Knots Landing (1979–1993): Season 2, Episode 11 - A State of Mind - full transcript
When her ex-husband files for custody of their children, Abby fights back with her most effective weapon: sex.
- Richard.
- Mm-hm?
Richard, don't.
I, uh...
I thought you wanted to sleep all day.
- Yeah, I did.
- Mm-hm.
- No vodka?
- Mm-mm, not today.
What time is it, anyway?
Uh, quarter to 1.
What time is what's-his-face getting back
with the kids?
Around 2.
Hmm. Well, that gives us an hour.
Of sun.
- Wanna put some oil on my back?
- Wherever you like.
- Richard.
- You wanna get lines?
Isn't this the same suit you wore
the first time we, uh...?
- Mm-hm. How sweet of you to remember.
- Mm.
I'm just a romantic at heart.
- Are you really putting that stuff on me?
- Mm, just a little bit.
You know what that junk does?
Mr. Avery said
it grows hair on your chest.
- I'm getting tired of hearing that name.
- How do you think we feel?
You only have to hear about him.
How come he's around so much?
Doesn't he work?
- He used to have a job, but he quit.
- Hey, Dad, where are we going?
You just drove by our street.
Now, turn over, I'll do the front.
- Mm-hm, the back's fine.
- Look what Daddy bought me, Mom.
- Look what he bought me.
- Oh, no.
- What's that, a rabbit?
- Yeah.
- Look at that.
- Her name's Rita.
- And it's nearly 2 feet tall.
- Well, I can see that. It's very nice.
- She's gonna live in my room.
- Oh, now, hold it a minute, kids. Really.
- Please?
- Mommy.
- What?
- My stomach hurts.
Oh, baby.
I hope you're not getting the flu.
It's the chili dog,
chocolate shake and fries.
Large fries.
I thought you hated
giving them junk food.
It's all they'll eat.
I guess it's what they're used to.
Sweetie, go inside...
and go in the medicine cabinet
and get the white bottle, okay?
- I'll go with him.
- Okay.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye, sweets.
I, uh...
I guess introductions are in order.
Uh, Jeff Cunningham, Richard Avery.
Richard, Jeff.
I'm, uh, the neighbor. I live next door.
Mm. I'm the ex-husband.
I used to live in.
Oh, um...
Oh. Sorry about that.
I see you've had your hands full.
Heh. It's a cute rabbit.
Oh, sweetheart, that's the shoe polish.
Get me the little white bottle.
Shoe polish in the medicine cabinet?
What if he drank it?
- Why would he drink shoe polish?
- If he thought it was medicine.
I'd have to tie him
to get him to take it.
Abby, he's only 7 years old.
Jeff, spare me.
You're leaving already?
- Not till I check the house.
- Check the house?
Oh, wait a minute.
- Jeff.
- Look at this stuff:
Dishwashing liquid, window cleaner,
detergents, scouring pads.
- Look at this stuff.
- Now, wait.
The dangerous things, the bleach,
the oven cleaner, the disinfectant...
it's all locked up,
way up there where I can hardly get at it.
- That junk you're feeding them is worse.
- You took them to lunch.
Brian won't eat anything else, thanks
to you and what's-his-name, Richard.
What does he have to do with it?
- Aren't you gonna say bye to the children?
- I already did.
- Do you do windows?
- Oh.
Jeff. Oh!
You look...
Thanks. You got a minute?
For you? Come on in.
- You finally got him, Laura.
- Three months and 500 houses later.
Well, I hope I was worth it.
Uh, you will be
as soon as you finish signing right there.
- All right.
- All right.
Well, I'm finished.
Now, how about a celebration dinner?
- Uh, when?
- Tonight.
- Oh, I can't.
- Tomorrow night.
- Oh, I teach tomorrow night.
- Tuesday night. That's my final offer.
- Sounds terrific.
- Fine.
Yes? We're gonna talk, we're gonna
make the arrangements, and goodbye.
Seriously, thank you for your patience.
I know the house will be perfect for me.
Oh, I've always known that.
You were the one that had to be convinced.
Well, I am. You convinced me.
I know.
- I'll see you Tuesday night.
- Right.
- Um, I can't wait. Bye-bye.
- Okay.
I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting.
What do you think, Karen?
Well, I think it's only natural
for you to be concerned about your kids.
I'm not overreacting.
You know, that stuff is too dangerous
to leave where kids can get at it.
What kind of stuff?
Oh, you name it.
Uh, disinfectant, bleach, lye.
Lye? What in the world
would Abby be doing with lye?
That drain-opener stuff,
that's got lye in it.
I mean, it's all sitting there.
Just like a bomb waiting to explode.
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe I make too much of everything.
Maybe I should just say:
"Abby, you shouldn't leave stuff like that
laying around."
Instead of flying off the handle
the way I do.
Well, nobody ever accused you and Abby
of bringing out the best in each other.
That's certainly true.
- Get you a drink, Jeff?
- Yeah, please. Scotch, neat.
Karen, let me ask you something.
Um, Abby and, um, Avery, is...?
Is that it? Or is this like a steady stream
of guys coming and going?
Oh, no, Jeff. Don't be silly.
- Just Richard, as far as I know.
- Karen.
And I'm not even sure about Richard.
Yeah, well, I'm sure. The kids told me.
You'd be amazed what they'll pick up.
Jeff, you're just getting yourself
all worked up about nothing.
Now, Richard's been out of work,
he's been hanging around a lot.
You know Abby.
She takes advantage of him.
He's just an over-handy handyman,
that's all.
Maybe I better keep closer track
on the kids.
You know, come by a little more often.
What are you talking about?
You gonna spy on her?
- I'm not talking about spying.
- You're talking about spying.
- Yeah, right, I am. What is it with me?
- You're human.
And that's incurable. Ha, ha.
You know, Abby and I
have been separated a year now...
and in some ways, nothing's changed.
I used to hate going to bed angry.
I'd get this knot in my stomach...
when I'd have to make up.
I've got that same knot now.
Well, Abby's over in her house now.
Yeah, thanks.
Thanks for the drink
and the, uh, good advice.
- Okay.
- Don't be a stranger, okay?
No, I won't.
I can, uh, find my own way out.
- All right.
- Bye.
- See you.
- Bye-bye.
- Karen.
- I know, I know. I got trapped.
- He trapped you.
- Oh, don't be silly.
He's not that clever.
Manipulation is Abby's game, not Jeff's.
I'd like to have an instant replay of that.
He manipulated you.
Anyway, I'm not so sure
that Jeff's worrying for nothing.
Abby's fine with the kids.
She just has a different philosophy
of parenting than we do.
- Less is more.
- That's right.
Thought you were gonna say that.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I'm sorry.
- Eh. Long weekend, the kids.
I understand. Believe me.
Look, how about dinner?
Just the two of us.
Oh. Well, I really wanna get the kids
into bed early tonight.
I haven't seen them. I miss them.
Well, how about lunch then? Tomorrow.
- We have to talk.
- About what?
Pietro's, around 1?
- I'll see you then.
- All right.
- Hey.
- Hmm?
Give them a kiss for me.
Oh. Couldn't you sleep, honey?
I think I'm upset.
What about?
Do you think we're happy?
Me and Brian, I mean.
Well, I hope so. Why?
Because Dad is always asking
if we are.
- What do you tell him?
- I say yes, of course.
But he asks so often.
I started to wonder, you know,
if we were.
I think Daddy's unhappy.
How do you know that?
A kid can always tell.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
It was great having the kids
this weekend.
- I don't wanna lose what I have with them.
- Well, there's no reason you should.
They're a big part of my life.
The biggest now.
Olivia was telling me how concerned
you are about their happiness.
Well, I'm their father.
I wanna make sure they're raised right.
They're being raised right.
This guy, uh...
- Who is he?
- My neighbor.
- You having an affair with him?
- None of your business.
If you're having an affair
in front of my children...
- Nothing is happening in front of children.
- Not according to your sister-in-law.
- What?
- You heard me.
Look, Jeff...
if you want to be a concerned parent,
that's terrific.
But be worried
about something important.
Like whether Olivia's teeth are straight,
or if Brian needs glasses...
or how they're doing in school.
Be worried about the children.
Don't you worry about me.
- And ignore your cheap affair?
- Leave me alone, Jeff.
And get it through your head once
and for all that I don't belong to you.
Those children do.
And if you won't take care of them,
I will.
- I didn't.
- Yes, you did.
I know when he's lying, and he wasn't.
You told him I was having an affair.
It wasn't like that at all.
If anything, I was defending you.
- Oh. Then stay off my side.
- Look, Abby, just calm down.
Jeff came in here
acting as if he knew about Richard.
- And implying you had an army of lovers.
- Oh, terrific.
- And you said, "Not an army, just Richard."
- No, not exactly, I...
- Something like that.
- He's amazing.
And where do you come off anyway
telling him anything?
Do you know for sure that I've
been having an affair with Richard?
- Ah, come on, Abby.
- I asked you something, Karen.
Do you know for sure that I've
been having an affair with Richard?
- Well, I don't have proof, but...
- Thank you.
Would you like to know?
It wouldn't make my day.
Richard and I have been to bed together.
Isn't that deplorable?
- Yes.
- Heh. Of course.
It's deplorable that poor, pathetic,
insecure man...
has something,
one thing in his life that makes him happy.
He has no job, a pitiful marriage...
a wife who's so full of herself
she has no time for him anymore.
All he has is wicked Abby...
who happens to make him a little happy
once in a while.
Well, how charitable of you. Too bad
you can't deduct it from your income tax.
Look, Karen, stay out of my life.
Stay away from Jeff
and don't you tell him anything else.
Because if you do,
I'm gonna start to play dirty.
Is that a threat?
No. It's a promise.
No, Jeff. No more.
I don't wanna talk anymore.
Yeah, well, I do.
Listen, this is important.
Sure, everything's important.
Except we never get anywhere.
All we do is go round and round.
Listen, I just wanna say one thing.
Abby, my only concern is the kids.
No, the kids are fine, Jeff.
They're just fine.
- I'm not so sure.
- They are, Jeff. They really, really are.
I don't know how to convince you
except to ask you to take my word for it.
- What good is that?
- It's good.
It's as good as it ever was.
- But the way you're living...
- "The way I'm living"?
What do you think is going on here?
Look, Jeff...
for the first time in years,
I am happy and content.
And the thing bugging you
is that I'm doing it without you.
- That's ridiculous.
- It's not, it's the truth.
And if you were honest,
you'd admit that our divorce...
was the best thing
that ever happened to the kids.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here again?
- Are you moving back in?
- Of course he's not, stupid.
They're divorced, remember?
Kids, your daddy and I
are talking right now.
Why don't you go upstairs
and do your homework, okay?
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
Gary. Uh...
You remember Jeff.
- Yeah. Good to see you again.
- Hi, Gary.
Um, Val got hung up downtown.
She, uh, asked me to pick up the kids...
so they'd be here when you got home.
- Thanks.
- Work?
I, um, work down at Sid's dealership.
You don't have to work.
I give you enough.
I like working, Jeff.
- Who looks after the kids after school?
- Val usually picks them up.
Terrific. The kids are with a sitter
while you're changing oil and fixing flats.
I'm Sid's bookkeeper,
and it's just a part-time job.
- Like being a mother?
- Oh, come on, wake up, Jeff.
This is the 1980s.
Millions of mothers work.
- It's possible to do both, you know.
- Uh, look, I've gotta get back to the shop.
Good to see you again, Jeff.
- Uh, thanks a lot, Gary.
- Sure.
Is the interrogation over?
- Abby, listen...
- No, no, no.
I've been listening to you all day,
and to tell you the truth, I'm tired.
Besides, the, uh, children are home.
It's time to be a mother.
She's a handful. More than a handful.
- Does it make any sense to you?
- Absolutely not.
Marriage is hard enough.
Divorce is impossible.
I gather your lunch was a disaster.
I haven't had anything to eat today
except one sweet roll for breakfast.
Ha, ha. You hungry?
You know, for some strange reason,
I'm starving.
- Ha, ha. Come on in.
- I thought you'd...
Never ask.
Laura, where is the Dijon mustard?
Um, cupboard next to the refrigerator.
Second shelf.
- Pumpernickel?
- Refrigerator.
Look, I know it's in the refrigerator.
Where in the refrigerator?
Well, I don't know, exactly, Richard.
Look around.
I am looking. I'm looking.
And who wrapped it in tin foil?
Honey, you're the only one that eats it.
Where'd you hide
the Bermuda onion? Laura?
Honey. Honey,
I'll make your sandwich for you.
No, I'll do it. I found it.
I don't mind, really.
Laura, look, I didn't ask you
to help me make my sandwich.
Stop treating me
like I'm a 5-year-old child.
Richard, that's not true.
It is true.
It's been happening
ever since I lost my job.
It's an attitude, Laura.
It's condescending, it's patronizing,
and I don't like it.
Richard, if anything,
I've tried to make things easier for you.
Yeah, well, do me a favor, okay?
Just go out and, uh, convert condos
or, uh, clear escrow and...
And let me make my own sandwiches.
It's impossible, Karen.
Either she does all the talking
or she won't say anything.
And nothing ever happens.
Uh-huh. Well, knowing Abby,
it sounds like that's the point.
Hey, Jeff.
- Hi, Sid.
- Honey.
- Hi, hon.
- You staying for dinner?
- No, I just had some coffee. I have to run.
- Oh, that's too bad.
- I'll talk to you soon.
- Right.
I think I am destined to not eat today.
- Thanks, pal.
- Oh, anytime.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
- More problems?
- Same one.
Well, I'd appreciate it
if you didn't discuss it.
- Why?
- Because Abby is my sister.
And I don't like the idea of having
her life dissected at our dinner table.
Well, she may be your sister,
and it may be uncomfortable for you...
but her life is affecting
a lot of other people.
I don't wanna get into all that.
- It's been going on since she pulled in...
- Look, I just don't wanna talk about it.
Listen, Sid.
I understand your loyalty to Abby.
I really do. I respect it.
But how about some loyalty for the
rest of your family? For your friends?
I mean, this is a small neighborhood,
but Abby is a big problem.
What kind of a big problem?
All right, I'll tell you.
She borrows things and they disappear.
She asks for favors
but she never returns one.
She happens to be sleeping with
the husband of one of our best friends...
an affair that everybody,
including your children...
and niece and nephew know about.
She doesn't seem to have enough time
for her own children...
so Val has become
their surrogate mother.
And ever since
she's gone to work for you...
something is happening
between her and Gary.
I don't know what.
- I'm sure of it.
- Oh, yeah, you're always sure.
Look, Sid, as far as Abby's concerned,
you're right.
She's your sister.
I know what that means.
But she's trouble.
I don't know any other way to say it.
The sooner you get those blinders off,
the better for all of us.
You, me, our children,
our friends, everyone.
Even Abby.
- Mrs. Cunningham?
- Yes?
Thank you.
"Order to Show Cause"?
A notice for a custody hearing?
- Wait a minute.
- I don't write them, I just deliver them.
- I gotta talk to Sid.
- What's wrong?
- Sid.
- Hi.
Jeff is suing me
for custody of the children.
- What?
- He didn't say anything about court.
No, of course not. Not until you gave him
the information he wanted.
- You're gonna need a lawyer.
- I know.
Sid, I want the best. I want someone
who's gonna rip him to shreds.
Michael Maddox. He's a customer.
- Do you think he's really serious?
- Look at this.
- Wouldn't you say that's serious?
- God, I hate him for doing this.
Okay, he's gonna be the best man.
Michael Maddox. I'll get him on the phone.
- Sid?
- Yeah?
You'll come with me, won't you?
Yeah, sure.
I didn't know.
So, what are you doing today?
Oh, big plans. Thought I'd
start with the sports section...
segue into the crossword
and then, um, veer over into the funnies.
Well, I have a business dinner tonight,
so I'll, uh, probably be late.
Ah, yes. The crushing schedule
of the woman on her way to the top.
Laura, you really ought to be single,
you know?
With a condo on the beach, a 450 and...
Damn it, you should be happy
I've got a job.
Low blow, Laura. Very low blow.
Well, I don't care if it is.
I am so tired of this, and tired of you.
If you're not moping around the house
feeling sorry...
you're acting like a fool
with our next-door neighbor.
I come home and the house is usually
a mess, you're in some black funk...
Jason's had another TV dinner
and gone to bed with his school clothes on.
Eh, maybe I'll go see a movie.
When I try to talk to you,
you tell me to leave you alone.
When I'm at work, you're angry
I'm not here. What do you want, Richard?
Richard, what do you want?
Custody hearings usually
start out nasty, cruel and humiliating.
From there, it's downhill. Why?
Because it's a legal proceeding
that tries to make a moral evaluation.
- Of you.
- Why me?
What about Jeff?
How many men have you slept with
since your divorce? One, two, 10, 20?
- What?
- You got a boyfriend? Who is he?
How often does he come to the house?
- Where are the children?
- No boyfriend.
Oh, I see, you prefer to play the field.
A swinger.
- Hey, Mike, come on.
- Hold on, Sid.
You ever smoke grass? Snorted coke?
Been to a porno movie?
Why are you doing this now?
Just give you a little taste
of what you can expect.
Well, it's ridiculous.
Look, Jeff's lawyer has got to prove
you're an incompetent mother.
Now, you're not a criminal
or a drug addict or a child abuser, right?
So he's got to attack your morals.
And "attack" means attack.
Well, I'm not gonna lose my children.
What do I do to defend myself?
The surest way is to iron out your problems
before you get to court.
- That's impossible.
- Why?
Because we're beyond reasoning.
He doesn't want custody of the children.
He's doing this to try to force me
to live the way he wants me to live.
That's not unusual.
- But it's hard to prove, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Then let's go to court.
- I'd try to avoid it.
Why? Don't the courts favor the mother?
More often than not,
but there are too many variables.
Judgmental judges, and frankly,
the times, they are a-changing.
Fathers win more of these cases
every day.
- What's he like, your ex-husband?
- He's a jerk.
- Is that how he comes across? Like a jerk?
- No. No, he can be pretty impressive.
He comes across as very intelligent,
sensitive, caring...
- All hype.
- Give it a try, Abby.
Swallow your pride, clean up your act,
if your act's a little dusty.
See Jeff,
try and iron out your differences.
It'll be a small price to pay
to avoid the risk of losing your children.
David is a very thoughtful guy, isn't he?
- You're pretty smart.
- Hey, I got eyes, that's all.
What do you think? You think
I ought to head him off at the pass?
Don't ask me questions
that I can't answer, Laura.
Well, at least we know where we stand.
- We'll sit down, think this thing through...
- Richard, I have a lawyer.
- Who?
- Someone that Sid recommended.
- I can handle this. Why'd you ask Sid?
- Come on, come on.
My lover as my lawyer?
That'd sound terrific in court, wouldn't it?
I'm not giving Jeff anything to work with.
All right, well, look, I can certainly
coach you on how to testify.
Richard, we're not...
We're not gonna be able
to see each other now.
This, uh...
This could drag on for months,
you know.
- I'm talking about my children.
- Aren't you overreacting a bit?
Maybe so...
but I think it's better to be
overcautious than to take any kind of risk.
I need you.
I don't need you.
I like you, I enjoy you.
But I don't need you.
I have my kids, my job.
I've got a whole new life ahead of me.
An affair with a married man
who lives next door...
Look, you're gonna have to excuse me.
I've got Jeff coming over for dinner
and we're supposed to talk about this.
Yeah, sure. Okay.
It's been nice, all of it.
Let's just hang onto that, okay?
Yeah, well, I'm, uh...
I'm not too big on faded memories
and, uh...
I'm a lousy loser.
No, pass. I'm already past my bedtime.
- But it's only 9:30.
- Yes, but I'm gonna be a grandfather...
and I think I ought to start
acting my age.
- David.
- Good night, Scooter.
- Laura.
- Bye-bye.
- Enjoy yourselves.
- Thank you.
Good night. He's a terrific guy.
- He's the best.
- Yeah.
I bought a house, huh?
But I've lost someone
to spend Sundays with...
and I'm not so sure I like the tradeoff.
Well, you'll just have to start looking
for another house, I guess.
- No, I like this one.
- Oh, it is beautiful, isn't it?
The view at night must be spectacular.
- I thought that's part of what sold you.
- No, you sold me.
You told me about the view, remember?
That's right. We have never seen
the view at night, have we?
- No.
- Well, why don't we have a look?
- There you are.
- Thank you.
This is terrific.
When'd you become a great baker?
When I conned Val into baking it for me.
You know me in the kitchen.
weren't we supposed to talk tonight?
Try and iron out some of our differences?
I don't know if we can.
I thought we decided
that the children were better off with me.
- A year ago, yes.
- Well, what's changed?
I'm saner now than I was then.
This is a nice house
in a nice neighborhood with good schools.
The children are happy. Jeff, what's...?
What's the problem?
Abby, this has been a lovely evening.
- Let's not ruin it.
- Well, let's talk about it calmly then...
and we won't ruin it.
Why do you think the children
would be better off with you?
Okay, calmly:
A difference of philosophy.
- I think parents should be models for kids.
- So do I.
Then you must think it's all right
to have an affair with a married man.
- Oh, God, Jeff.
- You asked me to tell you, Abby.
Do you think the children are even
vaguely aware of my personal life?
You'd be surprised
how perceptive they are.
How can they perceive something
that's not there for them to see?
Then you're not having an affair?
It's none of your business
whether I am or whether I'm not.
I think it is.
- We're supposed to talk about the children.
- This is about the children.
- This concerns the children.
- No, it's not about the children, you...
- Abby.
- What?
- Let me ask you something.
- Oh.
When we were married...
how easy were you?
How many neighbors were there?
Oh, God.
I mean, did I know them?
Was I a joke in our crowd?
- Why are you doing this, Jeff?
- Are you still a lot of fun, Abby?
- Are you still just as easy?
- Oh, stop it.
Well, how about a reunion then
for old times' sake, huh?
- What do you say, Abby?
- Now just stop it.
- What difference could it make?
- Get away.
- One more man, one more night.
- Get away from me, Jeff.
- Come on, Abby.
- Jeff, get... Stop it.
What's the matter with you?
What do you want, Jeff?
what do you really want?
Tell me.
I want you back.
Oh, poor Jeff.
Why didn't you tell me?
You were right. The view is spectacular.
So, um, what do you think
you're gonna do in here?
Oh, I don't know.
- Uh, it is my first house.
- Well, everything's gonna be new.
I... Ha, ha...
I don't know where to start.
Maybe you should start
with something special.
You know,
something that feels just right to you.
And then you can kind of build on that.
Well, I know what I'd like to start with.
I've waited three months to do that.
- I'm glad.
- That I kissed you?
That you waited.
Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.
Oh, no, I'm glad you did.
I wanted to see how it felt.
- And?
- It felt real nice.
So we could build on that.
- I can't.
- Why?
It just would be too much for me.
A relationship, I can't start, not now.
The last six months
have been really chaotic.
There've been a lot of changes,
good ones.
I feel about my life
the way you feel about your house.
I'm anxious to move in,
but I'm not real sure where to start.
You could start here.
- With me.
- I have something to work with, David...
to build on. A marriage.
- But what you've said about that...
- Oh, I know. I know.
But for the first time,
Richard really needs me.
Oh, he'd never admit it, but it's true.
And I like being needed.
Six months ago,
I couldn't have helped him.
Maybe I wouldn't have wanted to,
but now I can.
And I wanna try.
David. David, if I got involved with you...
there just would not be enough left
for Richard.
What if nothing's enough?
Then it's not enough.
But I'll know I did the right thing.
Do you think
I could get my deposit back?
- Olivia, what is it?
- Where's my mom?
- She's asleep, honey. Come here.
- No, I want her. Mommy.
- What's the matter?
- No, I'll take care of it.
No, I want my mom.
Oh, baby, what is it? Come here. Oh.
It's all right. Everything's all right.
Mommy's here.
Mommy's here.
- Aw.
- Can I help?
Come on, baby. Come on.
Up you go. Aw, that's it.
What's wrong, honey?
Did you have a bad dream?
- Yes.
- Oh.
It's okay now. Come on.
Come on,
we'll take you back to your room.
Here we are.
Come on, get under there.
Did you and Daddy make up, Mom?
Honey, we're not arguing.
We just decided not to be married anymore.
Remember? I explained that.
Why is he staying overnight?
Well, we're still friends,
and sometimes we still need each other.
I think Daddy's unhappy when he's alone.
Well, probably.
He doesn't have you two little monkeys
to keep him company.
I think you should remarry.
Will you stay in here with me for a while,
in case I have some more dreams?
- Of course I will.
- You can't snore, though.
Come on.
- There. Is that better?
- Mm-hm.
Wake up.
Richard, come on.
Come on, sweetie, let's go to bed.
I'll just sleep here.
No, no, no. Then you'll feel worse
in the morning than you do now. Come on.
I know. Come on, I'll help you upstairs.
Come on, just put your arm right here.
- I fell asleep.
- Yeah. It's all that wine.
Did you drink it all yourself?
- I think so.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- That's a lot. Come on.
- Did you drink with me?
- No. Here comes a step.
- Oh, there's a step.
- Ha, ha.
- Now a flat part.
- Now there's a flat part.
- Another step.
- Another step.
- Good morning.
- Morning, sweetheart.
I, uh, fed the kids, got them dressed,
made their lunch.
Thank you.
What would they normally do,
I mean, if I wasn't here?
Usually, I'm down here. But this morning,
heh, I knew you'd be here.
- You are, uh, somewhat predictable.
- Well, somebody's got to do it.
Like I said, predictable.
You know, ha, ha...
this morning, having breakfast,
it was like old times.
Olivia wanted waffles
and Brian wanted pancakes.
So we had a great family compromise.
Waffles this time, pancakes the next time.
- The next time?
- The next time we have breakfast together.
you realize...
that you and I are never gonna work?
We did last night.
One night is hardly the basis
for a marriage.
- It's a start.
- It's not a start, it's not a finish.
It's just a night.
Very clever, Abby.
Invite me over to talk...
get me into bed and suddenly
everything's forgotten, isn't it?
- Everything's just fine.
- Stop it, Jeff.
I didn't make you do anything
you didn't wanna.
You got exactly what you wanted.
You got me.
- That's not enough.
- You're the one who fell asleep.
- You're disgusting.
- Well, at least I'm honest.
All your hypocritical concern for the
children suddenly disappeared last night...
when you thought
we might get into bed together.
Abby, what's happened to you?
You're not the woman I married
10 years ago.
The perfect Mrs. Cunningham? Mm-mm.
Jeff, I never was.
She only existed in your head.
And the thing
that's bothering you now...
is that I'm not your fantasy.
Well, here I am, Jeff.
Like it or not, take it or leave it.
I'm me. That's it.
I'll leave it.
- Hi.
- Hello, Karen.
Yes, I, uh, spent the night.
Is that all you wanted to know?
Because I'm in a kind of hurry.
Well, Abby told us
about the custody suit.
And, uh, Sid and I,
we were shocked that it'd gotten that far.
- I'm late for work, Karen.
- Oh, well, what I'm trying to say is, Jeff...
um, I hope I didn't encourage you
to do anything...
Foolish? Like fight for my kids?
Nobody wins in a custody battle.
- Not really.
- And blood's thicker than water, isn't it?
She is Sid's little sister,
after all, isn't she?
I'm speaking for myself right now.
But I know that Sid wants
what's best for both of you.
You, Sid, Abby,
you're all part of the same conspiracy.
You invite me to dinner,
you whisper one thing in my ear.
She takes me to bed
and whispers something else.
And I end up getting ripped off
by both of you.
That's not true.
- No.
- Goodbye.
Jeff. Jeff, wait.
Please, you know that a custody suit
would be terrible for the kids.
Don't you?
- Don't you?
- Yes.
And you're still going through with it?
That's good.
I was telling Sid
that when the chips were down...
you wouldn't do anything to sacrifice
the children. It wouldn't be fair.
This isn't fair.
- What?
- My going home now, alone...
away from my children.
- But you just said...
- I just said no court fight.
I didn't say anything about playing fair.
- I don't understand.
- There's nothing to understand.
I'm just blowing off steam.
- Bye, Karen.
- Bye.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Anything to win, right?
- Come on, Karen.
I didn't twist Jeff's arm.
He knew what he was doing.
- It's too bad you don't.
- No?
He's gone, isn't he?
You won this battle.
Now you've got a war on your hands.
It isn't over, Abby.
It's only the beginning.
What do you mean,
it's only the beginning?
Karen, what do you mean?
- Mm-hm?
Richard, don't.
I, uh...
I thought you wanted to sleep all day.
- Yeah, I did.
- Mm-hm.
- No vodka?
- Mm-mm, not today.
What time is it, anyway?
Uh, quarter to 1.
What time is what's-his-face getting back
with the kids?
Around 2.
Hmm. Well, that gives us an hour.
Of sun.
- Wanna put some oil on my back?
- Wherever you like.
- Richard.
- You wanna get lines?
Isn't this the same suit you wore
the first time we, uh...?
- Mm-hm. How sweet of you to remember.
- Mm.
I'm just a romantic at heart.
- Are you really putting that stuff on me?
- Mm, just a little bit.
You know what that junk does?
Mr. Avery said
it grows hair on your chest.
- I'm getting tired of hearing that name.
- How do you think we feel?
You only have to hear about him.
How come he's around so much?
Doesn't he work?
- He used to have a job, but he quit.
- Hey, Dad, where are we going?
You just drove by our street.
Now, turn over, I'll do the front.
- Mm-hm, the back's fine.
- Look what Daddy bought me, Mom.
- Look what he bought me.
- Oh, no.
- What's that, a rabbit?
- Yeah.
- Look at that.
- Her name's Rita.
- And it's nearly 2 feet tall.
- Well, I can see that. It's very nice.
- She's gonna live in my room.
- Oh, now, hold it a minute, kids. Really.
- Please?
- Mommy.
- What?
- My stomach hurts.
Oh, baby.
I hope you're not getting the flu.
It's the chili dog,
chocolate shake and fries.
Large fries.
I thought you hated
giving them junk food.
It's all they'll eat.
I guess it's what they're used to.
Sweetie, go inside...
and go in the medicine cabinet
and get the white bottle, okay?
- I'll go with him.
- Okay.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye, sweets.
I, uh...
I guess introductions are in order.
Uh, Jeff Cunningham, Richard Avery.
Richard, Jeff.
I'm, uh, the neighbor. I live next door.
Mm. I'm the ex-husband.
I used to live in.
Oh, um...
Oh. Sorry about that.
I see you've had your hands full.
Heh. It's a cute rabbit.
Oh, sweetheart, that's the shoe polish.
Get me the little white bottle.
Shoe polish in the medicine cabinet?
What if he drank it?
- Why would he drink shoe polish?
- If he thought it was medicine.
I'd have to tie him
to get him to take it.
Abby, he's only 7 years old.
Jeff, spare me.
You're leaving already?
- Not till I check the house.
- Check the house?
Oh, wait a minute.
- Jeff.
- Look at this stuff:
Dishwashing liquid, window cleaner,
detergents, scouring pads.
- Look at this stuff.
- Now, wait.
The dangerous things, the bleach,
the oven cleaner, the disinfectant...
it's all locked up,
way up there where I can hardly get at it.
- That junk you're feeding them is worse.
- You took them to lunch.
Brian won't eat anything else, thanks
to you and what's-his-name, Richard.
What does he have to do with it?
- Aren't you gonna say bye to the children?
- I already did.
- Do you do windows?
- Oh.
Jeff. Oh!
You look...
Thanks. You got a minute?
For you? Come on in.
- You finally got him, Laura.
- Three months and 500 houses later.
Well, I hope I was worth it.
Uh, you will be
as soon as you finish signing right there.
- All right.
- All right.
Well, I'm finished.
Now, how about a celebration dinner?
- Uh, when?
- Tonight.
- Oh, I can't.
- Tomorrow night.
- Oh, I teach tomorrow night.
- Tuesday night. That's my final offer.
- Sounds terrific.
- Fine.
Yes? We're gonna talk, we're gonna
make the arrangements, and goodbye.
Seriously, thank you for your patience.
I know the house will be perfect for me.
Oh, I've always known that.
You were the one that had to be convinced.
Well, I am. You convinced me.
I know.
- I'll see you Tuesday night.
- Right.
- Um, I can't wait. Bye-bye.
- Okay.
I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting.
What do you think, Karen?
Well, I think it's only natural
for you to be concerned about your kids.
I'm not overreacting.
You know, that stuff is too dangerous
to leave where kids can get at it.
What kind of stuff?
Oh, you name it.
Uh, disinfectant, bleach, lye.
Lye? What in the world
would Abby be doing with lye?
That drain-opener stuff,
that's got lye in it.
I mean, it's all sitting there.
Just like a bomb waiting to explode.
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe I make too much of everything.
Maybe I should just say:
"Abby, you shouldn't leave stuff like that
laying around."
Instead of flying off the handle
the way I do.
Well, nobody ever accused you and Abby
of bringing out the best in each other.
That's certainly true.
- Get you a drink, Jeff?
- Yeah, please. Scotch, neat.
Karen, let me ask you something.
Um, Abby and, um, Avery, is...?
Is that it? Or is this like a steady stream
of guys coming and going?
Oh, no, Jeff. Don't be silly.
- Just Richard, as far as I know.
- Karen.
And I'm not even sure about Richard.
Yeah, well, I'm sure. The kids told me.
You'd be amazed what they'll pick up.
Jeff, you're just getting yourself
all worked up about nothing.
Now, Richard's been out of work,
he's been hanging around a lot.
You know Abby.
She takes advantage of him.
He's just an over-handy handyman,
that's all.
Maybe I better keep closer track
on the kids.
You know, come by a little more often.
What are you talking about?
You gonna spy on her?
- I'm not talking about spying.
- You're talking about spying.
- Yeah, right, I am. What is it with me?
- You're human.
And that's incurable. Ha, ha.
You know, Abby and I
have been separated a year now...
and in some ways, nothing's changed.
I used to hate going to bed angry.
I'd get this knot in my stomach...
when I'd have to make up.
I've got that same knot now.
Well, Abby's over in her house now.
Yeah, thanks.
Thanks for the drink
and the, uh, good advice.
- Okay.
- Don't be a stranger, okay?
No, I won't.
I can, uh, find my own way out.
- All right.
- Bye.
- See you.
- Bye-bye.
- Karen.
- I know, I know. I got trapped.
- He trapped you.
- Oh, don't be silly.
He's not that clever.
Manipulation is Abby's game, not Jeff's.
I'd like to have an instant replay of that.
He manipulated you.
Anyway, I'm not so sure
that Jeff's worrying for nothing.
Abby's fine with the kids.
She just has a different philosophy
of parenting than we do.
- Less is more.
- That's right.
Thought you were gonna say that.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I'm sorry.
- Eh. Long weekend, the kids.
I understand. Believe me.
Look, how about dinner?
Just the two of us.
Oh. Well, I really wanna get the kids
into bed early tonight.
I haven't seen them. I miss them.
Well, how about lunch then? Tomorrow.
- We have to talk.
- About what?
Pietro's, around 1?
- I'll see you then.
- All right.
- Hey.
- Hmm?
Give them a kiss for me.
Oh. Couldn't you sleep, honey?
I think I'm upset.
What about?
Do you think we're happy?
Me and Brian, I mean.
Well, I hope so. Why?
Because Dad is always asking
if we are.
- What do you tell him?
- I say yes, of course.
But he asks so often.
I started to wonder, you know,
if we were.
I think Daddy's unhappy.
How do you know that?
A kid can always tell.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
It was great having the kids
this weekend.
- I don't wanna lose what I have with them.
- Well, there's no reason you should.
They're a big part of my life.
The biggest now.
Olivia was telling me how concerned
you are about their happiness.
Well, I'm their father.
I wanna make sure they're raised right.
They're being raised right.
This guy, uh...
- Who is he?
- My neighbor.
- You having an affair with him?
- None of your business.
If you're having an affair
in front of my children...
- Nothing is happening in front of children.
- Not according to your sister-in-law.
- What?
- You heard me.
Look, Jeff...
if you want to be a concerned parent,
that's terrific.
But be worried
about something important.
Like whether Olivia's teeth are straight,
or if Brian needs glasses...
or how they're doing in school.
Be worried about the children.
Don't you worry about me.
- And ignore your cheap affair?
- Leave me alone, Jeff.
And get it through your head once
and for all that I don't belong to you.
Those children do.
And if you won't take care of them,
I will.
- I didn't.
- Yes, you did.
I know when he's lying, and he wasn't.
You told him I was having an affair.
It wasn't like that at all.
If anything, I was defending you.
- Oh. Then stay off my side.
- Look, Abby, just calm down.
Jeff came in here
acting as if he knew about Richard.
- And implying you had an army of lovers.
- Oh, terrific.
- And you said, "Not an army, just Richard."
- No, not exactly, I...
- Something like that.
- He's amazing.
And where do you come off anyway
telling him anything?
Do you know for sure that I've
been having an affair with Richard?
- Ah, come on, Abby.
- I asked you something, Karen.
Do you know for sure that I've
been having an affair with Richard?
- Well, I don't have proof, but...
- Thank you.
Would you like to know?
It wouldn't make my day.
Richard and I have been to bed together.
Isn't that deplorable?
- Yes.
- Heh. Of course.
It's deplorable that poor, pathetic,
insecure man...
has something,
one thing in his life that makes him happy.
He has no job, a pitiful marriage...
a wife who's so full of herself
she has no time for him anymore.
All he has is wicked Abby...
who happens to make him a little happy
once in a while.
Well, how charitable of you. Too bad
you can't deduct it from your income tax.
Look, Karen, stay out of my life.
Stay away from Jeff
and don't you tell him anything else.
Because if you do,
I'm gonna start to play dirty.
Is that a threat?
No. It's a promise.
No, Jeff. No more.
I don't wanna talk anymore.
Yeah, well, I do.
Listen, this is important.
Sure, everything's important.
Except we never get anywhere.
All we do is go round and round.
Listen, I just wanna say one thing.
Abby, my only concern is the kids.
No, the kids are fine, Jeff.
They're just fine.
- I'm not so sure.
- They are, Jeff. They really, really are.
I don't know how to convince you
except to ask you to take my word for it.
- What good is that?
- It's good.
It's as good as it ever was.
- But the way you're living...
- "The way I'm living"?
What do you think is going on here?
Look, Jeff...
for the first time in years,
I am happy and content.
And the thing bugging you
is that I'm doing it without you.
- That's ridiculous.
- It's not, it's the truth.
And if you were honest,
you'd admit that our divorce...
was the best thing
that ever happened to the kids.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here again?
- Are you moving back in?
- Of course he's not, stupid.
They're divorced, remember?
Kids, your daddy and I
are talking right now.
Why don't you go upstairs
and do your homework, okay?
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
Gary. Uh...
You remember Jeff.
- Yeah. Good to see you again.
- Hi, Gary.
Um, Val got hung up downtown.
She, uh, asked me to pick up the kids...
so they'd be here when you got home.
- Thanks.
- Work?
I, um, work down at Sid's dealership.
You don't have to work.
I give you enough.
I like working, Jeff.
- Who looks after the kids after school?
- Val usually picks them up.
Terrific. The kids are with a sitter
while you're changing oil and fixing flats.
I'm Sid's bookkeeper,
and it's just a part-time job.
- Like being a mother?
- Oh, come on, wake up, Jeff.
This is the 1980s.
Millions of mothers work.
- It's possible to do both, you know.
- Uh, look, I've gotta get back to the shop.
Good to see you again, Jeff.
- Uh, thanks a lot, Gary.
- Sure.
Is the interrogation over?
- Abby, listen...
- No, no, no.
I've been listening to you all day,
and to tell you the truth, I'm tired.
Besides, the, uh, children are home.
It's time to be a mother.
She's a handful. More than a handful.
- Does it make any sense to you?
- Absolutely not.
Marriage is hard enough.
Divorce is impossible.
I gather your lunch was a disaster.
I haven't had anything to eat today
except one sweet roll for breakfast.
Ha, ha. You hungry?
You know, for some strange reason,
I'm starving.
- Ha, ha. Come on in.
- I thought you'd...
Never ask.
Laura, where is the Dijon mustard?
Um, cupboard next to the refrigerator.
Second shelf.
- Pumpernickel?
- Refrigerator.
Look, I know it's in the refrigerator.
Where in the refrigerator?
Well, I don't know, exactly, Richard.
Look around.
I am looking. I'm looking.
And who wrapped it in tin foil?
Honey, you're the only one that eats it.
Where'd you hide
the Bermuda onion? Laura?
Honey. Honey,
I'll make your sandwich for you.
No, I'll do it. I found it.
I don't mind, really.
Laura, look, I didn't ask you
to help me make my sandwich.
Stop treating me
like I'm a 5-year-old child.
Richard, that's not true.
It is true.
It's been happening
ever since I lost my job.
It's an attitude, Laura.
It's condescending, it's patronizing,
and I don't like it.
Richard, if anything,
I've tried to make things easier for you.
Yeah, well, do me a favor, okay?
Just go out and, uh, convert condos
or, uh, clear escrow and...
And let me make my own sandwiches.
It's impossible, Karen.
Either she does all the talking
or she won't say anything.
And nothing ever happens.
Uh-huh. Well, knowing Abby,
it sounds like that's the point.
Hey, Jeff.
- Hi, Sid.
- Honey.
- Hi, hon.
- You staying for dinner?
- No, I just had some coffee. I have to run.
- Oh, that's too bad.
- I'll talk to you soon.
- Right.
I think I am destined to not eat today.
- Thanks, pal.
- Oh, anytime.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
- More problems?
- Same one.
Well, I'd appreciate it
if you didn't discuss it.
- Why?
- Because Abby is my sister.
And I don't like the idea of having
her life dissected at our dinner table.
Well, she may be your sister,
and it may be uncomfortable for you...
but her life is affecting
a lot of other people.
I don't wanna get into all that.
- It's been going on since she pulled in...
- Look, I just don't wanna talk about it.
Listen, Sid.
I understand your loyalty to Abby.
I really do. I respect it.
But how about some loyalty for the
rest of your family? For your friends?
I mean, this is a small neighborhood,
but Abby is a big problem.
What kind of a big problem?
All right, I'll tell you.
She borrows things and they disappear.
She asks for favors
but she never returns one.
She happens to be sleeping with
the husband of one of our best friends...
an affair that everybody,
including your children...
and niece and nephew know about.
She doesn't seem to have enough time
for her own children...
so Val has become
their surrogate mother.
And ever since
she's gone to work for you...
something is happening
between her and Gary.
I don't know what.
- I'm sure of it.
- Oh, yeah, you're always sure.
Look, Sid, as far as Abby's concerned,
you're right.
She's your sister.
I know what that means.
But she's trouble.
I don't know any other way to say it.
The sooner you get those blinders off,
the better for all of us.
You, me, our children,
our friends, everyone.
Even Abby.
- Mrs. Cunningham?
- Yes?
Thank you.
"Order to Show Cause"?
A notice for a custody hearing?
- Wait a minute.
- I don't write them, I just deliver them.
- I gotta talk to Sid.
- What's wrong?
- Sid.
- Hi.
Jeff is suing me
for custody of the children.
- What?
- He didn't say anything about court.
No, of course not. Not until you gave him
the information he wanted.
- You're gonna need a lawyer.
- I know.
Sid, I want the best. I want someone
who's gonna rip him to shreds.
Michael Maddox. He's a customer.
- Do you think he's really serious?
- Look at this.
- Wouldn't you say that's serious?
- God, I hate him for doing this.
Okay, he's gonna be the best man.
Michael Maddox. I'll get him on the phone.
- Sid?
- Yeah?
You'll come with me, won't you?
Yeah, sure.
I didn't know.
So, what are you doing today?
Oh, big plans. Thought I'd
start with the sports section...
segue into the crossword
and then, um, veer over into the funnies.
Well, I have a business dinner tonight,
so I'll, uh, probably be late.
Ah, yes. The crushing schedule
of the woman on her way to the top.
Laura, you really ought to be single,
you know?
With a condo on the beach, a 450 and...
Damn it, you should be happy
I've got a job.
Low blow, Laura. Very low blow.
Well, I don't care if it is.
I am so tired of this, and tired of you.
If you're not moping around the house
feeling sorry...
you're acting like a fool
with our next-door neighbor.
I come home and the house is usually
a mess, you're in some black funk...
Jason's had another TV dinner
and gone to bed with his school clothes on.
Eh, maybe I'll go see a movie.
When I try to talk to you,
you tell me to leave you alone.
When I'm at work, you're angry
I'm not here. What do you want, Richard?
Richard, what do you want?
Custody hearings usually
start out nasty, cruel and humiliating.
From there, it's downhill. Why?
Because it's a legal proceeding
that tries to make a moral evaluation.
- Of you.
- Why me?
What about Jeff?
How many men have you slept with
since your divorce? One, two, 10, 20?
- What?
- You got a boyfriend? Who is he?
How often does he come to the house?
- Where are the children?
- No boyfriend.
Oh, I see, you prefer to play the field.
A swinger.
- Hey, Mike, come on.
- Hold on, Sid.
You ever smoke grass? Snorted coke?
Been to a porno movie?
Why are you doing this now?
Just give you a little taste
of what you can expect.
Well, it's ridiculous.
Look, Jeff's lawyer has got to prove
you're an incompetent mother.
Now, you're not a criminal
or a drug addict or a child abuser, right?
So he's got to attack your morals.
And "attack" means attack.
Well, I'm not gonna lose my children.
What do I do to defend myself?
The surest way is to iron out your problems
before you get to court.
- That's impossible.
- Why?
Because we're beyond reasoning.
He doesn't want custody of the children.
He's doing this to try to force me
to live the way he wants me to live.
That's not unusual.
- But it's hard to prove, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Then let's go to court.
- I'd try to avoid it.
Why? Don't the courts favor the mother?
More often than not,
but there are too many variables.
Judgmental judges, and frankly,
the times, they are a-changing.
Fathers win more of these cases
every day.
- What's he like, your ex-husband?
- He's a jerk.
- Is that how he comes across? Like a jerk?
- No. No, he can be pretty impressive.
He comes across as very intelligent,
sensitive, caring...
- All hype.
- Give it a try, Abby.
Swallow your pride, clean up your act,
if your act's a little dusty.
See Jeff,
try and iron out your differences.
It'll be a small price to pay
to avoid the risk of losing your children.
David is a very thoughtful guy, isn't he?
- You're pretty smart.
- Hey, I got eyes, that's all.
What do you think? You think
I ought to head him off at the pass?
Don't ask me questions
that I can't answer, Laura.
Well, at least we know where we stand.
- We'll sit down, think this thing through...
- Richard, I have a lawyer.
- Who?
- Someone that Sid recommended.
- I can handle this. Why'd you ask Sid?
- Come on, come on.
My lover as my lawyer?
That'd sound terrific in court, wouldn't it?
I'm not giving Jeff anything to work with.
All right, well, look, I can certainly
coach you on how to testify.
Richard, we're not...
We're not gonna be able
to see each other now.
This, uh...
This could drag on for months,
you know.
- I'm talking about my children.
- Aren't you overreacting a bit?
Maybe so...
but I think it's better to be
overcautious than to take any kind of risk.
I need you.
I don't need you.
I like you, I enjoy you.
But I don't need you.
I have my kids, my job.
I've got a whole new life ahead of me.
An affair with a married man
who lives next door...
Look, you're gonna have to excuse me.
I've got Jeff coming over for dinner
and we're supposed to talk about this.
Yeah, sure. Okay.
It's been nice, all of it.
Let's just hang onto that, okay?
Yeah, well, I'm, uh...
I'm not too big on faded memories
and, uh...
I'm a lousy loser.
No, pass. I'm already past my bedtime.
- But it's only 9:30.
- Yes, but I'm gonna be a grandfather...
and I think I ought to start
acting my age.
- David.
- Good night, Scooter.
- Laura.
- Bye-bye.
- Enjoy yourselves.
- Thank you.
Good night. He's a terrific guy.
- He's the best.
- Yeah.
I bought a house, huh?
But I've lost someone
to spend Sundays with...
and I'm not so sure I like the tradeoff.
Well, you'll just have to start looking
for another house, I guess.
- No, I like this one.
- Oh, it is beautiful, isn't it?
The view at night must be spectacular.
- I thought that's part of what sold you.
- No, you sold me.
You told me about the view, remember?
That's right. We have never seen
the view at night, have we?
- No.
- Well, why don't we have a look?
- There you are.
- Thank you.
This is terrific.
When'd you become a great baker?
When I conned Val into baking it for me.
You know me in the kitchen.
weren't we supposed to talk tonight?
Try and iron out some of our differences?
I don't know if we can.
I thought we decided
that the children were better off with me.
- A year ago, yes.
- Well, what's changed?
I'm saner now than I was then.
This is a nice house
in a nice neighborhood with good schools.
The children are happy. Jeff, what's...?
What's the problem?
Abby, this has been a lovely evening.
- Let's not ruin it.
- Well, let's talk about it calmly then...
and we won't ruin it.
Why do you think the children
would be better off with you?
Okay, calmly:
A difference of philosophy.
- I think parents should be models for kids.
- So do I.
Then you must think it's all right
to have an affair with a married man.
- Oh, God, Jeff.
- You asked me to tell you, Abby.
Do you think the children are even
vaguely aware of my personal life?
You'd be surprised
how perceptive they are.
How can they perceive something
that's not there for them to see?
Then you're not having an affair?
It's none of your business
whether I am or whether I'm not.
I think it is.
- We're supposed to talk about the children.
- This is about the children.
- This concerns the children.
- No, it's not about the children, you...
- Abby.
- What?
- Let me ask you something.
- Oh.
When we were married...
how easy were you?
How many neighbors were there?
Oh, God.
I mean, did I know them?
Was I a joke in our crowd?
- Why are you doing this, Jeff?
- Are you still a lot of fun, Abby?
- Are you still just as easy?
- Oh, stop it.
Well, how about a reunion then
for old times' sake, huh?
- What do you say, Abby?
- Now just stop it.
- What difference could it make?
- Get away.
- One more man, one more night.
- Get away from me, Jeff.
- Come on, Abby.
- Jeff, get... Stop it.
What's the matter with you?
What do you want, Jeff?
what do you really want?
Tell me.
I want you back.
Oh, poor Jeff.
Why didn't you tell me?
You were right. The view is spectacular.
So, um, what do you think
you're gonna do in here?
Oh, I don't know.
- Uh, it is my first house.
- Well, everything's gonna be new.
I... Ha, ha...
I don't know where to start.
Maybe you should start
with something special.
You know,
something that feels just right to you.
And then you can kind of build on that.
Well, I know what I'd like to start with.
I've waited three months to do that.
- I'm glad.
- That I kissed you?
That you waited.
Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.
Oh, no, I'm glad you did.
I wanted to see how it felt.
- And?
- It felt real nice.
So we could build on that.
- I can't.
- Why?
It just would be too much for me.
A relationship, I can't start, not now.
The last six months
have been really chaotic.
There've been a lot of changes,
good ones.
I feel about my life
the way you feel about your house.
I'm anxious to move in,
but I'm not real sure where to start.
You could start here.
- With me.
- I have something to work with, David...
to build on. A marriage.
- But what you've said about that...
- Oh, I know. I know.
But for the first time,
Richard really needs me.
Oh, he'd never admit it, but it's true.
And I like being needed.
Six months ago,
I couldn't have helped him.
Maybe I wouldn't have wanted to,
but now I can.
And I wanna try.
David. David, if I got involved with you...
there just would not be enough left
for Richard.
What if nothing's enough?
Then it's not enough.
But I'll know I did the right thing.
Do you think
I could get my deposit back?
- Olivia, what is it?
- Where's my mom?
- She's asleep, honey. Come here.
- No, I want her. Mommy.
- What's the matter?
- No, I'll take care of it.
No, I want my mom.
Oh, baby, what is it? Come here. Oh.
It's all right. Everything's all right.
Mommy's here.
Mommy's here.
- Aw.
- Can I help?
Come on, baby. Come on.
Up you go. Aw, that's it.
What's wrong, honey?
Did you have a bad dream?
- Yes.
- Oh.
It's okay now. Come on.
Come on,
we'll take you back to your room.
Here we are.
Come on, get under there.
Did you and Daddy make up, Mom?
Honey, we're not arguing.
We just decided not to be married anymore.
Remember? I explained that.
Why is he staying overnight?
Well, we're still friends,
and sometimes we still need each other.
I think Daddy's unhappy when he's alone.
Well, probably.
He doesn't have you two little monkeys
to keep him company.
I think you should remarry.
Will you stay in here with me for a while,
in case I have some more dreams?
- Of course I will.
- You can't snore, though.
Come on.
- There. Is that better?
- Mm-hm.
Wake up.
Richard, come on.
Come on, sweetie, let's go to bed.
I'll just sleep here.
No, no, no. Then you'll feel worse
in the morning than you do now. Come on.
I know. Come on, I'll help you upstairs.
Come on, just put your arm right here.
- I fell asleep.
- Yeah. It's all that wine.
Did you drink it all yourself?
- I think so.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- That's a lot. Come on.
- Did you drink with me?
- No. Here comes a step.
- Oh, there's a step.
- Ha, ha.
- Now a flat part.
- Now there's a flat part.
- Another step.
- Another step.
- Good morning.
- Morning, sweetheart.
I, uh, fed the kids, got them dressed,
made their lunch.
Thank you.
What would they normally do,
I mean, if I wasn't here?
Usually, I'm down here. But this morning,
heh, I knew you'd be here.
- You are, uh, somewhat predictable.
- Well, somebody's got to do it.
Like I said, predictable.
You know, ha, ha...
this morning, having breakfast,
it was like old times.
Olivia wanted waffles
and Brian wanted pancakes.
So we had a great family compromise.
Waffles this time, pancakes the next time.
- The next time?
- The next time we have breakfast together.
you realize...
that you and I are never gonna work?
We did last night.
One night is hardly the basis
for a marriage.
- It's a start.
- It's not a start, it's not a finish.
It's just a night.
Very clever, Abby.
Invite me over to talk...
get me into bed and suddenly
everything's forgotten, isn't it?
- Everything's just fine.
- Stop it, Jeff.
I didn't make you do anything
you didn't wanna.
You got exactly what you wanted.
You got me.
- That's not enough.
- You're the one who fell asleep.
- You're disgusting.
- Well, at least I'm honest.
All your hypocritical concern for the
children suddenly disappeared last night...
when you thought
we might get into bed together.
Abby, what's happened to you?
You're not the woman I married
10 years ago.
The perfect Mrs. Cunningham? Mm-mm.
Jeff, I never was.
She only existed in your head.
And the thing
that's bothering you now...
is that I'm not your fantasy.
Well, here I am, Jeff.
Like it or not, take it or leave it.
I'm me. That's it.
I'll leave it.
- Hi.
- Hello, Karen.
Yes, I, uh, spent the night.
Is that all you wanted to know?
Because I'm in a kind of hurry.
Well, Abby told us
about the custody suit.
And, uh, Sid and I,
we were shocked that it'd gotten that far.
- I'm late for work, Karen.
- Oh, well, what I'm trying to say is, Jeff...
um, I hope I didn't encourage you
to do anything...
Foolish? Like fight for my kids?
Nobody wins in a custody battle.
- Not really.
- And blood's thicker than water, isn't it?
She is Sid's little sister,
after all, isn't she?
I'm speaking for myself right now.
But I know that Sid wants
what's best for both of you.
You, Sid, Abby,
you're all part of the same conspiracy.
You invite me to dinner,
you whisper one thing in my ear.
She takes me to bed
and whispers something else.
And I end up getting ripped off
by both of you.
That's not true.
- No.
- Goodbye.
Jeff. Jeff, wait.
Please, you know that a custody suit
would be terrible for the kids.
Don't you?
- Don't you?
- Yes.
And you're still going through with it?
That's good.
I was telling Sid
that when the chips were down...
you wouldn't do anything to sacrifice
the children. It wouldn't be fair.
This isn't fair.
- What?
- My going home now, alone...
away from my children.
- But you just said...
- I just said no court fight.
I didn't say anything about playing fair.
- I don't understand.
- There's nothing to understand.
I'm just blowing off steam.
- Bye, Karen.
- Bye.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Anything to win, right?
- Come on, Karen.
I didn't twist Jeff's arm.
He knew what he was doing.
- It's too bad you don't.
- No?
He's gone, isn't he?
You won this battle.
Now you've got a war on your hands.
It isn't over, Abby.
It's only the beginning.
What do you mean,
it's only the beginning?
Karen, what do you mean?