Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 16, Episode 2 - Flaw - full transcript
The death of a con-man who tried to call Olivia Benson just before he was murdered brings Olivia and Fin to the assistance of Fontana and Green, and leads Olivia back to her old nemesis - slippery mother/daughter team Lorraine Dillon and April Troost.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
I moved from San Juan to get
away from my mother-in-law.
And you're letting
yours move in?
Who told you she was moving in?
Your wife.
She gets what she wants.
I told her we'd talk about it.
Four mouths to feed
and now her mother's moving in.
Only if I say it's okay.
Not if. When.
Hey! You okay?
I'm fine.
He's not.
How long has this
building been empty?
According to building
security, about three months.
Our squatter have a name?
Yeah, Patrick Sullivan, 47.
Lives in Murray Hill.
Did us the favor of
holding on to his wallet.
It still has cash and cards.
I'll give you three guesses.
He drowned.
Bullet to the chest at close range.
No exit wounds.
Bet you a bagel
it's a hollow-point.
You have a time for us?
Combo of rigor and lividity puts
time of death somewhere between
7:00 and midnight.
Hey, do you mind?
Number's still on the screen.
Never got a chance
to press send.
No, it's a local number.
Guess he died calling for help.
Or someone killed him to keep
him from making that call.
Only one way to find out.
Detective Benson.
So what have we got?
I'm not sure. Now, you didn't get
any strange phone calls last night?
Any messages? Anything
logged in as a missed call?
And you're certain that your
vic was trying to call me?
If his life flashed before his
eyes, you were the star player.
And you say his name
is Patrick Sullivan?
Ring any bells? None.
Maybe his face will.
Never seen him before
in my life.
Which begs the question...
Why did he die
trying to call me?
You check the SVU database?
BADS, NITRO, online complaints.
Patrick Sullivan doesn't show up as a
victim or a perp in any of our files.
Walk me through
this crime scene again.
Sixteenth floor of
an empty office building.
The victim was supine,
with a bullet to the chest.
Victim's blood, but something tells
me that's not what you're asking.
He was alone and zipped up.
Which doesn't sound
like a sex crime.
Exactly. So Why'd
he try to call me?
Just because he's not in your file doesn't
mean he's not connected to a case.
Good luck. I give out thousands
of business cards a year.
Victims, families, witnesses.
I mean, it could be anybody.
Well, there is something else we
should consider, Detective Benson.
Suppose this is not
about a case.
Suppose it's personal.
How long you been
renting to Mr. Sullivan?
You'll have to speak up.
I'm a little hard of hearing.
How long has Mr.
Sullivan lived here?
Two years.
When was the last time
you saw Mr. Sullivan?
I don't usually. He's
got his own entrance.
I didn't hear him
coming and going.
How many people
are you renting to?
Just the one.
Then why is Social
Security sending checks
to five different individuals
at this same address?
Hmm. Check this out. It's a
receipt from a storage facility.
Let's see what Mr. Sullivan
kept under lock and key.
Oh, my God.
Five bodies.
All elderly, all dead
of apparently natural causes.
But I'll know more
in an hour or two.
Well, I don't think they're gonna turn
into homicides during your lunch hour.
To fit the bodies into the freezers,
your guy had to double them over.
Before I can open up
the last three,
they gotta thaw out.
Whatever happened to
respecting your elders?
All right, your DOA,
Patrick Sullivan.
In order to locate the
slug in his chest cavity,
I ran a series of X rays.
He had a broken collar bone?
Yeah. Along with four ribs, both
arms, both legs, and his left foot.
Based on re-calcification,
I believe the breaks happened at
different times over a series of years.
What is up with this dude?
So, you're telling me
Patrick Sullivan's a con man.
Well, the man made
a living off of cons,
which explains the broken bones
and the insurance fraud.
It's as old as Hammurabi.
Guy's been doing it
since he was a kid.
You walk in front of
a car, and bam!
Make like it was an accident.
That's a hell of a way
to make a living.
I guess he ran out of bones and
went in for the easy money.
So, the bodies in the morgue
match the names
on the Social Security checks
you found in
Sullivan's apartment?
Yeah. Uncle Sam thinks all five are alive
and well and living in the same joint.
Well, since all five of our seniors
last resided at the same nursing home,
we're gonna go there and check
for Sullivan's playmate.
Sounds good.
Ona Schiller moved back in
with her son and his family.
Let me guess, in Murray Hill.
How about Joseph Huffman?
Uh, says here that he transferred
to another facility in August.
Oh, but that can't be right.
He's listed at the same address.
It wasn't unusual to lose five
patients in just a matter of months?
Oh, not at all.
Just because your kids like the tour
doesn't mean you'll be happy here.
We're gonna wanna
talk to the doctor
who was overseeing
the patients on that list.
Oh, doctors do weekly rounds.
Nurses do the day-to-day.
That's who you want to talk to.
And, seems all five had Eduardo.
Patrick was murdered?
Mmm-hmm. When did you two meet?
Six months ago at a Laundromat.
He said he'd buy me lunch if I spotted
him enough to finish his whites.
Did you happen to mention to Patrick
that you work at Walnut Ridge?
I'm sure I did.
He had this way of making
you feel so important.
So, you and Patrick...
We were soul mates.
We actually were gonna
get a place together,
but to pay my share
I needed money.
So you scammed Social Security?
We weren't hurting anybody.
We only picked the ones
with no families.
What happened? A patient died,
you'd call Sullivan and then what?
And I'd help him slip out the body
and file the necessary paperwork.
So where's the money now?
I never saw any of it.
Patrick always made excuses,
said they took a long time to pay
out, but something else was wrong.
Turns out the bastard
was cheating on me.
How did you find this out?
I checked his cell phone
while he was in the shower,
got a name and Googled the guy.
Some fancy jerk named Glass.
I thought I said
to leave me alone.
D, they're detectives.
Excuse me.
So what happened here?
Nothing I can't handle.
Party got out of control.
Well, you guys got a warrant?
Not yet. Just a few questions.
Everybody's got questions for D.
Who is it this time?
Vykarius? T-Lo? Don Toine?
Horses? No, rappers.
And it looks like Mr. Glass here has
cornered the market on hip-hop investors.
All my clients are clean
and I'm under no legal obligation
to tell you otherwise.
Was it some of your clients who
redecorated your place for you?
You know the drill. You wanna
seize funds, get a warrant, yo.
We're not here
to seize funds, yet, yo.
We're here about
Patrick Sullivan.
It seems you two have a lot of
late-night phone conversations.
Yeah, well, you drop half a mill of a
client's money into someone's hedge fund,
you stay in touch.
What about it?
Well, we were just wondering
if you were aware
of Mr. Sullivan's track record
for fraud, deceit, extortion?
Everything on my end
was completely legit.
Well, all right then,
MC Vanilla.
You wouldn't mind telling us
where you were on Tuesday night?
Oh, man. Why you
gotta be trippin', yo?
I can't be a witness.
It'll get me killed.
Witness to what?
I saw it go down.
I saw Sullivan get shot.
There were phones and... And
computers and bad art on the walls.
Sullivan was here waiting?
Alive and kickin'. I mean,
the girl was already here.
What girl?
Some blonde. Hot. She had
paper for Sullivan, too.
Oh, man, this is whack.
How much?
The buy-in was 500 G's.
Did you get introduced
to the blonde?
You know, I wasn't looking
to make new friends.
Her clients were based overseas.
The phone rang once.
She spoke Japanese.
Anyway, let me guess, the whole thing
went south during the handoff.
We had both just given Sullivan
our share when the door busts in.
It was some woman.
Said she was an SEC agent.
Sullivan went ballistic.
Started screaming about how he
wasn't gonna go down like that.
He pulled a gun.
The agent pulled hers
and she shot him.
That didn't sound right.
I mean, SEC don't carry firearms.
Should have been FBI.
Yeah, you know, well,
clearly nobody told her that.
Either way,
she was on to the scam.
Sullivan was dead.
The girl ran out.
I wasn't about to stick around.
You guys are gonna help me
get my money back, right?
Sounds to me like Mr. Sullivan
played with these friends before.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What's he talkin' about?
It was a con, man.
It's probable that everybody in the
room was in on it except for you.
The only reason
I'm talking to you guys
is 'cause I need to
get my money back.
You saw my office. That was
over a market correction.
I'm a dead man.
All right, now, this woman, the
shooter, what did she look like?
That's the blonde.
That's the brunette.
That's the shooter.
That's definitely them.
A real piece of work.
That's Lorraine Dillon.
The blonde is April
Troost, her daughter.
Twenty-five, IQ off the charts, but
good luck trying to find a heartbeat.
You had them on racketeering?
And they walked. Not this time.
You realize this is a long shot.
Sullivan died trying to call me.
You were right.
This was personal.
Thought you moved
back to Florida.
Plans change.
Who's that?
Well, hello, Detective Benson.
Did you miss us?
Patrick Sullivan?
Talk about Irish.
Never heard of him.
He seems to have
that effect on women.
What happened to your face?
Oh, would you believe
a sailing accident?
No, I wouldn't.
Too bad. It's the truth.
From what I know, you wouldn't know the
truth if it handed you a business card.
You've been spending too much
time with Detective Benson.
She had you on fraud
and extortion and you walked.
I'm very impressed.
She had a creative imagination
but no proof.
Well, this is different.
We have an eyewitness.
you have a great face.
Where were you Tuesday night?
At home with my daughter.
I'm bored.
I feel your pain.
You're stuck here with me
when you could be out there
blowing that $500,000
you scammed off of David Glass.
I have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.
He picked you out
of a photo array.
A lot of girls look like me.
No, no, they don't.
We got you for fraud.
It's only a matter of time
before we add murder.
We'll see.
You are something else.
Thank you.
Hi, this stops now.
Patrick Sullivan.
Two hours after
you say he was shot.
The guy's a real sport,
isn't he?
Your eyewitness claims he saw Lorraine
Dillon shoot Patrick Sullivan at 8:00.
So, uh, how was Mr. Sullivan buying
rounds at the Foxhead Bar at 10:00?
Time codes mean nothing.
For all we know this could have
been taped three weeks ago.
Could have been, but wasn't.
The game went into
extra innings that night.
Go to the bar and check it out.
And contact the league. Verify
what time the game ended.
Yeah. He was in here
three nights ago.
A real sweet-talker.
On the tape, Sullivan was
buying drinks for the house.
Did he happen to say
what he was celebrating?
Truth is I stopped listening.
I've perfected
the smile and pour.
Did he leave alone?
Well, there was talk about taking
the party back to his hotel.
Did he say where he was staying?
The Beaumont. But, when
he checked the time,
he said he had somewhere
to be and he bolted.
Have you ever seen either
of these two women?
Both were guests of Mr.
Sullivan on separate occasions.
Were either of them
here Tuesday night?
I couldn't say for certain.
Do you have surveillance
cameras in this place?
No. Which is precisely why I can't
leave the front desk unattended.
Let me know if you need
any further assistance.
All right, then. Thank you.
So we can place Sullivan here
with Lorraine and April.
We can have these glasses
tested for prints.
And these for DNA.
That is disgusting.
That's a lot of Trojans.
I guess he did
more than just talk.
You know, if Glass saw Lorraine
pull the trigger at 8:00,
what was Sullivan doing back
here gettin' busy after 10:00?
My guess is showering.
He must have wore this
when the con went down.
Check it.
Ah. They used squibs.
So if they pulled it off, why'd
he go back to the scene?
To strike the set.
That would explain why it was
empty when we found him.
So Lorraine and April were the
only ones who knew where he'd be.
So maybe the ladies figured a 50-50
split is better than a three-way,
so they killed him
for his share.
I don't know.
The beauty of an elaborate con
is there's never, ever a body.
So what are you thinking, a third party?
I'm thinking maybe Sullivan
opened up his big mouth
to somebody who wanted
a piece of the action.
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.
Hey, Amy. What happened?
He said to hold his calls
and then he hugged me.
D doesn't hug.
I should have known.
Who trashed his
office yesterday?
We're going to need a
phone number on him.
Sure. But he had
nothing to do with this.
He left for Barbados last night.
I booked his jet.
Someone should call D's family.
Careful of his head.
Hey, Miss Flax. Any chance of
this playing like a homicide?
Locked door,
no sign of a struggle.
I'm calling it
like I see it. Suicide.
So much for the eyewitness.
So you're telling me
that they're gonna walk.
Unless they committed
another crime
while they've been under lock
and key, my hands are tied.
We've got nothing
to hold them on.
This is a joke.
The videotape killed
the murder charge.
David Glass only
witnessed the scam.
Believe me, they did it.
And if they didn't, they
paid somebody else to do it.
You got proof'?
Or 'gust a grudge'?
You and me both know
that they're dirty.
Can't you hold them on fraud?
With Glass dead,
his ID is inadmissible.
Without the money, there
is no proof of fraud.
We picked up April and Lorraine at their
apartment two days after the murder.
Maybe they didn't have a
chance to move the money?
Divorce isn't as lucrative
as it used to be.
Yeah, that explains why April and
Lorraine are still in the game.
Hey, Green? Yeah.
What caliber was the gun
used to shoot Sullivan?
It's a .38.
Kind of like this one?
And what, may I ask,
are you doing?
Well, as soon as ballistics
comes back on this gun,
I'll be arresting your clients for
the murder of Patrick Sullivan.
Oh, my God. MARGOLIS: Say nothing.
Let me take care of it.
She had nothing to do with it.
- Lorraine, stop talking.
- Mom, no!
April. No. No, no, no, no.
Mom... It's okay.
I did it.
I killed Patrick.
It was self-defense.
According to Lorraine's
grand jury testimony,
it wasn't a new relationship.
She and Sullivan had an
affair 10 years ago.
That was then. This is now.
Where does the self-defense
claim come in?
Could I get a little more
breathing room here, pal?
Lorraine claims that the
night of the murder,
April came to her and revealed
that Patrick Sullivan
had molested her when
she was 14 years old.
Lorraine confronted Sullivan,
a verbal argument
turned physical...
A mother hen protects her chick
from the very fox she
invited into the henhouse.
Kind of story
the jury just loves.
Lorraine Dillon
murdered Patrick Sullivan
for his portion
of the extortion money.
All we have to do is prove it.
It's gonna be an uphill battle.
A motion to exclude
evidence of fraud.
We can produce a paper trail on Mr.
Glass' end,
fabricated account
statements and prospectuses
which were generated by Mr.
Sullivan and provide a direct link.
To who? Patrick
Sullivan or my client?
Your client and Patrick Sullivan
were running this scam together.
According to Mr. Glass, who unfortunately
won't be able to take the stand.
Let's show a little respect
for the deceased, shall we?
Even if the People could prove
that Glass and Sullivan
were ripping off their clients,
their paper trail doesn't lead
anywhere near Lorraine Dillon.
We intend to show that Ms.
Dillon murdered Patrick Sullivan
so as to claim the spoils
of their scheme herself.
Documents go to motive.
And their prejudicial effect
outweighs their probative value.
It does not withstand
the balancing test.
You've made your point, Mr.
Margolis. Multiple times.
Mr. McCoy, unless you can
provide more of a link,
documents that reference
Ms. Dillon directly,
an eyewitness,
I won't allow evidence
of fraud in at trial.
We still have the gun, which ballistics
confirms was the murder weapon.
That doesn't prove fraud.
And if we can't provide
a compelling motive
for why Lorraine
killed Sullivan...
All the jury hears is her
self-defense sob story.
But to tell it, she's
going to have to testify.
You think Margolis will risk
putting her on the stand?
Lorraine's gift is her
power of persuasion.
She's admitted to
pulling the trigger,
but they have no evidence that
it was done in self-defense.
Her only chance is on the stand,
convincing a jury that she was justified
in shooting Patrick Sullivan.
If she does that, we can use her
as an eyewitness to the fraud.
She's our way in.
It was the greatest
mistake of my life.
I was married,
when I met Patrick,
to a man who doted on me,
loved my daughter as his own.
Yet you didn't
leave your husband?
I've made one promise in my
life that I've never broken.
To always do what's
best for my child.
April was only 14 at the time
and she needed a home, a family.
You ended your relationship with Mr.
I didn't see him
again for 10 years.
And, when your paths crossed
again, things were different?
Right. April was grown.
I was single.
Mr. Sullivan
asked you to marry him.
What kept you from saying yes?
My daughter.
Ms. Dillon, what did April say?
That Patrick had molested her.
That man raped my baby
when she was 14 years old.
You confronted Mr. Sullivan?
April begged me not to.
I was just so stupid
that I thought he might have
some kind of an explanation.
Instead, he admitted it.
He said that
looking at April now
was like looking at
me when we first met.
I lost it.
I snapped.
And I hit him.
And he hit me back.
I'd ask to show what's been
previously marked as People's 37.
You may publish it.
Now, I know how painful
this is for you,
but can you tell us
what happened next?
Yes. I was on the ground. His hands
were around my neck like this.
And I saw the gun.
He was going to kill me.
All I thought about in that
instant was my little girl.
The next thing I knew, Patrick was
dead and I was holding his gun.
Aside from being in love
with Mr. Sullivan,
weren't you also
business partners?
Absolutely not.
On the night of the murder,
you, Mr. Sullivan and your
daughter, April Troost,
were involved in an illegal
business transaction,
isn't that correct?
Objection! May we approach?
Mr. McCoy's line of questioning
is in direct violation
of your ruling excluding
evidence of fraud.
The ruling specifically calls
for documents or an eyewitness
to allow the fraud in.
Well, you haven't
provided either.
You have.
I plan to use your client as
an eyewitness to the fraud.
Your Honor?
It's fair game.
You chose to put
Ms. Dillon on the stand.
Mr. McCoy has the right
to cross-examine her.
You had no idea that you were
about to marry a con artist
who supported himself by scamming
insurance companies and stealing.
Social Security checks
from the elderly?
No, I didn't.
I only care about what
he did to my daughter.
Isn't your story
about sexual misconduct
nothing more than an attempt
to distract from the fact
that the three of you
conspired to extort
$500,000 from a Mr. David Glass?
I don't even know who that is.
He was a money manager
who entrusted Mr. Sullivan
with half a million dollars
on the night you shot him.
Mr. Sullivan is dead.
The money hasn't been found.
Wouldn't you say that's
quite a coincidence?
Objection. Badgering.
He hurt a lot of people.
But I didn't know them.
Isn't it true that you wanted the
money from the scam for yourself?
That's why you shot
Mr. Sullivan, isn't it?
I shot him because he
was going to shoot me.
He hurt my child and
he was gonna kill me.
So one or two of the jurors won't wanna
have you at the table for Sunday dinner.
What really matters is whether
they believed Lorraine Dillon.
A juror may hear the facts,
but he'll act on emotion.
You had to show there was more to the
story. You didn't have a choice.
Maybe not, but I have
the common sense
not to make the
same mistake twice.
You'll take April's cross.
Excuse me?
You said it yourself. I lost
likability points with the jury.
They'll see anything
I do as an attack.
You want a woman to be the
one calling April a liar.
You keep asking for trial experience.
You want it or not?
How long did
the sexual abuse go on?
A little more than a year.
Why didn't you tell anyone?
If not your mother,
a friend, a teacher?
I was 14.
If an adult told you not to
say something, you didn't.
And yet, you knew it was wrong?
I knew my mother was happy.
How could I take
that away from her?
So, why tell her now?
She and Patrick were talking
about having children.
I couldn't let
another little girl
go through what he did to me.
What was your mother's reaction
when you finally did tell her?
She held me.
You have no idea how good it felt
to finally tell her the truth
and know that
she still loves me.
The man who haunted your childhood reappears
in your life and threatens to stay.
That must have been horrifying.
It was.
Your mother testified that you begged
her not to confront Mr. Sullivan.
Is that what happened?
I thought he might
hurt her, and he did.
You saw those pictures.
He was a violent man.
Then why did you go
to his hotel room alone?
I thought I could
reason with him.
I begged him to stay
out of our lives.
Why didn't you call the police?
What could I tell them?
That Mr. Sullivan
had molested you.
That your mother was
about to face him alone.
That he had a propensity
for violence.
But you didn't call
anyone, did you?
I tried to stop her.
Isn't the real reason
you didn't call the police
because you knew Mr. Sullivan
wasn't actually a threat?
Of course he was!
My mother killed him
to try to save her own life.
When you confronted Mr.
Sullivan in his hotel room
about his sexual assault,
did he attack you?
Then why, when your mother faced him
with the very same information,
would he try to kill her?
Objection. Speculation.
Mr. Sullivan never
molested you, did he?
I don't know what to say.
Just answer
the question, Ms. Troost.
Patrick Sullivan
and I were lovers.
- April! What are you doing?
- Ms. Dillon!
I'm so sorry, Mom.
I can't lie for you anymore.
So, Mr. Sullivan
didn't molest you?
It was consensual.
It was always consensual.
- Your Honor, I have to object.
- Overruled.
Did your mother
know about the affair?
Patrick told her that night.
That's why she shot him.
That's not true!
Mr. Margolis,
control your client.
She killed Patrick
out of jealousy.
Whose idea was
the molestation claim?
My mother's. She came
home that night.
She told me what she'd done.
She was acting crazy. She was
saying things about Patrick.
Things that never happened.
Then she made me say them
back, over and over.
And the bruises on her face?
She told me to hit her.
I didn't want to,
but she said I had to.
She said it would
help with the story.
You lied to protect the woman
who killed the man you loved?
She's my mother.
What was I supposed to do?
April, how could you do this?
Ms. Dillon, sit down!
After everything
I've done for you.
That's it! Officer,
remove the jury.
We will reconvene tomorrow when
everyone has a hold of themselves.
Can't you see
that she's lying to you?
You've got the wrong one, Jack.
I've got your client's
confession and a clear motive.
Tell me otherwise.
April came home that night and
told me that she'd killed Patrick.
What was her motive?
She said that
he had molested her.
I wouldn't make up
something like that.
A compelling story.
Why didn't you let April
tell it at her own trial?
Because I feel responsible. I
brought Patrick into our lives.
Mr. McCoy, April knew
that I would lie for her.
She played on my
greatest weakness.
What's that?
My love for her.
What can you give us?
She agrees to testify to the fraud,
she tells me where the money is,
and we arrest April
this afternoon.
Now, I can't, in good conscience
hand you the rope to hang my client.
You'd have Lorraine
on murder and fraud.
Not if she gives me tangible proof that
it was April who pulled the trigger.
I don't have any.
Come on, Jack.
Today was nothing more than
a lot of Sturm and Drang.
The jury's not going
for the fraud motive,
and the self-defense claim is
still compelling. Man two.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice...
No deal.
On the charge of Murder
in the Second Degree,
how do you find?
We find the defendant guilty.
It's gonna be okay.
You don't look satisfied.
Are you?
I think we got
the right verdict.
That gun that we found in the apartment.
What if it's April's?
But Lorraine took the blame.
Until April turned
on her in court.
She was gasping for air.
I like to think I've been
doing this long enough
to tell the difference
between the truth and a lie.
Believe me, so would I. But
April still managed to fool me.
A fact which could be affecting
your judgment, Detective.
You could be
too close on this one.
Close enough to know we
might've just been conned.
That verdict put 500
grand in April's pocket.
Do you really think
April killed Sullivan?
At the very least, I think
she was an accomplice.
So, tail April until she
goes for the money.
She'll wait till we look the
other direction and slip off.
April ran away when she was 14,
maybe to the same place
she'd hide the money.
Well, who else
was in their lives then?
Our marriage was a
sham from the start.
Lorraine wanted my money,
and I was foolish
enough to want her.
Well, what about April?
She was a magnificent child.
She was not only
beautiful, but clever.
Lorraine saw her as a threat.
Is that why April ran away?
She didn't run away.
She was sent.
By me.
April was pregnant.
April was 14.
The last thing in
the world I wanted
was for Lorraine to ruin
another child's life,
so I sent her up to this
place in Glens Falls.
They looked after her
during her pregnancy
and then arranged
to have the baby adopted.
Do you know who the father was?
I never asked.
Why would April
turn to you for help?
She trusted me. We had a
special relationship.
I was her stepfather.
Is that all?
You'll excuse me, gentlemen.
I gotta get dressed.
April was a sadhakas.
A short term resident.
She stayed with us until
the baby was born.
We provide girls
like April with solace,
support, options.
Like adoption?
If that's the mother's wish.
As soon as April arrived,
we began the process
of finding a loving family
for her unborn child.
Everything was progressing
as planned but, then...
Wait. Let me take a guess.
Plans changed?
April seemed to embrace our
approach to right living.
She even spoke of staying
on after the child's birth.
So, what happened?
She went into labor,
left for the hospital, and
we never saw her again.
Wait a second. Are you telling us
that you let a 14-year-old girl
who was in labor drive
herself to the hospital?
The facility's cook drove her.
This cook still work here?
So, you do know April Troost?
Yeah, I used to.
In the conventional
and the biblical sense.
You were sleeping with her?
Not until after
we left the facility.
And after the baby?
You know about that, huh?
The people at the ashram said that
you drove April to the hospital,
but there's no record of her
ever giving birth there.
She gave birth in my car.
Why you gotta come around here?
Bringing up bad memories.
Was it a boy or a girl?
It was a little guy.
We could see he wasn't right.
What do you mean?
His face,
it was all, like, sunken in.
You know, like somebody hit him.
April freaked out.
Said we couldn't take him to a doctor,
because her Mom would find us,
make April go home.
We wouldn't be able
to stay together.
They got you on a drug cocktail?
Yeah, eight pills a day.
Shared a needle with a friend.
Now he's dead,
and my white cell
count's in the basement.
My life went from April to crap.
So why cover up for her?
If you know where that little
boy is, you need to tell me.
She walked into the woods
with him wrapped in a towel
she found in my trunk.
She walked out alone.
Are you saying April
killed her baby?
She said she put it
in a trash bag she found,
dug a hole, put it down there.
A month later, she was gone.
So was my cash and my car.
I'll see her in hell.
You sure this is where
April buried the baby?
This used to be
nothing but trees.
There goes any chance of
finding the baby's remains.
Or nailing April for murder.
It was ten years ago.
He didn't see April
commit the murder.
We can't produce evidence
to substantiate it.
So, for April Troost the
rules simply don't apply?
We're not the first
ones she's played.
No, but I'd like to be the last.
There's no body. Everything rests
on a spurned lover's word.
We both know April
killed her baby.
We can think it.
We can't prove it.
April doesn't know that.
What do you have in mind?
Let's con the con.
Hello, April.
You just don't give up.
Why don't you have a seat?
I won't get too comfortable.
You never do seem to be able
to keep me here very long.
Where's your lapdog?
Don't need one. I didn't
do anything wrong.
Are you familiar with
the Glens Falls area?
Can't say that I am.
Used to be trees
as far as the eye could see,
and then a developer
bought up the land, and uh...
They're developing
50 family homes on it.
When the developer broke ground,
they found a little surprise.
They found a shallow grave.
And in it were
the remains of a baby.
It was a baby John Doe.
Until yesterday.
And I care why? Save it, April.
DNA from the bone marrow
proves that it was yours.
You wrapped your baby
in this towel,
and you buried him alive.
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
Did he cry, April?
Did you wrap the towel
tighter to muffle the sound?
Could you still hear him after you'd
buried him under all that dirt?
I'm not a monster.
I would never hurt my baby.
Well, someone did.
It was Arliss.
I don't know what lies he's been
telling you, but they're not true.
He said he'd take care of it.
I didn't know.
Are you sure, April?
Because we also
found a garbage bag.
Everything that Arliss told us to look
for was there. The towel, the bag...
That's because he did it.
He killed my baby boy!
Okay, well, the only problem
with that is, April,
that Arliss' fingerprints
weren't on the bag.
Guess whose were?
I'll give you
something on Lorraine.
Come on, April.
We both know that this
is the end of the line.
Now, you either plead this out,
or you take your
chance with a trial.
I don't know.
I can be pretty convincing.
I was hoping you'd say that.
What is she doing here?
I told them you confessed to
me about murdering the baby.
That's a lie.
I told them how
you called me that night,
so scared and desperate,
needing your mother.
I never did that.
You were sobbing, eaten
up with guilt and shame.
Remember April,
how I told you
we'd get through it?
As a family?
When I testify, the
jury's going to love it.
- I'm gonna kill you! Bitch!
- Whoa!
You sit down, April.
Well played, Mom.
What'd you get for talking?
20 years.
I'll cop to the baby as long
as I get less than she did.
You'll give me a statement,
then maybe we'll
talk about a deal.
Where do I start?
The beginning.
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
I moved from San Juan to get
away from my mother-in-law.
And you're letting
yours move in?
Who told you she was moving in?
Your wife.
She gets what she wants.
I told her we'd talk about it.
Four mouths to feed
and now her mother's moving in.
Only if I say it's okay.
Not if. When.
Hey! You okay?
I'm fine.
He's not.
How long has this
building been empty?
According to building
security, about three months.
Our squatter have a name?
Yeah, Patrick Sullivan, 47.
Lives in Murray Hill.
Did us the favor of
holding on to his wallet.
It still has cash and cards.
I'll give you three guesses.
He drowned.
Bullet to the chest at close range.
No exit wounds.
Bet you a bagel
it's a hollow-point.
You have a time for us?
Combo of rigor and lividity puts
time of death somewhere between
7:00 and midnight.
Hey, do you mind?
Number's still on the screen.
Never got a chance
to press send.
No, it's a local number.
Guess he died calling for help.
Or someone killed him to keep
him from making that call.
Only one way to find out.
Detective Benson.
So what have we got?
I'm not sure. Now, you didn't get
any strange phone calls last night?
Any messages? Anything
logged in as a missed call?
And you're certain that your
vic was trying to call me?
If his life flashed before his
eyes, you were the star player.
And you say his name
is Patrick Sullivan?
Ring any bells? None.
Maybe his face will.
Never seen him before
in my life.
Which begs the question...
Why did he die
trying to call me?
You check the SVU database?
BADS, NITRO, online complaints.
Patrick Sullivan doesn't show up as a
victim or a perp in any of our files.
Walk me through
this crime scene again.
Sixteenth floor of
an empty office building.
The victim was supine,
with a bullet to the chest.
Victim's blood, but something tells
me that's not what you're asking.
He was alone and zipped up.
Which doesn't sound
like a sex crime.
Exactly. So Why'd
he try to call me?
Just because he's not in your file doesn't
mean he's not connected to a case.
Good luck. I give out thousands
of business cards a year.
Victims, families, witnesses.
I mean, it could be anybody.
Well, there is something else we
should consider, Detective Benson.
Suppose this is not
about a case.
Suppose it's personal.
How long you been
renting to Mr. Sullivan?
You'll have to speak up.
I'm a little hard of hearing.
How long has Mr.
Sullivan lived here?
Two years.
When was the last time
you saw Mr. Sullivan?
I don't usually. He's
got his own entrance.
I didn't hear him
coming and going.
How many people
are you renting to?
Just the one.
Then why is Social
Security sending checks
to five different individuals
at this same address?
Hmm. Check this out. It's a
receipt from a storage facility.
Let's see what Mr. Sullivan
kept under lock and key.
Oh, my God.
Five bodies.
All elderly, all dead
of apparently natural causes.
But I'll know more
in an hour or two.
Well, I don't think they're gonna turn
into homicides during your lunch hour.
To fit the bodies into the freezers,
your guy had to double them over.
Before I can open up
the last three,
they gotta thaw out.
Whatever happened to
respecting your elders?
All right, your DOA,
Patrick Sullivan.
In order to locate the
slug in his chest cavity,
I ran a series of X rays.
He had a broken collar bone?
Yeah. Along with four ribs, both
arms, both legs, and his left foot.
Based on re-calcification,
I believe the breaks happened at
different times over a series of years.
What is up with this dude?
So, you're telling me
Patrick Sullivan's a con man.
Well, the man made
a living off of cons,
which explains the broken bones
and the insurance fraud.
It's as old as Hammurabi.
Guy's been doing it
since he was a kid.
You walk in front of
a car, and bam!
Make like it was an accident.
That's a hell of a way
to make a living.
I guess he ran out of bones and
went in for the easy money.
So, the bodies in the morgue
match the names
on the Social Security checks
you found in
Sullivan's apartment?
Yeah. Uncle Sam thinks all five are alive
and well and living in the same joint.
Well, since all five of our seniors
last resided at the same nursing home,
we're gonna go there and check
for Sullivan's playmate.
Sounds good.
Ona Schiller moved back in
with her son and his family.
Let me guess, in Murray Hill.
How about Joseph Huffman?
Uh, says here that he transferred
to another facility in August.
Oh, but that can't be right.
He's listed at the same address.
It wasn't unusual to lose five
patients in just a matter of months?
Oh, not at all.
Just because your kids like the tour
doesn't mean you'll be happy here.
We're gonna wanna
talk to the doctor
who was overseeing
the patients on that list.
Oh, doctors do weekly rounds.
Nurses do the day-to-day.
That's who you want to talk to.
And, seems all five had Eduardo.
Patrick was murdered?
Mmm-hmm. When did you two meet?
Six months ago at a Laundromat.
He said he'd buy me lunch if I spotted
him enough to finish his whites.
Did you happen to mention to Patrick
that you work at Walnut Ridge?
I'm sure I did.
He had this way of making
you feel so important.
So, you and Patrick...
We were soul mates.
We actually were gonna
get a place together,
but to pay my share
I needed money.
So you scammed Social Security?
We weren't hurting anybody.
We only picked the ones
with no families.
What happened? A patient died,
you'd call Sullivan and then what?
And I'd help him slip out the body
and file the necessary paperwork.
So where's the money now?
I never saw any of it.
Patrick always made excuses,
said they took a long time to pay
out, but something else was wrong.
Turns out the bastard
was cheating on me.
How did you find this out?
I checked his cell phone
while he was in the shower,
got a name and Googled the guy.
Some fancy jerk named Glass.
I thought I said
to leave me alone.
D, they're detectives.
Excuse me.
So what happened here?
Nothing I can't handle.
Party got out of control.
Well, you guys got a warrant?
Not yet. Just a few questions.
Everybody's got questions for D.
Who is it this time?
Vykarius? T-Lo? Don Toine?
Horses? No, rappers.
And it looks like Mr. Glass here has
cornered the market on hip-hop investors.
All my clients are clean
and I'm under no legal obligation
to tell you otherwise.
Was it some of your clients who
redecorated your place for you?
You know the drill. You wanna
seize funds, get a warrant, yo.
We're not here
to seize funds, yet, yo.
We're here about
Patrick Sullivan.
It seems you two have a lot of
late-night phone conversations.
Yeah, well, you drop half a mill of a
client's money into someone's hedge fund,
you stay in touch.
What about it?
Well, we were just wondering
if you were aware
of Mr. Sullivan's track record
for fraud, deceit, extortion?
Everything on my end
was completely legit.
Well, all right then,
MC Vanilla.
You wouldn't mind telling us
where you were on Tuesday night?
Oh, man. Why you
gotta be trippin', yo?
I can't be a witness.
It'll get me killed.
Witness to what?
I saw it go down.
I saw Sullivan get shot.
There were phones and... And
computers and bad art on the walls.
Sullivan was here waiting?
Alive and kickin'. I mean,
the girl was already here.
What girl?
Some blonde. Hot. She had
paper for Sullivan, too.
Oh, man, this is whack.
How much?
The buy-in was 500 G's.
Did you get introduced
to the blonde?
You know, I wasn't looking
to make new friends.
Her clients were based overseas.
The phone rang once.
She spoke Japanese.
Anyway, let me guess, the whole thing
went south during the handoff.
We had both just given Sullivan
our share when the door busts in.
It was some woman.
Said she was an SEC agent.
Sullivan went ballistic.
Started screaming about how he
wasn't gonna go down like that.
He pulled a gun.
The agent pulled hers
and she shot him.
That didn't sound right.
I mean, SEC don't carry firearms.
Should have been FBI.
Yeah, you know, well,
clearly nobody told her that.
Either way,
she was on to the scam.
Sullivan was dead.
The girl ran out.
I wasn't about to stick around.
You guys are gonna help me
get my money back, right?
Sounds to me like Mr. Sullivan
played with these friends before.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What's he talkin' about?
It was a con, man.
It's probable that everybody in the
room was in on it except for you.
The only reason
I'm talking to you guys
is 'cause I need to
get my money back.
You saw my office. That was
over a market correction.
I'm a dead man.
All right, now, this woman, the
shooter, what did she look like?
That's the blonde.
That's the brunette.
That's the shooter.
That's definitely them.
A real piece of work.
That's Lorraine Dillon.
The blonde is April
Troost, her daughter.
Twenty-five, IQ off the charts, but
good luck trying to find a heartbeat.
You had them on racketeering?
And they walked. Not this time.
You realize this is a long shot.
Sullivan died trying to call me.
You were right.
This was personal.
Thought you moved
back to Florida.
Plans change.
Who's that?
Well, hello, Detective Benson.
Did you miss us?
Patrick Sullivan?
Talk about Irish.
Never heard of him.
He seems to have
that effect on women.
What happened to your face?
Oh, would you believe
a sailing accident?
No, I wouldn't.
Too bad. It's the truth.
From what I know, you wouldn't know the
truth if it handed you a business card.
You've been spending too much
time with Detective Benson.
She had you on fraud
and extortion and you walked.
I'm very impressed.
She had a creative imagination
but no proof.
Well, this is different.
We have an eyewitness.
you have a great face.
Where were you Tuesday night?
At home with my daughter.
I'm bored.
I feel your pain.
You're stuck here with me
when you could be out there
blowing that $500,000
you scammed off of David Glass.
I have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.
He picked you out
of a photo array.
A lot of girls look like me.
No, no, they don't.
We got you for fraud.
It's only a matter of time
before we add murder.
We'll see.
You are something else.
Thank you.
Hi, this stops now.
Patrick Sullivan.
Two hours after
you say he was shot.
The guy's a real sport,
isn't he?
Your eyewitness claims he saw Lorraine
Dillon shoot Patrick Sullivan at 8:00.
So, uh, how was Mr. Sullivan buying
rounds at the Foxhead Bar at 10:00?
Time codes mean nothing.
For all we know this could have
been taped three weeks ago.
Could have been, but wasn't.
The game went into
extra innings that night.
Go to the bar and check it out.
And contact the league. Verify
what time the game ended.
Yeah. He was in here
three nights ago.
A real sweet-talker.
On the tape, Sullivan was
buying drinks for the house.
Did he happen to say
what he was celebrating?
Truth is I stopped listening.
I've perfected
the smile and pour.
Did he leave alone?
Well, there was talk about taking
the party back to his hotel.
Did he say where he was staying?
The Beaumont. But, when
he checked the time,
he said he had somewhere
to be and he bolted.
Have you ever seen either
of these two women?
Both were guests of Mr.
Sullivan on separate occasions.
Were either of them
here Tuesday night?
I couldn't say for certain.
Do you have surveillance
cameras in this place?
No. Which is precisely why I can't
leave the front desk unattended.
Let me know if you need
any further assistance.
All right, then. Thank you.
So we can place Sullivan here
with Lorraine and April.
We can have these glasses
tested for prints.
And these for DNA.
That is disgusting.
That's a lot of Trojans.
I guess he did
more than just talk.
You know, if Glass saw Lorraine
pull the trigger at 8:00,
what was Sullivan doing back
here gettin' busy after 10:00?
My guess is showering.
He must have wore this
when the con went down.
Check it.
Ah. They used squibs.
So if they pulled it off, why'd
he go back to the scene?
To strike the set.
That would explain why it was
empty when we found him.
So Lorraine and April were the
only ones who knew where he'd be.
So maybe the ladies figured a 50-50
split is better than a three-way,
so they killed him
for his share.
I don't know.
The beauty of an elaborate con
is there's never, ever a body.
So what are you thinking, a third party?
I'm thinking maybe Sullivan
opened up his big mouth
to somebody who wanted
a piece of the action.
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.
Hey, Amy. What happened?
He said to hold his calls
and then he hugged me.
D doesn't hug.
I should have known.
Who trashed his
office yesterday?
We're going to need a
phone number on him.
Sure. But he had
nothing to do with this.
He left for Barbados last night.
I booked his jet.
Someone should call D's family.
Careful of his head.
Hey, Miss Flax. Any chance of
this playing like a homicide?
Locked door,
no sign of a struggle.
I'm calling it
like I see it. Suicide.
So much for the eyewitness.
So you're telling me
that they're gonna walk.
Unless they committed
another crime
while they've been under lock
and key, my hands are tied.
We've got nothing
to hold them on.
This is a joke.
The videotape killed
the murder charge.
David Glass only
witnessed the scam.
Believe me, they did it.
And if they didn't, they
paid somebody else to do it.
You got proof'?
Or 'gust a grudge'?
You and me both know
that they're dirty.
Can't you hold them on fraud?
With Glass dead,
his ID is inadmissible.
Without the money, there
is no proof of fraud.
We picked up April and Lorraine at their
apartment two days after the murder.
Maybe they didn't have a
chance to move the money?
Divorce isn't as lucrative
as it used to be.
Yeah, that explains why April and
Lorraine are still in the game.
Hey, Green? Yeah.
What caliber was the gun
used to shoot Sullivan?
It's a .38.
Kind of like this one?
And what, may I ask,
are you doing?
Well, as soon as ballistics
comes back on this gun,
I'll be arresting your clients for
the murder of Patrick Sullivan.
Oh, my God. MARGOLIS: Say nothing.
Let me take care of it.
She had nothing to do with it.
- Lorraine, stop talking.
- Mom, no!
April. No. No, no, no, no.
Mom... It's okay.
I did it.
I killed Patrick.
It was self-defense.
According to Lorraine's
grand jury testimony,
it wasn't a new relationship.
She and Sullivan had an
affair 10 years ago.
That was then. This is now.
Where does the self-defense
claim come in?
Could I get a little more
breathing room here, pal?
Lorraine claims that the
night of the murder,
April came to her and revealed
that Patrick Sullivan
had molested her when
she was 14 years old.
Lorraine confronted Sullivan,
a verbal argument
turned physical...
A mother hen protects her chick
from the very fox she
invited into the henhouse.
Kind of story
the jury just loves.
Lorraine Dillon
murdered Patrick Sullivan
for his portion
of the extortion money.
All we have to do is prove it.
It's gonna be an uphill battle.
A motion to exclude
evidence of fraud.
We can produce a paper trail on Mr.
Glass' end,
fabricated account
statements and prospectuses
which were generated by Mr.
Sullivan and provide a direct link.
To who? Patrick
Sullivan or my client?
Your client and Patrick Sullivan
were running this scam together.
According to Mr. Glass, who unfortunately
won't be able to take the stand.
Let's show a little respect
for the deceased, shall we?
Even if the People could prove
that Glass and Sullivan
were ripping off their clients,
their paper trail doesn't lead
anywhere near Lorraine Dillon.
We intend to show that Ms.
Dillon murdered Patrick Sullivan
so as to claim the spoils
of their scheme herself.
Documents go to motive.
And their prejudicial effect
outweighs their probative value.
It does not withstand
the balancing test.
You've made your point, Mr.
Margolis. Multiple times.
Mr. McCoy, unless you can
provide more of a link,
documents that reference
Ms. Dillon directly,
an eyewitness,
I won't allow evidence
of fraud in at trial.
We still have the gun, which ballistics
confirms was the murder weapon.
That doesn't prove fraud.
And if we can't provide
a compelling motive
for why Lorraine
killed Sullivan...
All the jury hears is her
self-defense sob story.
But to tell it, she's
going to have to testify.
You think Margolis will risk
putting her on the stand?
Lorraine's gift is her
power of persuasion.
She's admitted to
pulling the trigger,
but they have no evidence that
it was done in self-defense.
Her only chance is on the stand,
convincing a jury that she was justified
in shooting Patrick Sullivan.
If she does that, we can use her
as an eyewitness to the fraud.
She's our way in.
It was the greatest
mistake of my life.
I was married,
when I met Patrick,
to a man who doted on me,
loved my daughter as his own.
Yet you didn't
leave your husband?
I've made one promise in my
life that I've never broken.
To always do what's
best for my child.
April was only 14 at the time
and she needed a home, a family.
You ended your relationship with Mr.
I didn't see him
again for 10 years.
And, when your paths crossed
again, things were different?
Right. April was grown.
I was single.
Mr. Sullivan
asked you to marry him.
What kept you from saying yes?
My daughter.
Ms. Dillon, what did April say?
That Patrick had molested her.
That man raped my baby
when she was 14 years old.
You confronted Mr. Sullivan?
April begged me not to.
I was just so stupid
that I thought he might have
some kind of an explanation.
Instead, he admitted it.
He said that
looking at April now
was like looking at
me when we first met.
I lost it.
I snapped.
And I hit him.
And he hit me back.
I'd ask to show what's been
previously marked as People's 37.
You may publish it.
Now, I know how painful
this is for you,
but can you tell us
what happened next?
Yes. I was on the ground. His hands
were around my neck like this.
And I saw the gun.
He was going to kill me.
All I thought about in that
instant was my little girl.
The next thing I knew, Patrick was
dead and I was holding his gun.
Aside from being in love
with Mr. Sullivan,
weren't you also
business partners?
Absolutely not.
On the night of the murder,
you, Mr. Sullivan and your
daughter, April Troost,
were involved in an illegal
business transaction,
isn't that correct?
Objection! May we approach?
Mr. McCoy's line of questioning
is in direct violation
of your ruling excluding
evidence of fraud.
The ruling specifically calls
for documents or an eyewitness
to allow the fraud in.
Well, you haven't
provided either.
You have.
I plan to use your client as
an eyewitness to the fraud.
Your Honor?
It's fair game.
You chose to put
Ms. Dillon on the stand.
Mr. McCoy has the right
to cross-examine her.
You had no idea that you were
about to marry a con artist
who supported himself by scamming
insurance companies and stealing.
Social Security checks
from the elderly?
No, I didn't.
I only care about what
he did to my daughter.
Isn't your story
about sexual misconduct
nothing more than an attempt
to distract from the fact
that the three of you
conspired to extort
$500,000 from a Mr. David Glass?
I don't even know who that is.
He was a money manager
who entrusted Mr. Sullivan
with half a million dollars
on the night you shot him.
Mr. Sullivan is dead.
The money hasn't been found.
Wouldn't you say that's
quite a coincidence?
Objection. Badgering.
He hurt a lot of people.
But I didn't know them.
Isn't it true that you wanted the
money from the scam for yourself?
That's why you shot
Mr. Sullivan, isn't it?
I shot him because he
was going to shoot me.
He hurt my child and
he was gonna kill me.
So one or two of the jurors won't wanna
have you at the table for Sunday dinner.
What really matters is whether
they believed Lorraine Dillon.
A juror may hear the facts,
but he'll act on emotion.
You had to show there was more to the
story. You didn't have a choice.
Maybe not, but I have
the common sense
not to make the
same mistake twice.
You'll take April's cross.
Excuse me?
You said it yourself. I lost
likability points with the jury.
They'll see anything
I do as an attack.
You want a woman to be the
one calling April a liar.
You keep asking for trial experience.
You want it or not?
How long did
the sexual abuse go on?
A little more than a year.
Why didn't you tell anyone?
If not your mother,
a friend, a teacher?
I was 14.
If an adult told you not to
say something, you didn't.
And yet, you knew it was wrong?
I knew my mother was happy.
How could I take
that away from her?
So, why tell her now?
She and Patrick were talking
about having children.
I couldn't let
another little girl
go through what he did to me.
What was your mother's reaction
when you finally did tell her?
She held me.
You have no idea how good it felt
to finally tell her the truth
and know that
she still loves me.
The man who haunted your childhood reappears
in your life and threatens to stay.
That must have been horrifying.
It was.
Your mother testified that you begged
her not to confront Mr. Sullivan.
Is that what happened?
I thought he might
hurt her, and he did.
You saw those pictures.
He was a violent man.
Then why did you go
to his hotel room alone?
I thought I could
reason with him.
I begged him to stay
out of our lives.
Why didn't you call the police?
What could I tell them?
That Mr. Sullivan
had molested you.
That your mother was
about to face him alone.
That he had a propensity
for violence.
But you didn't call
anyone, did you?
I tried to stop her.
Isn't the real reason
you didn't call the police
because you knew Mr. Sullivan
wasn't actually a threat?
Of course he was!
My mother killed him
to try to save her own life.
When you confronted Mr.
Sullivan in his hotel room
about his sexual assault,
did he attack you?
Then why, when your mother faced him
with the very same information,
would he try to kill her?
Objection. Speculation.
Mr. Sullivan never
molested you, did he?
I don't know what to say.
Just answer
the question, Ms. Troost.
Patrick Sullivan
and I were lovers.
- April! What are you doing?
- Ms. Dillon!
I'm so sorry, Mom.
I can't lie for you anymore.
So, Mr. Sullivan
didn't molest you?
It was consensual.
It was always consensual.
- Your Honor, I have to object.
- Overruled.
Did your mother
know about the affair?
Patrick told her that night.
That's why she shot him.
That's not true!
Mr. Margolis,
control your client.
She killed Patrick
out of jealousy.
Whose idea was
the molestation claim?
My mother's. She came
home that night.
She told me what she'd done.
She was acting crazy. She was
saying things about Patrick.
Things that never happened.
Then she made me say them
back, over and over.
And the bruises on her face?
She told me to hit her.
I didn't want to,
but she said I had to.
She said it would
help with the story.
You lied to protect the woman
who killed the man you loved?
She's my mother.
What was I supposed to do?
April, how could you do this?
Ms. Dillon, sit down!
After everything
I've done for you.
That's it! Officer,
remove the jury.
We will reconvene tomorrow when
everyone has a hold of themselves.
Can't you see
that she's lying to you?
You've got the wrong one, Jack.
I've got your client's
confession and a clear motive.
Tell me otherwise.
April came home that night and
told me that she'd killed Patrick.
What was her motive?
She said that
he had molested her.
I wouldn't make up
something like that.
A compelling story.
Why didn't you let April
tell it at her own trial?
Because I feel responsible. I
brought Patrick into our lives.
Mr. McCoy, April knew
that I would lie for her.
She played on my
greatest weakness.
What's that?
My love for her.
What can you give us?
She agrees to testify to the fraud,
she tells me where the money is,
and we arrest April
this afternoon.
Now, I can't, in good conscience
hand you the rope to hang my client.
You'd have Lorraine
on murder and fraud.
Not if she gives me tangible proof that
it was April who pulled the trigger.
I don't have any.
Come on, Jack.
Today was nothing more than
a lot of Sturm and Drang.
The jury's not going
for the fraud motive,
and the self-defense claim is
still compelling. Man two.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice...
No deal.
On the charge of Murder
in the Second Degree,
how do you find?
We find the defendant guilty.
It's gonna be okay.
You don't look satisfied.
Are you?
I think we got
the right verdict.
That gun that we found in the apartment.
What if it's April's?
But Lorraine took the blame.
Until April turned
on her in court.
She was gasping for air.
I like to think I've been
doing this long enough
to tell the difference
between the truth and a lie.
Believe me, so would I. But
April still managed to fool me.
A fact which could be affecting
your judgment, Detective.
You could be
too close on this one.
Close enough to know we
might've just been conned.
That verdict put 500
grand in April's pocket.
Do you really think
April killed Sullivan?
At the very least, I think
she was an accomplice.
So, tail April until she
goes for the money.
She'll wait till we look the
other direction and slip off.
April ran away when she was 14,
maybe to the same place
she'd hide the money.
Well, who else
was in their lives then?
Our marriage was a
sham from the start.
Lorraine wanted my money,
and I was foolish
enough to want her.
Well, what about April?
She was a magnificent child.
She was not only
beautiful, but clever.
Lorraine saw her as a threat.
Is that why April ran away?
She didn't run away.
She was sent.
By me.
April was pregnant.
April was 14.
The last thing in
the world I wanted
was for Lorraine to ruin
another child's life,
so I sent her up to this
place in Glens Falls.
They looked after her
during her pregnancy
and then arranged
to have the baby adopted.
Do you know who the father was?
I never asked.
Why would April
turn to you for help?
She trusted me. We had a
special relationship.
I was her stepfather.
Is that all?
You'll excuse me, gentlemen.
I gotta get dressed.
April was a sadhakas.
A short term resident.
She stayed with us until
the baby was born.
We provide girls
like April with solace,
support, options.
Like adoption?
If that's the mother's wish.
As soon as April arrived,
we began the process
of finding a loving family
for her unborn child.
Everything was progressing
as planned but, then...
Wait. Let me take a guess.
Plans changed?
April seemed to embrace our
approach to right living.
She even spoke of staying
on after the child's birth.
So, what happened?
She went into labor,
left for the hospital, and
we never saw her again.
Wait a second. Are you telling us
that you let a 14-year-old girl
who was in labor drive
herself to the hospital?
The facility's cook drove her.
This cook still work here?
So, you do know April Troost?
Yeah, I used to.
In the conventional
and the biblical sense.
You were sleeping with her?
Not until after
we left the facility.
And after the baby?
You know about that, huh?
The people at the ashram said that
you drove April to the hospital,
but there's no record of her
ever giving birth there.
She gave birth in my car.
Why you gotta come around here?
Bringing up bad memories.
Was it a boy or a girl?
It was a little guy.
We could see he wasn't right.
What do you mean?
His face,
it was all, like, sunken in.
You know, like somebody hit him.
April freaked out.
Said we couldn't take him to a doctor,
because her Mom would find us,
make April go home.
We wouldn't be able
to stay together.
They got you on a drug cocktail?
Yeah, eight pills a day.
Shared a needle with a friend.
Now he's dead,
and my white cell
count's in the basement.
My life went from April to crap.
So why cover up for her?
If you know where that little
boy is, you need to tell me.
She walked into the woods
with him wrapped in a towel
she found in my trunk.
She walked out alone.
Are you saying April
killed her baby?
She said she put it
in a trash bag she found,
dug a hole, put it down there.
A month later, she was gone.
So was my cash and my car.
I'll see her in hell.
You sure this is where
April buried the baby?
This used to be
nothing but trees.
There goes any chance of
finding the baby's remains.
Or nailing April for murder.
It was ten years ago.
He didn't see April
commit the murder.
We can't produce evidence
to substantiate it.
So, for April Troost the
rules simply don't apply?
We're not the first
ones she's played.
No, but I'd like to be the last.
There's no body. Everything rests
on a spurned lover's word.
We both know April
killed her baby.
We can think it.
We can't prove it.
April doesn't know that.
What do you have in mind?
Let's con the con.
Hello, April.
You just don't give up.
Why don't you have a seat?
I won't get too comfortable.
You never do seem to be able
to keep me here very long.
Where's your lapdog?
Don't need one. I didn't
do anything wrong.
Are you familiar with
the Glens Falls area?
Can't say that I am.
Used to be trees
as far as the eye could see,
and then a developer
bought up the land, and uh...
They're developing
50 family homes on it.
When the developer broke ground,
they found a little surprise.
They found a shallow grave.
And in it were
the remains of a baby.
It was a baby John Doe.
Until yesterday.
And I care why? Save it, April.
DNA from the bone marrow
proves that it was yours.
You wrapped your baby
in this towel,
and you buried him alive.
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
Did he cry, April?
Did you wrap the towel
tighter to muffle the sound?
Could you still hear him after you'd
buried him under all that dirt?
I'm not a monster.
I would never hurt my baby.
Well, someone did.
It was Arliss.
I don't know what lies he's been
telling you, but they're not true.
He said he'd take care of it.
I didn't know.
Are you sure, April?
Because we also
found a garbage bag.
Everything that Arliss told us to look
for was there. The towel, the bag...
That's because he did it.
He killed my baby boy!
Okay, well, the only problem
with that is, April,
that Arliss' fingerprints
weren't on the bag.
Guess whose were?
I'll give you
something on Lorraine.
Come on, April.
We both know that this
is the end of the line.
Now, you either plead this out,
or you take your
chance with a trial.
I don't know.
I can be pretty convincing.
I was hoping you'd say that.
What is she doing here?
I told them you confessed to
me about murdering the baby.
That's a lie.
I told them how
you called me that night,
so scared and desperate,
needing your mother.
I never did that.
You were sobbing, eaten
up with guilt and shame.
Remember April,
how I told you
we'd get through it?
As a family?
When I testify, the
jury's going to love it.
- I'm gonna kill you! Bitch!
- Whoa!
You sit down, April.
Well played, Mom.
What'd you get for talking?
20 years.
I'll cop to the baby as long
as I get less than she did.
You'll give me a statement,
then maybe we'll
talk about a deal.
Where do I start?
The beginning.