La Vida Despues del Reality (2023): Season 1, Episode 6 - Kadesh soluciones para la mujer - full transcript

The teacher excels with her new business, improving her family's communication. However, an unexpected visitor changes everything, disrupting the peace in Marcela's life.

Yes of course, honey, stay here.

This is your house, it's our house.

Tell me. Tell me, how can I help you?

Easy, please stay.


- No, you know what? Better to forget it.
- No, no, no. Honey. Honey.

You can count on me.

If it's from your new job
how can I help you?


Just think that it's a good opportunity
for you to bridge the gap between you.

It's not a good idea, you know?
No. It's just... was a silly thing of mine
that just occurred to me. And...

And, no, I just wanted to ask you
something about sales strategy stuff,

since I've never sold anything
and you have.

You have so much experience
and I don't, and so...

No, another day.

I'll help you.

I'll help you, really.


[gloomy music plays]

Thank you so much anyway.

Rest easy.


Well yes, but I also feel embarrassed
with my husband because

he's always seen me
as a respectable woman,

and now he's going to see me
as a sex toy seller.

And to top it all off,
as a bad saleswoman, and no...

Well, yes, but you wouldn't be
in this situation if he wasn't broke

and if you hadn't been through everything
you've been through.

Well yes, that's true too, but that's not
the point of the conversation.

The point is that if I wasn't able
to show those sex toys to my husband,

how am I going to do it with strangers?

Well, don't worry, if you want,
I'll happily volunteer to test

all the little toys and I'll give you
a memorialized report of everything.

Yeah? Oh, so sweet, my best friend.

So sweet, let's see,
tell me, tell me, tell me, pretty lady.

With whom are you going to try them?
With Manolo perhaps?

[groovy music plays]

[voicemail] Leave your message
after the beep.

[phone beep]

Love, it's me again. Look, please,
I'm begging you, answer the phone.

You know that indifference kills me.

I need to talk to be able to exist, yes,
I need to talk to you to be able to be.

Please, I beg you,
whatever you need I'll do it, okay?

Bye, take care.


Really, I see it and I don't believe it.

"Oh, indifference kills me."

Poor little boy,
who's leaving you on read?

Is it Laura? Milena
or some other codependent?

Don't be so nosey, Sara, ok? Look,

about Laura, don't even mention her

because that lady
is the cause of all my misfortunes.

No, but you're talking about me
as if I'm some kind of psychopath!

Maybe not a psychopath,
but narcissistic yes!

Because I've seen you do some things!
I know, and you know that I know.

Marcela, please do me a favor
and explain at this point,

why do you come to me to bring up things
that I told you as a friend?

Well, it must be because I'm a bad person.

Because it's terrible to end a friendship

and above all, the trust
that has been given to you. However,

it makes perfect sense to end a friendship

and trust with my best friend
because she went to bed with my own son!

Look, Manolo is a tremendous actor.

He has a natural talent
that you should take advantage of.

Get him into acting. Maybe in television
he'll make more money, darling,

because with that imagination
he's got there...

Careful, Laura.

Hey, it's from work. Careful, Laura.

[phone ring]

[Marcela] Hello?


[Vanessa] Marcela, how are you?

Uh, oh, Mrs. Vanessa, hello.
How are you doing? Well, no,

everything's fine,
very well, thank you so much.

Tell me, did you do the field research?


Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, of course, of course.

[Vanessa] So?

Well, very good, you know?

Very good, very good.

What great products.
Everything's fantastic.

And..., they really do help you
with pleasure, you know?

[Vanessa] You don't know
how I love to hear you say that.

Because it's actually
the perfect time to share

that wonderful experience
with your first client.

In your mailbox,
you should have the first address

of the place you must visit.

[energetic music plays]



Hello. Hi,

I'm looking for Mrs. Lourdes,
please, mister.

Who's asking?

I'm Marcela Londoño

and I'm looking for Mrs. Lourdes
on behalf of the Kadesh store.

Which is a store
specializing in love solutions.

Nice to meet you. Mrs. Lourdes is me.


Well, it was a little lie
that we had to tell on the platform.

So that we wouldn't scare you,
but we're a group of friends.

Who want to know more about your products.

[groovy music plays]

Ah. Ah.

Well, no, I'm just like this.

Yes, because I came here
looking for Mrs. Lourdes.

You can call me Lu.

[music stops]

Our goal is to make
unsatisfied women like you happy!


Yes, yes.

I'm sorry, sir. Excuse me,
no, not like you guys,

because you guys are definitely gentlemen
who are very well endowed.

- Sorry, sir,
- Oscar! Is your scalp ok?

Well I'm sure all you gentlemen
here are completely endowed.

- What do I know? Well endowed. No!
- Watch out because you might get shocked!

Can I please get the one
that's prancing around behind you, sir.

So that a person who specializes
in gentlemen can come.

- Bring him ice! Bring him ice!
- Really, I'm in charge of the ladies.

- It was all very nice and clean!
- Wait! Wait!

- Keep it as a gift!
[man] You dropped your dildo!

Really? Hey, but did those guys play
for the other team, or what?



They looked like formal gentlemen.

Perhaps they were some morbid guys

who only wanted to enjoy themselves
by making fun of you.

But sometimes it's hard to know
who's for real and who's only pretending.

Plenty of people
will try to pull a fast one.

Just look at me. I'm exhibit A.

Oh, I swear I wasn't
even thinking about Miguel.

Oh no, it doesn't matter,
I'm learning to laugh at myself.

That's it!

Cheers for being proactive!

We have to think
about what you have learned

- from this whole experience.
- I learned many things, for example...

...I learned that talking about this
in public makes me feel very embarrassed.

And also that talking about this in public

without knowing what
I'm talking about is so ridiculous.

You know, what also happens is
that your debut as a sex toy promoter

in the worst possible environment.

Maybe if you rehearsed, I don't know,
in a friendlier environment.

you would feel more confident.

Of course, that's what I need,
to formalize my relationship

with the sex toys, you get me?
Familiarize myself,

because I don't know
how to turn them on, how to pick them up.

When I opened that suitcase. yeah.
That's it. All my misfortunes appeared.


Does that mean you'll take up the idea
of testing the toys with you know who?

No, but...

...take up again, I don't know.

But I'm going
to have to turn to the least worst.

Better than the unknown.


[Marcela] Listen, thinking about the...

...the current situation that we have,

I want to ask you this favor that is going
to benefit the whole family.

I suspect it has nothing
to do with me helping you

with the sales strategy thing, does it?

Look, you can speak freely.

It's ok. I'm a mature person.
Speak, speak...

Well, no, all I wanted to do was ask you
if you could help me with...


Well, to try the...

The products that are there
in the happiness kit.

- You mean the sex toys?
- Mm-hmm.

Yes, yes, I mean the sex toys and...

Well, I think
it's important to make it clear

that this obviously has...'s not...


It has nothing to do with love. No?

It's only just, well...

Just sex, plain sex,
that's all, pure and simple and...


And yeah, you understand?

["Almorzarte" playing]

Two, four, six, eight,
ten, twelve, fourteen...


What now?

Well now...

...well, we...

to be on totally equal terms you have to

take off your clothes.

My clothes?

And what? I put a towel around me?

You know what's a good idea, hun?

Next time you should bring
a bathrobe like those that open here,

the ones they make
you wear for medical exams.

Like for more
sanitation and professionalism.

Let's see if there's a next time.

But since I don't have
a gown like that now...

...then take off your clothes.

["ALMORZARTE" playing]

In the second unit,
we'll look over the body of...

If you'll excuse me,
dear teacher, colleague.

Allow me to steal just a quick minute
of your time and well...

I see you're talking about surrender.

So I want to share something
with you that happened to me.

I surrendered myself,

body and soul to a man.

To that pseudo man over there.

[students laugh]

That's right folks.

- Yes, yes,
- Don't record me, yeah?

I'm talking about Manolo.

You may ask yourselves,

what exactly did Manolo give me in return?

It's simple.

Nothing but a flying kick

[students jeer]

- Oh, Manolo.
- But he wasn't content with that at all.

Manolo, yes, Manolo.

After he forced his way into my world

to literally turn everything
completely upside down.

- Manolo, Manolo.
- He went to complain to his dear mommy.

- Manolo.
- No, don't bring my mom into this, Laura.

And if any of you want to know why
I've come to share all this

with all of you kids here...

[students laugh]

It's so that you know

what kind of a worthless jerk
you have for a classmate.

[students jeer]

- Manolo.
- So now... have all been warned.

And I hope that tomorrow
the same thing doesn't happen to you

that happened to me with Manolo.

[students jeer]

- Wow, she slapped you and everything.
- No, you know I don't even know her.

And she's too skinny.
Stop, stop recording me, and you too.

Stop, quit it! Jeez.

[Miguel] This isn't working.
I thought you were the expert.

[Marcela] No, I'm not an expert.

I'm trying to become one
but you won't help me.

[Miguel] I try to help,
but I can't, what can I do?

[Marcela] Oh, I don't know.
What does the box say? What's this for?

- What's the box say?
- I don't know, that it's for hardness

- and for...
- And for duration!

Alright, but that's not my problem.
Listen, no one has complained so far.

What's up?

With do you mean
no one has complained so far?

- Ah, Roberto never complained?
- Oh, again with the same subject?

- Let it go.
- No, you know what, I don't want this.

I don't want anything. Get this off me.

[Marcela] Get it off. I want to go.
[Miguel] Okay hold on, where's the key?

[Marcela] No, you dropped it.
[Miguel] Where is it? There's the key!


Oh no.

No, no, really, I think it's cool
you're reconciling and everything

and you want
to put all those love vibes out there

but at the very least close that door.

How gross.

[energetic music plays]

- Bye, girls! Be good, you hear?
- Bye.



I need to talk to you!



I need to talk to you.

Let's lay our cards on the table.


Reality is a business.

And you as manager should know
that the offer we're making to Marcela

is the best
we have ever made her in all her life.

Not so much. Really.

Nice try.

Who are you kidding?

Even if another channel pays you
the same as we are offering you,

it's very difficult for the manager's
commission to exceed what we have for you.

So how much are we talking about or what?

About twenty percent
of what we paid Marcela.

So much?

So it's up to you

if you want to earn the quickest
and easiest money of your whole life.

Think about it.

I'll call you later for your answer?

[upbeat music plays]



- Sara! Come on, no, I'll break them.
- No. Come on! Give it back to me!

Why did you leave the apartment?

Oh, what do you mean, why?

No, well, "what do you mean why?" no.

You and your brother weren't
supposed to be there at that time.

What do you mean?
So, are you saying you wait

until everyone leaves the house
to do your orgy parties.

No, mom. Honestly,
this whole thing is very strange.

You spend your time fighting
during family time,

so what were all those fight for?

Have they been made up,
have they been acted?

- Because I don't understand.
- No, you need to stop being so dramatic.

Don't always go to the extremes.
You know, life isn't black and white.

In the middle,
there are a ton of grays, Sara.

No, but I'm not understanding anything.

You and my dad, what?
Do you love each other,

hate each other, are you getting
separated, or back together?

Does my dad like men, women, or what?
Because I don't understand anything!

I don't understand either, Sara!

I want to understand
but I don't understand anything.

So many things have happened
in such a short time!

Ok, so tell me,
do you love my dad, yes or no?

Of course, Sara.

It's obvious. I adore your father.

Don't you see that your dad
has been my boyfriend, my husband?

He is the love of my life.

No, no, no ma but that's not
the question I'm asking you.

I'm asking you if you, at this moment now,
do you love my dad, yes or no?

Well, at this moment
I don't know what to answer you...

because like I said, I don't
understand anything, I don't know...

what decision to make
or what to think, or what to feel.

The only thing I'm doing now is...

...allowing things to calm down.

And when they calm down
and I can see this objectively, well...

Well, yes, then I will make a decision
and I hope it will be the right decision.

Well, for you,

for your father, for me, for Manolo.

And speaking of Manolo, you heard, right?


Laura came after him once again.

This time she went
inside the university hall

and made a huge scandal.
Check out this beauty.

[Laura] To that pseudo man over there.

That's right folks. Yes,
yes, I'm talking about Manolo.

You may ask yourselves what
exactly did Manolo give me in return?

[upbeat music plays]

So listen to this. After totally
destroying Marcela's reputation

not only on television,
but also in social media,

now they're desperate for her to return
to reality TV? But she's so proud.

She hasn't wanted to accept, even though
they're offering her tons of money.

But why wouldn't she? If she's
not working, what's Marcela living on?

Off the air,

because she and her husband
have nothing but debts now.

That business that Miguel had

ended up going bankrupt,
it was a matter of time.

And since she has that bad reputation,

no place has wanted
to give her a job that is...


- Laura, you know how much I care for her.
- Yes.

But I had the parent board on my back,
they had me on the ropes.

I have no idea how we could help her.
What could we do?

Oh, Clemen, I have an idea.

What happens is
that it's something a little...

Rather, I'm going
to need you to open your mind

because it's something
kind of like, a bit different.

[groovy music plays]




I didn't know you were here.

What the hell happened to you?

Did you go crazy?
Let's hear it, tell me the truth.

- What? What are you talking about?
- Yes, you.

Yes, you are harassing Manolo,
you are abusing my trust,

and you're also trying
to play me for a damn fool.

Ah, so your kid
came complaining to you again.

No, my boy
didn't complain to me. Let's see.

Tell me if this lady here,

in this very shameful video of this scene
at the university, isn't you?

Tell me if you aren't this lady

here in this video
that is all over the social networks!

Tell me, because my son isn't a damn liar!

Marce, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but I'm getting crazy
with jealousy because he gets lost on me.

Oh yeah? But why do you have
to subject him to public scandal, Laura?

Because, I don't know,
I felt like I had to

give free rein to my pain and my anger
that I couldn't seem to find him anywhere.

Look, look, really, Laura, seriously.
This doesn't make any sense at all.

Why are you doing this to my son?
Understand me!

Because I fell in love, Marcela,
I fell in love like a young teenager!

I know you don't understand me but please,
put yourself in my place.

No, no, I can't put myself
in your place, you know why?

First because he's my son,
second because he's a little boy, Laura.

You're too old for him!

And third because I know you
and I know that you're doing this

simply because my son
doesn't do what you want him to do!

All right.

I recognize that...

...that I was wrong,
but it's because I felt

that Manolo betrayed our relationship
by coming to you with stories.

Yeah? I'm going to tell you
one thing so that it's clear,

and I hope it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Your "relationship"
for my son doesn't exist!

Marce don't be so cruel.

Hey, it's okay,
I assure you that this is over now.

I've already given Manolo
the punishment that I wanted.

But it's okay, I promise you that...

...there. I will stop here.
I'll make up for the damage I've done.

I hope so. I wish I could believe you.

Well, I'm going to prove it
to you with facts.

Yes, yes.

Hey, I'm not trying to...

I'm not trying to change the subject,
but I managed to get you a group of women

to test out your sex toys.

What group? What group?

Professor Marcela needs no introduction.

- Everybody knows her.
- Yes, Clemencia,

but the strange thing is that
you called us here precisely to see her.

Well she is going to talk to us
about a topic that interests us all.


Sorry, but...

Well now we're going to see

what Marcela comes up with,
because she can come up with anything.


Thank you, Mrs. Clemencia.


First of all.

What a joy to greet you all again.

I'm very happy.

And the second thing is that I'm here
on behalf of the house Kadesh

which is a house specialized in pleasure,

[Marcela] eroticism, and happiness

of women.

And without going into dissertations,

I want you to get to know our great kit.

This is our star product.

This is the kit we all could use,
the happiness kit.


[Marcela] And I want all of you here... enjoy what I have in here.

That's why I'm going to pass by
and see each one of you,

so you can take whatever interests you.

I don't know,
whatever catches your attention,

so that you can take it,
smell it, lick it,

enjoy it, appreciate it, observe it.

Look at it, caress it.

Because this kit is designed
with women in mind. So that we can...

...that's enough.
Enjoy it, either alone or with a partner.

It's pleasure for all.

For these are sex toys!

That's right,
as you're all seeing right here!



Clemencia, and you lent yourself to this?

I think it's ridiculous
that you've done this.

- And you too.
- Oh, please. Let us hear, Olga Lucia.

Let her speak,
let her finish, yeah? Go on.

[Marcela] Thank you.

No, I'm sorry, but with me...

You won't be able to count on me for this.

- I'm leaving.
- Oh, Professor Olga Lucia, excuse me.

But if you're going to take the gadget,
one of two things...

You pay for it or if not,
you give it back to me.

Take your disgusting crap.
And wipe your filthy little mouth.

[Clemencia] Professor,
you know the way out, don't you?

Close the door, if you would?

I would think
that with that temper of hers,

- it would serve her to stay, wouldn't it?
- It would change her whole life.


It has many options. Oh!

- And it has a wonderful scent.
- That's nice.

Yes. And I also have
something for the shower.


[Marcela] Yes, that's right.
I have another one here.


[Gabriel] What's up, Laura?

Do you have a message from Marcela yet?

Well actually I don't have anything
just yet, but I'm going to need

one more day
to see what I'll come up with.

Of course,
I should warn you about something,

since she's so reluctant to accept,

the stellar return of old lady fitness
is going to cost you a little bit more

than what we'd talked about.



[man] Marcela.



What are you doing here?

[Agusto] No, I wasn't eliminated.
- Oh no? So did they give you permission?

Let's say I gave myself permission.

- What do you mean?
- I ran away.

No! But how could you do that?

Those people must be out there
looking for you like crazy.

If they've figured it out then yes,
they must be in a huge mess.

How could they not notice? Of course!
I bet even Interpol is looking for you!

I didn't care, I had to do it.

I was tired of the uncertainty,
lack of communication. I couldn't take it!

Sure and you went to look
for your girlfriend. I'm so sure of that.

Look, you have to know that I went

- and I gave her the letter you sent her.
- No, don't tell me.

Valeria just saw me and sent me to...

Well, you know where.

Well, yes, because it's also true
that you have to know that these people

manipulated everything
and they made up a story

- while we were out there...
- Yes, I've already noticed.

They're so shameless!

How could they invent
a relationship between us?

You, who are married, who have children
and me who's got nothing!

Still, they ruined my
relationship with Valeria.

They ruined our lives.

No, it can't be,
but what's this infinite misfortune?

What the hell is going on,
please, come on!

I mean, how can a contestant escape?
Especially Agusto?

But you know that that guy was panicking
about the isolation thing.

Well, I don't know,
tie him up or something,

but how are you going to let him go?

That guy can go and talk
about who knows what, man!

- They're gonna fire us!
- Don't start panicking.

Laura told me
that she was about to convince Marcela

- to come back to the competition.
- How does that help, Gabriel?

The fable only works
like this: old lady with the boy.

Otherwise it doesn't work, brother.

They're going to fire us!

I don't know,
maybe we can take advantage...

...and reinforce the fable
of the she-wolf with the little lamb.

[suspenseful music plays]

Oh, you have an idea?
Let it go. Let's hear it.

No, I just think that we can say

that the boy...

...was really missing his veteran

and that's why he ran away.

[music stops]

Good one!

Holy crap! Yes! I see you have brains
underneath that hair, don't you.

Good one!

Thank you.

The important thing is that we find them
before the entertainment journalists

- manage to do so.
- No, no, actually no.

A well-handled scandal.

It can be quite a positive thing.

The more we put pressure on them

and the more we can make them suffer,

the faster they're going to come

and ask us to reinstate them
in the competition.

So let's go with my idea.
Those two are going to come back

on their knees, repentant.

And they're going
to return without witchcraft.

That's it!

This is good. All right.

Well done.

That's my boy. Good.

So, after all the scandal,
after everything that has happened,

I lost my job, I was kicked out of school,

and just now, imagine,
my husband went bankrupt.

So what are you doing now?

Well, it turns out
that a lady who owns a sex shop,

a very dear lady, thought
that my image as a man-eating woman

- was actually a good image for her store.
- Really? A man-eating woman?

You with that angel face you have,
inspire nothing but...

- ...sweetness.
- Oh, but not for the whole country.

In this country everyone thinks
I'm an experienced man-eater,

and not only that,
but for younger men too.

Oh no, but...

How sad.

No, don't believe it,
it's not so sad either.


This, for example,
is called the happiness kit.

Here are all the products
that I have to sell.

And it's very nice

because with this I can help people
find their own pleasure.

No, but wait, wait.

I mean, do you actually sell?

Oh no, I haven't sold anything at all yet,

but I think it's
because I don't have a direct relationship

with those products
because I don't know them well.

What I think I have to do is,
like a field investigation,

something like in-depth research.

Uh-huh, and what's that?

If I tell you what it is...

Maybe you can do me a favor.

Of course.

- Of course.
- No, no, don't say of course,

don't tell me yes. Because you
might get scared after I tell you.

But let me explain it to you and...

...and then we'll see?

["Sejodioto" playing]