Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 20, Episode 22 - Love Eternal - full transcript
Detectives suspect that a tacky and volatile wife murdered her husband, but they soon discover that the victim may have backed out of a conspiracy with fellow husbands to hide assets from their wives until their divorces.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented
by two separate
yet equally important groups,
the police
who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
CAROL: Oh, my God,
where was she going?
A birthday party
in a whorehouse?
Grocery store.
That's her standard
daytime outfit.
Next day.
That's her and her husband
going out for Chinese food.
KARL: Oh, this woman
may be beyond our help.
At least this one doesn't
weigh 300 pounds.
Our next fashion victim,
Marielle Di Napoli,
was brought to our attention
by a friend concerned about
inappropriate attire.
Based on what our
hidden cameras have seen
over the past few days,
I'd say that's quite
an understatement.
But things are
about to change
for the better,
as we undertake another
fashion victim makeover!
Marielle Di Napoli, come out.
Your life is about to change.
Marielle Di Napoli?
Cut! Cut!
That is a dog cage,
It was locked up tight.
I guess the handcuffs
were insurance.
We needed bolt cutters
to get to him.
Was there a dog
in there with him?
No dog. No dog hair.
No dog food.
Looks like he was stabbed
through the bars.
With what?
Something with
a long blade.
So, for this television show,
you had the house
under surveillance?
Just an hour or two
a day.
The last time we were here
was yesterday morning.
you see anything
out of the ordinary?
Just Mrs. Di Napoli's
CAROL: There she is.
KARL: See what we mean?
Excuse me.
Mrs. Di Napoli.
What happened?
He won't tell me
what happened.
I'm afraid
it's your husband.
Mrs. Di Napoli!
Mrs. Di Napoli.
Is that David?
maybe you shouldn't...
Oh, my dear...
What happened?
Who did this?
We don't know.
We're just beginning to...
His comic books,
They're gone.
His comic books?
He was a collector.
They were very valuable.
Oh, those stupid comics.
Oh, my God.
How can I live
without him?
Help me.
Does she know
Nothing useful so far.
She says she was away
overnight at a college
reunion in Connecticut.
We checked.
People saw her
at the banquet.
Her husband was murdered
around 1:00 a.m.
By someone who
broke into his house,
locked him in a dog cage,
stabbed him through the bars,
then stole
his comic books?
Bright lights,
big city.
While his wife
was being followed
by a video crew
for a makeover reality show.
What are the odds?
Her name was sent into
the show by a friend of hers.
Amy Felner.
That was nice of her.
You have a list
of the missing comics?
Yeah, she gave us
his inventory.
We'll check comic book dealers
and auction houses to see
if these are showing up.
White leather miniskirt
with studs. Whew!
We knew Mr. Di Napoli.
He specialized in
All-American Comics
from the '40s.
Early Wonder Woman,
Golden Age Green Lantern,
Gay Ghost.
Gay Ghost?
As in cheerful.
Some of these are worth
upwards of $10,000.
We think whoever
killed Mr. Di Napoli
stole those.
We'd like to know
if anyone brings them in.
Well, they're not unique.
I got
a Green Lantern Number 6
on auction right now.
Well, if you get more
than one of those.
Can I keep this?
That's funny.
I had an inquiry
last week.
Somebody wanted to know
the value of
Sensation Mystery Number 1,
and the All-American 20,
and the All Flash Quarterly.
Those are on the list?
You think that's
a coincidence?
You got the name
of the guy who inquired?
I just heard about David.
It's hard to believe.
You knew Mr. Di Napoli?
Yes. Socially.
We played tennis.
You also had an interest
in his business.
Fiber optics? No.
His comic book collection.
You wanted to know how much
it was worth.
You inquired,
a few days before
he was killed for them.
You think I killed David
for his comic books?
Why were you asking
about them?
Because they were partly mine.
I invested with David.
David convinced me
that comic books were
a growth area.
The first Superman just sold
for a million dollars.
The prices are going nuts.
So you were
making money?
Everything was fine?
No. David said
the big-name books
were overvalued,
and the obscure ones
had all the upside.
So we bought
Doctor Mid-Nite,
Johnny Thunder.
You ever hear
of the Gay Ghost?
Yeah. He was cheerful.
Yeah, well,
he wasn't worth anything.
David thought he might
command a premium
because of his name,
but he was wrong
about all of them.
I had called that dealer
to see if I had
any of my investment left.
The dealer told us
they were worth a bundle.
I paid a bundle.
They were supposed to
go up.
They didn't.
I lost my shirt.
Thanks to Mr. Di Napoli.
You mind telling us
where you were last night?
At home,
redoing the family budget
with my wife.
Hey, you see where
Batman beat Superman?
A Batman book just went
for $1,075,000.
I had a lot of comics
when I was growing up.
Wish my mother
hadn't thrown
them away.
I don't think Scooby-Doo
brings in that much.
Marty Ashcroft,
the guy who lost his
shirt to Di Napoli?
Looks like he needed
the money he lost.
He was being sued.
Plaintiff alleges
that Ashcroft
misrepresented the value
of closed-end mutual funds
he sold to plaintiff.
So Ashcroft lost money
with Di Napoli,
and someone else
lost money with Ashcroft?
Ashcroft was being
squeezed on both ends.
The guy who's
suing Ashcroft,
his name is
Joshua Felner.
Amy Felner put
Di Napoli's wife up
for the reality show.
Small world.
I don't know much about
my husband's investments.
What does this have
to do with what happened
to David?
Probably just
a coincidence.
Did your husband
ever mention
the Di Napolis to you?
We know them.
Josh played tennis
with David
and Marty Ashcroft.
Did your husband
have anything to do
with you proposing
Marielle Di Napoli for
Fashion Victim?
The only fashion
he might notice is
a topless bikini.
Putting Marielle up
for the show
was my idea.
She's a friend of mine.
Well, telling the world
her wardrobe is hideous,
how friendly is that?
She's a beautiful
40-year-old woman
who dresses like
a colorblind
20-year-old prostitute.
I thought she
should hear it from experts
so maybe she'd believe it.
Was there
any particular reason
you did that just now?
Yes. I thought she might
be single again soon,
so she'd want to be
looking her best.
She might be
single again soon?
You knew her husband
was going to be killed?
No. My husband told me.
David Di Napoli was planning
on getting divorced.
There was a wound
on his cheek,
but they can fix that
for the visitation.
I want an open casket.
David was
such a beautiful man.
Have you
found out anything?
Do you know
who did this to him?
Not yet.
It's so awful.
It's everything.
I'm just trying to
focus on the details,
the death notice,
the flowers,
which passage to read.
David wasn't
a religious man,
but I think
the Old Testament
is beautiful.
"What shall I cry?
"All flesh is grass,
and the goodliness thereof
"is as the flower
of the field."
Isaiah 40.
Nice for
a graveside service.
Oh, no, David isn't
going to be buried.
He's going to be cremated,
like my first husband.
Your first husband
gave you that ring?
No. This is him.
There's a company called
Memory Gem, and they take
cremated remains
and make it into
artificial diamonds.
So, you're going to
make David
into another ring?
No. A pendant.
Bigger than this,
and closer to my heart.
I was fond of Larry,
but David was
the love of my life.
Mrs. Di Napoli, we heard
that maybe you and David
were having some troubles.
What? No, no trouble.
That maybe
you were heading
toward divorce.
Me and David? No.
We were soul mates.
Interesting woman.
Isaiah 40, huh?
What, you prefer
What I'd prefer is
not to be a ring
on that woman's finger.
You don't believe that
her and Husband Number Two
were soul mates?
I'd like to know what
she was up to the days
before the murder.
Let's go to
the videotapes.
What are you guys
looking for,
her drawing a bull's-eye
on his back?
I don't know.
They look like
soul mates to you?
Well, they're not
speaking to each other.
They look married.
This is the day before.
Oh, those clothes
are God-awful.
Leopard print
and zebra print.
I like a little color
on a woman.
Yeah, I actually think
that orange goes nicely
with the zebra.
All right,
this is the last one,
the morning
of the murder.
She's taking
a taxi this time.
Hack number right there.
Wonder where she was going.
Well, I guarantee you
it's not Saks Fifth Avenue.
All right. Say
she was planning to
kill her husband, right?
Or hire it done.
The taxi dropped her here.
Fifi's Fashions.
Looks like
her kind of place.
Maybe this is, too.
You remember her?
I remember the, uh...
She bought a pair
of handcuffs. Pink.
It's a new item.
She happen to mention
what she was
going to use them for?
No. She just said
they were darling.
Then she saw
something else she liked
over here.
They're all legal.
No switchblades,
gravity knives,
knuckle knives,
or kung fu stars.
This is only
against the law
if it's possessed
with the intent to use it
against another person.
Penal Law 265.01.
Okay, are you a lawyer
or a knife salesman?
People ask me,
and some cops don't know.
So, our lady,
she bought one of those?
No. She bought one of these.
Damascus steel blade,
copper fittings,
snakeskin handle,
40 inches long.
Long enough to reach
inside a dog cage.
I know.
I didn't tell you about
the sword. I...
I was embarrassed.
Embarrassed about
killing your husband?
I didn't kill David.
His wounds were consistent
with the sword
that you bought,
that you didn't
tell us about.
The night
he was murdered,
you could have driven in
from Connecticut
and been back
before anyone had known
you were gone.
No. Somebody else
killed David.
They broke into the house
for those comics
and they must have seen
the sword and realized that
it would reach into the cage.
You're saying
he was already
in the cage?
That's a little
embarrassing, too.
Is there someone else
I can talk to?
Sex games.
Sex games?
Locking your husband
in a dog cage before you
go on an overnight trip?
He needed
to be punished.
Okay, but what about
the sword?
You hold it against certain
sensitive body parts.
what about shoving it
through his chest?
Maybe he really needed
to be punished.
She says it was all for fun,
never for harm,
and she can prove it.
They've done it before.
She has a witness.
Police Department.
Marielle Di Napoli?
Oh, yeah.
I remember that one.
She had a house out here.
We're looking at her
for maybe
killing her husband.
David, right?
Last time I saw him,
she was chasing him
across the dunes
with a harness whip.
She said you could
vouch for the fact
that they played games
that seemed dangerous
but weren't.
I can vouch that
they were both nuts.
We had half a dozen
calls out there.
First one came from him.
He said she tied him up
and tried to kill him.
We're taking the report,
he says never mind,
it was a sex thing.
He said he was mad at her
but now he's over it,
sorry for the bother.
And chasing him
across the dunes
with a harness whip?
Uh, neighbor called.
Mr. Di Napoli is
running across the sand
in his underwear.
She's chasing
and calling him a dog.
Another game?
More of a play.
Sticking out of
the back of his briefs
he had a tail.
Apparently he was
her soul mate
and her dog.
Well, they say you
never know what goes on
inside a marriage.
Yeah, Westhampton PD
had a few glimpses
into this one.
They had a whole
Di Napoli file.
Oh. He held a steak knife
to her throat
at their fourth
anniversary party?
She didn't pursue it.
It never progressed
into a formal charge.
That was 2008.
Their first lovers'
quarrel was 2002.
That would have been
before they were married.
When did
her first husband die?
So she was playing
Pin the Tail
on the Boyfriend
while Husband Number One
was still in the picture.
How did he die?
Accidental fall
from a third-floor window
of a brownstone
they were renovating.
Which she inherited, right?
Let's try to get
a court order
to exhume this body
for re-examination.
There may be
a slight problem
with that, Loo.
Well, do what you can.
Now, how exactly was
that tail attached?
You know,
I didn't really
want to know.
And I thought
my marriage was weird.
I think they're all weird,
each in their own special
kind of way.
Yeah, but people
keep doing it.
Yeah, first-timers,
because they don't
know any better.
And old hands
like you and me?
We know better.
You want some more OJ?
Oh, Detectives,
let me guess.
Somebody died.
Yes. Larry Summerstadt.
Seven years ago.
It went down
as an accident,
but we'd like to
take another look.
All right,
you got him en route?
Personal delivery.
Oh, if you're
proposing to me, Lupo,
the answer is no.
That's the deceased.
The widow had his cremains
pressed into
an artificial diamond.
First exhumation order
we ever got for
a piece of jewelry.
and what do you expect me
to tell you from this?
What've you got?
The deceased was a man
of many facets.
Nothing. It's carbon.
Carbon is carbon.
It doesn't remember
where it came from.
But you could go back
to the place that made that
and get
the leftover cremains.
There's a new technique
that might find something.
Oh, we'll have to find out
if they kept any leftovers.
Of course they did.
In case the widow wanted
matching earrings.
X-ray emissions.
It bombards the sample
with an ion beam.
We call it Pixie.
So, do we need to stand
someplace else?
No, no,
you're fine there.
The beams generate
atomic interactions
that produce wavelengths
specific to individual
Until we got this,
all I could've told you
about those ashes
was that they were ashes.
So what's Pixie
have to say?
There's carbon, of course.
Calcium phosphate, sodium,
Yeah. This is what
you're looking for.
I take it
that's not part of
a well-balanced diet?
No, it's a heavy metal
that has no business
being in human remains.
Unless that
particular human
was poisoned.
Well, I can't say
whether it was
accidental or on purpose.
But yes.
What does thallium do
to a person?
Hair loss,
gastrointestinal distress,
neurological dysfunction.
So they could stumble,
fall out of a window?
Or collapse
and you could
toss him out.
It doesn't look good,
Mrs. Di Napoli.
You've got to understand.
Call me Marielle,
because I feel we're
working together on this.
From different
ends, Marielle.
The evidence doesn't lie.
Your first husband
was poisoned.
And your second husband told
the police at least four times
that you tried to kill him.
I explained all that
to your lieutenant.
Didn't she
explain it to you?
If it was just game playing,
why did he call the police?
Well, he'd get mad
about something,
like if I'd left
a sandwich in the car,
he never liked that.
But then, you know,
if one of our scenarios
got a little out of hand,
he'd overreact until we,
you know,
got back on track.
You locked David
in a dog cage and left him
there for the weekend.
I don't expect you
to understand.
But what David and I
had together,
it was sent by God.
You were soul mates.
And you found this out
when you were married
to your first husband.
It was bad timing.
Well, if I had
met David first,
I never would have
even been
with another man.
But you were with another man.
And that man was killed,
which left you
financially set up and
alone with David, right?
That's true.
You're not going to
let up on this,
are you?
No, we're not.
You had
every reason in the world
to murder your first husband.
So did David.
His business
was fiber optics.
His company had
a plant in China.
He used to
go over there,
and they had
a certain chemical
That was the one.
David brought some back.
You're saying you and he
killed your first husband
No. It was David,
just David.
And he told me
about it afterwards.
I felt bad about Larry,
but I wasn't going to go
to the police.
Even though he
murdered your husband?
Because he loved me.
Because we were
soul mates.
Because we had to
be together.
Am I under arrest?
Then I have to get back
to the funeral home.
So Marielle Di Napoli
is giving us
her second husband
for the murder
of her first?
She said he
confessed to her.
And he's conveniently dead.
You can indict
a diamond ring.
She turns her ex-husbands
into Memory Gems.
Who do you think killed
her first husband?
I think she killed
both of them.
Well, if we charge her
with killing Number One,
she'll raise reasonable doubt
by saying that
Number Two did it.
Then charge her with
killing Number Two.
She's got
no one to point to
on that one.
She bought the sword,
he complained in the past
that she tried to kill him,
and she admits to
locking him
in that dog cage.
Yeah, but he was
her soul mate.
It says so right here
in your report.
Okay, and in this report
it says one of Di Napoli's
friends told his wife
that Marielle's soul mate
was getting ready
to divorce her.
That's not right.
My wife must have
Well, she told the police
that you said
Mr. Di Napoli was planning
on getting a divorce.
It's news to me.
He never said anything
like that to you?
Your wife said that's why
she put Mrs. Di Napoli up
for that makeover show.
I thought she put her up
for that show because
she dresses like a slut.
Who? Marielle?
They're from
the District Attorney's
office, dear.
Uh, we're just
trying to clear
something up.
Did your husband tell you
that David Di Napoli
wanted a divorce?
AMY: It was that day he went
to New Jersey with you
to look at your
shopping center.
You stopped for a few drinks
on the way home, dear.
Mr. Di Napoli was
looking at real estate
with you?
He'd bought a share
in one of my projects.
But he never said
he was getting divorced.
Even if we'd had
a few drinks.
That strike you as odd?
David Di Napoli
investing with Felner?
And Felner was investing
with Ashcroft,
and Ashcroft was investing
with Di Napoli.
A perfect circle.
It's not that perfect.
Felner was suing Ashcroft
over his investment.
And Ashcroft told the cops
that he lost a fortune
with Di Napoli.
But round and round
it goes.
It was a daisy chain.
They were all investing
with each other.
And all losing money.
That's what their books show.
Three investment disasters.
But they still play tennis
together every week
and stop for drinks
at the club bar afterward.
All that money
down the drain and
no hard feelings.
Let me take a wild guess.
They're all married?
Yep. Now, Felner's wife said
that he was thinking divorce.
Felner denies
ever saying it.
Because it has to be
kept quiet, doesn't it?
Asset stripping.
You don't file for divorce
until after you've hidden
the money.
Maybe you should remind
Mr. Felner and Mr. Ashcroft
that they've committed
a felony.
If it was a crime
to lose money
in an investment,
you'd have to arrest
everybody in Manhattan.
Well, it's not a crime
to lose money,
but it can be a crime
to make money
and lie about it.
We've checked the values
of the comic books
you invested in.
They didn't go down.
They went up.
And so did
the mutual funds you
bought from Mr. Ashcroft.
CUTTER: Your lawsuit
against him
was just for show.
A show for your wife.
That's ridiculous.
Let's see what
her divorce lawyer
has to say about it.
She doesn't have
a divorce lawyer.
We're not
getting divorced.
Well, maybe not now.
But that was the plan,
wasn't it?
The three of you
made bogus bad investments
with each other
to lose as much money
as you could
before you
filed for divorce,
to avoid giving half
to your wives.
After the settlements,
it could all
quietly reappear.
Even if you're right,
the alleged crime doesn't
become a crime
until one of us lies
in a divorce proceeding,
which hasn't happened.
Well, they may,
after your wives
hear about this.
Are you going to tell them?
Is that part of
the District Attorney's job?
Are you sure they don't
already know?
Are you sure
none of them knows?
Marielle knew.
I don't know how
she found out about it.
David could be
pretty stupid sometimes.
How do you know
she knew?
She called me.
Said she wanted
David's money back.
She said we were all
sons of bitches.
She was
yelling and crying,
angry, crazy.
When did this happen?
The day before
David was killed.
What, and you never thought
to mention this to the police?
That your friend's wife
had a motive to murder him?
Of course not.
That would blow the whistle
on your scheme
to cheat your own wife.
Got to keep your
priorities straight.
They'd rather let
a murderer go free
than give their wives
a fair share
of their assets.
Makes me appreciate
being single.
Marielle Di Napoli
had a motive.
Let's call
Lupo and Bernard.
There are no eyewitnesses,
no conclusive forensics.
The woman's unstable.
We charge her, shake her up,
we maybe get a plea.
"Case number 46894.
"People v. Marielle Di Napoli.
"Charge is Murder
in the Second Degree."
Mrs. Di Napoli pleads
not guilty.
Uh, no.
She pleads not possible.
Excuse me?
How can you murder
your own heart?
The actual charge,
Your Honor,
is murdering her husband.
How can you murder
your own soul?
Stick around, you'll see.
This is
a horrible mistake.
I don't know what
you people
can be thinking.
Well, we're thinking
that you were upset
when you realized
your husband
wanted a divorce.
But that's not true.
That could never happen.
We have a witness
who says otherwise,
that you knew about
the bogus investment
David did invest
with Josh.
He told me that.
But it wasn't bogus.
And he was getting
his money back
so we could buy real estate
that we both wanted,
the house in Westhampton
where we were first together.
Which you inherited
from your first husband
after David drugged him
and threw him
out a window.
But I didn't keep it.
The bank took it back.
It came on the market
a few months ago,
and we were
going to buy it.
So you would have been
especially upset
when your husband told you
his money was gone.
I keep hearing the word
"upset" here.
Is there a plea offer
on the table?
Extreme emotional
It's not
out of the question.
Emotional about what?
We were
a happily married couple.
Everything was perfect.
I guess that's a no.
Everything was perfect.
Yeah, except for
the dead guy
in the dog cage.
She won't take a plea.
She thinks she's Juliet.
No way she killed Romeo,
even if she did.
Are you sure
she did kill him?
Two murdered husbands?
Come on.
CONNIE: She says
she had no motive,
that there was
no divorce coming,
and that she and her husband
were shopping
for romantic real estate.
Even if they were,
he could've just been
jollying her along.
It's due diligence.
We should check it out.
JACK: Go take a look.
Maybe you'll find
another dead husband
in the bushes.
ELLEN: Lovely grounds.
Nice for chasing
your lover around
with a whip.
Excuse me?
We understand that
Mr. And Mrs. Di Napoli had
a sentimental attachment
to the place.
Oh, yes.
They seemed quite taken
with it, and each other.
I thought
they were newlyweds.
Were they serious
potential buyers?
They were about to
make an offer.
Mr. Di Napoli even had
his business manager call
to go over some details.
His business manager?
Yes. Name of Joshua Felner.
I'm in a bidding war.
Excuse me.
Felner wasn't Di Napoli's
business manager.
No, but if he was
checking to see what
Di Napoli was up to,
if he was really
staying with his wife,
really needed
his money back...
If Di Napoli wanted out,
the whole divorce scam
might have blown up.
Which would give
both Felner and Ashcroft
a motive to kill Di Napoli,
and then lie
about what his wife knew
so that we'd go after her.
All of this just to
screw their wives.
Maybe their wives
would like to
return the favor.
This whole thing
that my husband
was involved
in some secret plot
to get a divorce.
As far as I know,
we're not
getting a divorce.
I'm afraid that
was sort of the point
of the secret plan.
With all due
respect, lady,
I don't know you,
and I've known Marty
for 20 years.
You both knew both men.
We want you to
compare notes.
Your husband told the police
that he was with you the night
Mr. Di Napoli was murdered.
That's true. He was.
CUTTER: All night?
What time did you
go to bed?
Amy, do you
believe this?
Yes. I threw Josh out
I have a divorce lawyer
and a forensic accountant
combing through
every corner of
his miserable life.
You have to face
reality here, Suzanne.
By the way, I have no idea
where my husband was
that night.
I go to bed early.
Fine, then maybe
your husband
murdered David.
Oh, like yours is
such a paragon.
I've been hearing
from Josh for years
how he runs around.
He practically
mounted a military campaign
to get into Marielle's pants.
Even she was
too good for him.
Thanks so much
for having us.
It's been fun.
The real housewives
of New York City.
They don't know
anything we don't.
Our only hope is to
squeeze something out of
one of those husbands.
I think we just found out
who might be able to help us.
So you're dropping
the charges?
No. We have a case
against your client.
We have no case
against anyone else.
But you just said
Ashcroft and Felner...
You think Marty Ashcroft
killed my husband,
and you want me
to seduce him?
That's not what
we said.
We don't want you to
lock him in a dog cage
Just talk to him,
if you really want
to help us,
if you're willing.
I'm willing.
MARTY: I got to say,
I was surprised
you called me.
MARIELLE: I just wanted to be
with somebody who knew David.
And you were his friend.
This whole thing
has just been
so terrible.
So, they dropped
the charge against you?
Oh, of course
they did.
They found people
who saw me in Connecticut
while David was...
Being killed.
The idea that
they would arrest me,
that they would suspect me?
I know.
I'm sorry about David.
You knew how
special he was.
If there's anything
I can do...
I really
appreciate that, Marty.
I feel so alone now.
Anything, Marielle.
I need money
to pay bills.
David's investments were
very complicated,
and his comic books
are all gone,
and if I just had a couple
of those to sell, you know,
to just tide me over.
They might not all
be gone.
But they were stolen.
Not all of them.
David gave me a few to
You have some of
David's comic books?
You son of a bitch!
You killed David!
You bastard!
Marielle! Put it down!
He killed my soul!
She's crazy!
Drop that now.
Drop it!
Drop it.
He killed him.
He killed him.
I did not.
I know you did.
Where's that
crazy bitch?
You arrest her?
She tried to kill me.
We'll deal
with her later.
Now we're
dealing with you.
What you told Mrs. Di Napoli
got us a search warrant
for your apartment,
where we found
Mr. Di Napoli's
comic books.
All of them.
With what looks to be
specks of blood on a few.
The lab will tell us tomorrow
if it's Mr. Di Napoli's,
unless you'd like to
tell us now.
I didn't kill David.
Well, this would be
a really good time for you
to explain some things.
He'll tell you
what he knows.
But he walks away
with no charges.
That's for the D.A.
To decide.
What does he know?
We were trying to
hide money from our wives.
And David changed his mind.
He told Josh
he wanted his money back.
You know this how?
Josh told me.
But he didn't have
David's money.
He had put it into
one of his investments.
He wasn't expecting
to give it back
until after the divorces.
David said he needed
the money now
to buy that house
in the Hamptons,
and that if he didn't get it,
he was going to
tell our wives everything.
He was going to
blow the whistle
on all of us.
Josh told me
he'd take care of it.
When did you get
the comic books?
The night after the murder,
from Josh.
He said he didn't want
them around his house.
Besides, they were
my investment.
What do you think?
If his alibi checks,
we'll charge Josh Felner
with the murder.
And Mrs. Di Napoli?
Case dismissed.
Is that going to make her
one of your witnesses?
Good luck.
CUTTER: Do you recognize
this comic book,
Mrs. Di Napoli?
It belonged to my husband.
Now, we heard testimony
from your husband's friend,
Marty Ashcroft,
that he got this
from the defendant
after your
husband's death.
To your knowledge,
did your husband ever
give this to Mr. Felner?
No. He had no reason to.
And when did you
see it last?
Um, the afternoon before
he was murdered.
It was in a display case
in our living room.
And when did you notice
that it was missing?
The next morning,
when they discovered
my husband's body.
I see.
Thank you.
As for how Mr. Ashcroft
got that comic book,
didn't he tell you
a different story
the night that you
stabbed him
with a steak knife?
Yes. He...
He said that David had
given it to him.
And which of his stories
do you believe?
That he gave it to him,
after he murdered
my husband.
Well, you would go
for that one, wouldn't you?
It takes you off the hook.
You were arrested
for killing your husband,
Yes, but the authorities
made a mistake.
And then they gave you
a way out.
To elicit
incriminating statements
from Mr. Ashcroft
by offering yourself
to him sexually.
No, that was
only for show.
But hadn't you
slept with him during
your marriage?
No! I was
faithful to David.
He was my great love.
Your great love
who made plans to cheat you
and divorce you.
He changed his mind.
That's why he was killed.
Actually, wasn't he
killed by you because he
hadn't changed his mind?
Because he was
walking out
on your marriage?
No, that couldn't happen.
Well, maybe not while
he was locked inside
a dog cage.
But wasn't he
sick and tired of
you and your drama?
We were deeply in love.
Wasn't he looking forward
to a normal life
with a normal woman?
You don't know what
you're talking about.
Hadn't he already
had affairs with women
who weren't freaks like you?
You're lying!
JUDGE: Mrs. Di Napoli,
sit down.
Mrs. Di Napoli!
You bitch!
You don't understand anything.
You don't know anything.
I know I'm lucky
there weren't
any swords handy.
You saw what she was like.
David wanted those comics
out of the house
so they'd be somewhere safe
when he got out.
So you didn't
kill Mr. Di Napoli?
No. And if he
got out sooner,
he'd still be alive.
His wife knew
what was going on.
She isn't one to
take that kind of thing
lying down.
If David Di Napoli gave you
those comic books
before he was killed,
why was his blood on them?
Probably some old stab wound
from his crazy wife.
Yes, well,
she is a little extreme,
isn't she?
That's one word for it.
So you must have
been surprised
when he backed out
of your asset-hiding
scheme to stay with her?
He didn't back out.
Oh, so Mrs. Di Napoli is
lying about the comic books,
and Mr. Ashcroft is lying
about Mr. Di Napoli.
And what,
everybody is lying
except you?
But there was an
asset-hiding scheme?
It was David's idea.
He didn't want to give
his wife half his money.
And you didn't want
to give half your money
to your wife.
That was the idea.
You're getting divorced now,
aren't you?
How much is your wife
going to get?
I'm not sure.
More than
a million dollars?
Two million?
You think that's fair?
The law says it is.
What do you say?
That I've worked
60 hours a week
for the last 15 years,
and as far as I can tell,
my wife spends
most of her time shopping
and getting her nails done.
Surely that's
an exaggeration.
Yeah, I forgot aromatherapy.
A hundred bucks a week now,
on me, forever.
Can someone please tell me
what in the hell
aromatherapy is?
You don't want to
get stuck paying
for things like that, do you?
Who would?
The whole system is designed
to reward women who...
Who what, Mr. Felner?
What, who leech off
their husbands,
and then skin them alive
in a divorce?
I don't know.
What's done is done.
I'm moving on.
Well, you'd be moving on
with a lot more
of the money you made
during those 60 hour weeks
if Mr. Di Napoli hadn't
backed out of your scheme.
I told you,
he didn't back out.
Why would he?
Because he
loved his wife?
He was sick of his wife.
It was too damn weird.
I mean,
the cage, the sword.
He told you about those?
Yeah. So I'd understand
why he wanted out.
Why he'd never go back.
And the handcuffs,
he mention those, too?
Pink handcuffs.
Like that would make them
any more comfortable.
And when did he mention
all this to you?
A few days before
his wife killed him.
Well, that's interesting,
because the Di Napolis didn't
have pink handcuffs then.
This store receipt shows
that Mrs. Di Napoli
bought them
the day of the murder.
Well, I must have read
they were pink
in the newspaper.
That detail
was never released.
So what?
That psycho tramp wife of his
knew about them.
She knew they were there.
So did his killer.
So did you.
JUDGE: On the charge of
Murder in the Second Degree,
how do you find?
We find
the defendant guilty.
I thank you
for your service.
Defendant is bound over
for sentencing.
I know what people
think of me.
I know what you
may think of me.
But I never lied to you.
And I loved my husband.
I believe you.
Thank you.
For everything.
I gather things weren't
looking so good
when your star witness
tried to murder
the defense attorney.
Well, we recovered.
I let the jury see
how much Felner hated
his wife, and then
he fell into
the old pink handcuff trap.
Just like Mr. Di Napoli
used to, I imagine.
The widow sent me
a thank-you gift
for helping to convict
her husband's killer.
JACK: Diamond studs?
It's her husband.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented
by two separate
yet equally important groups,
the police
who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
CAROL: Oh, my God,
where was she going?
A birthday party
in a whorehouse?
Grocery store.
That's her standard
daytime outfit.
Next day.
That's her and her husband
going out for Chinese food.
KARL: Oh, this woman
may be beyond our help.
At least this one doesn't
weigh 300 pounds.
Our next fashion victim,
Marielle Di Napoli,
was brought to our attention
by a friend concerned about
inappropriate attire.
Based on what our
hidden cameras have seen
over the past few days,
I'd say that's quite
an understatement.
But things are
about to change
for the better,
as we undertake another
fashion victim makeover!
Marielle Di Napoli, come out.
Your life is about to change.
Marielle Di Napoli?
Cut! Cut!
That is a dog cage,
It was locked up tight.
I guess the handcuffs
were insurance.
We needed bolt cutters
to get to him.
Was there a dog
in there with him?
No dog. No dog hair.
No dog food.
Looks like he was stabbed
through the bars.
With what?
Something with
a long blade.
So, for this television show,
you had the house
under surveillance?
Just an hour or two
a day.
The last time we were here
was yesterday morning.
you see anything
out of the ordinary?
Just Mrs. Di Napoli's
CAROL: There she is.
KARL: See what we mean?
Excuse me.
Mrs. Di Napoli.
What happened?
He won't tell me
what happened.
I'm afraid
it's your husband.
Mrs. Di Napoli!
Mrs. Di Napoli.
Is that David?
maybe you shouldn't...
Oh, my dear...
What happened?
Who did this?
We don't know.
We're just beginning to...
His comic books,
They're gone.
His comic books?
He was a collector.
They were very valuable.
Oh, those stupid comics.
Oh, my God.
How can I live
without him?
Help me.
Does she know
Nothing useful so far.
She says she was away
overnight at a college
reunion in Connecticut.
We checked.
People saw her
at the banquet.
Her husband was murdered
around 1:00 a.m.
By someone who
broke into his house,
locked him in a dog cage,
stabbed him through the bars,
then stole
his comic books?
Bright lights,
big city.
While his wife
was being followed
by a video crew
for a makeover reality show.
What are the odds?
Her name was sent into
the show by a friend of hers.
Amy Felner.
That was nice of her.
You have a list
of the missing comics?
Yeah, she gave us
his inventory.
We'll check comic book dealers
and auction houses to see
if these are showing up.
White leather miniskirt
with studs. Whew!
We knew Mr. Di Napoli.
He specialized in
All-American Comics
from the '40s.
Early Wonder Woman,
Golden Age Green Lantern,
Gay Ghost.
Gay Ghost?
As in cheerful.
Some of these are worth
upwards of $10,000.
We think whoever
killed Mr. Di Napoli
stole those.
We'd like to know
if anyone brings them in.
Well, they're not unique.
I got
a Green Lantern Number 6
on auction right now.
Well, if you get more
than one of those.
Can I keep this?
That's funny.
I had an inquiry
last week.
Somebody wanted to know
the value of
Sensation Mystery Number 1,
and the All-American 20,
and the All Flash Quarterly.
Those are on the list?
You think that's
a coincidence?
You got the name
of the guy who inquired?
I just heard about David.
It's hard to believe.
You knew Mr. Di Napoli?
Yes. Socially.
We played tennis.
You also had an interest
in his business.
Fiber optics? No.
His comic book collection.
You wanted to know how much
it was worth.
You inquired,
a few days before
he was killed for them.
You think I killed David
for his comic books?
Why were you asking
about them?
Because they were partly mine.
I invested with David.
David convinced me
that comic books were
a growth area.
The first Superman just sold
for a million dollars.
The prices are going nuts.
So you were
making money?
Everything was fine?
No. David said
the big-name books
were overvalued,
and the obscure ones
had all the upside.
So we bought
Doctor Mid-Nite,
Johnny Thunder.
You ever hear
of the Gay Ghost?
Yeah. He was cheerful.
Yeah, well,
he wasn't worth anything.
David thought he might
command a premium
because of his name,
but he was wrong
about all of them.
I had called that dealer
to see if I had
any of my investment left.
The dealer told us
they were worth a bundle.
I paid a bundle.
They were supposed to
go up.
They didn't.
I lost my shirt.
Thanks to Mr. Di Napoli.
You mind telling us
where you were last night?
At home,
redoing the family budget
with my wife.
Hey, you see where
Batman beat Superman?
A Batman book just went
for $1,075,000.
I had a lot of comics
when I was growing up.
Wish my mother
hadn't thrown
them away.
I don't think Scooby-Doo
brings in that much.
Marty Ashcroft,
the guy who lost his
shirt to Di Napoli?
Looks like he needed
the money he lost.
He was being sued.
Plaintiff alleges
that Ashcroft
misrepresented the value
of closed-end mutual funds
he sold to plaintiff.
So Ashcroft lost money
with Di Napoli,
and someone else
lost money with Ashcroft?
Ashcroft was being
squeezed on both ends.
The guy who's
suing Ashcroft,
his name is
Joshua Felner.
Amy Felner put
Di Napoli's wife up
for the reality show.
Small world.
I don't know much about
my husband's investments.
What does this have
to do with what happened
to David?
Probably just
a coincidence.
Did your husband
ever mention
the Di Napolis to you?
We know them.
Josh played tennis
with David
and Marty Ashcroft.
Did your husband
have anything to do
with you proposing
Marielle Di Napoli for
Fashion Victim?
The only fashion
he might notice is
a topless bikini.
Putting Marielle up
for the show
was my idea.
She's a friend of mine.
Well, telling the world
her wardrobe is hideous,
how friendly is that?
She's a beautiful
40-year-old woman
who dresses like
a colorblind
20-year-old prostitute.
I thought she
should hear it from experts
so maybe she'd believe it.
Was there
any particular reason
you did that just now?
Yes. I thought she might
be single again soon,
so she'd want to be
looking her best.
She might be
single again soon?
You knew her husband
was going to be killed?
No. My husband told me.
David Di Napoli was planning
on getting divorced.
There was a wound
on his cheek,
but they can fix that
for the visitation.
I want an open casket.
David was
such a beautiful man.
Have you
found out anything?
Do you know
who did this to him?
Not yet.
It's so awful.
It's everything.
I'm just trying to
focus on the details,
the death notice,
the flowers,
which passage to read.
David wasn't
a religious man,
but I think
the Old Testament
is beautiful.
"What shall I cry?
"All flesh is grass,
and the goodliness thereof
"is as the flower
of the field."
Isaiah 40.
Nice for
a graveside service.
Oh, no, David isn't
going to be buried.
He's going to be cremated,
like my first husband.
Your first husband
gave you that ring?
No. This is him.
There's a company called
Memory Gem, and they take
cremated remains
and make it into
artificial diamonds.
So, you're going to
make David
into another ring?
No. A pendant.
Bigger than this,
and closer to my heart.
I was fond of Larry,
but David was
the love of my life.
Mrs. Di Napoli, we heard
that maybe you and David
were having some troubles.
What? No, no trouble.
That maybe
you were heading
toward divorce.
Me and David? No.
We were soul mates.
Interesting woman.
Isaiah 40, huh?
What, you prefer
What I'd prefer is
not to be a ring
on that woman's finger.
You don't believe that
her and Husband Number Two
were soul mates?
I'd like to know what
she was up to the days
before the murder.
Let's go to
the videotapes.
What are you guys
looking for,
her drawing a bull's-eye
on his back?
I don't know.
They look like
soul mates to you?
Well, they're not
speaking to each other.
They look married.
This is the day before.
Oh, those clothes
are God-awful.
Leopard print
and zebra print.
I like a little color
on a woman.
Yeah, I actually think
that orange goes nicely
with the zebra.
All right,
this is the last one,
the morning
of the murder.
She's taking
a taxi this time.
Hack number right there.
Wonder where she was going.
Well, I guarantee you
it's not Saks Fifth Avenue.
All right. Say
she was planning to
kill her husband, right?
Or hire it done.
The taxi dropped her here.
Fifi's Fashions.
Looks like
her kind of place.
Maybe this is, too.
You remember her?
I remember the, uh...
She bought a pair
of handcuffs. Pink.
It's a new item.
She happen to mention
what she was
going to use them for?
No. She just said
they were darling.
Then she saw
something else she liked
over here.
They're all legal.
No switchblades,
gravity knives,
knuckle knives,
or kung fu stars.
This is only
against the law
if it's possessed
with the intent to use it
against another person.
Penal Law 265.01.
Okay, are you a lawyer
or a knife salesman?
People ask me,
and some cops don't know.
So, our lady,
she bought one of those?
No. She bought one of these.
Damascus steel blade,
copper fittings,
snakeskin handle,
40 inches long.
Long enough to reach
inside a dog cage.
I know.
I didn't tell you about
the sword. I...
I was embarrassed.
Embarrassed about
killing your husband?
I didn't kill David.
His wounds were consistent
with the sword
that you bought,
that you didn't
tell us about.
The night
he was murdered,
you could have driven in
from Connecticut
and been back
before anyone had known
you were gone.
No. Somebody else
killed David.
They broke into the house
for those comics
and they must have seen
the sword and realized that
it would reach into the cage.
You're saying
he was already
in the cage?
That's a little
embarrassing, too.
Is there someone else
I can talk to?
Sex games.
Sex games?
Locking your husband
in a dog cage before you
go on an overnight trip?
He needed
to be punished.
Okay, but what about
the sword?
You hold it against certain
sensitive body parts.
what about shoving it
through his chest?
Maybe he really needed
to be punished.
She says it was all for fun,
never for harm,
and she can prove it.
They've done it before.
She has a witness.
Police Department.
Marielle Di Napoli?
Oh, yeah.
I remember that one.
She had a house out here.
We're looking at her
for maybe
killing her husband.
David, right?
Last time I saw him,
she was chasing him
across the dunes
with a harness whip.
She said you could
vouch for the fact
that they played games
that seemed dangerous
but weren't.
I can vouch that
they were both nuts.
We had half a dozen
calls out there.
First one came from him.
He said she tied him up
and tried to kill him.
We're taking the report,
he says never mind,
it was a sex thing.
He said he was mad at her
but now he's over it,
sorry for the bother.
And chasing him
across the dunes
with a harness whip?
Uh, neighbor called.
Mr. Di Napoli is
running across the sand
in his underwear.
She's chasing
and calling him a dog.
Another game?
More of a play.
Sticking out of
the back of his briefs
he had a tail.
Apparently he was
her soul mate
and her dog.
Well, they say you
never know what goes on
inside a marriage.
Yeah, Westhampton PD
had a few glimpses
into this one.
They had a whole
Di Napoli file.
Oh. He held a steak knife
to her throat
at their fourth
anniversary party?
She didn't pursue it.
It never progressed
into a formal charge.
That was 2008.
Their first lovers'
quarrel was 2002.
That would have been
before they were married.
When did
her first husband die?
So she was playing
Pin the Tail
on the Boyfriend
while Husband Number One
was still in the picture.
How did he die?
Accidental fall
from a third-floor window
of a brownstone
they were renovating.
Which she inherited, right?
Let's try to get
a court order
to exhume this body
for re-examination.
There may be
a slight problem
with that, Loo.
Well, do what you can.
Now, how exactly was
that tail attached?
You know,
I didn't really
want to know.
And I thought
my marriage was weird.
I think they're all weird,
each in their own special
kind of way.
Yeah, but people
keep doing it.
Yeah, first-timers,
because they don't
know any better.
And old hands
like you and me?
We know better.
You want some more OJ?
Oh, Detectives,
let me guess.
Somebody died.
Yes. Larry Summerstadt.
Seven years ago.
It went down
as an accident,
but we'd like to
take another look.
All right,
you got him en route?
Personal delivery.
Oh, if you're
proposing to me, Lupo,
the answer is no.
That's the deceased.
The widow had his cremains
pressed into
an artificial diamond.
First exhumation order
we ever got for
a piece of jewelry.
and what do you expect me
to tell you from this?
What've you got?
The deceased was a man
of many facets.
Nothing. It's carbon.
Carbon is carbon.
It doesn't remember
where it came from.
But you could go back
to the place that made that
and get
the leftover cremains.
There's a new technique
that might find something.
Oh, we'll have to find out
if they kept any leftovers.
Of course they did.
In case the widow wanted
matching earrings.
X-ray emissions.
It bombards the sample
with an ion beam.
We call it Pixie.
So, do we need to stand
someplace else?
No, no,
you're fine there.
The beams generate
atomic interactions
that produce wavelengths
specific to individual
Until we got this,
all I could've told you
about those ashes
was that they were ashes.
So what's Pixie
have to say?
There's carbon, of course.
Calcium phosphate, sodium,
Yeah. This is what
you're looking for.
I take it
that's not part of
a well-balanced diet?
No, it's a heavy metal
that has no business
being in human remains.
Unless that
particular human
was poisoned.
Well, I can't say
whether it was
accidental or on purpose.
But yes.
What does thallium do
to a person?
Hair loss,
gastrointestinal distress,
neurological dysfunction.
So they could stumble,
fall out of a window?
Or collapse
and you could
toss him out.
It doesn't look good,
Mrs. Di Napoli.
You've got to understand.
Call me Marielle,
because I feel we're
working together on this.
From different
ends, Marielle.
The evidence doesn't lie.
Your first husband
was poisoned.
And your second husband told
the police at least four times
that you tried to kill him.
I explained all that
to your lieutenant.
Didn't she
explain it to you?
If it was just game playing,
why did he call the police?
Well, he'd get mad
about something,
like if I'd left
a sandwich in the car,
he never liked that.
But then, you know,
if one of our scenarios
got a little out of hand,
he'd overreact until we,
you know,
got back on track.
You locked David
in a dog cage and left him
there for the weekend.
I don't expect you
to understand.
But what David and I
had together,
it was sent by God.
You were soul mates.
And you found this out
when you were married
to your first husband.
It was bad timing.
Well, if I had
met David first,
I never would have
even been
with another man.
But you were with another man.
And that man was killed,
which left you
financially set up and
alone with David, right?
That's true.
You're not going to
let up on this,
are you?
No, we're not.
You had
every reason in the world
to murder your first husband.
So did David.
His business
was fiber optics.
His company had
a plant in China.
He used to
go over there,
and they had
a certain chemical
That was the one.
David brought some back.
You're saying you and he
killed your first husband
No. It was David,
just David.
And he told me
about it afterwards.
I felt bad about Larry,
but I wasn't going to go
to the police.
Even though he
murdered your husband?
Because he loved me.
Because we were
soul mates.
Because we had to
be together.
Am I under arrest?
Then I have to get back
to the funeral home.
So Marielle Di Napoli
is giving us
her second husband
for the murder
of her first?
She said he
confessed to her.
And he's conveniently dead.
You can indict
a diamond ring.
She turns her ex-husbands
into Memory Gems.
Who do you think killed
her first husband?
I think she killed
both of them.
Well, if we charge her
with killing Number One,
she'll raise reasonable doubt
by saying that
Number Two did it.
Then charge her with
killing Number Two.
She's got
no one to point to
on that one.
She bought the sword,
he complained in the past
that she tried to kill him,
and she admits to
locking him
in that dog cage.
Yeah, but he was
her soul mate.
It says so right here
in your report.
Okay, and in this report
it says one of Di Napoli's
friends told his wife
that Marielle's soul mate
was getting ready
to divorce her.
That's not right.
My wife must have
Well, she told the police
that you said
Mr. Di Napoli was planning
on getting a divorce.
It's news to me.
He never said anything
like that to you?
Your wife said that's why
she put Mrs. Di Napoli up
for that makeover show.
I thought she put her up
for that show because
she dresses like a slut.
Who? Marielle?
They're from
the District Attorney's
office, dear.
Uh, we're just
trying to clear
something up.
Did your husband tell you
that David Di Napoli
wanted a divorce?
AMY: It was that day he went
to New Jersey with you
to look at your
shopping center.
You stopped for a few drinks
on the way home, dear.
Mr. Di Napoli was
looking at real estate
with you?
He'd bought a share
in one of my projects.
But he never said
he was getting divorced.
Even if we'd had
a few drinks.
That strike you as odd?
David Di Napoli
investing with Felner?
And Felner was investing
with Ashcroft,
and Ashcroft was investing
with Di Napoli.
A perfect circle.
It's not that perfect.
Felner was suing Ashcroft
over his investment.
And Ashcroft told the cops
that he lost a fortune
with Di Napoli.
But round and round
it goes.
It was a daisy chain.
They were all investing
with each other.
And all losing money.
That's what their books show.
Three investment disasters.
But they still play tennis
together every week
and stop for drinks
at the club bar afterward.
All that money
down the drain and
no hard feelings.
Let me take a wild guess.
They're all married?
Yep. Now, Felner's wife said
that he was thinking divorce.
Felner denies
ever saying it.
Because it has to be
kept quiet, doesn't it?
Asset stripping.
You don't file for divorce
until after you've hidden
the money.
Maybe you should remind
Mr. Felner and Mr. Ashcroft
that they've committed
a felony.
If it was a crime
to lose money
in an investment,
you'd have to arrest
everybody in Manhattan.
Well, it's not a crime
to lose money,
but it can be a crime
to make money
and lie about it.
We've checked the values
of the comic books
you invested in.
They didn't go down.
They went up.
And so did
the mutual funds you
bought from Mr. Ashcroft.
CUTTER: Your lawsuit
against him
was just for show.
A show for your wife.
That's ridiculous.
Let's see what
her divorce lawyer
has to say about it.
She doesn't have
a divorce lawyer.
We're not
getting divorced.
Well, maybe not now.
But that was the plan,
wasn't it?
The three of you
made bogus bad investments
with each other
to lose as much money
as you could
before you
filed for divorce,
to avoid giving half
to your wives.
After the settlements,
it could all
quietly reappear.
Even if you're right,
the alleged crime doesn't
become a crime
until one of us lies
in a divorce proceeding,
which hasn't happened.
Well, they may,
after your wives
hear about this.
Are you going to tell them?
Is that part of
the District Attorney's job?
Are you sure they don't
already know?
Are you sure
none of them knows?
Marielle knew.
I don't know how
she found out about it.
David could be
pretty stupid sometimes.
How do you know
she knew?
She called me.
Said she wanted
David's money back.
She said we were all
sons of bitches.
She was
yelling and crying,
angry, crazy.
When did this happen?
The day before
David was killed.
What, and you never thought
to mention this to the police?
That your friend's wife
had a motive to murder him?
Of course not.
That would blow the whistle
on your scheme
to cheat your own wife.
Got to keep your
priorities straight.
They'd rather let
a murderer go free
than give their wives
a fair share
of their assets.
Makes me appreciate
being single.
Marielle Di Napoli
had a motive.
Let's call
Lupo and Bernard.
There are no eyewitnesses,
no conclusive forensics.
The woman's unstable.
We charge her, shake her up,
we maybe get a plea.
"Case number 46894.
"People v. Marielle Di Napoli.
"Charge is Murder
in the Second Degree."
Mrs. Di Napoli pleads
not guilty.
Uh, no.
She pleads not possible.
Excuse me?
How can you murder
your own heart?
The actual charge,
Your Honor,
is murdering her husband.
How can you murder
your own soul?
Stick around, you'll see.
This is
a horrible mistake.
I don't know what
you people
can be thinking.
Well, we're thinking
that you were upset
when you realized
your husband
wanted a divorce.
But that's not true.
That could never happen.
We have a witness
who says otherwise,
that you knew about
the bogus investment
David did invest
with Josh.
He told me that.
But it wasn't bogus.
And he was getting
his money back
so we could buy real estate
that we both wanted,
the house in Westhampton
where we were first together.
Which you inherited
from your first husband
after David drugged him
and threw him
out a window.
But I didn't keep it.
The bank took it back.
It came on the market
a few months ago,
and we were
going to buy it.
So you would have been
especially upset
when your husband told you
his money was gone.
I keep hearing the word
"upset" here.
Is there a plea offer
on the table?
Extreme emotional
It's not
out of the question.
Emotional about what?
We were
a happily married couple.
Everything was perfect.
I guess that's a no.
Everything was perfect.
Yeah, except for
the dead guy
in the dog cage.
She won't take a plea.
She thinks she's Juliet.
No way she killed Romeo,
even if she did.
Are you sure
she did kill him?
Two murdered husbands?
Come on.
CONNIE: She says
she had no motive,
that there was
no divorce coming,
and that she and her husband
were shopping
for romantic real estate.
Even if they were,
he could've just been
jollying her along.
It's due diligence.
We should check it out.
JACK: Go take a look.
Maybe you'll find
another dead husband
in the bushes.
ELLEN: Lovely grounds.
Nice for chasing
your lover around
with a whip.
Excuse me?
We understand that
Mr. And Mrs. Di Napoli had
a sentimental attachment
to the place.
Oh, yes.
They seemed quite taken
with it, and each other.
I thought
they were newlyweds.
Were they serious
potential buyers?
They were about to
make an offer.
Mr. Di Napoli even had
his business manager call
to go over some details.
His business manager?
Yes. Name of Joshua Felner.
I'm in a bidding war.
Excuse me.
Felner wasn't Di Napoli's
business manager.
No, but if he was
checking to see what
Di Napoli was up to,
if he was really
staying with his wife,
really needed
his money back...
If Di Napoli wanted out,
the whole divorce scam
might have blown up.
Which would give
both Felner and Ashcroft
a motive to kill Di Napoli,
and then lie
about what his wife knew
so that we'd go after her.
All of this just to
screw their wives.
Maybe their wives
would like to
return the favor.
This whole thing
that my husband
was involved
in some secret plot
to get a divorce.
As far as I know,
we're not
getting a divorce.
I'm afraid that
was sort of the point
of the secret plan.
With all due
respect, lady,
I don't know you,
and I've known Marty
for 20 years.
You both knew both men.
We want you to
compare notes.
Your husband told the police
that he was with you the night
Mr. Di Napoli was murdered.
That's true. He was.
CUTTER: All night?
What time did you
go to bed?
Amy, do you
believe this?
Yes. I threw Josh out
I have a divorce lawyer
and a forensic accountant
combing through
every corner of
his miserable life.
You have to face
reality here, Suzanne.
By the way, I have no idea
where my husband was
that night.
I go to bed early.
Fine, then maybe
your husband
murdered David.
Oh, like yours is
such a paragon.
I've been hearing
from Josh for years
how he runs around.
He practically
mounted a military campaign
to get into Marielle's pants.
Even she was
too good for him.
Thanks so much
for having us.
It's been fun.
The real housewives
of New York City.
They don't know
anything we don't.
Our only hope is to
squeeze something out of
one of those husbands.
I think we just found out
who might be able to help us.
So you're dropping
the charges?
No. We have a case
against your client.
We have no case
against anyone else.
But you just said
Ashcroft and Felner...
You think Marty Ashcroft
killed my husband,
and you want me
to seduce him?
That's not what
we said.
We don't want you to
lock him in a dog cage
Just talk to him,
if you really want
to help us,
if you're willing.
I'm willing.
MARTY: I got to say,
I was surprised
you called me.
MARIELLE: I just wanted to be
with somebody who knew David.
And you were his friend.
This whole thing
has just been
so terrible.
So, they dropped
the charge against you?
Oh, of course
they did.
They found people
who saw me in Connecticut
while David was...
Being killed.
The idea that
they would arrest me,
that they would suspect me?
I know.
I'm sorry about David.
You knew how
special he was.
If there's anything
I can do...
I really
appreciate that, Marty.
I feel so alone now.
Anything, Marielle.
I need money
to pay bills.
David's investments were
very complicated,
and his comic books
are all gone,
and if I just had a couple
of those to sell, you know,
to just tide me over.
They might not all
be gone.
But they were stolen.
Not all of them.
David gave me a few to
You have some of
David's comic books?
You son of a bitch!
You killed David!
You bastard!
Marielle! Put it down!
He killed my soul!
She's crazy!
Drop that now.
Drop it!
Drop it.
He killed him.
He killed him.
I did not.
I know you did.
Where's that
crazy bitch?
You arrest her?
She tried to kill me.
We'll deal
with her later.
Now we're
dealing with you.
What you told Mrs. Di Napoli
got us a search warrant
for your apartment,
where we found
Mr. Di Napoli's
comic books.
All of them.
With what looks to be
specks of blood on a few.
The lab will tell us tomorrow
if it's Mr. Di Napoli's,
unless you'd like to
tell us now.
I didn't kill David.
Well, this would be
a really good time for you
to explain some things.
He'll tell you
what he knows.
But he walks away
with no charges.
That's for the D.A.
To decide.
What does he know?
We were trying to
hide money from our wives.
And David changed his mind.
He told Josh
he wanted his money back.
You know this how?
Josh told me.
But he didn't have
David's money.
He had put it into
one of his investments.
He wasn't expecting
to give it back
until after the divorces.
David said he needed
the money now
to buy that house
in the Hamptons,
and that if he didn't get it,
he was going to
tell our wives everything.
He was going to
blow the whistle
on all of us.
Josh told me
he'd take care of it.
When did you get
the comic books?
The night after the murder,
from Josh.
He said he didn't want
them around his house.
Besides, they were
my investment.
What do you think?
If his alibi checks,
we'll charge Josh Felner
with the murder.
And Mrs. Di Napoli?
Case dismissed.
Is that going to make her
one of your witnesses?
Good luck.
CUTTER: Do you recognize
this comic book,
Mrs. Di Napoli?
It belonged to my husband.
Now, we heard testimony
from your husband's friend,
Marty Ashcroft,
that he got this
from the defendant
after your
husband's death.
To your knowledge,
did your husband ever
give this to Mr. Felner?
No. He had no reason to.
And when did you
see it last?
Um, the afternoon before
he was murdered.
It was in a display case
in our living room.
And when did you notice
that it was missing?
The next morning,
when they discovered
my husband's body.
I see.
Thank you.
As for how Mr. Ashcroft
got that comic book,
didn't he tell you
a different story
the night that you
stabbed him
with a steak knife?
Yes. He...
He said that David had
given it to him.
And which of his stories
do you believe?
That he gave it to him,
after he murdered
my husband.
Well, you would go
for that one, wouldn't you?
It takes you off the hook.
You were arrested
for killing your husband,
Yes, but the authorities
made a mistake.
And then they gave you
a way out.
To elicit
incriminating statements
from Mr. Ashcroft
by offering yourself
to him sexually.
No, that was
only for show.
But hadn't you
slept with him during
your marriage?
No! I was
faithful to David.
He was my great love.
Your great love
who made plans to cheat you
and divorce you.
He changed his mind.
That's why he was killed.
Actually, wasn't he
killed by you because he
hadn't changed his mind?
Because he was
walking out
on your marriage?
No, that couldn't happen.
Well, maybe not while
he was locked inside
a dog cage.
But wasn't he
sick and tired of
you and your drama?
We were deeply in love.
Wasn't he looking forward
to a normal life
with a normal woman?
You don't know what
you're talking about.
Hadn't he already
had affairs with women
who weren't freaks like you?
You're lying!
JUDGE: Mrs. Di Napoli,
sit down.
Mrs. Di Napoli!
You bitch!
You don't understand anything.
You don't know anything.
I know I'm lucky
there weren't
any swords handy.
You saw what she was like.
David wanted those comics
out of the house
so they'd be somewhere safe
when he got out.
So you didn't
kill Mr. Di Napoli?
No. And if he
got out sooner,
he'd still be alive.
His wife knew
what was going on.
She isn't one to
take that kind of thing
lying down.
If David Di Napoli gave you
those comic books
before he was killed,
why was his blood on them?
Probably some old stab wound
from his crazy wife.
Yes, well,
she is a little extreme,
isn't she?
That's one word for it.
So you must have
been surprised
when he backed out
of your asset-hiding
scheme to stay with her?
He didn't back out.
Oh, so Mrs. Di Napoli is
lying about the comic books,
and Mr. Ashcroft is lying
about Mr. Di Napoli.
And what,
everybody is lying
except you?
But there was an
asset-hiding scheme?
It was David's idea.
He didn't want to give
his wife half his money.
And you didn't want
to give half your money
to your wife.
That was the idea.
You're getting divorced now,
aren't you?
How much is your wife
going to get?
I'm not sure.
More than
a million dollars?
Two million?
You think that's fair?
The law says it is.
What do you say?
That I've worked
60 hours a week
for the last 15 years,
and as far as I can tell,
my wife spends
most of her time shopping
and getting her nails done.
Surely that's
an exaggeration.
Yeah, I forgot aromatherapy.
A hundred bucks a week now,
on me, forever.
Can someone please tell me
what in the hell
aromatherapy is?
You don't want to
get stuck paying
for things like that, do you?
Who would?
The whole system is designed
to reward women who...
Who what, Mr. Felner?
What, who leech off
their husbands,
and then skin them alive
in a divorce?
I don't know.
What's done is done.
I'm moving on.
Well, you'd be moving on
with a lot more
of the money you made
during those 60 hour weeks
if Mr. Di Napoli hadn't
backed out of your scheme.
I told you,
he didn't back out.
Why would he?
Because he
loved his wife?
He was sick of his wife.
It was too damn weird.
I mean,
the cage, the sword.
He told you about those?
Yeah. So I'd understand
why he wanted out.
Why he'd never go back.
And the handcuffs,
he mention those, too?
Pink handcuffs.
Like that would make them
any more comfortable.
And when did he mention
all this to you?
A few days before
his wife killed him.
Well, that's interesting,
because the Di Napolis didn't
have pink handcuffs then.
This store receipt shows
that Mrs. Di Napoli
bought them
the day of the murder.
Well, I must have read
they were pink
in the newspaper.
That detail
was never released.
So what?
That psycho tramp wife of his
knew about them.
She knew they were there.
So did his killer.
So did you.
JUDGE: On the charge of
Murder in the Second Degree,
how do you find?
We find
the defendant guilty.
I thank you
for your service.
Defendant is bound over
for sentencing.
I know what people
think of me.
I know what you
may think of me.
But I never lied to you.
And I loved my husband.
I believe you.
Thank you.
For everything.
I gather things weren't
looking so good
when your star witness
tried to murder
the defense attorney.
Well, we recovered.
I let the jury see
how much Felner hated
his wife, and then
he fell into
the old pink handcuff trap.
Just like Mr. Di Napoli
used to, I imagine.
The widow sent me
a thank-you gift
for helping to convict
her husband's killer.
JACK: Diamond studs?
It's her husband.