Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 1, Episode 6 - Everybody's Favorite Bagman - full transcript
Sergeant Greevy and Detective Logan investigate a knife attack on city councilor Chuck Halsey, the apparent victim of a mugging and they eventually arrest two black teenagers. They deny stabbing the man admitting only to robbing him while he lay there. Greevy had heard rumors that Halsey was once a bag man collecting the take at the criminal courts but the man's reputation in recent years has been clean. An eye witness leads them to a mob hit man, Tony Scalisi, who agrees to wear a wire in return for a lesser charge. Halsey had been called as a witness in a federal investigation into parking contracts and it appears that police Deputy Commander William Jefferson, one of ADA Robinette's childhood heroes, may be implicated in the crooked scheme. Stone seeks the assistance of the FBI but their sting doesn't quite go down as planned.
system, the people are represented
by two separate yet
equally important groups...
The police who
investigate crime,
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
(police radio chatter)
I want the Caddy.
I'm happy with the
velour, not even leather.
I'm happy.
What do I end up with?
A damn Asian ant-box.
Must have forgot their keys.
Hold it, we got a vic.
(siren blares)
(tires screech)
Cop #2: Watch it,
Eddie, he's got a gun!
Cop #2: Eddie, forget the
kid! This guy's checking out.
Since when's a ham
sandwich $2.75, Jesus?
Since last Friday.
I didn't know
ptomaine had gone up.
We don't use none of that.
It's all homemade.
(siren blurts)
We got a 10-20.
Could be a homicide.
Vic conscious?
Nope. Ambulance is on the way.
Around the potholes, eh?
Suit's just back
from the cleaners.
Medic: 50-50,
but I'm an optimist.
Detective: I've seen this guy.
Any ID?
He took his wallet,
but we ran the car.
Who owns the Benz?
Eddie, come on.
It's registered to Charles
Halsey in Kew Gardens.
Oh, that's great.
That's just terrific.
You know the guy?
Councilman Halsey? Ring a bell?
The dirtbag who's
always mouthing off
about the streets being unsafe?
I hate media cases.
(theme music playing)
They try to get close to you,
looking for anything they
can get 500 words out of you.
99% of them don't care about
you, the case, or who they hurt.
They just want to sell papers.
If you talk to them, they
start calling you at the office,
tying up the lines. If
you don't talk to them,
they start writing about
how "the police are stymied."
Then the calls come in
from the brass downtown.
You can't smoke
in here. It's not lit.
(reporters chattering)
Not bad, Max. A
prophet in your own time.
Man: it was big
news to you people.
Then you got tired
of hearing the truth.
Sure, you were at
his press conferences,
but he was just
exercising his lungs.
Now do you understand what
Chuck Halsey was screaming about?
Our streets aren't
safe for anyone.
You can check with our
office on Chuck's condition.
We'll have regular
medical updates.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
(reporters shouting)
Do you have any idea what your
husband was doing in that neighborhood?
Excuse me.
Reporter: Okay, got it.
P.A.: Dr. Goldman, you
have a visitor in your office...
He made it through
surgery. That's half the battle.
We'll call immediately
if anything changes.
Thank you, Doctor.
Who are you?
I'm Detective Logan,
this is Detective Greevey.
I'm sorry about your
husband, ma'am.
You're the
investigating officers?
Max: Mm-hmm. We
heard it was two black kids.
You have anything else? Not yet.
Could you give me a description
of his personal items, ma'am?
He always carried...
a brown alligator wallet,
and he had a star sapphire ring
a gold and diamond Rolex.
And he always had
about $500 cash.
Your husband have any enemies?
Man: Chuck Halsey is
one of the most respected
and liked men in this district.
I'm sure he is. Ma'am?
What are you asking? I
thought you knew who did it.
Logan: Two black
kids were there,
but they didn't drive
him to that location.
Do you have any idea
what he was doing out there?
Chuck had a political dinner.
I was there. It
ended around 10:30.
Logan: Did he leave
alone? I have no idea.
You going to be
able to catch these...
I'm not going to lie... it'll
take a break or a miracle.
What kind of miracle?
One of them walking in
and confessing might help.
We have to get back
to the precinct garage.
We'll try to get your car to you
as soon as possible, ma'am.
Thank you, Detective.
It's okay... it's okay.
That was smart.
There's no sense in
her having any illusions.
Right... Conti got a real charge
out of your sense of humor.
Are you trying to tell me
this thing plays straight?
Let's check Halsey's car.
What was he doing there
after a political dinner?
Let's check the car.
Whoa, wait a
minute. Wait a minute.
What have you got?
Old rumors.
That's great. What kind?
Rumor was, he ran the
pad in the criminal courts.
He's a bagman?
if you believe the rumors.
This really frosts
my cookies, Max.
You mind telling me
why you didn't tell me?
Because you're already
leaping to conclusions,
for Pete's sakes.
About the only probable
conclusion we can draw
is that the black kids
took whatever they found.
Let's check the car.
(power tools whirring)
60 bucks for a damn key.
Could've popped
the thing for nothing.
The car belongs to a councilman.
Is that real?
How much?
12 and up.
Must be crazy
about his old lady.
I don't want to tell her,
but what else can we do?
But Halsey could
still pull through, right?
Eight to five... against.
The surgeon says
it's in God's hands.
Cragen: That must be comforting.
The guy wakes up, and
the coat wasn't for the wife,
and we've told her.
Thanks for your help, Captain.
Keep in touch.
Since when does
that mean we don't go?
Officer: Hey, Max? Yeah?
Jacobson, down at the Trib.
I'm out.
No labels.
Maggie's got a friend.
Works for a furrier.
Profaci: Did you catch
the Halsey mugging?
- Yeah.
- Give Perez a call
at Narco.
Perez? The one
that doesn't shave?
We take down the crack house
and roll up this scumball
dealer, Rodriguez,
with half a dozen customers.
Rodriguez is on probation and
knows he's going back for a deuce,
so he gives us
this kid who he says
came in with a wad
that he had taken off
some white dude in a Mercedes.
I got in here,
I read the APB, and boom...
Called upstairs.
Logan: Monster
case of the "yips."
Max: He's good for
nothing till he comes down.
Logan: I'm going to have him
singing the name game in five minutes.
What? 20?
Rodriguez would rat
out his own mama.
Junkie gimp don't know nothing!
And you ain't got squat on
me except for what he said.
And that's just heresy.
The word's "hearsay," Simonize.
Yeah, that's it. And I
be good for "no say."
Logan: Hey... shut up.
We don't dig being
dissed by lightweights.
Mike, he's not
being disrespectful.
He's just being reflective.
Logan: What are you
looking at? Turn around.
Eight arrests and
he still doesn't get it?
Judges help those
who help themselves.
I'm not talking about
a year at Spofford.
Don't be stupid. Gone.
Back to your cage, Simonize.
Get up.
Simonize, what a surprise.
You getting some career
counseling from Greevey?
I ain't done nothing.
Such a polite young man.
Of course you haven't. We
always arrest innocent people, huh?
Who's this jerk hang with?
How's Tremaine these
days? I ain't seen him.
It's amazing how you
homeboys are always apart.
Tremaine Lewis... I
got his address upstairs.
Simonize lives with
his grandmother.
(chuckles) Grandmother?
(dog barks)
You the man?
We sure are, honey.
(knocking on door)
Woman: Who is it?
Max: Police, Mrs. Jackson.
You sure this paper
says you can do that
even when he ain't here?
Yes, ma'am.
That's a search warrant
signed by a judge.
Mrs. Jackson:
First time the police
ever brought up
a search warrant.
Simon done something
real bad this time, huh?
Yes, ma'am...
it looks that way.
Lots of noise.
Plenty of warning.
(Max shouting)
Tremaine Lewis... NYPD!
Max: Drop the gun, Tremaine!
Max: Give it up!
Max: Look at me
when I'm talking to you!
If the councilman croaks,
you guys move up to
the bigs... murder two.
We're telling you the truth.
We didn't do nothing to him.
You guys willing to swear
you two were together
the whole night?
You got that right.
You know what we found
in Simonize's apartment?
I ain't never seen that.
Simonize, you holding
out on your main man?
That is the vic's watch.
Anybody want to make a deal?
(door opens)
You didn't plead
these guys, did you?
We're still talking.
The councilman?
Now wait a damn minute!
He's saying the dude croaked?
I'm saying, you blew it.
Look, he was already
cut when we got there.
We took him off, but we
didn't do nothing to him.
He started to choke. He
was just lying there bleeding.
It was that white
cat in the Benz.
He got out as soon
as the truck pulled off.
What truck?
I've been thinking
about yesterday.
That was great. I thought
Halsey had croaked.
Max: Tony Hallowell? Yeah?
I'm Detective Greevey,
this is Detective Logan.
Is there a problem?
Dispatcher said you made a
late delivery on Tuesday night.
Max: Anybody else
here when you arrived?
Just the night
man. He was inside.
There were a couple of
cars parked right there.
A gray Mercedes
and a red Jag XJS.
Hey, that's very
observant, Tony.
I like cars. See anything else?
Yeah, when I drove in,
there were two guys
at the rear of the Jag.
Trunk pops open, guy reaches in,
pulls out a fur coat and
hands it to the other guy.
Could you identify
them? Yeah, sure.
Then what happened?
The other guy opens
the trunk of the Mercedes,
puts it in there, they both
climb into the Mercedes,
and I go inside.
Thanks. You've
been very helpful.
(police radio chatter)
I didn't know you hung
with the carriage trade.
Hello to you, too.
Max. Maggie.
Second floor.
Talk to her boss. She
thinks he'll know who made it.
So is this good for a dinner?
That depends on
what dinner's good for.
Oh... Let's put it this way...
You don't have a
chance in hell without it.
Very cold, Maggie.
So light my fire.
Then among lynx, there are as many
variations as there are among people.
So is this coat "Meryl
Streep" or "Whoopi Goldberg"?
More the latter than
the former, I'm afraid.
Canadian farm grown,
male pelt... basic coat,
not a designer's. Flash,
but basically trash.
Would you mind if we cut
to the chase, Mr. Farber?
Oh... there are three furriers
who do this type of garbage goods.
Your best bet is
Kornbluth on 22nd.
Man: They're Russians, usually.
Don't give them a dime
until you have the pelts.
Are you Kornbluth?
There hasn't been a
Kornbluth here since 1957.
I'm Swersky. What do you want?
Where's the owner?
What is this, "20 questions"?
I'm Detective Logan...
and this is Detective Greevey.
Now, is this your coat?
Possible... it looks
like one of mine...
but I don't know every coat.
Now you're starting to
tick me off, Mr. Swersky.
Why is it I think Mr. Swersky
recognized that coat
the minute it
walked in the door?
You want to tell
me what you want?
Who bought the coat?
It was a gift. (scoffs)
What kind of car do you drive?
A Cadillac Coupe de Ville.
Who was the gift for?
You know, I really think
maybe I should give
my attorney a call now.
Max: Feel free.
Maybe I should give Gaffner
a call down at the firehouse.
Aren't some of those pelts
covering fire sprinklers?
And call Ulasewicz at
the Buildings Department.
I saw a lot of violations.
Tony Scalisi.
Where do I know that name?
Masucci family.
If he finds out I told you...
Why'd he want the coat?
What am I, "Carnac"?
Trucker give you a positive
ID? Right from the picture.
Logan: So did Lewis and Jackson.
Read the rap sheet.
Mr. Scalisi likes to slice and dice.
And guess who leases
a red Jaguar XJS?
Halsey regained consciousness?
Doctors aren't very optimistic.
Captain, why don't we wait
to see if Halsey buys the farm?
Murder's a better collar.
Captain: I'm getting
my butt barbecued!
Borough president
called for a task force.
He wants to take
it away from us.
Deputy Commander
Jefferson calls twice a day.
What's he want?
He doesn't want
me to forget this is
a politically sensitive case.
I don't want to
wait. Get a warrant.
Go on.
Yes, sir.
Which "night school Clarence
Darrow" is handling this?
Name's Robinette.
20 says he won't file.
These defensive bets
are going to kill you.
(random chatter)
Counsel: And then what happened?
After that, picks up the baby,
and he starts shaking her,
and her head just
starts flopping...
Counsel: Is that
when you called 91 1?
Counsel #2: If it
was self-defense,
how come you shot
him in the back?
Robinette: Er... Logan?
Greevey. He's Logan.
Stone's willing to
file, but it's a reach.
I've sent a lot of guys away
on circumstantial evidence.
Anyway, I think this
is more than that.
What kind of "more"? You
know that Halsey was a bagman?
Stone mentioned that.
Then mention to Stone that
Deputy Commander Jefferson
has been nosing around.
Tell him I thought
he'd like to know.
You're new, aren't you? How
long you been with Stone?
Eight months.
Must be a record.
See you in court.
Must be out. No answer.
You guys just got
lucky. Here he comes.
(groans) I hate pit bulls.
If he drops the leash, shoot
the dog first. Go over there.
Anthony Scalisi...
I have a warrant for
your arrest. Don't move.
(dog growling)
What's the charge?
Assault with a deadly weapon,
and the attempted
murder of Charles Halsey.
"Spuds" moves, you're history.
Criminal possession of a
weapon in the third degree,
criminal possession
of a weapon in the
second degree, assault
in the second degree,
assault in the first degree, attempted
murder in the second degree.
Counselor, waive reading
of the rights and charges?
Attorney: So waived. How
does your client plead?
Not guilty.
Judge: People on bail?
Your Honor, the
defendant has been
convicted of murder once before,
he is a repeat offender,
he's a soldier in
the Masucci family,
and is considered a flight risk.
This office requests that
he be held without bail.
Afraid I'm loath
to withhold bail
on all except homicide
cases, Counselor.
cash or bond.
Short date.
I thought Stone would be here.
At a button man's arraignment?
Have no fear, Stone's looking
forward to seeing you in court.
What's his schedule like?
Depends on who's coming to call.
Come on, Paul, this whole
thing's just one step above a roust.
It's a two-minute negotiation.
I wouldn't count on it.
Halsey's still touch and go.
Give me a break... nobody dies
of a knife wound a week later.
Predicate violence?
Stone hates pleading
on predicate violence.
(knocks on door)
(softly) Cosmatos.
Call me irresponsible, Eddie,
but I like you.
You're a hell of a lawyer,
that's why I'm amazed how
incredibly guilty your clients are.
Scalisi is lower
than snake spit.
You want to waste more
of your client's money,
come on down Thursday.
I'm Eddie Cosmatos...
I can't wait to put
this in front of a jury.
Two black kids are found
with the victim's possessions.
The other eyewitness
puts Scalisi there,
but the only time they saw him
was when he was with Halsey,
who was perfectly fine. So why
does Eddie want to plea his client?
Judicial calendar doesn't
publish until next week.
Scalisi draws
Robards or Kapstein...
He gets 15 to life.
He draws Rosen or
Gonzales, he gets an apology.
So what do 99 defense
lawyers out of 100 do?
Wait for the
calendar to come out.
And you only make 5%
of what Eddie makes.
What did Greevey mean about
Deputy Commander Jefferson?
Jefferson and I don't dance.
Guy's a hero.
He's a lying, two-faced bastard.
Wait a minute...
I grew up around
the corner from him.
He coached my
Little League team.
I wouldn't even be a
lawyer if it wasn't for him.
I'm sure his dog loves him, too.
You know how many
black kids look up to him?
He's one of the highest
ranking black cops ever.
If he's wrong, he's wrong.
If he's so wrong, how
come nobody knows it?
I know it.
Come on, let's beat the traffic.
Stone: I used to hear things
about Halsey a long time ago,
but he's had a good
reputation the last 10 years.
Funny thing about reputations...
Don't start on that, Paul.
I just think...
You're not thinking.
If Jefferson was white, you
wouldn't doubt a word I'm saying.
Only reason he's still got a
badge is because he's black.
Really? Then why don't you
just tell me what the hell he did?
He perjured
himself as a captain.
Changed his testimony on me.
Somebody bought him. That's one.
Another time he doctored
evidence in a numbers case.
I'm not going to do this, Paul.
You're either on my
team, or Jefferson's.
Since he never discussed
business with me,
I had no idea he was
involved in illegal activities.
We just had dinner with Deputy
Police Commander Jefferson
and his wife, for God's sake.
Boy: Mom?
I'm going to head
on over to Gran's.
She's still a little shaky.
I'll be back in an hour.
Okay, son.
Kenneth was going to Annapolis.
But with what's
going to come out,
he'll never be able to get a
Congressional appointment.
Mr. Halsey never wanted
Mrs. Halsey to be burdened
with unnecessary
business details.
Is there anything else
you'd like to know?
Her coat size?
12... I wear a 12.
Thank you, Mrs.
Halsey. One more thing...
Did you ever hear of somebody
called Anthony Scalisi?
No, I don't recall
that name. Why?
He was the man we suspect
attacked your husband.
A black boy named Scalisi?
Two blacks in custody
confessed to robbing your husband,
but Scalisi was the
one who slashed him.
Do you have any idea why somebody
might want to attack Mr. Halsey?
Mrs. Halsey already told you
she didn't know Tony Scalisi.
Mr. Wentzel, we won't take up
any more of Mrs. Halsey's time,
but why don't you let us
buy you a cup of coffee?
Stone: Mrs. Halsey
wears a size 12.
And the coat is an eight.
Who is she, Mr. Wentzel?
You can't be serious.
I can't tell you...
You're going to make me very
angry if you finish that sentence.
What is this? We're
talking privacy here.
No, we're talking
obstruction here.
Wait a damn second... No,
you wait. This case stinks.
Your friend was a bagman
long before he was a councilman.
Old habits die hard.
I'm going to start
sending out subpoenas.
If I find out you had
knowledge of person or persons
who were involved with
your friend in illegal activity,
I'll have your butt.
Now what's her
name, Mr. Wentzel?
Alicia Heslin?
Um... she's in Sweaters.
Miss Heslin?
My name's Paul Robinette.
I'm from the District
Attorney's office.
I'd like to ask you
a few questions.
About what?
Charles Halsey.
(sighing) Oh...
I've been expecting you.
Stone: I like the story you wrote
on Congressman MacGruder.
So what do you want?
Everything you got
on Charles Halsey.
How much do you know
about parking meters?
They all run fast.
And a lot of people who
get tickets don't pay them.
Collecting all that money
for all those unpaid tickets
is a very big headache for the
head of the Parking Violations Bureau.
He has to get a
little "outside help."
That means a big contract.
Very big, very
lucrative contract.
Who has it?
Interesting little company
called, "Carnegie Collections."
She's got "champagne tastes"...
Cartier watch, alligator shoes.
When she first heard about it,
she thought he might have
been trying to commit suicide.
Why, was he depressed?
He'd been subpoenaed...
Federal Grand Jury
on Municipal Corruption.
Oh, and how's this grab you?
Her apartment lease is made
out to "Carnegie Collections."
She wear a size eight
coat? Right off the rack.
He tell her names?
Last month, it was
all he talked about...
Who had done what to whom
and how they had done it.
Will she testify?
Most of it's unusable anyway.
"Chuck told me
that Scalisi told him
that Van Damme told
him..." That kind of thing.
She did say he couldn't figure
out how this was happening
since he had "a Deputy Police
Commander in his pocket."
Man: I can tell you now
that six days of jury
deliberation did have me worried.
Reporter: You must be pleased
with the verdict, Deputy Commander.
I am, Chuck, I truly am.
Our high schools
must be protected
from the drug-dealing scum
trying to poison our children.
Reporter: Mr. Jefferson...? Deputy
Commander, can I ask you this?
Do you feel the impact of this
verdict will be felt on the streets?
How deep does this go?
It's not confined to the Parking
Violations Bureau, that's for sure.
Why not? Halsey's been
the bagman for 20 years.
There's police he's mobbed up,
and according to
a reporter I know,
several other
councilmen and politicians
are stockholders in
Carnegie Collections...
as well as the Deputy Police
Commander, one William Jefferson.
Is this personal? Is that why
you want to bring the feds in?
I'd love to nail the bastard.
But with him involved, one
surveillance leak, we're dead.
We're secure with
the Bureau doing it.
Let the feds have the ink
on municipal corruption.
They may even help me get a
conspiracy to murder on these bozos.
You never know whose
pants are going to get dropped
in a corruption scandal.
Hey, this started
out as a mugging.
I'll back you, but don't
bring me any names
unless they're dead-bang guilty.
I want a smoking gun. I
want it in somebody's hand.
Are you telling me tape?
Tape would be a start.
Can I offer Scalisi immunity?
Nope, it'll look like he's
naming people to save himself.
I wouldn't want you to go
out on a limb here, Alfred.
That's not what I
get the big bucks for.
(intercom buzzes)
Secretary: Mr. Stone
has an urgent call.
A lawyer named Cosmatos...?
Somebody wants to make a deal.
Cosmatos and Scalisi
are in your office.
Call Judge Ichazo.
Get warrants for Halsey,
Scalisi, Jefferson's
phone records,
and talk to Halsey's doctors.
See when we can interrogate him.
So while we steadfastly maintain
that the slashing was done by
the youths seen fleeing the scene,
you never know what'll
happen with the jury,
so we would be willing to
negotiate some sort of an agreement.
Don't do me any favors.
I'm more than willing
to let the people decide.
Bottom line...
what do you want?
Who paid you to do Halsey?
Look, you want to
talk city corruption?
No deal without the name.
Stone: What's up?
Hospital just called...
Charles Halsey
died half an hour ago.
We'll get back to you.
I haven't even made an offer.
Trust me, you wouldn't
like the counter.
I can tell you things.
Are you going to tell
me about parking tickets?
Yours is already punched. We
know all about Carnegie Collections.
I got a lot of names.
I'll see you in court.
I'm not talking G-4's here.
These are your
basic elected officials
and a Deputy Police Commander.
Don't have him
make me call Security.
Come on, Tony.
There is no way that I'm
going down alone behind this.
What do you want?
Want? I want it
all. You testify.
Give names, dates, amounts.
You flush all those
true-blue public officials.
And that gets me a walk?
Only way you walk is you
say who gave the order.
You know I can't do that.
No Masucci, no free lunch.
But the public officials
could lead to a plea
of let's say... "assault"?
Let's say, "voluntary
Say "involuntary."
Then he wears a
wire. Are you crazy?
They'll know I've been
popped. They'll smell it.
You let me worry about that.
What kind of sentencing
Depends on what's on the tape.
"Tick-tock," gentlemen.
Write it up.
(P. A. paging)
The guy had arteries
the diameter of capillaries.
With the traumatic loss of
six units of blood, there was
a causative connection between
the assault and the coronary?
Come on, guys, you
don't want to ask me that.
"Causative connection"?
Whoa, wait a minute.
Mr. Halsey had a regular
physician, didn't he, Dr. Goldberg?
Yes, he did. And he described
Halsey as being in good health?
Uh-huh. He was alive
a week ago, correct?
As far as I could tell. Somebody
cut his throat with a straight razor...
Severing an artery and vocal
cords? And other connective tissue.
And now Mr. Halsey's dead?
Yes, that's correct.
Thank you, Dr. Goldberg.
It's neat, it's clean. It's
interagency cooperation.
And we may get a
murder-for-hire conspiracy
while you get another
nail for your RICO.
How did I get so lucky?
A high-level cop is involved. I
can't run this through the PD.
The DA know about
this? Has his full approval.
We go to trial first.
You want to win your RICO,
go in with one of five counts
having already been
proven in state court.
What do you need?
An FBI surveillance team.
Get me Jackson at the Bureau.
Let me see if I've got this.
Halsey's been called
before the grand jury,
big names figure he's going to
name them, give the contract to Scalisi.
But Scalisi screwed up.
The black kids come along.
And we got lucky, they
came up with the ID.
So why are you kicking? I
told you, It's a weak case.
It's all circumstantial, and
they're no choirboys as witnesses.
Spare me the waltz, all right?
This is all off the record
until after an indictment.
But I get an exclusive
on the arrest?
I can't promise you
that. Sure you can.
You get an exclusive
on the highest ranking
defendant's arrest site...
will you run it?
"Assistant District Attorney
Benjamin Stone stated
that his office did not feel
that Scalisi's causative role
in Halsey's death could be
proven beyond a reasonable doubt."
A tad doctrinaire,
but not too bad.
Scalisi comes out
smelling like a rose.
So long as they
buy he held his mud.
Jefferson called me
for a status report.
You told him about this case?
I had to. He would have been
suspicious if I didn't talk to him.
I gave him the "We had
to let Scalisi walk" rap.
How did he take it?
He was absolutely furious.
I'm sure it was an
Oscar performance.
You're certain
he's guilty, right?
I'm not certain, I'm positive!
You take her through
her testimony?
She's still upset about not
having a lawyer with her.
Did you explain to her
how the grand jury works...
No lawyer unless
you're a defendant...
That we need her
testimony to get a wire-tap?
She understands. She's not
happy about it, but she gets it.
All right.
Stone: Did Charles Halsey
tell you of other officials
who were involved
in this conspiracy
to award the Traffic
Violation Bureau's
collection contract to
Carnegie Collections?
Heslin: He mentioned
people that I knew
as well as people that
I had never heard of.
Which people that
you knew personally?
Anthony Scalisi and
William Jefferson.
And did he tell you the
amount of money involved?
He said that there was
over a million dollars
available to pay off
city officials per year.
(bell rings)
See who your client drew?
No, I haven't seen the calendar.
"Let-'em-walk" Falk.
Hey, I didn't want him to
plead. It was his own decision.
Anyway, he got the
call. From whom?
Scalisi wants it
to be a surprise.
This isn't a parlor game, Eddie.
He's worried somebody might not
show up and you'll think he's lying.
Where's the meet?
"Cafe Bruxelles." When?
Tomorrow night, 8:00.
Bring him to the Bureau at 6:00.
You know who's coming?
I hope you don't have
any political aspirations.
Just make sure he's on time.
(elevator rings)
I'll start with you, take you through
the arrest of Lewis and Jackson.
Let Max do Scalisi.
How did you let
those two kids plead?
Possession of stolen
property, six months.
Are you going to be able to
nail Jefferson for anything worse?
Looks like it.
What goes around, comes around.
These guys smell anything
hinky, they'll clam up.
Just be cool... you beat the
system... told the cops to "shine it on."
McCormack: You want to tell
us who's coming to this party?
Didn't anybody
tell him the deal?
Whoever comes, comes.
These guys are gonna hang
themselves, I ain't ratting on them.
But I'll tell you
who ain't coming...
Masucci. There is no
way I give up my boss.
Hold your water, Tony.
We wouldn't want you
to short yourself out.
Just make sure one of the
principles implicates himself.
Right, right, right.
Stone: We've gone
through their phone records.
Halsey's talking to Scalisi and
Jefferson 10-15 times a week.
Conti even called Jefferson when
he was on a police junket to Tokyo.
Whoa, whoa, Scalisi
and Halsey, I understand,
But why Jefferson? He's a Deputy
Commander, and police handle traffic...
Which includes parking. Agent: Look
at that... do you believe these guys?
Damn, limo's got a New
York City shield on the bumper.
Stone: Bingo.
McCormack: Who is it?
Borough President
Conti's in front,
that guy in the
middle is Jefferson,
and the one in the blazer
is Councilman Van Damme.
(McCormack whistles)
Ain't politics great?
I was worried it would come up
at the mayor's press conference.
The commissioner was
asking about it every day.
This has been a rough
few weeks on all of us.
The DA's decision...
It's extremely gratifying.
I'd like to propose a toast.
To Tony Scalisi... Hear, hear.
Who knows how to
be a stand up guy.
It's about as damning as a
Rotary Club meeting. Shh.
We know that. Tony...
we don't want you to think
we're not grateful for
everything you've done.
Scalisi: Hey, what
are friends for?
Maybe we should get you to take
care of that worm, Lasco, too, eh, Tony?
Yeah, half the politicians...
Agent: God Almighty!
Robinette: What's the
problem? It's Greco.
Who is he? McCormack:
One of Masucci's mechanics.
He usually eats in the bar. What
do you want to do? Let it play.
Van Damme: Send you to the
hospital to do some additional surgery.
I thought the jerk was
never going to croak.
Jefferson: (laughing)
These things take time.
Conti: Tony, you know if there's
ever anything you need from us...
Come on... He's probably
going in for dinner...
Wait! He's going to
incriminate himself!
We want you to have this.
Wow, sir.
It's nice to know we're all
in the same boat together.
So who contributed?
(scoffs) You really
want to know?
Me, Jefferson,
Van Damme.
We got it! Tell the
agents in the restaurant!
They're not wearing
radios. What?!
You can't hide the wires.
This guy's not going to the bar!
Oh, my God!
(car honking)
Freeze, Greco! (gunfire)
Don't say anything! Not a word!
Wait for your lawyer...
Stone: Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,
in the coming weeks,
you will hear how
an investigation
of what seemed to
be a common mugging
uncovered a conspiracy
at the highest levels
of city government,
a conspiracy that led
to three violent deaths.
You will learn how these men...
Driven by the
basest kind of greed,
violated their public trust,
and conspired with a
member of organized crime
to murder another
public official.
I ask you to weigh
all the evidence
that is presented.
It is my responsibility
to show you their crimes.
It is your responsibility...
to see that justice is done.
(theme music playing)