Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You (2009-2024): Season 1, Episode 14 - Kurumi - full transcript

The girls confront Kurumi, who has done everything in her power to pull Kazehaya away from Sawako and toward herself. Despite admitting to it all, Sawako forgives Kurumi and continues to treat her like a friend.




By rumors, you mean those
horrible stories about the two of you?

That's right.

And the rumor that I was
the one who spread them?

That, too.

And something about how
I'm the gang leader of this school?

-Gang leader?
-Gang leader?

Something about having
you two as my backup,

and even bending Kazehaya-kun
to do my will…



That's great! That's a huge upgrade
from being a cursed girl!

Sawako, the delinquent edition!

These idiots are really pissing me off.

Couldn't this be some kind of mistake?

I mean, how would Kurumi-chan
benefit from spreading such rumors?

Wait. I have those two as my backup,

but I badmouth them behind their backs?

What was my goal there?

Kurumi probably didn't think
that far ahead.

It shows she's nothing but a fool.

No, Kurumi-chan isn't a fool at all!

She kept fabricating stories and ended up
contradicting herself. That's a fool!

I'm starting to get confused!
What're we talking about, again?

Stop calling me a fool!

I couldn't do anything about it! I wasn't
the only one spreading the rumors!

The thing about her being a gang leader
was made up by Kazehaya's fans!

If it all went as planned,
I would never have had any trouble!

What? Kurumi-chan, that's not true, is it?

What you just said…
might get misunderstood…

But we can talk this out.

You'd never do something like--


It's not a misunderstanding.

I didn't care if I had to lie.

The bad rumors about those two
and making you take the blame…

were both part of my plan.

There's no misunderstanding?

What? Did you just admit it?

Yeah. You didn't notice, but she
already admitted to it a while ago.


You were in my way.

You were in my way, Sawako-chan.

I hoped you would get ostracized
by Chizu-chan and everyone else.

Kurumi-chan, you actually…

hate me?

That's right.

You just noticed?

We are friends, right, Sawako-chan?


I never thought of you as my friend.

You're horrible!

See? I knew she was like this!

Say something to her, Sawako!

Go for it!

Sawako? Hey!

You have to say something!


I can't take it anymore!

This is driving me crazy!
I'm just gonna say what's on my mind!

May I, Yano-chin?



This whole thing pisses me off,
but what's done is done!

I don't want or need an apology either!


I don't care what you say about me,

don't you dare talk as if you know
Yano-chin and Sawako!

And don't you ever make Sawako cry again!

Now the whole rumor thing is over.

I feel much better!

You're making me fall in love with you.
I wish I could be like you, Chizu…


And stop taking advantage of others!
It's a huge pain in the ass!

Yeah! I told you off so bad!

Suddenly, you look dumb.


not being fair, Sawako-chan.

What's wrong
with taking advantage of people?

Everyone would take advantage of me and
then toss me aside when they were done!

What's wrong with me doing the same?

She's not sorry at all!

You're saying that you won't change
the way you do things?

I don't see why I should.

I see.

You should know I'm not as nice as Chizu.

You want me to tell Kazehaya about this?

I guess I'll go and do that right now.



Go ahead!

Just go and tell Kazehaya!

Fine. I really will.

Hey, Chizu. Volleyball practice.


Come on, Sawako. Leave her be.

What? Get out of here.

Aren't you gonna go tattle on me?

Do it so Kazehaya can pity you again.

Chizu-chan! Ayane-chan!


Yeah, she said that earlier, too.

Please don't tell him.

Go ahead!

I don't know why she said that,
but I know she didn't mean it.

Just go and tell Kazehaya!

Those aren't her true feelings.

Please… don't tell Kazehaya-kun.

Well, I don't really care either way.

If that's your decision…

Are you sure?



no one wants to lose
the respect of someone they like.

Hey, Sawako.

I'm sorry. Just… sorry.

I didn't think you'd be so shocked.

Well, not that I could've ignored it, but…

I kind of made this a personal vendetta.

Vendetta for what?

Ayane-chan… you cared about me that much…


I'm the one who should apologize!

I'm sorry for getting you involved!

Hey, we don't give a crap
about those rumors!

More importantly, are you okay
with the rumors she spread about you?

I'm used to that sort of treatment.



Those rumors didn't bring only bad things.

They brought true friends.

Because Chizu-chan and Ayane-chan
are always there for me…

I can voice my feelings.

What about Kurumi-chan and me?


It was inevitable.

The other team had most
of the volleyball club members.


All right! Soccer time!

I wonder where Kurumi went.

Yeah. She didn't come
to the game, either. Is she okay?

Well, we won because she ditched the game.

We got Mariko to take her place.
She's awesome!

Kurumi's not the type to play
sports seriously, you know.

She's gotta tie up
that gorgeous hair of hers first.

-No kidding!
-No kidding!


Maybe she never went back after that.

She's so energetic…

You're Kuronuma Sawako-chan, right?

It's better than Sadako--

You're Sawako!

That's a good name.

Go, Chizu!

-You got it!

Kurumi-chan called me by my real name.

She called me her friend.

I've never thought of you as a friend.

Even so…

She called me her friend
and talked to me first.

Even if it was all a lie,
it made me so happy.

You're the only person
I've ever confided in.

Was that…

a lie…

or the truth?

-Thank you!
-Thank you!



There's something I need
to say to Kurumi-chan.

What? Kurumi?

I have to go!

Come to think of it,
Sawako didn't say a word to her earlier.

We got to say whatever we wanted.

I haven't known her for long…

and I don't know much about her…


Kurumi-chan told me
her most guarded, precious feelings.

I want to tell her my feelings too.

My precious feelings.

Is the girl's soccer game already over?


Took you long enough.

Jeez! It's all
because Pin wouldn't let me go!

You're part of the PE Student Committee.

It's a sin to be such a manly stallion.

What're you looking at?

Should I even comment
on this creature's sick fantasy?

Where to start…

Don't tell me you girls also…

You can't have me!

Where's Kuronuma?

Sawako went to look for Kurumi.


That girl.

What do you mean by "that girl"?

When I say "that", I mean "that".

Being a stud is such a sin.

That girl's probably sitting in a corner,
crying her eyes out…

all while thinking about me…

I've made another woman fall
into the abyss of misfortune.

You girls better not fall in love
with me like she did!

-I'm not interested in kids!

Don't tell that to others! It's so rude!

What're you talking about? I'm
a living, breathing rock of sensitivity!

Did you hear that?

Kurumi-chan has awful taste.

Pin, of all people?

I don't believe it.

I think this is the first time
I've felt sorry for Kurumi.

Yeah, even I'm feeling some sympathy.

I knew it.

You're still here.

What? Did you come to laugh at me?

Or do you have something else to say?
Hurry up and say it.

Don't tell me you're here to pity me…

I like Kazehaya-kun.

It's a romantic feeling, without a doubt.

I like Kazehaya-kun so much.

Actually, the reason I was coming
to see you earlier was to tell you that.

I wanted to share that
with you, Kurumi-chan.

I just said it out loud
for the first time.

Just telling it to a friend
makes me all jittery.

My heart is racing…

It makes me realize

just how much I like Kazehaya-kun.

Is this how you felt when you told me?

I said you're not my friend.

Can't you see how different we are?

Weren't you nervous?

Weren't you a little embarrassed?

Weren't you a little happy?

When you said it out loud, and when
you realized that you actually like him…

Happy? Why would I be happy
telling that to you?

I said you were in my way!

You never even tried, but you still
get to be at Kazehaya's side!

I hate you!

I thought I could win against you.

Because… I'm way more…

It's true that she's
much better suited for him than I am…

I'm way more

into Kazehaya…

I know it.

She really likes him…


really, really likes Kazehaya-kun.


I think you're much cuter now,

compared to when I first met you.

I know I'm cute!

But… what does it matter

if Kazehaya doesn't like me back?

I know…

Of course I know
he doesn't like me that way, because…

I've always been watching him… always!

Why did you come back?

I can't believe I'm crying
so much in front of you… like this.

You know all the good things
about Kazehaya-kun, so…

I just thought we could talk
about those things.


I hate you so much…

The reason I envied her…

wasn't because of her looks

or because she better suited him,

but the fact that when I witnessed
her love for Kazehaya-kun,

I thought she was cute.


He saw me for who I am, even now…

Next episode: "Rival."