Kukhnya (2012–2016): Season 1, Episode 15 - Episode #1.15 - full transcript

A week ago Nastya moved in with us.

But our lives almost haven't changed.

Hey, Kostyan, faster...
They are trying to kill me here.

She easily fit in our men's team.


And three of us are having even more fun!

This is my loofah.

And this one is Kostya's.

Listen, guys...

Let's go to the movies.

- Max... we are sleeping!
- Yes.

To be exact... we were sleeping.

Ok, let's go later.

You aren't going to ... eh...
sleep the whole evening.

- Max!
- Ok, got it.

That's it.
I can't do it anymore.

I want Max to move out.

What the heck?

Hello, Viktor Petrovich,
did you wake up already?

You are lying to me.

Viktor Petrovich, you'll be late to work.

Lyova, leave me alone. You'll be late,

and I might be a bit delayed.

Viktor Petrovich, wake up!

First of all, mom did pancakes,

and second you'll be really late for work.

Lyova, you are such a prick!

Where are you going?

It's time to go.

I need to go home before work,
shower and change.

Listen, aren't you tired of this?


Sleep here and take shower
on the other side of the city.

Maybe you'll move in with me?

Where are you going?

You have to understand,
I can't move in with you.

Me and Kostya are paying
for the apartment together.

He won't be able to pay on his own.

Max, if you don't want to live with me,
tell me straight.

I want, but Kostya doesn't want!

I understand it,
but I'll definitely speak to him.

I promise.

Lyova, Lyova,
don't get carried away with pancakes.

Remember you last blood test
and level of cholesterol.

Again just coffee?

Why just coffee?
It's with boiled water.

Viktor Petrovich, you are staying with us
half a year already

And you have never had
a proper breakfast.

Thomas Aquinas got used to say
that gluttony is a sin,

specially when you are late.

Probably he got used to say it about dinner.

But breakfast is
the main meal of the day.

I say that as a doctor.

Well, Lyova, after breakfast
don't forget to wash the dishes.


Lyova, eat,
why are you not eating?

Lyova, my friend...

After dishes...

Go to the dry-cleaning
and collect my suit, please

I'm running late.

But Viktor Petrovich, it's the other side
and it's a rush hour,

I'll be late for work.

Lyova, let's do quid pro quo,

You'll get me the suit
and I'll let you to be late.

- Nnno, wait...
- Vera Ivanovna, Lyova is eating pancakes.


Hello, neighbours!
Stop sleeping, you'll be late to work.

Or you are working
on each other already?

Max, actually we're sleeping.

Kostya, tell him now,
you promised.

Do I have to spoil his mood
right in the morning?

Is it fine that
he's doing it to us?

Where there's whispering,
there's lying.

Well, you tell him and
Im going to take a shower.

Turn away!

Cute birdies!

First of all its not birdies,
it's butterflies

And second stop peeking!

Man, I was checking out
butterflies only.

Guess what...Vika offered me
to move in together today.


- My congratulations!
- Are you stupid?

I refused.

Of course, I like Vika,
but I like my freedom way more.



So you're kicking me out?

No, but I just want you to move out...

...and Nastya wants.

It looks like she is the one
that wants it.

And you call yourself a friend.

Chose a chick over the friend.

Not just a chick, but Nastya.

So will you move out?

No, I'll kneel
and beg you to let me stay.

I'll move out, don't worry.

- To Vika?
- What's the difference?

Anyway I'm not talking to you,
a freaking henpecked!

By the way,
I bought this kettle.

It'll move out with me.

Go ahead, move out together,
I have a boiler.

Well, boil then!

Good morning, Kunstkamera!

Any progress
at culinary battle-field?

Chef, you are an hour late.

Remember, Fedya,
it's not bad if the boss is late,

it's bad,
if he comes earlier than you.

Dima, what brings you here?

Actually, I own this restaurant...
for your record.

That's why I come over
from time to time.

Oh, I'm a bit late,
but you know traffic jams in the morning.

Vitya, I understand kinds of jams
you have in the evenings.

I don't interfere
in your business,

but if you're breaking down discipline here ...

Dima, don't worry,
the kitchen is in a strong hand.

Viktor Petrovich, I'm here.

Lyova, what the heck?

It's been an hour
since the working day started.

But I c-c-c... (stammering)

Lyova, c-c-c-close your mouth

and go to work right now!

And for being late
you'll not get bonus this month.


You saw that,
someone felt far too free.

But I bring them back
to their senses very fast.

No, no... Is it normal?
Is it normal?

You wanted to put
all the blame on me, right?

By the way, I went to c-c-collect
your suit from t-t-the laundry.

And when you g-g-get wasted,
I also cover up for you.

And what the heck is
wrong with ME?

Indeed, your kitchen is in strong hands.

Framed me in front of the boss!

Where did he only
get the courage?

Did you forget who is Chef here?

Chef, better give me the knife
or it might slip accidentally and stab Lyova.

Get off me!

It's not f-f-fair!

You think that if you're Chef
you can do anything, right?


If you don't like this order,
don't work here.

That's it!

You're not Sous-chef anymore.

Attention, Kitchen!

Now we have a new Sous-chef.


And a new storage keeper.


You've got a subordinate
in the storage room.


It's better to communicate
with vegetables then with you.

Go to the storage room now!

Lyova, don't listen to chef.
I'm not your boss.

We're absolutely equal store keepers.

T-t-thanks, now I feel much better.


Lyova, where are you going?

Everyone, back to work!


Work, please.

Viktoria Sergeevna, sorry.

Could you please
pass the wallet to Max?

He forgot it at my place.

Am I delivery service for you?
Pass it yourself.

I don't feel comfortable.

We fought in the morning
when he was moving out.

Where was he moving out?

I thought to your place.

So, did you talk to Kostya?

Yea, he's begging me not to move,
he's tight on money now.

And the owner raised a rent.

But after all, you decided and moved out,

and so fast that you forgot your wallet.

You know, Vika...

And where do you live?

So far nowhere.

So it's better to live nowhere
then with me.

Ok, then, I'll move in with you.

Oh, please, no need to do me a favor.

- Ok, as you want.
- So will you not move in with me?

You said no need.

- And don't you have your own opinion?
- I do.

- And what is it?
- Vika, I don't understand you.

You want me to move in,
then you don't.

Can't you see, it's important
that not only I want this, but us.

I didn't think
it would be so cool in the kitchen.

Without Max, it's cool everywhere.

160 over 90 ...
Viktor Petrovich, it's not a joke.

This kind of pressure is
a predecessor of heart attack.

Yeah. Any kind of stress and...

- Hi, mom.
- Hi.

How was your day?

Good, I was fired.

You were not fired,

You were downgraded
for disciplinary purposes.


For being late.

- Mama, it's not my fault.
- Whose fault is it then?

Viktor Petrovich? Me?

You have to learn
to be responsible for your actions.


Its j-j-just a m-m-madhouse!

Th-thanks mama f-f-for your support!

- ....
- Lev, I prohibited to swear at home.

Viktor Petrovich...

Be stricter with him.


Chef, please fire me.

Poison someone
and then I'll fire you.

No, fire me from the position of sous-chef,
because my brain explodes.

You see, I want to go back to meat,
its calm and cold,

and doesn't shout all the time:

"Where is my order?"
"How much longer?"

- One more word...
- You see.

Yea, sous-hat is not for Senia.


Do you want to be sous-chef?

No, Chef.

Ahhh, so I have to reinstate
Lyova in his position.


And he's telling me:

"Go, Maksimka, round the world
as far as I concerned."

Real friend would not do it.


And wouldn't turn
your mom against you.

- Which mom?
- My mom.

Does Kostya know your mom?

- Chef knows.
- It's clear with Chef, but the jerk is Kostya.

It turns out,
he is not the only one.

Chicken-butt, go get some fresh air
in the kitchen.

I need to talk to Lyova.

- No problem.
- Maksim, please stay.

We, labourers, don't keep
secrets from each other.

Chicken-butt, I can fire you.

Lyova, sorry, but Chef
knows how to persuade.

I'll go out to get some air,
but my thoughts are with you.


Even friends have disagreements.

But beauty of friendship
is that if one friend is wrong

the other one will always find strength
to understand and forgive.

- Maybe you are right.
- There you go.

That's why I forgive you.

You can be back to you duties.

It's... It's you forgiving me?

For b-being late b-b-because of you?

Lyova, don't start...

We've sorted out everything now,
go to the kitchen.

Well, no way!

It's better to be a w-waiter
in the barbecue house

then to be your s-sous-chef!

That's how you talking now...

Wanna go to barbecue house,
you can get out right now!

Ungrateful puppy!

- I taught you, I raised you!
- H-h-h-humiliated me!

So I didn't humiliate you enough,
if you didn't understand anything.

Get the hell out from my restaurant...

- What happened?
- Nothing.

Something...some stabbing pain...

- Heart?
- Obviously not liver.

Wait, you need to lie down.
Maybe you have some pills.

I don't know...
I have some in there...in the office....

Your mom advised me.

Lyova, help me to get up.

Sure. Carefully.

- Let's go.I'll hold you, ok?
- Ok.

Maybe in the kitchen?

Don't feel like it.

Where do you feel like it?

I don't feel like it anywhere already.

Pity, day off is wasted.
Do you want to play counter strike maybe?

- I don't know how to play.
- I beg you, there's nothing to know.

Just run and kill.

- Kill who?
- Enemies.


In the beginning - yes.

Let's better watch a movie.


"Racoons Sasha and Masha have been living
in Moscow Zoo for 5 years already."

" Sasha and Masha are never bored."

" Yesterday the cause of raccoons' fight
was a piece of apple."

- Kostya, don't sleep.
- I don't sleep.

" Sasha acted as a real gentleman
and gave the fruit to Masha."

I'm quietly feeling happy
for Sasha and Masha.

Last order "Cod a la Bras".
Fedia, do it.

That's it, kitchen is closed.


- Viktor Petrovich, the kitchen is clos...
- I've always been saying,

that out of this invalids,
you, Lyova, are the most talented.

- For you!
- Viktor Petrovich, your heart...heart...n-n-n

My heart is in order,
and my kitchen as well.

For order!

So did you... lie to me?

And how else, stupid,
would I get you back

from your girlish resentment
to the kitchen.

Once I'm fed up with cooking,
I'll become an actor, ah?

- Ah, you're bastard!
- What?

- Viktor Petrovich....
- Lyova...

-...you're such a bastard!
- Lyova.

Lyova, cool down,
we're in a different weight range.

- To be precise... height range!
- Heart problems, you're saying... right?

I'll arrange you an attack,
industrial invalid.

- Aha, aha, do it, break it!
- Lyova, it's my cod!

I'll cook for you another one.

And this is for the one
with heart problems!

Fedya! There's not enough cream
in the sauce.

- Open! Open, i need to talk to you!
- Do I look like an idiot?


What do you want, Lyova?
To fight?

I want...

- I want ... to say...
- What?

I don't want you
to set a foot in my house again.

Today you pack all your stuff
and leave.

- You don't live at our place anymore.
- No problem.


Such a mean person!

Lyova, stop blaming yourself!

At the end of the day,
it's Chef's fault.

It looks like it's his fault...

but I feel like a bad person.

Look at that,
I throw him out of the house.

Listen, why is Chef living at yours?

You don't even imagine
what kind of person he is.

When he got divorced,
he left them everything.

And apartment as well.

He asked to stay over few nights
and ...

stuck around.

Do you feel sorry for him?

Of course sometimes
he can be unbearable, but...

... apart from him and my mom,
I don't have anyone.

And he also doesn't have anyone.

You shouldn't neglect the closest to you.

Because eventually
you might be left all on your own.

Do you understand?

I think, I do.

Listen, Lyova, I need to go.


Where are you going?

To one of the closest people
that I have.

Lyova, close the door,
I'm sleeping already.

Oh, Viktor Petrovich, you're at home,
thanks God.

I... I was so scared
that you would leave,

b-b-because, of c-c-course,
all of this was wrong...

I mean... that I told you to leave

We've known each other for ages

l-lots of t-things can happen

We j-j-just have to ask
each other for f-f-forgiveness.

and f-f-forget this stupid story.

I wanna say I'm sorry,
V-viktor Petrovich.

Viktor Petrovich...

Can you hear me?

Viktor Petrovich...

Victor Petr....

Vic... do you feel b... bad?

Lyova, I've almost got a heart attack
because of you passionate speech

Second time today.

Lyova, what's going on?

What is this show for?

Viktor Petrovich needs
to get a proper sleep.

Yes, he has problems with heart.

I have problems with heart.


- Hi.
- Hi.

I want to move in with you.

- Do you not have no place to live?
- No, I just...

I have millions of options.
Kostya asks me to come back.

Lyova invited.
I could hardly fight Ainura's offer off.

But I'm ready to live with you.

I mean I want...
I mean I don't want without you.

And I don't want without you.

That's why
I'm not gonna push you.

Let's leave everything the way it is now.
All in good time.

- Yes, but I...
- We'll definitely live together

But when you are really ready for it.

And now...

Good night.

See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

Cool! I moved to my girlfriend's
front door.

- Hello.
- Hi, Max.

- What do you want?
- Are you at Vika's place?

It's not your business.

Max, come back, I...


We miss you.

- I don't know. And what will I tell Vika?
- Please.

We'll split the rent into three.

Kostya, I can't promise,
but I'll do my best.

We're friends.

- And unlike you, I remember about it.
- Cool.

You can come right now.

"Sometimes life asks us questions,
only answering which, we can move forward."

"Are you ready, for the sake of the future,
not to rush the present?"

"Are you capable to forget your pride
for the sake of the closest?"

- Good morning.
- Good morning, good morning.

Viktor Petrovich
cooked such an omelette!

Is it kind of "I'm sorry"?

It's kind of omelette.

Eat, we'll be late to work.

And for someone life prepared
way more difficult questions...

Kostya, what if Max comes in...

So what?

Does it turn you on as well?

" For example...."

"Will Max come in or not?"