Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 5, Episode 22 - Switch - full transcript
Detectives Briscoe and Logan investigate the murder of a psychiatrist, Dr. Lillian Hampton who is found bludgeoned to death in her office. Her last appointment of the day was with a young woman, Megan Nelson, but the Director of the clinic heard a man's voice in her office some time after that. After eliminating other suspects, they come to believe that the man in the office was Megan's father Frank Nelson. Megan had been seeing Dr. Hampton for some time and was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. ADA McCoy decides to prosecute Mr. Nelson when Megan reveals an old memory of him killing her mother. When evidence suggests otherwise, they have to consider if one of Megan's other personalities may be responsible.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
Okay. Waiting room.
Deal is anything on the
floor or in the couch, we keep.
One time, I found a $50 bill.
My last trainee, he
told one of the doctors.
You notice he isn't
my trainee anymore.
Got it? Yes, sir.
You see here?
Two quarters and a dime.
Now, the doctor's office,
that's a different story.
If you find a penny on the floor,
you vacuum around it. You got that?
Yes, sir.
Sanchez, I think we're
gonna get along fine.
What the...
The victim is a shrink.
A Dr. Lillian Hampton.
She's on staff with the clinic. The
cleaning crew found her about 8:45.
Anybody else in the building?
There was another cleaning crew
on the fourth floor, but that was it.
We called the director
of the clinic, a Dr. Latham.
What about her family?
Well, Latham said she
had an ex in Westchester.
We called, but there was
no answer. Thanks, Joe.
Probably busy working
on his second wife.
Somebody tried to shrink her
head the old-fashioned way.
Three strikes, she was out. One
on the forehead, two on the left side.
We found blood on the walls.
The perp probably
ended up wearing some.
Cleaning crew entered the building
at 8:20. They didn't see anybody leave.
No sign of a struggle. Could've
been somebody she knew.
Somebody who didn't want
her money. Credit cards, $40.
Lady liked to sweat.
"Toughen-Up Gymworks."
Not tough enough.
Detectives, looks like
our murder weapon.
Bits of hair and blood
on the sharp edge.
"With gratitude from the
Coalition of Mental Health Clinics."
Should've given
her a plaque instead.
I'm still in shock. It
was a horrible loss.
Lillian was a
brilliant therapist.
We saw the diplomas
stacked on the wall.
Lot of talent for a free clinic.
Well, she could have made a
lot more money in private practice,
but she preferred working here with
the schizophrenics and delusionals.
I mean, anybody our colleagues
on Park Avenue refused to take.
What time was her
last appointment?
I have the master schedule here.
She had a 7:00.
With who? Client
records are confidential.
We just need the name,
Doc, not the whole work-up.
Megan Nelson.
But I believe Dr. Hampton had
somebody else in the office after her.
Why would you believe that?
Well, when I left a little after
8:00, I heard a man in there.
It was a very intense session.
He was yelling something
like, "How could you do that?"
Someone's yelling,
you don't check it out?
We hear a lot of
that in the clinic.
Well, if he was in the waiting
room, maybe Megan Nelson saw him.
You know where we
can find her? Yeah.
This is very upsetting.
Dr. Hampton was
everything to me.
A year ago, I
couldn't get out of bed,
forget about holding down a job.
She gave me a new life.
We're very, very
sorry for your loss.
Yesterday, you were
her last appointment.
What time did you leave?
It was 7:50.
Dr. Hampton's very strict
about the 50-minute hour.
That was good for me.
The structure, I mean.
So, now, as you were leaving, did
you see anybody in the waiting room
or maybe hanging
around downstairs?
No. I was in a hurry to get
to work. I don't like to be late.
Try to remember, Megan.
We're thinking there might have
been a man waiting to see her.
A man?
There's Julio. He
works in the parking lot.
And there was a man in a
green car. He pulled in to park.
You remember
anything about this man?
He honked his horn at Julio.
He seemed very impatient.
That's all I remember.
The jerk in the green
Jag? Yeah, he was here.
Honked at me 'cause I didn't
take his money quick enough.
He drove in and parked in
the corner, like he always does.
Is he a regular?
He's been here a few times.
So, what's he do after he
parks, break out a deck of cars?
Usually the drill is Dr. Hampton
comes down to talk to him.
So, who is this
guy, the boyfriend?
Hey, none of my business.
Last night, any
change in the drill?
I don't know. I left at 8:00,
before she came down.
Well, while you were
minding your business,
did you happen to notice
anything else about this guy?
Like height,
weight, color of hair?
Salt-and-pepper hair. Polo
shirt. You know, the golfing type.
He has a sticker on the
visor. Crestmont Club.
Okay, thanks.
Crestmont. It's
up in Westchester.
I got 5 bucks that
says it's the ex.
They got a couple
of nice par fives there.
Wonder how hard
he swings his driver?
Yeah, I was there last night.
About 10 minutes. I never left the car.
Why not? Do you like
the smell of exhaust?
I don't like psychodramas in
the middle of a skid-row nuthouse.
I take it you don't
approve of your wife's job.
Pro bono psychiatry. Lillian thought
she was doing something good.
Maybe she was.
Which brings us back to what
you were doing there, Dr. Hampton.
I was doing penance for
missing two alimony payments.
Now I bring the
checks in person.
When she didn't come
down to get it, I left.
You never called
up? Why should I?
And no disrespect, but I jumped
through enough hoops for her.
Well, right now, it's only your
word that you never went upstairs.
I was on my cell phone to
my girlfriend the whole time.
I was still talking to
her when I drove out.
She has a very nice voice.
Must've been a lovely marriage.
A guy like that, she should have
been paying him to stay away.
You talk to his
girlfriend? Yeah.
She is Becky Price.
She does have a nice voice.
LUDs confirmed they
were on the phone.
Twenty minutes later they
were sitting at the River Café.
Doesn't give him much time
to smack his wife around and
then get the blood off his golf shirt.
Well, we know
about the girlfriend.
What about Dr. Hampton?
Any man in her life?
Yeah, but his name's Fluffy,
and he's been neutered.
Other than that, her
social calendar's pretty light.
Hey, look, if it's a choice
between work and play,
my bet is the work killed her.
Yeah, but without
the patient records,
we have no way of knowing which
kernel was getting ready to pop.
Could be it's popped
before and got arrested.
Let's wait and see if Latent
comes back with prints.
What are you smiling about?
We got hits on
two sets of prints.
Paul White, felonious assault,
and Edward Brennig,
attacked a police officer.
My kind of guy. Either one of them
leave a print on the murder weapon?
It was wiped clean.
So, which one of the mentally
challenged do you want to talk to first?
Brennig or White? Oh, Brennig.
Let's see if he's changed
his opinion of police officers.
Edward Brennig?
Nice badge. What do you want?
For starters, you
could put the can down.
Any other tricks
I can do for you?
Yeah, instant recall.
Last Tuesday night,
between 7:00 and 8:30.
I was home, watching Court TV.
Picking up pointers for the
next time you beat up a cop?
Come on, give me
a break, all right?
I got into a bar fight. I
didn't mean to hit the cop.
I love cops. Yeah, it shows.
Maybe you can tell us why we found
your prints at the Amsterdam Clinic.
What'd I do, forget to
vacuum underneath the couch?
Vacuuming? Is that
part of your therapy?
Therapy? Hey, I ain't one
of those fruit loops, all right?
The company that cleans the place,
they hire me when they're shorthanded.
Last time was two weeks ago.
We straight now?
Do I look like the
type to hit somebody?
As a matter of fact,
Mr. White, you do.
I just pushed the dude. I didn't
like the way he was looking at Alex.
Well, fill us in. Who's Alex?
My cat.
Dr. Hampton at the
Amsterdam Clinic,
I heard she looked
at Alex funny, too.
Alex and her don't get along.
So, you did see her recently.
Maybe it was Tuesday night.
No, that was the night I
got my prescription adjusted
at the outpatient
pharmacy, Bellevue Hospital.
Well, I see it says Tuesday,
but it doesn't say what time.
Oh, well, I was
there all night waiting.
They're not very organized there.
Alex was very upset with them.
Alex was upset with
Dr. Hampton, too, huh?
Yeah, yeah. That's why I called her
and left a message on her machine
to say I wasn't coming back.
Sounds good to us.
Meantime, why don't you
come on down to the precinct?
We'll get you a nice hot meal.
You got something for
Alex? Oh, sure, sure.
As long as he likes
day-old donuts.
Well, nix on the
donuts for Alex.
Bologna was a big hit, though.
Yeah, well, nix on
Mr. White as our suspect.
Bellevue remembers him and Alex.
The orderly's got the
scratches to prove it.
White said he left a message
on Hampton's machine.
I didn't see a machine in her office,
so it must have been voice mail.
Okay. Now, our guy isn't
in the appointment book.
Suppose he needed an emergency
tune-up from Dr. Hampton.
He calls late, leaves
a message. Bingo.
Hi, Dr. Hampton.
It's Miss Schwab.
Another woman. Next.
Lillian, it's Dr. Morris.
I have the speech sketched out
for the association. I'm faxing it over.
Hey, Mike, when we get to some
heavy breathing, I'll wake you up.
Hi, Dr. Hampton. It's
Jeanine at the Vertical Club.
Just confirming your
personal workout session.
Hey, wait a minute. Go back.
Hi, Dr. Hampton. It's
Jeanine at the Vertical Club.
Wasn't that gym bag in Hampton's
office from someplace else?
Yeah. Toughen-Up something.
You have the
inventory from the bag?
Here we go.
Sweatshirt, sweatpants,
socks, swipe card. No name.
Check with the
club and get a name.
We've got a swipe card.
This isn't the Y. Our
members expect a little privacy.
Well, this member may
have crushed a woman's skull.
Please don't make
us get a warrant.
Okay. Give me the card.
In case you're interested,
we got a two-years-for-the-price-of-one
special going.
You ought to think
about that, Mike.
I'm definitely
thinking about it.
Here he is. Bobby Walker.
He lives at 49-A Horatio Street.
Detectives, I guess you have
some more questions for me.
Are you roommates
with Bobby Walker?
Not really.
Well, was Walker not really with
you at Dr. Hampton's the other night?
That's impossible.
Keep it down.
Okay, where is he?
He's not here right now.
We can see that.
Where can we find him?
He's in here. I'm Bobby.
how long are we gonna have
to sit here listening to you say
that you're a guy named Bobby?
You think I'm making this up?
I think you have a
very unique imagination.
Bobby. Is that some kind
of nickname for Roberta?
No, Bobby is a he.
He's who I am sometimes.
Dr. Hampton diagnosed me
with Multiple Personality Disorder.
Okay. I'm gonna play along.
Now, tell me what
Bob did last night.
I can't.
When I switch, I don't
remember what the last alter did.
Alternate personalities.
I have two of them, not including
me. There's Bobby and Nancy.
Dr. Hampton was
helping me integrate them.
Okay, can we talk to Bobby?
It's not like I can turn a dial.
Believe me, if Bobby did
something terrible, I want to help you.
Why don't you tell us
what you do remember?
Now, you said you left
Dr. Hampton's office just before 8:00.
Yes. I remember
being in the office.
And then I saw the
clock in the lobby.
This is very stressful.
You're not kidding.
She got a Multiple Personality
Disorder diagnosis from her doctor?
That's what she says. This
only happens on Oprah, right?
It's a diagnosis that's
caused a lot of controversy.
Some doctors say that it's
caused by a childhood trauma.
Others say that
it's caused by ideas
planted in the mind of
the patient by the therapist.
Oh, the therapist tells her
she's crazy, so she acts crazy.
She's not acting. Give her a lie
detector. Chances are she'd pass.
She says she blanks when
this Bobby personality comes out.
That's probably true.
Unless the different personalities
are communicating with each other,
she wouldn't have any memory
of what each one's doing.
Well, do these personalities
talk to each other?
There are therapists who have
their patients keep a journal,
so that each personality can write
their thoughts during the switch.
That way, they can
leave notes for each other.
Yeah, fat chance Megan's
just gonna hand us her journal.
Well, we know we don't have
enough to get a warrant to look for it.
She said she went straight
to work from Hampton's office.
Yeah, Miss Punctuality.
With all that blood
spatter at the scene,
some of Hampton's blood
must've gotten on her clothes.
What'd she do, run through a
car wash on her way to work?
Megan's been working
here nearly a year.
Always on time, keeps
the orders straight.
Best of all, she doesn't burn up
the phone with personal business.
When she came in on
Tuesday, how did she seem?
She seemed okay.
Far as that goes for her.
Meaning sometimes
she wasn't okay?
Well, some days she
wants to be called Bobby.
Other days, it's Nancy.
All the same to me. Whatever
the name, she does great work.
So, Tuesday, did you notice
anything unusual about her clothes?
No. Coat and a dress.
She say anything? Yeah,
she said "sorry" a million times.
She was late.
Not normal for her.
Among other things.
So, how late was she?
She punched in
at 8:52. Excuse me.
Clinic's 15 minutes away.
That leaves about 45 minutes.
Sounds like probable
cause to search her place.
I'd like to know which
personality's into this.
That would be Nancy. She's
a personal favorite of mine.
I bet.
Your boss know you could be
charging for two roommates?
Hey, Miss Nelson, she pays
her rent on time. She's quiet.
Why should I make
trouble for her?
Hey, Mike, look at this.
Computer disks.
Look at the titles.
"Megan. Nancy. Bobby."
Let's put Bobby in.
Looks like some kind of diary.
Yeah. We'll get it printed up.
So, what is it she did, anyway?
We don't know if
she did anything.
You see her last
Tuesday night? No, I didn't.
You ever talk to her when
she calls herself Bobby?
Bobby, now, he's
a piece of work.
He chewed up that bunch upstairs
for playing the music too loud.
Anybody ever complain about her?
No, like I said
before, she was quiet.
Except when her
father came around.
They had a couple of
blowouts right out here.
You happen to hear
the topic of conversation?
Yeah. She said he
was harassing her,
and if I ever saw him around
the building, I should call the cops.
She had a restraining
order against him.
It was all her therapist's idea.
She thought I was interfering
with Megan's progress.
And were you?
I was trying to keep my daughter
from going completely off the deep end,
which is where
Dr. Hampton was sending her.
Well, no offense, but it looks
to me like she's already there.
My wife died when Megan
was three. I raised her by myself.
Granted, she was troubled.
Then a year ago,
she saw Dr. Hampton.
All of a sudden, she
was three troubled people.
I couldn't figure out what
the hell was going on.
That must've been
pretty tough to live with.
I could have managed,
but Hampton insisted
that Megan needed to
move out and be on her own.
At first, I went
along with that.
Then Megan refused to see
me. She wouldn't take my calls.
Another one of the
doctor's ideas? That's right.
She was controlling my daughter.
Using her to prove
some quack theory.
Megan was holding
down a job, paying her rent.
Sounds like a
solid citizen to me.
Minimum wage, plus tips?
A dump in the West
Village? That is not a life.
Did you ever discuss your
feelings with Dr. Hampton?
I discussed them with
her answering service.
She refused to
talk to me about it.
Megan's a complicated kid.
Raising her by himself
can't be that easy.
Yeah? Well, I don't buy
that father-knows-best routine
that Nelson gave us last night.
Especially with
some doctor butting in.
Hey, when I was drinking,
my kid had a therapist
who kept telling her
what a lousy father I was.
I didn't like the message, but I
never thought about killing him.
Your kid didn't get a restraining
order against you, Lennie.
Why don't you find
out why Megan did?
I'll see if they got
her diaries printed out.
All right.
Bobby's diary, the
day before the murder.
"Nancy left a note for
me. She called me a liar.
"That bitch better
watch herself."
Sounds like a nice guy.
Nancy's diary.
"I can't trust Bobby or Megan.
"They promise to clean the
kitchen, and they don't. I hate liars."
Sounds like one
big happy family.
Got the court records
on the restraining order.
The judge issued
two the same day.
One to keep Mr. Nelson
away from his daughter,
and another to keep him
away from Dr. Hampton.
Why? Because he
harassed her voice mail?
Turns out he faced off with her a
couple of times outside the clinic.
I'm with Nancy. I hate liars.
Hey, it gets worse
for Mr. Nelson.
Here, in Bobby's
diary, the day of.
"I gotta make sure
Megan remembers
"her old man has to be at
the appointment tonight."
Let's see if Megan remembered.
Here we go.
"I talked to Dad. He
promises he'll be there.
"I'm worried, but Dr. Hampton
says it's necessary for him to come."
Okay, so, if Nelson was there,
the screaming that the clinic director
heard could have been him, right?
Okay, Dr. Latham, tell us if you
recognize any of these voices.
Number one, go ahead.
How could you do that?
Number two. How
could you do that?
Number three. How
could you do that?
Could he say that louder?
Number three, say that
again louder, please.
How could you do that?
That's him. Thank
you, Dr. Latham.
Well, that's a
positive ID. Of what?
A booming voice, originally
heard through a hardwood door?
Excuse me while I share a
good laugh with my client.
If it's not enough to hold him, is it
enough to get us into his apartment?
To find what? Well, for openers,
how about some of Hampton's
blood on one of his Armani suits?
I'll talk to Judge Walters. He
should be back from lunch by now.
My second wife always
wanted a walk-in closet.
Now I finally got one.
Trouble is, I live in it.
I got something in the kitchen.
The luminol brought up trace
blood smudges around the sink.
There's two, each less
than five millimeters wide.
All right, is that enough to
run a match? No problem.
Mr. Nelson.
Excuse me, gentlemen,
I'm on a call to China.
You're gonna wish
you were in China.
Frank Nelson, you're under arrest
for the murder of Dr. Lillian Hampton.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you do say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.
You understand? You
have the right to an attorney.
Trace amounts of O-negative?
By the time I'm finished
with your blood evidence,
I'll have the jurors convinced
it was their blood you found.
The fact is, it's
Dr. Hampton's blood.
His daughter's diaries
place him at the scene.
He was heard
screaming at Dr. Hampton.
He was heard raising
his voice, period.
You have this all wrong.
I had no reason to kill her.
She was worried enough about
you to get a restraining order.
She didn't want to be accountable
for what she was doing to my daughter.
And you care so
much for your daughter
that you'd kill anyone who
got between you, is that it?
You don't believe him,
then talk to his daughter.
They left together, and
Dr. Hampton was still alive.
I remember leaving
with my father.
Dr. Hampton was still alive.
Then why didn't you tell the
police your father was there?
I guess I forgot.
We read in your diary
that you were worried
about what might
happen at that session.
I don't remember what
happened in session.
Anyway, I don't have to tell you
anything that happens in therapy.
That's private. You do,
if you expect me to believe that
your father didn't kill Dr. Hampton.
I'm not feeling very well.
I think you should go.
First she avoids
him like the plague.
Now she's lying to protect
him. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
It does if she's scared of him.
I didn't get the
feeling that she was.
She seemed more
confused than anything.
With three personalities at
the wheel, who wouldn't be?
Maybe the one who's
running scared is Frank Nelson.
He interfered with her therapy.
Could be he felt threatened.
I went through her diaries.
As far as churning up family secrets,
the sessions seemed pretty tame.
The juicy stuff would be locked
up in Hampton's medical records.
Which you can't get
to without her consent.
Was Hampton her first therapist?
According to her father, she
has a history of mental illness.
But no one's volunteered the
names of the other therapists.
Until she moved out, her
father was paying her bills.
Including the medical ones.
Subpoena his bank
records and get a name.
Megan had already been through
Freud and Jung, with little result.
Well, you think your
therapy was more effective?
More flexible.
I use talk therapy,
rebirthing, hypnosis.
Whatever works for
the particular patient.
What worked for Megan?
You know I can't
get into that with you.
All I will say is she had
trouble with the therapy.
She had a bad session, and
then she just stopped coming.
Did you find out why?
I called her, but I only
spoke with her father.
He said she'd decided
to stop therapy.
Do you think he had anything
to do with why she stopped?
He just told me he wanted
her file sent to a Dr. Coleman.
Well, Mr. Nelson is the one
who retained my services
after he spent an hour
grilling me on my credentials.
What did he want?
Oh, anything that worked.
But it had to be conservative
treatment. No New Age therapies.
I fit the bill, so he
sent Megan here.
At that time, did she have
these multiple personalities?
No. I don't subscribe
to that kind of diagnosis.
Megan had one very
borderline personality.
We worked on it once
a week for two years.
I take it she wasn't cured?
We came close to a breakthrough.
Then Megan backed away.
She decided to stop coming? Yes.
Sometimes dredging up a painful
memory can be too difficult to face,
even when a patient
wants the therapy to work.
This painful memory, did it have
something to do with Frank Nelson?
Even if I were free to tell
you, I don't know what it is.
But, yes, I believe it does have
something to do with her father.
A painful memory?
What are we talking
about, child abuse?
They wouldn't say.
I spoke to four doctors. I got
four versions of patient privilege.
All they would say was Megan's the
one who pulled the plug on the therapy.
This time it was Frank Nelson.
One doctor suggested he
was the cause of her trauma.
But unless Megan confirms it or
hands over her medical records,
that's as much as
we're going to know.
Maybe we could force her hand.
She's providing her
father with an alibi.
We could turn that into
a charge of conspiracy.
How does that
get us her records?
Her lawyer has a client with
Multiple Personality Disorder.
What defense does that suggest?
An insanity plea. Right.
She puts her mental state
at issue, she waives privilege
and has to hand over
her medical records.
Let's pick her up.
Two of you?
We're getting something to go.
Sorry, folks, we're going
to need your waitress.
Megan Nelson, you're under arrest
for conspiracy to commit murder.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
Nice technique, McCoy.
Squeeze my client's head hard
enough, maybe her memory'll come back.
Well, it seems to come and go.
She forgets her
father was there.
She remembers
Dr. Hampton was alive.
She forgets what
they talked about.
She has Multiple Personality Disorder.
She can't help it. She blanks out.
And we're supposed
to take her word for it?
Claire, you're going to
have a hard enough time
proving the underlying
crime, let alone a conspiracy.
And from what I hear, your case
against Frank Nelson is far from made.
I'll make it when I put
her on trial with her father.
Given her psychiatric history,
don't you think a trial
would be a waste of time?
Well, send her medical
records to our expert.
If she thinks she's
insane, we'll talk.
Here. February 22nd.
Hampton reports that
Megan has a recurring vision
of her father standing
at the top of the stairs,
quote "looking down
at her like a giant."
A memory of child abuse?
No. This isn't
about child abuse.
A couple of weeks
later, Hampton wrote
that the Nancy personality
was urging Megan
to tell the truth about
her mother's death.
And then this, a week
before she was killed.
"A painful session.
"Megan struggled, resisted.
"Finally, the memory
became clear.
"She's three years old.
She's in her bedroom.
"She hears her parents argue.
"She runs out of her
room. She hears a scream.
"She sees her father push
her mother down the stairs.
"She sees her mother lying
at the bottom, not moving."
She witnessed her
mother's murder.
At the very least,
she thinks she did.
And they dropped the bomb on
Mr. Nelson during the last session.
According to Dr. Hampton's notes,
that's what they intended to do.
So, two people knew what he did.
One's dead, and the other
can be dismissed as a lunatic.
See what records you can
find on her mother's death.
I was the fourth
officer on the scene.
Carol Nelson was
on the bottom landing.
She'd gone ass-over-teakettle
down two flights of stairs.
Any indication
she got a little help?
Yeah, from a half quart
of 18-year-old Scotch.
Mrs. Nelson was one of the more
colorful characters on the beat.
So, she had a drinking problem.
Lovely lady. I mean,
really a very happy drunk.
She liked to sing show tunes in her
skivvies from her bedroom window.
Mr. Nelson must've loved that.
Well, I heard they had arguments.
Was he there the night she died?
He was home, best
I can remember.
I wasn't the investigating
officer. Who was?
Arnie Wallace,
God rest his soul.
Fall in the home resulting in
accidental death. A hat trick.
Could've been filed under accidental,
homeowners, or through the life policy.
I'll need a year and
name of the insured.
1977. Carol Nelson.
Here you go. Carol Nelson.
$500,000 payout
on the life policy.
What was the cause of death?
Accidental fall.
Blood alcohol level was 0.18.
Is that all there is?
Once the claim is paid, we wait
five years, then we purge the files.
Adjuster's reports, witness statements,
medicals, they're all destroyed.
I pulled the files from the police
and the insurance company.
The death was ruled accidental.
Based on what?
Frank Nelson's say-so?
Who knows?
The police filled in the right
boxes then dumped their reports.
The insurance company cleans
out their files every five years.
Thumbnail version,
Carol Nelson had a blood
alcohol of 0.18. She tripped and fell.
"My wife's drunk. She
slipped on the stairs."
Haven't you heard that before?
By now, I'm sure your expert
agrees my client was legally insane.
Your client's sanity
isn't relevant at this point.
I've dismissed the charges
against her without prejudice.
I'm waiting for the other shoe.
I want her to testify
against her father.
I've read your medical records.
I know why your father
killed Dr. Hampton.
I want to know why you
are protecting the man
who killed your mother.
That's what you
believe, isn't it?
I happen to believe
it, too, Megan.
You want to know what
really happened, you ask me!
Who am I talking to? Bobby.
I'm Bobby.
You were there? Yeah,
I was there all right.
Tell me what happened.
It's all Dr. Hampton's fault.
Did Frank Nelson
kill Dr. Hampton? No.
Hampton was trying to get rid of
me. She wanted me to leave Megan.
She didn't give me a
choice. I had to kill her.
It's the father. It's the
daughter. It's Bobby.
You need a scorecard
to keep track.
This confession
sound right to you? No.
Male personalities
are protectors.
If Bobby's taking the rap,
he's trying to protect Megan.
From what? A fate
worse than prison?
Maybe he's trying to protect her
from having to testify against her father.
That'd make sense if
her father threatened her.
So, Bobby gives her a way out.
Nelson's attorney.
He wants to meet.
Of course he does.
Satisfied, Jack? My client
did not kill Dr. Hampton.
Really? Did he kill his wife?
I did not kill my wife.
Megan saw you do it.
Dr. Hampton
uncovered the memory.
Talk to the police.
Read the reports.
We tried to.
There's nothing left.
I'll tell you the same thing I told
Megan and that therapist of hers.
Talk to my wife's
sister in Poughkeepsie.
She was there. She
saw what happened.
Fine. You're saying what
Megan remembers is false.
Of course it's false.
I told Megan her
mother was a drunk.
I am the only one who ever
cared about my daughter.
Seems to me you
just lost your motive.
On the contrary. Dr. Hampton
convinced Megan you were a killer.
Would it make you any
less angry that it was a lie?
You try explaining
that to the jury.
I'll settle for
Bobby's confession.
Bobby isn't
competent to testify.
You don't think
so? File a motion.
Multiple personalities?
Forget competency, Mr. Weaver.
Are you sure your witness is even sane?
It makes no difference, Judge.
In Barker v. Washburn,
even if the witness is legally
insane, if they understand the oath
and can give a correct account
of what happened, they can testify.
That only begs the question,
who are they calling as a witness?
Megan, who may be insane, or
Bobby, a figment of her imagination?
It makes no difference that
Bobby confessed to the crime?
What matters is that
Bobby doesn't exist.
Our expert can establish that Bobby
can form and remember impressions
and can talk about
them intelligently.
That is the standard
for competency.
Mr. McCoy, isn't the only
issue here one of credibility?
It would be like asking a jury to
judge the credibility of a Martian.
It's beyond their experience.
That's why we have experts. Who
I want to hear from in the morning
before I decide if I'm going to
turn this witness loose on a jury.
When Megan takes on
the persona of Bobby,
she's in an altered
mental state.
She uses it as a crutch to
cope with the outside world.
So, in your opinion,
Bobby doesn't exist?
Bobby is a distorted reflection
of Megan's inner
feelings, memories, fears.
The fact that she's
given him a name
doesn't make him any more real.
And would Bobby's
testimony be reliable? No.
Like testimony derived
through hypnosis or truth serum,
it's elicited from a
hyper-suggestible state.
Thank you.
When Megan switches, she's not
suddenly rendered unconscious, is she?
No. No.
Megan just takes
on a new identity,
which can walk and
talk like anyone else.
That's correct.
So, Bobby could go to
the movies, drive a car,
or even commit a crime.
But it would be Megan
doing all those things.
She just believes it's Bobby.
But there's no reason why Bobby couldn't
tell us about it, is there, Doctor?
In theory, no.
Bobby comes out during
the dissociative process.
He takes both physical and
psychological control of Megan's body.
Is Bobby aware of
what's happening to him?
Bobby is just like any of us,
a functioning person
with all of his faculties.
Bobby has a memory? Oh, yes.
And if we could bring Bobby out,
he'd be able to convey
those memories to us.
Certainly. Thank you, Doctor.
Would you characterize Bobby
as a protector personality?
Well, that's the typical role of the
male personality in the female patient.
If Megan can't handle the
stress of a particular situation,
Bobby does the coping for her.
Bobby would do whatever
it took to protect Megan.
That's his role, as
long as it helps Megan.
So, he would even
lie for her, wouldn't he?
I suppose he might.
In your opinion, Doctor, can
Bobby be brought out on command?
Switching can be triggered.
Mr. McCoy inadvertently did it.
I believe we could, using
a comparable stimulus.
If you think you can bring
Bobby out, Dr. Cantrel,
then I want to hear from him.
You know, Megan, Mr. McCoy thinks
you're trying to protect your father,
a man who killed your mother.
I told him I'm not.
Well, he says you're afraid to
tell us what really happened.
I can't.
Come on, Megan.
What are you
afraid of, the truth?
Or is it something else?
Come on, Megan, admit
it. It's all an act, isn't it?
There is no Bobby.
There is no Nancy.
You're just hiding behind
them so we'll feel sorry for you.
So you can lie and do whatever you
want, and you won't be responsible.
Why don't you just
leave her the hell alone?
Is that you, Bobby?
Who does it look like?
I understand you
killed Dr. Hampton.
Is that true? Yeah.
Like I told them,
Dr. Hampton wanted me gone.
She didn't understand
how much Megan needs me.
And that's why you killed her?
I'm the only one
who sticks by Megan.
Tell me what happened, Bobby.
How did you kill Dr. Hampton?
It's just me and that bitch.
She's rocking back and forth in her
chair, chewing on a pencil. So smug.
Telling me I'm bad for
Megan. What about her?
What did you do, Bobby?
That's when I did it.
I pounded her in
the head. I had to.
It was either me or her.
Thank you, Bobby.
I have one question for
the witness, Your Honor.
Go ahead, Mr. McCoy.
You said you struck Dr. Hampton
while she was seated at her desk.
Is that correct? That's
how it happened, yeah.
Thank you.
The witness is lying.
If that's what you think, you have the
opportunity to cross-examine at trial.
Dr. Hampton was struck while she
was standing at the door of her office,
not at her desk.
Bobby didn't know that
because Bobby didn't kill her.
Then how does Bobby know
so many details of the crime?
Maybe Bobby read the
paper, but not the case file.
As a matter of law, Bobby can't
testify because he wasn't there.
I have to agree with
Mr. McCoy. Judge.
If I allow this witness to
testify, I'd be suborning perjury.
That's my ruling.
I'm not letting Bobby testify.
I give Weaver an hour before
he calls looking for a deal.
What, it's not good enough?
We proved Bobby wasn't there.
What's bothering
me is, why wasn't he?
Megan has a restraining
order against her father.
They're having a confrontation
about him killing her mother.
It escalates to the
point of murder.
Where's Bobby, her protector?
Maybe her psyche's not
as fine-tuned as a Ferrari.
We assumed that Nelson
was furious at the doctor
for convincing
Megan he was a killer.
But suppose Megan
believed her father?
Then he'd have no
reason to kill Dr. Hampton.
What changed Megan's mind?
He told her to check out her
story. What was it he said?
Call the mother's
sister in Poughkeepsie.
Oh, that was a long time ago.
Things were bad between
Frank and my sister.
I mean, Carol was
thinking about moving out.
That's why I was
there that night.
Was Frank ever
violent with her? No.
I mean, they argued,
slammed a few
doors, but that was it.
Megan was just a little
three-year-old caught in the middle.
It's understandable why
she thought he killed her.
Megan called. She was so
upset. I mean, crying, you know.
I kept, you know, reassuring
her that I'd been there.
That Frank did
not kill her mother.
And she believed you? Yeah.
I thought it would make her happy,
but she seemed even more upset.
She said she had to find
her father and apologize.
Where was her
father? I don't know.
Oh, she was in
her doctor's office.
Said she had to go and find him.
I see. Now you're saying
the father didn't do it.
You ought to take this
roller coaster to Coney Island.
The sister confirms it.
Now we know Frank Nelson left
Hampton's office while she was still alive.
Maybe this Bobby
confession is for real.
We proved that
personality wasn't there.
In other words, you have no
idea who committed this crime.
It has to be Megan.
She was seeing
Hampton for over a year.
Do you have a motive?
Megan's unstable.
I'm not sure she knows
she did it, let alone why.
Find out.
We know you were
alone with Dr. Hampton.
That leaves only one person
who could have killed her. You.
We'd like to see you get
some help, Miss Nelson,
but you have to
tell us the truth.
I told you, I don't remember.
How about you, Mr. Nelson?
How's your memory?
She must have gone to your
condo. That's how the blood got there.
Frank, don't say anything.
No one can protect you
anymore, Miss Nelson.
Not your father. Not Bobby.
Now, tell us what happened.
I can't tell you
what I don't know.
Jack, please, the
girl needs help.
Come on, Megan, talk to me.
No more lies.
I'm a liar?
You're calling me a liar?
She's the one who lied.
Who lied, Megan?
Leave Megan out of this.
You're talking to me.
And nobody lies to me.
Including that idiot doctor.
What did Dr. Hampton do?
She thought she could fool me.
Said she made a mistake.
Maybe Frank didn't
kill Megan's mom.
Did she think I was stupid?
What she meant was
she lied to Megan.
Megan trusted her.
And you killed her?
Yes. Me.
What's your name?
I saw that stupid
award she's so proud of.
She didn't deserve any awards.
So I gave it to
her with gratitude.
If we ever need to justify
letting people plead insanity,
Megan Nelson fits the bill.
So, she goes into the
hospital as three people,
and we hope that she
comes back out as one.
And regardless, her
father will be there waiting.
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
Okay. Waiting room.
Deal is anything on the
floor or in the couch, we keep.
One time, I found a $50 bill.
My last trainee, he
told one of the doctors.
You notice he isn't
my trainee anymore.
Got it? Yes, sir.
You see here?
Two quarters and a dime.
Now, the doctor's office,
that's a different story.
If you find a penny on the floor,
you vacuum around it. You got that?
Yes, sir.
Sanchez, I think we're
gonna get along fine.
What the...
The victim is a shrink.
A Dr. Lillian Hampton.
She's on staff with the clinic. The
cleaning crew found her about 8:45.
Anybody else in the building?
There was another cleaning crew
on the fourth floor, but that was it.
We called the director
of the clinic, a Dr. Latham.
What about her family?
Well, Latham said she
had an ex in Westchester.
We called, but there was
no answer. Thanks, Joe.
Probably busy working
on his second wife.
Somebody tried to shrink her
head the old-fashioned way.
Three strikes, she was out. One
on the forehead, two on the left side.
We found blood on the walls.
The perp probably
ended up wearing some.
Cleaning crew entered the building
at 8:20. They didn't see anybody leave.
No sign of a struggle. Could've
been somebody she knew.
Somebody who didn't want
her money. Credit cards, $40.
Lady liked to sweat.
"Toughen-Up Gymworks."
Not tough enough.
Detectives, looks like
our murder weapon.
Bits of hair and blood
on the sharp edge.
"With gratitude from the
Coalition of Mental Health Clinics."
Should've given
her a plaque instead.
I'm still in shock. It
was a horrible loss.
Lillian was a
brilliant therapist.
We saw the diplomas
stacked on the wall.
Lot of talent for a free clinic.
Well, she could have made a
lot more money in private practice,
but she preferred working here with
the schizophrenics and delusionals.
I mean, anybody our colleagues
on Park Avenue refused to take.
What time was her
last appointment?
I have the master schedule here.
She had a 7:00.
With who? Client
records are confidential.
We just need the name,
Doc, not the whole work-up.
Megan Nelson.
But I believe Dr. Hampton had
somebody else in the office after her.
Why would you believe that?
Well, when I left a little after
8:00, I heard a man in there.
It was a very intense session.
He was yelling something
like, "How could you do that?"
Someone's yelling,
you don't check it out?
We hear a lot of
that in the clinic.
Well, if he was in the waiting
room, maybe Megan Nelson saw him.
You know where we
can find her? Yeah.
This is very upsetting.
Dr. Hampton was
everything to me.
A year ago, I
couldn't get out of bed,
forget about holding down a job.
She gave me a new life.
We're very, very
sorry for your loss.
Yesterday, you were
her last appointment.
What time did you leave?
It was 7:50.
Dr. Hampton's very strict
about the 50-minute hour.
That was good for me.
The structure, I mean.
So, now, as you were leaving, did
you see anybody in the waiting room
or maybe hanging
around downstairs?
No. I was in a hurry to get
to work. I don't like to be late.
Try to remember, Megan.
We're thinking there might have
been a man waiting to see her.
A man?
There's Julio. He
works in the parking lot.
And there was a man in a
green car. He pulled in to park.
You remember
anything about this man?
He honked his horn at Julio.
He seemed very impatient.
That's all I remember.
The jerk in the green
Jag? Yeah, he was here.
Honked at me 'cause I didn't
take his money quick enough.
He drove in and parked in
the corner, like he always does.
Is he a regular?
He's been here a few times.
So, what's he do after he
parks, break out a deck of cars?
Usually the drill is Dr. Hampton
comes down to talk to him.
So, who is this
guy, the boyfriend?
Hey, none of my business.
Last night, any
change in the drill?
I don't know. I left at 8:00,
before she came down.
Well, while you were
minding your business,
did you happen to notice
anything else about this guy?
Like height,
weight, color of hair?
Salt-and-pepper hair. Polo
shirt. You know, the golfing type.
He has a sticker on the
visor. Crestmont Club.
Okay, thanks.
Crestmont. It's
up in Westchester.
I got 5 bucks that
says it's the ex.
They got a couple
of nice par fives there.
Wonder how hard
he swings his driver?
Yeah, I was there last night.
About 10 minutes. I never left the car.
Why not? Do you like
the smell of exhaust?
I don't like psychodramas in
the middle of a skid-row nuthouse.
I take it you don't
approve of your wife's job.
Pro bono psychiatry. Lillian thought
she was doing something good.
Maybe she was.
Which brings us back to what
you were doing there, Dr. Hampton.
I was doing penance for
missing two alimony payments.
Now I bring the
checks in person.
When she didn't come
down to get it, I left.
You never called
up? Why should I?
And no disrespect, but I jumped
through enough hoops for her.
Well, right now, it's only your
word that you never went upstairs.
I was on my cell phone to
my girlfriend the whole time.
I was still talking to
her when I drove out.
She has a very nice voice.
Must've been a lovely marriage.
A guy like that, she should have
been paying him to stay away.
You talk to his
girlfriend? Yeah.
She is Becky Price.
She does have a nice voice.
LUDs confirmed they
were on the phone.
Twenty minutes later they
were sitting at the River Café.
Doesn't give him much time
to smack his wife around and
then get the blood off his golf shirt.
Well, we know
about the girlfriend.
What about Dr. Hampton?
Any man in her life?
Yeah, but his name's Fluffy,
and he's been neutered.
Other than that, her
social calendar's pretty light.
Hey, look, if it's a choice
between work and play,
my bet is the work killed her.
Yeah, but without
the patient records,
we have no way of knowing which
kernel was getting ready to pop.
Could be it's popped
before and got arrested.
Let's wait and see if Latent
comes back with prints.
What are you smiling about?
We got hits on
two sets of prints.
Paul White, felonious assault,
and Edward Brennig,
attacked a police officer.
My kind of guy. Either one of them
leave a print on the murder weapon?
It was wiped clean.
So, which one of the mentally
challenged do you want to talk to first?
Brennig or White? Oh, Brennig.
Let's see if he's changed
his opinion of police officers.
Edward Brennig?
Nice badge. What do you want?
For starters, you
could put the can down.
Any other tricks
I can do for you?
Yeah, instant recall.
Last Tuesday night,
between 7:00 and 8:30.
I was home, watching Court TV.
Picking up pointers for the
next time you beat up a cop?
Come on, give me
a break, all right?
I got into a bar fight. I
didn't mean to hit the cop.
I love cops. Yeah, it shows.
Maybe you can tell us why we found
your prints at the Amsterdam Clinic.
What'd I do, forget to
vacuum underneath the couch?
Vacuuming? Is that
part of your therapy?
Therapy? Hey, I ain't one
of those fruit loops, all right?
The company that cleans the place,
they hire me when they're shorthanded.
Last time was two weeks ago.
We straight now?
Do I look like the
type to hit somebody?
As a matter of fact,
Mr. White, you do.
I just pushed the dude. I didn't
like the way he was looking at Alex.
Well, fill us in. Who's Alex?
My cat.
Dr. Hampton at the
Amsterdam Clinic,
I heard she looked
at Alex funny, too.
Alex and her don't get along.
So, you did see her recently.
Maybe it was Tuesday night.
No, that was the night I
got my prescription adjusted
at the outpatient
pharmacy, Bellevue Hospital.
Well, I see it says Tuesday,
but it doesn't say what time.
Oh, well, I was
there all night waiting.
They're not very organized there.
Alex was very upset with them.
Alex was upset with
Dr. Hampton, too, huh?
Yeah, yeah. That's why I called her
and left a message on her machine
to say I wasn't coming back.
Sounds good to us.
Meantime, why don't you
come on down to the precinct?
We'll get you a nice hot meal.
You got something for
Alex? Oh, sure, sure.
As long as he likes
day-old donuts.
Well, nix on the
donuts for Alex.
Bologna was a big hit, though.
Yeah, well, nix on
Mr. White as our suspect.
Bellevue remembers him and Alex.
The orderly's got the
scratches to prove it.
White said he left a message
on Hampton's machine.
I didn't see a machine in her office,
so it must have been voice mail.
Okay. Now, our guy isn't
in the appointment book.
Suppose he needed an emergency
tune-up from Dr. Hampton.
He calls late, leaves
a message. Bingo.
Hi, Dr. Hampton.
It's Miss Schwab.
Another woman. Next.
Lillian, it's Dr. Morris.
I have the speech sketched out
for the association. I'm faxing it over.
Hey, Mike, when we get to some
heavy breathing, I'll wake you up.
Hi, Dr. Hampton. It's
Jeanine at the Vertical Club.
Just confirming your
personal workout session.
Hey, wait a minute. Go back.
Hi, Dr. Hampton. It's
Jeanine at the Vertical Club.
Wasn't that gym bag in Hampton's
office from someplace else?
Yeah. Toughen-Up something.
You have the
inventory from the bag?
Here we go.
Sweatshirt, sweatpants,
socks, swipe card. No name.
Check with the
club and get a name.
We've got a swipe card.
This isn't the Y. Our
members expect a little privacy.
Well, this member may
have crushed a woman's skull.
Please don't make
us get a warrant.
Okay. Give me the card.
In case you're interested,
we got a two-years-for-the-price-of-one
special going.
You ought to think
about that, Mike.
I'm definitely
thinking about it.
Here he is. Bobby Walker.
He lives at 49-A Horatio Street.
Detectives, I guess you have
some more questions for me.
Are you roommates
with Bobby Walker?
Not really.
Well, was Walker not really with
you at Dr. Hampton's the other night?
That's impossible.
Keep it down.
Okay, where is he?
He's not here right now.
We can see that.
Where can we find him?
He's in here. I'm Bobby.
how long are we gonna have
to sit here listening to you say
that you're a guy named Bobby?
You think I'm making this up?
I think you have a
very unique imagination.
Bobby. Is that some kind
of nickname for Roberta?
No, Bobby is a he.
He's who I am sometimes.
Dr. Hampton diagnosed me
with Multiple Personality Disorder.
Okay. I'm gonna play along.
Now, tell me what
Bob did last night.
I can't.
When I switch, I don't
remember what the last alter did.
Alternate personalities.
I have two of them, not including
me. There's Bobby and Nancy.
Dr. Hampton was
helping me integrate them.
Okay, can we talk to Bobby?
It's not like I can turn a dial.
Believe me, if Bobby did
something terrible, I want to help you.
Why don't you tell us
what you do remember?
Now, you said you left
Dr. Hampton's office just before 8:00.
Yes. I remember
being in the office.
And then I saw the
clock in the lobby.
This is very stressful.
You're not kidding.
She got a Multiple Personality
Disorder diagnosis from her doctor?
That's what she says. This
only happens on Oprah, right?
It's a diagnosis that's
caused a lot of controversy.
Some doctors say that it's
caused by a childhood trauma.
Others say that
it's caused by ideas
planted in the mind of
the patient by the therapist.
Oh, the therapist tells her
she's crazy, so she acts crazy.
She's not acting. Give her a lie
detector. Chances are she'd pass.
She says she blanks when
this Bobby personality comes out.
That's probably true.
Unless the different personalities
are communicating with each other,
she wouldn't have any memory
of what each one's doing.
Well, do these personalities
talk to each other?
There are therapists who have
their patients keep a journal,
so that each personality can write
their thoughts during the switch.
That way, they can
leave notes for each other.
Yeah, fat chance Megan's
just gonna hand us her journal.
Well, we know we don't have
enough to get a warrant to look for it.
She said she went straight
to work from Hampton's office.
Yeah, Miss Punctuality.
With all that blood
spatter at the scene,
some of Hampton's blood
must've gotten on her clothes.
What'd she do, run through a
car wash on her way to work?
Megan's been working
here nearly a year.
Always on time, keeps
the orders straight.
Best of all, she doesn't burn up
the phone with personal business.
When she came in on
Tuesday, how did she seem?
She seemed okay.
Far as that goes for her.
Meaning sometimes
she wasn't okay?
Well, some days she
wants to be called Bobby.
Other days, it's Nancy.
All the same to me. Whatever
the name, she does great work.
So, Tuesday, did you notice
anything unusual about her clothes?
No. Coat and a dress.
She say anything? Yeah,
she said "sorry" a million times.
She was late.
Not normal for her.
Among other things.
So, how late was she?
She punched in
at 8:52. Excuse me.
Clinic's 15 minutes away.
That leaves about 45 minutes.
Sounds like probable
cause to search her place.
I'd like to know which
personality's into this.
That would be Nancy. She's
a personal favorite of mine.
I bet.
Your boss know you could be
charging for two roommates?
Hey, Miss Nelson, she pays
her rent on time. She's quiet.
Why should I make
trouble for her?
Hey, Mike, look at this.
Computer disks.
Look at the titles.
"Megan. Nancy. Bobby."
Let's put Bobby in.
Looks like some kind of diary.
Yeah. We'll get it printed up.
So, what is it she did, anyway?
We don't know if
she did anything.
You see her last
Tuesday night? No, I didn't.
You ever talk to her when
she calls herself Bobby?
Bobby, now, he's
a piece of work.
He chewed up that bunch upstairs
for playing the music too loud.
Anybody ever complain about her?
No, like I said
before, she was quiet.
Except when her
father came around.
They had a couple of
blowouts right out here.
You happen to hear
the topic of conversation?
Yeah. She said he
was harassing her,
and if I ever saw him around
the building, I should call the cops.
She had a restraining
order against him.
It was all her therapist's idea.
She thought I was interfering
with Megan's progress.
And were you?
I was trying to keep my daughter
from going completely off the deep end,
which is where
Dr. Hampton was sending her.
Well, no offense, but it looks
to me like she's already there.
My wife died when Megan
was three. I raised her by myself.
Granted, she was troubled.
Then a year ago,
she saw Dr. Hampton.
All of a sudden, she
was three troubled people.
I couldn't figure out what
the hell was going on.
That must've been
pretty tough to live with.
I could have managed,
but Hampton insisted
that Megan needed to
move out and be on her own.
At first, I went
along with that.
Then Megan refused to see
me. She wouldn't take my calls.
Another one of the
doctor's ideas? That's right.
She was controlling my daughter.
Using her to prove
some quack theory.
Megan was holding
down a job, paying her rent.
Sounds like a
solid citizen to me.
Minimum wage, plus tips?
A dump in the West
Village? That is not a life.
Did you ever discuss your
feelings with Dr. Hampton?
I discussed them with
her answering service.
She refused to
talk to me about it.
Megan's a complicated kid.
Raising her by himself
can't be that easy.
Yeah? Well, I don't buy
that father-knows-best routine
that Nelson gave us last night.
Especially with
some doctor butting in.
Hey, when I was drinking,
my kid had a therapist
who kept telling her
what a lousy father I was.
I didn't like the message, but I
never thought about killing him.
Your kid didn't get a restraining
order against you, Lennie.
Why don't you find
out why Megan did?
I'll see if they got
her diaries printed out.
All right.
Bobby's diary, the
day before the murder.
"Nancy left a note for
me. She called me a liar.
"That bitch better
watch herself."
Sounds like a nice guy.
Nancy's diary.
"I can't trust Bobby or Megan.
"They promise to clean the
kitchen, and they don't. I hate liars."
Sounds like one
big happy family.
Got the court records
on the restraining order.
The judge issued
two the same day.
One to keep Mr. Nelson
away from his daughter,
and another to keep him
away from Dr. Hampton.
Why? Because he
harassed her voice mail?
Turns out he faced off with her a
couple of times outside the clinic.
I'm with Nancy. I hate liars.
Hey, it gets worse
for Mr. Nelson.
Here, in Bobby's
diary, the day of.
"I gotta make sure
Megan remembers
"her old man has to be at
the appointment tonight."
Let's see if Megan remembered.
Here we go.
"I talked to Dad. He
promises he'll be there.
"I'm worried, but Dr. Hampton
says it's necessary for him to come."
Okay, so, if Nelson was there,
the screaming that the clinic director
heard could have been him, right?
Okay, Dr. Latham, tell us if you
recognize any of these voices.
Number one, go ahead.
How could you do that?
Number two. How
could you do that?
Number three. How
could you do that?
Could he say that louder?
Number three, say that
again louder, please.
How could you do that?
That's him. Thank
you, Dr. Latham.
Well, that's a
positive ID. Of what?
A booming voice, originally
heard through a hardwood door?
Excuse me while I share a
good laugh with my client.
If it's not enough to hold him, is it
enough to get us into his apartment?
To find what? Well, for openers,
how about some of Hampton's
blood on one of his Armani suits?
I'll talk to Judge Walters. He
should be back from lunch by now.
My second wife always
wanted a walk-in closet.
Now I finally got one.
Trouble is, I live in it.
I got something in the kitchen.
The luminol brought up trace
blood smudges around the sink.
There's two, each less
than five millimeters wide.
All right, is that enough to
run a match? No problem.
Mr. Nelson.
Excuse me, gentlemen,
I'm on a call to China.
You're gonna wish
you were in China.
Frank Nelson, you're under arrest
for the murder of Dr. Lillian Hampton.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you do say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.
You understand? You
have the right to an attorney.
Trace amounts of O-negative?
By the time I'm finished
with your blood evidence,
I'll have the jurors convinced
it was their blood you found.
The fact is, it's
Dr. Hampton's blood.
His daughter's diaries
place him at the scene.
He was heard
screaming at Dr. Hampton.
He was heard raising
his voice, period.
You have this all wrong.
I had no reason to kill her.
She was worried enough about
you to get a restraining order.
She didn't want to be accountable
for what she was doing to my daughter.
And you care so
much for your daughter
that you'd kill anyone who
got between you, is that it?
You don't believe him,
then talk to his daughter.
They left together, and
Dr. Hampton was still alive.
I remember leaving
with my father.
Dr. Hampton was still alive.
Then why didn't you tell the
police your father was there?
I guess I forgot.
We read in your diary
that you were worried
about what might
happen at that session.
I don't remember what
happened in session.
Anyway, I don't have to tell you
anything that happens in therapy.
That's private. You do,
if you expect me to believe that
your father didn't kill Dr. Hampton.
I'm not feeling very well.
I think you should go.
First she avoids
him like the plague.
Now she's lying to protect
him. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
It does if she's scared of him.
I didn't get the
feeling that she was.
She seemed more
confused than anything.
With three personalities at
the wheel, who wouldn't be?
Maybe the one who's
running scared is Frank Nelson.
He interfered with her therapy.
Could be he felt threatened.
I went through her diaries.
As far as churning up family secrets,
the sessions seemed pretty tame.
The juicy stuff would be locked
up in Hampton's medical records.
Which you can't get
to without her consent.
Was Hampton her first therapist?
According to her father, she
has a history of mental illness.
But no one's volunteered the
names of the other therapists.
Until she moved out, her
father was paying her bills.
Including the medical ones.
Subpoena his bank
records and get a name.
Megan had already been through
Freud and Jung, with little result.
Well, you think your
therapy was more effective?
More flexible.
I use talk therapy,
rebirthing, hypnosis.
Whatever works for
the particular patient.
What worked for Megan?
You know I can't
get into that with you.
All I will say is she had
trouble with the therapy.
She had a bad session, and
then she just stopped coming.
Did you find out why?
I called her, but I only
spoke with her father.
He said she'd decided
to stop therapy.
Do you think he had anything
to do with why she stopped?
He just told me he wanted
her file sent to a Dr. Coleman.
Well, Mr. Nelson is the one
who retained my services
after he spent an hour
grilling me on my credentials.
What did he want?
Oh, anything that worked.
But it had to be conservative
treatment. No New Age therapies.
I fit the bill, so he
sent Megan here.
At that time, did she have
these multiple personalities?
No. I don't subscribe
to that kind of diagnosis.
Megan had one very
borderline personality.
We worked on it once
a week for two years.
I take it she wasn't cured?
We came close to a breakthrough.
Then Megan backed away.
She decided to stop coming? Yes.
Sometimes dredging up a painful
memory can be too difficult to face,
even when a patient
wants the therapy to work.
This painful memory, did it have
something to do with Frank Nelson?
Even if I were free to tell
you, I don't know what it is.
But, yes, I believe it does have
something to do with her father.
A painful memory?
What are we talking
about, child abuse?
They wouldn't say.
I spoke to four doctors. I got
four versions of patient privilege.
All they would say was Megan's the
one who pulled the plug on the therapy.
This time it was Frank Nelson.
One doctor suggested he
was the cause of her trauma.
But unless Megan confirms it or
hands over her medical records,
that's as much as
we're going to know.
Maybe we could force her hand.
She's providing her
father with an alibi.
We could turn that into
a charge of conspiracy.
How does that
get us her records?
Her lawyer has a client with
Multiple Personality Disorder.
What defense does that suggest?
An insanity plea. Right.
She puts her mental state
at issue, she waives privilege
and has to hand over
her medical records.
Let's pick her up.
Two of you?
We're getting something to go.
Sorry, folks, we're going
to need your waitress.
Megan Nelson, you're under arrest
for conspiracy to commit murder.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
Nice technique, McCoy.
Squeeze my client's head hard
enough, maybe her memory'll come back.
Well, it seems to come and go.
She forgets her
father was there.
She remembers
Dr. Hampton was alive.
She forgets what
they talked about.
She has Multiple Personality Disorder.
She can't help it. She blanks out.
And we're supposed
to take her word for it?
Claire, you're going to
have a hard enough time
proving the underlying
crime, let alone a conspiracy.
And from what I hear, your case
against Frank Nelson is far from made.
I'll make it when I put
her on trial with her father.
Given her psychiatric history,
don't you think a trial
would be a waste of time?
Well, send her medical
records to our expert.
If she thinks she's
insane, we'll talk.
Here. February 22nd.
Hampton reports that
Megan has a recurring vision
of her father standing
at the top of the stairs,
quote "looking down
at her like a giant."
A memory of child abuse?
No. This isn't
about child abuse.
A couple of weeks
later, Hampton wrote
that the Nancy personality
was urging Megan
to tell the truth about
her mother's death.
And then this, a week
before she was killed.
"A painful session.
"Megan struggled, resisted.
"Finally, the memory
became clear.
"She's three years old.
She's in her bedroom.
"She hears her parents argue.
"She runs out of her
room. She hears a scream.
"She sees her father push
her mother down the stairs.
"She sees her mother lying
at the bottom, not moving."
She witnessed her
mother's murder.
At the very least,
she thinks she did.
And they dropped the bomb on
Mr. Nelson during the last session.
According to Dr. Hampton's notes,
that's what they intended to do.
So, two people knew what he did.
One's dead, and the other
can be dismissed as a lunatic.
See what records you can
find on her mother's death.
I was the fourth
officer on the scene.
Carol Nelson was
on the bottom landing.
She'd gone ass-over-teakettle
down two flights of stairs.
Any indication
she got a little help?
Yeah, from a half quart
of 18-year-old Scotch.
Mrs. Nelson was one of the more
colorful characters on the beat.
So, she had a drinking problem.
Lovely lady. I mean,
really a very happy drunk.
She liked to sing show tunes in her
skivvies from her bedroom window.
Mr. Nelson must've loved that.
Well, I heard they had arguments.
Was he there the night she died?
He was home, best
I can remember.
I wasn't the investigating
officer. Who was?
Arnie Wallace,
God rest his soul.
Fall in the home resulting in
accidental death. A hat trick.
Could've been filed under accidental,
homeowners, or through the life policy.
I'll need a year and
name of the insured.
1977. Carol Nelson.
Here you go. Carol Nelson.
$500,000 payout
on the life policy.
What was the cause of death?
Accidental fall.
Blood alcohol level was 0.18.
Is that all there is?
Once the claim is paid, we wait
five years, then we purge the files.
Adjuster's reports, witness statements,
medicals, they're all destroyed.
I pulled the files from the police
and the insurance company.
The death was ruled accidental.
Based on what?
Frank Nelson's say-so?
Who knows?
The police filled in the right
boxes then dumped their reports.
The insurance company cleans
out their files every five years.
Thumbnail version,
Carol Nelson had a blood
alcohol of 0.18. She tripped and fell.
"My wife's drunk. She
slipped on the stairs."
Haven't you heard that before?
By now, I'm sure your expert
agrees my client was legally insane.
Your client's sanity
isn't relevant at this point.
I've dismissed the charges
against her without prejudice.
I'm waiting for the other shoe.
I want her to testify
against her father.
I've read your medical records.
I know why your father
killed Dr. Hampton.
I want to know why you
are protecting the man
who killed your mother.
That's what you
believe, isn't it?
I happen to believe
it, too, Megan.
You want to know what
really happened, you ask me!
Who am I talking to? Bobby.
I'm Bobby.
You were there? Yeah,
I was there all right.
Tell me what happened.
It's all Dr. Hampton's fault.
Did Frank Nelson
kill Dr. Hampton? No.
Hampton was trying to get rid of
me. She wanted me to leave Megan.
She didn't give me a
choice. I had to kill her.
It's the father. It's the
daughter. It's Bobby.
You need a scorecard
to keep track.
This confession
sound right to you? No.
Male personalities
are protectors.
If Bobby's taking the rap,
he's trying to protect Megan.
From what? A fate
worse than prison?
Maybe he's trying to protect her
from having to testify against her father.
That'd make sense if
her father threatened her.
So, Bobby gives her a way out.
Nelson's attorney.
He wants to meet.
Of course he does.
Satisfied, Jack? My client
did not kill Dr. Hampton.
Really? Did he kill his wife?
I did not kill my wife.
Megan saw you do it.
Dr. Hampton
uncovered the memory.
Talk to the police.
Read the reports.
We tried to.
There's nothing left.
I'll tell you the same thing I told
Megan and that therapist of hers.
Talk to my wife's
sister in Poughkeepsie.
She was there. She
saw what happened.
Fine. You're saying what
Megan remembers is false.
Of course it's false.
I told Megan her
mother was a drunk.
I am the only one who ever
cared about my daughter.
Seems to me you
just lost your motive.
On the contrary. Dr. Hampton
convinced Megan you were a killer.
Would it make you any
less angry that it was a lie?
You try explaining
that to the jury.
I'll settle for
Bobby's confession.
Bobby isn't
competent to testify.
You don't think
so? File a motion.
Multiple personalities?
Forget competency, Mr. Weaver.
Are you sure your witness is even sane?
It makes no difference, Judge.
In Barker v. Washburn,
even if the witness is legally
insane, if they understand the oath
and can give a correct account
of what happened, they can testify.
That only begs the question,
who are they calling as a witness?
Megan, who may be insane, or
Bobby, a figment of her imagination?
It makes no difference that
Bobby confessed to the crime?
What matters is that
Bobby doesn't exist.
Our expert can establish that Bobby
can form and remember impressions
and can talk about
them intelligently.
That is the standard
for competency.
Mr. McCoy, isn't the only
issue here one of credibility?
It would be like asking a jury to
judge the credibility of a Martian.
It's beyond their experience.
That's why we have experts. Who
I want to hear from in the morning
before I decide if I'm going to
turn this witness loose on a jury.
When Megan takes on
the persona of Bobby,
she's in an altered
mental state.
She uses it as a crutch to
cope with the outside world.
So, in your opinion,
Bobby doesn't exist?
Bobby is a distorted reflection
of Megan's inner
feelings, memories, fears.
The fact that she's
given him a name
doesn't make him any more real.
And would Bobby's
testimony be reliable? No.
Like testimony derived
through hypnosis or truth serum,
it's elicited from a
hyper-suggestible state.
Thank you.
When Megan switches, she's not
suddenly rendered unconscious, is she?
No. No.
Megan just takes
on a new identity,
which can walk and
talk like anyone else.
That's correct.
So, Bobby could go to
the movies, drive a car,
or even commit a crime.
But it would be Megan
doing all those things.
She just believes it's Bobby.
But there's no reason why Bobby couldn't
tell us about it, is there, Doctor?
In theory, no.
Bobby comes out during
the dissociative process.
He takes both physical and
psychological control of Megan's body.
Is Bobby aware of
what's happening to him?
Bobby is just like any of us,
a functioning person
with all of his faculties.
Bobby has a memory? Oh, yes.
And if we could bring Bobby out,
he'd be able to convey
those memories to us.
Certainly. Thank you, Doctor.
Would you characterize Bobby
as a protector personality?
Well, that's the typical role of the
male personality in the female patient.
If Megan can't handle the
stress of a particular situation,
Bobby does the coping for her.
Bobby would do whatever
it took to protect Megan.
That's his role, as
long as it helps Megan.
So, he would even
lie for her, wouldn't he?
I suppose he might.
In your opinion, Doctor, can
Bobby be brought out on command?
Switching can be triggered.
Mr. McCoy inadvertently did it.
I believe we could, using
a comparable stimulus.
If you think you can bring
Bobby out, Dr. Cantrel,
then I want to hear from him.
You know, Megan, Mr. McCoy thinks
you're trying to protect your father,
a man who killed your mother.
I told him I'm not.
Well, he says you're afraid to
tell us what really happened.
I can't.
Come on, Megan.
What are you
afraid of, the truth?
Or is it something else?
Come on, Megan, admit
it. It's all an act, isn't it?
There is no Bobby.
There is no Nancy.
You're just hiding behind
them so we'll feel sorry for you.
So you can lie and do whatever you
want, and you won't be responsible.
Why don't you just
leave her the hell alone?
Is that you, Bobby?
Who does it look like?
I understand you
killed Dr. Hampton.
Is that true? Yeah.
Like I told them,
Dr. Hampton wanted me gone.
She didn't understand
how much Megan needs me.
And that's why you killed her?
I'm the only one
who sticks by Megan.
Tell me what happened, Bobby.
How did you kill Dr. Hampton?
It's just me and that bitch.
She's rocking back and forth in her
chair, chewing on a pencil. So smug.
Telling me I'm bad for
Megan. What about her?
What did you do, Bobby?
That's when I did it.
I pounded her in
the head. I had to.
It was either me or her.
Thank you, Bobby.
I have one question for
the witness, Your Honor.
Go ahead, Mr. McCoy.
You said you struck Dr. Hampton
while she was seated at her desk.
Is that correct? That's
how it happened, yeah.
Thank you.
The witness is lying.
If that's what you think, you have the
opportunity to cross-examine at trial.
Dr. Hampton was struck while she
was standing at the door of her office,
not at her desk.
Bobby didn't know that
because Bobby didn't kill her.
Then how does Bobby know
so many details of the crime?
Maybe Bobby read the
paper, but not the case file.
As a matter of law, Bobby can't
testify because he wasn't there.
I have to agree with
Mr. McCoy. Judge.
If I allow this witness to
testify, I'd be suborning perjury.
That's my ruling.
I'm not letting Bobby testify.
I give Weaver an hour before
he calls looking for a deal.
What, it's not good enough?
We proved Bobby wasn't there.
What's bothering
me is, why wasn't he?
Megan has a restraining
order against her father.
They're having a confrontation
about him killing her mother.
It escalates to the
point of murder.
Where's Bobby, her protector?
Maybe her psyche's not
as fine-tuned as a Ferrari.
We assumed that Nelson
was furious at the doctor
for convincing
Megan he was a killer.
But suppose Megan
believed her father?
Then he'd have no
reason to kill Dr. Hampton.
What changed Megan's mind?
He told her to check out her
story. What was it he said?
Call the mother's
sister in Poughkeepsie.
Oh, that was a long time ago.
Things were bad between
Frank and my sister.
I mean, Carol was
thinking about moving out.
That's why I was
there that night.
Was Frank ever
violent with her? No.
I mean, they argued,
slammed a few
doors, but that was it.
Megan was just a little
three-year-old caught in the middle.
It's understandable why
she thought he killed her.
Megan called. She was so
upset. I mean, crying, you know.
I kept, you know, reassuring
her that I'd been there.
That Frank did
not kill her mother.
And she believed you? Yeah.
I thought it would make her happy,
but she seemed even more upset.
She said she had to find
her father and apologize.
Where was her
father? I don't know.
Oh, she was in
her doctor's office.
Said she had to go and find him.
I see. Now you're saying
the father didn't do it.
You ought to take this
roller coaster to Coney Island.
The sister confirms it.
Now we know Frank Nelson left
Hampton's office while she was still alive.
Maybe this Bobby
confession is for real.
We proved that
personality wasn't there.
In other words, you have no
idea who committed this crime.
It has to be Megan.
She was seeing
Hampton for over a year.
Do you have a motive?
Megan's unstable.
I'm not sure she knows
she did it, let alone why.
Find out.
We know you were
alone with Dr. Hampton.
That leaves only one person
who could have killed her. You.
We'd like to see you get
some help, Miss Nelson,
but you have to
tell us the truth.
I told you, I don't remember.
How about you, Mr. Nelson?
How's your memory?
She must have gone to your
condo. That's how the blood got there.
Frank, don't say anything.
No one can protect you
anymore, Miss Nelson.
Not your father. Not Bobby.
Now, tell us what happened.
I can't tell you
what I don't know.
Jack, please, the
girl needs help.
Come on, Megan, talk to me.
No more lies.
I'm a liar?
You're calling me a liar?
She's the one who lied.
Who lied, Megan?
Leave Megan out of this.
You're talking to me.
And nobody lies to me.
Including that idiot doctor.
What did Dr. Hampton do?
She thought she could fool me.
Said she made a mistake.
Maybe Frank didn't
kill Megan's mom.
Did she think I was stupid?
What she meant was
she lied to Megan.
Megan trusted her.
And you killed her?
Yes. Me.
What's your name?
I saw that stupid
award she's so proud of.
She didn't deserve any awards.
So I gave it to
her with gratitude.
If we ever need to justify
letting people plead insanity,
Megan Nelson fits the bill.
So, she goes into the
hospital as three people,
and we hope that she
comes back out as one.
And regardless, her
father will be there waiting.