Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 1, Episode 18 - The Secret Sharers - full transcript
Greevy and Logan investigate the murder of a man who was shot and killed - including several bullets to the groin area. The dead man is Jose Urbano, a known drug dealer but Greevy is certain the crime is personal and not just a drug deal or some other altercation gone bad. Everyone in the close knit community has clammed up and they face downright hostility from the local parish priest, Father Torres. Ballistics points them to Anna Rivers who owned the gun used to kill Urbano but she claims it was stolen some weeks before. When they learn her granddaughter Lucy was recently raped, they arrest the girl's boyfriend Nicky Guzman. Executive ADA Stone thinks it's pretty straightforward but a high profile Texas lawyer, Chet Burton, is hired to defend Guzman and he's not open to compromise.
system, the people are represented
by two separate yet
equally important groups-
the police
who investigate crime,
and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.
These are their stories.
I ' m gonna take all your teddy bears,
man. You're gonna need a lot more.
Let's see.
Ahhh! Uno mas, man.
Uno mas.
Come on, man.
How many teddy bears you need, huh?
Come on, payaso.
Let me tell you something.
You play your little games,
I want my paper.
You give me my money, hear?
Ohhh, Hector, chill out.
Don't worry, you're gonna get
paid. Don't worry about it.
I don't want to chill out.
I want my money.
Hey, payaso,
this is fixed, man.
I was your age, I thought
about two things all the time.
women and...
Nowwhat do you
think about?
and women.
Cop: I don't quit now,
I'm working for half pay.
How do you figure?
I got 20 years in,
I retire,
I get half my paycheck.
I work, all I'm working
for is the other half.
Retire to Hawaii,
with my pension,
I live like a king.
But you'll still be
a fat cop.
Cop: Come on, people. Move, move!
Man #1: What's going on?
Man #2: I don't know.
Cop: Move it. Move. Aw, Jeez.
Okay! who saw
the shooting?
Nada. Yo no he
visto nada.
Anybody seen
who shot this guy?
You happened to be in front,
but didn't see a thing?
It was bang,
bang, bang.
By the time
I got there,
it was just him
on the ground.
It's very dark. It's
very dark out here.
Excuse me.
Let's go play.
we're batting 1000. All our
witnesses are deaf, dumb and blind.
what'd I tell you? The
guy didn't really get shot.
whew. Upstairs-
they take a look?
Here? A.38 going off? It's
background music for dinner.
An imaginary killing
but a real body.
No ID except this.
He's a dealer,
no wonder no one's talking.
Damn it, where did
that come from?
was it in his hand
or in the waistband?
I didn't see.
Not fired.
what do you call that?
A lesson. Pay for your
drugs or we'll kill you.
This is personal.
And this is trouble
in court.
The waist, the hand-
what's the difference?
He's shot in the back
and in the crotch.
Chicken or egg,
which came first?
That's important?
Just wait.
Your victim-
lovely guy.
Urbano, Jose,
robbery, rape at 15,
year in Spofford,
two narcotics felonies,
three stops at Attica.
No homicides?
Max: Get this
- no witnesses.
40-odd interviews, nada.
Nothing? They don't want an arrest.
The carny operator-
he says a guy gave Urbano money.
About six feet tall
with a moustache.
He ought to come
walking in any minute.
You sure this
isn't about drugs?
It doesn't play that way-
not four in the crotch.
That's sexual.
Okay, I give up... why?
Urbano had six months more parole.
Find out who his business was.
You know-
like an investigation.
Man: The slugs are from a Glock.
Logan: Awfully expensive
automatic for the barrio.
This one, real crisp rifling
on all the slugs.
Must be almost
brand new.
Run a check
anyhow, huh?
See if you can
find a match.
May he rest in peace,
but on the scale
of living things,
our friend Jose is
just a couple of steps up
from the snail.
what's wrong with me?
All I see
is the dark side
of people.
was Urbano
still dealing?
Ah, the charming Jose,
new story every week-
this job, that job.
Somehow they
never worked out.
He swore he was
going straight.
You believe him?
Oh, absolutely.
All my cons have been
rehabilitated by the system.
You got an address?
Had a sister,
with a kid,
lived with her sometimes.
Gave her money.
He wasn't all bad.
The first time
Jose went to Attica,
I visited him.
Have you ever been there?
It doesn't look
as bad as on TV.
$100 a week he gave me.
For her.
The night he died,
he won her a teddy bear.
where'd he get
the money?
You with Jose Saturday night
when he won the teddy bear?
Anita, he was so good to you,
you don't care who whacked him?
Look, Jose was
with Hector Cartagena.
Hector and Jose had
been together in Attica.
They argued, I came home.
Argued? About what?
A deal.
Hector said
Jose shorted him.
And Hector said Jose was
no good to his friends.
He was mad,
he wanted to kill him.
Cartagena's got
narcotics, arson, larceny,
armed robbery,
aggravated assault.
Hey, listen,
thanks a lot, okay?
Paroled from Attica two months
ago, lives on 108th Street.
Let's go get
a warrant.
I don't want to see
this guy without backup.
Backup? I don't want to see
him without nuclear weapons.
This isn't going
to give easy.
Man: Yeah? Who is it?
ConEd- gas leak.
Get over there!
All right, all right!
Get your hands up!
Come on, I'm chilled.
You're under arrest for
the murder of Jose Urbano.
I no kill nobody, man.
You have the right
to remain silent and refuse
to answer any questions.
Do you understand that?
Anita says you wanted to kill Jose.
You believe that-
Look, use your head.
why would I do it, huh?
I kill him, I don't get
the paper he owe me, all right?
Mucho dinero, okay?
You visit anyone
besides Jose last night?
That's right, Hector,
come up with an alibi.
That's what you're
supposed to do now.
I went home-
You understand?
Yeah. Did you lose
the Glock on the way?
not my style, okay?
Never like
automatic weapons.
Can openers-
j j jamming on you
all the time, you know.
You better hope we don't find
that can opener on the street.
Huh? Oh, yeah?
And what you gonna do?
You and
your compadre here, huh?
You gonna
prove it's mine?
Come on,
you wastin' my time.
Can I go now, all right?
You can go home, sure.
Right back to Attica.
Attica, my ass, man.
Your ass is grass, hombre.
You're on parole.
You can't hang with felons.
Even dead ones.
Yeah, right.
Get this
- good old Hector swears we didn't Mirandize him.
Not so dumb,
this Hector, huh?
Smart enough to know we
couldn't tie him to the gun,
but stupid enough to say he was going
to waste Jose in front of Jose's sister?
he crawled out of the same sewer
as the late Jose.
No way the neighborhood's
going to protect him.
He didn't do it.
You got the file?
The carny operator-
what's his name, Harmon?
The one that described Hector?
Let's walk him down
memory lane again.
what do you want from me, huh?
I'm watching the till.
The drug dealer's done shooting,
I'm on to the next.
whoa, how do you know
he's a drug dealer?
$2,000 bucks in clothes
on his back,
couple of gold rings.
You really care
who killed this guy?
I mean, come on,
he's scum.
wait a minute, you think
he's scum, I think he's scum,
but he had a sister
who needed him,
and a six-year-old niece
who thinks he's Mr. Rogers.
This probably has nothing
to do with it, but...
the kid from the church?
The girl?
which girl is this?
The one I paid my fee to.
Pretty kid- Alicia.
She comes by, checks,
makes sure everything's okay,
then she's talking
to the drug dealer-
what's his name there-
About what?
Why, you think
I'd listen?
She was hanging on the guy,
like she was trying to...
pick him up.
Max: Alicia, the carny operator says
you talked to Urbano at the fair!
At a fair? I talk
to a lot of people.
The way we heard it is you
dragged him off into the crowd.
And he never
came back.
Just like a roach motel. He
checked in, but he didn't check out.
Eh, and it's a good thing.
should be dead!
Innocent people get hurt,
you don't come up here so quick.
Innocent people?
what was Urbano guilty of?
Look, enough.
I've heard of Urbano.
He's a drug dealer.
They kill each other, fine.
we're better off.
Strange thing
for a priest to say.
Strange times
to be a priest.
Send in a couple of Puerto Rican
cops, maybe they can open this up.
You been reading
a different duty roster, Max?
I got Puerto Rican detectives
I haven't noticed?
The priest-
he knows where Alicia was.
Rivers, Alicia, one
misdemeanor, smoking weed.
You know, when I was a kid, I put
a baseball through a windshield-
I was shaking before they
started asking me questions.
This chick, she did Urbano, I'd like
to knowwhat she takes for her nerves.
A kid with no record.
She didn't get a 9mm and shoot
a drug dealer, that's for sure.
Thank you.
Hurley in ballistics.
Your Glock-
not used in
any other shooting.
Hey, I went back a year.
You want to go back two, three?
I'd love the overtime.
who's gonna pay?
Go back two years,
and while you're at it,
see if you can access
the license division files
on your computer.
Because let's see if anybody connected
to this thing has a gun license, okay?
Right. Then we'll
check lottery winners.
well, I'm just
a cock-eyed optimist.
Max, Torres the priest,
what's his first name?
A priest?
Uh-huh. Roberto.
Put up Rivers.
See if you got one within
20 blocks of East 113th Street.
"Rivers, Anna.
55 years old,
642 East 117th Street,"
registered owner
of a 9mm Glock semi-automatic.
My gun?
They stole it.
Is that right?
A couple of weeks ago.
They broke in.
Law says if a gun is stolen,
you have to report it. Did you?
why bother?
would you have
Or written a piece
of paper on it?
Look, the gun
was licensed!
And it was stolen,
you want me to prove it wasn't?
She goes to all the trouble
of getting it licensed,
but when her gun is stolen, she
doesn't replace it. I don't understand.
Next time she goes to the bank
deposit, what's she gonna do?
Look, somebody killed a man
with a 9mm Glock
just like yours.
We find out it
was the same gun,
we're gonna wonder why
you didn't report a burglary.
Your granddaughter, Alicia,
was she here
the night of the burglary?
The night your gun
got stolen?
No, she wasn't.
Hey, folks, folks.
You know the Rivers family? Nope!
Seen Alicia tonight?
Now you come?
Three day later, you
want to know where she is?
She's at Central
Harlem Hospital.
what, Alicia's hurt?
No, not Alicia!
Her sister. what are
you guys doing here?
Hey, we're looking
for Alicia.
Lucy got beat up,
not Alicia.
Six gunshots,
four stabbings,
a baby who almost
starved to death-
slow night. You got a
patient named Rivers?
Lucy Rivers?!
what the hell's
the matter with you cops?
Just 'cause she couldn't talk the
first night, you never come back?
Somebody tumed that girl
into mashed potatoes.
was she raped?
She said she was mugged.
Family honor.
You didn't administer
a rape kit?
I told you- she said
she wasn't raped!
I told the grandmother,
the boyfriend,
I told the damn priest,
"The girl's going to need
help to get over this. "
They say, "Patch her up,
and get her home. "
Uh, the priest
who was with her-
his name Torres?
Is this nursery school?
I took roll call?
612, the boyfriend's there.
You fight with him.
Lucy can't
remember anything.
That's why we told the cops
not to come back.
we're sorry about
your girlfriend,
but we have to talk
to her sister, Alicia.
Alicia? why?
Is she around, Nicky?
Yeah, she's um...
she's downstairs.
She's coming back.
You go to the church fair
on Saturday night?
Nah, nah.
I was here all night...
with Lucy.
You're a little late
to help my sister.
You didn't mention
that she was hurt.
You were worried
about a drug dealer.
Logan: So, Nicky,
if we ask the nurses
if you were around Saturday
night, they'll say yes, right?
He came to the fair
for an hour.
No, I was going to go-
I stayed here.
You never heard
of Jose Urbano, right?
Somebody shot him.
That's all I've heard.
All I've heard is
that you've been
in two places at the same time
Saturday night.
Come on, Nicky,
let's sit with Lucy.
Dr. Weiss, please check
your beeper.
Dr. Weiss,
please check your beeper.
You know what
we have here?
Exactly what we had
two weeks ago- squat.
It's like the Bible.
The Gospels
- four guys that are telling the same story
except each one
of them's different.
"Nicky was at the church. " "No, he was
at the hospital. " "The gun was stolen. "
"No, it wasn't. " "The sister was
raped. " "Naw, she's just beat up. "
"Alicia lured Urbano away. "
"Alicia didn't kill Urbano. "
The only thing that makes sense
is that Urbano raped Lucy,
and Guzman shot him.
Pure revenge.
Guzman, Nicky. Couple of
juveniles, shoplifting.
No guns, no felonies.
Max: Even if the kid did it,
we got a hole the size of Tulsa.
Like, why did Urbano
rape Nicky's girlfriend?
A guy like Urbano
needs a motive for rape?
what about the vic?
You talked to her yet?
Hard to get her alone.
Go after
visiting hours.
Can you tell us
what happened?
A man
- he took my purse, I didn't see him.
where'd this happen, Lucy?
109th Street and Lexington.
That's a bright corner. You
didn't get a look at his face?
Lucy, do you knowwho
Jose Urbano was?
He's from around
the neighborhood, I guess.
was it Jose Urbano
who attacked you?
when Mr. Urbano takes a
purse, he does a lot of damage.
You find anybody who heard
what was going on?
Mm-hmm. Julia Reyes.
She was born here,
but she knows the language.
Julia, honey, in case
you don't recognize these suits,
these men are cops. Sergeant
Greevey, Detective Logan.
You were on duty when
Lucy Rivers was brought in?
That night,
the next day.
what was all
the yelling about?
Uh... I didn't hear
all of it.
The sister
and the boyfriend-
they were so upset.
The boyfriend kept yelling,
"How could he do it?"
what about the priest Torres?
You know him?
we... pray at his church
Down at the soda machine,
he took
the boyfriend aside.
He was yelling at him,
saying, "God would not
forgive them. "
This isn't Nazi Germany!
You can't act like stormtroopers
- terrorizing my parishioners!
Accusing them of crimes!
You're not playing it
straight with us, Father.
A nurse overheard your
conversation with Nicky.
Knowing the streets the way you do,
Father, you probably know the law, right?
Cover up a crime,
that's a crime, too.
Oh, you care
so much about crime?
They left a body
in my church last year-
dead on the altar!
They do that in your church?
In my church, two kids don't plan
a murder in front of their priest!
The law considers that
accessory and conspiracy.
You have something
to tell us?
They say confession's
good for the soul.
why don't you
just forget about this?
H- how many murders you have
never get solved?
why don't you just
let this be one of them?
I'm waiting for offers.
Two weeks,
all expenses paid
in downtown Altoona.
what've you got?
The Glock, Mrs. Rivers'.
18 months ago
in a fight in her club,
she winged a guy.
And it matches
the slugs in Urbano.
It's a lot of maybes.
Max: You got motive,
the gun, the priest,
the girl leading Urbano
out of the church.
what did Torres say?
Loosely translated?
Go to hell.
Tough to sell.
Cragen: You don't arrest somebody
now, then kiss it goodbye.
The memory lapses
these guys are getting,
two weeks, nobody's going
to remember Urbano's name.
The Guzman kid?
He's got my vote,
but enough
for an arrest, no.
The girl's an adult.
Get her a Legal Aid lawyer, scare
the hell out of her, she'll roll.
Pick her up.
Are you here
to apologize this time?
Alicia Rivers, you're under arrest
for the murder of Jose Urbano.
what?! You have the right
to remain silent and refuse
to answer questions.
Understand? This is wrong!
Anything you do say may be used
against you in a court of law.
Do you understand? You're
entitled to an attorney...
Bailiff: The charges are
murder in the second degree
and conspiracy
in the first degree.
Are the defendants
ready to enter a plea?
Not guilty.
Your Honor,
the District Attorney
has outdone himself.
we respectfully submit that
the charges are so inflated-
I get the message,
Ms. Green.
Do you want to address
the bail issues?
They're simple.
No record, no resources,
no risk of flight.
we don't get much alliteration,
Ms. Green, thank you.
Mr. Robinette?
Your Honor, the murder charged
here is particularly vicious.
In addition,
the defendant has relatives
in the commonwealth
of Puerto Rico,
and the risk of flight
is not negligible.
the people request
substantial bail.
Your Honor, you know
what bail means.
It means Alicia Rivers stays
in jail because she is poor.
If you don't see-
Please, Ms. Green.
I have heard your
Legal Aid Society dinner speech,
I'm sympathetic,
but one's own recognizance
in a homicide,
I'm sorry.
Bail is set for the defendant
at $100,000.
A three-legged table would stand
up better in court than your case.
Not to mention the fact that
if she lived on Park Avenue,
you wouldn't have filed.
wait a minute. what do
minorities complain about?
They kill whites,
they get prosecuted.
They kill each other,
the system doesn't care.
I never realized that
passions about minorities
ran so high
in this office.
Next time you care so much,
pick a case you can win.
we always care when we have
a criminal conspiracy.
who said that when the links
rattle, they're probably in a chain?
the light dawns.
You're after the boy.
You're looking for a deal-
You put a young girl through
the indignity of jail
for no other reason but
to force her to talk!
If she's protecting somebody, it
is not in her interest to refuse.
How could I refuse
when you didn't offer?
But don't bother
- the way I read the penal law,
j conspiracy means people have
to agree to commit a crime.
You can't prove Nicky and
Alicia agreed on the time of day.
This case is about revenge,
and the last time I looked
that is not a valid
criminal defense.
we have evidence
that will prove
your client conspired
to commit murder.
Really? You have
so much evidence,
you're accusing her
of conspiring
with someone who
isn't even charged.
want some advice on
this one, gentlemen?
Cut your losses.
You're going to end up
feasting on crow.
Ms. Green has a point.
No, Alicia walked him out, the
grandmother's gun killed Urbano.
If I had to win
on conspiracy, I would,
but I want the Guzman kid
for murder.
You moved on the girl
too soon.
would you like
to ramrod this case?
Your ability to forget people's
skin color is admirable.
if we lose,
white people think the Puerto
Ricans get away with murder.
And if you don't get
the Guzman boy,
it looks like
selective prosecution.
And if we drop it? we have
a clearcut case of revenge,
and there's daily
obstruction. Girl raped,
her sister on trial,
Shambala Green with a jury?
She'll milk them
till they moo.
You see a winner?
The girl's tied
to the victim and the gun.
If Judge Markham
doesn't dismiss.
The whole thing
is circumstantial.
The girl works
for a priest, no less.
To a jury,
she's practically got a halo.
Do you have any
helpful suggestions?
Get the priest to talk.
And try the grandmother, too.
Thank you.
Cops! A lot of good they
do us in this neighborhood.
Is that why you didn't call them
when your gun was stolen?
Your gun...
your granddaughter...
and no report
of a break-in.
Ms. Rivers...
do you knowwhat
women's prisons are like?
It's not going to
happen. Everybody says so.
You mean Father Torres?
I talked to Shambala,
the lawyer.
Ms. Green is
a Legal Aid lawyer.
Legal Aid loses
2?3 of its cases.
The District Attorney
wins 2/3.
Do you want to gamble
with Ms. Green?
Your granddaughter Lucy
is in the hospital.
Alicia's in jail.
witnesses will place
Alicia with the victim.
Ballistics experts
will testify
your gun was used.
A nurse will testify
she heard Father Torres
warning Alicia and Nicky.
15 to 20 years from now,
when Alicia
gets out of jail,
I hope Father Torres and Ms.
Green are waiting for her.
Look, you're trying
to push me around.
I'm trying to help you...
and your granddaughter.
And she doesn't
go to prison?
I can't promise that,
but if there is any time,
it'll be minimal.
Time forthe truth
to come out.
You got a car?
Green: Anna, you
have to listen to me.
I told you about this.
They will try
any trick in the book!
This is my trick.
Cop: Green for Alicia Rivers!
how are you, baby?
I'm okay. Your grandmother
wants me to tell them.
Shut up! Shut up!
What is this, huh?
Grandma, no! Stop! Alicia,
you want me to tell them?!
Are you going to let her
die in jail?!
Urbano raped Lucy.
Nicky killed him.
Bailiff: The charge is
murder in the second degree.
Your Honor,
may we approach?
what's the problem?
we haven't even gotten
to bail yet.
Ms. Green represents a defendant
to be tried jointly with Mr. Guzman.
Clear conflict
of interests.
Mmm, now I get why
this was assigned to me.
It's the same case
as the girl's.
Yes, it is, Your Honor,
but I don't see
any conflict-
Please, Ms. Green,
of course there's conflict.
If he wants to roll the girl
against Mr. Guzman here...
you can't defend
both of them.
My clerk read
the grand jury minutes.
I was gonna do
the girl's trial,
but I was considering
dismissal sua sponte.
we feel there's a case. It's
a judgment call, Mr. Robinette.
If you want to go back to the
grand jury and get better evidence,
I'll let you re-present.
In the interest
of justice,
I'm dismissing on the girl.
we'll let her represent the boy.
Now, let's see
if we can get some bail here.
About bail,
Your Honor-
Please, Ms. Green, spare me your usual
sanctimonies. I'm not in the mood.
Now, does the defendant
wish to enter a plea?
Not guilty, Your Honor.
Bail $200,000.
Short date.
I'm going for
temporary insanity.
Yours or your client's?
Murder two?! He was not
going to kill the guy.
He just wanted
to talk.
Seven shots from a semi-automatic-
what language is that?
I'll interpret for the jury.
He was enraged.
He didn't know
what the hell he was doing.
The sister was in the hospital
on wednesday,
the shooting happened
on Saturday.
He was insane
for three whole days?
In a moment of normal,
excusable, and acceptable rage
after his fiancee
was raped.
This is a nice-looking
kid, very appealing.
I believe the jury
will identify with him,
and the press
will crucify you.
Let's discuss
reckless endangerment.
Oh, please!
He endangered a man's life
with seven shots?
My dictionary calls that
more than endangering.
Manslaughter one,
he does three years.
Manslaughter two, he does a
year on a farm, he sees a shrink.
No deal. You're really going
to push this aren't you?
All the way.
This is a good kid.
A role model for minority youth
- "You got a problem, you put seven shots into him. "
A drug dealer
and a rapist?!
what are you telling me?
The proper compensation
for a human life is one year?
what's next?
A retarded petty thief-
you do a year and a half.
Unarmed burglar-
two years.
A white Anglo-Saxon Protestant-
The commandment says
"Thou shalt not kill. "
It does not say "Thou
shalt not kill nice people"!
The boy's
girlfriend raped,
and beaten to a pulp.
You won't find 12 people
who'll convict him
of criminal possession
of a weapon.
Fine, you take the plea
and the press conference, too.
You got a suit of armor and a
white charger waiting outside?
The boy is not
a cold-blooded killer.
where does it stop? Do we write a
revenge exception to the penal law?.
First Green, now you. I must be way
behind the curve of judicial thinking.
I'm not saying let him go-
plead him.
Have him do a couple of years
and let's get it off our plate.
we take a plea-
it's an order.
Forget it.
I was just coming
to tell you.
we're getting visitors
from another planet.
Green resigned.
There's new counsel.
In favor of who?
A showboat from Dallas,
Chet Burton.
Flew in this morning.
He's taking it no fee.
And yes, I checked
- he's admitted to the New York Bar.
You're a fine lawyer, Mr. Stone.
I heard a whole lot about you.
Thank you, sir. I've read
a great deal about you.
I'm afraid you severely
misunderstand this case.
How so? According to his culture,
Nicky Guzman did
the right thing.
See, most first-generation
immigrant neighborhoods-
somebody rapes your woman,
you go get a gun.
Ah, well, up here
in New York,
you go get
a warrant for arrest.
I'd like to remind you
that we have a witness
who heard the boy
plan the murder.
My motion, Mr. Stone.
Start with
People v. Gates,
the New York
Court of Appeals
on priest-penitent
I don't think Father Torres will ever
spend any time on the witness stand.
You know,
my whole life...
as a lawyer,
27 years in court,
you know how many
criminal cases I've lost?
Zero. Zip. Not a one.
Oh, really?
well... this is
not Texas, sir.
If I were you, I wouldn't
be too sure of that.
Howdy, Mr. Stone!
A new day, j a newvoice,
what will
tomorrow bring?
I get up some mornings,
I just naturally
hear my pappy's twang
in my head.
what are you
dressed for, a rodeo?
Yep, legal bull-ridin'.
Excuse me, one question? Shoot.
How did you
find out about this case?
It was only on page seven
in the New York papers.
I hadn't heard
a word about it
until Nicky's lawyer
called me... Ms. Green?
Oh, right. I see.
Said you needed
to be taught a lesson.
what's in it for you?
I have saved many rich folks
from unjust incarceration.
As much as I am able,
I plan to give the poor
the same consideration.
Stone: Mrs. Rivers, you told police
that your gun was
stolen in a burglary.
Is that true?
when did you first notice
that the gun was missing?
On Saturday night.
The night Mr. Urbano
was killed?
was Nicky Guzman
at your club that night?
Had you ever shown him
where you kept your gun?
He knew it was
in the cash drawer,
under the register.
Thank you.
No further questions.
Nicky said he wanted
to fight Urbano,
to teach him a lesson.
Did he show you
the gun he was carrying?
Yes. But he said he
only wanted a fistfight?
asked and answered.
Your witness.
Ms. Rivers,
on the morning after-
Mr. Urbano was shot,
did you go to church
with Nicky Guzman?
Did Mr. Guzman take confession
that morning?
Now, about this...
cocaine dealer
who was shot-
Objection! Characterization.
Ms. Rivers, did you have
a personal relationship with...
Jose Urbano?
Objection, relevance.
I'll let it go, Mr. Burton,
but watch your step.
The witness will answer.
Jose tried
to sell me crack.
Objection! The victim
is not on trial here.
Sustained. The jury will
disregard the answer.
Mr. Burton, you will
confine yourself to events.
Ms. Rivers,
were you aware
that Jose Urbano
was known...
to carry a gun at all
times? Stone: Your Honor.
You are straining my goodwill,
Mr. Burton.
Since I cannot ask any questions
about the sainted Senor Urbano,
I have no further questions
of this witness.
Manslaughter two.
In this state, Mr. Stone,
what can you get for that?
Mr. Guzman does two years.
He doesn't do two seconds.
Criminally negligent
and you put him in a program
where he gets his head candled.
It was an accident? The gun
went off by itself seven times?
You knowwhat a "bubba" is?
Up here you call them
where I come from, all the men
got shotguns in their pickups,
and a can of beer
in their hand.
My shotgun stays
in the house
and I drink
California cabernet,
but in my heart,
I'm still a "bubba. "
That's why there's no plea
unless the boy does no time.
The "boy" put
seven holes in somebody.
Drug-dealing rapist scum.
Most towns in Texas,
the kid'd get a medal.
You may not like
my style, Mr. Stone,
but this I believe-
you don't put people in prison
for defending their loved ones.
Defending or avenging?
I'll let the jury
split that hair.
You're due
in chambers at 2:00.
Markham wants to
talk about the priest.
You can't allow it!
If he testifies,
you destroy the sanctity
of the priest-penitent
If he's not acting
as a spiritual advisor,
if it's not confession,
there's no privilege.
For God's sake, he was
at the hospital as a priest.
Did he wear a collar?
Did he minister
to his flock? Yes!
Alicia Rivers
called the priest,
not your client.
Personally, I have
a very hard time believing
that he fell to his knees
in the ICU
and mistook it
for a confessional.
I've made a decision.
Torres will testify.
And while I'm about it,
do you good to remember
this is New York-
not Texas.
Permission to treat this witness
as hostile, Your Honor?
Did Lucy Rivers tell you
that she had been raped?
I... have no problem with
the question, Your Honor.
Yes, she told me
she had been raped.
Did she tell you she'd
been raped by Jose Urbano?
And did the defendant
tell you that
he was planning
on killing Jose Urbano
because he had
raped Lucy Rivers?
He said he was
gonna get a gun.
when you left the hospital
with Nicky that night,
what did he do
on the way out?
He put his fist through
a plate-glass window-
a phone booth-
but he was very angry.
Thank you. No further
questions, Your Honor.
Father Torres,
please, tell the court
about your relationship
with Nicky Guzman
and Lucy Rivers.
They're engaged
to be married,
and they're in my counseling
class for new couples.
Now, in your experience
with members of your parish...
how serious is
the crime of rape?
There's a sense of...
terrible shame.
It's like...
you're a lawyer
and your son is a thief.
The woman is shamed,
the husband is shamed,
the whole family.
In a way, they've taken
more than her own life.
Let's get back
to the window.
You ever put your fist
through a plate glass window.
Objection, Your Honor,
we're talking about plate glass windows.
I'd like to know more on the subject.
I'll allow it.
You may answer the question.
Torres: When I was in the
Marines, before I became a priest,
I got drunk on leave,
and I busted a couple
of windows, yes.
You ever kill anybody?
Your Honor.
Mr. Burton!
No, I haven't.
You think most people that break
windows end up killing someone?
Mr. Burton, you will not ask for
conclusions in this courtroom.
The jury will disregard
the last remark.
And you will play
by the rules here
or you'll be in trouble.
The gun was on the ground,
not near his hand?
That's correct. It was
directly under his waist.
It probably fell-
Burton: Objection.
The detective is
supposin' and concludin'.
Had the gun been fired?
was there any evidence that the
victim attempted to fire the gun?
Your witness.
This gun, Detective,
were Mr. Urbano's
fingerprints on it?
It was his gun,
Any other prints on it?
So this gun was not
in his pants,
it was out,
is that correct?
So Mr. Urbano could've
drawn his weapon and been shot
by somebody defending himself,
isn't that possible?
That's ridiculous.
But isn't it possible?
Mr. Burton!
Excuse me, Your Honor.
No more questions.
A seed of doubt-
sounds like self-defense.
Mr. Stone,
the Spanish loverboy shooting,
detective named Greevey called.
He wants to see you at Rikers.
Nunez, Ramon, 21.
Picked up in a sweep.
College student,
and a crack addict.
DA to see Nunez. Had crack on
him when they picked him up,
asked to see
a homicide detective.
Lawyer:. No information
without a deal.
I have to get out of this.
I have a conviction,
I'll lose
my scholarship.
If he has something
we can use...
criminal possession five-
Six- I want a misdemeanor.
Depends on what he has to say.
Nicky Guzman sold me crack.
Nicky's a dealer?
I haven't seen him
for four, five months,
but I bought from him
all the time last spring.
Urbano's his supplier,
he came with him
to school one day.
we have a deal, Stone?
Urbano and Nicky being drug
dealers explains everything.
Bull! Nicky hadn't seen
Urbano in four months,
and he stopped having anything to
do with drugs when he got engaged.
Your Honor,
even arguing that
this was intentional murder-
and I'm not saying it was-
it's about revenge.
You call that boy a drug dealer,
they'll convict him on that alone.
Doesn't prove anything, Ben.
Even I find it prejudicial.
I don't see why.
It's relevant as to motive.
People v. Molineaux.
Urbano raped Lucy Rivers
because her boyfriend
quit working for him.
This is ridiculous!
It's like pimps
with their prostitutes.
It's not a job they allow
street dealers to walk away from.
Drug dealing is the underlying
cause of this murder.
That's your opinion, Ben.
The defendant has no record
of drug offense,
plus your witness is suspect.
You made a deal for his
testimony. Let the jury decide.
Allow the testimony, then
instruct them to disregard?!
You know as well as I do
- Put some ice on it, Mr. Burton.
I don't like you.
I don't like your theatrics
in my courtroom.
I may be old-fashioned,
but I find them undignified
and maybe- unethical.
Remember the watson murder?
Killed his wife.
I let some DA
sweet-talk me
into allowing
some improper testimony.
The Court of Appeals
reversed it,
and Mr. watson is
walking the streets.
If I allow this,
and your boy gets convicted,
Mr. Burton'll be in appellate
court before I get to bed.
Burton has junked his
list. His only witness
is the dealer who was with
Urbano just before he was killed.
He wasn't even there.
I know.
You told police
you left the church
before the shooting.
why did you lie?
I had to.
You know,
being on parole,
being with
a guy like Jose,
him being
a dealer and all,
bad for me.
when Mr. Urbano
left with the girl,
did you follow.
I told him
not to go, but...
he put his hand
on his pistol
and he said he could
take care of himself.
was Mr. Urbano
a violent man?
Objection, calls for a
conclusion. Sustained.
I'll rephrase.
Did you ever
personally see
Jose Urbano fire his gun
at anybody?
New Year's Eve, 1989.
He shot a dealer,
Jesus Castillo.
Thank you.
Three days.
The verdict should have
been in yesterday at the latest.
I hope you're not here
to say you warned me.
You did what
you had to do.
You wish I hadn't.
The jury just asked for the statutes
on justification for deadly force.
I'm not gonna say it.
He told me so.
Has the jury
reached a verdict?
we have, Your Honor.
On the sole count
of the indictment,
the charge of murder
in the second degree,
how does the jury find?
Not guilty.
we felt he was a good kid,
putting himself through school,
Um... maybe he meant
to kill Urbano...
How many times have you given me the
"You don't win every time" speech?
I don't mind losing,
Paul. Could have fooled me.
what I do mind is,
12 honest citizens
knew he was guilty
and acquitted him.
They were flim-flammed
on the self-defense.
They knew they were
being flim-flammed
and they still
acquitted him...
and that's frightening.