Kim's Convenience (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Business Award - full transcript

With a local business award up for grabs, Appa is feeling a little jumpy. Jung tries to get Shannon into cycling.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

- What are you doing?
- Bagging.

Okay, Mr. Kim,
if you don't care about me...

- I don't.
- At least care about the sea turtles.

Did you not read
the pamphlet I gave you?

No. I threw in garbage.

First of all, that should have
gone in the recycling,

and more importantly,

Sea turtles are dying
because of your plastic bags.

- My bag?
- Yeah, your bag, their bags,

I am boycotting
all plastic bags.

Hmm. So, how you carry?

I will be like the majestic
sea turtle and adapt.

Did you know that

plastic bags kill
more sea turtles than sharks?

You mean, uh, bag kill shark,
or shark kill turtle?

Either way, it is a travesty,
and it needs to be stopped.

Oh, you right. I help.

Take bread, put in hand.
I insist.

Turtle very important.
Like this.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Okay.

Take a banana
and put it in the pocket.

- All right.
- It's tight...

- Okay.
- Yeah. Okay.

You can have a little bit more
inside here,

use other hand, too.


And a can under chin...

Okay. That's unflattering.

Again you saving
the sea turtle?

- You understand me.
- I get door.

Okay, well, always
a nice casual visit.

- Okay, see you.
- Bye-bye.

- He not gonna make it home.
- Not even close.

♪♪ Theme music playing...



Season 02 Episode 02
Title: " Business Award"


There he is, Mr. Fitness.
Making us all look bad.

Hey, I'd drive a car
if you paid me more.

And take all this
away from you?

The fresh air,
the exercise, the...

joie de vivre.

And it's fast.

My average speed
on the trip in was...

nine hundred kilometers
an hour.

Ooh! That's my boy.

I think that's just the
number of calories I burned.

- No, I think it's just 9:00.
- Still, you're on time.

I used to bike
all the time back home,

zipping through the streets.

"there goes the town bike,"
they'd say.

Not in that way.

The bike was actually shared
by everyone in the town.

And, boy, did I get around.
Again, not in that way.

You should totally get one.
We could be bike buddies.

I don't know,

There's a whole big city bike
culture I don't understand.

The gears, the bells,
the helmet, it's a lot.

It's a bike.

Hi, Umma. Hi, Appa.

Hi, Janet.
Hi, Janet's dirty laundry.

Hi, Janet.

Yah, something wrong
with you own washing machine?

No, I just miss spending time
with you guys.

Oh, miss spending time
with the free hydro,

free detergent, the free food.

Appa, don't be mean.

Yeah, Appa.
That's not award-winning behavior.

I'd expect more from
the moss park

business person of the year.

- What, you hear something?
- No.


I just have
a good feeling about it.

Don't jinx.

They announce tomorrow.
I have good feeling, too.

Just stop talking, hmm?

I never win,
whole thing is just stupid.

Then why can't we
talk about it?

No more talking
until tomorrow.

In general,
or about the award?

- Just stop.
- Janet, we go upstairs now.

Make space
on the don't touch wall

for, you know, something.

- Like an award?
- I can still hear you.


I got a surprise for you.

No... What is that?

A buddy of mine
fixes up old bikes.

I got it
for practically nothing.

I have to pay you
something for it.

Oh, forget it.
It was like 20 bucks.

Forty with the new rims,

- So, $40?
- Well, it was $80 total,

but it's a gift so, $45. $50.

I love it.

Oh, I almost forgot.

The helmet was $30.

But seriously,
don't worry about it.

Uh, are these eggs free-range?

Not free.
Price is on the top.

No, like, are the chickens
kept in cages?

We don't have
chicken here.

Do the farmers keep
the chickens inside cages?

Oh, good question.
You go to farm, you find out.

Uh, these are local.
Very fresh. You will like.

Oh, okay, thanks.

- Oh, Mr. Chin, good morning.
- It certainly is.

And as secretary of the moss
park business association,

I am happy to say someone here

is about to have
a very rewarding morning.

It's nothing.
I just try to work hard.

- Congratulations, Mr. Kim.
- Oh, thank you...

Oh, no, the winner
isn't Mr. Kim, it's Mrs. Kim.


- No.
- Oh, yes.

You both received votes,

but Mrs. Kim blew away
all the competition.

Congratulations, Mrs. Kim.

Well, it must be some mistake.

No mistake.

And believe me,
I asked for several recounts.

Congratulations on you award.

Our award.

She's right, you should both
be very proud.

But mostly Mrs. Kim.

You using the washing machine?
I wanna do a load.

No, I did mine at my parents'.


- What?
- Your load is one shirt?

Yeah. That's all that's dirty.

Then wait until
other things are dirty.

But I wanna wear that shirt.

Is this the first time
you've done this?


This is why our hydro bill
is so crazy.

But this way, I don't risk

ruining my shirt
with other colors.

Your shirts are all black.

Because I carefully wash them.



- Happy?
- Not really.


My wallet is in there.

Oh, god...

Life in the bike lane,
am I right?

Hey, you are looking
a lot better today.

I think you're really
getting the hang of it.

Oh, yeah.

I mean, a lot of people yell
when you ride on the sidewalk.

And I might have something
called saddle rash,

but... I think I'm hitting
my stride. And just loving it.

Yeah, it really gets
the heart pumpin'.

Is that what that is?

Usually, I bring a fresh shirt
to change into.

Oh, I tried that,
but it looks like

The sweat went
right through the backpack.


It's weird because
I know the AC is on,

But I feel like
I'm getting hotter.

It's a cool-down period,
you'll get used to it.

It's so great, right?

So great.



- Hey.
- Hey.

So, I was thinking about
our conversation last night,

and maybe, we just need to be
more considerate?

Yeah, I totally agree.

Which is why
I'm doing all my laundry

in cold water from now on.


Yeah, because our hydro bill
is so crazy.

- I know, right?
- Yeah.

And I know how you love

to take those really
long, hot baths.

And then shower,
like, right afterwards.

To wash off the bubbles.

And that's no problem.

But you know what would be
super considerate,

is if you could clean your
hair from the drain

and the wall when you're done?

Yeah, of course.

That would be awesome.
Thank you.

You know what else would be,
like, so considerate?

- Mmm?
- If after shaving,

you could clean the sink

and the floor,
for some reason.

- Done.
- Hmm.

And before I forget,

did you make
scrambled eggs recently?

Not today.

Oh, no, they're definitely
a few days old.

I'm soaking the pan, okay?

Okay, well,
while the pan soaks,

maybe you can clean up
your used tea bags

From our coffee table,

and, I don't know, everywhere.

I'm reusing them.

It's called being good
to the environment.

Unlike your one shirt
killing-the-planet wash!

My pants and wallet
were in there, too!

Again, they shut you out.

What is this,
10 years in a row, now?

Oh, I'm not counting.

Who won this year?
Oh, let me guess, a woman.

Why you say that?

Oh, please.

Business association,
so politically correct.

They don't give awards to
people who deserve them,

- just the flavor of the month.
- What flavor?

It's all optics, to gain favor
with the city. It's a racket!

Actual, Mrs. Kim
is win award this year.

Well, in that case, they've
made an admirable choice.

Besides, we've all
won this award.

It's good for a woman
to win it, right?

I never win.

Not recently,
but you must have...

Never, never?


You're a celebrity, Mrs. Kim.

Oh, that's a good price
on cauliflower.

Yeah. It's just
community paper.

You can keep, I have lots.

So proud of you.

Though Mr. Kim
doesn't look too happy.

I think he think
he is going to win this year.

Don't let his disappointment

take away
from your achievement.

This store wouldn't be
half the success it is

- without you.
- Yeah, you right.

Well, I must be going.
Where's my husband?

- He left.
- Of course he did.

"Marry a Mehta," they said.
"he'll take care of you."

I had servants in India.

Now, I live with a man

Who microwaves
cheese on toast.

Hey, everything okay?

I'm just so mad right now.

What's wrong with people
in this city?

- What happened?
- My bike was stolen.


That sucks.

And I so looked forward
to that morning ride.

I mean, yes, sometimes,
it was a challenge,

but, boy,
did I love that challenge.

And somebody
stole that from me.

We could try
getting you a new one.

I mean, probably
not for the same price...

I'm just too mad to even
think about it right now.

I get it, I'm sorry.

Hey, you look nice today.

- Not now, Terence!
- Okay.

- That was a bit harsh.
- It's a tough city.


Excuse me,
do you have apple pay?

- Appa pay?
- Yes.

Why would I pay?

Oh, no, I'll pay,
but with apple pay.

We take cash
and debit over $15.

Great, thank you.


- Congratulations.
- Thank you very much.

Yeah. Store wouldn't be "half
as successful" without her.

Of course it would be.
Exactly half.

We both work hard, together.

But Mrs. Kim
work so much harder.

I only open store,
close store, go to wholesale,

but Mrs. Kim, she rearrange
cookie on the shelf,

and that make all difference.

I do more than that.

I get involve in community,
work with other store.

I am kind to customer,
not like you.

Maybe that's why I win.

Only reason you win
is because you is woman.

I'm going to go.

So, thank you both, equally.

When I say you is a woman...

You don't even care
about the award.

Why would you?

Award is so stupid,

only dumb woman
like me can win!

- I not say you is dumb.
- You care about award so much.

Here, you take. Take! Take!

- You win, you keep.
- No, no. I don't deserve.

- You take it.
- No, no.

- Take!
- No!

Oh, fine. Nobody wants!

Yeobo! Yeobo!

My card...

Appa pay.



See, a weekday picnic
is possible.

All it takes is a little
Sunday night meal prep.

Dude, I thought
you boiled the eggs.

That's what the timer was for.


Hey, Kimch, check it out.

What, more chipmunks?
They're not going to hurt you.

No, that guy.
I think that's Shannon's bike.

Yeah. That's definitely it.
You up for this?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, bro, nice bike.
Where'd you get it?

- Someone gave it to me.
- Oh, yeah?

That's pretty ironic

'cause, uh, it looks exactly
like my friend's bike.

That's not how irony works.

You better give us that bike.


There's obviously
been a misunderstanding.


I can't believe Appa would say
something so stupid.

He don't appreciate what I do.

Gerald's exactly the same.

I mentioned one thing about
how he washes his clothes,

and he gets all up in my face.

Yeah. And your Appa only still
thinking about himself.

And then he goes on
about how I'm so messy

and don't do dishes every day.

But I'm trying to
save the planet.

He doesn't get that.

You know, all men is the same.

Your Appa don't even
see how much I...

And who doesn't
take a shower after a bath?

- Janet, this is not about you!
- I know, it's about Gerald.

No, this is about me.

Your Appa don't appreciate,
you don't listen,

and Gerald is right.

Okay, I get that you're in
a sensitive place right now,

but it's not my fault
your generation

let men diminish
the achievements

of hard-working women.

I work hard, deserve award!

And you could work harder
to cleaning up!

Because I'm a woman?

No, because
you is messy like a pig!

I am... You...

Wait, Janet, come back here!
Janet, you tea bag!

Janet! Janet,
the tea bag is here! Tea bag!

Is it aa or AAA?

What they should do
is make a combo pack.

Just buy both,
and make combo pack at home.


Ooh, someone's
in the doghouse.


- Can I offer some advice?
- No.

Never go to bed angry.
Or hungry for that matter.

Bernice and I used to stash

A box of crackers
in the night stand...

Frank, why I would take advice
from you when you is divorce?

- What I mean is...
- Hey, hey... No, no, no.

I stuck my hand in a gopher
hole, and I got bit. Yeah.

Mrs. Kim is win award
for business.


I tell her only reason she win
is because she is a,

You know...


- A woman!
- Oh, right, right.

- Wow, that's a doozie.
- Yeah.

I was never any good
with awards, either.

They all went
to my brother, dean.

Provincial track champ,
which is where he met Kathy.

She had a speech impediment,

But I never
held that against her.

Frank, what's you point?

The point is,

I used to sneak
into dean's room

Just to stare
at those trophies.

One day I took one down,

and accidentally smashed a mug

that Kathy had potted
for dean.

I tried to bury it
in the backyard,

which is how I dug up
cinnamon, our Irish setter.

Dean had quite
a laugh at that.

But who's laughing now?

I don't know.

Not dean,
he got hit by a truck

and I miss him dearly.

- You see what I'm getting at?
- No.

I never got to apologize
for the comic book.

What comic book?

Did I not mention the comic book?

That's really key
to the whole thing.

The point is,

I don't wanna be remembered
for the things I broke,

I wanna be remembered
for the things I fixed.

Now, I've forgotten
why I came in here.

Right, box of crackers.

Did you see
the look on his face?

Oh, man, so shocked!

Hey, look what we found.

- K-town boys representin'!
- Whoo!

Where did you find it?

We caught the guy red-handed.

Some sketchy-looking dude
says he found it.

No, no, no, someone

- gave it to him.
- Right.

Jung was badass.

- You didn't hurt him, did you?
- What? Of course not.

Good. Because I did
kind of give it to him.

- What?
- I felt bad for him.

It seemed like
he could use it more

with his nomadic lifestyle.

Seriously? The rims alone
are worth 40 bucks.

Okay, I'm sorry,

I wanted to love it,
I really did.

But it's just so hot,
and the seat kills,

And you can't carry a coffee,

and the hand signals
are all so confusing.

Like, why is this right turn?

- It's not.
- See?

So, you just gave it away?


Dude, we just stole
a guy's bike.

No, I'm the one that
actually paid for the bike.

But I gave you money for it.

Well, not the full amount,
but yeah.

And she gave it to that guy.

Yeah, we stole
that guy's bike.

So, our neighbor
keeps calling me "Ray."

I think I've let it go on
for too long.

I might just have to
run with it now.

Look, I overreacted before,
and got defensive...

I know, I got defensive, too,

and then my hands
started sweating...

I'm really sorry.

Oh, it just happens,

I think it's stress
in the hand glands.

I mean, I'm sorry
about yelling.

Oh, yeah. Me. Me, too.


- Are you moving out?
- No.

- I cleaned.
- Oh.

Feels a lot bigger in here
without all the stuff.

That we both leave around.

Okay, I'm going to bed.

- Okay.
- Good night.

Oh, um, before you go to bed,
one more thing... um,

so, when you're spreading
peanut butter around,

can you just use
all the peanut butter

instead of leaving half of it
on the knife and in the sink?


Ha ha.

Okay. Good night.

Yeah, closing time.

- I don't want cookie.
- You deserve cookie.

You think cookie fix?

I think cookie taste good.

- I do lots of thing, Appa.
- I know.

I don't need award.

I don't care
what other people think,

I only care what you think.

- And you think we is not same.
- No, we is not the same.

I want chip over here,
you move chip over here.

We sell more chip.

I want clear Pepsi.
We order clear Pepsi.

We still have clear Pepsi.

You want second baby.

I don't think
it's a good idea.

Then we have Janet.

I still don't think
it's a good idea.


You not win award
because you is woman,

you win award
because you is smart

and good at business.

You fix.

Frank help.

But not for
don't touch wall upstairs.

Here, everybody can see.

I like there.


- Dude, we are so sorry.
- It's okay.

Huge misunderstanding.

Please, take the bike.

It's all good. Got a new bike.

That's your bike?

Yeah, I forgot my key.

Seriously, take this one.

Mine's way nicer.

It's got better shifters,
carbon forks, this thing.

Here, grab the other end, and
we'll get some leverage going.

Come on.

- Hey.
- That's my bike!

Okay, I'll take it.

Dude, drop the cutters.

Are you kidding?
These are worth, like, 20 bucks.

- Let's go!
- Yeah, that doesn't look good.

♪♪ Theme music playing...
Sync corrections by srjanapala


