Kojak (1973–1978): Season 2, Episode 7 - Nursemaid - full transcript

A gun shop owner is coerced into obtaining a quantity of handguns for the hoodlums to whom he owes gambling debts. When a young gang member is killed and the weapon traced to his store, he is eliminated to prevent his talking to police. His motherly bookkeeper witnesses his abduction and is taken into protective custody, pending her appearance before the grand jury. Safeguarding the sassy senior is not an easy task as the hoods try to silence her-permanently. Kojak is the only officer she really trusts.

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[Kojak theme playing]

Half a tick, like the English people say.


Now, sir, are you a hunter?

I'm hunted.

Ah, well, the reason I ask,
we've got this new Belgian job

in now.

It's an antelope special
with a variable scope.

And, sir, we are talking guns, aren't we?

Hey, tell me, are you good
at guessing occupations?

I mean, you know, this was
a TV show, and I signed in.

I'll give you a hint.

I'm salaried, and I deal in the service.

Oh, yeah, and I touch
people in my line of work.

You remember now, Lou?

Very funny.

You're a leg breaker for Marty Clifford.

Here and there, a spine,
an occasional neck.

Look, I told Marty already--
Mr. Clifford wonders if you're ever

going to be in a position to repay

the principal on the loan.

He knows my setup here.

It takes a certain amount of time.

Time's up.

You happen to have $6,550?

Yeah, thoroughbred racehorse
is a treacherous animal.

But you insisted, Lou.

I can give him some of it.

No, some of it won't do it for us, Lou.

Let me think about this for a minute.


What's the matter?

You sick?

No, no, I twisted my ankle.

And I'm fine.

So who told you
to prance around on

those high-heeled
shoes like a chorus girl?

Your mother?

It's my bookkeeper.


Lou, we have an idea.

I'm talking about handguns, pocket weapons.

And by that, I don't mean
those Saturday night specials.

I mean quality pocket weapons.

Maybe automatics, 9
millimeter, about 100 of them.

That would just about clear up your debt.


Man, I'd have to fake 100 sales
transactions, out-of-state sales.

That's the only way I could.

If they ever inspected me, I'd
be-- Oh, you look for the worst.

Lou, this is the worst.


By the end of the week, we want the guns.

I don't think I can get them that fast.

Listen, if it takes a couple of extra
days, Lou, everybody will understand.

I hope, for your sake.



Second 50 delivered,
just like you promised.

You know, I got rid of 25
already last night, Marty.

1,800 bucks, cash.

Where are you storing the rest?

In Vale's garage, under the boiler.

You know what a snook he is?

If he sold them to us in the first place,

he would have come out holding
money instead of borrowing.

You don't understand a guy like Custer.

You've got to force him
into breaking the law.

So, who bought the 25?

That old gang of mine.


Hey, look at this.

It's showing a flag.

Hey, you punks wouldn't want
to come to no stop, would you?

Come here a minute, darling.

We got some heavy business to do.

Yeah, we got my man.

Can't you still know better car than this?

Ooh, seven of yours, including you.

It makes seven ambassadors.

Crashed a little party last night, huh?

No, my sweet.

We was invited.

Well, not by me.

And that block is mine, and you know it.

Man, you want to make a time to get it on?

We can oblige.

Otherwise, flake off.


Get out of here!

And you can't imagine why
anybody want to shoot Willis.

And you think that they're all crazy.

Is that your statement?

I didn't say none of that.

You were getting ready to.

I thought I'd save you the trouble.

Matter of fact, I can
tell you what kind of car.

A '69 Cutlass.

And they wasn't wearing
nothing on their faces.

But I still didn't recognize none of them.

Oh, bubsy.

We got the car.

It was a 1957 Pontiac, and it was blue.

Now, can you and
me, can we have an

intelligent grown-up
to the conversation?

Who was in the car, and
who shot your leader?

The code of the West, right?

Was it the Cavaliers?

To which?

Ain't been no Cavaliers since the merger.

Who then?

The Valentines.

The Club Quattro.

Could be anyone.

Now, this is, I got to say, bumpsy.

Very, very peculiar.

The one outfit
that's closest to you,

that's the one outfit
you forgot to mention.

Huck, two, three, four.

My wallet's in my back pocket, huh?

Hey, I don't want your wallet.

Looking in your wallet,
you probably have

about five, six hundred
bucks in it, huh?

And I don't feel like getting depressed.

Now, go where you were going, Quicksilver.

Here we go.

I think we found our custodian.

My name is Robert Xavier Jurgen,
and I reside at 411 West 19th Street,

and I'm currently unemployed.


Open the door, Xavier.

What makes you think you can-- Oh,
what makes you think you can go in there

without a search warrant, eh?


That's why I got up bright and early
this morning, and I went and got one.

Open the door.

Now, what did you think of that Willis kid?

I mean, personally.

Nothing. We never met.

We travel in different circles.


The ambassadors keep
you up late nights, kid?

I mean, they crowd in your neighborhood?

Hey, if you're looking for weapons,
all that stuff went out in the '50s.

Tom, where you been?


Clean. Too clean.

Oh, it stinks.

I've never busted a clubhouse
without coming up with something.

A converted cap pistol.

A couple of blades. Something.

This is just a class joint, I guess, huh?

Yeah. What's your leader's name?

Oh, look, Xavier.

We got a fire on every
street gang in New York.

You know, it's very simple
for me to go downtown.

I pick up the portfolio under Marauders,

and in one hour, I come up
with everything I want to know,

but you can tell us in five minutes,

and you'll probably say it to yourself,

"Lieutenant Kojak, sir,

why should I be doing your work for you?

You know something, Xavier?

You're right. You're not supposed to,

except that you're a parole violator,

and you shouldn't be in
this joint in the first place.

What's your P.O.'s name? Levy?

What a way to make a living hassling kids.

Oh, you're right.

Totally, totally right, and I'm ashamed.

Now, why don't you take me to your leader?

What's his name?


He lives with his parents and
scares the hell out of them, too.

But they loosened up a little bit.

He's got an uncle who
lives in Pennsylvania.

Whenever the kid gets in deep
trouble, he heads down there.

- Do I have Pennsylvania? - Oh, yeah.

If he shows, they'll nail him.

What about the others?

Look, according to Jurgen,

Louie Wiley was in the back with Gallagher.

He might still be in town,
but his aunt was no help.

I think the driver was
a kid named Brinkley.

We picked him up so far he isn't talking.

They stole the car the
night before out in Queens.

We got partials of it.
We're trying to match it up now.

I don't understand these kids.

I don't think. They just act.

You know, Frank, these
marauders are an old line outfit.

I think when Truman was in the
White House is when they were formed.

Then these kids, they
served their five years.

They get their education.
They get their contacts.

Well, I guess we'll probably nail all
of them in two weeks at the outside.

That is some kind of a joke.

Two weeks at the outside.
That is some victory.

What is it, Theo, in particular?


Who is this?

Seventeen years old, skin like a baby.

Nice, loose-limbed kid, huh?

Probably played a great game of basketball.

You know, they say we're supposed
to get used to things like this.

Isn't that the rumor?


Yeah, he's here.

We're coming.

Crocker. They found the arsenal.

We found them down in behind
the steel pipes in that lot next door.

Any of them look like they've been fired?

No, sir, but they're
all loaded, ready to go.

Seven shot clip.

One in the chamber.

All these 9mm's take a .380, don't they?

In the .380's they're the same thing
they dug out of Willis and the other

kids' rear end.

Look at this. There's half a chance
they'd either blow up or misfire.

Either way, they don't have much velocity.

Look at this, Frank.

First class stuff.
What the hell are kids doing with it?

Xavier says Gallagher bought
them from his own source,

and no one else in the club
knows where they came from.

How would they deliver it?

Says Gallagher brought them in.

In what? Paper bags, cartons, cases?

Carbocartons. And then
they took them... And

they burned them in
order to fry Mickeys.

But you wouldn't know about frying
Mickeys being from where, Jacksonites?

See where the number filed down?
Yeah, that figures.

Maybe the lab can raise them.
You know the acid bath.

They're pretty deep, Frank.
I doubt it, but what the hell.

We'll give it a shot anyway.

[ Music ]

Yeah, so far we got what
looks like a series ending in 014.

You jotting it down, Crocker?

All right, on three separate weapons,
the first two numbers are all, uh...

68. Manufacturers follow armaments.
Call them right away.

Fowler, you got the catalogue right there.

Well, if it isn't for Gay Desperado.


Oh, uh, my check is in the mail.

Yeah, his check is in the mail.
His check is always in the mail.

When it's in my mailbox, then we
can start talking business already.

Yeah, well, call me if you
don't get it by Monday, all right?

Listen, your business
is my business,

so forgive me for
what I'm about to say.


You know, you got two sets of
books which already isn't kosher.

And I'm sorry I found
out about the other one.

You don't know anything of the kind, Mrs.

I'm a bookkeeper. I read.

I read that you ordered 100 guns
and wholesaled them to Arkansas.

And you got 5,700 books, which I
do not record in my books for the IRS.

Listen, that book has nothing to
do with the IRS or anything else.

I'm not gonna tell anybody anything.
I like you.

You're a nice kid.
But don't try and get an edge on.

They're gonna catch up with you.

You had no business reading those books.
That's not what you're paid for.

I'm paid.

Yes, you're paid, and you're canned.


I buried my mother 12 years ago, and
I'm not in the market for another one.

We are temperamentally unsuited
to each other, Mrs. Sandler.


What, Nick?

Come on, Susie.

Costa's Sporting Goods.
Serial numbers 68915 to 69014 inclusive.

Orders shipped from
Faller Arms three weeks ago.

Where's he located?

Broom Street.

Broom Street?

Well, it's handy.

How can I help you?

Well, we're investigating
some weapons, Mr. Costa.

Nine millimeter automatic.

See, last week a young kid was killed,
shot to death by one from a shipment

from the Faller Armaments Company to you.

Oh, that's awful.

Those are our sentiments exactly,
so you can understand why we're here.

Oh, of course. Of course.

Well, uh, look,
Lieutenant, you see,

I'm just a sort of
conduit in this case.

I mean, I shipped those guns out to
several gun dealers out of the state.

Yeah? Shipped how?

Air Express.

So, you know, those shipments are
robbed all the time. Maybe that's what

happened to my guns.


Well, um, these shipments
are insured, I guess.


So, if there was a theft,
you'd be the first to know.

I guess so, yeah.

Would you have the
names and the addresses

of these dealers
from out of state?

Yeah, well, that would be in
my transaction record book.

Hold on.

It's a one-man shop operation.

No overhead. Looks like he does okay.

You think he might be
hustling guns to the street gang?

Oh, crock, huh?
Did you ever watch "Candy Camera"?

They got people. They talk to mailboxes.

They got these little old ladies.
They play the "Star-Spangled Banner" with

hot tire irons.

I mean, they got a guy I saw him
eat a telephone book, so nothing in the

world surprises me, baby.

Meantime, we check him out. Huh?

Who knows?
We try to squeeze him on our side.

Maybe he's being squeezed.

I mean, maybe he's dying to
confess, satisfy his conscience.

Maybe, maybe, and then like that.


Lieutenant, this is stupid,
but it doesn't seem to be there.

It could be my bookkeeper still has it.

Oh. I mean, could you have misplaced
another part of the store, Mr. Costa?

No, and it's not at home.
I never bring it there.

Look, if it's possible,
could you just give

me a couple of days?
I'm sure I can find it.

Sure it's only a matter of a
couple of days, Mr. Costa?

What's that supposed to mean?

Hey, look, we could end the
conversation right now, right?

I mean, I look at this detective
here, we give you a nod, say, "All right,

we'll check with you on Thursday.".

But let's use that word the lawyers use.
What is it? Hypothetical?

That's a Greek word. Did you know?

It means three other guys, not us.

Well, hypothetically, we know
that a gun dealer, any gun dealer,

he's exposed to all
kinds of pressure,

vulnerable with all kinds
of people, you know?

Ugly people, dangerous
people, we know

that and we understand
it, and we can help.

What kind of help for this
hypothetical guy, I mean?

You know, for example, if he's
exposed to any physical danger,

we put him under what
we call protective custody.

You mean if he cooperated, if he talked?

No, no, no, whether he cooperated,
whether he talked makes no difference.

Just as long as he's part of our case.

Do you understand? Now, hypothetically,
does any of this make sense to you?

Sure. Hypothetically.

But there's nothing to say.


Say we're flowers. Well, here.

I put my number down here in
case you change your mind. My card.


Well, thanks. Check with you on Thursday.


What do you think he told him?
Well, he weren't there too long, Marty.

I doubt if he gave him anything good.

He filed the numbers down.

How would they trace the pieces
to him unless he called them?

Unless those kids talked,
that old gang of mine, huh?

What were you
thinking about getting us

involved with a bunch
of juvenile delinquents?

Gallagher had money,
Marty, you know, plenty of it.

And what happens if he gets caught?

Him? He'll tell him nothing.
That's guaranteed.

Guaranteed? What is that guaranteed?
Part of the oath?

Marty, I think I've had it. I think
the best thing for me to do is split.

Maybe the coast.

Oh, they're hard. They must not fall apart.

Two years ago last
day, but what did we

have? A little money
and some contacts.

Now this human's worth
half a million stones.

All right. It's simple.

Costa's under pressure.

But we don't know him well
enough to figure his reactions.

So we act on assumptions.

What do you assume he would
do if the officers leaned on him?

Do you assume
he'd fold up or do you

assume you'll scare
him more than they do?

You make your assumption
and then you act accordingly.

The rule is always safety first.

What happens if he gets busted?

Oh, come on. You know, you're in jail.
You face 10 years. You cop a plea.

You got to.

So you're saying we should put Costa away?

You've got an infected
part of your body.

A band-aid won't
solve it. Amputation will.

Lieutenant, Harrisburg
police just picked up Gallagher.

Did he have a weapon?

Yeah, but he decided to make a stand.

All right, come on.
Don't be diplomatic, Crocker. Is he dead?

They said that he didn't
give them any choice.

Using a 9mm automatic.

You got it. No way around it.
It's the same batch from Costa's.

All right. No more Mr. Wonderful
for Mr. Costa. Go on, pick him up.



Hey. It's locked. Go around the back.

074 Bla. Bla. B-L-A. Yeah, it's a
white car. And the man's name is Louie

Costa. And I think he's been kidnapped.

Two minutes ago, right in his store.
Yeah. One guy had, the top of his head

was bald. And the other guy...

What do you mean? What's my name?

What difference does it
make? Susan Heywood.

No, it's not a
joke. It's just that...


I should over and above everything
else mind my own business.

New York 074 Baker Lewis Albert.
Any warrants?


We were one step behind him Frank.
A half a step. I hate it. And I was cut

off from the gun cellar at both ends.

Did you talk to the desk sergeant at
the 19th about the woman who called in?


She said, I think they kidnapped the man.
And now one of the snatchers was

bald on the top of his head.

But tell me this Frank, how can you
tell that? Unless you're looking down.

Excuse me captain lieutenant.
This is everything from Costa's back room

except no records of the guns.

Yeah, well they must have burned them.
What do you got?

Regular ledgers
and a dress book and

income tax forms
for the last five years.

Bernice M Sandler CPA 24 Broom Street.

That poor schmageggy. You know I
knew there was something screwy going on.

Oh yeah did you? Why? Well I'm entitled
to an opinion haven't I? That's all.

I'm just looking for
something a little more specific.

You got a specific question
I'll give you a specific answer.

All right you got a deal.
You looked over his books recently?

How much is recently?
Mm-hmm the last month.

Well sure that's what I'm
supposed to get paid for.

Look Mrs. Sandler this window this
is a box seat to Costa's kidnapping.

Calling the police was the
right thing so don't be afraid.

Are you kidding? Listen some guy a
stranger years ago he told the police

about Willie Sutton and
bingo they knocked him off.

I called nobody.

You know Costa
could have killed himself

did you ever think
of that? He shot.

himself in the back of the neck.

I didn't know that. All right now
what's so screwy about his business?

Well that car of his and those fancy
schmancy clothes he didn't get that

from the business he had
bills backed up like a traffic jam.

And his volume was
way down this year. Any

loans outstanding?
No not in his credit.

He used to go down to the store a lot.
You see anybody look like a hoodlum?

What's a hoodlum
look like? You know

I've seen plenty of
policemen they look.

like hoodlums. Look I need a little nap.

I nap a lot because I don't sleep
straight through. Are we finished?

Whoever called the police knew
Costa by name knew his car. Who's your

favorite actress?

Look officer. The officer is looking
lady and you know what he sees

something very understandable
a lady who wants no part of this.

And for that I have a certain amount
of sympathy but I also got a certain

amount of pension and I ain't gonna
see a nickel unless I keep doing my job

just a little bit longer.

Now you saw somebody snatch Costa
and I need a description. I got it. Susan.

Heywood. Hey you had your lunch?

Who can eat? You can
eat come on you and

I we got a lot to talk
about grab your hat.

Marty you know I really didn't
go for it. I forgot all about the

crying part. He cried man. He
retched and he cried and he begged.

I know I know. Oh
yeah you know huh?

Is that right? Well
who'd you ever blow up?

Hey Jerry I didn't get to where I am
today without getting my hands dirty.

I keep thinking about that poor
Gallagher kid too. He's a nice kid. I know

since he was 11 years old.
I even helped initiate him.

Yeah he was a marauder all the way.

Tradition. Not necessarily. Look I
don't think we're getting no place here.

Oh I didn't know about that did I?
You send back that marauder file yet? No.

I meant to but.

Well don't apologize.
Your instincts are

improving. My old
lady would be thrilled.

Now these lovelies are part of a
gang not your neighborhood darling all

right? Now if anyone strikes a chord.

Jerry Bailers. Get
him. Gotta stop. Huh?

Well that's muzzled
up in my language.

Police Bailers you are under arrest.
Assume the position. Get up there. Stavros you

want to read him his rights? You can
remain silent if you choose to give up

that right anything you
say can be held against you.

I know. You want to shut up I gotta
go through it all. Come on. You can.

remain silent if you choose to
give up that right anything you say.

Yeah that's him. Both times?
In the store and in the car. He was driving

with the bald headed man and the other one.

Hey Frank this dear lady just made
us a case. We're very grateful. Terrific

now if I could make a graceful exit
already it's not my idea of a second


Yeah Mr. Sandler I'm afraid you're
gonna have to wait. We've got visitors.

Right this way Mr. Sandler.

Jack O'Jack this is Mr. Sutter of the
United States Attorney's Office. Won't

bother to introduce Mr. Houghton of
the District Attorney's Office. We all

know love and respect.

Same to you Charlie. I love him but
I don't respect him. You sound very

cheerful. Do you know
him? Yeah progress

you know progress
always makes me cheerful.

Well obviously we've got a federal case.
Oh no no no we got a federal gun.

law violation against
Lou Costa. But

he's got the greatest
immunity there is.

What about Bayliss? Oh yeah Bayliss
he's involved with a guy by the name of

Marty Clifford you know
strong arm exhaustion etc etc.

But that's all street talk. We got
nothing good enough for an arrest. The

other guy CC Hinton the
balding guy he's a real torpedo.

So the scenario you're developing
is the fact that that Clifford

pressured Coster into supplying
guns and Bayliss is the muscle.

And Clifford and Bayliss and company
sold the guns to the marauders is that

about right?

Well not forgetting one little detail
about the homicide which is why Mr.

Bayliss is still with us at the moment.

What have you got in mind? Well
obviously the homicide takes precedence.

We'll back off as far as the
federal grand jury is concerned.

If it looks like we got a sound case
we get an indictment against Bayliss

for murder. Maybe he'll lay
out the whole racket for us.

Is this lady up to make a good witness
for the grand jury? She can crucify.

Bayliss but she's a little bit shaky
I'm afraid she might not testify.

When is our slot before the grand jury?
Well it'll be a couple of days

anyway. In the meantime I strongly
recommend protective custody if she goes

for it.

That's cozy. Well then maybe you
better broach her to her right now Theo.

Hey you had a senior officer why
don't you broach her for a change?

What kind of mishegoss? Mr. Sandler
we regard you as a very important

witness. Then don't treat me like a crook.

I'm not quite sure that you understand
the meaning of protective custody. I

had a cousin she served six months
in jail once they thought she was pretty

important too.

Oh you sound as if you're talking
about a material witness. What there's a

difference? Oh a world of a difference.

You wouldn't be in jail for one thing
you'd be put up at a first-class hotel

at our expense naturally.
With a bunch of police huh?

Oh no hand-picked
people the best we've

got. For how long
would this go on huh?

Well it's impossible to be absolutely sure.
No fine fine when you're

absolutely sure you give me a ring huh?

Lady if we know your Lou Kastas
bookkeeper they know it. Now if we know you

picked Bayliss out of a lineup they know it.

What a way to make a living scaring
poor little old ladies. What's your idea

of a first-class hotel huh?

You talk to Bayliss attorney? He's
giving him nothing. No statement. But that

can change. You see they
got a witness that sought a grab.

And you heard him before. If you get
in trouble you cop a plea. Where's this

witness at? Who knows.

But if they got him
dead bang for an

indictment he'll give
us all up and you.

know it. Yeah I know it.
It's the only leverage he's got.

We get him out of this we save our
own necks. If there's any way of reaching

this witness we should give it a shot.

Lawyer knows it's a woman. Jerry
figures it has to be Kastas bookkeeper.

Probably in protective custody.

The DA keeps a couple of rooms in a
midtown hotel. I don't know he gets a

deal on them or
something. I'll get

Hinton to start
checking on it right away.

Geez how much does the pirates
charge for a suite like this huh? Well

whatever they charge
they're not gonna

get it from us. We
pay municipal rates.

Look at those curtains what an
operation this high class hotel like this.

Look even the pinch pleats don't matter.

Mrs. Sandler please don't. Oh look
honey you gotta bear with us. You know we

got this regulation
about standing next to the

windows. You gotta
pull the drapes and so on.

Speak. Holloway. Yeah Holloway come on.
Mrs. Sandler what do they call you?

Bernice right? Yeah. Yeah Bernice
this is Doris Holloway she'll be with you

for the duration.

Nice to meet you. Officer Holloway
has been loaned to us from the 14th

precinct. Sergeant. Oh Sergeant Holloway
I'm sorry. What is she a chaperone?

More like a companion I guess.
Oh what's his name?

Susan and she hates noses that are
shaped like yours. Whoops. Where's she

gonna sleep huh? You know there
are only two bedrooms in this suite.

Yeah well honey there are two beds
in your room. I shared a room with my

husband Howard Sandler for over 35
years and I'm not gonna come out of

retirement now. Which is my bedroom?

Yours in there. I think I'll take a
nap now.

Alright, look, yeah we'll have them send up a couple of cots later.
In the meantime Holloway your bedroom's in there.

She's a doll isn't she?

Unsurprised. You've got a small ego
problem working there. Hers are mine?

Hers. Some of that hair comes off
when the cold cream goes on. She doesn't

want us to know it. She'll loosen
up after a while. She likes you. You're

the only one she looks straight in the eye.

Well maybe you're a reminder of her
husband. Come on you're kidding. Howard

Sandler he's gone. So am I.

Hey Saperstine I guarantee you she's
nice man. I took her out and washed

myself. Hold on a minute. Uh that's
room service. You wanna get it? She's

sweet. Believe me she's sweet.
I wouldn't let you down for the world. All

you've done for me. Come on we're
not talking to nobody. Yeah she's nice.

Look the food's here I gotta go.
I'll be down later. Alright.


Tip is on now okay. Thank you.

That's run off.

Yeah will you pager Mr. Sabristine in
the lobby please. How you feeling? Boy

at this point does it matter.
You wanna check out the way we just brought

the food up? No nothing special
you just put a little too much into it.


Something? No no nothing nothing.
But I think what we'll do is get you

something better to eat. This is cold.

How long has the waiter waited Crocker?
Kitchen says he started tonight but

leaves two hours early. Now Sabristine
says that the guy he left within the

car could have been the bald headed
guy that she saw. Alright get on the

phone with McNeil and set it up.

What's the matter? Probably
nothing but let's face it. I mean at these

prices the room service in this hotel
stinks. So I figure tomorrow morning

we'll change the hotel okay.

Well if you think that the waiter's a
spy or something why don't you just

arrest him. For what? For what?
You're asking me for suspicion.

It's a suspicion of what darling?
What a great bunch of protectors I got.

This is getting a little scary. You
wouldn't stay with this would you Kojak?

Please? Hey where am I going?
Besides who loves you?

Ellensburg. What's in Ellensburg?
It's a nice quiet motel, trees, a lake.

First class didn't last long did it?
Hey kid that's a nice place. It'll be

easy to keep tabs on
arrivals and departures.

They're not in the hotel Marty.

You know this for sure. Sweet something.
What could have happened? What?

They must have picked up on my friend
somehow don't ask me how. Maybe they

move every couple of days
just as a matter of course.

Marty this time I really think from
my point of view my best move is to 86

myself out of here. Really?
And what happens if she testifies and they

Joey will give them all three of us.

Let him give. They gotta find me.
Don't underestimate them. Don't.

underestimate me. All we've got to
do is find her. Yeah good luck. Not luck.

Brains. I got a little jingle
upstairs fellows. A brain stone.

All we've got to know is the name of
one detective that was on the case.

Maybe Jerry knows the name
of the detective that busted him.

Check the attorney. Okay?

The man has stolen. Report it to the
uniform sergeant downstairs. It's my

brother's car. I can't find him.
I'm worried. So he's a missing person.

He could be dead. Something was bothering him.
Let me fill out a report.


Five o'clock on the news.

Yeah I'd like to talk
to a detective Stavros.

Yeah. Who?

I've been trying to reach somebody who
knows about a Mrs. Sandler. Somebody

said the police picked her up.
I wonder if I could talk to her.

Pretending to what?

We own this building she lives in and
we just got a bid on the place and it's

worth about 500 bucks to us. We can
move her out but I gotta know how she.

feels about it today.

Where can I reach her?

You can't. What's your
name and I'll have her call you.

Stern. 638-4219. But it's gonna be
right away you see. We're all gonna be

out of a lot of dough.
I'll be waiting for the call. Okay?

Yeah okay.

Operator. Give me area code 914-636-9970.
Yeah I'll wait.

Here you go.

We'll call you if something comes up. Yeah.


Oh Junior you play so lousy. Nobody
could do that by accident. You must have

taken lessons.

And as for me I'm gonna po-verize you.

Okay what you gonna hold down for?

Well as soon as our
illustrious detective

Stavros gets here
I've got the night off.

When do I get a night off?

Look after Monday
night you'll no longer

be a witness but
he'll still be a cop.

Why did they do what they did to Costa?

We murder him.


By the way we got it figured.
That wasn't necessary.

Yeah but tell me why. I wanna understand.

Alright. Now if we picked him up
for dealing in illegal arms he'd have to

blow the whistle on the
guys he sold it to right?

Who in turn sold the children in
the street and it was children killing


It was just one loose
thread but the more

you pulled it the more
it became untwined.

So boop boop boop.
Snip snip. They got rid of him.

What happens to Bayliss?

That's not my ball game I don't know.

In other words he could be
paroled in eight or nine years?

That's not impossible.

What am I supposed
to do? Pray that I

die peaceful in bed
before he gets out?

Bernice you got better
ways to live your life?

Oh you're telling me. In my old age
I'm getting married to older cops huh?

Darling. You're being overdramatic.

Oh Kojak I sincerely hope so.

That was Stavros he'll be here in a
little while. Do you know a Mr. Stern

real estate man who owns your building?

No not by name.

Well here's a number for you to call.
Seems that they want to pay you to

clear out of your apartment.

Hey me to clear out. I ain't moving
no place not at my age. Hey where you

going? You checking out?

No no I got about 36 other detectives.
14 cases either pending or active.

But I'll be back darling.

And I'm going to bring a bottle of
meneshev it's mine. And a marked deck of


Thank you.

Now what's this about the real
estate and the gin rummy hustler?

The agency called Stavros
asked him to have her call.

See you later.


Stavros how would they
know to get in touch with him?


Tell them you got to clean up.


Get down.





I didn't see Clifford in there.

I didn't either but we'll
pick him up for questioning.


Wonder what that's like?

I'm sure they'd be glad to show you.


Hey, tell me something about the protection.

I've witnessed before that
you spend all this time on

you know with the motels
and the hotels and the meals.

And then did you ever have one of
them go in there and and not open her yap

you know just for laughs.

Hey, Bernice when did
you ever play a losing game?

I don't know some people
bring out the worst in there.

I got a broken rib from the time that
doctor that what's her name Doris the

cop she fell on top of me.

Yeah, I'm sure she was just doing her best.

Well, I guess all of you could be dead
by now for doing what you did, huh?

Hey, that'd be too embarrassing.

Look at that face.

Hey, I mean nothing, right?

We're ready for him, Sebb.


Has it happened before?

Raise your right hand.

Do you swear to tell
the truth of all truth

and nothing but the
truth so help you God?


I do.

Be safe.


(upbeat music).