Kingdom (2014–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Broken or Missing - full transcript
Keith is released from jail and moves back in with Ryan, Jay is given an intriguing offer by Garo, and Nate has his first fight back since he was brutally assaulted.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
Man: You're gonna get
yourself killed!
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at
[ rapping in spanish ]
Watch it, a-hole!
♪ I'm all about my business,
don't mind me ♪
♪ ...In a spot,
don't remind me ♪
♪ got a mouthpiece...
[ rap music continues,
volume decreases ]
Man: Check out this roly poly
over here.
Man #2: You think fat camp
let out early today?
[ laughter ]
Dude's just like
[imitates chomping]
[ chuckles ]
what is this dude doing?
Does he seriously got
a bib on?
What is this?
[ laughs ]
[ rap music continues ]
Is he gonna
come over here?
What is this world coming to?
Is he coming over here?
Can I help you?
Oh, what the fuck, dude?!
Oh, shit! Shit!
Dude! Don't! Stop!
Oh, my god! Ow!
Damn, man!
What the hell?! Aah!
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
That's freaking crazy.
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ don't care if you haters,
whatever your mind ♪
♪ careful how you
twerk it, lady ♪
♪ even if you unemployed,
work it, baby ♪
♪ what, what, what
♪ I'll be out for the night
♪ leave when it's dark and be
back when it's light ♪
[ howling ]
♪ there's a full moon, baby
♪ if it's dead coming home,
then it's too soon, baby ♪
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
Ryan, it's keith.
Got out.
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ music stops ]
[ sighs ]
[ sniffs ]
Do I have to get the mediator
back in here?
I'm gonna sign it.
[ laughs ]
I didn't think
it would be hard.
I can't believe
you're having a baby.
We're gonna get into this now?
You're almost 50.
How do you think
the boys feel?
Who gives a shit,
They're grown men.
Well, they're still
our children.
And why do you
get to start over?
You do too.
[ scoffs ]
That's what this is about.
What are you doing?
What is this?
Do I need to get a real lawyer
to handle this?
Could you just not be
an asshole today?
I mean, I made this
so goddamn easy for you.
You agreed to everything.
If there's something else
that you want --
I don't want
anything else.
Are you gonna sign it
or not?
Then do it.
We're not leaving this office
until we're divorced.
Can I leave now?
[ rock music plays ]
♪ I remember every word
that you said ♪
♪ I'm much more flattered by
the thoughts in your head ♪
♪ let me tell you, baby
♪ nothing, no,
is gonna keep us apart ♪
♪ getting high
out on the front porch ♪
♪ oh, I'm feeling sad
about your friends ♪
♪ I remember every word
that you said ♪
♪ I'm much more flattered
by the thoughts in your head ♪
♪ let me tell you, baby
♪ nothing, no,
is gonna keep us apart ♪
[ camera shutter clicking ]
♪ irritated all the things
that you had ♪
♪ forgot to mention all
the nights that you lied ♪
♪ let me tell you, baby
♪ nothing, no,
is gonna keep us apart ♪
♪ all right
Hey, ryan.
Jesus, fuck, keith!
[ liquid splashing ]
What are you doing?
It's me, keith.
Yeah. I see.
Just going to the bathroom.
[ zipper zips ]
When did you get out?
This morning.
You should have
called me, man.
I would have come
to get you.
Oh, I didn't
wash my hands --
But, yeah, no, it was just
really early this morning.
I didn't want
to bother you.
[ exhales, chuckles ]
Hey, ryan.
Is that your
red sports car?
It looks like
a badass car, ryan.
Yeah, well,
it's joe daddy's.
It's, uh, you know,
he's letting me borrow it.
[ scoffs ]
Man, that's cool.
[ chuckles ]
You're pretty sweaty.
We should put on
new shirts.
Yeah, let's get inside.
Did you walk
all the way here?
[ chuckles ]
Where's the couch?
[ key clanks ]
It's in the garage.
This is all leather.
Yeah, I thought maybe we could
use an upgrade, huh?
Is it corinthian?
I don't know.
It feels like it.
It must have cost you
a fortune.
Well, it's 90 days
Payment plan, ryan?
Those things are a trap.
They ruin people's lives.
It's under control, man.
I promise.
Yeah, well, that's exactly
what my dad said.
Except he didn't call
my mom "man,"
And his voice was
a lot louder, but...
And no, that was not
the hammer fight.
I mean, what do you think?
It's better, right?
I don't like it, ryan.
I love it.
Fuck yeah, dude.
[ laughs ]
fuck yeah.
[ both chuckle ]
I can't believe
it's ours.
I mean, we're gonna hang out
in here 24 hours a day.
We can eat dinner in here,
And we can watch
The tv is, like, the size
of a movie screen.
[ chuckles ]
[ chuckles ]
Beats the shit
out of prison, right?
Beats the everything
out of prison.
So, you want
to watch a movie?
You go ahead, man.
Where are you going?
I got to train, and then
I'm gonna go see my dad.
Is everything all right?
We'll hang out
when I get home.
All right?
I'm glad you're back,
I'm glad I'm back.
Hell yeah.
Here. Fire it up.
Whoa, what are you --
Legs up, legs up!
[ laughs ]
Welcome home, big guy.
I'll see you later.
[ sighs ]
[ door closes ]
You know what I want to do?
What is that?
[ chuckles ]
I want to stay here
with you all day.
And then when it gets dark
and we're starving,
We can walk and get some sushi,
get a little drunk,
And come right home.
[ laughs ] oh, that's right.
I forgot.
You have to go.
I get to stay here all alone.
You're an evil, evil girl,
you are.
No, I'm not.
Yes, ma'am, you are.
Stop, stop, stop.
I got to go.
[ laughing ]
no, you don't.
Yes, I got to go to work.
You know.
Are you serious?
Hugs don't pay rent.
Daddy's got to go to work.
Well, let me at least
get this makeup off.
I want you to come to my
brother's fight tonight.
Why -- why are you looking
at me like that?
I just...
Fighting's not my thing.
Have you been to a fight?
So then how do you know fighting
isn't your thing?
Because I don't
like violence.
Really? You seem to like it
in your pictures.
Don't be annoying.
I want you
to see what I do.
I want you to meet
my brother.
Can we go together?
I'll pick you up at 6:00.
You're corrupting me.
[ chatter ]
Hey, shelb, baby.
Alvey is looking for you.
Where is he?
[ knock on door ]
Hey, you looking for me?
Come in and shut the door.
I need you
to fill that up.
You want me
to piss in a cup?
Yeah, I do.
Is that gonna be
a problem?
I just don't think
it's necessary, coach.
I do.
I put my ass on the line
for you, son.
I tried to trust you --
it didn't work out.
Now you got to earn it.
[ inhales sharply ]
I'm not going down this road
with you again, ryan.
You got too much at stake.
It's too fucking important.
So just...
Just piss in the cup.
You want to ride with us
to nate's fight?
I can't.
I got to go see my dad.
Everything okay?
[ sniffs ]
I don't know.
Mom called and asked me
to go out there, so...
You want this today?
Before you leave.
Shut the door.
I'm in love.
I'm in love, nathaniel.
I fucking [smooches] am.
You definitely
fucking smell like it.
Ah, that's passion.
My world is unfolding
in beautiful ways.
I hear birds
I haven't heard.
I find beauty
in the common crow.
[ sniffs ]
Nectar, you know?
And oatmeal.
Whoa! Whoa!
it just tastes oatier.
And she's smart.
She knows about art
and photography.
And she can't
get enough of me.
The sex, you ask?
Oh, it's --
holy fuck.
I mean, I'm seeing angles
I haven't seen before.
And I'm not just
talking position.
I'm seeing whole new fucking
doors opening up right now.
and vibrations --
I'm tapping into something
fucking deeper here,
you understand?
Jay, jay...
I got to keep
some of this down.
She's coming to
the fight tonight.
Very excited
about you guys meeting.
Listen to me.
I know you don't like
to talk about it,
But I want you to know
that I love you,
And that you're gonna murder
this motherfucker tonight.
[ sniffs ]
So, what do you need
from me right now?
And how can I help you?
I'm all set.
Lisa and I
are gonna go meet garo,
And then I'm gonna meet you
at the fucking gym.
Did he get you a fight?
He fucking better.
Hey, jay?
Mom's inside.
She's been crying.
[ sighs ]
I didn't think
you'd be home.
Yeah, I-I got to get
right back out.
But nate said
that you were upset.
Your dad and I signed
the divorce papers today.
Did something happen?
Yeah, jay.
We got a divorce.
[ sighs ]
I want to go to nate's
fight tonight.
I thought
that you had work.
[ chuckles ]
I'll call in sick.
I want to be
with you guys.
Unless you don't
want me to?
I didn't say that.
Well, what's wrong?
There's nothing wrong.
I didn't say
anything was wrong.
I just
[breathes deeply]
You know,
I was picking up laura tonight.
[ singsong voice ] oh.
Well, I'll take a cab.
You're not gonna
take a cab.
We will ride together.
How are we all
gonna fit?
We're gonna squeeze in.
Be ready by 6:00.
How much does she know
about me?
She knows that you are a very
important person in my life,
And that I love you
very much.
You hear me?
[ phone ringing ]
Hi, it's laura.
Leave a message
and I'll call you back.
Uh, hey, it's me.
Give me a call.
There's been a slight change
of plans about tonight,
So, call me.
Alvey: Nice and easy.
Double, double.
Just break a sweat,
all right?
Just breaking a sweat.
Come on.
Come on. Oh!
I'm gonna hit you back.
I ain't that old,
sonny boy.
[ laughs ]
Oh, look at the tiger.
Lay down, lay down.
How's this hamstring?
That's good.
Aw, you look good, man.
You look better than
I've ever seen you look.
No shitting.
You worked hard.
You're fast.
You're explosive.
Your fucking head's
in the right place.
It's gonna feel like you're shot
out of a cannon.
Trust me.
I got you.
You got to control that.
I'm gonna fight my fight.
You're gonna fight
your fight.
You're gonna breathe.
Your pace.
The whole thing --
you know it.
I'm just worried about that food
after the fight.
I'm fucking starving.
We doing italian still?
Shelby fucked
the reservation up,
So lisa bought a bunch
of steaks.
We'll have it at my house.
All right.
Invite your
little girlfriend.
[ scoffs, sighs ]
What's the matter?
Yeah, I don't know.
What happened?
Well, she's pissed off
about something.
What did you do?
I didn't do shit.
What did you do?
Training, you know.
She doesn't fucking
get it.
Ah, they never make it
through training camp.
None of them.
Not one of them.
[ groans ]
Don't bother with girls.
They're no good for you.
[ chuckles ]
what's your mind on?
Taking the guy out
in front of me.
You know where it's at?
Your mind's on winning,
Get up.
Turn around.
Loose. Keep these loose, loose,
loose, loose.
I can't believe you didn't give
me nate's first fight back.
You didn't have a spot
for him.
I was working on it.
'cause it kind of seemed like
you were slow-playing us
To see if he was healthy.
Is that what you think?
Yeah. I do.
Also, I heard
about the ryan deal.
Six fights
at a frozen rate.
That is fucking extortion.
Now, hold on.
We all got a little dirty
on that one.
[ scoffs ]
it's for the best.
[ chuckling ] right.
Whatever you say.
Hey, let's not fight.
How are you?
How is the baby?
[ door opens ]
[ jay sighs ]
there he is.
Man of the hour.
Hey, garo.
How are you?
I'm sorry I'm late.
[ sighing ]
Who wants to start?
Before we begin,
I would like to reiterate
My sincere and most humble
For any role that
I might have played
In the skirmish
the other night.
Well, it was more than just
a skirmish.
It was embarrassing.
You make us look like
Let's move on.
we have a problem here.
Jay's fights
keep falling apart.
It's costing us money.
I know it's costing you money.
I agree. It's not good.
It's not good at all.
But I may have a solution.
[ cellphone rings ]
Excuse me.
I have to take this.
You guys continue doing
what you do.
I'm the talent, you know?
I probably shouldn't be hearing
this shit anyways.
[ sighs ]
You are so fucking hot.
I'm looking at pictures
from the shoot this morning.
Oh, yeah?
I look good?
Well, I haven't gotten
dressed yet,
If that
tells you anything.
[ sighs ]
Yes, it does.
What are you doing?
I'm calling you back.
Um, yeah.
Flag on the play.
Is it possible
to meet there?
I thought you were
picking me up.
Yeah, I was planning to,
but my mom wants to come,
And she doesn't
have a car,
So unless you want to squeeze
three in a cab, you know...
I don't mind.
I-I want to meet her.
You're sure?
Yeah, positive.
Yeah, no problem.
I will pick you up.
I want you here
right now.
I know.
Me too.
Well, where are you?
I'm talking
to some promoter,
So I should
probably get back.
Once again, I have to
take care of myself.
[ sighs ]
[ exhales sharply ]
Forgive me.
What did I miss?
You missed me
having an amazing idea.
May I?
Go right ahead.
What do you value the most
in this world, jay?
Money, respect,
Women, glory?
All that shit.
Garo: Yeah.
These things I just named,
my friend,
These are the spoils
of a champion.
He wants you
to fight ryan.
Think about it.
Ryan wheeler...
Jay kulina.
One has blond hair,
the other has brown hair.
Friends, rivals...
Either way,
I'd buy a ticket for that.
Okay, we'll talk about it.
I am intrigued.
Is that a yes?
Lisa handles
all my logistics,
But I am very, very taken
by this idea.
You -- you, sir...
You're an impresario.
Lisa: We'll get back to you,
I like that.
I like your fucking style.
but don't fuck me around.
I have to move on something,
you know --
At least something
for wheeler
After that shit show he pulled
last time.
What do you think?
It's interesting.
It's definitely good for garo.
I don't know
if it's good for you.
It's a title fight, lisa.
How is it not good?
You're just building momentum.
What if you lose?
Yeah, what if I win?
That's the real problem, though,
isn't it, huh?
'cause it fucks with your
and alvey's plan with ryan.
I don't have a plan
for ryan.
Are you managing me...
[ sighing ] oh, god.
...Or are you managing
alvey's business?
But it's complicated,
And don't act like you can't
understand that.
I appreciate
the complications.
I do.
But I want this fight.
However you have to work
that out with alvey,
That's what I want.
Yes, ma'am!
I want this fight!
Jamal, jamal,
there's no way.
My son is gonna take me
to the emergency room.
That's how bad I feel
right now.
Well, yeah.
I called madison.
She didn't pick up.
I'm sorry.
[ headphone music plays ]
How you feeling?
The next person
that asks me that,
I'm gonna rip their
fucking head off.
Copy that.
What did garo say?
Well, things...
Are afoot, nathaniel.
Indeed they are.
What does that mean?
things...Are afoot.
I can't say much more
than that.
[ liquid pours ]
...I'm gonna
leave you here [sniffs]
But, um, hey --
Mom wants to come tonight.
Isn't she working?
I guess not.
[ sighs ]
Oh! Wheeler!
Wheeler, wheeler!
Look at you prancing
like an elk.
[ sighs ]
What is that?
Yeah. It's still warm.
You want a sip?
Is alvey
making you do that?
Yeah, I guess
I can't be trusted.
[ breathes deeply ]
The fuck
are you looking at?
Avert your eyes,
young man.
What the fuck?
You fucking didn't.
Let me put my piss down.
Fucking whore.
Garo's a promoter.
That's his job.
I mean,
it is a good fight.
Aw, come on.
I can't have my guys
fight each other.
It's a goddamn
soap opera.
you think jay can win?
[ sighs ] maybe.
Or ryan just fucking
annihilates him.
Either way, we lose
one of our top fighters.
We can't afford that
right now.
Jesus christ.
You got to get jay to back off
of this thing.
Oh, yeah. Or what?
Or he's gonna trade
to someone else.
No, no, no, no.
Don't even put me
in that position.
What am I gonna do?
I mean, is he stuck
on doing this?
Jay wants the fight.
It's fucking garo.
That's what that is.
[ sighs ]
What do you think?
I think it's everything
that you said,
But I see jay's point.
This is a title fight.
Sorry to interrupt.
[ sighs ]
Where do you want this?
[ sighs ]
On my desk.
You done for the day?
No, I'm still putting
some work in.
I'm fighting
the war on drugs.
Jay thinks you don't care
about his career.
That's how
he's gonna take this.
All right, let me --
let me --
Let me get through this thing
with nate tonight
And then I'll talk to jay,
all right?
No, I know. Yeah.
[ slurps ]
[ exhales sharply,
sniffs, sighs ]
[ door closes ]
Mom, we got to go!
Mom, it's 6:15.
We're gonna be late.
We got to go.
I'm hurrying.
I told you 6:00.
You've had all day.
If you keep rushing me,
it's just gonna take longer.
Mom, please.
Don't put on all that much.
Thank you, jay.
I know how to do my own face.
[ chuckling ] geez.
This girl's got you on edge.
[ sighs ]
How do I look?
You look perfect.
Let's go.
You're in a bad mood.
Maybe you need a drink.
I already had one.
Maybe I need a drink.
I will buy you three
when we get there.
Mom, you look beautiful.
Come on. Let's go.
[ mellow rock music plays
on car stereo ]
[ engine and music shut off ]
[ dog barks in distance,
doorbell rings ]
[ birds chirping ]
Man: ...Little long-term
damage to mature trees.
However, these fires either
kill or suppress tree seeds.
Hey, dad.
Mr. Wheeler: Mute that.
Remote's on the table
over here to my right.
...Which will prevent
further grass growing.
Prior to european settlement,
Aboriginal land-use practices,
including fire, influenced --
[ tv shuts off ]
[ sets remote down
lightly ]
You spoke to your mother?
What does she say?
She's moving in
with aunt robin.
Don't beat her up about this.
You hear me?
Yes, sir.
I'd like to come down here
and see you more.
I have a-a car now.
Sit down.
Turn that back up.
...Or alteration of
traditional burning regimes,
Many savannahs are being
replaced by a forest
Or shrub thickets
with little...Air.
[ headphone music plays ]
were you yelling for me?
What the fuck you doing?
Working out.
You're on the clock.
Nobody's here.
Jesus christ.
Forget it.
I just want you to take that
piss to the lab on robertson.
Is there, like, a bag or
something I could put it in?
If you find a bag,
then by all means bag it up.
Just take it.
Whose is it?
Just take it
before the place closes.
Is the van here?
Yeah, nate and joey
are loading up now.
Thanks for telling me.
Laura: Hi!
I'm laura.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Oh. [ chuckles ]
Jay, your mom's gorgeous.
Yeah, she sure is.
Tight squeeze.
[ chuckles ]
Oh, did you want me
to switch?
I can sit in the middle.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
Let's go.
Is there a...A middle one?
Uh...No, there's not.
But I'm gonna drive
very safely, okay?
Oh, sorry.
[ laughs ] it's okay.
[ engine turns over ]
This reminds me
of high school.
[ rock music plays
on car stereo ]
[ chatter ]
See if we can find somewhere
better than this.
[ bass thumping on headphones ]
Man: Next when he comes in,
sprawl back.
So, jay tells me
you're an artist.
No, not really.
I studied it for a while.
What's your medium?
Um, well,
it's just little sketches.
Pencil, mostly.
Have you ever
used charcoal?
I'm not really serious about it
or anything.
[ chuckles lightly ]
Well, if you ever need supplies,
let me know.
My friend runs a store
in beverly,
And he gives me great deals
all the time.
One for you.
Thank you.
Yeah. Mom.
To a, uh...
To a great night...
And a great fight.
And to meeting your mom.
Should be good, huh?
I'm gonna check on nate,
make sure that he's okay.
Do you need anything?
Okay. Mom?
Nope. Nope.
During the fight,
I'm gonna be
in my brother's corner.
Are you gonna be
all right here?
don't worry about me.
[ jay exhales sharply ]
[ sighs ]
I'm so nervous.
I've never even seen someone
get punched in the face.
[ chuckles ]
It's an experience,
that's for sure.
Well, I'm sure
you're used to it by now.
Not really.
But that's what this is for.
[ both chuckle ]
Man: There you go.
There you go.
Feels like a prison shithouse
back there.
Joe's finding us
someplace else.
You talk to lisa?
I did.
I want this fight.
I know.
I know.
I want it.
Can we talk later?
I found a space
down the hall.
Do you want me
to get him warmed up?
No, just take the bags.
I'll grab him.
That's it. Nice.
Let's go 1-2.
Man #2: ...Were home
to the most advanced
of south america.
The incan empire was the last
of many to...
...In peru.
Ryan, wake up.
What's -- what's wrong?
I shit myself.
I'm gonna need you to wash me up
and clean my bag.
You got to get me
in the harness first.
I don't see --
the harness.
Yeah. Does she --
does the --
[ laughing ]
I'm -- I'm kidding.
[ laughs ]
oh, shit, your face!
[ laughing ]
[ sighs ]
If you ever start to resent
your mother,
Remember that moment.
[ chuckles ]
Mom said you wanted me
to come to see you.
I did.
[ tv chatter ]
Turn that off, will you?
[ tv shuts off ]
The last time we talked,
I wasn't fair to you.
I was angry, and I took the
opportunity to punish you.
For that, I'm sorry.
I understand if this is too much
to come here.
I mean, I don't expect it.
I'd like to,
if that's okay.
Be warned,
I don't do much but sit here.
And I sure as hell don't need
to be entertained
Or have my goddamn
spirits lifted.
Good to know.
I won't try.
[ dog barks in distance ]
Just come by when you can.
Hell, I ain't
going anywhere.
I'd appreciate
if you'd call ahead.
Before you go...
Can you put my drops
in my eyes?
They're on the table here.
You'll need
to get a tissue,
Because it always runs down
my goddamn face.
How many?
Four in each eye.
[ chatter, rock music plays ]
You must be laura.
Hi. How are you?
Nice to meet you.
[ rap music playing ]
So, laura,
is this your first fight?
But christina's been
talking me through it.
Oh, don't listen to me.
I already feel like
I'm gonna throw up.
[ chuckles ]
Where's jay?
He went back
to be with nate.
How do you two
know each other?
Through alvey.
He put babies
in both of us.
[ christina laughs ]
Ring announcer: And now,
ladies and gentlemen...
Do it.
Come on.
...Nate kulina!
[ rock music blares,
cheers and applause ]
[ cheers and applause ]
[ music continues ]
[ cheers and applause ]
[ music continues ]
[ cheers and applause ]
Nice and relaxed.
Your own pace.
Find your pace.
Your own pace.
Come on, nate!
You ready? Fight!
[ bell dings ]
You set the pace, nate!
Don't stand in front --
side to side! Side to side!
Side to side!
[ cheering ]
Jay: Watch his toe!
Head position!
Head position!
[ cheers and applause ]
Yeah, that's it!
[ indistinct shouting ]
Man: Yeah, baby!
[ indistinct shouting ]
Hips, hips!
[ shouting continues ]
Loose, loose!
[ cheers and applause ]
Keep fighting!
Stop this fucking fight!
Keep fighting.
He's in position.
Finish it!
Finish it!
What are you doing?!
Finish him! Fucking bombs!
Drop 'em!
God damn it!
[ bell dings ]
Referee: Time!
What the fuck
are you doing?!
Call this fight!
There ain't no call, bro.
There ain't fucking
no call, ref.
What are you doing?
Sit down. Relax.
You never fucking
stop fighting.
You never fucking stop fighting
until that ref pulls you up.
You hear me?
Fucking answers to you.
I just want you to do
the same thing.
Great jabs.
Move in, take him down.
Finish him, okay?
Don't worry about the ref.
All right?
Let's go.
Let's do it.
Breathe, relax, have fun.
[ bell dings ]
come on, nate!
[ cheers and applause ]
[ muffled ] fuck yeah!
[ no audio ]
[ muffled, indistinct shouting ]
[ muffled ] watch out.
You okay?
Hey, it's okay.
It's okay.
Appreciate it.
You got a concussion.
We got to watch it.
I should have
finished him.
You got caught.
It happens.
Let's get the hell
out of here.
Come on, you come back
to my house.
I think I'd rather go back
to mine if that's cool.
Okay, I'll have jay
keep an eye on you.
Hey, come here.
Let me see this.
Oh, yeah.
That's a beauty, huh?
I know it feels
like shit, son.
I do.
But it's just one loss.
We learn from it.
We move on. That's it.
Look at me.
I'm proud of you.
It's okay.
I love you.
You too.
[ claps nate's back ]
[ thud ]
He was doing so good,
And the other guy just
got one lucky shot.
Yeah, I know, sometimes
that's all it takes.
Is he all right?
He will be, yeah.
I got to take him home,
though, so...
Yeah, I'll call an uber.
I'm sorry about that.
Do not apologize.
I mean, how do you even
handle that?
What do you --
what do you say to him?
You say "I love you"
and you move on.
There's nothing else
to do.
He's just got to get over it,
you know?
Thanks for bringing me.
Thank you for coming.
I really appreciate you.
Um, let me walk you out.
Lisa: We're never gonna eat
all this food.
I'll take it to the gym.
The animals will eat it.
[ laughs ]
What a fucking night, huh?
[ sighs ]
He did everything right.
He just couldn't finish.
That's what I'm worried about
with this kid --
He's a fucking fighter that
doesn't like to hurt people.
Let me make you some food.
No, I'm -- I'm...
Thank you.
We signed the papers today,
me and christina.
Only took about six months,
but it's done.
That's why
she came tonight.
She say anything?
But she was kind of
actually nice.
She was worried about nate,
[ sighs ]
Well, what do you think?
About what?
Should we get married?
[ laughs ]
On that note,
I'm gonna go to bed.
Come here.
[ sets glass down ]
Don't stay up too late,
[ sighs ]
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
Man: You're gonna get
yourself killed!
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at
[ rapping in spanish ]
Watch it, a-hole!
♪ I'm all about my business,
don't mind me ♪
♪ ...In a spot,
don't remind me ♪
♪ got a mouthpiece...
[ rap music continues,
volume decreases ]
Man: Check out this roly poly
over here.
Man #2: You think fat camp
let out early today?
[ laughter ]
Dude's just like
[imitates chomping]
[ chuckles ]
what is this dude doing?
Does he seriously got
a bib on?
What is this?
[ laughs ]
[ rap music continues ]
Is he gonna
come over here?
What is this world coming to?
Is he coming over here?
Can I help you?
Oh, what the fuck, dude?!
Oh, shit! Shit!
Dude! Don't! Stop!
Oh, my god! Ow!
Damn, man!
What the hell?! Aah!
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
That's freaking crazy.
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ don't care if you haters,
whatever your mind ♪
♪ careful how you
twerk it, lady ♪
♪ even if you unemployed,
work it, baby ♪
♪ what, what, what
♪ I'll be out for the night
♪ leave when it's dark and be
back when it's light ♪
[ howling ]
♪ there's a full moon, baby
♪ if it's dead coming home,
then it's too soon, baby ♪
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
Ryan, it's keith.
Got out.
[ rapping in spanish ]
♪ here's another hit, what
♪ where my latinos at?
[ music stops ]
[ sighs ]
[ sniffs ]
Do I have to get the mediator
back in here?
I'm gonna sign it.
[ laughs ]
I didn't think
it would be hard.
I can't believe
you're having a baby.
We're gonna get into this now?
You're almost 50.
How do you think
the boys feel?
Who gives a shit,
They're grown men.
Well, they're still
our children.
And why do you
get to start over?
You do too.
[ scoffs ]
That's what this is about.
What are you doing?
What is this?
Do I need to get a real lawyer
to handle this?
Could you just not be
an asshole today?
I mean, I made this
so goddamn easy for you.
You agreed to everything.
If there's something else
that you want --
I don't want
anything else.
Are you gonna sign it
or not?
Then do it.
We're not leaving this office
until we're divorced.
Can I leave now?
[ rock music plays ]
♪ I remember every word
that you said ♪
♪ I'm much more flattered by
the thoughts in your head ♪
♪ let me tell you, baby
♪ nothing, no,
is gonna keep us apart ♪
♪ getting high
out on the front porch ♪
♪ oh, I'm feeling sad
about your friends ♪
♪ I remember every word
that you said ♪
♪ I'm much more flattered
by the thoughts in your head ♪
♪ let me tell you, baby
♪ nothing, no,
is gonna keep us apart ♪
[ camera shutter clicking ]
♪ irritated all the things
that you had ♪
♪ forgot to mention all
the nights that you lied ♪
♪ let me tell you, baby
♪ nothing, no,
is gonna keep us apart ♪
♪ all right
Hey, ryan.
Jesus, fuck, keith!
[ liquid splashing ]
What are you doing?
It's me, keith.
Yeah. I see.
Just going to the bathroom.
[ zipper zips ]
When did you get out?
This morning.
You should have
called me, man.
I would have come
to get you.
Oh, I didn't
wash my hands --
But, yeah, no, it was just
really early this morning.
I didn't want
to bother you.
[ exhales, chuckles ]
Hey, ryan.
Is that your
red sports car?
It looks like
a badass car, ryan.
Yeah, well,
it's joe daddy's.
It's, uh, you know,
he's letting me borrow it.
[ scoffs ]
Man, that's cool.
[ chuckles ]
You're pretty sweaty.
We should put on
new shirts.
Yeah, let's get inside.
Did you walk
all the way here?
[ chuckles ]
Where's the couch?
[ key clanks ]
It's in the garage.
This is all leather.
Yeah, I thought maybe we could
use an upgrade, huh?
Is it corinthian?
I don't know.
It feels like it.
It must have cost you
a fortune.
Well, it's 90 days
Payment plan, ryan?
Those things are a trap.
They ruin people's lives.
It's under control, man.
I promise.
Yeah, well, that's exactly
what my dad said.
Except he didn't call
my mom "man,"
And his voice was
a lot louder, but...
And no, that was not
the hammer fight.
I mean, what do you think?
It's better, right?
I don't like it, ryan.
I love it.
Fuck yeah, dude.
[ laughs ]
fuck yeah.
[ both chuckle ]
I can't believe
it's ours.
I mean, we're gonna hang out
in here 24 hours a day.
We can eat dinner in here,
And we can watch
The tv is, like, the size
of a movie screen.
[ chuckles ]
[ chuckles ]
Beats the shit
out of prison, right?
Beats the everything
out of prison.
So, you want
to watch a movie?
You go ahead, man.
Where are you going?
I got to train, and then
I'm gonna go see my dad.
Is everything all right?
We'll hang out
when I get home.
All right?
I'm glad you're back,
I'm glad I'm back.
Hell yeah.
Here. Fire it up.
Whoa, what are you --
Legs up, legs up!
[ laughs ]
Welcome home, big guy.
I'll see you later.
[ sighs ]
[ door closes ]
You know what I want to do?
What is that?
[ chuckles ]
I want to stay here
with you all day.
And then when it gets dark
and we're starving,
We can walk and get some sushi,
get a little drunk,
And come right home.
[ laughs ] oh, that's right.
I forgot.
You have to go.
I get to stay here all alone.
You're an evil, evil girl,
you are.
No, I'm not.
Yes, ma'am, you are.
Stop, stop, stop.
I got to go.
[ laughing ]
no, you don't.
Yes, I got to go to work.
You know.
Are you serious?
Hugs don't pay rent.
Daddy's got to go to work.
Well, let me at least
get this makeup off.
I want you to come to my
brother's fight tonight.
Why -- why are you looking
at me like that?
I just...
Fighting's not my thing.
Have you been to a fight?
So then how do you know fighting
isn't your thing?
Because I don't
like violence.
Really? You seem to like it
in your pictures.
Don't be annoying.
I want you
to see what I do.
I want you to meet
my brother.
Can we go together?
I'll pick you up at 6:00.
You're corrupting me.
[ chatter ]
Hey, shelb, baby.
Alvey is looking for you.
Where is he?
[ knock on door ]
Hey, you looking for me?
Come in and shut the door.
I need you
to fill that up.
You want me
to piss in a cup?
Yeah, I do.
Is that gonna be
a problem?
I just don't think
it's necessary, coach.
I do.
I put my ass on the line
for you, son.
I tried to trust you --
it didn't work out.
Now you got to earn it.
[ inhales sharply ]
I'm not going down this road
with you again, ryan.
You got too much at stake.
It's too fucking important.
So just...
Just piss in the cup.
You want to ride with us
to nate's fight?
I can't.
I got to go see my dad.
Everything okay?
[ sniffs ]
I don't know.
Mom called and asked me
to go out there, so...
You want this today?
Before you leave.
Shut the door.
I'm in love.
I'm in love, nathaniel.
I fucking [smooches] am.
You definitely
fucking smell like it.
Ah, that's passion.
My world is unfolding
in beautiful ways.
I hear birds
I haven't heard.
I find beauty
in the common crow.
[ sniffs ]
Nectar, you know?
And oatmeal.
Whoa! Whoa!
it just tastes oatier.
And she's smart.
She knows about art
and photography.
And she can't
get enough of me.
The sex, you ask?
Oh, it's --
holy fuck.
I mean, I'm seeing angles
I haven't seen before.
And I'm not just
talking position.
I'm seeing whole new fucking
doors opening up right now.
and vibrations --
I'm tapping into something
fucking deeper here,
you understand?
Jay, jay...
I got to keep
some of this down.
She's coming to
the fight tonight.
Very excited
about you guys meeting.
Listen to me.
I know you don't like
to talk about it,
But I want you to know
that I love you,
And that you're gonna murder
this motherfucker tonight.
[ sniffs ]
So, what do you need
from me right now?
And how can I help you?
I'm all set.
Lisa and I
are gonna go meet garo,
And then I'm gonna meet you
at the fucking gym.
Did he get you a fight?
He fucking better.
Hey, jay?
Mom's inside.
She's been crying.
[ sighs ]
I didn't think
you'd be home.
Yeah, I-I got to get
right back out.
But nate said
that you were upset.
Your dad and I signed
the divorce papers today.
Did something happen?
Yeah, jay.
We got a divorce.
[ sighs ]
I want to go to nate's
fight tonight.
I thought
that you had work.
[ chuckles ]
I'll call in sick.
I want to be
with you guys.
Unless you don't
want me to?
I didn't say that.
Well, what's wrong?
There's nothing wrong.
I didn't say
anything was wrong.
I just
[breathes deeply]
You know,
I was picking up laura tonight.
[ singsong voice ] oh.
Well, I'll take a cab.
You're not gonna
take a cab.
We will ride together.
How are we all
gonna fit?
We're gonna squeeze in.
Be ready by 6:00.
How much does she know
about me?
She knows that you are a very
important person in my life,
And that I love you
very much.
You hear me?
[ phone ringing ]
Hi, it's laura.
Leave a message
and I'll call you back.
Uh, hey, it's me.
Give me a call.
There's been a slight change
of plans about tonight,
So, call me.
Alvey: Nice and easy.
Double, double.
Just break a sweat,
all right?
Just breaking a sweat.
Come on.
Come on. Oh!
I'm gonna hit you back.
I ain't that old,
sonny boy.
[ laughs ]
Oh, look at the tiger.
Lay down, lay down.
How's this hamstring?
That's good.
Aw, you look good, man.
You look better than
I've ever seen you look.
No shitting.
You worked hard.
You're fast.
You're explosive.
Your fucking head's
in the right place.
It's gonna feel like you're shot
out of a cannon.
Trust me.
I got you.
You got to control that.
I'm gonna fight my fight.
You're gonna fight
your fight.
You're gonna breathe.
Your pace.
The whole thing --
you know it.
I'm just worried about that food
after the fight.
I'm fucking starving.
We doing italian still?
Shelby fucked
the reservation up,
So lisa bought a bunch
of steaks.
We'll have it at my house.
All right.
Invite your
little girlfriend.
[ scoffs, sighs ]
What's the matter?
Yeah, I don't know.
What happened?
Well, she's pissed off
about something.
What did you do?
I didn't do shit.
What did you do?
Training, you know.
She doesn't fucking
get it.
Ah, they never make it
through training camp.
None of them.
Not one of them.
[ groans ]
Don't bother with girls.
They're no good for you.
[ chuckles ]
what's your mind on?
Taking the guy out
in front of me.
You know where it's at?
Your mind's on winning,
Get up.
Turn around.
Loose. Keep these loose, loose,
loose, loose.
I can't believe you didn't give
me nate's first fight back.
You didn't have a spot
for him.
I was working on it.
'cause it kind of seemed like
you were slow-playing us
To see if he was healthy.
Is that what you think?
Yeah. I do.
Also, I heard
about the ryan deal.
Six fights
at a frozen rate.
That is fucking extortion.
Now, hold on.
We all got a little dirty
on that one.
[ scoffs ]
it's for the best.
[ chuckling ] right.
Whatever you say.
Hey, let's not fight.
How are you?
How is the baby?
[ door opens ]
[ jay sighs ]
there he is.
Man of the hour.
Hey, garo.
How are you?
I'm sorry I'm late.
[ sighing ]
Who wants to start?
Before we begin,
I would like to reiterate
My sincere and most humble
For any role that
I might have played
In the skirmish
the other night.
Well, it was more than just
a skirmish.
It was embarrassing.
You make us look like
Let's move on.
we have a problem here.
Jay's fights
keep falling apart.
It's costing us money.
I know it's costing you money.
I agree. It's not good.
It's not good at all.
But I may have a solution.
[ cellphone rings ]
Excuse me.
I have to take this.
You guys continue doing
what you do.
I'm the talent, you know?
I probably shouldn't be hearing
this shit anyways.
[ sighs ]
You are so fucking hot.
I'm looking at pictures
from the shoot this morning.
Oh, yeah?
I look good?
Well, I haven't gotten
dressed yet,
If that
tells you anything.
[ sighs ]
Yes, it does.
What are you doing?
I'm calling you back.
Um, yeah.
Flag on the play.
Is it possible
to meet there?
I thought you were
picking me up.
Yeah, I was planning to,
but my mom wants to come,
And she doesn't
have a car,
So unless you want to squeeze
three in a cab, you know...
I don't mind.
I-I want to meet her.
You're sure?
Yeah, positive.
Yeah, no problem.
I will pick you up.
I want you here
right now.
I know.
Me too.
Well, where are you?
I'm talking
to some promoter,
So I should
probably get back.
Once again, I have to
take care of myself.
[ sighs ]
[ exhales sharply ]
Forgive me.
What did I miss?
You missed me
having an amazing idea.
May I?
Go right ahead.
What do you value the most
in this world, jay?
Money, respect,
Women, glory?
All that shit.
Garo: Yeah.
These things I just named,
my friend,
These are the spoils
of a champion.
He wants you
to fight ryan.
Think about it.
Ryan wheeler...
Jay kulina.
One has blond hair,
the other has brown hair.
Friends, rivals...
Either way,
I'd buy a ticket for that.
Okay, we'll talk about it.
I am intrigued.
Is that a yes?
Lisa handles
all my logistics,
But I am very, very taken
by this idea.
You -- you, sir...
You're an impresario.
Lisa: We'll get back to you,
I like that.
I like your fucking style.
but don't fuck me around.
I have to move on something,
you know --
At least something
for wheeler
After that shit show he pulled
last time.
What do you think?
It's interesting.
It's definitely good for garo.
I don't know
if it's good for you.
It's a title fight, lisa.
How is it not good?
You're just building momentum.
What if you lose?
Yeah, what if I win?
That's the real problem, though,
isn't it, huh?
'cause it fucks with your
and alvey's plan with ryan.
I don't have a plan
for ryan.
Are you managing me...
[ sighing ] oh, god.
...Or are you managing
alvey's business?
But it's complicated,
And don't act like you can't
understand that.
I appreciate
the complications.
I do.
But I want this fight.
However you have to work
that out with alvey,
That's what I want.
Yes, ma'am!
I want this fight!
Jamal, jamal,
there's no way.
My son is gonna take me
to the emergency room.
That's how bad I feel
right now.
Well, yeah.
I called madison.
She didn't pick up.
I'm sorry.
[ headphone music plays ]
How you feeling?
The next person
that asks me that,
I'm gonna rip their
fucking head off.
Copy that.
What did garo say?
Well, things...
Are afoot, nathaniel.
Indeed they are.
What does that mean?
things...Are afoot.
I can't say much more
than that.
[ liquid pours ]
...I'm gonna
leave you here [sniffs]
But, um, hey --
Mom wants to come tonight.
Isn't she working?
I guess not.
[ sighs ]
Oh! Wheeler!
Wheeler, wheeler!
Look at you prancing
like an elk.
[ sighs ]
What is that?
Yeah. It's still warm.
You want a sip?
Is alvey
making you do that?
Yeah, I guess
I can't be trusted.
[ breathes deeply ]
The fuck
are you looking at?
Avert your eyes,
young man.
What the fuck?
You fucking didn't.
Let me put my piss down.
Fucking whore.
Garo's a promoter.
That's his job.
I mean,
it is a good fight.
Aw, come on.
I can't have my guys
fight each other.
It's a goddamn
soap opera.
you think jay can win?
[ sighs ] maybe.
Or ryan just fucking
annihilates him.
Either way, we lose
one of our top fighters.
We can't afford that
right now.
Jesus christ.
You got to get jay to back off
of this thing.
Oh, yeah. Or what?
Or he's gonna trade
to someone else.
No, no, no, no.
Don't even put me
in that position.
What am I gonna do?
I mean, is he stuck
on doing this?
Jay wants the fight.
It's fucking garo.
That's what that is.
[ sighs ]
What do you think?
I think it's everything
that you said,
But I see jay's point.
This is a title fight.
Sorry to interrupt.
[ sighs ]
Where do you want this?
[ sighs ]
On my desk.
You done for the day?
No, I'm still putting
some work in.
I'm fighting
the war on drugs.
Jay thinks you don't care
about his career.
That's how
he's gonna take this.
All right, let me --
let me --
Let me get through this thing
with nate tonight
And then I'll talk to jay,
all right?
No, I know. Yeah.
[ slurps ]
[ exhales sharply,
sniffs, sighs ]
[ door closes ]
Mom, we got to go!
Mom, it's 6:15.
We're gonna be late.
We got to go.
I'm hurrying.
I told you 6:00.
You've had all day.
If you keep rushing me,
it's just gonna take longer.
Mom, please.
Don't put on all that much.
Thank you, jay.
I know how to do my own face.
[ chuckling ] geez.
This girl's got you on edge.
[ sighs ]
How do I look?
You look perfect.
Let's go.
You're in a bad mood.
Maybe you need a drink.
I already had one.
Maybe I need a drink.
I will buy you three
when we get there.
Mom, you look beautiful.
Come on. Let's go.
[ mellow rock music plays
on car stereo ]
[ engine and music shut off ]
[ dog barks in distance,
doorbell rings ]
[ birds chirping ]
Man: ...Little long-term
damage to mature trees.
However, these fires either
kill or suppress tree seeds.
Hey, dad.
Mr. Wheeler: Mute that.
Remote's on the table
over here to my right.
...Which will prevent
further grass growing.
Prior to european settlement,
Aboriginal land-use practices,
including fire, influenced --
[ tv shuts off ]
[ sets remote down
lightly ]
You spoke to your mother?
What does she say?
She's moving in
with aunt robin.
Don't beat her up about this.
You hear me?
Yes, sir.
I'd like to come down here
and see you more.
I have a-a car now.
Sit down.
Turn that back up.
...Or alteration of
traditional burning regimes,
Many savannahs are being
replaced by a forest
Or shrub thickets
with little...Air.
[ headphone music plays ]
were you yelling for me?
What the fuck you doing?
Working out.
You're on the clock.
Nobody's here.
Jesus christ.
Forget it.
I just want you to take that
piss to the lab on robertson.
Is there, like, a bag or
something I could put it in?
If you find a bag,
then by all means bag it up.
Just take it.
Whose is it?
Just take it
before the place closes.
Is the van here?
Yeah, nate and joey
are loading up now.
Thanks for telling me.
Laura: Hi!
I'm laura.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Oh. [ chuckles ]
Jay, your mom's gorgeous.
Yeah, she sure is.
Tight squeeze.
[ chuckles ]
Oh, did you want me
to switch?
I can sit in the middle.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
Let's go.
Is there a...A middle one?
Uh...No, there's not.
But I'm gonna drive
very safely, okay?
Oh, sorry.
[ laughs ] it's okay.
[ engine turns over ]
This reminds me
of high school.
[ rock music plays
on car stereo ]
[ chatter ]
See if we can find somewhere
better than this.
[ bass thumping on headphones ]
Man: Next when he comes in,
sprawl back.
So, jay tells me
you're an artist.
No, not really.
I studied it for a while.
What's your medium?
Um, well,
it's just little sketches.
Pencil, mostly.
Have you ever
used charcoal?
I'm not really serious about it
or anything.
[ chuckles lightly ]
Well, if you ever need supplies,
let me know.
My friend runs a store
in beverly,
And he gives me great deals
all the time.
One for you.
Thank you.
Yeah. Mom.
To a, uh...
To a great night...
And a great fight.
And to meeting your mom.
Should be good, huh?
I'm gonna check on nate,
make sure that he's okay.
Do you need anything?
Okay. Mom?
Nope. Nope.
During the fight,
I'm gonna be
in my brother's corner.
Are you gonna be
all right here?
don't worry about me.
[ jay exhales sharply ]
[ sighs ]
I'm so nervous.
I've never even seen someone
get punched in the face.
[ chuckles ]
It's an experience,
that's for sure.
Well, I'm sure
you're used to it by now.
Not really.
But that's what this is for.
[ both chuckle ]
Man: There you go.
There you go.
Feels like a prison shithouse
back there.
Joe's finding us
someplace else.
You talk to lisa?
I did.
I want this fight.
I know.
I know.
I want it.
Can we talk later?
I found a space
down the hall.
Do you want me
to get him warmed up?
No, just take the bags.
I'll grab him.
That's it. Nice.
Let's go 1-2.
Man #2: ...Were home
to the most advanced
of south america.
The incan empire was the last
of many to...
...In peru.
Ryan, wake up.
What's -- what's wrong?
I shit myself.
I'm gonna need you to wash me up
and clean my bag.
You got to get me
in the harness first.
I don't see --
the harness.
Yeah. Does she --
does the --
[ laughing ]
I'm -- I'm kidding.
[ laughs ]
oh, shit, your face!
[ laughing ]
[ sighs ]
If you ever start to resent
your mother,
Remember that moment.
[ chuckles ]
Mom said you wanted me
to come to see you.
I did.
[ tv chatter ]
Turn that off, will you?
[ tv shuts off ]
The last time we talked,
I wasn't fair to you.
I was angry, and I took the
opportunity to punish you.
For that, I'm sorry.
I understand if this is too much
to come here.
I mean, I don't expect it.
I'd like to,
if that's okay.
Be warned,
I don't do much but sit here.
And I sure as hell don't need
to be entertained
Or have my goddamn
spirits lifted.
Good to know.
I won't try.
[ dog barks in distance ]
Just come by when you can.
Hell, I ain't
going anywhere.
I'd appreciate
if you'd call ahead.
Before you go...
Can you put my drops
in my eyes?
They're on the table here.
You'll need
to get a tissue,
Because it always runs down
my goddamn face.
How many?
Four in each eye.
[ chatter, rock music plays ]
You must be laura.
Hi. How are you?
Nice to meet you.
[ rap music playing ]
So, laura,
is this your first fight?
But christina's been
talking me through it.
Oh, don't listen to me.
I already feel like
I'm gonna throw up.
[ chuckles ]
Where's jay?
He went back
to be with nate.
How do you two
know each other?
Through alvey.
He put babies
in both of us.
[ christina laughs ]
Ring announcer: And now,
ladies and gentlemen...
Do it.
Come on.
...Nate kulina!
[ rock music blares,
cheers and applause ]
[ cheers and applause ]
[ music continues ]
[ cheers and applause ]
[ music continues ]
[ cheers and applause ]
Nice and relaxed.
Your own pace.
Find your pace.
Your own pace.
Come on, nate!
You ready? Fight!
[ bell dings ]
You set the pace, nate!
Don't stand in front --
side to side! Side to side!
Side to side!
[ cheering ]
Jay: Watch his toe!
Head position!
Head position!
[ cheers and applause ]
Yeah, that's it!
[ indistinct shouting ]
Man: Yeah, baby!
[ indistinct shouting ]
Hips, hips!
[ shouting continues ]
Loose, loose!
[ cheers and applause ]
Keep fighting!
Stop this fucking fight!
Keep fighting.
He's in position.
Finish it!
Finish it!
What are you doing?!
Finish him! Fucking bombs!
Drop 'em!
God damn it!
[ bell dings ]
Referee: Time!
What the fuck
are you doing?!
Call this fight!
There ain't no call, bro.
There ain't fucking
no call, ref.
What are you doing?
Sit down. Relax.
You never fucking
stop fighting.
You never fucking stop fighting
until that ref pulls you up.
You hear me?
Fucking answers to you.
I just want you to do
the same thing.
Great jabs.
Move in, take him down.
Finish him, okay?
Don't worry about the ref.
All right?
Let's go.
Let's do it.
Breathe, relax, have fun.
[ bell dings ]
come on, nate!
[ cheers and applause ]
[ muffled ] fuck yeah!
[ no audio ]
[ muffled, indistinct shouting ]
[ muffled ] watch out.
You okay?
Hey, it's okay.
It's okay.
Appreciate it.
You got a concussion.
We got to watch it.
I should have
finished him.
You got caught.
It happens.
Let's get the hell
out of here.
Come on, you come back
to my house.
I think I'd rather go back
to mine if that's cool.
Okay, I'll have jay
keep an eye on you.
Hey, come here.
Let me see this.
Oh, yeah.
That's a beauty, huh?
I know it feels
like shit, son.
I do.
But it's just one loss.
We learn from it.
We move on. That's it.
Look at me.
I'm proud of you.
It's okay.
I love you.
You too.
[ claps nate's back ]
[ thud ]
He was doing so good,
And the other guy just
got one lucky shot.
Yeah, I know, sometimes
that's all it takes.
Is he all right?
He will be, yeah.
I got to take him home,
though, so...
Yeah, I'll call an uber.
I'm sorry about that.
Do not apologize.
I mean, how do you even
handle that?
What do you --
what do you say to him?
You say "I love you"
and you move on.
There's nothing else
to do.
He's just got to get over it,
you know?
Thanks for bringing me.
Thank you for coming.
I really appreciate you.
Um, let me walk you out.
Lisa: We're never gonna eat
all this food.
I'll take it to the gym.
The animals will eat it.
[ laughs ]
What a fucking night, huh?
[ sighs ]
He did everything right.
He just couldn't finish.
That's what I'm worried about
with this kid --
He's a fucking fighter that
doesn't like to hurt people.
Let me make you some food.
No, I'm -- I'm...
Thank you.
We signed the papers today,
me and christina.
Only took about six months,
but it's done.
That's why
she came tonight.
She say anything?
But she was kind of
actually nice.
She was worried about nate,
[ sighs ]
Well, what do you think?
About what?
Should we get married?
[ laughs ]
On that note,
I'm gonna go to bed.
Come here.
[ sets glass down ]
Don't stay up too late,
[ sighs ]