offices on both coasts.

What about
Berger's private jet?

Newman was dumping evidence
all the way to the airport.

Maybe he left some
on the plane.

MAN: Mr. Berger's very
secretive about his travels.

You're a New York lawyer?

New York
District Attorney's Office.

You're a long way from home.

Don't I know it.

Mr. Berger's office told me his
plane was being leased out

while he wasn't using it.
They told me to talk to you.

I'll have to
remember to thank him.


You know all these people?

Yeah, close personal friends.

They have my headshot
up in their office.

You want to give me yours,
I'll put it up there.

(CHUCKLES) I don't have one.
Everybody tells me I should.

People around here use them
instead of business cards.

Berger's plane is due back here
from Aspen this afternoon,

but tomorrow morning
Berger's taking it to Tokyo

and then to Europe for a month.

WEISS: It's been around the world
half a dozen times since then.

People have been in and out of
it, it's been vacuumed, cleaned.

There's no reason to expect
there's any evidence left.

JACK: I don't sense the
spirit of cooperation here.

I am not in a rush to tear apart
Steven Berger's private jet on a whim.

What's he going to do, name the
monster in his next movie after you?

(CHUCKLES) This is
a company town, Miss Ross.

Berger bitches to my boss,

I spend the next two years
in misdemeanor court.

My boss bitches to your boss,
you won't be much better off.


I need to
bullet-proof my ass.

Just find me a good reason
to take it to a judge.

Who else was on the plane
with Newman and Berger?

COOPER: There's not much I can
tell you about the flight.

I spent most of the
time on the phone,

lining up financing
for Steven's next film.

JACK: Seems you and Newman
were the only ones awake.

Everyone else said they
took sleeping pills.

I hope you're not
including the pilot.


When you weren't on the phone,
did you talk to Mr. Newman?

He saw I was busy.
I said hello.

Did you notice anything about
his appearance or his behavior?

No, I didn't.

Mr. Cooper, you weren't flying
aboard the Queen Mary.

The man was sitting not more than ten
feet away from you for six hours.

I think you should direct your
questions to my attorney.

Why do you need to hide
behind an attorney?

I heard how you people
operate in New York.

You indict them all and
let the jury sort them out.

Did Neal Gorton tell you that?

Mr. Gorton stopped by, yes.

He threw around terms like

"accessory after the fact,"
"criminal facilitation."

How about "hindering prosecution?
" Did he mention that one?

Because you're giving
a textbook example of it.

We're not interested in prosecuting
anyone but Eddie Newman.

Now, do you want to hear
our questions again?

Mr. Newman was very jumpy.

He was pacing
around the cabin a lot.

I asked him
what was bothering him.

He said it was just the
pressure of making a movie.

Did he bring anything
on the plane with him?

A couple of small carry-ons.

I noticed that he took one of them with
him every time he went to the head.

How often was that?

He was in there
for a long time.

Once, twice, then he'd come out.
His eyes were red.

I thought he'd been crying.

There's a weather front
moving in along the Aleutians.

If we don't leave within a half
hour, we'll have to reroute.

Tell Mr. Berger we're sorry,

but the District Attorney himself
signed off on this warrant.

We can't release the plane
until we complete the search.

They Luminol'd the toilet,
sink and the drain pipes.

They think
they found something.


They won't know till they take the
sink and the pipes back to the lab.

Looks like Mr. Berger's not
getting his plane back today.

I'll break the news to him.

I collected samples
from the joint

surrounding the sink drain
and from the cleanout.

I analyzed the samples,

identified them
as blood type A-negative,

the same as the victim Ellison.

Mr. Hayashi,
to your knowledge,

was the holding tank of the
chemical toilet searched?

Yes. It was removed and then
brought back to the laboratory.

Inside, I found a woman's signet ring
snagged on a piece of metal flashing.

Please describe the ring.

It's a size five-and-a-half
platinum ring,

with three emerald baguettes forming the
letter "H" in a diamond chip setting.

Your Honor, I'm showing what was
previously marked as People's Five.

Mr. Hayashi,
is this the ring?


People's Six, Your Honor.

Mr. Hayashi, this is a photo of Heidi
Ellison taken March 10 of this year.

Do you see
that ring in this photo?

Yes. It's on the ring finger of Ms.
Ellison's right hand.

Thank you.

No more questions.

Mr. Gorton?

No questions, Your Honor.

JUDGE VAN NESS: Mr. Hayashi,
you're excused.

Your Honor, I submit there now
exists sufficient probable cause

to support an arrest warrant.

I respectfully request you grant the
governor's warrant for extradition.

I order the governor's warrant for
extradition be executed forthwith.

NESS: Court's adjourned.


Goodbye, Mr. McCoy.

Don't gloat, Jamie.
It's only the first round.

What are you hoping for?
Man one?

Extreme emotional disturbance?
That's what I'd do.

I know what you'd do.

You'd put Jack McCoy's lights out.
You wouldn't take a plea.

Newman is a
pill-popping egomaniac.

He's not going to
give a jury the warm fuzzies.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
He's innocent.

Like all our other clients?

You mean they weren't
innocent? I'm shocked.

What's this?

A polygraph given yesterday.
He passed with flying colors.

After how many dry runs?

On the very first try.

I wish you were working on my
side of the aisle on this one.

We were good together.

In court.
Everywhere else, we stunk.

Oh, how quickly they forget.


All right, there, too.

So, how about our Katie?

She learned to
write her name yesterday.

When did you talk to her?

I called her
on the way over here.

I told her
we were having lunch.

She said to say hi.
She's looking forward to seeing you tonight.

I'll be on the red-eye.

Well, it's lucky for you she gets
along so well with the nanny.

The judge denied Newman's
bail and sent him to Rikers.

He can start
an acting workshop.

I talked to the IAB about Detective Miller.
He's suspended.

We're coordinating
a joint investigation.

Good. Bury him.

He made us look
like a bunch of fools.

It can't hurt us at trial.

If we don't use the blood
evidence from the car,

the defense can't beat us
over the head with Miller.

I've been getting
calls about Mr. Grant.

You didn't forget him, did you?

I filed a notice of
dismissal this morning.

I want him out of jail
by the 6:00 news.

I haven't been home yet.

I'll take care of it.

JAMIE: The District Attorney has concluded
the weight of credible evidence

against the defendant
will not sustain the charges

and withdraws without prejudice
all pending criminal charges

arising out of the events
described in the indictment.

Thank you, Miss Ross.

Mr. Grant,

the charges against you
have been withdrawn.

Your bail is exonerated,
and you are free to go.

We're adjourned.
MAN: No, no!

(GAVEL BANGING) He killed my daughter.
You can't do this.

You can't do this.

Officer, please remove
him from my courtroom.

This is wrong.
He's a murderer!

That animal butchered my girl!


He's the one who did it,
not Eddie Newman.

Eddie Newman passed a lie detector
test, and the D.A. Knows it.

I have the results right here.

The District Attorney has let
loose a monster upon this city.

Evan Grant killed Heidi Ellison,
and he'll kill again.

Miss Ross, is it true you
had the polygraph results?

Lie detector tests are inadmissible
in court for good reason.

They're unreliable.
Our evidence points to Mr. Newman's guilt.

REPORTER: Miss Ross.
ALL: Miss Ross.

Katie, honey, Mommy's home.

Hi, Isabel.
Is Katie upstairs?

she's with Mr. Gorton.


He was here just after
7:00 to see her.

I told him you wouldn't
be home until later.

He just took her?

She said she wanted
to be with her Daddy.

I'm sorry.
I didn't know what to do.

It's all right, Isabel.
You didn't do anything wrong.

He says he'll drop her off in the
morning, and he'll see you in court.

You seen this?

Maybe we should've released
him on a Saturday morning.

Oh, that's very funny.
We're being excoriated.

Where have you been?

I took my daughter to school.

Well, isn't that nice?

Are you planning
any other family activities?

It's hitting the fan.

Oh, that?

I heard Neal Gorton's firm paid
their airfare and hotel bills.

And he leaked
the lie detector test.

He's playing
to the jury pool, Adam.

Then so should we.

I want you to kick the living
daylights out of Neal Gorton.

You can dig up Thomas Dewey to help you.
You're gonna win this case.

Whatever you have to do,
I want a conviction.