Just for Today (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript
Hey! -How's it going?
-Good, how are you?
I'm good. How was your vacation?
-It was nice.
Did you miss us?
-Nope, to be honest.
Hold on,
I just mopped the floor.
Why aren't you in psychodrama?
-It's too much for me.
I see.
What's new?
Did you manage without me?
They forgot
to defrost the meat twice,
so we ate shakshuka all week.
-Oh, my goodness...
Can I go through now?
-Alright. -Thanks.
Shiomi the boy,
who are you inviting, Shiomi?
Shiomi the boy
would like to invite...
Well, well!
-Look who's here!
What's up, Anat?
-How's it going?
How was your vacation?
-Good, thanks, how is everyone?
Wow the masks
came out really awesome.
Amazing. -Thanks.
-I don't want to disrupt the session.
Anat, do you recognize me?
-No, Riad, you're so unrecognizable...
What did you bring back for us, Anat?
How are you?
-I'm good, how's it going?
Good. How was your vacation?
-It was fine, thank God it's over...
Is this coconut? -Yep.
-Save me a piece. -Sure will.
My chair suits you.
Sorry, I needed to use...
-It's fine.
How was your vacation?
-It was nice.
-How are you? -Fine.
Would you like to first intake
the new guy or have the meeting?
First, coffee.
Episode 1
Guest For a Night
-January 2006, City of Kiryat Shmona -
What did he do to get rejected?
-Nothing, someone took his place
because nobody bothered to tell us
that his parole hearing got postponed.
I want to try and find him
a new restaurant to work in.
Who's your coordinator? Tirza?
-No, Shlomit,
but she's at the seminar
in Austria until Sunday.
She's in Austria too?!
So you’re the senior
social worker now?
I’m just finishing my internship.
You're interning?
but I interned at Hermon Prison,
so I've been handling Niko's case
since he was in jail.
-Alright, listen,
I've worked out a plan for him,
it's been authorized by the board.
He's supposed to collect garbage bins
between eight am and three pm.
You placing him in a restaurant,
was questionable to begin with.
Your coordinator insisted, but now
I realize you were the one behind it.
Shlomit agrees with me on this.
He's a good guy,
he completed his high school diploma,
he worked in the kitchen
at Hermon Prison,
please, just give me a chance,
just one day to find him
an occupation, okay?
Listen, I'll be in the area
until four pm. -Okay.
I can come by on my way back,
so inform me if you find something. -Okay
Thank you so much, Tiki!
-Keep me posted. -Thanks!
'Uncertainty surrounds PM Ariel Sharon'
medical condition this morning
"who has suffered a brain damage
and is currently undergoing surgery
"at Hadassah Hospital
in Jerusalem..."
Let's just go to the municipality.
You're so optimistic...
She planned for me to work
in the garbage even before my release.
I don't want her telling the board
that I'm lazy and problematic.
Give it a chance.
She let us have the entire day, right?
How will we find anything
in one day?
You remember how much time
it took to find the first job.
You can always fall back
on sanitation work.
Yep. There'll always be garbage.
And garbage attracts garbage.
Cut it out!
Excuse me, may I sit down?
My name is Niko Belonogov,
I'm a released convict
in a convict rehabilitation program.
I've cooked in a kitchen
for dozens of people.
I've been released on good behavior.
I also served in the army
for seven months.
We'll call you if a job opens up.
Sorry, we're not hiring.
Leave us your CV.
"At eleven, the PM's convoy
arrives at the hospital.
"Sharon is wheeled out on a stretcher
to the trauma room..."
I'm sorry, I checked,
but he won't listen.
Could we try talking to him?
Look, I can understand,
my brother is also an ex-con.
Maybe you know him,
Misha Bogoslavski,
he also did time there. Know him?
But why did you guys say
that he's an ex-con?
It's hopeless now.
-We had to disclose that.
You make something up at first,
so that they see he's cool,
and only tell them
a few days later,
like my brother's social worker
did in his case,
and today he works at a car garage.
(In Russian) -Thank you for trying.
(In Russian) I’m sorry I couldn't help,
but my boss is so disgusting
that he refused to take my brother.
Listen, give me your phone number,
if I hear of anything, I'll call you.
Are you from Kiryat Shmona?
-I don't have a phone.
At all?
So take mine.
Call me.
(In Hebrew) Good luck.
(In Russian) -Thanks.
You're in the way!
Go wait over there.
Let's leave.
It's a busy restaurant,
he wouldn't tell us to wait for nothing.
I don't like his vibe.
Let's just wait over there.
No, let's go.
-Hey, it's alright, just come.
He'd better change his tone,
or I'll get very upset. -Niko...
Did you hear the way he spoke to us?
It's impolite.
Yes, what are you looking for?
Niko would like to be a chef
or sous-chef, we heard you're hiring.
Can't Niko speak for himself?
He's a new immigrant.
-I see. Great, follow me.
Hurry up.
Hey! -I'll give it back to you
by the end of your shift.
You'd better, Yoram.
-Here you go.
Work for an hour,
helping Oleg.
If Oleg give his okay,
you get the job. Got it? Capisce?
There's a new dish:
Fish drowning in sauce.
Calm down, will you?
This is Niko,
you've got him for two hours.
He's Russian too.
See if he's worth anything, okay?
Before, he said only an hour.
-Oh, suddenly you speak Hebrew?
Slice those up thin.
(In Russian) Hey! Where'd you work?
At the flea market?
(In Russian) What...?
Hi, Tiki, thank you so much
for coming.
How far is it to Kiryat Shmona?
-20 minutes by bus.
Alright, let's check out the place.
Listen, Tiki, there's a small problem.
-What is it?
Their shifts end at eleven pm,
but his house arrest
begins at ten pm. -Okay.
And because I didn't get the chance
to tell them that he's out on probation...
Yeah, it just happened.
They didn't even interview him,
he immediately started working,
even got paid, and the head
chef is also an immigrant,
Niko really impressed him.
Formally speaking,
he starts tomorrow...
What do you mean, "it just happened"?
Well, I figured,
maybe he could work there
for a day or two and impress them,
Have you completely lost it?!
-People do these things. -Absolutely not!
Who's your supervisor?
-Osnat Zehavi. -Call her.
She's at the conference.
-How convenient.
I'll have to report this.
-Wait, no...
Have him be at the municipality
on Sunday, eight am sharp.
Next time I see him,
he'd better be collecting garbage bins.
Is that clear? Is it?
-Okay, but...
Did you hear me?
And you'll face an inquiry.
You realize what you’re doing to him?
-Very well.
Did you even read his case file?
-I did.
Get a hold of yourself!
-Do you think it's right
to let someone who was called
"stinking Russian" work in the garbage?!
His teachers washed their hands
if they touched him by mistake,
do you know what it'd be like
for him to really stink?!
He'll be back in jail in a week!
After he'd completed
his high school diploma
and ran the kitchen in prison.
He can get a college degree
for all I care.
Yeah, to you he's trash either way.
What's your last name?
And if he commits a crime here,
Anat Dor, will you be held responsible?
Why would he...? -And if the owner
sues the Northern Rehabilitation Center
for, say, 2 million shekels,
will you pay it from your own money
or will your dad pay for it?
-I don't have a dad.
Your mom, then?
-She doesn't believe in money.
Then who would pay it, Anat?
Did you even speak to the owner?
I spoke with the shift manager,
I meet with the owner tomorrow mornin
Well, well...
You're very quick.
Alright, I'll check out the place,
and if the owner agrees.
you'll issue a police approval.
But starting tomorrow
you're no longer his social worker. -Why?
He won't get a work permit if
you handle his case, is that clear?
But how is this his fault?
-It's not his fault, it's yours.
Starting Sunday,
he's no longer your case.
But he needs me.
-You'll end up thanking me.
I'm leaving soon anyway,
continuing my internship
in the central area.
And professionally speaking,
you're better off with
someone more experienced.
Don't take this personally,
it's got nothing to do with you.
Then how should I take it?
Maybe you should call Sveta.
What for? I already found a job.
Maybe she'd like to see you,
you two could go out together.
Well, she's pretty, isn't she?
And she gets you,
her brother is also an ex-con.
I know him, the guy is a mess.
You said you didn't know him.
I remembered later on.
He's not an easy guy.
Never mind.
You get off at the next stop.
I said I'll come help you
with the bills.
I don't want you to be late.
Besides, I'd like to be alone.
This is your stop. Get off.
What is it? -I don't want you here,
I want to be alone.
Okay, but why do we have
to say goodbye so abruptly?
I'll call you in 30 minutes,
just go.
Hey, get your hands off me!
-Don't touch her!
Driver, driver!
Let go of me!
I'm calling the police!
Driver, stop the bus!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Anat, run!
This way.
Come here!
Come here..
Come here!
Who are those people, Niko?
What do they want from you?
Shit, I'm bleeding!
It's not you.
-You're bleeding?!
Oh, shit, shit!
You need an ambulance.
-No, no ambulance.
Be quiet.
He's lucky it's a superficial wound.
Had it reached his lung,
I wouldn't be able to help him.
I think we'll take a bus to Netanya.
There's a center he can crash in
for a night or two
Without informing,
without explaining.
"Without informing,
without explaining..."
He's on horse tranquilizers,
he'll be very drowsy.
I don't know how you plan
to get him to Netanya,
but it'll be hard to move him
for the next few hours.
He's also at risk of infection.
I suggest you take him to...
I don't know, maybe a hospital
or the police station.
Hold this for a second.
Flash light.
This has been at my place
for several weeks.
Some of my stuff's at your place too,
so when you get a chance...
There's antibiotics in there, too.
Thank you.
How are you feeling?
I'm fine.
Who are they?
What do they want from you?
I owe them money.
But they've doubled my debt.
I refused,
and now we're negotiating.
Anat, go home, I'm fine,
really, go home.
We'll go over to my place.
I'll help you stand.
Good morning,
is there any hot water?
Who is that?
-What is that?
You mean, he's not with you?
Stop, this isn't right...
It really isn't.
It moved, it moved.
What are you doing?
-Nothing, unfortunately.
Did you see
what's in the living room?
Come here,
I have to talk to you.
He's not staying here.
Wake him up and get him outta here.
Relax, will you?
So what if she's overseas?
Call long-distance!
I tried.
I can't get through
When are they coming back?
-The day after tomorrow.
You think she'll have me suspended?
Did you really plan to leave him here
until Sunday? -I didn't think it through.
They tried to kill us, okay?
It was the middle of the night,
he got stabbed, what would you do?
-I'd report it.
And then what?
They'll lock him up again.
But do you realize that at this point
we're also obligated to report him?
Not to mention, if you were followed
and we'll all be murdered soon.
Nobody followed us, okay?
Do you realize
what you brought home?
Where's the 400 shekels?
450. -Didn't you pay the bills?
-I didn't get to it yet.
Are you nuts?
He didn't take it.
Either way, he's not staying here.
It's the weekend, Dana,
you'll both be away from here.
Sorry, Anat, this is not acceptable.
You don't even work
in convict rehab.
And you think I'm not obligated
to report as a welfare worker?
His life is in danger!
-Whatever works for you.
I'm leaving and by the time
I get back, he's out. Bye.
God damn it...
Yes, hi, it's Hanan Michaeli,
Eitan and Batya's intern,
I came to feed the animals,
but I keep messing up with the code.
Thanks for calling.
Be careful not to accidentally
set off the alarm.
If Eitan knew what I'm doing,
he'd kill me.
I'll say I took your keys.
Should I wait for you in the car?
No, it's alright, you can go,
I'll help him settle in and walk back.
I can wait for you, if you like.
-It's fine.
Go, you've done
more than enough for me.
I can't believe you gave him my sweater.
-You'll get it back.
Are you still in pain?
-A little.
Let me take a look.
It'll heal eventually.
In the meantime, keep taking
the antibiotics and use disinfectant.
If anything happens to her
because of you or if you harm her,
you'll have me to deal with,
is that clear?
So here you have your kitchenware,
whatever you need,
oh, and Hanan said you mustn't feed
the animals under any circumstances.
come over this evening
to feed them. -Okay.
Some of them are post-op
and he left me detailed instructions.
Don't feed them,
even if they whine like crazy.
Got it.
I brought you a book.
some light reading
to pass the time,
it'll put your mind at ease.
You'll be fine, right?
Of course.
I'll come by this evening
to visit you
and to feed them.
Have a good Sabbath.
-You too.
Why are you crying?
What do you want?
"The PM's bureau has informed
the Attorney General
"about PM Sharon's condition.
Meni Mazuz later announced
"that Minister Ehud Olmert
is now the acting Prime Minister."
Where've you been? -It's Friday,
I went to get Sabbath candles.
I'm not sure
you say "amen" to that.
Is that candle in memory
of your younger brother?
It's still a bit warm.
Wait, I brought Sabbath candles,
I figured we'd say the blessing.
Light them.
You have to do it.
-Me? Why me?
The woman lights the Sabbath candles.
-But I don't know the blessing.
You don't know the blessing
for lighting the Sabbath candles? -No.
But it's a Jewish ritual,
every Jew knows it.
My family had other rituals.
You can teach me.
I don't know it either,
my adoptive mom would recite it. -So?
Okay, fine, cover your hair.
With what?
-Use your scarf. -Alright.
Now, light them.
-Just like that?
Do I say something too?
Now do Ir this three times,
close your eyes and say a blessing.
"Blessed are You, Lord our God,
"Who commanded us
to observe the Sabbath
"and light candles in its honor."
Bon appetit.
-Wait, we need grape juice.
"Blessed are You, Lord our God,
King of the Univerjse,
Who creates the fruit of the vine.
Did your adoptive family
teach you that?
Why did they send you away?
It didn't work out.
-What didn't work out?
A bunch of beautiful buns are sitting
on the shelf at the grocery store.
Suddenly they spot a weird
looking bun, all braided up.
So they ask it: "Hey, bun,
what's wrong with you?"
The bun replies:
"I'm Challah" (sick)
I knowlhe same joke
but with a leaf,
where all the other leaves ask it:
"Why are you here?"
solt replies:
"I had to leaf my country."
I feel bad for the animals,
they're looking at us.
That's life.
She's running out of...
wait, I'll change it for her.
Who made this?
My roommate Dana's mom.
You like?
It's good
It's from last week.
Just kidding,
it's from today.
God can see you.
It's about time.
Can I have a cigarette?
It's my last one. Take it.
Hanan still loves you.
We say goodbye on Sunday.
Will you miss me?
Me too.
I'll go now.
I think I love you.
We can't, Niko.
-Why not?
We just can't.
But I love you.
We can't.
Sorry, sorry!
"President Moshe Katsav said
the elections would be held on schedule.
"Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu
announced that the process
"of his ministers' resignation
will be halted..."
Hey, is everything okay?
you feed the animals?
-Umm... of course.
They must be fed on time, Anat,
I'm on my way there now.
They're post-op, Anat!
Misha, what’s up?
I gave him the goods.
Hey, Niko.
You have to leave the clinic.
a cat is arriving for emergency surgery.
Can you come here?
Superintendent Firhi speaking.
It's me, I called earlier.
He's on his way over.
Hey, sweetie.
What's up?
Wanna hear something funny?
The money for the electric bill..
was on me the whole time.
I took it with me
so I wouldn't forget to pay it.
Are you okay?
-I'm great.
How did it turn out with your guy?
I did it to get rid of my debt.
Do you have any idea
what a risk I took for you?
I did it for you.
You killed me.
You'll pay for it your entire life.
Are you threatening me?
-You'll never know.
What will I never know?
-Free up the phone, inmate!
Niko, what will I never know?
Meet Valentin,
he's the new guy.
Valentine? Valentin?
Where'd you get that name?
-It's my middle name.
Hi, this is Anat Dor-Michaeli
from "Just for Today".
Fine, and you?
Listen, I have an ex-con with a permit,
Valentin Belonogov,
who needs a hostel, but he's not right for us
due to reasons beyond his control.
I thought he might be suitable
for your hostel.
What's that?
They're having a hard time
adjusting after the vacation. -I bet.
Yes, his case file is perfect.
Can you meet with him?
Thank you, Boaz.
You're lucky.
He's willing to meet with you
tomorrow morning.
Nitzanim in Be'er Sheva
is a great hostel.
Considering your file, there's no reason
why they wouldn't accept you.
Lucky me.
Hey, I'm doing laundry,
do you need anything?
"Anat Dor-Michaeli".
Did you marry Hanan?
How old are your children?
Niko, while you're here, please refrain
rom asking me personal questions, okay
My name is Valentin.
David will show you
where you'll spend the night.
Folks, you have a guest
for one night.
Shiomi, Jamil,
meet Valentin.
Hi, what's up?
-Treat him nicely, okay?
Michael, meet Valentin.
-Nice to meet you.
Take this bed.
English: Hagit Harel
Subtitles: Trans Titles Ltd.
Hey! -How's it going?
-Good, how are you?
I'm good. How was your vacation?
-It was nice.
Did you miss us?
-Nope, to be honest.
Hold on,
I just mopped the floor.
Why aren't you in psychodrama?
-It's too much for me.
I see.
What's new?
Did you manage without me?
They forgot
to defrost the meat twice,
so we ate shakshuka all week.
-Oh, my goodness...
Can I go through now?
-Alright. -Thanks.
Shiomi the boy,
who are you inviting, Shiomi?
Shiomi the boy
would like to invite...
Well, well!
-Look who's here!
What's up, Anat?
-How's it going?
How was your vacation?
-Good, thanks, how is everyone?
Wow the masks
came out really awesome.
Amazing. -Thanks.
-I don't want to disrupt the session.
Anat, do you recognize me?
-No, Riad, you're so unrecognizable...
What did you bring back for us, Anat?
How are you?
-I'm good, how's it going?
Good. How was your vacation?
-It was fine, thank God it's over...
Is this coconut? -Yep.
-Save me a piece. -Sure will.
My chair suits you.
Sorry, I needed to use...
-It's fine.
How was your vacation?
-It was nice.
-How are you? -Fine.
Would you like to first intake
the new guy or have the meeting?
First, coffee.
Episode 1
Guest For a Night
-January 2006, City of Kiryat Shmona -
What did he do to get rejected?
-Nothing, someone took his place
because nobody bothered to tell us
that his parole hearing got postponed.
I want to try and find him
a new restaurant to work in.
Who's your coordinator? Tirza?
-No, Shlomit,
but she's at the seminar
in Austria until Sunday.
She's in Austria too?!
So you’re the senior
social worker now?
I’m just finishing my internship.
You're interning?
but I interned at Hermon Prison,
so I've been handling Niko's case
since he was in jail.
-Alright, listen,
I've worked out a plan for him,
it's been authorized by the board.
He's supposed to collect garbage bins
between eight am and three pm.
You placing him in a restaurant,
was questionable to begin with.
Your coordinator insisted, but now
I realize you were the one behind it.
Shlomit agrees with me on this.
He's a good guy,
he completed his high school diploma,
he worked in the kitchen
at Hermon Prison,
please, just give me a chance,
just one day to find him
an occupation, okay?
Listen, I'll be in the area
until four pm. -Okay.
I can come by on my way back,
so inform me if you find something. -Okay
Thank you so much, Tiki!
-Keep me posted. -Thanks!
'Uncertainty surrounds PM Ariel Sharon'
medical condition this morning
"who has suffered a brain damage
and is currently undergoing surgery
"at Hadassah Hospital
in Jerusalem..."
Let's just go to the municipality.
You're so optimistic...
She planned for me to work
in the garbage even before my release.
I don't want her telling the board
that I'm lazy and problematic.
Give it a chance.
She let us have the entire day, right?
How will we find anything
in one day?
You remember how much time
it took to find the first job.
You can always fall back
on sanitation work.
Yep. There'll always be garbage.
And garbage attracts garbage.
Cut it out!
Excuse me, may I sit down?
My name is Niko Belonogov,
I'm a released convict
in a convict rehabilitation program.
I've cooked in a kitchen
for dozens of people.
I've been released on good behavior.
I also served in the army
for seven months.
We'll call you if a job opens up.
Sorry, we're not hiring.
Leave us your CV.
"At eleven, the PM's convoy
arrives at the hospital.
"Sharon is wheeled out on a stretcher
to the trauma room..."
I'm sorry, I checked,
but he won't listen.
Could we try talking to him?
Look, I can understand,
my brother is also an ex-con.
Maybe you know him,
Misha Bogoslavski,
he also did time there. Know him?
But why did you guys say
that he's an ex-con?
It's hopeless now.
-We had to disclose that.
You make something up at first,
so that they see he's cool,
and only tell them
a few days later,
like my brother's social worker
did in his case,
and today he works at a car garage.
(In Russian) -Thank you for trying.
(In Russian) I’m sorry I couldn't help,
but my boss is so disgusting
that he refused to take my brother.
Listen, give me your phone number,
if I hear of anything, I'll call you.
Are you from Kiryat Shmona?
-I don't have a phone.
At all?
So take mine.
Call me.
(In Hebrew) Good luck.
(In Russian) -Thanks.
You're in the way!
Go wait over there.
Let's leave.
It's a busy restaurant,
he wouldn't tell us to wait for nothing.
I don't like his vibe.
Let's just wait over there.
No, let's go.
-Hey, it's alright, just come.
He'd better change his tone,
or I'll get very upset. -Niko...
Did you hear the way he spoke to us?
It's impolite.
Yes, what are you looking for?
Niko would like to be a chef
or sous-chef, we heard you're hiring.
Can't Niko speak for himself?
He's a new immigrant.
-I see. Great, follow me.
Hurry up.
Hey! -I'll give it back to you
by the end of your shift.
You'd better, Yoram.
-Here you go.
Work for an hour,
helping Oleg.
If Oleg give his okay,
you get the job. Got it? Capisce?
There's a new dish:
Fish drowning in sauce.
Calm down, will you?
This is Niko,
you've got him for two hours.
He's Russian too.
See if he's worth anything, okay?
Before, he said only an hour.
-Oh, suddenly you speak Hebrew?
Slice those up thin.
(In Russian) Hey! Where'd you work?
At the flea market?
(In Russian) What...?
Hi, Tiki, thank you so much
for coming.
How far is it to Kiryat Shmona?
-20 minutes by bus.
Alright, let's check out the place.
Listen, Tiki, there's a small problem.
-What is it?
Their shifts end at eleven pm,
but his house arrest
begins at ten pm. -Okay.
And because I didn't get the chance
to tell them that he's out on probation...
Yeah, it just happened.
They didn't even interview him,
he immediately started working,
even got paid, and the head
chef is also an immigrant,
Niko really impressed him.
Formally speaking,
he starts tomorrow...
What do you mean, "it just happened"?
Well, I figured,
maybe he could work there
for a day or two and impress them,
Have you completely lost it?!
-People do these things. -Absolutely not!
Who's your supervisor?
-Osnat Zehavi. -Call her.
She's at the conference.
-How convenient.
I'll have to report this.
-Wait, no...
Have him be at the municipality
on Sunday, eight am sharp.
Next time I see him,
he'd better be collecting garbage bins.
Is that clear? Is it?
-Okay, but...
Did you hear me?
And you'll face an inquiry.
You realize what you’re doing to him?
-Very well.
Did you even read his case file?
-I did.
Get a hold of yourself!
-Do you think it's right
to let someone who was called
"stinking Russian" work in the garbage?!
His teachers washed their hands
if they touched him by mistake,
do you know what it'd be like
for him to really stink?!
He'll be back in jail in a week!
After he'd completed
his high school diploma
and ran the kitchen in prison.
He can get a college degree
for all I care.
Yeah, to you he's trash either way.
What's your last name?
And if he commits a crime here,
Anat Dor, will you be held responsible?
Why would he...? -And if the owner
sues the Northern Rehabilitation Center
for, say, 2 million shekels,
will you pay it from your own money
or will your dad pay for it?
-I don't have a dad.
Your mom, then?
-She doesn't believe in money.
Then who would pay it, Anat?
Did you even speak to the owner?
I spoke with the shift manager,
I meet with the owner tomorrow mornin
Well, well...
You're very quick.
Alright, I'll check out the place,
and if the owner agrees.
you'll issue a police approval.
But starting tomorrow
you're no longer his social worker. -Why?
He won't get a work permit if
you handle his case, is that clear?
But how is this his fault?
-It's not his fault, it's yours.
Starting Sunday,
he's no longer your case.
But he needs me.
-You'll end up thanking me.
I'm leaving soon anyway,
continuing my internship
in the central area.
And professionally speaking,
you're better off with
someone more experienced.
Don't take this personally,
it's got nothing to do with you.
Then how should I take it?
Maybe you should call Sveta.
What for? I already found a job.
Maybe she'd like to see you,
you two could go out together.
Well, she's pretty, isn't she?
And she gets you,
her brother is also an ex-con.
I know him, the guy is a mess.
You said you didn't know him.
I remembered later on.
He's not an easy guy.
Never mind.
You get off at the next stop.
I said I'll come help you
with the bills.
I don't want you to be late.
Besides, I'd like to be alone.
This is your stop. Get off.
What is it? -I don't want you here,
I want to be alone.
Okay, but why do we have
to say goodbye so abruptly?
I'll call you in 30 minutes,
just go.
Hey, get your hands off me!
-Don't touch her!
Driver, driver!
Let go of me!
I'm calling the police!
Driver, stop the bus!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Anat, run!
This way.
Come here!
Come here..
Come here!
Who are those people, Niko?
What do they want from you?
Shit, I'm bleeding!
It's not you.
-You're bleeding?!
Oh, shit, shit!
You need an ambulance.
-No, no ambulance.
Be quiet.
He's lucky it's a superficial wound.
Had it reached his lung,
I wouldn't be able to help him.
I think we'll take a bus to Netanya.
There's a center he can crash in
for a night or two
Without informing,
without explaining.
"Without informing,
without explaining..."
He's on horse tranquilizers,
he'll be very drowsy.
I don't know how you plan
to get him to Netanya,
but it'll be hard to move him
for the next few hours.
He's also at risk of infection.
I suggest you take him to...
I don't know, maybe a hospital
or the police station.
Hold this for a second.
Flash light.
This has been at my place
for several weeks.
Some of my stuff's at your place too,
so when you get a chance...
There's antibiotics in there, too.
Thank you.
How are you feeling?
I'm fine.
Who are they?
What do they want from you?
I owe them money.
But they've doubled my debt.
I refused,
and now we're negotiating.
Anat, go home, I'm fine,
really, go home.
We'll go over to my place.
I'll help you stand.
Good morning,
is there any hot water?
Who is that?
-What is that?
You mean, he's not with you?
Stop, this isn't right...
It really isn't.
It moved, it moved.
What are you doing?
-Nothing, unfortunately.
Did you see
what's in the living room?
Come here,
I have to talk to you.
He's not staying here.
Wake him up and get him outta here.
Relax, will you?
So what if she's overseas?
Call long-distance!
I tried.
I can't get through
When are they coming back?
-The day after tomorrow.
You think she'll have me suspended?
Did you really plan to leave him here
until Sunday? -I didn't think it through.
They tried to kill us, okay?
It was the middle of the night,
he got stabbed, what would you do?
-I'd report it.
And then what?
They'll lock him up again.
But do you realize that at this point
we're also obligated to report him?
Not to mention, if you were followed
and we'll all be murdered soon.
Nobody followed us, okay?
Do you realize
what you brought home?
Where's the 400 shekels?
450. -Didn't you pay the bills?
-I didn't get to it yet.
Are you nuts?
He didn't take it.
Either way, he's not staying here.
It's the weekend, Dana,
you'll both be away from here.
Sorry, Anat, this is not acceptable.
You don't even work
in convict rehab.
And you think I'm not obligated
to report as a welfare worker?
His life is in danger!
-Whatever works for you.
I'm leaving and by the time
I get back, he's out. Bye.
God damn it...
Yes, hi, it's Hanan Michaeli,
Eitan and Batya's intern,
I came to feed the animals,
but I keep messing up with the code.
Thanks for calling.
Be careful not to accidentally
set off the alarm.
If Eitan knew what I'm doing,
he'd kill me.
I'll say I took your keys.
Should I wait for you in the car?
No, it's alright, you can go,
I'll help him settle in and walk back.
I can wait for you, if you like.
-It's fine.
Go, you've done
more than enough for me.
I can't believe you gave him my sweater.
-You'll get it back.
Are you still in pain?
-A little.
Let me take a look.
It'll heal eventually.
In the meantime, keep taking
the antibiotics and use disinfectant.
If anything happens to her
because of you or if you harm her,
you'll have me to deal with,
is that clear?
So here you have your kitchenware,
whatever you need,
oh, and Hanan said you mustn't feed
the animals under any circumstances.
come over this evening
to feed them. -Okay.
Some of them are post-op
and he left me detailed instructions.
Don't feed them,
even if they whine like crazy.
Got it.
I brought you a book.
some light reading
to pass the time,
it'll put your mind at ease.
You'll be fine, right?
Of course.
I'll come by this evening
to visit you
and to feed them.
Have a good Sabbath.
-You too.
Why are you crying?
What do you want?
"The PM's bureau has informed
the Attorney General
"about PM Sharon's condition.
Meni Mazuz later announced
"that Minister Ehud Olmert
is now the acting Prime Minister."
Where've you been? -It's Friday,
I went to get Sabbath candles.
I'm not sure
you say "amen" to that.
Is that candle in memory
of your younger brother?
It's still a bit warm.
Wait, I brought Sabbath candles,
I figured we'd say the blessing.
Light them.
You have to do it.
-Me? Why me?
The woman lights the Sabbath candles.
-But I don't know the blessing.
You don't know the blessing
for lighting the Sabbath candles? -No.
But it's a Jewish ritual,
every Jew knows it.
My family had other rituals.
You can teach me.
I don't know it either,
my adoptive mom would recite it. -So?
Okay, fine, cover your hair.
With what?
-Use your scarf. -Alright.
Now, light them.
-Just like that?
Do I say something too?
Now do Ir this three times,
close your eyes and say a blessing.
"Blessed are You, Lord our God,
"Who commanded us
to observe the Sabbath
"and light candles in its honor."
Bon appetit.
-Wait, we need grape juice.
"Blessed are You, Lord our God,
King of the Univerjse,
Who creates the fruit of the vine.
Did your adoptive family
teach you that?
Why did they send you away?
It didn't work out.
-What didn't work out?
A bunch of beautiful buns are sitting
on the shelf at the grocery store.
Suddenly they spot a weird
looking bun, all braided up.
So they ask it: "Hey, bun,
what's wrong with you?"
The bun replies:
"I'm Challah" (sick)
I knowlhe same joke
but with a leaf,
where all the other leaves ask it:
"Why are you here?"
solt replies:
"I had to leaf my country."
I feel bad for the animals,
they're looking at us.
That's life.
She's running out of...
wait, I'll change it for her.
Who made this?
My roommate Dana's mom.
You like?
It's good
It's from last week.
Just kidding,
it's from today.
God can see you.
It's about time.
Can I have a cigarette?
It's my last one. Take it.
Hanan still loves you.
We say goodbye on Sunday.
Will you miss me?
Me too.
I'll go now.
I think I love you.
We can't, Niko.
-Why not?
We just can't.
But I love you.
We can't.
Sorry, sorry!
"President Moshe Katsav said
the elections would be held on schedule.
"Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu
announced that the process
"of his ministers' resignation
will be halted..."
Hey, is everything okay?
you feed the animals?
-Umm... of course.
They must be fed on time, Anat,
I'm on my way there now.
They're post-op, Anat!
Misha, what’s up?
I gave him the goods.
Hey, Niko.
You have to leave the clinic.
a cat is arriving for emergency surgery.
Can you come here?
Superintendent Firhi speaking.
It's me, I called earlier.
He's on his way over.
Hey, sweetie.
What's up?
Wanna hear something funny?
The money for the electric bill..
was on me the whole time.
I took it with me
so I wouldn't forget to pay it.
Are you okay?
-I'm great.
How did it turn out with your guy?
I did it to get rid of my debt.
Do you have any idea
what a risk I took for you?
I did it for you.
You killed me.
You'll pay for it your entire life.
Are you threatening me?
-You'll never know.
What will I never know?
-Free up the phone, inmate!
Niko, what will I never know?
Meet Valentin,
he's the new guy.
Valentine? Valentin?
Where'd you get that name?
-It's my middle name.
Hi, this is Anat Dor-Michaeli
from "Just for Today".
Fine, and you?
Listen, I have an ex-con with a permit,
Valentin Belonogov,
who needs a hostel, but he's not right for us
due to reasons beyond his control.
I thought he might be suitable
for your hostel.
What's that?
They're having a hard time
adjusting after the vacation. -I bet.
Yes, his case file is perfect.
Can you meet with him?
Thank you, Boaz.
You're lucky.
He's willing to meet with you
tomorrow morning.
Nitzanim in Be'er Sheva
is a great hostel.
Considering your file, there's no reason
why they wouldn't accept you.
Lucky me.
Hey, I'm doing laundry,
do you need anything?
"Anat Dor-Michaeli".
Did you marry Hanan?
How old are your children?
Niko, while you're here, please refrain
rom asking me personal questions, okay
My name is Valentin.
David will show you
where you'll spend the night.
Folks, you have a guest
for one night.
Shiomi, Jamil,
meet Valentin.
Hi, what's up?
-Treat him nicely, okay?
Michael, meet Valentin.
-Nice to meet you.
Take this bed.
English: Hagit Harel
Subtitles: Trans Titles Ltd.