Kitti Katz (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Spirit Cat Chaos - full transcript
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-[electricity crackling]
-[Kitti Katz] Meow!
[Kia] So, did you tell your aunt yet?
You mean, tell her how Anubia took over
Charity's body and now has her scepter?
And so much power
that she destroyed the soccer field?
Maybe she won't notice?
No, she'll notice.
Well, at least there's some good news.
I mean, now that the Kat Kouncil
has the gemstone,
they can hide it someplace
Anubia will never find it.
And according to Mr. O'Keeffe,
all we have to do now is get
Anubia's scepter, and we can free Charity.
Right. And if we just ask politely,
she'll hand it right over.
I didn't say it'd be easy.
And if Anubia finds… [burps]
…the gemstone before we find the scepter…
…she'll fully become her goddess self.
Meaning, Charity may be gone for good,
and the world will be doomed.
-Great. No pressure.
-[door opens]
What's all this?
Gotta go.
Tabitha, please.
Dirty dishes go in the dishwasher.
You're right, Aunt Lulu. I'm sorry.
I know I'm not your parent,
but we share a space.
So, see a mess, clean it up.
I promise.
As soon as I get home
from school today, I'll clean it up.
Look. Sorry for the lecture,
but lately, everywhere you go,
you leave a mess.
[Aunt Lulu] Un-be-lievable!
Look at this mess!
What did you girls do
when you were practicing yesterday?
We didn't have practice.
Um, it was just Kia and me.
We, uh, came to run drills.
And the two of you did all this?
We can explain.
[scoffs] I'm listening.
Right. Um, there was this big storm…
Went boom!
Lightning just hit the field,
ripped it apart. Right, Kia?
Uh, um, right. Uh, boom.
Uh… Uh, lightning.
Funny. I didn't hear anything
on the news about a storm or lightning.
Yeah, well, lots of strange things happen
that never get on the news.
[groans] Okay. Let's move on.
Where's Charity?
[both chuckle nervously]
[theme music playing]
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Woo! ♪
♪ Ruby Kitti! ♪
♪ Hey! Sapphire Kitti! ♪
♪ Emerald Kitti! ♪
♪ Kitti Katz! ♪
♪ Meow! ♪
[purring, slurping]
[Anubia] Hmm.
-[slurping continues]
-Look at the cute little kitty.
So, tell me, cute little kitty…
-[cat whines]
…where is the Kat Kouncil
moving the gemstone?
Kat Kouncil? Ge-- Gemstone?
Okay, okay.
Word on the street is Kat Kouncil's moving
the gemstone to one of their safe houses.
But, uh, don't know which one. Honest.
There. You see?
That was easy.
So, uh, you gonna put me down now?
-Eh, sure.
[school bell rings]
[Tabs groans]
Longest day ever.
Thought school was never going to end.
All I kept thinking about was,
where are we gonna find Charity
so we can find Anubia's scepter?
All I kept thinking about was,
wish I could've seen Coach Birman's face
when you made up that story
about the lightning.
-Who'd ever believe something like that?
-Hey, hear about the lightning last night?
You know, still don't understand
why Charity's all mad at me.
We'll work it out. Not like I haven't got
the cold shoulder from her before, right?
And who knows? Maybe she just went
on vacation with her parents.
So, not gonna worry about it anymore.
Good talk. See you at home, Kia.
Better your brother thinks
she's on vacation.
Learning your girlfriend
is wielding a magic scepter
and might destroy the world
could have you a little worried.
[intriguing music playing]
Don't worry.
We should be at the safe house soon.
Just try not to drop the gemstone, okay?
I still don't see why we need dogs
in the Kat Kouncil, much less a bird.
I told you before, Trixie.
You can never underestimate the value
of community outreach in our line of work.
She's right. And besides,
Huggie says he's not a dog. He's a cat.
Right, Huggie? Mate?
[struggling to vocalize]
-[scary growling]
Quick, into the alley.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Trixie gasps]
Anubia's Demon Dogs.
Probably know we have the Anubia gemstone.
[Trixie] Mm.
Better hurry so we can get it
someplace they'll never find it.
Okay, we know Charity
is more Anubia than Charity now.
But we don't know how this
whole possession thing works.
Maybe she still goes where she used to go.
And according to my brother,
whenever they went on a date,
Charity wanted to go to the Neon Grill.
Okay, so we check this Neon Grill again.
And if she's not here,
we check the one by the harbor.
Right. And if we see her,
we grab her scepter and run.
Everyone thinks it's so easy
owning a chain of restaurants.
Sure. But did they ever work
with teenage waiters?
Always complaining they have
to work two jobs to get by.
Or that I keep them part-time,
just so I don't have to pay benefits.
Which is true.
Go on, take a seat.
But no splitting a smoothie three ways
just so you can use my Wi-Fi.
Well, actually,
we just wanted to ask you a question.
Make it quick. I'm busy here.
Had to fire another waiter.
Comes in five minutes late!
You believe it?
We're-- We're looking for this girl, and--
[glass shatters]
-[dishes breaking]
-[man] What's going on?
[woman] Grab my laptop!
-[man] Oh, my goodness!
-[woman] Look out!
You know, before we became the Kitti Katz,
I think we'd be running the other way.
-Yeah. I think we were smarter then.
[Kia] Spirit Cats.
Security camera.
[electricity crackling]
Ruby Kitti!
Emerald Kitti.
Sapphire Kitti!
[all] Meow!
Like my aunt always says,
"See a mess, clean it up."
[Kia] Better stop the mess-makers first.
[wheezes, sneezes]
-[Kia] Bless you.
-[Zami moans]
A little off-balance.
Must be allergic to something in here.
[woozy] Okay. Hold still, kitty.
"Allergic to something" is right.
I'm totally off my game.
Well, not gonna let an allergy stop us
from rounding up these troublemakers.
-Ready, Kitti Katz?
-[Zami, Kia] Ready!
[sneezes, groans]
-[dishes breaking]
Oh, no! They're getting a--
It's the Kitti Katz! Look what they did.
Someone help!
Get those Kitti Katz!
They're criminals!
No! No!
We're not the criminals. We're the heroes.
[action music playing]
I know Cleo has told us
Spirit Cats aren't bad,
but they sure seem to be a bad bunch.
[suspenseful music playing]
-[grunts] Lost them.
-[wristband rings]
It's Cisco!
Kitty Katz hotline. How may we help you?
Was that as bad as it sounded?
Maybe worse.
Cisco, you still there?
[Cisco] Yeah. Just called to say
you're all over the news.
We are? Nice. We're all over the news.
I can hear it now.
"Kitti Katz chase off vandals."
More like,
"Kitti Katz are vandals on the run!"
-Anyway, thought I should warn you.
Also, heard on my police scanner.
There's a disturbance
at the Neon Grill by the harbor.
Spirit Cats!
Thanks, Cisco. Gotta go.
[all] Meow!
[intriguing music playing]
[Zami] My mom!
Maybe she caught
the Spirit Cats in the act this time.
Wonder why Spirit Cats
are attacking the Neon Grills.
My whole kitchen! There they are!
The Kitti Katz! Get 'em!
[Officer Ito panting]
Whoa! Didn't realize your mom was so fast!
[tense music playing]
Stop. Don't make this
harder than it has to be.
[Zami] Same thing she says to me
when I get in trouble at home.
You're not gonna get away!
Stop chasing us! We're the good cats!
-Then why are you--?
-[loud bang]
Can't… hold… on…
[intense music playing]
[both sigh]
[Officer Ito panting]
[Zami grunts]
[both groaning]
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Uh, we gotta go now.
Watch out for yourself.
-Won't always be there.
That's what I always tell my daughter.
Wait! This isn't over!
Wish I could tell my mom the truth.
Wish I could tell her we're not bad.
-[Zami meows]
I wish you could talk, little kitty.
Maybe you could tell me
where those super cat girls went.
[Tabs] Meow!
Those Kitti Katz are crafty.
Gave me the slip. But we'll get 'em.
[owner] Yeah.
Whoa! Looks like the Spirit Cats
have been here and gone.
What a mess.
You know, I could tell
just by looking at them before,
those cats are bad to the bone.
W-- What are we gonna--?
There's that allergy thingy again.
[wheezes, sneezes] Oh.
Where's Tabs?
Right here.
And check this out.
-[gasp] Paw prints.
-Paw prints.
Spirit Cats!
And they went thataway.
[distant meowing]
Shall we?
[electricity crackling]
[electricity crackling]
This way!
-[Tabs] Whoa!
The Kitti Katz? Huh!
Sic 'em!
-What are you doing?
-Catnip treats. They love it.
Uh-oh! Out of treats.
[grunts, barks] What do we do now, Cleo?
Every place we've gone to hide
the Anubia gemstone has turned us away.
Can you blame 'em?
With all the rumors about Anubia
and her Demon Dogs searching for it,
no wonder no cat wants it at their place.
Thought for sure those harbor cats
would have taken it.
But don't worry. Got another idea.
I think I know the perfect hiding place.
This way.
-Oh. [grunts]
-[Trixie] Ha-ha!
Aw, what's the matter, Huggie?
You scared?
Steady, love.
He's a little dog, but he's in shape.
Right. Now, Huggie,
pretend it's a big pile of leaves.
[inhales] Meow. Meow!
[groans, farts]
-[Huggie grunts]
That had to hurt.
[goofy laugh]
I did it.
-[Anubia] My, my.
Long time no see.
Sorry, Dobie.
She's not Charity anymore.
She's Anubia.
-Right. Hold this.
I'll take care of her. [growls, barks]
[Cleo] Dobie! No!
[Dobie whimpers]
-[Anubia] Ha!
[grunts] Finally!
I have my scepter and my gemstone!
Victory is mine!
-Hey! I'll take that.
[Anubia grunts]
[Anubia] No! No!
Go away, bird!
-Dobie, no!
Trixie! Come on. Let's go.
-[Trixie whining]
-[Dobie barks]
Come back!
[Walter grunts]
[unnerving music playing]
[action music playing]
Way to go.
Come on, Huggie. Give us a hug.
From now on,
I'm calling you "Huggie the Hero."
Help! Get them off!
This is all my fault.
I was just trying to get even
with my boss for firing me.
The owner of the Neon Grill?
I just noticed how all these strange cats
are always causing so much mischief.
Thought, with a little catnip,
I could control them.
Get some revenge on my boss.
So, the Spirit Cats weren't bad.
You were.
[Zami] Officer Ito!
The signed confession is in his pocket.
Doesn't mean I approve
of whatever you three think you're doing.
You're welcome!
[chuckles softly]
[gentle music playing]
Cleo, you're finally home.
Impressive. Aunt Lulu will be pleased.
Yeah, well, wasn't too pleased
about me coming home late again.
Sometimes I wish I could just tell her
why I'm always out so late.
Hope you had better luck finding
a safe house for the gemstone
than us getting the scepter.
All our regular places
were afraid to hide the Anubia gemstone.
But we finally found the perfect place.
Right here.
[tense music playing]
[music sting]
[slamming door]
Your throne room is finally ready,
Your Queenship.
Duplicated to just how you left it.
Very nice.
[evil music playing]
-Of course, we made a few modifications.
Why would I want a big-screen TV?
From earlier today.
Why did our little heroes stumble?
Thought you might ask.
[Anubia] Catnip.
the Kitti Katz have a catnip problem.
We'll have to see
what we can do about that.
[closing theme music playing]
♪ Meow! ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Ha ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Meow! ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Meow! ♪
-[electricity crackling]
-[Kitti Katz] Meow!
[Kia] So, did you tell your aunt yet?
You mean, tell her how Anubia took over
Charity's body and now has her scepter?
And so much power
that she destroyed the soccer field?
Maybe she won't notice?
No, she'll notice.
Well, at least there's some good news.
I mean, now that the Kat Kouncil
has the gemstone,
they can hide it someplace
Anubia will never find it.
And according to Mr. O'Keeffe,
all we have to do now is get
Anubia's scepter, and we can free Charity.
Right. And if we just ask politely,
she'll hand it right over.
I didn't say it'd be easy.
And if Anubia finds… [burps]
…the gemstone before we find the scepter…
…she'll fully become her goddess self.
Meaning, Charity may be gone for good,
and the world will be doomed.
-Great. No pressure.
-[door opens]
What's all this?
Gotta go.
Tabitha, please.
Dirty dishes go in the dishwasher.
You're right, Aunt Lulu. I'm sorry.
I know I'm not your parent,
but we share a space.
So, see a mess, clean it up.
I promise.
As soon as I get home
from school today, I'll clean it up.
Look. Sorry for the lecture,
but lately, everywhere you go,
you leave a mess.
[Aunt Lulu] Un-be-lievable!
Look at this mess!
What did you girls do
when you were practicing yesterday?
We didn't have practice.
Um, it was just Kia and me.
We, uh, came to run drills.
And the two of you did all this?
We can explain.
[scoffs] I'm listening.
Right. Um, there was this big storm…
Went boom!
Lightning just hit the field,
ripped it apart. Right, Kia?
Uh, um, right. Uh, boom.
Uh… Uh, lightning.
Funny. I didn't hear anything
on the news about a storm or lightning.
Yeah, well, lots of strange things happen
that never get on the news.
[groans] Okay. Let's move on.
Where's Charity?
[both chuckle nervously]
[theme music playing]
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Woo! ♪
♪ Ruby Kitti! ♪
♪ Hey! Sapphire Kitti! ♪
♪ Emerald Kitti! ♪
♪ Kitti Katz! ♪
♪ Meow! ♪
[purring, slurping]
[Anubia] Hmm.
-[slurping continues]
-Look at the cute little kitty.
So, tell me, cute little kitty…
-[cat whines]
…where is the Kat Kouncil
moving the gemstone?
Kat Kouncil? Ge-- Gemstone?
Okay, okay.
Word on the street is Kat Kouncil's moving
the gemstone to one of their safe houses.
But, uh, don't know which one. Honest.
There. You see?
That was easy.
So, uh, you gonna put me down now?
-Eh, sure.
[school bell rings]
[Tabs groans]
Longest day ever.
Thought school was never going to end.
All I kept thinking about was,
where are we gonna find Charity
so we can find Anubia's scepter?
All I kept thinking about was,
wish I could've seen Coach Birman's face
when you made up that story
about the lightning.
-Who'd ever believe something like that?
-Hey, hear about the lightning last night?
You know, still don't understand
why Charity's all mad at me.
We'll work it out. Not like I haven't got
the cold shoulder from her before, right?
And who knows? Maybe she just went
on vacation with her parents.
So, not gonna worry about it anymore.
Good talk. See you at home, Kia.
Better your brother thinks
she's on vacation.
Learning your girlfriend
is wielding a magic scepter
and might destroy the world
could have you a little worried.
[intriguing music playing]
Don't worry.
We should be at the safe house soon.
Just try not to drop the gemstone, okay?
I still don't see why we need dogs
in the Kat Kouncil, much less a bird.
I told you before, Trixie.
You can never underestimate the value
of community outreach in our line of work.
She's right. And besides,
Huggie says he's not a dog. He's a cat.
Right, Huggie? Mate?
[struggling to vocalize]
-[scary growling]
Quick, into the alley.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Trixie gasps]
Anubia's Demon Dogs.
Probably know we have the Anubia gemstone.
[Trixie] Mm.
Better hurry so we can get it
someplace they'll never find it.
Okay, we know Charity
is more Anubia than Charity now.
But we don't know how this
whole possession thing works.
Maybe she still goes where she used to go.
And according to my brother,
whenever they went on a date,
Charity wanted to go to the Neon Grill.
Okay, so we check this Neon Grill again.
And if she's not here,
we check the one by the harbor.
Right. And if we see her,
we grab her scepter and run.
Everyone thinks it's so easy
owning a chain of restaurants.
Sure. But did they ever work
with teenage waiters?
Always complaining they have
to work two jobs to get by.
Or that I keep them part-time,
just so I don't have to pay benefits.
Which is true.
Go on, take a seat.
But no splitting a smoothie three ways
just so you can use my Wi-Fi.
Well, actually,
we just wanted to ask you a question.
Make it quick. I'm busy here.
Had to fire another waiter.
Comes in five minutes late!
You believe it?
We're-- We're looking for this girl, and--
[glass shatters]
-[dishes breaking]
-[man] What's going on?
[woman] Grab my laptop!
-[man] Oh, my goodness!
-[woman] Look out!
You know, before we became the Kitti Katz,
I think we'd be running the other way.
-Yeah. I think we were smarter then.
[Kia] Spirit Cats.
Security camera.
[electricity crackling]
Ruby Kitti!
Emerald Kitti.
Sapphire Kitti!
[all] Meow!
Like my aunt always says,
"See a mess, clean it up."
[Kia] Better stop the mess-makers first.
[wheezes, sneezes]
-[Kia] Bless you.
-[Zami moans]
A little off-balance.
Must be allergic to something in here.
[woozy] Okay. Hold still, kitty.
"Allergic to something" is right.
I'm totally off my game.
Well, not gonna let an allergy stop us
from rounding up these troublemakers.
-Ready, Kitti Katz?
-[Zami, Kia] Ready!
[sneezes, groans]
-[dishes breaking]
Oh, no! They're getting a--
It's the Kitti Katz! Look what they did.
Someone help!
Get those Kitti Katz!
They're criminals!
No! No!
We're not the criminals. We're the heroes.
[action music playing]
I know Cleo has told us
Spirit Cats aren't bad,
but they sure seem to be a bad bunch.
[suspenseful music playing]
-[grunts] Lost them.
-[wristband rings]
It's Cisco!
Kitty Katz hotline. How may we help you?
Was that as bad as it sounded?
Maybe worse.
Cisco, you still there?
[Cisco] Yeah. Just called to say
you're all over the news.
We are? Nice. We're all over the news.
I can hear it now.
"Kitti Katz chase off vandals."
More like,
"Kitti Katz are vandals on the run!"
-Anyway, thought I should warn you.
Also, heard on my police scanner.
There's a disturbance
at the Neon Grill by the harbor.
Spirit Cats!
Thanks, Cisco. Gotta go.
[all] Meow!
[intriguing music playing]
[Zami] My mom!
Maybe she caught
the Spirit Cats in the act this time.
Wonder why Spirit Cats
are attacking the Neon Grills.
My whole kitchen! There they are!
The Kitti Katz! Get 'em!
[Officer Ito panting]
Whoa! Didn't realize your mom was so fast!
[tense music playing]
Stop. Don't make this
harder than it has to be.
[Zami] Same thing she says to me
when I get in trouble at home.
You're not gonna get away!
Stop chasing us! We're the good cats!
-Then why are you--?
-[loud bang]
Can't… hold… on…
[intense music playing]
[both sigh]
[Officer Ito panting]
[Zami grunts]
[both groaning]
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Uh, we gotta go now.
Watch out for yourself.
-Won't always be there.
That's what I always tell my daughter.
Wait! This isn't over!
Wish I could tell my mom the truth.
Wish I could tell her we're not bad.
-[Zami meows]
I wish you could talk, little kitty.
Maybe you could tell me
where those super cat girls went.
[Tabs] Meow!
Those Kitti Katz are crafty.
Gave me the slip. But we'll get 'em.
[owner] Yeah.
Whoa! Looks like the Spirit Cats
have been here and gone.
What a mess.
You know, I could tell
just by looking at them before,
those cats are bad to the bone.
W-- What are we gonna--?
There's that allergy thingy again.
[wheezes, sneezes] Oh.
Where's Tabs?
Right here.
And check this out.
-[gasp] Paw prints.
-Paw prints.
Spirit Cats!
And they went thataway.
[distant meowing]
Shall we?
[electricity crackling]
[electricity crackling]
This way!
-[Tabs] Whoa!
The Kitti Katz? Huh!
Sic 'em!
-What are you doing?
-Catnip treats. They love it.
Uh-oh! Out of treats.
[grunts, barks] What do we do now, Cleo?
Every place we've gone to hide
the Anubia gemstone has turned us away.
Can you blame 'em?
With all the rumors about Anubia
and her Demon Dogs searching for it,
no wonder no cat wants it at their place.
Thought for sure those harbor cats
would have taken it.
But don't worry. Got another idea.
I think I know the perfect hiding place.
This way.
-Oh. [grunts]
-[Trixie] Ha-ha!
Aw, what's the matter, Huggie?
You scared?
Steady, love.
He's a little dog, but he's in shape.
Right. Now, Huggie,
pretend it's a big pile of leaves.
[inhales] Meow. Meow!
[groans, farts]
-[Huggie grunts]
That had to hurt.
[goofy laugh]
I did it.
-[Anubia] My, my.
Long time no see.
Sorry, Dobie.
She's not Charity anymore.
She's Anubia.
-Right. Hold this.
I'll take care of her. [growls, barks]
[Cleo] Dobie! No!
[Dobie whimpers]
-[Anubia] Ha!
[grunts] Finally!
I have my scepter and my gemstone!
Victory is mine!
-Hey! I'll take that.
[Anubia grunts]
[Anubia] No! No!
Go away, bird!
-Dobie, no!
Trixie! Come on. Let's go.
-[Trixie whining]
-[Dobie barks]
Come back!
[Walter grunts]
[unnerving music playing]
[action music playing]
Way to go.
Come on, Huggie. Give us a hug.
From now on,
I'm calling you "Huggie the Hero."
Help! Get them off!
This is all my fault.
I was just trying to get even
with my boss for firing me.
The owner of the Neon Grill?
I just noticed how all these strange cats
are always causing so much mischief.
Thought, with a little catnip,
I could control them.
Get some revenge on my boss.
So, the Spirit Cats weren't bad.
You were.
[Zami] Officer Ito!
The signed confession is in his pocket.
Doesn't mean I approve
of whatever you three think you're doing.
You're welcome!
[chuckles softly]
[gentle music playing]
Cleo, you're finally home.
Impressive. Aunt Lulu will be pleased.
Yeah, well, wasn't too pleased
about me coming home late again.
Sometimes I wish I could just tell her
why I'm always out so late.
Hope you had better luck finding
a safe house for the gemstone
than us getting the scepter.
All our regular places
were afraid to hide the Anubia gemstone.
But we finally found the perfect place.
Right here.
[tense music playing]
[music sting]
[slamming door]
Your throne room is finally ready,
Your Queenship.
Duplicated to just how you left it.
Very nice.
[evil music playing]
-Of course, we made a few modifications.
Why would I want a big-screen TV?
From earlier today.
Why did our little heroes stumble?
Thought you might ask.
[Anubia] Catnip.
the Kitti Katz have a catnip problem.
We'll have to see
what we can do about that.
[closing theme music playing]
♪ Meow! ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Ha ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Meow! ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Meow! ♪