Law & Order (1990–2010): Season 1, Episode 16 - The Torrents of Greed: Part 2 - full transcript
Having been set up by mobster Frank Mansucci, Executive ADA Stone takes a different tack in pursuing him. Although Mansucci can no longer be tried for the murder of the trucking union official, they hope to convict him of kidnapping the man. They get a warrant to wiretap his conversations for a month hoping to get more information. They also arrest his brother-in-law Harv Beigal for bribing a city official and hope that the threat of a stretch in Attica may get him to testify. Beigal flatly refuses to testify but does tell Stone how his brother-in-law Mansucci gave the orders to have someone eliminated. When Beigal suddenly disappears, Stone and the police are quite certain he's been disposed of. Beigal's wife says she's never been involved in the family business and has no information for them. As everyone soon learns, some problems have a way of resolving themselves.
soldier in the Masucci family...
hired muscle.
So maybe I roughed up
the Russian.
Mario Zalta,
a capo in the Masucci family,
currently running
an untaxed cigarettes scam.
This is New York.
Go figure.
Harv Beigal,
the Don's brother-in-law.
The cigarettes
go through his warehouse.
Look, you guys want to get
something on Frank Masucci,
you got the wrong guy.
I'm in reaI estate. Period.
Frank Masucci- the Don,
head of the largest
crime family in New York.
As far as I know, Harvey's
in the reaI estate business,
although you never can tell
about in-laws.
These four men
conspired to set up Stone.
What do you know about
a missing union president?
Frank told me
he ordered the hit.
Stone brought Masucci to trial
for the murder of union
president Russell Mackey,
not knowing that he had been
set up by the Don.
I was at the restaurant,
Vinnie called,
asked if he could come in
after I closed.
Then what happened?
Would you explain to the jury
the meaning of garroting?
It's a wire
around the neck.
It's over like that.
It appears that you were
confined to a bed
at Manhattan MemoriaI HospitaI
for the entire month of May.
Isn't that correct?
Why are you perjuring yourself,
Mr. Pilefsky?
What has Mr. Stone
promised you?
I did not know
Mr. Pilefsky was Iying.
I made no deaI
with Mr. Pilefsky,
and I submit this
entire thing was a set-up.
Great, BeigaI walks,
Masucci walks,
and we've got squat.
Masucci's not walking.
Do you know
what the evidence might be?
Well, I have no idea.
Unable to retry Masucci for murder,
Stone has had to settle
for prosecuting Pilefsky and Zalta
for the assault on the Russian
candy store owner.
I've owned store 14 years.
I sell newspapers, cigarettes,
candy, and lottery tickets.
I'm interested
in the cigarettes, Mr. Skolnick.
Who do you buy them from?
Suppliers come and go.
I used, the last two, three years,
Easton supply.
And do any other suppliers
ever come offer you
their cigarettes?
Every week.
They give you better deals?
They all say they can
deliver faster.
And cheaper?
A penny here, a nickeI there.
But did any supplier
ever come to you
and offer you cigarettes
at a greatly reduced price?
Three months ago, this man said
he would sell me
as much as I wanted
at five bucks off every carton.
How is that possible,
Mr. Skolnick?
You see this?
This stamp says
tax to state was paid.
His cigarettes
don't have stamp.
Is the man who tried to sell you
those untaxed cigarettes...
is he in this courtroom?
That man.
Let the record show
that Mr. Skolnick is pointing
to the defendant, Mario Zalta.
He wears fancy suit,
but he's a crook.
I tell him I want no part of it.
And what happened then?
His friend Pilefsky
came to see me.
Doctor says
I will never walk again.
I got to tell you, getting convictions
on Zalta and Pilefsky
is like going
to the senior prom
and scoring bare wrist.
A friggin' consolation prize.
BeigaI's the one
who ran the operation
and we can't touch him.
Easy, Max, deaI-making
is part of the system.
It makes the wheels
of justice turn faster.
It makes them turn period.
With Maximum Matthews
handing out the sentence
on Messieurs Pilefsky
and Zalta,
they'll be sleeping on the state
for most of the decade.
Yeah, meanwhile BeigaI
and Masucci
are hobnobbing at the opera.
Justice is blind, Detective.
Nobody said it was fair.
Explain that to them.
Detective, I
don't think you understand
who we're talking about here.
Do you know how Masucci
became a made man,
how he made his bones?
He rents a police uniform
and walks into a bar
and pumps three slugs
into the skull
of a 73-year-old bookie.
That's just the first of seven murders
we know he personally committed,
and God knows how many
he ordered.
I'll do anything I can
to nail the son of a bitch.
You ever hear of Don Quixote?
Did you ever hear about
David and Goliath?
And we have God on our side.
There's no way
you could've predicted
that Pilefsky would lie
on the stand
intending to get caught.
It's unbelievable.
BeigaI walks on the cigarette scam,
and double jeopardy
protects Masucci from being
retried for Mackey's murder.
You want a crying toweI?
Where's it written
you have to win every case?
What do you want to do?
Full court press,
24-hour surveillance,
wiretaps, the works-
on Masucci and BeigaI.
They need probable cause
to get wiretap warrants.
Go with kidnapping.
BeigaI testified that Mackey
was detained
before Masucci had him killed.
Wait a minute, Adam.
Even if we found the body
we couldn't get
a kidnapping conviction.
You said you needed a warrant,
not a conviction.
PauI, you're going
to talk to Judge Fishbein.
That's a reach,
a very creative reach.
I want this bastard
as much as you do.
Fishbein's no fooI.
This is the way we play him.
You've already tried Masucci
for Mackey's murder.
You lost,
Mr. Robinette.
This is America.
One strike and you're out.
Masucci has never been tried
for Mackey's kidnapping.
Question- "Did he offer
any colorfuI details?"
Answer, BeigaI-
"Frank said he was disgusted.
He wasted four hours
trying to convince him."
That's an interesting approach.
All right, let's say
for the sake of argument
that it's not double jeopardy.
But you're still barred
by CPL 40. 40.
You can't split jointly
prosecutable offenses.
The testimony
I just read to you
I was gven on cross. It was
the first we heard of it.
We couldn't charge him
for a crime we didn't know about.
Even so, Masucci's confession
to BeigaI isn't enough.
You still need corroboration
to convict.
That's why we need a warrant.
A warrant.
It sounds like
a fishing license to me.
Masucci confessed to BeigaI.
BeigaI took the stand
and swore to it.
The People aren't fishing,
Your Honor.
The People are counting on
the parties under surveillance
happening to mention
unrelated criminaI activities.
The People have
great expectations, Your Honor.
It's a 30-day warrant to monitor
BeigaI and Masucci's telephones.
For what?
Mackey's kidnapping...
You're kidding.
And anything else you
might hear. All right!
How did you get Fishbein
to sign this?
We led him to water
and he actually drank.
What do you think,
Fenton and Vitello?
They're on
the Dworkin homicide.
Been eight weeks.
They got squat.
In two weeks Dworkin
will be just as cold.
I live for assignments like this.
Makes me hotter
than a firecracker.
Could you fill us in
on what caused
all this
BeigaI hasn't left his office yet,
but he did order Chinese.
I bet on the orange beef.
Cost him 10 bucks.
Son of a gun orders
mu shu at two to one.
Guys with glasses.
I can read 'em like a book.
Anything we can actually
use against Mr. BeigaI?
Dinner at 8:00
with the missus at Parioli.
That's expensive, not illegaI.
Could get more expensive.
Lunch with LaureI at one.
Very mysterious.
I got 20 says she's a brunette.
The guy wears glasses.
We're talking blond.
So it's about 3:00 a. m.
I wake up to the sound
of barking.
This one has a dog?
I wish.
I ask her what's going on,
and she says, "Cockroaches."
Cockroaches that bark?
That's what I said.
She says the exterminator was
a bust, so she bought a gecko.
It's a lizard.
It's some kind of Gila monster
from BraziI or something,
I don't know.
And it eats roaches?
Down to the last drop.
Barks when it's hungry.
Vitello must be working
on some kind of ESP.
So BeigaI's got a number
on the side, huh?
You really think that's enough
to get him to roll on Masucci?
A wife scorned
is a scary prospect.
Look at that.
Doesn't look
like true love to me.
Let's see what kind
of business LaureI's in.
Nice day.
Come here often?
Holster it, cowboy.
Leather bores me.
Nice line.
Hey, maybe he's not cheating.
Not on his wife, anyway.
You know what?
I'm going to really enjoy this.
Let's not tip her.
No, we got to do some research.
BeigaI's got
six residentiaI buildings,
mostly in the village.
Four-story walk-ups.
Rent controlled.
From '80 to '88,
BeigaI made "The Post's"
50 worst landlord list.
Last two years, he's spotless.
Maybe he got religion.
He got a building inspector.
Since '88, all inspections
on BeigaI's buildings
were done by one
LaureI McGinty.
You're saying he bought her?
Okay, have the buildings
See what Ms. McGinty
may have overlooked.
What's bribery
of a public officiaI?
A "D" felony.
Two and a third to seven.
You think it's heavy enough
to squeeze something out of BeigaI?
Two and a third
to seven in Attica?
BeigaI's got to know he couldn't
do three weeks hard time.
Look at that local law 10 violation.
The facade, see?
Chipped bricks.
That's a quick two grand.
Buildings was here...
let's see, two months ago.
Your guy's passed
with flying aces.
Inspector must've
been dreaming.
But between me and you,
buildings is strictly amateur.
We beat 'em six years straight.
Beat 'em?
You're city too, what the hell.
We have this wager going,
you know?
Who can raise the most
for the Apple.
Fire against buildings.
Like I told you before,
fire department wins every year.
You guys actually bet on who
can write the most violations?
Tell me you don't
bet against parking tickets.
Hey, come on,
it's for a good cause.
The city raises
a bundle in fines.
Where do you think your last
raise came from, anyway?
So do we have any more
code violations here?
Are you kidding?
Look at that, will you?
Defective ladder. That's
another quick two grand.
I inspect five buildings a day,
five days a week,
50 weeks a year.
So I missed a couple
of violations. I'm human.
You never lost a case,
Mr. Stone?
One mistake is human.
Two is perhaps a lapse
in concentration.
Three is stupid.
But the same mistake
consistently over
a period of two years
indicates another form
of human fallibility here.
Such as what?
I've done nothing improper.
You had lunch with Harv BeigaI.
It's what they mean
by the appearance
of impropriety, Miss McGinty.
And I'll do worse
than indict you.
You can't prove anything.
Don't count on that.
The DA's subpoena
is a powerful weapon.
If I have to I will question
every landlord
of every building
you inspected over a decade.
One of them, I assure you,
will turn you in
to protect his own good name.
We've had the
buildings re-inspected.
43 glaring violations
never made it into your reports.
We'd like to know why.
How much did Beigal pay you
to look the other way?
Ms. McGinty, it's not you
we're after, it's BeigaI.
If you testify
you get immunity.
If you don't, you go to prison.
I'm sure the former is preferable,
don't you think?
I got it.
Evening, Mr. BeigaI.
Great, what now?
You're under arrest for bribery
of a public officiaI.
$300,000 baiI, Your Honor,
is not only excessive,
it's vindictive.
Mr. BeigaI is charged
with bribery of a city officiaI,
a crime that has allowed him
to cloak his totaI disregard
for the safety and well being
of his tenants.
The only thing that is
being cloaked here, Your Honor,
is the District Attorney's
own malicious...
That's enough,
Mr. Le Claire.
BaiI is set at $100,000,
cash or bond.
You know what
you're doing, Mr. Stone?
Yes, Mrs. BeigaI, I'm attempting
to put your brother in prison.
By getting my husband killed?
Because that's what
you're setting in motion.
Bribery in the second degree.
You'll never convict.
I'll take my chances.
LaureI McGinty is just some
piss-ant building inspector.
Okay, maybe Mr. BeigaI
bought her a cup of coffee
or a cheese danish
every now and then,
but no way does that add up
to seven years.
No judge is going
to take this seriously.
Anyone who offers any benefit,
whether it be a cheese danish
or the Hope diamond,
to a public officiaI with
the intention of influencing
his or her discretion
is guilty of bribery.
And you're wrong,
Mr. Le Claire,
some people take that
very seriously.
Mountains out of molehills.
you need evidence
of illicit payments.
Ms. McGinty will prove,
I think,
a very credible witness.
Who will say anything
to save her own skin.
Have you anything else before
we see each other in court?
Bribery is a predicate act.
Mr. BeigaI's company,
Meridian Property Management,
is an enterprise.
Mr. BeigaI conducted
the affairs of his enterprise
through a series
of racketeering activities.
Do you know what that
spells out, Mr. BeigaI?
RICO- the current
favorite federaI felony
among publicity-starved
US Attorneys.
Now would you care
for me to call him?
You can't swat flies
with nuclear weapons.
Mike Milken got what, 10 years?
Get me the Southern District
US Attorney's office, please.
Spare me the theatrics,
all right?
CanceI the call, thanks.
Nobody wants a triaI, okay?
We'll plead
to unlawfuI gratuities
and give you McGinty.
You don't get my point, do you?
I gave Ms. McGinty a walk.
I want Masucci.
And I want
to keep on breathing.
Let's go.
We're wasting our time.
Masucci's not dumb enough
to do business over his phone.
Maybe we'll get lucky
on the pay phones.
People make mistakes,
even Dons.
We don't even know
what we're looking for,
by the way.
We'll know it when we see it.
You ask me, you'll never get
BeigaI to give up Masucci.
That's not what Stone thinks.
The hitter who supposedly
killed Russell Mackey...
What's his first name?
You got something?
Could be.
Dig out last Tuesday's
tapes on Masucci's phone.
Hey, Frank, it's Vinnie.
Here we go, this is Masucci.
- Wen you getting in?
- Tomorrow.
Good. I might want you
to talk to Beigal.
I'll let you know.
If it is Ruffo,
and Masucci tells him
to talk to BeigaI, that means that...
He's more than just
a brother-in-law.
I knew the guy was slime.
Pilefsky used to be
buddies with Ruffo.
He could recognize
Ruffo's voice.
Hey, stupid isn't suicidaI.
Maybe we can scare him
more than Masucci can.
If we can't, I know who can.
Three years ago we nailed
a Masucci hitter. D'Agastino?
He should still be in the slam.
What do you say we go
rattle Pilefsky's cage?
Hey, Frank, it's Vinnie.
- Wen you getting in?
- Tomorrow.
Good. I might want you
to talk to Beigal.
Yeah, I'll let you know.
So is that Ruffo?
Could be.
Could also be Dolly Parton.
What do I know?
You're right, Max.
This guy is as stupid as he looks.
I got this friend
over at "The Post,"
hasn't had a hot story
for months.
I bet it would be
a big boost to his career
if I gave him an exclusive
on how Joe Pilefsky
ratted out Frank Masucci.
What do you think, Max?
Old Joe here would be
breathing another,
what, five, maybe six days?
Nah, three tops.
But if he told us
about BeigaI's role
in the Masucci family business,
I'm sure he could live
a long and prosperous life.
We got nothing to lose, Joe.
We figure we put the word
out on you,
tell Zalta we did it,
sit back, wait,
see what happens.
My bet? He's gonna be
very cooperative.
This is illegaI.
Sue us.
Let's go, Mike.
You're bluffing.
Yeah, you're right.
We'd be reaI upset
if something happened
to a piece of crap like you.
"An unnamed soldier
in the Masucci family,
already in custody awaiting sentencing
on an assault conviction,
has been cooperating
with the District Attorney's office
according to reliable
police sources."
Did Pilefsky get
the early edition?
All we got to do
is turn up the heat.
Guess who's down from Attica
for a court appearance?
We want to offer him
a year off his sentence.
I'll get Stone to get it
from Judge Fadenhect.
They still do that crap, huh?
Verified by three sources.
That's it?
That's it.
You'll put it in writing?
Signed, sealed and delivered.
Take off another year
I'll do it naked.
There are three calls on my log
from Pilefsky's lawyer
and it's not even 10:00.
You got it on tape?
Yes, the cameras are
always on in the yard.
Here's our friend
Mr. D'Agastino.
Over to Pilefsky.
Bang, the Judas kiss.
And one scared marked man.
Right on the mouth.
Would you believe that?
Mr. D'Agastino should
consider a career in the theater.
It all plays like opera, except
they actually kill the singers.
Let's see what key
Mr. Pilefsky sings in.
All right.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'll let you know.
Yeah, yeah.
It's Ruffo.
Those sons of bitches.
Those cops!
They planted that story.
Not my department.
Your meeting.
Sure you don't want
your attorney present?
Is he that stupid?!
Oh God, I'm a dead man.
Who the hell do you think
pays for my attorney?
You got to put me
with the feds...
new identity,
witness protection.
You see how easy that was?
You said the magic word.
What word?
What do you want?
Is BeigaI part
of the Masucci organization?
Is the Pope Polish?
How high up is he?
Frank keeps himself aloof,
you know what I mean?
That way nobody can say,
"Frank said this."
Everybody knows BeigaI opens
his mouth, it's Frank talking.
That include hits? That
especially includes hits.
Is that always
the way it's done?
Ever since BeigaI
married Frank's sister.
He said that's
always the way it's done,
from Masucci to BeigaI
to the hitter.
So BeigaI must've
given the order on Mackey.
We can't retry Masucci,
but BeigaI's fair game.
Pilefsky's a convicted I perjurer.
Not strong enough
to go to court.
Strong enough to twist
BeigaI. How far can I go?
You can deaI him down,
but not out.
Prison, not jaiI.
Figure it out.
Turn on your brights, Stone.
My client has nothing to do
with Mackey's murder.
We don't even know
if he's dead, for God's sake.
True or false,
Mr. BeigaI?
Frank Masucci told you
that Vincent Ruffo
took care of Russell Mackey
for good.
Now, before you answer, remember
that you testified that fact in court.
If you want to change
your mind now,
we can tack perjury
onto your bribery charge.
He talked, I listened.
No crime in that.
Depends on what you hear.
What I hear is that it was you
who gave the Mackey contract
to Ruffo.
I hear conspiracy to murder.
And what you hear
is 25-to-life.
Without evidence,
I hear, "Not guilty."
We've got Joe Pilefsky.
He's willing to testify
to Masucci's entire
You're boat has sprung
a leak, Mr. BeigaI.
You're knee-deep.
a convicted perjurer.
We've got tapes on Masucci
and on Ruffo.
And guess who's name keeps
coming up over and over again?
The water is rising,
gentlemen. IllegaI tap.
Warrants signed,
sealed, and delivered.
It's up to your neck...
There's no way, Stone.
There is no way
I give up Frank.
Then give me Ruffo.
What do you give me?
Man one.
If I testify against Ruffo,
I won't live six months.
I'll guarantee you protection.
That's a joke.
You see me laughing?
I'll take my chances.
Then tell me
where to find Ruffo.
Man two, with a sentencing
If I find him,
you got your deaI.
Now how's it work?
He calls me.
Sends a car to pick me up.
I don't know where
I'm going till I get there.
When do you know
who he's in town to hit?
Frank doesn't let me know
till the last minute.
He calls me on the car phone,
I gives me a name.
Ruffo meets the car,
I give him the name.
There is no way
I am going
to say this in court.
Two teams have been on BeigaI
since he left your office.
Ruffo call?
Not yet.
You don't approve.
BeigaI as much as confessed
he was involved in
Russell Mackey's murder.
I dealt BeigaI down to man two
because through BeigaI we get Ruffo.
Through Ruffo we get Masucci.
You trusted BeigaI before.
It backfired.
You wanted-
It's not about me.
No? No, it's about getting Masucci.
That's the game we're playing.
What's being played is you.
You let Masucci
get under your skin.
Now he's controlling
the agenda.
I wasn't aware tenacity in pursuit
of a criminaI was a character flaw.
You can dress it up
any way you want to, Ben,
it still looks
like payback time to me.
The Russians say that revenge
is the sweetest passion.
Yeah, and the Sicilians say
it's a meaI best served cold.
Ruffo just picked up BeigaI.
Headed south on Irving Place.
We got 'em.
What do you think,
linguine at Elio's?
20 bucks says osso bucco
at Primavera.
They got a white wine
and mushroom sauce
that dances on your tongue.
We should all eat
as well as they do.
Crime pays, Max.
For lunch, anyway.
Change of course.
Left on 16th.
We got 'em.
We'll cruise 14th.
I guess that knocks it
for Primavera.
I'm keeping my 20
on the table right now.
We're going to lose them. We got
a problem here. Take over now.
Where is he? They're
heading toward 3rd.
Wy don't you look
where you're going?
Damn it!
Sorry, we checked his office,
we checked his house.
You talk to the wife?
She wasn't in.
Damn it!
We look like jerks here.
There's nothing else
we can do tonight.
We'll talk to the limo driver
in the morning.
Damn it.
I get this call.
Pick up Mr. Harvey Beigal,
drive him to the Plaza.
After that it's, "as directed."
I drove him to The Plaza,
I let him out, I waited.
And then what?
He comes out about
three hours later, around 11:00,
says I can pack it in.
He didn't want
to be taken home?
No. He said he was
in the Oak Room,
went back inside.
I got the car in
around 11:18.
Nice tip,
no mess in the back seat.
The best kind of night.
Sorry, I can't help
you. Better ask one of the waiters.
We already did.
He was wearing a fedora,
if that's any help.
Latest yuppie affectation.
They all want to look like their fathers.
I still can't help you.
Are you sure?
The place was busy last night.
If somebody spends three hours
at one of my tables,
I'm going to remember him,
hat or no hat.
Count on it-
he wasn't here.
My husband owns property
in Connecticut.
It's likely that's where he is.
Well, he wouldn't have
called you?
Harv's a big boy,
and I'm not I a possessive woman.
You have a very trusting
We respect
each other's privacy.
Isn't that the way
it's supposed to be?
Whatever works.
The point is, Mrs. BeigaI,
your husband had a meeting
yesterday with Vincent Ruffo.
He's been MIA ever since.
You've heard of Vincent Ruffo?
He's an associate
of your brother's.
Sergeant, we have
nothing more to talk about.
If you don't mind, I promised to take
my daughter shopping.
Come here.
What's the big deaI, huh?
So maybe I pad the bill
by a half an hour.
That a federaI crime?
Your passenger never came home.
Maybe he got lucky.
Hey, listen,
you don't come clean with us,
you're going to be cracking
your nuts inside a cage.
Just between us, right?
I could lose
my chauffeur's license.
Half an hour
after he goes into The Plaza,
BeigaI comes out
with this guy...
face like a fist.
They want to borrow my car.
What for? I'm not
dumb enough to ask.
He gives me a couple
of hundreds and tells me
I can pick up the car
in three hours at Pier 26.
You always
give your car up that easy?
Some people you don't
say no to.
I get out, guy takes the wheeI,
BeigaI gets in beside him.
And when you got the car back?
Clean as when it left except
a couple more hundred on the seat,
and 50 more miles
on the odometer.
Car's got a phone, right?
Yeah, and a TV too.
Can you tell
if the phone was being used?
Sure. The customer gets
charged for incoming
and outgoing calls.
And last night?
Nobody touched it.
You think BeigaI
fled the jurisdiction?
I think he's dead, and I got a feeling
so does Katherine BeigaI.
Masucci had BeigaI Ruffo'd.
The way we see it is, he set up
the meeting with BeigaI and Ruffo...
that much we got on tape.
But Masucci
never called the car
to give BeigaI
the name of the hit.
Which means that the name
was BeigaI.
Stone's right- his own brother-in-law?
This guy's a mad dog.
BeigaI might've been family,
but he wasn't Family with a Sicilian F.
That'd explain why Mrs. BeigaI's
been calling her brother all afternoon.
Five calls in the last three hours.
Masucci's ducking her.
Probably doesn't want to hear
how much she enjoys being a widow.
Great, now we got to keep
the taiI on the sister.
NaiI Masucci through
his sister?
Feels like a reach.
I don't like it either. You got any
better ideas, I'll be glad to take them.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
They'll be there in 15 minutes.
Mrs. BeigaI is at La Stanza
in the Village.
So is Masucci.
It's been an hour.
My guess is he isn't
just lingering over dessert.
Listen, you're supposed
to know what's better!
I like that woman.
Yeah, you would.
Wat Frank and I
talked about is our business.
When it involves
your husband's disappearance,
it becomes our business.
I understand you're caught
between conflicting loyalties.
You don't understand anything
about my loyalties.
You know what happened
to your husband.
So do we.
We can't prove it though.
What exactly does
Mrs. BeigaI know?
That Frank Masucci found
her husband to be a liability,
ordered him killed.
This evidence might
help you see the truth
of what I'm saying.
This is a recording
of a telephone call
Vincent Ruffo placed
to Frank Masucci
two days before
your husband's disappearance.
Frank, it's Vinnie.
Wen did you
get in? Late yesterday.
Howard's the guy you talk to.
But Frank...
I said talk to Beigal.
Give him a buzz.
Wat does "Give
him a buzz" mean?
What do you think it means?
That your brother told Vinnie Ruffo
to kill your husband.
Even if we accept
your interpretation,
what Frank Masucci does has...
What do you want
from me, Mr. Stone?
Answers. Evidence.
I want to find out
where your husband is.
It's only rumor.
Hearsay, at best.
Mrs. BeigaI is not involved
with her brother's affairs,
and will not,
under any circumstances,
testify against him.
Remember, this is
purely speculation.
Speculate, Mrs. BeigaI.
There's a place...
in New Jersey.
What have we got so far?
Masucci's greatest hits.
Double there,
single there.
This one's folded in half.
Anyone recent?
Just bones and hair.
The Garden State.
Only to the mob.
I'm still not sure
about the jurisdiction.
Let the DA worry about it.
Sergeant, we got a fresh one!
Harv Beigal.
Your witness, Counselor.
Murder in the second degree
and conspiracy to commit murder
in the second degree.
How do you plead?
- Not guilty, Your Honor.
- Motions?
The defense intends to move
that this court
lacks jurisdiction
in this matter, Your Honor.
A body was found in New Jersey.
There is nothing to link
that body to New York City.
The People contend that the murder
was committed in New York, Your Honor.
That body was then
transported to New Jersey.
I'll hear motions in two weeks,
papers to be submitted Monday next.
UntiI that time, Your Honor,
the State requests the
defendant be held without baiI.
Your Honor, the defendant...
Save it, Counselor,
this is murder two. No baiI.
Request a hearing.
It's your prerogative.
We have BeigaI's body. We have a
positive ID on Mackey's remains.
I have means and motive.
What you don't have is one
irrefutable piece of evidence
that ties Masucci
to either one of those bodies.
Without that, I'm not going
to let you go to triaI.
What kind of evidence
would satisfy you?
A witness would be nice.
You're not giving me
much running room here.
The last time-
This isn't the last time.
Everyone has an agenda, my boy,
but I won't let yours
take precedence.
I can't have this office
dragged through the mud again.
No smoking gun, no triaI.
We've already told you
under no circumstances
will Katherine testify
against her own brother.
Do you actually think I'm privy
to any aspect of Frank's life?
I'm a woman, Mr. Stone.
Some traditions never die.
You heard the tape.
I'm only asking you
to testify as to its meaning...
that Frank Masucci
ordered your husband's killing.
Thanks to you,
my husband's dead.
You want me dead, too?
Frank Masucci'd kill
his own sister?
What do you think I was
telling you that day in court?
You've got more than a dozen
bodies for God's sake.
What more do you need
to make a case against him?
Please, don't play dumb
with me, Counselor.
We have bodies, we have tapes,
We have Harv BeigaI's...
In other words,
they have nothing.
You can't make
your prima facie case.
I grew up in courtrooms,
Mr. Stone,
on my father's knee.
You're right. Without your testimony,
we're on thin ice.
So I'll just put you
on the stand,
with or without I
I your permission,
and treat you
as a hostile witness.
You can subpoena her,
but you can't force her to testify.
You might want to remind
Mr. Le Claire
what the penalties are
for contempt and perjury.
Please, Mr. Stone,
don't put me in this position.
I have small children.
And I have no choice.
I'm sorry.
I have my witness, Adam.
I'm ready to go to triaI.
Her lawyer's right. You can't
compeI her to tell the truth.
Once she's on the stand,
she will tell the truth.
Oh, I see.
Now you're psychic.
You realize she'd have to violate
every rule she ever grew up with.
Her brother threw the rule book
out when he killed her husband.
You've met the woman. You want to
put your faith in her character,
I won't second-guess
you. We have a problem.
Masucci's just been bailed out.
Just been what?
By whom?
You sure he's here?
He was doing arrangements.
Don't move.
Sure, I knew
Masucci's baiI hearing
wasn't scheduled
untiI Thursday,
but his attorney brought it
by order to show cause.
You should've called me!
I tried,
but Judge Overmeyer-
He gave me 10 minutes.
He said no adjournments.
So Masucci's out on baiI,
what's the big deaI?
Where's he going to go?
His sister was standing there
with a check for a million bucks.
For a million bucks, I'd...
Katherine BeigaI
posted his baiI?
Overmeyer. Connected?
The largest contributor
to his campaign fund
is New York Cement.
You figure it out.
Why would Katherine BeigaI...
I don't want to speculate.
Find her.
Call Cragen, and tell him
to pick up Masucci.
For what?
I don't give a damn.
For spitting on the sidewalk.
Now, PauI!
We have a warrant for your
husband's arrest, Mrs. Masucci.
He just got out.
What could he have done
in five hours?
David, take your brother
to his room right now!
Cute kids.
When they're asleep.
Let's see,
Frank said something about...
some meetings?
Try the sociaI club downtown.
That's where he keeps
his office,
but I suppose
you already know that.
When does he usually come home?
8:00, unless he has
a business dinner.
He likes to kiss
the boys good night.
Can I ask you something?
What exactly does
your husband do for a living?
I thought so.
One and a half more kids
they'd be on the cover
of "Life" magazine.
The perfect American family.
Masucci had another kid-
a boy.
Jumped a red light
in his convertible.
Ran square
into a pick-up. DOA.
Funny, the driver of the pick-up
walked away without a scratch.
What's funny about that?
He died two months later.
Drowned out at Atlantic Beach.
He couldn't swim?
He couldn't get out
of his truck.
Frank Masucci.
This is a private club.
You just went public.
Mind if we take a look?
Take it easy, fellas.
Take it easy.
I haven't seen Frank all day.
Hey, pardon me if I think
you're full of it.
I thought you arrested him.
What, he beat you already?
We miss his company.
Were's the office?
Listen guys, I don't know
what you're talking about.
You can show us now, or we
arrest you for obstruction
and then you show us.
All right.
Now, now, Max, be sociaI.
What're you looking at, huh?
Like I said, he ain't here.
You got something more
than an arrest warrant or what?
What're you, a lawyer now?
Okay, Counselor, where are
we likely to find Big Frankie?
Why don't you try the Met?
Hey, try this!
Take it easy, take it easy.
It's dinnertime.
Try La Stanza.
You know what kills me?
These guys,
they ride around
in their limos,
they eat lobster,
they wear vicuna coats.
Should we let him eat first?
While we freeze
our asses off out here?
We got a shooting
on Farrel and Commerce.
Two white males in a gray Cadillac,
heading west.
You all right?
14 shots, from under 10 feet.
Somebody wanted to make sure.
Who do you think
that somebody was?
Katherine BeigaI
posted his baiI,
then hopped a plane
to Miami two hours ago.
She'd posted a million bucks
just to waste him?
No waste of his baiI.
With Masucci dead,
she gets every penny back.
Yeah, well,
she did in 10 seconds
what we couldn't do
in 10 years.
What's that?
Put Masucci out of business...
Any civilians hurt?
Only the bad guys.
Two in criticaI.
You know what this means.
Bodies'll fall.
It's a Gambino war of succession
all over again.
Between whoever's stupid enough
to want Masucci's job.
And who do we go after first?
Let's see who's
left standing in a month.
this is not what I wanted.
I have no complaints.
Let's go tell the mayor.