Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 22, Episode 10 - Land of Opportunity - full transcript
When a homeless migrant is murdered, evidence leads Cosgrove and Shaw to a mysterious cover-up at a construction site. Price and Maroun push a key witness to testify, knowing that speaking out could lead to legal consequences.
- In the criminal
justice system,
the people are represented
by two separate, yet
equally important groups:
the police, who
investigate crime,
and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
- I don't anticipate
we'll get any pushback.
But just in case, I want to be
prepped for Friday's meeting
with a list of
all the necessa...
What the hell?
Are you kidding me?
No, I'm pretty sure I just
stepped in a pile of vomit.
It's all over my
brand-new Ferragamos.
Listen, I gotta call you back.
Did you do this?
Hey, Jose, I'm talking to you.
Is this you?
Did you make this mess?
Yeah, it was you,
wasn't it, huh?
You know what?
You people are ruining the city.
Oh, no. Look at
all your garbage.
- Whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Clean it up.
- It's you?
Tranquilo what? You
want some of this too?
- I just want you
to leave him alone.
I don't want any trouble.
- Yeah?
Well, you are trouble, pal.
What? Hey.
Hey, get off me.
That hurts, you dirty...
- You mess with anyone
around here again,
I'll make you really hurt.
You understand?
- Yeah.
- What are we looking at?
- DOA's male.
Looks to be in his 20s.
Male was out walking
his dog before bed,
saw the body lying on the bench.
Thought the guy was sleeping
until he saw the blood.
- Shot three times in the back.
Blood streaks on the
pavement over there.
- Shot over there, killer
drags them over here,
lays them on the bench.
Buys some time before
anyone notices the body.
- Time of death?
- It wasn't that long ago.
I'd say less than two hours.
- So around midnight?
- Around then, this
place is deserted.
There's no cameras.
What about a wallet and ID?
- No. No phone, either.
- Maybe a mugging?
- I don't know if our vic
had anything worth stealing.
Bleecker Mission Shelter.
Looks like our vic was homeless.
- Well, if he had
a place to stay,
what's he doing out here?
- I don't know.
That's the Venezuelan flag.
What do you want to
bet he's from there?
- Give me your tired, your poor,
yearning to breathe free.
That's Luis.
He's been staying with us
for about four months now.
I knew something
was wrong when he
didn't make curfew last night.
We have a strict
11:00 p.m. cut off.
Luis had never missed it before.
- What's his last name?
- Morales.
- You know what could have
kept him out past curfew?
- No, but I can take
you to his locker.
- What can you tell
us about Mr. Morales?
- He was one of the
greatest kids I ever met...
The kind of person
who'd give you
the shirt off his
back even though
you don't need it and he does.
- That's fine.
That's fine. I got it.
- Which one of
these bunks is his?
- Right there.
- Parents?
- Both dead.
They were killed by
police in Venezuela
at a protest against
the country's
political corruption.
- The situation is
really bad down there.
- Luis's parents told him
that America was different,
the land of opportunity.
He believed it too.
- You don't?
- Work here for a week
and then talk to me.
It took Luis months to make
his way up through Mexico.
Then he finally crosses
the border in Texas only
to be packed onto a
Greyhound and shipped
3,000 miles away by a governor
looking to make headlines.
- He was on one of
the migrant buses?
- Disgusting.
Politicians using
human beings as props.
- I think he would have been
better off here than Texas.
- Not so much.
I mean, Luis was on the first
bus to arrive in the city.
The mayor's there, greets
them, shakes their hands.
Says they'll all
be taken care of.
- But then no follow through?
Not even a little.
Mayor got his photo op, but
then the buses kept coming
and the city never
came up with a plan.
- You know of anyone who
might want to hurt Luis?
- There was a
situation yesterday.
Luis got into a fight
with a man just outside.
- From the shelter
security cameras.
- Whoa.
Morales could have
been a contender.
Do we know who the guy is who's
getting his ass handed to him?
- Facial rec got a hit.
Gavin Stulner, 28,
works in I-banking.
He's got priors for
drunk and disorderly
and assaulting an officer.
- Oh, a real stand-up guy.
- Ass whooping like that,
that had to bruise his ego.
- Maybe he settled the
score later that night.
- That kid was a punk.
- Really?
Because everyone we spoke
with said just the opposite.
- No, I'm telling you,
my apartment's right
next door to that shelter.
The whole place is a mess.
And that dude is the
worst of the bunch.
I'm not the only
one in my building
who's had an issue
with him, either.
- What was he doing
that was so horrible?
What do you think?
Harassing people,
loitering, stealing stuff.
That's what they all do.
- They?
- Yeah. The homeless.
I know it's unpopular
to say, but they make
the neighborhood less safe.
Half of them are illegal
immigrants who shouldn't even
be here in the first place,
and the other half are
freeloaders or drug addicts.
- You sound a little angry.
- No.
I'm very angry.
I pay 10K a month in rent to
live in a luxury high rise,
only to end up next to a
bunch of people who treat
the sidewalk as their toilet.
- Very angry people make
very stupid choices.
- Yeah, especially angry people
who get their asses kicked.
We caught that video
of your altercation.
- Big deal. He jumped me.
- That's not what we saw.
- That doesn't
mean I killed him.
I trade muni bonds, I
don't murder people.
- What were you doing
last night at midnight?
- I was at a bar in Dumbo.
Took a bunch of the firm's
new recruits out for drinks.
We didn't leave
till after 2:00 a.m.
A place called the
Vault. You can check it.
- We will.
You said that other
people in your building
had a problem with Morales.
- That's right.
- Care to elaborate?
Got a name?
- Yeah, I know
him. Name's Luis.
- Are you two friends?
- No, not exactly.
He did a job for me. It
didn't work out so well.
- Yeah, we heard about that.
We talked to somebody,
he said you pulled a
gun on him yesterday?
- I did. But it was
in self-defense.
- How's that?
- I hired him to patch a
hole in my dining room wall.
I went into the other
room to take a work Zoom,
and when I came back
out to grab the phone,
I caught him trying to steal it.
- What was he doing?
Hiding it in a bag or something?
- He was holding it.
Said he was just borrowing
it to make a call,
but I'm not stupid.
I grabbed it from him
and told him to get out,
but he refused.
- He refused to leave?
- He wanted me to pay
him for the dry wall job.
- Had he finished the job?
- Yeah, but I wasn't gonna
give money to a thief.
He wouldn't budge, so
I went and got my gun.
My dad gave it to me
during COVID to make sure
I'd be safe, and
that did the trick.
He got right the hell out.
- And you didn't see him again?
- No.
I have every right to defend
myself in my own home.
- Lou, little update here.
So Luis Morales was
killed by a 9-millimeter.
Samantha Morris's
firearm's a SIG Sauer .45.
Not our murder weapon.
- So we got nothing?
- However, we checked
Morris's phone records,
and it looks like
Morales did, in fact,
use her cell to make a call.
- That's odd.
- No, not really.
He's... he's homeless.
- He saw it on the table.
It was still unlocked, he
picked it up and made a call.
- Do we know who he called?
- Number's registered
to a Michael Higueres.
Call lasted a minute 45.
- We know anything about him?
- He's a journalist living
in Battery Park City.
- That's one block
from the crime scene.
- Mr. Higueres, I'm Detective
Cosgrove, Detective Shaw.
We'd like to ask you
about Luis Morales.
You know him, right?
- Yes.
I interviewed him
a few months ago
for an article I was writing
about the migrant buses.
He was helpful.
Gave real depth into the
plight of these immigrants.
I mean, they came here
hoping for a better life.
- Can I ask you, did you
keep in touch with him?
- Yeah, I was supposed to
meet up with him last night,
actually, but he never showed.
- That's because he's dead.
Yeah, someone shot him.
- I can't believe he...
He must have been
telling the truth.
He really did see something.
- What are you talking about?
- Luis said he had
a story for me.
Said he knew something
about a murder.
- Hey, what do we got?
- According to Michael
Higueres, Morales called him
the day he was killed, wanted
to talk about a murder.
He said he saw something
crazy the day before.
- Did he say what
this crazy thing was
or any other
pertinent information?
- No, he was in a hurry.
Just said it had something
to do with a murder.
He told Higueres they
need to meet up in person
so they can discuss
it in detail.
- So if he knows about a murder,
why doesn't he just
call the police?
- He might have been scared
about his immigration status.
- And trusted a
journalist more than cops.
- Okay, so the guy
sees something crazy.
He reaches out to his
trusted journalist friend,
and he gets shot
before he's actually
able to hook up with him.
- According to Higueres,
Morales was a no show.
- Looks like he's telling
the truth about that.
We found street cam footage
that shows Higueres waiting
on a bench on the
other side of the park
during the time of the murder.
- Okay, so we know that this
crazy thing that Morales saw
happened the day
before he was murdered.
So we need to retrace
his steps that day
and figure out where he was
and what he might have seen.
- That would have been
what? Three days ago?
I don't remember
anything unusual.
Luis woke up early, like
always, had breakfast,
and then headed out for the day.
- Where was he going?
- To try and find work.
He was determined to
afford his own apartment
so that he could
get out of here.
But, you know,
being undocumented,
the only work he could
find was under the table.
- So you have no idea where
he might have been looking?
- He picked up odd jobs
and day labor shifts
all over the city.
But now that I think
about it, I did notice
he left that morning
with Obie White,
another one of our residents.
- Is that unusual?
- Not necessarily.
It's just that Obie struggles
with heroin addiction.
- Is he here right now?
- Looks like he hasn't been
back here since that day.
Obie's a good guy.
No way he'd ever be involved
in something like this.
- I'm sure he is.
But all the same,
do you know where he
hangs out when he's not here?
- Where there's drugs,
there's murders.
The cost of doing business.
- Yeah, generally.
But I don't think that's
the case this time.
This kid Morales seemed clean.
I mean, everybody keeps
saying he was a great guy.
- Doesn't mean he
wasn't dealing.
- Frank, these guys are dealt
a really bad hand, all right?
This kid comes over here
looking for a new life,
doesn't pick up any good cards
when he crosses the border.
He's punted like a political
football from Texas to here.
He got no family in the States
so he can't get naturalized,
which means he can't get
a good job, which means
he can't make a living wage.
- That's our guy.
- NYPD, stop!
Freeze! Police!
Police! Stop!
- Oh, that had to hurt.
All right, come on. Get up.
Let's go.
I didn't have any drugs on me.
- Of course you don't.
But we don't care
about that, Obie.
- We're the murder
cops, Homicide.
Want to talk to you
about Luis Morales.
- Homicide?
But... Luis is dead?
- Oh, you hadn't heard?
Someone shot him.
- I tried to warn him.
- Tried to warn him about what?
- Ugh.
- Look, we're not trying
to hem you up, bro.
We don't want the paperwork,
and you don't want to
go to jail, am I right?
Okay, so just shoot us straight,
and we'll look the other way
on the possession charge.
But you gotta tell us everything
that you know right now.
- The last time I saw
Luis was a few days ago.
He was going out to find work,
and he wanted to
bring me with him.
He was trying to keep me
busy, help me stay sober.
- What were you trying
to warn him about?
- We went to look
for work down at this
big construction site downtown.
I mean, they're building one
of those giant skyscrapers.
- Okay. Okay, keep going.
- We had worked there before,
a lot of guys at
the shelter too.
The foreman down there,
he likes hiring guys
on the fringe, you know?
Illegals, deadbeats.
They pay us in cash.
No union rules.
- No union wages.
- Exactly.
Pennies on the dollar
for the same damn work.
- So you go over to the
construction site and?
- We saw something we
shouldn't have seen.
- You're the foreman,
Randall Tully?
- Yeah. Can I help you?
We need you to shut down
all work immediately.
- On what authority?
- The Supreme Court of
the State of New York.
- Detectives, I found something.
That's a skull.
There's the torso.
Those are the legs.
- All still attached?
- Yes. Body looks
fully intact.
So does the other one.
- Other one?
- Yes.
There are two bodies. See?
Right here.
- Our techs were
working all night
excavating those two bodies
we found in the foundation.
They're getting an
autopsy right now.
So why don't you just
do yourself a favor
and tell us who they are?
- I... I... I don't know
anything about that.
- Randall, we got a
witness who saw you
pour the concrete
over the bodies.
Showed up at the site that
morning with Luis Morales.
The witness saw what he saw,
freaked out, and took off.
But Luis stayed, didn't he?
He stayed and he
confronted you, didn't he?
- That why you killed him?
- I'm sorry, I... I don't
know who you're talking about.
- You don't know Luis?
You gonna stick with that story?
Because we found some
really interesting things
in his apartment.
Oh, you didn't
know that, did you?
Yeah, he got out of the
shelter, got his own place.
You know what we found there?
His journal.
It's a treasure
You know what he was
putting in there?
He was writing down all
the stuff he was doing,
the people he was meeting,
how he was working
for the number-one
developer in New York City.
- Randall, he had a phone
he took pictures with,
probably to send back to
his family in Venezuela.
He let them know that
he was doing good,
he got a good job, working for
a good company, good people.
We have the photos.
You want to see them?
- No, I remember the guy.
- Oh, so now you remember him?
- Well, I don't pour concrete.
You know, I'm the foreman.
- You're terrible
at this, Randall.
- What? This?
- Lying.
So do yourself a favor.
Just come clean with
everything, please.
Come on.
- Look, I didn't kill
anybody, I swear to God.
They were already dead
when I found them.
I hired two migrants
for day labor.
They must have snuck
back onto the site when
everyone left for the
night. I don't know.
They were probably looking
for a place to sleep.
- How did they die?
- They took an elevator
that was only supposed to be
for building material
and small equipment.
It's 100-pound weight limit.
It's 120 max.
There's a sign on
the damn thing too.
Maybe they couldn't
read English.
- You're saying this whole
thing was an accident?
- When I gotta the site,
the elevator was
smashed like a...
Like a pancake, and
they were on the ground
in the middle of the mess, dead.
- And you didn't think to call
the police or report that?
You thought a better
idea would be,
let's bury them in cement?
- No, no, of course, I
wanted to do the right thing,
but there's been a lot
of accidents lately,
and the city comptroller said
he was gonna shut us down
if there was any more injuries.
So I... I just called
Mr. Wise, my boss.
- Wait. Hold on, hold on.
Eric Wise?
- Yeah.
Do... do you know him?
- No.
I just see his name on
buildings like everybody else.
- Well, if you knew him,
then you know how he'd feel
about a $300 million
project being shut down.
He told me to make
the problems go away.
- So you did.
- Yeah.
I'm not proud of
it, but, you know.
- Yeah.
So let's talk
about Luis Morales.
How did he end up
dead? You shoot him?
- What? No.
That wasn't me.
I was at my house with
my family all night.
- Who killed him then?
- I... I...
I told Mr. Wise that
this Morales kid
was asking a lot of questions,
that he might have
seen the dead bodies.
- And then what
did Mr. Wise say?
- He said that he'd
take care of it.
- Hey.
ME said that both
bodies recovered
at the construction
site were dead prior
to being put in the concrete.
And the cause of
death for both was
this massive traumatic event...
Nearly every bone in their body
was either broken or fractured.
We found an incident report too.
There was an elevator on site
that collapsed four days ago.
No injuries reported.
- So Tully was
telling the truth,
at least about those two.
- Doesn't mean he wasn't
lying about killing Morales.
- His alibi checks out.
He was in Queens at
the time of the murder.
- I called, and I
told him I was coming.
- Yes, Mr. Wise
is expecting you.
Follow me.
Hell of a view.
- Sir.
- You get to live up
high when your empire
is built on other
people's backs.
- Sorry to bother you.
- No. No problem at all.
Have a seat.
Hey, you thirsty? Want
something to drink?
- No.
- The police found
the two bodies.
- Yeah, I heard.
- But we're okay, though. I...
they... they questioned me.
I said I didn't know anything,
and they... they bought it.
So we're okay.
- And my biggest project is...
Is shut down indefinitely,
maybe permanently
because now it's
an active crime scene, so
I don't know how okay I am.
- They also asked me about
that Morales kid's murder,
and I said I didn't know
anything about that, either.
- Because you don't, right?
- Yeah. Sure.
But my point is, is
that I don't think
they have anything on you.
But just in case, you...
You should make sure
that you cover your
tracks, and I could help.
- See, I don't know what
you're talking about.
I mean, if you're
somehow implying that
I had something to do with
that day laborer's murder...
- No, I... you... You
said that you were
gonna take care of him.
- Yeah, I don't remember
that conversation.
- I hid the bodies
because you asked me to.
So you know you can trust me.
- I'm sorry to hear
you say that, Randall.
- Wait, well, hold...
Hold on, hold on.
You don't have to
play tough guy.
- What? No one's
playing tough guy,
but you come into my home,
you start making
ridiculous accusations.
- He's in trouble.
We gotta go in there.
- Wait.
- I just think it's
best if you leave.
- Yeah, it's not a problem.
- And I also think it's
best you find a new job.
- What do you...
- Someone's gotta
be held accountable
for those two deaths.
That someone is you.
Show Randy out.
- Can you zoom in on
the security guard?
- Yeah.
- Small of his back.
- Oh, he's packing.
That looks like a 9 mil.
- Yep.
- Mm-hmm.
- Psst. Hey, Ian. Hey.
No, no, no, no! Police. Police.
Do not do that.
Do not do that.
We have a warrant for that
weapon you're reaching for.
Do yourself a favor,
take your hand away,
and put it above your head.
Do it now, or my partner will
shoot you where you stand.
- Go ahead, sweetheart.
Give me a reason.
- Do it.
Do it now!
- Above your head!
- Interlock your fingers.
Turn around! Turn around!
Ian Belsky, you're under arrest.
- What for?
- Well, for starters,
possessing a firearm
without a conceal permit.
But once we've run
the ballistics,
I'm sure we'll upgrade
that charge to murder.
- Ballistic tests confirm
that your gun was the one
used to kill Mr. Morales.
Police found traces
of Morales's blood
on clothing recovered
from your apartment.
And we can place your
car and your cell phone
near the park at the
time of the murder.
- I assume you brought us
here for more than just
a show and tell.
- When police searched
Mr. Belsky's apartment,
they also found a duffel bag
filled with $100,000 in cash.
If someone paid you
to kill Luis Morales,
we might be able to work out
some sort of an arrangement.
- What kind of arrangement?
- Depending on what he says,
we'd be willing to offer
man one, recommend 20 years.
I want ten.
looking at life.
20 is a gift.
- They can't use anything I
say here against me, right?
- That's correct.
- If I keep my mouth
shut and eat the charge,
Eric Wise is gonna
take care of my family.
Only thing he can't offer
me is time, you can.
And if you won't,
I'll take his money.
Ten years or I don't testify.
- Without Belsky, we don't
have a case against Wise.
- Ten years for a
cold-blooded murder?
- I... I get it, but...
- But what?
- Wise ordered the murder.
And he is a threat to society.
He regularly uses and
abuses migrant workers
to build his skyscrapers.
- There have been eight deaths
on Wise City construction sites
over the past two years alone.
- Not counting the two
workers buried in cement?
- And those are just
the ones we know about.
Who knows how many
others he's covered up.
- Unfortunately, the practice
of hiring unskilled workers
is not uncommon nor even
illegal in many instances.
Lots of companies do it.
There was an article
in "The Times"
a couple of months
ago detailing a number
of accidental deaths
on construction sites
all over the city.
- But unlike those developers,
Eric Wise escalated
to straight-up murder.
- Yeah, which means we
can put him away for life.
- If we give Belsky
what he wants,
we need to be sure his
testimony is enough
to get a conviction
against Wise.
- I understand.
- Okay.
Make the deal.
- Mr. Belsky, you admit
to murdering Luis Morales?
- Yes.
I shot him three times.
- And did the defendant, Eric
Wise, pay you to kill him?
- Yes.
He offered me 100 grand
but said it had to
be done that day.
- He say why?
- Apparently, the
kid knew something
he wasn't supposed to.
Wise needed him silenced
before he talked.
- And after you
killed Mr. Morales,
did the defendant pay you
the money he promised?
- Yeah.
The next day, I went
to his apartment,
where he gave me
the money in cash.
- Thank you. Nothing further.
- There's no proof
of this transaction
you claim happened, is there?
No bank statements,
wire transfer logs?
- Like I said, he
paid me in cash.
- Do you know Randall Tully,
the foreman who Luis Morales
caught pouring concrete
over the two dead
construction workers?
- Yeah, I know him.
- You two close?
- I only know him because
we both worked for Wise.
- But Randall Tully doesn't work
for Mr. Wise anymore, does he?
No, my client fired
him once he learned
of his horrific actions...
Attempting to cover
up the accident,
which occurred under
his supervision.
- Objection. Relevance?
- Where is this
going, Mr. Rems?
- Your Honor, as
foreman, Randall Tully
had exclusive access
to a slush fund
to address any issues
that arose on the site.
The defense is entering into
evidence financial records
showing that $100,000 is
missing from this account.
Isn't it true, Mr. Belsky,
that it was Randall
Tully who hired you
to kill Luis Morales to
stop him from telling
anyone what he saw Randall do?
- No.
- And isn't it true that
he's agreed to pay you
even more money to point
the finger at my client,
the man who fired him?
- No.
Eric Wise is the
one who hired me.
- Mm-hmm.
Mr. Belsky...
You've admitted to everyone here
that you murdered
someone for money.
Doesn't it stand to reason
that you'd just as easily
lie for money too?
- Tully swears he didn't take
the money out of that account.
But the bank
statements clearly show
he was the authorized user
who withdrew the 100k.
- Is there video
of the transaction?
- It happened over
two months ago.
The bank doesn't keep video
logs going back that far.
Wise is smart.
He must have figured
out some way to withdraw
the money using Tully's card.
- Yeah, or he... or he
paid someone after the fact
to doctor the records.
Either way, they've
given the jury
a credible narrative that
Randall Tully, not Eric Wise,
was behind the murder.
- We can call
Tully to the stand,
have him refute the claim.
- No, given that the
defense has painted him
as a bitter ex-employee with
an axe to grind against Wise,
and the fact the jury's
already heard about him
burying two dead bodies
under the concrete,
I don't think they'll find him
any more credible than Belsky.
We're gonna have to
find something else.
- Hmm.
- Is that a good "hmm"?
- Maybe.
In Cosgrove's arrest
report, he mentions that
Eric Wise's housekeeper
showed the detective
into Wise's office
to make the arrest.
She was also present
when Tully tried
to implicate Wise on the wire.
- What's your point?
- Wise doesn't
think of the people
who work for him
as human beings.
Hell, he doesn't even
think of them at all.
Which makes it easy to
forget that they are people
with thoughts and feelings...
- And ears.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- I'm with the district
attorney's office.
- Well, what do you want?
- I just want to ask
you a few questions
about your boss, Eric Wise.
- I have nothing to say.
- We're from Beirut.
- Oh, that's where
my parents are from.
They moved here years
ago, before I was born.
- And now you're a lawyer here?
- Samantha Maroun.
- Soraya Hamoud.
- And I'm Injila.
I like your bag.
- Injila, go upstairs.
I'll be there soon, okay?
- How long have you
two been in the U.S.?
- Almost two years.
I wanted a better life.
- I understand.
You know your boss, Eric
Wise, is on trial, right?
- Yes.
- I need to know if you
ever heard him talking
to his bodyguard, Ian Belsky.
It's okay.
- Mr. Wise likes to
act like I don't exist.
- The day after
Morales was murdered,
Soraya heard Wise tell Ian
Belsky he did a good job
taking care of the problem.
He also told him not to
deposit the 100k he gave him
to avoid a paper trail.
- Sounds good to me.
- But Soraya and her
daughter are here illegally.
She had friends who applied
for H-1 visas and were denied,
and she was scared it
would happen to her too.
- So how did she get here?
- She got a tourist visa,
claimed they were visiting
a cousin and gave a fake
address on the application,
and has been evading
ICE ever since.
- She can still testify.
We don't report
undocumented witnesses
to federal authorities.
- I told her that,
but she's scared.
- Of course.
But we don't have a choice.
We need her testimony.
- Oh, so we use her
like Eric Wise used
undocumented workers
to build his buildings?
This could ruin her
life and her daughter's.
- She attempted to
circumvent the law.
It's not up to us to shield her
from the consequences of that.
We'll do everything we can to
protect her, you have my word.
But we're calling
her to the stand.
- Your Honor, we're
having some difficulty
locating our next
witness, Soraya Hamoud.
The People request
a brief continuance
while detectives track her down.
- The prosecution is
obviously stalling here.
If the state can't make
their case, that's on them.
- I'll give you 24
hours, Mr. Price.
But tomorrow morning,
the trial will resume
with or without your witness.
I'll see you all
We're adjourned.
- Soraya could be anywhere.
For all we know, she's
halfway to California by now.
- We found her.
- That's good news.
- Yeah, well, I'm not
so sure about that.
She's in ICE custody.
Her neighbors said that
they raided her apartment
in the middle of the night.
They took Soraya
and her daughter.
- Son of a bitch
tipped off the Feds.
- Where is Soraya
being detained?
- I'm sorry, the detainee
you're attempting to see
isn't allowed visitors.
If you'd called ahead,
we could have warned you.
- I'm not here for a visitation.
Soraya Hamoud is a
witness in a murder trial.
We're requesting
that you release her
and her daughter to state
custody so she can testify.
- Not that simple.
- There are allowances
for instances where
a witness is necessary or...
- There are.
But I can't just let her go.
You need to file the
necessary paperwork.
- By the time I do that,
she'll be back in Lebanon.
- Sorry. Nothing I can do.
- You may want to
rethink that statement
if you want me to
keep my mouth shut.
- Excuse me?
- I have a big
mouth, Mr. Garson.
A really big mouth.
And I can get really loud, too,
especially when I know
about a federal agency
aiding and abetting a murderer.
- They took Injila away from me.
I... I don't know where she is.
- She's here.
She's being held with
other children her age,
but she is safe.
- I need to see her.
I need my daughter.
- I will talk to them.
- We can't go back to Lebanon.
We have nothing there.
Her life...
- I've arranged a deal.
If you agree to
testify against Wise,
they'll keep you and
your daughter in custody,
but they'll postpone
your removal hearings
until after the trial is over.
- So you get what you
need, but what about us?
- Well, the delay
will buy us some time
to figure out how
to keep you here.
My boss is the
district attorney.
He has some sway.
And your assistance
in a high-profile case
will help us argue you
should be allowed to stay.
There's still hope.
Trust me.
- Ms. Hamoud, could you
please tell the court
about the conversation
you overheard
between the defendant
and Ian Belsky
on the afternoon of
Thursday, November 10?
- They were in his office.
Mr. Wise had me bring whiskey.
I remember thinking it
was early to be drinking,
but they were
celebrating something.
Mr. Wise made a toast.
- Do you know what it was
they were celebrating?
- I didn't at the time.
But Mr. Wise
thanked Mr. Belsky,
said he did a good job
taking care of his problem.
- Did you hear him
say anything else?
- He told him to be
careful with the money
he had given him.
He said that if
Mr. Belsky deposited
$100,000 in his bank account,
it would be suspicious.
He told him not to spend it
on something
extravagant, either.
- Did you notice
anything unusual
when Mr. Belsky left the
apartment that afternoon?
- Yes.
He left with a piece of
luggage, a small bag.
There is a word for it. Uh.
- Duffel bag?
- Yes, that's it.
He did not have it
when he arrived.
- Thank you.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
- You're asking us to
believe that my client
said all of these incredibly
incriminating things
right in front of you?
- Mr. Wise never really thought
about where I was or wasn't.
Most of the time, he
forgot I was even there.
- Ms. Hamoud,
are you a legal resident
of the United States?
- No, I am not.
- So you're here illegally?
- Yes.
- In fact, you're currently in
federal custody, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Ms. Hamoud, did the
district attorney's office
offer you a deal to stay
in this country in exchange
for testifying
against my client?
- They said they would help.
- No further
questions, Your Honor.
- But I would have testified
even if they didn't.
- Your Honor.
- I left where I'm from
because powerful people abused
and oppressed people like me.
I came here because I believed
this country was better,
that there was more opportunity
here for people like me.
And I still believe that.
- Will the defendant
please rise?
Madam Foreperson, has the
jury reached the verdict?
- We have, Your Honor.
In the charge of murder
in the first degree,
we find the defendant,
Eric Wise...
- Okay, thank you so much.
- Ms. Maroun.
- Good news.
I just found an amazing
immigration lawyer.
- It's too late.
- What do you mean?
- Soraya's hearing
was yesterday.
- What?
They said they would wait
until after the trial was over.
- They lied.
- Well, that's disgusting.
- It sure is.
- Well, then... then
we file a petition,
figure out how to
reverse the decision.
- They're gone.
Soraya and her daughter
are back in Lebanon.
- Excuse me.
justice system,
the people are represented
by two separate, yet
equally important groups:
the police, who
investigate crime,
and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
- I don't anticipate
we'll get any pushback.
But just in case, I want to be
prepped for Friday's meeting
with a list of
all the necessa...
What the hell?
Are you kidding me?
No, I'm pretty sure I just
stepped in a pile of vomit.
It's all over my
brand-new Ferragamos.
Listen, I gotta call you back.
Did you do this?
Hey, Jose, I'm talking to you.
Is this you?
Did you make this mess?
Yeah, it was you,
wasn't it, huh?
You know what?
You people are ruining the city.
Oh, no. Look at
all your garbage.
- Whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Clean it up.
- It's you?
Tranquilo what? You
want some of this too?
- I just want you
to leave him alone.
I don't want any trouble.
- Yeah?
Well, you are trouble, pal.
What? Hey.
Hey, get off me.
That hurts, you dirty...
- You mess with anyone
around here again,
I'll make you really hurt.
You understand?
- Yeah.
- What are we looking at?
- DOA's male.
Looks to be in his 20s.
Male was out walking
his dog before bed,
saw the body lying on the bench.
Thought the guy was sleeping
until he saw the blood.
- Shot three times in the back.
Blood streaks on the
pavement over there.
- Shot over there, killer
drags them over here,
lays them on the bench.
Buys some time before
anyone notices the body.
- Time of death?
- It wasn't that long ago.
I'd say less than two hours.
- So around midnight?
- Around then, this
place is deserted.
There's no cameras.
What about a wallet and ID?
- No. No phone, either.
- Maybe a mugging?
- I don't know if our vic
had anything worth stealing.
Bleecker Mission Shelter.
Looks like our vic was homeless.
- Well, if he had
a place to stay,
what's he doing out here?
- I don't know.
That's the Venezuelan flag.
What do you want to
bet he's from there?
- Give me your tired, your poor,
yearning to breathe free.
That's Luis.
He's been staying with us
for about four months now.
I knew something
was wrong when he
didn't make curfew last night.
We have a strict
11:00 p.m. cut off.
Luis had never missed it before.
- What's his last name?
- Morales.
- You know what could have
kept him out past curfew?
- No, but I can take
you to his locker.
- What can you tell
us about Mr. Morales?
- He was one of the
greatest kids I ever met...
The kind of person
who'd give you
the shirt off his
back even though
you don't need it and he does.
- That's fine.
That's fine. I got it.
- Which one of
these bunks is his?
- Right there.
- Parents?
- Both dead.
They were killed by
police in Venezuela
at a protest against
the country's
political corruption.
- The situation is
really bad down there.
- Luis's parents told him
that America was different,
the land of opportunity.
He believed it too.
- You don't?
- Work here for a week
and then talk to me.
It took Luis months to make
his way up through Mexico.
Then he finally crosses
the border in Texas only
to be packed onto a
Greyhound and shipped
3,000 miles away by a governor
looking to make headlines.
- He was on one of
the migrant buses?
- Disgusting.
Politicians using
human beings as props.
- I think he would have been
better off here than Texas.
- Not so much.
I mean, Luis was on the first
bus to arrive in the city.
The mayor's there, greets
them, shakes their hands.
Says they'll all
be taken care of.
- But then no follow through?
Not even a little.
Mayor got his photo op, but
then the buses kept coming
and the city never
came up with a plan.
- You know of anyone who
might want to hurt Luis?
- There was a
situation yesterday.
Luis got into a fight
with a man just outside.
- From the shelter
security cameras.
- Whoa.
Morales could have
been a contender.
Do we know who the guy is who's
getting his ass handed to him?
- Facial rec got a hit.
Gavin Stulner, 28,
works in I-banking.
He's got priors for
drunk and disorderly
and assaulting an officer.
- Oh, a real stand-up guy.
- Ass whooping like that,
that had to bruise his ego.
- Maybe he settled the
score later that night.
- That kid was a punk.
- Really?
Because everyone we spoke
with said just the opposite.
- No, I'm telling you,
my apartment's right
next door to that shelter.
The whole place is a mess.
And that dude is the
worst of the bunch.
I'm not the only
one in my building
who's had an issue
with him, either.
- What was he doing
that was so horrible?
What do you think?
Harassing people,
loitering, stealing stuff.
That's what they all do.
- They?
- Yeah. The homeless.
I know it's unpopular
to say, but they make
the neighborhood less safe.
Half of them are illegal
immigrants who shouldn't even
be here in the first place,
and the other half are
freeloaders or drug addicts.
- You sound a little angry.
- No.
I'm very angry.
I pay 10K a month in rent to
live in a luxury high rise,
only to end up next to a
bunch of people who treat
the sidewalk as their toilet.
- Very angry people make
very stupid choices.
- Yeah, especially angry people
who get their asses kicked.
We caught that video
of your altercation.
- Big deal. He jumped me.
- That's not what we saw.
- That doesn't
mean I killed him.
I trade muni bonds, I
don't murder people.
- What were you doing
last night at midnight?
- I was at a bar in Dumbo.
Took a bunch of the firm's
new recruits out for drinks.
We didn't leave
till after 2:00 a.m.
A place called the
Vault. You can check it.
- We will.
You said that other
people in your building
had a problem with Morales.
- That's right.
- Care to elaborate?
Got a name?
- Yeah, I know
him. Name's Luis.
- Are you two friends?
- No, not exactly.
He did a job for me. It
didn't work out so well.
- Yeah, we heard about that.
We talked to somebody,
he said you pulled a
gun on him yesterday?
- I did. But it was
in self-defense.
- How's that?
- I hired him to patch a
hole in my dining room wall.
I went into the other
room to take a work Zoom,
and when I came back
out to grab the phone,
I caught him trying to steal it.
- What was he doing?
Hiding it in a bag or something?
- He was holding it.
Said he was just borrowing
it to make a call,
but I'm not stupid.
I grabbed it from him
and told him to get out,
but he refused.
- He refused to leave?
- He wanted me to pay
him for the dry wall job.
- Had he finished the job?
- Yeah, but I wasn't gonna
give money to a thief.
He wouldn't budge, so
I went and got my gun.
My dad gave it to me
during COVID to make sure
I'd be safe, and
that did the trick.
He got right the hell out.
- And you didn't see him again?
- No.
I have every right to defend
myself in my own home.
- Lou, little update here.
So Luis Morales was
killed by a 9-millimeter.
Samantha Morris's
firearm's a SIG Sauer .45.
Not our murder weapon.
- So we got nothing?
- However, we checked
Morris's phone records,
and it looks like
Morales did, in fact,
use her cell to make a call.
- That's odd.
- No, not really.
He's... he's homeless.
- He saw it on the table.
It was still unlocked, he
picked it up and made a call.
- Do we know who he called?
- Number's registered
to a Michael Higueres.
Call lasted a minute 45.
- We know anything about him?
- He's a journalist living
in Battery Park City.
- That's one block
from the crime scene.
- Mr. Higueres, I'm Detective
Cosgrove, Detective Shaw.
We'd like to ask you
about Luis Morales.
You know him, right?
- Yes.
I interviewed him
a few months ago
for an article I was writing
about the migrant buses.
He was helpful.
Gave real depth into the
plight of these immigrants.
I mean, they came here
hoping for a better life.
- Can I ask you, did you
keep in touch with him?
- Yeah, I was supposed to
meet up with him last night,
actually, but he never showed.
- That's because he's dead.
Yeah, someone shot him.
- I can't believe he...
He must have been
telling the truth.
He really did see something.
- What are you talking about?
- Luis said he had
a story for me.
Said he knew something
about a murder.
- Hey, what do we got?
- According to Michael
Higueres, Morales called him
the day he was killed, wanted
to talk about a murder.
He said he saw something
crazy the day before.
- Did he say what
this crazy thing was
or any other
pertinent information?
- No, he was in a hurry.
Just said it had something
to do with a murder.
He told Higueres they
need to meet up in person
so they can discuss
it in detail.
- So if he knows about a murder,
why doesn't he just
call the police?
- He might have been scared
about his immigration status.
- And trusted a
journalist more than cops.
- Okay, so the guy
sees something crazy.
He reaches out to his
trusted journalist friend,
and he gets shot
before he's actually
able to hook up with him.
- According to Higueres,
Morales was a no show.
- Looks like he's telling
the truth about that.
We found street cam footage
that shows Higueres waiting
on a bench on the
other side of the park
during the time of the murder.
- Okay, so we know that this
crazy thing that Morales saw
happened the day
before he was murdered.
So we need to retrace
his steps that day
and figure out where he was
and what he might have seen.
- That would have been
what? Three days ago?
I don't remember
anything unusual.
Luis woke up early, like
always, had breakfast,
and then headed out for the day.
- Where was he going?
- To try and find work.
He was determined to
afford his own apartment
so that he could
get out of here.
But, you know,
being undocumented,
the only work he could
find was under the table.
- So you have no idea where
he might have been looking?
- He picked up odd jobs
and day labor shifts
all over the city.
But now that I think
about it, I did notice
he left that morning
with Obie White,
another one of our residents.
- Is that unusual?
- Not necessarily.
It's just that Obie struggles
with heroin addiction.
- Is he here right now?
- Looks like he hasn't been
back here since that day.
Obie's a good guy.
No way he'd ever be involved
in something like this.
- I'm sure he is.
But all the same,
do you know where he
hangs out when he's not here?
- Where there's drugs,
there's murders.
The cost of doing business.
- Yeah, generally.
But I don't think that's
the case this time.
This kid Morales seemed clean.
I mean, everybody keeps
saying he was a great guy.
- Doesn't mean he
wasn't dealing.
- Frank, these guys are dealt
a really bad hand, all right?
This kid comes over here
looking for a new life,
doesn't pick up any good cards
when he crosses the border.
He's punted like a political
football from Texas to here.
He got no family in the States
so he can't get naturalized,
which means he can't get
a good job, which means
he can't make a living wage.
- That's our guy.
- NYPD, stop!
Freeze! Police!
Police! Stop!
- Oh, that had to hurt.
All right, come on. Get up.
Let's go.
I didn't have any drugs on me.
- Of course you don't.
But we don't care
about that, Obie.
- We're the murder
cops, Homicide.
Want to talk to you
about Luis Morales.
- Homicide?
But... Luis is dead?
- Oh, you hadn't heard?
Someone shot him.
- I tried to warn him.
- Tried to warn him about what?
- Ugh.
- Look, we're not trying
to hem you up, bro.
We don't want the paperwork,
and you don't want to
go to jail, am I right?
Okay, so just shoot us straight,
and we'll look the other way
on the possession charge.
But you gotta tell us everything
that you know right now.
- The last time I saw
Luis was a few days ago.
He was going out to find work,
and he wanted to
bring me with him.
He was trying to keep me
busy, help me stay sober.
- What were you trying
to warn him about?
- We went to look
for work down at this
big construction site downtown.
I mean, they're building one
of those giant skyscrapers.
- Okay. Okay, keep going.
- We had worked there before,
a lot of guys at
the shelter too.
The foreman down there,
he likes hiring guys
on the fringe, you know?
Illegals, deadbeats.
They pay us in cash.
No union rules.
- No union wages.
- Exactly.
Pennies on the dollar
for the same damn work.
- So you go over to the
construction site and?
- We saw something we
shouldn't have seen.
- You're the foreman,
Randall Tully?
- Yeah. Can I help you?
We need you to shut down
all work immediately.
- On what authority?
- The Supreme Court of
the State of New York.
- Detectives, I found something.
That's a skull.
There's the torso.
Those are the legs.
- All still attached?
- Yes. Body looks
fully intact.
So does the other one.
- Other one?
- Yes.
There are two bodies. See?
Right here.
- Our techs were
working all night
excavating those two bodies
we found in the foundation.
They're getting an
autopsy right now.
So why don't you just
do yourself a favor
and tell us who they are?
- I... I... I don't know
anything about that.
- Randall, we got a
witness who saw you
pour the concrete
over the bodies.
Showed up at the site that
morning with Luis Morales.
The witness saw what he saw,
freaked out, and took off.
But Luis stayed, didn't he?
He stayed and he
confronted you, didn't he?
- That why you killed him?
- I'm sorry, I... I don't
know who you're talking about.
- You don't know Luis?
You gonna stick with that story?
Because we found some
really interesting things
in his apartment.
Oh, you didn't
know that, did you?
Yeah, he got out of the
shelter, got his own place.
You know what we found there?
His journal.
It's a treasure
You know what he was
putting in there?
He was writing down all
the stuff he was doing,
the people he was meeting,
how he was working
for the number-one
developer in New York City.
- Randall, he had a phone
he took pictures with,
probably to send back to
his family in Venezuela.
He let them know that
he was doing good,
he got a good job, working for
a good company, good people.
We have the photos.
You want to see them?
- No, I remember the guy.
- Oh, so now you remember him?
- Well, I don't pour concrete.
You know, I'm the foreman.
- You're terrible
at this, Randall.
- What? This?
- Lying.
So do yourself a favor.
Just come clean with
everything, please.
Come on.
- Look, I didn't kill
anybody, I swear to God.
They were already dead
when I found them.
I hired two migrants
for day labor.
They must have snuck
back onto the site when
everyone left for the
night. I don't know.
They were probably looking
for a place to sleep.
- How did they die?
- They took an elevator
that was only supposed to be
for building material
and small equipment.
It's 100-pound weight limit.
It's 120 max.
There's a sign on
the damn thing too.
Maybe they couldn't
read English.
- You're saying this whole
thing was an accident?
- When I gotta the site,
the elevator was
smashed like a...
Like a pancake, and
they were on the ground
in the middle of the mess, dead.
- And you didn't think to call
the police or report that?
You thought a better
idea would be,
let's bury them in cement?
- No, no, of course, I
wanted to do the right thing,
but there's been a lot
of accidents lately,
and the city comptroller said
he was gonna shut us down
if there was any more injuries.
So I... I just called
Mr. Wise, my boss.
- Wait. Hold on, hold on.
Eric Wise?
- Yeah.
Do... do you know him?
- No.
I just see his name on
buildings like everybody else.
- Well, if you knew him,
then you know how he'd feel
about a $300 million
project being shut down.
He told me to make
the problems go away.
- So you did.
- Yeah.
I'm not proud of
it, but, you know.
- Yeah.
So let's talk
about Luis Morales.
How did he end up
dead? You shoot him?
- What? No.
That wasn't me.
I was at my house with
my family all night.
- Who killed him then?
- I... I...
I told Mr. Wise that
this Morales kid
was asking a lot of questions,
that he might have
seen the dead bodies.
- And then what
did Mr. Wise say?
- He said that he'd
take care of it.
- Hey.
ME said that both
bodies recovered
at the construction
site were dead prior
to being put in the concrete.
And the cause of
death for both was
this massive traumatic event...
Nearly every bone in their body
was either broken or fractured.
We found an incident report too.
There was an elevator on site
that collapsed four days ago.
No injuries reported.
- So Tully was
telling the truth,
at least about those two.
- Doesn't mean he wasn't
lying about killing Morales.
- His alibi checks out.
He was in Queens at
the time of the murder.
- I called, and I
told him I was coming.
- Yes, Mr. Wise
is expecting you.
Follow me.
Hell of a view.
- Sir.
- You get to live up
high when your empire
is built on other
people's backs.
- Sorry to bother you.
- No. No problem at all.
Have a seat.
Hey, you thirsty? Want
something to drink?
- No.
- The police found
the two bodies.
- Yeah, I heard.
- But we're okay, though. I...
they... they questioned me.
I said I didn't know anything,
and they... they bought it.
So we're okay.
- And my biggest project is...
Is shut down indefinitely,
maybe permanently
because now it's
an active crime scene, so
I don't know how okay I am.
- They also asked me about
that Morales kid's murder,
and I said I didn't know
anything about that, either.
- Because you don't, right?
- Yeah. Sure.
But my point is, is
that I don't think
they have anything on you.
But just in case, you...
You should make sure
that you cover your
tracks, and I could help.
- See, I don't know what
you're talking about.
I mean, if you're
somehow implying that
I had something to do with
that day laborer's murder...
- No, I... you... You
said that you were
gonna take care of him.
- Yeah, I don't remember
that conversation.
- I hid the bodies
because you asked me to.
So you know you can trust me.
- I'm sorry to hear
you say that, Randall.
- Wait, well, hold...
Hold on, hold on.
You don't have to
play tough guy.
- What? No one's
playing tough guy,
but you come into my home,
you start making
ridiculous accusations.
- He's in trouble.
We gotta go in there.
- Wait.
- I just think it's
best if you leave.
- Yeah, it's not a problem.
- And I also think it's
best you find a new job.
- What do you...
- Someone's gotta
be held accountable
for those two deaths.
That someone is you.
Show Randy out.
- Can you zoom in on
the security guard?
- Yeah.
- Small of his back.
- Oh, he's packing.
That looks like a 9 mil.
- Yep.
- Mm-hmm.
- Psst. Hey, Ian. Hey.
No, no, no, no! Police. Police.
Do not do that.
Do not do that.
We have a warrant for that
weapon you're reaching for.
Do yourself a favor,
take your hand away,
and put it above your head.
Do it now, or my partner will
shoot you where you stand.
- Go ahead, sweetheart.
Give me a reason.
- Do it.
Do it now!
- Above your head!
- Interlock your fingers.
Turn around! Turn around!
Ian Belsky, you're under arrest.
- What for?
- Well, for starters,
possessing a firearm
without a conceal permit.
But once we've run
the ballistics,
I'm sure we'll upgrade
that charge to murder.
- Ballistic tests confirm
that your gun was the one
used to kill Mr. Morales.
Police found traces
of Morales's blood
on clothing recovered
from your apartment.
And we can place your
car and your cell phone
near the park at the
time of the murder.
- I assume you brought us
here for more than just
a show and tell.
- When police searched
Mr. Belsky's apartment,
they also found a duffel bag
filled with $100,000 in cash.
If someone paid you
to kill Luis Morales,
we might be able to work out
some sort of an arrangement.
- What kind of arrangement?
- Depending on what he says,
we'd be willing to offer
man one, recommend 20 years.
I want ten.
looking at life.
20 is a gift.
- They can't use anything I
say here against me, right?
- That's correct.
- If I keep my mouth
shut and eat the charge,
Eric Wise is gonna
take care of my family.
Only thing he can't offer
me is time, you can.
And if you won't,
I'll take his money.
Ten years or I don't testify.
- Without Belsky, we don't
have a case against Wise.
- Ten years for a
cold-blooded murder?
- I... I get it, but...
- But what?
- Wise ordered the murder.
And he is a threat to society.
He regularly uses and
abuses migrant workers
to build his skyscrapers.
- There have been eight deaths
on Wise City construction sites
over the past two years alone.
- Not counting the two
workers buried in cement?
- And those are just
the ones we know about.
Who knows how many
others he's covered up.
- Unfortunately, the practice
of hiring unskilled workers
is not uncommon nor even
illegal in many instances.
Lots of companies do it.
There was an article
in "The Times"
a couple of months
ago detailing a number
of accidental deaths
on construction sites
all over the city.
- But unlike those developers,
Eric Wise escalated
to straight-up murder.
- Yeah, which means we
can put him away for life.
- If we give Belsky
what he wants,
we need to be sure his
testimony is enough
to get a conviction
against Wise.
- I understand.
- Okay.
Make the deal.
- Mr. Belsky, you admit
to murdering Luis Morales?
- Yes.
I shot him three times.
- And did the defendant, Eric
Wise, pay you to kill him?
- Yes.
He offered me 100 grand
but said it had to
be done that day.
- He say why?
- Apparently, the
kid knew something
he wasn't supposed to.
Wise needed him silenced
before he talked.
- And after you
killed Mr. Morales,
did the defendant pay you
the money he promised?
- Yeah.
The next day, I went
to his apartment,
where he gave me
the money in cash.
- Thank you. Nothing further.
- There's no proof
of this transaction
you claim happened, is there?
No bank statements,
wire transfer logs?
- Like I said, he
paid me in cash.
- Do you know Randall Tully,
the foreman who Luis Morales
caught pouring concrete
over the two dead
construction workers?
- Yeah, I know him.
- You two close?
- I only know him because
we both worked for Wise.
- But Randall Tully doesn't work
for Mr. Wise anymore, does he?
No, my client fired
him once he learned
of his horrific actions...
Attempting to cover
up the accident,
which occurred under
his supervision.
- Objection. Relevance?
- Where is this
going, Mr. Rems?
- Your Honor, as
foreman, Randall Tully
had exclusive access
to a slush fund
to address any issues
that arose on the site.
The defense is entering into
evidence financial records
showing that $100,000 is
missing from this account.
Isn't it true, Mr. Belsky,
that it was Randall
Tully who hired you
to kill Luis Morales to
stop him from telling
anyone what he saw Randall do?
- No.
- And isn't it true that
he's agreed to pay you
even more money to point
the finger at my client,
the man who fired him?
- No.
Eric Wise is the
one who hired me.
- Mm-hmm.
Mr. Belsky...
You've admitted to everyone here
that you murdered
someone for money.
Doesn't it stand to reason
that you'd just as easily
lie for money too?
- Tully swears he didn't take
the money out of that account.
But the bank
statements clearly show
he was the authorized user
who withdrew the 100k.
- Is there video
of the transaction?
- It happened over
two months ago.
The bank doesn't keep video
logs going back that far.
Wise is smart.
He must have figured
out some way to withdraw
the money using Tully's card.
- Yeah, or he... or he
paid someone after the fact
to doctor the records.
Either way, they've
given the jury
a credible narrative that
Randall Tully, not Eric Wise,
was behind the murder.
- We can call
Tully to the stand,
have him refute the claim.
- No, given that the
defense has painted him
as a bitter ex-employee with
an axe to grind against Wise,
and the fact the jury's
already heard about him
burying two dead bodies
under the concrete,
I don't think they'll find him
any more credible than Belsky.
We're gonna have to
find something else.
- Hmm.
- Is that a good "hmm"?
- Maybe.
In Cosgrove's arrest
report, he mentions that
Eric Wise's housekeeper
showed the detective
into Wise's office
to make the arrest.
She was also present
when Tully tried
to implicate Wise on the wire.
- What's your point?
- Wise doesn't
think of the people
who work for him
as human beings.
Hell, he doesn't even
think of them at all.
Which makes it easy to
forget that they are people
with thoughts and feelings...
- And ears.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- I'm with the district
attorney's office.
- Well, what do you want?
- I just want to ask
you a few questions
about your boss, Eric Wise.
- I have nothing to say.
- We're from Beirut.
- Oh, that's where
my parents are from.
They moved here years
ago, before I was born.
- And now you're a lawyer here?
- Samantha Maroun.
- Soraya Hamoud.
- And I'm Injila.
I like your bag.
- Injila, go upstairs.
I'll be there soon, okay?
- How long have you
two been in the U.S.?
- Almost two years.
I wanted a better life.
- I understand.
You know your boss, Eric
Wise, is on trial, right?
- Yes.
- I need to know if you
ever heard him talking
to his bodyguard, Ian Belsky.
It's okay.
- Mr. Wise likes to
act like I don't exist.
- The day after
Morales was murdered,
Soraya heard Wise tell Ian
Belsky he did a good job
taking care of the problem.
He also told him not to
deposit the 100k he gave him
to avoid a paper trail.
- Sounds good to me.
- But Soraya and her
daughter are here illegally.
She had friends who applied
for H-1 visas and were denied,
and she was scared it
would happen to her too.
- So how did she get here?
- She got a tourist visa,
claimed they were visiting
a cousin and gave a fake
address on the application,
and has been evading
ICE ever since.
- She can still testify.
We don't report
undocumented witnesses
to federal authorities.
- I told her that,
but she's scared.
- Of course.
But we don't have a choice.
We need her testimony.
- Oh, so we use her
like Eric Wise used
undocumented workers
to build his buildings?
This could ruin her
life and her daughter's.
- She attempted to
circumvent the law.
It's not up to us to shield her
from the consequences of that.
We'll do everything we can to
protect her, you have my word.
But we're calling
her to the stand.
- Your Honor, we're
having some difficulty
locating our next
witness, Soraya Hamoud.
The People request
a brief continuance
while detectives track her down.
- The prosecution is
obviously stalling here.
If the state can't make
their case, that's on them.
- I'll give you 24
hours, Mr. Price.
But tomorrow morning,
the trial will resume
with or without your witness.
I'll see you all
We're adjourned.
- Soraya could be anywhere.
For all we know, she's
halfway to California by now.
- We found her.
- That's good news.
- Yeah, well, I'm not
so sure about that.
She's in ICE custody.
Her neighbors said that
they raided her apartment
in the middle of the night.
They took Soraya
and her daughter.
- Son of a bitch
tipped off the Feds.
- Where is Soraya
being detained?
- I'm sorry, the detainee
you're attempting to see
isn't allowed visitors.
If you'd called ahead,
we could have warned you.
- I'm not here for a visitation.
Soraya Hamoud is a
witness in a murder trial.
We're requesting
that you release her
and her daughter to state
custody so she can testify.
- Not that simple.
- There are allowances
for instances where
a witness is necessary or...
- There are.
But I can't just let her go.
You need to file the
necessary paperwork.
- By the time I do that,
she'll be back in Lebanon.
- Sorry. Nothing I can do.
- You may want to
rethink that statement
if you want me to
keep my mouth shut.
- Excuse me?
- I have a big
mouth, Mr. Garson.
A really big mouth.
And I can get really loud, too,
especially when I know
about a federal agency
aiding and abetting a murderer.
- They took Injila away from me.
I... I don't know where she is.
- She's here.
She's being held with
other children her age,
but she is safe.
- I need to see her.
I need my daughter.
- I will talk to them.
- We can't go back to Lebanon.
We have nothing there.
Her life...
- I've arranged a deal.
If you agree to
testify against Wise,
they'll keep you and
your daughter in custody,
but they'll postpone
your removal hearings
until after the trial is over.
- So you get what you
need, but what about us?
- Well, the delay
will buy us some time
to figure out how
to keep you here.
My boss is the
district attorney.
He has some sway.
And your assistance
in a high-profile case
will help us argue you
should be allowed to stay.
There's still hope.
Trust me.
- Ms. Hamoud, could you
please tell the court
about the conversation
you overheard
between the defendant
and Ian Belsky
on the afternoon of
Thursday, November 10?
- They were in his office.
Mr. Wise had me bring whiskey.
I remember thinking it
was early to be drinking,
but they were
celebrating something.
Mr. Wise made a toast.
- Do you know what it was
they were celebrating?
- I didn't at the time.
But Mr. Wise
thanked Mr. Belsky,
said he did a good job
taking care of his problem.
- Did you hear him
say anything else?
- He told him to be
careful with the money
he had given him.
He said that if
Mr. Belsky deposited
$100,000 in his bank account,
it would be suspicious.
He told him not to spend it
on something
extravagant, either.
- Did you notice
anything unusual
when Mr. Belsky left the
apartment that afternoon?
- Yes.
He left with a piece of
luggage, a small bag.
There is a word for it. Uh.
- Duffel bag?
- Yes, that's it.
He did not have it
when he arrived.
- Thank you.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
- You're asking us to
believe that my client
said all of these incredibly
incriminating things
right in front of you?
- Mr. Wise never really thought
about where I was or wasn't.
Most of the time, he
forgot I was even there.
- Ms. Hamoud,
are you a legal resident
of the United States?
- No, I am not.
- So you're here illegally?
- Yes.
- In fact, you're currently in
federal custody, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Ms. Hamoud, did the
district attorney's office
offer you a deal to stay
in this country in exchange
for testifying
against my client?
- They said they would help.
- No further
questions, Your Honor.
- But I would have testified
even if they didn't.
- Your Honor.
- I left where I'm from
because powerful people abused
and oppressed people like me.
I came here because I believed
this country was better,
that there was more opportunity
here for people like me.
And I still believe that.
- Will the defendant
please rise?
Madam Foreperson, has the
jury reached the verdict?
- We have, Your Honor.
In the charge of murder
in the first degree,
we find the defendant,
Eric Wise...
- Okay, thank you so much.
- Ms. Maroun.
- Good news.
I just found an amazing
immigration lawyer.
- It's too late.
- What do you mean?
- Soraya's hearing
was yesterday.
- What?
They said they would wait
until after the trial was over.
- They lied.
- Well, that's disgusting.
- It sure is.
- Well, then... then
we file a petition,
figure out how to
reverse the decision.
- They're gone.
Soraya and her daughter
are back in Lebanon.
- Excuse me.