Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 11, Episode 18 - White Lie - full transcript
A drug dealer's murder leads detectives to a military officer's wife who was smuggling cocaine from Colombia.
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police
who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
Hey, buddy!
You gotta back out.
I got a living room
set to unload.
There's nothing I can do.
The guy took his keys.
He said he'd be right down.
I'm here 20 minutes.
Go drive around and come back.
Hey, I don't have time
to drive around, pal.
CONNERS: Mr. Alvarez?
Mr. Alvarez?
Oh, my God.
CSU OFFICER: One shot each
to the back of the head.
Small caliber,
probably a .22.
Somebody knew what they were doing.
There's something else.
Whoever it was
cut off his left ear.
Middle of the afternoon,
nobody heard anything.
The TV was on. Probably
covered the shots.
It's a doorman building.
They let the guy right in.
Somebody they knew.
Hey, this bag been moved?
How long I've been
doing this, Ed?
Lennie, what do you think,
they were coming or going?
Staying put.
CONNERS: This Spanish guy comes
by after I get off break
and asked for 14F.
Says his name is Joe.
Mrs. Alvarez told me
to send him up.
Did it sound like
she was expecting him?
She kind of hesitated
when I told her who it was.
How long was he up there?
I don't even remember
him coming back down.
Is there a service entrance?
So you missed him?
I concentrate on the ones coming
in, not the ones going out.
ED: Hey, be nice.
What'd this guy look like?
Uh, in his 30s,
5'10", medium build.
What about Alvarez?
What time did he leave?
He left this morning
about 11:30.
He met some kid in the lobby.
Some kid? What'd
the kid look like?
Average height, 18, 19.
He was wearing a Knicks cap.
They then walked toward
Mr. Alvarez's garage.
ED: Was the kid with
Alvarez when he came back?
No, no, he was alone.
BRISCOE: What time was that?
About 1:00,1:15.
He said he'd be back
in a minute.
He had to go upstairs
and drop a bag off.
What kind of bag?
Brown. Overnight bag,
I think.
This guy Joe
comes in around 12:15.
Mrs. Alvarez lets him up.
The doorman says
he can make an ID.
An hour later, Alvarez comes
home with a brown leather bag.
The lab found cocaine
residue in the bag,
and CSU turned up 40,000 in cash
hidden behind the dishwasher.
deal gone south.
And he takes the vic's
ear as atrophy.
Or to intimidate somebody.
Well, make sure this
doesn't leak to the press.
Any chance this
kid is involved?
He doesn't match the
description of the shooter.
He couldn't have been upstairs if he
was waiting in the car with Alvarez.
Well, maybe the kid set him up.
LUDs from Alvarez's car phone.
There was one call to a phone
registered to a Teresa Martinez.
What time?
An hour before
our shooter showed up.
I was home all
afternoon on Saturday.
You never left the
apartment, Mrs. Martinez?
Not till 6:00.
What's this about?
Do you know a Daniel Alvarez?
My ex-husband's brother.
BRISCOE: You talked to
him Saturday morning?
There was a phone call from his car
phone to your house at 11:24 a.m.
I don't know anything about
what happened to him, okay?
BRISCOE: Well, you
don't seem too upset.
I'm not upset,
and I wasn't surprised.
He was bad news.
He got my son Tito in trouble.
What kind of trouble?
Two years ago, he gave
Tito marijuana to sell.
Tito was busted.
Did Tito call you
Saturday morning?
Yeah, he was supposed
to come here for lunch.
He told me
he wasn't gonna make it.
Is Tito all right?
We'd like to find him
to make sure.
You know where he is?
He spends most of his time
at his girlfriend's.
MARI: Tito's not here.
Was he here on Saturday?
When, Mari?
I don't know.
In the afternoon.
You know about what happened to
Tito's aunt and uncle, right?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
We won't know that
until we talk to him.
(SIGHS) He knew this
was gonna happen.
What was gonna happen?
Mari, you want to
help him, don't you?
When he found out his aunt and
uncle got killed, he freaked.
He was scared the police
would come looking for him
even though he didn't
do nothing wrong.
Then why'd he think
we'd come looking for him?
His uncle took him to do
something on Saturday,
but Tito booked outta there so he
wouldn't get involved in all that.
Involved in what?
He wouldn't say.
Do you know where
we can find him?
He hangs out with his friends in
the park on Chrystie and Houston.
Here's our problem, Tito.
You were with your uncle an
hour before he got killed.
(STAMMERING) I was just hanging out
at his house and he drove me home.
We got a witness who says
you met him at his garage.
What were you and
your uncle doing?
Come on, man, we found
drugs at the murder scene.
You got a record for selling.
That was a while ago.
Your girlfriend says you were
afraid we'd come looking for you.
You know what that tells me?
You got a guilty conscience.
Look, bro, this is
a double murder.
You ain't had nothing to do with
it, you better say something.
Look, I met my uncle
at the garage
'cause I didn't want
my aunt to see me.
ED: Why not?
I didn't want her to find out
that I was with my uncle,
'cause she didn't
want me doing that.
All right, what happened
after you two hooked up?
When we got in the car, he told
me we were gonna make a pickup.
At... (SIGHS)
At the heliport,
over on the east side,
by the river.
When we got there, we
just parked for awhile,
and the longer we sat there...
I don't know, I just don't
got the nerves for that,
so I just got outta the car
and I went home.
Your uncle say anything
else about the deal?
He said he was gonna meet somebody
getting off the helicopter
and there was gonna
be a big score.
He was hoping
it would be his last.
ED: How'd you get home?
The A train.
You use a MetroCard?
Give it to me.
Uh, I like working Saturday's.
No business flights.
You can actually hear yourself
think for a few minutes.
Did you see this guy
waiting for an arrival?
I don't know.
He was driving a black Jaguar.
Well, there was a girl
who got into a black Jaguar.
What'd she look like?
Around 30, blond, short
skirt, good-looking.
I helped her put
her bags in the car.
Uh, was she carrying
a brown overnight case?
I wasn't paying attention
to the luggage.
Do you know where
the helicopter came from?
I just take the bags. Uh, you
gotta ask the guys over there.
All right. Thank you. Mmm-hmm.
Arrivals on Saturday
between 12:00 and 1:00?
Yeah, here we go.
One at 12:26,
the other 12:41.
What kind of flights were they?
Uh, first was Big Apple
Air, sightseeing tours,
the other came in from
McGuire, air force base.
ED: Her name's
Caryn Wyman.
Her husband's an army major based
out of Fort Evans in New Jersey.
They're stationed in Colombia.
She smuggled a suitcase of
cocaine on a military flight?
You know a better way?
She flew in from Colombia, but
she got the chopper at McGuire.
It was requisitioned
by a General Domas.
He had to fly in
for some UN thing.
Caryn Wyman hitched
a ride with him.
What's she doing in New York?
According to her
housekeeper in Bogota,
her aunt died in Westchester.
Yeah, nothing like a few kilos
of coke to liven up a funeral.
Well, try to be discreet. I'd like
to keep the military out of my hair.
I came in from Colombia
'cause my aunt passed away.
I used to come here all the
time when I was a kid.
Now we have to sell the house.
Uh, what did you do after
you landed, Mrs. Wyman?
Well, I was picked up by a car
service that brought me here.
Can you give us the
name of the company?
I don't remember.
Uh, I set it up
a few weeks ago.
Do you remember what
the car looked like?
Uh, big, black. (LAUGHING)
Like they always are.
Uh, could this be the driver?
Uh, I don't know.
Do you have a receipt?
Uh, can I ask
what this is about?
Yeah, we got a tip
that some contraband
may have been smuggled
in aboard that plane.
Wow. Maybe it was
General Domas.
Yeah, we checked his bags.
You have to forgive us, Mrs. Wyman,
we have to ask these questions.
Our lieutenant's
a bit of a hardass.
Yeah, well, you guys don't
really think it was me, do you?
ED: No, of course not. But it would
help if you had that receipt.
Yeah. Yeah, well, I'll call you.
I'll call you if I find it.
All right.
Yeah. See ya.
Not what I expected.
Let's take a ride
to Fort Evans.
HALPERN: I've known Jim Wyman
for three or four years.
We did FAO together.
Foreign Area Officer training.
We went to Bogotá for two months
to study the language and culture
Well, he wound up
getting the spot.
And you wound up here
in New Jersey, huh?
Major Wyman has more experience
in drug interdiction.
What kind of experience?
What does Major Wyman have to do
with a homicide in New York City?
We're just following up
on a lead, Major.
Standard operating procedure.
Major Wyman's a good man.
An excellent soldier.
Well, what do you
know about his wife?
Well, not much.
Is there somebody else
we should talk to about her?
Well, I really wouldn't
know about that.
Let's get some burgers.
What you got against
the Indian place?
Have you ever seen
one Indian in there?
Hey, guys. The lieutenant
wants to see you.
Major Wyman, Detectives
Green and Briscoe.
How you doing?
I understand you were asking
my wife some questions.
Yeah, we were hoping she could
help us out with a case.
You know her aunt
just passed away.
ED: Yeah, we're sorry.
The timing was unfortunate.
My detectives were just
following their leads.
Would you mind telling me
about those leads?
Well, we generally don't talk to the
public about an ongoing investigation.
I'm not the public.
In the future, I'd
appreciate being made aware
of any concerns you might
have regarding my wife.
Well, sir,
if this investigation impacts
you or your wife in any way,
we'll let you know.
Well, it's good
meeting you, then.
What's going on?
Well, his wife's
the last one we know of
who was with Alvarez
before he got killed.
Carry on.
Adjusting to life on a new
base can be pretty hard.
Officers' wives are
displaced so often.
It's tough on us.
I always appreciate it when other
wives extend themselves to me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
So you did the same
thing for Caryn?
Oh, we hit it off right away.
I thought she was a lot of fun.
She just had a difficult
time adjusting.
BRISCOE: How so?
She didn't really fit in.
Well, what do you mean
she didn't fit in?
Most of the wives
do things together.
Um, garden, play bridge.
Caryn tried, but she
just didn't take to it.
She would bring a movie
to one of the video parties,
and it'd be the wrong
kind of movie.
I mean, too racy
or too weird or too whatever.
So if she didn't socialize
with the wives, what'd she do?
Well, she loved to go shopping.
I went with her a few times.
She would buy these
really expensive clothes.
And that's tough to afford
on an army salary, right?
Tell me about it.
Did she have any friends
that weren't army?
There was this one girl...
Brandy, I think.
Caryn knew her
from high school.
Sometimes she would
come to the base.
I guess she was
more Caryn's style.
How so?
Well, she and Caryn
would go out to a club.
One time, Caryn wound up
going to the hospital.
Why's that?
The rumor was drugs.
I didn't give it
much weight, though.
I knew the other wives
didn't like her.
Caryn and I went to the same
day camp when we were 10.
We were best friends
for a long time.
BRISCOE: But not anymore?
Different interests.
Meaning you stopped
doing drugs?
We know she was hospitalized.
Was it an overdose?
I was with her. I thought
she was going to die.
Did Major Wyman know?
I called him from the hospital.
She doesn't seem too well-suited
for the military life.
Caryn was a romantic.
She fell for that
whole uniform thing.
And her mother loved the idea
'cause her father let her
get away with murder.
I think her mom thought that
Jim would straighten her out.
Guess not.
She still calls me every time
she comes back to New York.
She still wants to party.
I'm like, "Caryn,
enough is enough."
Has she called you recently?
A few days ago. She said
that she just got into town,
and wanted me to meet her
at this hotel in the city
where she was staying.
Which hotel?
I worked last
Saturday, noon till 8:00.
Do you remember a woman
pulling up in a black Jaguar?
About 30 years old?
Yeah. The guy that was
driving was a real jerk.
Got all up in here with me.
ED: What do you mean?
Uh, she had this overnight bag
next to her on the seat.
I went to take it
out of the car,
the guy started
giving me attitude,
said nobody told me
to touch the damn bag.
Alvarez's nephew
puts them at the heliport
waiting for the
coke to come in.
And the guy at
the heliport said
he saw Caryn Wyman getting into
the back of his black Jaguar.
She gets dropped off at the hotel,
she leaves the bag in Alvarez's car.
If you put it all together...
It's enough to pick her up.
Without the drugs?
Well, it's a strong
circumstantial case.
It might be our best chance
to break the murder.
What about the army?
I think the army will want to stay
as far away from this as possible.
Caryn Wyman?
In case you didn't notice,
this is a funeral.
The funeral's over, Major.
She's under arrest.
(STAMMERING) Well, your lieutenant said
this wasn't going to be a problem.
Wrong, she said she'd let you
know if there was a problem.
There is. Your wife's
under arrest
for drug possession
and conspiracy.
You are making a huge mistake.
Are we?
Come on, Mrs. Wyman.
Mr. McCoy. Jim Wyman,
Caryn's husband.
This is Abbie Carmichael.
Good morning.
Look, my wife has a
substance abuse problem.
Is there anything that I can
do to make this easier on her?
JACK: It's not that
simple, Major Wyman.
Your wife smuggled drugs.
She's implicated
in two murders.
What in God's name makes you think
she has anything to do with that?
She lied to the police about where she
was staying and how she got there.
That's not just to cover
up a few grams of coke.
Caryn obviously made a
mistake in judgment.
Just please try to understand.
Let's see what she has to say.
Before my client even
considers making a statement,
we'd like to nail down
the details of a plea offer.
How do we know for sure she
wasn't involved in these murders?
I understand you don't even have
the drugs she allegedly smuggled.
We could walk out of here.
I don't think you'll
do that, Mr. Marks.
She's looking at
a 25-year back end
just on the narcotics case.
CARMICHAEL: And we have an
airtight case on the drugs
the police pulled
out of her pocket.
Now, maybe there's a way for Major
Wyman to avoid further embarrassment.
Caryn got the coke
from a man in Bogota.
We need a name.
It was just some guy I met. You
know, I didn't get his name.
Don't play us for fools,
Mrs. Wyman.
You didn't risk this
for a stranger.
It's Fernando, the gardener.
I don't believe it.
JACK: What was
in it for you?
Oh, well, he said he
would pay me $10,000
if I brought the bag
into New York.
I mean, he arranged
the whole thing.
How much cocaine was there?
He didn't tell me.
You carried it in.
I put it in my overnight bag.
I mean, it was the size
of a six-pack.
They used her as a mule because
she wouldn't be searched.
She was going to be paid
when she returned to Bogota.
How'd she know
Mr. Alvarez?
MARKS: She didn't.
She was told she'd be met
when she landed in New York
and dropped off at her hotel.
She'd leave the bag
with the driver.
That was the extent
of her involvement.
Can you think of anyone who may have
wanted to harm Mr. or Mrs. Alvarez?
You know, I'm so sorry
about all this.
I'm so sorry, Jim.
I'm sure the hotel staff
will confirm her whereabouts
at the time these
people were killed.
So what can you do
for her, Mr. McCoy?
The drug laws in New York
aren't very forgiving.
Even if this checks out, there's
still going to be some jail time.
Get back to me when
you firm up your offer.
What are you going
to offer her?
If she really isn't
involved in the murders,
I'm thinking
She admitted
first-degree possession.
That's a little steep
for a first-timer.
Are we supposed to go easy on her
because she's an officer's wife?
Of course not.
And her actions
precipitated the homicides.
Well, that's if the murderer
knew about her delivery.
She says she
didn't tell anyone.
It could be her
gardener back in Bogota
who knew the details
of the arrangements.
Well, there's no reason why we can't
extradite him to New York City.
We'd like to prosecute
Fernando Vercal in New York.
Did he ever step foot here?
He was part of a conspiracy that
reached into our jurisdiction.
And we need his help
to solve a double murder.
And you will offer him
leniency for his cooperation?
That's our currency
with these people.
I'm sure the narcotics
prosecutors in Bogota
would like to talk to this man.
We need to spend
our capital here.
I can see how this would be very
embarrassing for your government.
Both our countries are invested
in the war against drugs.
If you make me go to the State
Department, you know how this will end.
I'll see that Mr. Vercal
is made available.
Excuse me.
Here's his choice,
Ms. Mancelli.
He can cut a deal now or he
can go back to Colombia.
They have no evidence
against him there.
His associates know
he was arrested.
Ask your client how long he'd
stay alive if we sent him back.
Well, that's blackmail.
I'd prefer to call it
plea bargaining.
Go ahead.
I am in business
with senora Wyman.
I gave her the cocaine
to bring to New York.
How much?
Four kilos.
Do you know Daniel Alvarez? No.
He's dead, Mr. Vercal.
So is his wife.
JACK: We brought you up here to
help us solve their murders.
How did he die?
We think he was murdered
by drug dealers.
They seemed to know he'd be
getting a delivery that day.
His left ear was cut off.
Do you have any idea
who would have done that?
I just gave senora Wyman the
cocaine to bring to Daniel.
Who else was in business
with Alvarez?
I don't know.
All I do is get
the drugs for her.
Did you tell anyone about the delivery
Caryn Wyman was making for you?
I never said a word
about any of the deliveries.
I've been giving
senora Wyman cocaine
to bring to Alvarez every
two months for a year.
You lied to us,
Mrs. Wyman.
What? I didn't.
JACK: We have your
gardener in custody.
He gave us dates, amounts.
You can forget about any deal.
MARKS: Well, now,
hold on a second.
She's been smuggling drugs into
the country for more than a year.
Do you have to tell Jim?
This isn't a game,
Mrs. Wyman.
You're going to jail,
for a very long time.
It was just so easy. I mean,
nobody ever searched my bags.
How did you manage this
behind your husband's back?
Jim never even asked me where
the extra money came from.
It was like he didn't
want to know.
I mean, if only he would
have said something,
maybe I would have stopped.
MARKS: It was
a cry for help.
Well, it's too bad
nobody heard it.
Were all your deliveries
made to Daniel Alvarez?
No, well, this was
going to be the last one.
He told me in the car
that he was getting out.
What do you know
about the murders?
He was murdered an hour after
you met him, Mrs. Wyman.
I'm having a hard time believing
it was a coincidence.
If you know anything, Caryn,
my advice is to tell them.
I can't.
He'll kill me.
Who, Mrs. Wyman?
I'm going to the grand jury.
There'll be an indictment
on your desk in the morning.
A man came into my hotel room.
He said he found out that I was
bringing drugs in to Daniel
and that I would be working
directly for him now or I'd...
Or I'd wind up dead.
Working for him how?
I was supposed to bring in
eight kilos in two weeks.
He gave me a phone number
to call him when I came in.
He said he would pick me
up just like Daniel did,
and if I told anyone...
What, Mrs. Wyman?
He took some newspaper out
of his pocket, and inside...
Inside of it was an ear.
It was covered with blood.
He said it was Daniel's.
What was this man's name?
I don't know. I never
saw him before.
What did he look like?
I think he was Colombian.
Like, 35 years old.
He had a ponytail.
Look, you gotta help me.
I am so scared.
We will, Mrs. Wyman.
And maybe you can help us.
Under no circumstances are
you using my wife as bait.
I will not allow it. I know what
these people are capable of.
I'm sure you do Major Wyman.
But it's the only way we
have to apprehend this man.
JIM: Well, have you
traced his phone number?
It's a stolen cell phone.
You'll just have
to find another way.
JACK: Then what happens
when she doesn't show up?
They'd know it was a setup.
Do you think these
people won't find her?
If you thought this was somehow
going to blow over, Major Wyman,
you're mistaken.
Your career, your commission...
It's time to start
making other plans.
CARMICHAEL: You'll both be
put in witness protection.
We've already worked
everything out with the Feds.
I wrecked your life, Jim.
It's a chance to start over.
Well, what about the
charges against her?
After all that's happened,
we can't give her a walk.
Well, she'd be
risking her life.
She's committed a handful
of class A felonies.
No jail time,
or we take our chances.
(SIGHS) All right, probation.
But only if she testifies.
Can I have your assurance
that she will be safe?
She'll be put up in a hotel
under police protection.
Give me a chance to make
things right for us.
Do it.
ED: We got marksmen
on the roofs here.
We have a ESU team in the
construction trailer right here.
What kind of firepower
will you have?
They're fully equipped with
automatic weapons, Major.
And where's your perimeter?
The heliport's it.
Yeah, and we'll have unmarked cars
on every cross street for 10 blocks.
I assume you'll be
giving her real cocaine.
I don't want her getting
killed in that car.
I tried. We can't do that.
What if he wants to
sample it in the car?
We'll move in.
We've done this before, Major.
We're using our best people. We
won't let anything happen to her.
How was your trip?
Hop in.
I got what you asked for.
Let's take a look.
Police! Out of the car!
Let me see your hands, now!
What's all this about?
The white stuff in your bag.
It's not mine.
So now that you have your
murderer, can you make a case?
I'm feeling pretty confident.
I'm not so optimistic.
Our star witness dabbled in drugs and bought
her way out of it with a plea bargain.
More than dabbled.
And she's a little off.
JACK: I think the jury
will believe her.
She contacted Pena through the
phone number he gave her.
He picked up the drugs
like he said he would.
It corroborates her story.
The defense is gonna
go after her, Jack.
Will she hold up?
I think the Wymans have finally
come to terms with what happened.
If she's honest about her past,
the jury will overlook
her shortcomings.
And if they don't?
We still got the two ID witnesses from the
building where the murders took place.
Hmm, it's all yours.
CONNERS: I was working
the front door
the day Mr. and Mrs.
Alvarez were killed.
Did you see
Mr. Alvarez that day?
I remember he parked his car
in front of the building.
That was around 1:00.
What, if anything, did you
see him do, Mr. Conners?
Mr. Alvarez
had this bag.
He said he was going
to drop it off upstairs.
What did the bag look like?
I didn't get a real
good look at it.
Prior to
Mr. Alvarez's arrival,
did you see anyone else
go up to his apartment?
About an hour before
Mr. Alvarez came home,
I buzzed his wife
and I let a man up.
Did the man give you his name?
He did.
But I don't remember
what it was.
do you see the man in the
courtroom here today?
Do you see him in the
courtroom, Mr. Conners?
I don't know.
Take your time,
Mr. Conners.
I'm just not sure I remember.
Didn't you previously identify
the defendant in a line-up
conducted at the 27th precinct?
I did.
But now that I'm
looking at him,
I think that he may
not be the guy.
I don't know.
Judge, I need
a 10-minute recess.
So he can put words
in the witness' mouth?
I'll give you
five minutes, Mr. McCoy.
JACK: What's going on,
Mr. Conners?
Nothing's going on.
Were you threatened by someone?
Then we need you to testify
truthfully about what you saw.
What are you gonna do, put a
cop car outside my house?
How long's that gonna last?
As long as it has to.
And what about when
I'm on the subway?
And at my job?
What about my kids?
No thanks, Mr. McCoy.
According to the statement
you gave to the police,
you were on the elevator to the laundry
room when you noticed Mr. Pena.
I never said I knew
the man's name.
Well, let me show you a picture
of the man who's on trial.
This... is not the man.
Maybe you'll recognize him when
you see him in person in court.
Why do I gotta go to the court?
I'm telling you, it's not him.
Did someone contact you
about this case, Ms. Brady?
I can't help you, so I don't want to
waste no more of my time with this.
If you can't help us,
Ms. Brady,
this man is gonna
go back on the street.
I'm very sorry about that.
Do I need to come
here tomorrow?
You can leave now.
Let's call Caryn Wyman.
CARYN: Uh, Jim was transferred
there, to Bogota,
like two years ago.
A few weeks after we
arrived, I asked Fernando...
He was our gardener
at the base.
I asked him if he could
get some cocaine.
JACK: Who was it for?
What... Who was it for?
The cocaine.
Oh, it was for me, it was
for my personal use.
What happened
after that, Mrs. Wyman?
After what?
Did you and Fernando devise
a scheme to smuggle cocaine
into New York?
Objection, leading.
Your Honor, as you can see,
the witness is a bit nervous.
I'd like some latitude here.
You can answer,
Mrs. Wyman.
Okay. Yes.
Fernando found out that I took
regular trips to New York.
He asked me if I was
ever searched when I went.
I wasn't.
So he had this
plan that I could
take cocaine in for his
cousin who lived here.
Daniel Alvarez?
Did you go along
with this idea?
Yes. Fernando arranged
everything for me.
Yeah, we started with
a small package.
And when we saw
how easy it was,
he started giving me
more and more.
Do you know how much cocaine
you were able to smuggle in
to Mr. Alvarez this way?
Uh, altogether, I'm not sure.
How did you get paid
for these transactions?
Well, when Daniel
got the cocaine,
he sent money back to Fernando.
Uh, American dollars,
and he'd give me a cut.
Well, all and all, how
much money did you make?
About $25,000.
Were you ever prosecuted as
a result of these actions?
I pled guilty
and got probation.
Now, what happened on
January 4th of this year?
Fernando gave me
a package to bring here.
It was about
eight or 10 pounds.
I flew from Bogota
to the air force base,
and then I got a ride to
New York on a helicopter.
And where was the package of
cocaine during your trip?
It was in an overnight bag.
I show you People's exhibit eight.
Is this your bag?
Yes, that's it.
What happened after
you landed in New York?
Daniel picked me up at the
heliport and drove me to my hotel.
I left the bag in the car.
And that was the last
time that I saw him.
Now, calling your attention
to later that afternoon,
could you tell
the jury what happened?
I was in my room.
I heard a knock at the door.
I opened it,
and I saw him.
Indicating the defendant.
Had you ever seen
Mr. Pena before?
Are you sure it's the same man?
What happened next,
Mrs. Wyman?
He pushed his way into my room.
He said he knew who I was,
that Daniel and
his wife were dead,
and if I didn't do exactly
what he told me to do,
I would end up dead, too.
What did the defendant
tell you to do?
He told me that I had to bring
him cocaine from Colombia.
Do you know how
the defendant found you?
He said he put a gun
to Daniel's head
before he killed him.
What else did
the defendant say?
He said that he...
He said that there was
no way out for me.
And that he had
friends in Colombia.
And then he showed me
Daniel's ear,
wrapped in some newspaper.
Nothing further.
We'll pick it up tomorrow,
Mr. Winter.
How'd it go with Caryn Wyman?
Well, she was a little shaky,
but I think we got our casein.
Any thoughts about
offering Pena a deal?
What do you think
is appropriate, Nora?
Well, we lost our
two ID witnesses.
I'd rather see him upstate for awhile
than on my street corner next week.
It's too soon to panic.
Caryn Wyman just slipped
away from her police detail
on the way back to her hotel.
So why'd you stop here?
You get hungry?
We were about
to get on the FDR.
She was having stomach cramps
and asked us to pull over.
She said if we didn't stop, she
was going to go in her pants.
Well, why didn't one of you geniuses
stand outside the ladies' room?
We were right there,
in the restaurant.
She said she'd be okay. She
just needed a few minutes.
Hey, she wasn't in custody.
We were watching her back. We didn't
figure she was gonna bolt on us.
All right, wait here.
The cook says she came
through the kitchen,
out the back door, alone.
She could be anywhere.
The relatives in Westchester?
All right, yeah.
Call the local PD.
Tell them to keep
an eye out for her.
How did this happen?
Are you people incompetent?
I trusted you
with Caryn's life!
Do you have any idea
where she might be?
I don't have the vaguest idea!
Did we touch base with
that girlfriend of hers?
Yeah, Brandy.
She said she'd call us as
soon as Mrs. Wyman shows up.
Well, all I can say is we better
find her before Pena's people do.
Look, we got no reason to believe
that they know anything about this.
Any news?
We put out a citywide
Well, if she doesn't show up for
cross-examination, our case is out the window.
Well, the hell with your
case, this is my wife!
All we can do now is wait.
Oh, Major Wyman, would
you care for something?
We can call for some
takeout if you want.
Wyman. Caryn!
I got scared, Jim.
Look, everything is
going to be okay.
I didn't think
I could go through with it.
Nobody's gonna make you.
I almost...
But I didn't.
I wanted to, but I didn't.
You okay?
I just need some
sleep for tomorrow.
Come on. We'll take you
back to your hotel.
WINTER: How long have you been
a coke addict, Mrs. Wyman?
I used cocaine for 10 years.
Are you high now?
No, I'm not.
How about when you testified
on direct yesterday?
Just making sure.
Now, about the dope
smuggling that you've done,
how many times have you brought
in cocaine from Colombia?
Six drug felonies,
and you aren't gonna
spend a day in jail?
That's right.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but you were facing 25 years?
And the price for
that sweetheart deal
was your testimony
against my client?
That was part of it.
I also wanted to stop the
way that I was living.
So I decided to tell them
everything that happened.
Let's see, you walk
away from this
or you face spending 25 years
in a state prison?
It wasn't much of
a decision, was it?
I know that it
looks that way...
A decision you made
after you were arrested,
after you were caught
lying by the police?
I'm not proud of what I did.
Let's talk about
the day of the murder.
You brought in 10 pounds of dope
from Colombia for Mr. Alvarez?
On military flights paid
for by our tax dollars?
That's right.
And it's your testimony
that a few hours later,
out of the clear blue sky, a man
that you have never seen before
in your life,
comes into your room
with your drug partner's
ear in his pocket?
Yes, it was your client.
Isn't it a fact, Mrs. Wyman,
that you were gonna blame that
on whatever unlucky fellow
arrived at the heliport that day
to be arrested by the police?
No, I wouldn't do that.
Because you're so honorable?
You wouldn't do that to avoid
rotting in jail for 25 years?
No, I wouldn't.
And we're supposed to
take your word at that?
An admitted liar.
An admitted coke fiend.
JUDGE: Sustained.
Is that your husband
in the gallery, Mrs. Wyman?
Yes, it is.
And he is a major
in the United States Army?
CARYN: Yes, he is.
Isn't it a fact
that it is his job
to oversee all of our country's
anti-drug programs
in Colombia?
Yes. It was his job.
Now, let me see
if I understand this now.
While he is out risking his
neck fighting the drug war,
you are back at the base,
figuring out how to get
dope on a US Army plane.
Like I said, I am not
proud of what I did.
No, I guess you're not,
Mrs. Wyman.
Nothing further.
Redirect, Your Honor.
What happened to your
husband's career, Mrs. Wyman?
He resigned his commission.
You know why he did that?
Because of me.
Because of what I did.
What do you mean by that?
I'm an addict.
I lied, I broke the law,
and in some ways, I feel like I got
Daniel and Rosa Alvarez killed.
Do you feel like the punishment you
received for your actions is fair?
I know I got a big break.
So why do you expect the jury to
believe any of your testimony?
I'm not in the position
to expect anything,
but at least I'm up here
trying to take responsibility
for what I did.
And why doesn't he
take responsibility?
Hey, why don't you, Mr. Pena?
WINTER: Objection.
Why don't you say how you murdered
those people? (GAVEL BANGING)
JUDGE: Sustained.
JUDGE: Has the jury
reached a verdict?
Yes, we have, Your Honor.
On two counts of Murder
in the First Degree,
we find the defendant, guilty.
The Wymans were whisked away by
federal marshals a few hours ago.
Did you find out where
they're being relocated?
No, they wouldn't tell me.
Hope they don't make
the same mistake twice.
Maybe they can hide them
from Pena's people.
Who's gonna protect
her from herself?
In the criminal justice system
the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,
the police
who investigate crime
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
Hey, buddy!
You gotta back out.
I got a living room
set to unload.
There's nothing I can do.
The guy took his keys.
He said he'd be right down.
I'm here 20 minutes.
Go drive around and come back.
Hey, I don't have time
to drive around, pal.
CONNERS: Mr. Alvarez?
Mr. Alvarez?
Oh, my God.
CSU OFFICER: One shot each
to the back of the head.
Small caliber,
probably a .22.
Somebody knew what they were doing.
There's something else.
Whoever it was
cut off his left ear.
Middle of the afternoon,
nobody heard anything.
The TV was on. Probably
covered the shots.
It's a doorman building.
They let the guy right in.
Somebody they knew.
Hey, this bag been moved?
How long I've been
doing this, Ed?
Lennie, what do you think,
they were coming or going?
Staying put.
CONNERS: This Spanish guy comes
by after I get off break
and asked for 14F.
Says his name is Joe.
Mrs. Alvarez told me
to send him up.
Did it sound like
she was expecting him?
She kind of hesitated
when I told her who it was.
How long was he up there?
I don't even remember
him coming back down.
Is there a service entrance?
So you missed him?
I concentrate on the ones coming
in, not the ones going out.
ED: Hey, be nice.
What'd this guy look like?
Uh, in his 30s,
5'10", medium build.
What about Alvarez?
What time did he leave?
He left this morning
about 11:30.
He met some kid in the lobby.
Some kid? What'd
the kid look like?
Average height, 18, 19.
He was wearing a Knicks cap.
They then walked toward
Mr. Alvarez's garage.
ED: Was the kid with
Alvarez when he came back?
No, no, he was alone.
BRISCOE: What time was that?
About 1:00,1:15.
He said he'd be back
in a minute.
He had to go upstairs
and drop a bag off.
What kind of bag?
Brown. Overnight bag,
I think.
This guy Joe
comes in around 12:15.
Mrs. Alvarez lets him up.
The doorman says
he can make an ID.
An hour later, Alvarez comes
home with a brown leather bag.
The lab found cocaine
residue in the bag,
and CSU turned up 40,000 in cash
hidden behind the dishwasher.
deal gone south.
And he takes the vic's
ear as atrophy.
Or to intimidate somebody.
Well, make sure this
doesn't leak to the press.
Any chance this
kid is involved?
He doesn't match the
description of the shooter.
He couldn't have been upstairs if he
was waiting in the car with Alvarez.
Well, maybe the kid set him up.
LUDs from Alvarez's car phone.
There was one call to a phone
registered to a Teresa Martinez.
What time?
An hour before
our shooter showed up.
I was home all
afternoon on Saturday.
You never left the
apartment, Mrs. Martinez?
Not till 6:00.
What's this about?
Do you know a Daniel Alvarez?
My ex-husband's brother.
BRISCOE: You talked to
him Saturday morning?
There was a phone call from his car
phone to your house at 11:24 a.m.
I don't know anything about
what happened to him, okay?
BRISCOE: Well, you
don't seem too upset.
I'm not upset,
and I wasn't surprised.
He was bad news.
He got my son Tito in trouble.
What kind of trouble?
Two years ago, he gave
Tito marijuana to sell.
Tito was busted.
Did Tito call you
Saturday morning?
Yeah, he was supposed
to come here for lunch.
He told me
he wasn't gonna make it.
Is Tito all right?
We'd like to find him
to make sure.
You know where he is?
He spends most of his time
at his girlfriend's.
MARI: Tito's not here.
Was he here on Saturday?
When, Mari?
I don't know.
In the afternoon.
You know about what happened to
Tito's aunt and uncle, right?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
We won't know that
until we talk to him.
(SIGHS) He knew this
was gonna happen.
What was gonna happen?
Mari, you want to
help him, don't you?
When he found out his aunt and
uncle got killed, he freaked.
He was scared the police
would come looking for him
even though he didn't
do nothing wrong.
Then why'd he think
we'd come looking for him?
His uncle took him to do
something on Saturday,
but Tito booked outta there so he
wouldn't get involved in all that.
Involved in what?
He wouldn't say.
Do you know where
we can find him?
He hangs out with his friends in
the park on Chrystie and Houston.
Here's our problem, Tito.
You were with your uncle an
hour before he got killed.
(STAMMERING) I was just hanging out
at his house and he drove me home.
We got a witness who says
you met him at his garage.
What were you and
your uncle doing?
Come on, man, we found
drugs at the murder scene.
You got a record for selling.
That was a while ago.
Your girlfriend says you were
afraid we'd come looking for you.
You know what that tells me?
You got a guilty conscience.
Look, bro, this is
a double murder.
You ain't had nothing to do with
it, you better say something.
Look, I met my uncle
at the garage
'cause I didn't want
my aunt to see me.
ED: Why not?
I didn't want her to find out
that I was with my uncle,
'cause she didn't
want me doing that.
All right, what happened
after you two hooked up?
When we got in the car, he told
me we were gonna make a pickup.
At... (SIGHS)
At the heliport,
over on the east side,
by the river.
When we got there, we
just parked for awhile,
and the longer we sat there...
I don't know, I just don't
got the nerves for that,
so I just got outta the car
and I went home.
Your uncle say anything
else about the deal?
He said he was gonna meet somebody
getting off the helicopter
and there was gonna
be a big score.
He was hoping
it would be his last.
ED: How'd you get home?
The A train.
You use a MetroCard?
Give it to me.
Uh, I like working Saturday's.
No business flights.
You can actually hear yourself
think for a few minutes.
Did you see this guy
waiting for an arrival?
I don't know.
He was driving a black Jaguar.
Well, there was a girl
who got into a black Jaguar.
What'd she look like?
Around 30, blond, short
skirt, good-looking.
I helped her put
her bags in the car.
Uh, was she carrying
a brown overnight case?
I wasn't paying attention
to the luggage.
Do you know where
the helicopter came from?
I just take the bags. Uh, you
gotta ask the guys over there.
All right. Thank you. Mmm-hmm.
Arrivals on Saturday
between 12:00 and 1:00?
Yeah, here we go.
One at 12:26,
the other 12:41.
What kind of flights were they?
Uh, first was Big Apple
Air, sightseeing tours,
the other came in from
McGuire, air force base.
ED: Her name's
Caryn Wyman.
Her husband's an army major based
out of Fort Evans in New Jersey.
They're stationed in Colombia.
She smuggled a suitcase of
cocaine on a military flight?
You know a better way?
She flew in from Colombia, but
she got the chopper at McGuire.
It was requisitioned
by a General Domas.
He had to fly in
for some UN thing.
Caryn Wyman hitched
a ride with him.
What's she doing in New York?
According to her
housekeeper in Bogota,
her aunt died in Westchester.
Yeah, nothing like a few kilos
of coke to liven up a funeral.
Well, try to be discreet. I'd like
to keep the military out of my hair.
I came in from Colombia
'cause my aunt passed away.
I used to come here all the
time when I was a kid.
Now we have to sell the house.
Uh, what did you do after
you landed, Mrs. Wyman?
Well, I was picked up by a car
service that brought me here.
Can you give us the
name of the company?
I don't remember.
Uh, I set it up
a few weeks ago.
Do you remember what
the car looked like?
Uh, big, black. (LAUGHING)
Like they always are.
Uh, could this be the driver?
Uh, I don't know.
Do you have a receipt?
Uh, can I ask
what this is about?
Yeah, we got a tip
that some contraband
may have been smuggled
in aboard that plane.
Wow. Maybe it was
General Domas.
Yeah, we checked his bags.
You have to forgive us, Mrs. Wyman,
we have to ask these questions.
Our lieutenant's
a bit of a hardass.
Yeah, well, you guys don't
really think it was me, do you?
ED: No, of course not. But it would
help if you had that receipt.
Yeah. Yeah, well, I'll call you.
I'll call you if I find it.
All right.
Yeah. See ya.
Not what I expected.
Let's take a ride
to Fort Evans.
HALPERN: I've known Jim Wyman
for three or four years.
We did FAO together.
Foreign Area Officer training.
We went to Bogotá for two months
to study the language and culture
Well, he wound up
getting the spot.
And you wound up here
in New Jersey, huh?
Major Wyman has more experience
in drug interdiction.
What kind of experience?
What does Major Wyman have to do
with a homicide in New York City?
We're just following up
on a lead, Major.
Standard operating procedure.
Major Wyman's a good man.
An excellent soldier.
Well, what do you
know about his wife?
Well, not much.
Is there somebody else
we should talk to about her?
Well, I really wouldn't
know about that.
Let's get some burgers.
What you got against
the Indian place?
Have you ever seen
one Indian in there?
Hey, guys. The lieutenant
wants to see you.
Major Wyman, Detectives
Green and Briscoe.
How you doing?
I understand you were asking
my wife some questions.
Yeah, we were hoping she could
help us out with a case.
You know her aunt
just passed away.
ED: Yeah, we're sorry.
The timing was unfortunate.
My detectives were just
following their leads.
Would you mind telling me
about those leads?
Well, we generally don't talk to the
public about an ongoing investigation.
I'm not the public.
In the future, I'd
appreciate being made aware
of any concerns you might
have regarding my wife.
Well, sir,
if this investigation impacts
you or your wife in any way,
we'll let you know.
Well, it's good
meeting you, then.
What's going on?
Well, his wife's
the last one we know of
who was with Alvarez
before he got killed.
Carry on.
Adjusting to life on a new
base can be pretty hard.
Officers' wives are
displaced so often.
It's tough on us.
I always appreciate it when other
wives extend themselves to me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
So you did the same
thing for Caryn?
Oh, we hit it off right away.
I thought she was a lot of fun.
She just had a difficult
time adjusting.
BRISCOE: How so?
She didn't really fit in.
Well, what do you mean
she didn't fit in?
Most of the wives
do things together.
Um, garden, play bridge.
Caryn tried, but she
just didn't take to it.
She would bring a movie
to one of the video parties,
and it'd be the wrong
kind of movie.
I mean, too racy
or too weird or too whatever.
So if she didn't socialize
with the wives, what'd she do?
Well, she loved to go shopping.
I went with her a few times.
She would buy these
really expensive clothes.
And that's tough to afford
on an army salary, right?
Tell me about it.
Did she have any friends
that weren't army?
There was this one girl...
Brandy, I think.
Caryn knew her
from high school.
Sometimes she would
come to the base.
I guess she was
more Caryn's style.
How so?
Well, she and Caryn
would go out to a club.
One time, Caryn wound up
going to the hospital.
Why's that?
The rumor was drugs.
I didn't give it
much weight, though.
I knew the other wives
didn't like her.
Caryn and I went to the same
day camp when we were 10.
We were best friends
for a long time.
BRISCOE: But not anymore?
Different interests.
Meaning you stopped
doing drugs?
We know she was hospitalized.
Was it an overdose?
I was with her. I thought
she was going to die.
Did Major Wyman know?
I called him from the hospital.
She doesn't seem too well-suited
for the military life.
Caryn was a romantic.
She fell for that
whole uniform thing.
And her mother loved the idea
'cause her father let her
get away with murder.
I think her mom thought that
Jim would straighten her out.
Guess not.
She still calls me every time
she comes back to New York.
She still wants to party.
I'm like, "Caryn,
enough is enough."
Has she called you recently?
A few days ago. She said
that she just got into town,
and wanted me to meet her
at this hotel in the city
where she was staying.
Which hotel?
I worked last
Saturday, noon till 8:00.
Do you remember a woman
pulling up in a black Jaguar?
About 30 years old?
Yeah. The guy that was
driving was a real jerk.
Got all up in here with me.
ED: What do you mean?
Uh, she had this overnight bag
next to her on the seat.
I went to take it
out of the car,
the guy started
giving me attitude,
said nobody told me
to touch the damn bag.
Alvarez's nephew
puts them at the heliport
waiting for the
coke to come in.
And the guy at
the heliport said
he saw Caryn Wyman getting into
the back of his black Jaguar.
She gets dropped off at the hotel,
she leaves the bag in Alvarez's car.
If you put it all together...
It's enough to pick her up.
Without the drugs?
Well, it's a strong
circumstantial case.
It might be our best chance
to break the murder.
What about the army?
I think the army will want to stay
as far away from this as possible.
Caryn Wyman?
In case you didn't notice,
this is a funeral.
The funeral's over, Major.
She's under arrest.
(STAMMERING) Well, your lieutenant said
this wasn't going to be a problem.
Wrong, she said she'd let you
know if there was a problem.
There is. Your wife's
under arrest
for drug possession
and conspiracy.
You are making a huge mistake.
Are we?
Come on, Mrs. Wyman.
Mr. McCoy. Jim Wyman,
Caryn's husband.
This is Abbie Carmichael.
Good morning.
Look, my wife has a
substance abuse problem.
Is there anything that I can
do to make this easier on her?
JACK: It's not that
simple, Major Wyman.
Your wife smuggled drugs.
She's implicated
in two murders.
What in God's name makes you think
she has anything to do with that?
She lied to the police about where she
was staying and how she got there.
That's not just to cover
up a few grams of coke.
Caryn obviously made a
mistake in judgment.
Just please try to understand.
Let's see what she has to say.
Before my client even
considers making a statement,
we'd like to nail down
the details of a plea offer.
How do we know for sure she
wasn't involved in these murders?
I understand you don't even have
the drugs she allegedly smuggled.
We could walk out of here.
I don't think you'll
do that, Mr. Marks.
She's looking at
a 25-year back end
just on the narcotics case.
CARMICHAEL: And we have an
airtight case on the drugs
the police pulled
out of her pocket.
Now, maybe there's a way for Major
Wyman to avoid further embarrassment.
Caryn got the coke
from a man in Bogota.
We need a name.
It was just some guy I met. You
know, I didn't get his name.
Don't play us for fools,
Mrs. Wyman.
You didn't risk this
for a stranger.
It's Fernando, the gardener.
I don't believe it.
JACK: What was
in it for you?
Oh, well, he said he
would pay me $10,000
if I brought the bag
into New York.
I mean, he arranged
the whole thing.
How much cocaine was there?
He didn't tell me.
You carried it in.
I put it in my overnight bag.
I mean, it was the size
of a six-pack.
They used her as a mule because
she wouldn't be searched.
She was going to be paid
when she returned to Bogota.
How'd she know
Mr. Alvarez?
MARKS: She didn't.
She was told she'd be met
when she landed in New York
and dropped off at her hotel.
She'd leave the bag
with the driver.
That was the extent
of her involvement.
Can you think of anyone who may have
wanted to harm Mr. or Mrs. Alvarez?
You know, I'm so sorry
about all this.
I'm so sorry, Jim.
I'm sure the hotel staff
will confirm her whereabouts
at the time these
people were killed.
So what can you do
for her, Mr. McCoy?
The drug laws in New York
aren't very forgiving.
Even if this checks out, there's
still going to be some jail time.
Get back to me when
you firm up your offer.
What are you going
to offer her?
If she really isn't
involved in the murders,
I'm thinking
She admitted
first-degree possession.
That's a little steep
for a first-timer.
Are we supposed to go easy on her
because she's an officer's wife?
Of course not.
And her actions
precipitated the homicides.
Well, that's if the murderer
knew about her delivery.
She says she
didn't tell anyone.
It could be her
gardener back in Bogota
who knew the details
of the arrangements.
Well, there's no reason why we can't
extradite him to New York City.
We'd like to prosecute
Fernando Vercal in New York.
Did he ever step foot here?
He was part of a conspiracy that
reached into our jurisdiction.
And we need his help
to solve a double murder.
And you will offer him
leniency for his cooperation?
That's our currency
with these people.
I'm sure the narcotics
prosecutors in Bogota
would like to talk to this man.
We need to spend
our capital here.
I can see how this would be very
embarrassing for your government.
Both our countries are invested
in the war against drugs.
If you make me go to the State
Department, you know how this will end.
I'll see that Mr. Vercal
is made available.
Excuse me.
Here's his choice,
Ms. Mancelli.
He can cut a deal now or he
can go back to Colombia.
They have no evidence
against him there.
His associates know
he was arrested.
Ask your client how long he'd
stay alive if we sent him back.
Well, that's blackmail.
I'd prefer to call it
plea bargaining.
Go ahead.
I am in business
with senora Wyman.
I gave her the cocaine
to bring to New York.
How much?
Four kilos.
Do you know Daniel Alvarez? No.
He's dead, Mr. Vercal.
So is his wife.
JACK: We brought you up here to
help us solve their murders.
How did he die?
We think he was murdered
by drug dealers.
They seemed to know he'd be
getting a delivery that day.
His left ear was cut off.
Do you have any idea
who would have done that?
I just gave senora Wyman the
cocaine to bring to Daniel.
Who else was in business
with Alvarez?
I don't know.
All I do is get
the drugs for her.
Did you tell anyone about the delivery
Caryn Wyman was making for you?
I never said a word
about any of the deliveries.
I've been giving
senora Wyman cocaine
to bring to Alvarez every
two months for a year.
You lied to us,
Mrs. Wyman.
What? I didn't.
JACK: We have your
gardener in custody.
He gave us dates, amounts.
You can forget about any deal.
MARKS: Well, now,
hold on a second.
She's been smuggling drugs into
the country for more than a year.
Do you have to tell Jim?
This isn't a game,
Mrs. Wyman.
You're going to jail,
for a very long time.
It was just so easy. I mean,
nobody ever searched my bags.
How did you manage this
behind your husband's back?
Jim never even asked me where
the extra money came from.
It was like he didn't
want to know.
I mean, if only he would
have said something,
maybe I would have stopped.
MARKS: It was
a cry for help.
Well, it's too bad
nobody heard it.
Were all your deliveries
made to Daniel Alvarez?
No, well, this was
going to be the last one.
He told me in the car
that he was getting out.
What do you know
about the murders?
He was murdered an hour after
you met him, Mrs. Wyman.
I'm having a hard time believing
it was a coincidence.
If you know anything, Caryn,
my advice is to tell them.
I can't.
He'll kill me.
Who, Mrs. Wyman?
I'm going to the grand jury.
There'll be an indictment
on your desk in the morning.
A man came into my hotel room.
He said he found out that I was
bringing drugs in to Daniel
and that I would be working
directly for him now or I'd...
Or I'd wind up dead.
Working for him how?
I was supposed to bring in
eight kilos in two weeks.
He gave me a phone number
to call him when I came in.
He said he would pick me
up just like Daniel did,
and if I told anyone...
What, Mrs. Wyman?
He took some newspaper out
of his pocket, and inside...
Inside of it was an ear.
It was covered with blood.
He said it was Daniel's.
What was this man's name?
I don't know. I never
saw him before.
What did he look like?
I think he was Colombian.
Like, 35 years old.
He had a ponytail.
Look, you gotta help me.
I am so scared.
We will, Mrs. Wyman.
And maybe you can help us.
Under no circumstances are
you using my wife as bait.
I will not allow it. I know what
these people are capable of.
I'm sure you do Major Wyman.
But it's the only way we
have to apprehend this man.
JIM: Well, have you
traced his phone number?
It's a stolen cell phone.
You'll just have
to find another way.
JACK: Then what happens
when she doesn't show up?
They'd know it was a setup.
Do you think these
people won't find her?
If you thought this was somehow
going to blow over, Major Wyman,
you're mistaken.
Your career, your commission...
It's time to start
making other plans.
CARMICHAEL: You'll both be
put in witness protection.
We've already worked
everything out with the Feds.
I wrecked your life, Jim.
It's a chance to start over.
Well, what about the
charges against her?
After all that's happened,
we can't give her a walk.
Well, she'd be
risking her life.
She's committed a handful
of class A felonies.
No jail time,
or we take our chances.
(SIGHS) All right, probation.
But only if she testifies.
Can I have your assurance
that she will be safe?
She'll be put up in a hotel
under police protection.
Give me a chance to make
things right for us.
Do it.
ED: We got marksmen
on the roofs here.
We have a ESU team in the
construction trailer right here.
What kind of firepower
will you have?
They're fully equipped with
automatic weapons, Major.
And where's your perimeter?
The heliport's it.
Yeah, and we'll have unmarked cars
on every cross street for 10 blocks.
I assume you'll be
giving her real cocaine.
I don't want her getting
killed in that car.
I tried. We can't do that.
What if he wants to
sample it in the car?
We'll move in.
We've done this before, Major.
We're using our best people. We
won't let anything happen to her.
How was your trip?
Hop in.
I got what you asked for.
Let's take a look.
Police! Out of the car!
Let me see your hands, now!
What's all this about?
The white stuff in your bag.
It's not mine.
So now that you have your
murderer, can you make a case?
I'm feeling pretty confident.
I'm not so optimistic.
Our star witness dabbled in drugs and bought
her way out of it with a plea bargain.
More than dabbled.
And she's a little off.
JACK: I think the jury
will believe her.
She contacted Pena through the
phone number he gave her.
He picked up the drugs
like he said he would.
It corroborates her story.
The defense is gonna
go after her, Jack.
Will she hold up?
I think the Wymans have finally
come to terms with what happened.
If she's honest about her past,
the jury will overlook
her shortcomings.
And if they don't?
We still got the two ID witnesses from the
building where the murders took place.
Hmm, it's all yours.
CONNERS: I was working
the front door
the day Mr. and Mrs.
Alvarez were killed.
Did you see
Mr. Alvarez that day?
I remember he parked his car
in front of the building.
That was around 1:00.
What, if anything, did you
see him do, Mr. Conners?
Mr. Alvarez
had this bag.
He said he was going
to drop it off upstairs.
What did the bag look like?
I didn't get a real
good look at it.
Prior to
Mr. Alvarez's arrival,
did you see anyone else
go up to his apartment?
About an hour before
Mr. Alvarez came home,
I buzzed his wife
and I let a man up.
Did the man give you his name?
He did.
But I don't remember
what it was.
do you see the man in the
courtroom here today?
Do you see him in the
courtroom, Mr. Conners?
I don't know.
Take your time,
Mr. Conners.
I'm just not sure I remember.
Didn't you previously identify
the defendant in a line-up
conducted at the 27th precinct?
I did.
But now that I'm
looking at him,
I think that he may
not be the guy.
I don't know.
Judge, I need
a 10-minute recess.
So he can put words
in the witness' mouth?
I'll give you
five minutes, Mr. McCoy.
JACK: What's going on,
Mr. Conners?
Nothing's going on.
Were you threatened by someone?
Then we need you to testify
truthfully about what you saw.
What are you gonna do, put a
cop car outside my house?
How long's that gonna last?
As long as it has to.
And what about when
I'm on the subway?
And at my job?
What about my kids?
No thanks, Mr. McCoy.
According to the statement
you gave to the police,
you were on the elevator to the laundry
room when you noticed Mr. Pena.
I never said I knew
the man's name.
Well, let me show you a picture
of the man who's on trial.
This... is not the man.
Maybe you'll recognize him when
you see him in person in court.
Why do I gotta go to the court?
I'm telling you, it's not him.
Did someone contact you
about this case, Ms. Brady?
I can't help you, so I don't want to
waste no more of my time with this.
If you can't help us,
Ms. Brady,
this man is gonna
go back on the street.
I'm very sorry about that.
Do I need to come
here tomorrow?
You can leave now.
Let's call Caryn Wyman.
CARYN: Uh, Jim was transferred
there, to Bogota,
like two years ago.
A few weeks after we
arrived, I asked Fernando...
He was our gardener
at the base.
I asked him if he could
get some cocaine.
JACK: Who was it for?
What... Who was it for?
The cocaine.
Oh, it was for me, it was
for my personal use.
What happened
after that, Mrs. Wyman?
After what?
Did you and Fernando devise
a scheme to smuggle cocaine
into New York?
Objection, leading.
Your Honor, as you can see,
the witness is a bit nervous.
I'd like some latitude here.
You can answer,
Mrs. Wyman.
Okay. Yes.
Fernando found out that I took
regular trips to New York.
He asked me if I was
ever searched when I went.
I wasn't.
So he had this
plan that I could
take cocaine in for his
cousin who lived here.
Daniel Alvarez?
Did you go along
with this idea?
Yes. Fernando arranged
everything for me.
Yeah, we started with
a small package.
And when we saw
how easy it was,
he started giving me
more and more.
Do you know how much cocaine
you were able to smuggle in
to Mr. Alvarez this way?
Uh, altogether, I'm not sure.
How did you get paid
for these transactions?
Well, when Daniel
got the cocaine,
he sent money back to Fernando.
Uh, American dollars,
and he'd give me a cut.
Well, all and all, how
much money did you make?
About $25,000.
Were you ever prosecuted as
a result of these actions?
I pled guilty
and got probation.
Now, what happened on
January 4th of this year?
Fernando gave me
a package to bring here.
It was about
eight or 10 pounds.
I flew from Bogota
to the air force base,
and then I got a ride to
New York on a helicopter.
And where was the package of
cocaine during your trip?
It was in an overnight bag.
I show you People's exhibit eight.
Is this your bag?
Yes, that's it.
What happened after
you landed in New York?
Daniel picked me up at the
heliport and drove me to my hotel.
I left the bag in the car.
And that was the last
time that I saw him.
Now, calling your attention
to later that afternoon,
could you tell
the jury what happened?
I was in my room.
I heard a knock at the door.
I opened it,
and I saw him.
Indicating the defendant.
Had you ever seen
Mr. Pena before?
Are you sure it's the same man?
What happened next,
Mrs. Wyman?
He pushed his way into my room.
He said he knew who I was,
that Daniel and
his wife were dead,
and if I didn't do exactly
what he told me to do,
I would end up dead, too.
What did the defendant
tell you to do?
He told me that I had to bring
him cocaine from Colombia.
Do you know how
the defendant found you?
He said he put a gun
to Daniel's head
before he killed him.
What else did
the defendant say?
He said that he...
He said that there was
no way out for me.
And that he had
friends in Colombia.
And then he showed me
Daniel's ear,
wrapped in some newspaper.
Nothing further.
We'll pick it up tomorrow,
Mr. Winter.
How'd it go with Caryn Wyman?
Well, she was a little shaky,
but I think we got our casein.
Any thoughts about
offering Pena a deal?
What do you think
is appropriate, Nora?
Well, we lost our
two ID witnesses.
I'd rather see him upstate for awhile
than on my street corner next week.
It's too soon to panic.
Caryn Wyman just slipped
away from her police detail
on the way back to her hotel.
So why'd you stop here?
You get hungry?
We were about
to get on the FDR.
She was having stomach cramps
and asked us to pull over.
She said if we didn't stop, she
was going to go in her pants.
Well, why didn't one of you geniuses
stand outside the ladies' room?
We were right there,
in the restaurant.
She said she'd be okay. She
just needed a few minutes.
Hey, she wasn't in custody.
We were watching her back. We didn't
figure she was gonna bolt on us.
All right, wait here.
The cook says she came
through the kitchen,
out the back door, alone.
She could be anywhere.
The relatives in Westchester?
All right, yeah.
Call the local PD.
Tell them to keep
an eye out for her.
How did this happen?
Are you people incompetent?
I trusted you
with Caryn's life!
Do you have any idea
where she might be?
I don't have the vaguest idea!
Did we touch base with
that girlfriend of hers?
Yeah, Brandy.
She said she'd call us as
soon as Mrs. Wyman shows up.
Well, all I can say is we better
find her before Pena's people do.
Look, we got no reason to believe
that they know anything about this.
Any news?
We put out a citywide
Well, if she doesn't show up for
cross-examination, our case is out the window.
Well, the hell with your
case, this is my wife!
All we can do now is wait.
Oh, Major Wyman, would
you care for something?
We can call for some
takeout if you want.
Wyman. Caryn!
I got scared, Jim.
Look, everything is
going to be okay.
I didn't think
I could go through with it.
Nobody's gonna make you.
I almost...
But I didn't.
I wanted to, but I didn't.
You okay?
I just need some
sleep for tomorrow.
Come on. We'll take you
back to your hotel.
WINTER: How long have you been
a coke addict, Mrs. Wyman?
I used cocaine for 10 years.
Are you high now?
No, I'm not.
How about when you testified
on direct yesterday?
Just making sure.
Now, about the dope
smuggling that you've done,
how many times have you brought
in cocaine from Colombia?
Six drug felonies,
and you aren't gonna
spend a day in jail?
That's right.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but you were facing 25 years?
And the price for
that sweetheart deal
was your testimony
against my client?
That was part of it.
I also wanted to stop the
way that I was living.
So I decided to tell them
everything that happened.
Let's see, you walk
away from this
or you face spending 25 years
in a state prison?
It wasn't much of
a decision, was it?
I know that it
looks that way...
A decision you made
after you were arrested,
after you were caught
lying by the police?
I'm not proud of what I did.
Let's talk about
the day of the murder.
You brought in 10 pounds of dope
from Colombia for Mr. Alvarez?
On military flights paid
for by our tax dollars?
That's right.
And it's your testimony
that a few hours later,
out of the clear blue sky, a man
that you have never seen before
in your life,
comes into your room
with your drug partner's
ear in his pocket?
Yes, it was your client.
Isn't it a fact, Mrs. Wyman,
that you were gonna blame that
on whatever unlucky fellow
arrived at the heliport that day
to be arrested by the police?
No, I wouldn't do that.
Because you're so honorable?
You wouldn't do that to avoid
rotting in jail for 25 years?
No, I wouldn't.
And we're supposed to
take your word at that?
An admitted liar.
An admitted coke fiend.
JUDGE: Sustained.
Is that your husband
in the gallery, Mrs. Wyman?
Yes, it is.
And he is a major
in the United States Army?
CARYN: Yes, he is.
Isn't it a fact
that it is his job
to oversee all of our country's
anti-drug programs
in Colombia?
Yes. It was his job.
Now, let me see
if I understand this now.
While he is out risking his
neck fighting the drug war,
you are back at the base,
figuring out how to get
dope on a US Army plane.
Like I said, I am not
proud of what I did.
No, I guess you're not,
Mrs. Wyman.
Nothing further.
Redirect, Your Honor.
What happened to your
husband's career, Mrs. Wyman?
He resigned his commission.
You know why he did that?
Because of me.
Because of what I did.
What do you mean by that?
I'm an addict.
I lied, I broke the law,
and in some ways, I feel like I got
Daniel and Rosa Alvarez killed.
Do you feel like the punishment you
received for your actions is fair?
I know I got a big break.
So why do you expect the jury to
believe any of your testimony?
I'm not in the position
to expect anything,
but at least I'm up here
trying to take responsibility
for what I did.
And why doesn't he
take responsibility?
Hey, why don't you, Mr. Pena?
WINTER: Objection.
Why don't you say how you murdered
those people? (GAVEL BANGING)
JUDGE: Sustained.
JUDGE: Has the jury
reached a verdict?
Yes, we have, Your Honor.
On two counts of Murder
in the First Degree,
we find the defendant, guilty.
The Wymans were whisked away by
federal marshals a few hours ago.
Did you find out where
they're being relocated?
No, they wouldn't tell me.
Hope they don't make
the same mistake twice.
Maybe they can hide them
from Pena's people.
Who's gonna protect
her from herself?