Kallocain (1981): Season 1, Episode 1 - Första delen - full transcript

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script and direction

based on KARIN BOYE'S novel

the first part

Chemistry City No. 4
in the World State

Leo Kall... You have 5 minutes.


You're a chemist who has
invented something important...

Do you wish to buy your life
with this invention?

Do you wish to gift it to the Universal State, Leo Kall?

The letter said that I should expect
a visit from my control-chief the next day.

Meaning that I would be allowed to
perform experiments on human material;

the final test for my greatest invention until then.

Perhaps all of them dreamed of
the same thing as me: a way upwards.

"No... There was no need for that kind of dream.
That was the past," I'd tell myself.

Why are you standing here?

I'm waiting for my wife,
fellow soldier.

She'll leave the grocery factory
by the train that usually stops here.

[Fellow soldiers, be on your guard.]

[The one closest to you may be a traitor.]

I have some fun news!

My efforts have gotten so far that I'll
be allowed to experiment on human material.

Under a control-chief's supervision, naturally.

- Who do you think it'll be?
- Rissen.

My closest chief, Edo Rissen...
You know him.

But I would have asked for
a more... scrupulous chief.

Rissen doesn't strike me
as distrustful enough.

And we all know that distrust is necessary.
Isn't that right?

Would it be rude to ask
what kind of experiments these are?

Not at all!

You're assisting our household this week,
so you have the right to know and report it.

Well, it's something that I hope
will be of good use for the State:

A drug which can make anyone
expose their secrets.

All of those things that they have kept to themselves...

Been forced to hide,
Due to shame or fear.

Not even our innermost thoughts
will be our own any more...

Like we erroneously
believed for so long.

- What-
- Er... "Erroneously"?



Words and actions are born
from thoughts and feelings.

How, then, could thoughts and feelings
belong to the individual?

All parts of a fellow soldier
belong to the State, no?

Then their thoughts and feelings
must belong to the State, as well.

Until now it just hasn't been possible to control them...

You have nothing to fear, fellow soldier.

The idea isn't exposing people's
love or antipathy toward another...

The drug is supposed to aid security.
Our security. The State's.

I'm not afraid.
I have nothing to fear.

Leo Kall, a message from
the Propaganda Ministry's 7th Bureau.

Right, children! Time to go to bed.

Home-assistant nr. 235 reports her departure
via Metro at 1900. Over and out.

To think this would arrive today...

That this would strike me
just as I was celebrating my victory,
everything I had hoped for...

You'll need to know some of the background
to understand that message.

It all happened at a party,
about a month ago.

It was held to celebrate a troupe
of girls who had been ordered-

-to permanently move to a settlement
where there is a deficit of women.

We were going to pay them tribute.

And I would hold the official speech.

I must have been very tired...

... Because I sunk deep into thought
right before the speech.

A few of the youths managed to pull me with them
out of their asocial world.

A world torn apart from what ought to be
everyone's centrum: the community.

However, their comrades showed contempt for
all the time and energy wasted on a single person.

A police-secretary resolved
to reveal the girl's mother...

... Who also felt private sentimental and asocial feelings.

He wanted her to misspeak;

so he started lamenting the isolation and
uncomfortable climate awaiting the girls.

But she defended herself bravely.

She said "in the World State no fellow
soldier needs to feel alone," and so on.

Eventually she emerged as the sympathetic side...

Because she didn't understand his intent
to brand her for the State's sake.

The same thing might happen to you, Linda.

What would you feel?

That thought led to the disastrous mistake
of adding something to my speech.

Is it worth our celebration...

When a mother is separated from
her daughter with joy in their eyes?

Perhaps it would be worth our admiration
If this joy masked sorrow;

controlled and denied, and therefore
an even greater sacrifice to the State.


[There is a deficit of sacrificial volunteers.]

[This is the right time to show your loyalty
by signing up for the...]

"We have no reason to promote fellow
soldiers who hide their despondency...

... And personal sentimentality
beneath a joyful mask."

"Only those who are happy to the core
and have nothing to hide are serviceable."

"A wholehearted warrior is
more effective than a broken one."

"We await your televised apology ASAP."

"Signed, the Propaganda Ministry."

Alright. Soon they will all know of
the subversive act I've committed.

It'll be written in police registries
all over the World State.

My career in ruins.

My new drug's worthless compared to that!

You're overreacting.

How many upstanding fellow soldiers do
you know of that have gotten complaints...

And then vindicated themselves?

Just demand a divorce.

Come on, do it!

It must be wrong to live together with
someone hostile to the State like me.

You're really overreacting!

Don't you understand that it isn't a lack
of flaws that makes a good fellow soldier?

Rather, it's following those changes the
State considers necessary for its survival.

And above all, the ability to
cast aside your own point of view...

And dedicating yourself to the truth.

You're right.


I will vindicate myself on TV
during the apology hour.

I'll put myself in the queue right now.

"A wholehearted warrior..."

"is more effective..."

"than a broken one."
That's correct, that's logical.

I am reliable!


One should write things like that
when less upset than you are now.

You... You're wise.

Wise and strong.

But you sound so tired.
You're not sick, are you?

Of course not, I'm healthy...

You can't die on me.

I need you!

You have to stay by my side!

Well, then.

I've gotten a very detailed account
of this whole thing.

I think I've understood the situation.

Chief, I have taken the liberty to order
5 people from the sacrificial volunteers.

- They're the ones waiting in the corridor.
- Well... Call one of them in, then.

Nr. 135 from the sacrificial volunteer service!

I shouldn't have to make do
with damaged people!

- It could affect the test results!
- On behalf of my apartment, apologies;

but due to the febrile work
at the military factories, where-

the sacrificial volunteers are under fire day
and night, they couldn't send anyone else.

Personally, I believe that I am at full health!

... Despite a somewhat
complicated hand injury.

We don't need your hands,
just your nervous system.

I can assure you that the experiment will be
pain free and without long-lasting effects.

I'm sorry that I haven't had the chance
to make a greater sacrifice to the State.

Sit down and roll up your right sleeve.

- How does it feel?
- Like usual, thanks.

Is it true that you're only 40 years old?

Thanks. I'm... I'm feeling
very well!

In fact I've never felt this well.

But I'm afraid.

What are you lacking? (Is it love?)

I'm so... So afraid...

I'm always, always afraid.


Not much right now, but almost all the time.

They'd tell me I'm cowardly, but...

That's the worst thing that could
happen a person. I'm not a coward!

And by the way...

What would they do
if I really was a coward?

Then I'd just lose my place, and then...
What would they do with a wreck?

It's detestable to hear a grown man
complaining about his own actions.

It's called the sacrificial volunteers, no?

You signed up for it on your own volition,
just like everyone else.

It's true that I did, but...

I didn't know that
it was the way it was,

I thought it would be suffering, but...
I thought it'd be...

A bit grander.
Not the way it is now.

I was ready to die...
But when I was happy.

Not as slowly as day and night.

Piece by piece.

I think it'd be nice to die.

Then you get to be
the way you want to be.

The way you feel.

The man must be abnormal in some manner.

You've acted entirely
on your own responsibility.

My own responsibility? No.

I d-... Yes, I did want it in
the beginning. There were a few...

10 people from our corps signed up for it,

more than any other
group at the youth camp.

It was as if a storm
hit over the camp.

I've often wondered why.

It was all about the sacrificial volunteers;

speeches, films, presentations.

The sacrificial volunteers!

And I remember thinking that
it was worth it, the first few years.

"All of this is worth it..."

When you looked at your neighbour,
you didn't see a face.

You saw a fire. It was heavenly!

And those first years, I thought: "there
aren't many mortals that get to experience this."

But we have to pay for the things we see.

Can't- I can't remember...

It's slipping further and further away.

Sometimes... there's a spark
when I'm not searching for it, but...

The second I search, as you have to
if you want to find a meaning to life...

It disappears.

I think I've worn it out
with all of this searching.

Sometimes I lay awake at night, brooding.

How would it have been if
I had gotten a normal life?

Had I ever been able to experience
that kind of moment again?

You must have a moment of understanding, you see;

You can't sustain yourself on a
passed moment for the rest of your life.

Maybe I'll get to experience one now?

I believe that...

If you can't experience anything else,
you get one of those moments when you die.

Because then you get to be like you feel.

N-nobody can stop it.

I just wanted...
A normal life.

So I could experience
the meaning again!

I took too much, I...

I can't handle it any more.

And I'm ashamed because I've betrayed
a moment that meant something to me.

Why do you betray...?

And he remembers everything he said?


Everything, I'm afraid.

What have I said?!

I- I don't understand at all...

There is nobody who loves
their work more than I do!

I hope that I'll suffer the hardest
experiments for the State!

Nothing will leave this room.

It's as if it never had been said.

Who would have thought there would be
such outstanding bad apples among us?

Not merely bad. Pitiful!

Bad. Yes, worse than bad.

Do you have any idea about the importance
of this drug... Whatever its name will be?

Of course I know its importance!

For example, trials will be free from issues.

You won't even need witnesses!

One injection... And the criminal
confesses with no reservations.

Nobody would fear this drug
if they had a clear conscience.

Well, you seem to have an
unusually clear conscience.

Or are you just pretending to?

My experience is that no fellow soldier
over 40 has a spot free conscience.

Maybe some do, in their youth. But then...

Perhaps you haven't turned 40 yet?

One thing is for certain, at least...

This is the end of
our last shred of privacy.

And what does that matter?

The state is ready to conquer the last area
where asocial tendencies could hide.

To my understanding, it simply means...

That our great community is
about to reach its full potential.


Are we waiting for our next test subject?

Allow me a short break, Chief.

It wasn't just that I loathed the idea of discovering
anything between Linda and another man.

I especially loathed the idea that this man
would be Rissen. Anyone but him!

His presence felt ominous, but I didn't
know what sort of danger was coming yet.

How much of this would you need
to make it as strong as an hydrogen bomb?

Could I use this for my rockets?

Yes... When my father showed me
this experiment, I found it funny.

Do you find me old-fashioned
for showing you a harmless game?

It's certainly different from
your games on the children's floor.

Well, they trust you.

Children of the new era
are more objective and truthful, no?


Did you find this game boring as well?

- Bedtime!
- Right! Let's go.

When is your next permit?

You were looking forward
to the children's' camp...

Fellow soldier nr. 1679
heading to Children's' Camp nr. 24.

Home evening has been approved until 18.00,
assigned journey via Metro at 18.10, over and out.

I don't wanna go to
the Children's Camp next year.

You must act happy
that you're allowed to go there.

Or else... They'll complain
about your parents.

Say that we're bad role models...

You don't want that, right?

House-worker nr. 235 announces travel
via the Metro at 18.15.

Over and out.

The state did not have an ascetic view
on its members' love life at all.

On the contrary; conceiving new fellow soldiers to increase the birth rates was both necessary and honourable.

Mature men and women should be given
opportunities to perform their duty.

I had always kept an eye on that
during our intimate moments...

And I knew that the powers
that made use of that eye...

Valued me as a man.

You could consider "love" an
old-fashioned and superstitious concept,

but it still exists, I'm afraid.

I believe that the right moment
to use the word "love" is...

When you still hold on to each other
through hopelessness,

as if a miracle could happen despite everything.

In the past, our nights would have
the aura of a ceremonial performance,

where the two of us were nothing but
ceremonious, responsible procreators-

-under the state's watchful eye.

Where had that feeling gone?

The powers that made use of
that eye on the wall...

Had changed bit by bit into
an annoying encumbrance,

just during those moments where
I longed wildly for Linda,

and for the miracle that would never come:
that which would let me master her innermost riddles.

What I wanted from the marriage between
man and woman was superstition, nothing more.

As superstitious as
savages of the past...

who ate their bravest enemies' hearts
to receive some of their bravery.

"A wholehearted warrior is
more effective than a broken one."

How would you respond to that?

What does "community" mean?

That everyone is a cell among other cells...

Always tasked with upholding
the body that is our state.

You're a wis-...

Even Rissen would know that much.

It didn't seem like he understood
what I was talking about.

Nor did it seem like he understood...

That my new drug is an important step
for that development.

It will also strengthen our community.


That Rissen couldn't understand
something so simple and logical...

Or maybe he didn't want to?

But he saw how horrible
that split can be himself.

It has never been worse
than it was then.

Chief, I would like permission from
Police Officer Karrek to perform...

a greater and more convincing experiment.
Would you agree?

Karrek? Your planning is exemplary.

What is it about?

All of these test subjects have
one thing in common:

they are married to people who don't
belong to the sacrificial volunteers.

I wish that their spouses also would participate
in a different, if not risk-free, test.

We would need Police Officer Karrek's
permission for this.

It would probably be better if you
proposed the idea yourself.

You're going to use the test subjects'
spouses too?

If so you need a compelling reason.

Yes: The plan was to catch
those involved in crimes.


And that's why you need help
from the police?


We want them to believe that they are
involved in a conspiracy against the state.

They have been brought into
this plan by their husbands and wives.

Meaning our test subjects from
the sacrificial volunteers.

If they choose not to reveal their plan...

They just need to be delivered to us
and investigated using the new drug.

So they'd get falsely arrested,
just so you could test your truth serum?

No, we've got better methods
to get the truth out of our suspects.

Apologies, Chief, but we're not planning to
harm any of the test subjects in any way.

There would just be fear
and slight nausea afterwards.

Are you certain of this?

It would be an honour if you
were present during these tests.

And the names of your
married test subjects?

Because it only is an experiment,

there should not be a need to
arrest any of the concerned parties.

Everything should follow the guidelines
that I have made.

That you made?

I have the right to make decisions, yes?

Apologies, Chief.

This is happening
at my risk.

At home, you should show signs of
worry or anxiety for your wife or husband.

Or optimism for the future,
if you find that easier.

What's most important is
that you make your spouses suspicious.

That you'll be subjected to
unusually nosy questions.

Then you will confidentially confess to
taking on an espionage mission.

For example, a neighbour whispered
something in your ear while on the metro...

Such as "you could earn a lot from
drawing a map of the local laboratories."

Of course, you are not allowed to give away
that this is a scientific experiment.


You hope that we'll find
actual traitors. Isn't that right?


Do you have any sleeping pills?

Did your ration run out already?
It's just the 10th tonight!

Can I have some of yours?

A very important decision
is supposed to be made tomorrow.

I'm about to get my new drug accepted.

But the person supposed to make
the final call is very suspicious.

Then again, I'd value that more
than Rissen's laziness.

He's made brilliant contributions as a scientist.

The person I speak of has completely
different qualities and merits.

Rissen is far too meek.

You should avoid following in his steps.

Haven't you thought about that?

Since you've been on guard duty together?

I've never noticed him making any mistakes.

Right, you wanted 10 husbands.

10 arrest warrants
should have been sent out...

But how many were used? One.
Just a single one!

All the others immediately went to the police
and reported their better halves
- your test subjects - for espionage.

That's what I call loyalty!

You can have a single
pitiful collaborator.

That's a surprise.

A pleasant surprise, obviously.

Let's hope this one goes well,
for your sake.

Otherwise, without any confirmed results,
we'd have no use for your invention.

I was welcome to oversee the test, you said?

Of course.

It would be a great honour.

For you personally or the institute?

For all of the laboratories.

Have you submitted a report to the police?


And you have nothing to confess?


You have been reported for
espionage. Think about it.

Has nobody who ever was close to you...

... Mentioned anything about
treachery against the state?


We have better methods.

There's no fear any more.

Not for pain.

Not for death,
not for anything.

He must have known that too.

Then why wouldn't he
say anything?

Why didn't I want to tell anyone this?

Yes... He told me about it.

Last night he told me about it.

Now I understand that he knew very well
about what I didn't know until now.

That there is nothing, nothing,
to be afraid of.

He knew it when talking with me.

I'll never forget it.

That he dared!

I would never have dared to.

But it's the pride of my life
that he dared to.

I'll sustain myself with gratefulness,
for that we'd do the same in return.

What did he dare to do?

Talk with me!

About something I wouldn't have dared.

What did he talk to you about?

Oh, it doesn't matter. Nothing of value,
just something stupid.

Somebody wanted information from him.
Sketch maps... He'd get money for it.

He hasn't agreed to it.
He's said that he will, but...

I don't understand, I'd never do it, but...

To think that he would want to
talk with me about that!

Want to keep talking with him.

I have nothing to fear when I'm with him.
He wasn't afraid of me.

"Sketch maps"?

Don't you know that all attempts to make
sketches - maps -

- are strictly forbidden and considered
treason against the state?

Of course! I'm telling you,
I don't understand him!

But we will understand each other.

Don't you get it?

I've been afraid of him.

And he wasn't afraid of me.

He doesn't have a reason to.

He will never get a reason.



You knew that it was treason against the state...

And that you're complicit since
you won't report him?

But the other part was more important!



This should be enough.

Right? We got all information out of her;
the rest is... Not of importance.

This is interesting... Very interesting.

That you could get people to open their hearts
with such simple measures.

This is different from the 3rd degree.

I don't want to criticise the use
of that method as well...

But now we have this.

Well, I'd still like to oversee a few
more attempts.

Don't misunderstand me, fellow soldiers.

It's reasonable that the police
would be interested in your invention.

Of course.

But if so, you'll have to get used to
all of this rambling...

We are seasoned.

Calm down.

Calm down!

You have no reason to be afraid.

No, at least not for your husband's sake.

Now listen to me.

This whole story about espionage
was a lie.

Your husband is absolutely innocent.

His confession yesterday
was no confession at all.

He was acting on orders.

It was all an experiment with you.

Well, it's inventive.

You have the mind to come up with
effective methods.

Her husband has already betrayed her
from the very beginning...

And now she's unknowingly betrayed him.

The bond between spouses isn't too strong.
That's what you have shown us.

It really takes skill to think of that!

It'll be more effective if they're detained.
The woman is complicit.

But no real crime has been committed!

Her complicity was as real as it could be.

But if you detain her now,

you've established the drug as valid.
You said it was too early for that, Chief.

Would you look at that! You have
the gift of the gab and a logical mind.

I'll return for any further experiments.

If there are any more. Off!

Maybe life wasn't so bad
during the Stone Age after all.


I mean... Didn't she speak of the
kind of solidarity that existed by then?

Yes - it seems like there are
cavemen among us.

I am obviously referring to this woman.

Seems like you can say just about
anything, even without that drug.

[Humans are supposed to serve the state...]

Well, what do you think?

Is that apology good enough for TV?

Why are you being so dramatic?

You're not allowed to seem too crushed.

Nor like a string that can handle being
pulled beyond belief.

Then you'd get suspected for snapping back.

I can't allow it to seem that way, obviously.

My new drug will reveal
those who really are broken.

We never said that you gave
that impression!

I know that.

This is about those who are that:

What should one do with the broken?

How does one force them to become
good fellow soldiers?

Why are you so anxious about them?

- What are they to you?
- To me? I'm using them for my experiments!


Who's anxious?

What are you supposed to do
with the useless?

I thought the sacrificial volunteers
were dedicated.

I'm not talking about the sacrificial volunteers;
I'm talking about their spouses. I'm using them too.

... To show the inwardly broken.

Unfortunately we've only managed to get a single one.
We must try this again and again.

You wish that they were useless traitors.

I see...

You think so too.

No. No, no, no.

I don't want any people to have
treacherous thoughts about the state...

I want complete solidarity.

- Where are you going?
- I'm on guard duty.

There really was something to worry about.

My envy.

Yes! I envied my test subjects
and their greatest moments.

Would a great moment like that
have sated my hunger...

... For touch, love, belonging... A hunger
I tried to sate with Linda to no avail?

Fellow soldier Kall.

My name is Kadidja Kappori. You had
the grace to let me speak with you.

The district controller has accepted this
visiting license for a limited period.

Pardon me, but...

I happen to be home alone.

I truly am sorry...

I completely forgot that I had
accepted your request,

and therefore I haven't
looked for witnesses.

You know, there have been provocations...

It's nothing like that. I can assure you
that I come with the best intentions!

Naturally, I don't
distrust you personally...

But you must agree
that anyone could say that.

I don't know you, and cannot tell
what you would say about me later.

Wouldn't it be possible to invite
a neighbour as a witness?

I'll confess that I'd rather speak to you alone.

Here's the thing:
I am married to Togo Bahara.

He's among the sacrificial volunteers.


Er, has he done anything recently
that surprised you?

Something terribly tragic has happened at home.

The other day, my husband came home
and told me something horrible.

The most horrible thing you could imagine!

He was guilty of treason against the State!

What did you think then?

What I went through in a single night...

I can't describe it. It was so horrible,
so hard to imagine that-

Togo... My Togo was a traitor!

But how does a traitor look?

Doesn't he look like anyone else?
It's just on the inside that he's different!

Otherwise it'd be so easy to figure them out!

Right: that they pretend to be like everyone else,
that's self-evident;

that obviously shows how sly they are!

Right: so then I lay there and
changed my image of Togo.

The next morning, he wasn't human to me any more; he was worse than a wild animal.

It only took you one night
to change your image of him?

That's right!

When I came to the Central Laundromat to work
in the morning, I called the police immediately.

That was all I could do now
that things turned out this way!

Of course.

I obviously believed that they would...

Right, naturally.

Naturally I thought that they would
pick him up right then-

-but that evening he came home like usual!

I waited for the police to come
at any moment!

"Why aren't they coming?" I thought.

He... Noticed that.

And then he said...

"You have turned me in to the police,
you shouldn't have done that."

"It was all an experiment, and now
you've ruined it all."

When I finally realised that
that was the truth...

I wanted to embrace him out of joy.

But then he was angry.

And he said he wanted a divorce!

But... What do you want me
to do about that?

I think it's unjust that he'd want a divorce
when I haven't done anything wrong!

Indeed. It's obviously not right that
you should feel like you committed a crime.

You ought to be rewarded
as a good fellow soldier.

He said that he couldn't trust me any more.

It's obvious...

It's obvious that he can trust me!

Just as obvious as that a traitor couldn't trust me,
because what kind of person would I be then?!

I don't think you use
the word "person" that easily.

Neither should your husband.

He ought to learn, just as you did...

How to get rid of that utterly superstitious
belief about the word "person"...

... That it means something special.

That saved you, and it will
save him as well.

You survived that crisis...

... In one night.

Then your husband ought to do so as well.
But how many do?

If you had acted more slowly...

You would have been among the
state's traitors by now.

All because of that superstition.

So I was saved...

- Because I was able to stop seeing him as a person?
- Correct.

- That "person" means something special...
- Correct.

And your husband...

Must learn that lesson as well.

If he doesn't,
it is your responsibility-

-to report him to your closest Chief.

He will understand that there is
no reason at all for a divorce.

As a doctor, I wouldn't want to be tasked
with curing that man's immaturity.

Does he want a person that he can trust
all for himself?

I have to admit that there was
a hidden allure-

in the idea of trusting someone
no matter what you did.

I, Leo Kall, would like to apologise.

On the 19th of April, at the Youth Camp's
farewell party for transferred workers,

I committed a terrible mistake.

Taken by false compassion,

the kind that springs from regrets
of individuals and false heroism,

a preference for clinging
to tragedy and darkness,

rather than the brightness
and happiness in life,

I held a speech that the 7th bureau of
the Propaganda Ministry-

-rightfully considered an affront to
true citizenry.

Now I realise that a wholehearted fellow
soldier is more effective than a broken.

I bring forth this apology for my
poor mistake and have realised...

That the Propaganda Ministry's
disappointment is justified.

Just as I am ready to correct my actions, and to act according to their convincing analysis from now on.

Soon you won't have any
married test subjects left.

Now think carefully...

Hasn't anyone close to you mentioned
anything about treason against the state?

Yes; my wife has claimed that
someone offered her money...

If she would draw blueprints
of the laboratories.

But I don't know if she
meant anything by that.

Why didn't you report her to the police?

Well, it's much less important
than our cause.

Your cause?

And who are "you"?

Don't ask.

We have no name. No organisation.
We just exist.

How can you call yourselves "we" if you
neither have a name nor organisation?

- What are you?
- Many.

Many! But I don't know a lot of them.

I've seen many,
but I don't even know their names.

Why would we need to know that?

We know that it's "us".

Give it all you've got. Keep going!

Well? What are the names
of those you do know?

Lari Valimek...

Seba Riler, Tara Mykim, Kori Sarri, Yophem Blalenim.

What... Kind of upheaval... Do you want to bring?

Keep going. Keep going!

Because you want something, hm?

- Yes... Yes, we want something.
- What?

We want to be...

We want to become something else.

Want to become...?

Are there any specific
posts you want to take?

No... It's not like that.

So you don't want to be anything else than
good soldiers in the World State?

No... Yes, that is...

Where have you met up with the others?

At one of their homes.
One of those whose names I don't know.

Where and when?

The RQ-quarter.

Wednesday, two weeks ago.

- Were many people there?
- 15, maybe 20.

And you obviously had licenses?
Were they under false names?

False names? No...

At least my license was real.

That'll make them so much easier to catch.

Anything else? What did you sense?
Did you have a password?

Give him another syringe!

No, then he could become unconscious.

I... Think I have to
take some things back.

When I talked about "we", I...
Was talking about something else.

Naturally, I don't want to be anything
other than... a normal...

I-it was also an exaggeration
that so many...!

The man knew nothing. That much is certain.

His compatriots will know more.

We could search our way into
their inner circles, name by name by name.

Maybe it's an actual conspiracy. Who knows?

We could stock up on the new drug...

Excellent. Rather than using the sacrificial
volunteers for your experiments-

-you'll unravel this plot inch by inch.

Record everything you find. Understood?

There is nothing about the police's duties
in the regulations for laboratories.

A bureaucrat!

This could concern the World State's health,

and yet you ask about regulations!

Farewell, science.

Why shouldn't science and our
society's interests go hand in hand?

District RQ, 14 days ago.

- What happened?
- Oh, nothing in particular.

Tell us what you remember.

It was just the way they greeted me.

Like this!

Isn't that weird?

Unhygienic, and so intimate
that you're almost ashamed!

Touching people's - strangers' - bodies
completely intentionally...

They claimed it was an ancient greeting
that they had dug up again.

But you didn't have to do it
if you didn't want to.

You didn't have to do anything.

And what did you do?

Did you speak of anything you had done,
or were planning to do?

They didn't discuss it at all.

They sat there, talking about
all kinds of stuff. Or just kept quiet.

Nothing is as frightening as sitting
together in silence.

You have this feeling that people
look right through you.

Like you were naked - or even worse,
spiritually bare.

But in the end I thought it felt good.

And when it was time to leave, someone said:
"See you out in the world sometime."

"We'll recognise each other then."

Any recognisable signs?
Such as this... Greeting with the hand?

That's not needed.

I'd recognise anyone who belongs to them.

And when I grabbed you earlier...
I was sure that you wouldn't belong there.

But you...

I'm not sure about you.

Maybe you belong there.

Maybe you don't.

We sat there with our eyes closed.

There was a knife on the table.

Everyone was calm.

It almost seemed
like some of them were asleep.

We knew that there was no need
to fear the others there, or the knife.

Was it this kind of knife?

Nobody needs to be afraid.
You can sleep peacefully.

That's how it is.

Despite what happened to Reor.


Was he murdered?

Was that the leader?

You've heard of Reor!

And yet only the initiated understand...

I- I can't answer anything!

He lived like that about 50 years ago.

He never cared about any witnesses,
or evidence for anything he said or did.

He didn't even protect himself from
robbers or murderers.

And so he got murdered in the end...

By someone who believed
he had bread in his knapsack.

I can't follow their logic.

Can you?

I mean...

What's the explanation for
a group of madmen meeting up?

Could you answer that, my Chief?

Anyone could claim that someone
is initiated. You heard so yourself.

They can also see when someone
is not initiated... Or so they claim.

I can't tell what they want!

Things that are organic
don't need to be organised.

You're building from the outside...
But we are built from within.

You are using yourselves as building blocks
and fall apart, outside and inwards.

We are built from within, like trees.

And between us, bridges grow which aren't
made with dead matter, or dead coercion.

The living comes out of us,
and the lifelessness enters you.

What is this underground work
they are creating like blind moles?

What use is it?

Well, what should you do with the useless?

We need conclusive evidence!

This whole sect of madmen has to go!

Be judged, expedited...
The sooner the better.

Well, fellow soldiers? What do we know
of the conspiracy?

Personally I'd say that we
can't find anything that is an actual crime.

They all seem a bit deranged.
But are they criminals? No.

No hints of a political conspiracy, no organisation...

No leaders from what we could tell,
no lists of members...

And they aren't breaking the law against unions.

You truly are a formalist,
fellow soldier Rissen.

You treat the law like the printed word is an
unsurmountable obstacle - but you don't think so, do you?

- Laws and edicts are meant to protect us, yes?
- Protect whom, you say? Certainly not the State...

The State is better served by clear minds
that can spit on the printed word when needed.

You don't seem to know how it is with
most secret conspiracies;

usually, all they know is the name of 2-3
other members as meaningless as themselves.

That's the kind you've found.

And immediately, your pinch has softened...

Rather than letting those you already caught
lead you to deeper layers and central secrets.

In any case, they don't seem to pose
any danger to the State.

We could definitely let go of those already
caught and leave the union to its fate.

I mean... To my understanding
the police has other things to do.

My chief.


Please allow me to object despite only
being a humble subordinate...

I am interested in your opinion as well.

To me, this mystical conspiracy appears
to be anything other than harmless...

I mean... All of these people, whether
individually or as a group, are dangerous.

They show far too much trust in other people,
or at least to some people in particular.

I would already consider that harmful to the State.
It's a gateway to lawlessness.

Because the far too gullible will succumb to
the same fate as their imaginary hero, Reor.

Sooner or later, he'll be murdered.

And I mean...

Isn't the individual's connection
to the organism that is our State-

-a hunger for safety?

Isn't that the very reason
that the State has come to be?

If there was any reason
for people to trust another-

-no States would have needed to exist.

It is held together by our mutual distrust.

If you question it, the
State becomes suspicious.

Nobody has shared any thoughts that would destroy the state.

- None?
- No!

Then do you believe that we need
a new stance... A different view of life?!

Completely different from what we've had?

Isn't that the deepest meaning
of what the retained are saying?

And isn't that an insult to the state
and its fellow soldiers?

This is truly an overreaction.

It's just a gaggle of lunatics.
Didn't you call them a sect of madmen yourself?

Right, that's enough.

Truth is, we have never fought obsessed
people such as these methodically.

We have jailed one or two...

But if this sickness were to spread...

... If so, we now have a method
to control the true nature of our senses.

Anyone could be judged by that!

Anyone could be judged by that...

Maybe you're not wrong, in the end.

But Chief, if - as you've said yourself -
anyone could be judged...

The Propaganda Ministry would also
get access to a new, excellent method.

A law concerning illegal states of the mind...

To tell the truth, it would be within
our power to enact such a law.

If it gets approved by the 7th Bureau.

I'll send one of you!

Preferably someone well-spoken and convincing
who could inform the 7th Bureau of the drug.

Personally, I can't go for various reasons.

But you, fellow soldier Kall...
You know where to put your words.

- Doesn't he?
- Yes, he does. To the highest degree.


At least I'm Chief of the Police, myself...

And if anything somehow were to be discovered
I know where my highest Chief Tovarik would be.


Enacting laws doesn't actually fall under
the 7th Bureau's responsibilities...

But the Bureau's Chief, Lavris, has
a certain influence over Minister Tatjo.

So when you go to the 7th Bureau
to inform them of the drug...

Mention in passing...
Remember, in passing,

what importance my law...
Well, our law would have.

The important part is getting Lavris interested.
Do you think you could manage that?

I will do my best.

By the way...

I hope that the new drug will be named...

After myself.


I acted neither on
Karrek's behalf, nor on my own.

My act was a step in the
grand evolution of our state.

Perhaps one of the last
before it had reached completion.

I was setting a purification in motion,

something that could free the state's body
from the poison spread by offending thoughts.

Fellow soldiers. For security reasons,
watches will only be returned -

- after your stay in the
time delaying cubicle.

It was as if I was heading for
my own purification,

and would return with a calm mind free from all the asocial sediment
that I didn't want to hear or know about, and which wasn't mine...

But which lurked in shady corners
and could be summarised with one name: Rissen.

Our police report shows the speech
you held on the televised apology hour.

Is there anything you believe I should
pay more attention to?

Yes! There is one thing in particular
that I have kept in mind.

Namely revealing the broken.

Should that not be considered
a praiseworthy act for the good of the State?

That is why I have developed
the new drug, Kallocain,

that makes it possible to reveal them
more deeply and systematically than before.

The highest ethical instance
within the World State...

Is offered cooperation with the Chemistry City?

Is that what you mean, fellow soldier Kall?

It would obviously be far too bold of me to discuss cooperation.

No; we would simply like to offer you aid...

Under the condition that
a law of great importance is enacted.

Something grander than
has ever been seen in the world.

A law against thoughts, and feelings,
that are treason to the state.

Anyone could be judged by such a law.

Yes; anyone could be
convicted by that law.

Naturally, I mean anyone
who isn't loyal, down to their core.

Was this all you wanted to discuss,
fellow soldier Kall?

Yes, that was all.

Bringing the 7th Bureau's attention to
an invention that can reveal dangerous inner fragmentation,

Even if that fragmentation isn't a crime yet.

If I have wasted the Bureau's time,
I would like to apologise.

The 7th Bureau thanks you
for your good intentions.