Journeyman (2007–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Keepers - full transcript

On Halloween night, Dan travels back to the mid-80's. He saves one of two brothers who is about to set off a rocket, which his younger brother claims will explode sideways, as it does. On subsequent trips back he follows the brothers, the younger one of which is brilliant and deduces that Dan is time-traveling. Dan and Livia also run into Jack and Katie, which leads to complications since it is about a year after Livia's death, and Dan has just proposed to Katie. Plus in current days, Jack is digging deeper into Dan's life to try and discover what all the mystery is about.

I can't control when I go,

but I seem to come back to the present when I
finish some chapter in the lives of the people

that I'm tracking.

- We used to get along better.
- We were like brothers,yeah.

- What happened?
- I don't know.Something about a girl.


Oh,my god.

- Where did you get all that?
- It's dylan mcclain'S.

- Where'd you go,dan?
- I got sick.Vertigo or something.

What the hell's going on here?

- Jack,this is a family matter.
- Yeah,and he'S my brother

jack,we have a problem,and
it's serious,and it's personal.

Right now,I just need
you to trust me,okay?

Katie,I gotta leave!


- You're dan vasser.
- Yes,sir.

I'm elliott langley
from lawrence livermore.

Time travel's impossible.

No,just not proven.



It's a bad idea!

- It's safe.
- No,it's not.

Shut up!


it's too much fuel.


If you're scared,then leave.

Yeah,run away,little wuss.

You're gonna blow the whole place up.




Get off me.I need to get my dad.

Just tell me what's going on.

He left us to watch the
garage.He's gonna die.

- Who is?
- My brother.

- Show me.
- It's gonna blow up my dad's garage.

- What is?
- It's up there!

- What is?
- We made our own rocket fuel.

It was an experiment.

He won't listen.Michael!

Nice going.Who'd you tell?

The standard proportion is 50 grams
powder per 40 millimeters diameter.

Stay there!

But he's using 250 grams.

- You're using 250 grams,michael!!
- I know.Shut up!

It's like on the space shuttle.

They don't know what
happened on the space shuttle.

- Is that thing...?
- It's safe.

No,it's not.With an improper
thrust-compression ratio?

- You don't know squat.
- It'll blow it out and not up.

Get outta here.Get
away from there,michael.

brother,get back.It'll blow.
Sync: YTET - ?????伣

Season 1 Episode 6

- eek!
- Don't worry,mom.It's me.

Oh,you scared me.

What do you have there,sweetie?

- I was looking for
my candy bag. - Uh-huh.

- And you found this?
- Where's dad?

He stepped out.

Does this mean we're rich?

not exactly.This is not real.

- Not real?
- No,it's like play money.

I mean...

- trick-or-
treaters,mom. - Yes.Great.

- Let's go get 'em
- I know a trick dad could do to scare people.

Oh,yeah?What's that?

- Turn invisible.
- Honey...

listen.That's our little secret,right?

Okay?Just like the money.

Remember.It's not polite
to talk about money.


- Trick or treat,hombres!
- Come on in.

There's a dangerous
desperado holing up in here!

Can't be too careful.

Trick or treat!

What did you want....

Oh look at ****

Okay,you want this right?

Oh,I just want to take one home with me.

You can take this one.

- I'm kidding.
- Where's dan?

Oh,he went out to get some
ice.He'll be back any minute.

Bye,guys.Happy halloween!

Hey,jack,theresa,you guys,you
should probably go ahead and...

take zack.He's been anxious to go.

No,I'm not.

How's dan's vertigo?

It's coming along.How's my mail?

- hey!
- Trick or treat.

Here you go.Okay,one at a time.

Skunk,that's three.

I'm not a skunk.I'm roadkill.

maybe we should take zack.

Not without me.Hey.

Hey,theresa.Very nice.

Thank you.

- You ready?
- Yeah!

- woody?
- Oh,yeah.

- Hey,I'll get the...
- whoa,whoa.Wait.

- You got a piece of glass.
- Huh?

you'll cut yourself.

- Hey.
- Trick or treat?!

I saved this kid michael's life,so
I'm probably gonna meet him again.

When I do,I want to be prepared.

- With dylan mcclain's ransom money.
- That's the idea.

So you can't spend it
here because it's marked.


It's from the past,so it
needs to be spent there.

Well,aren't they more likely
to be tracing it back there?

I don't stick around
long enough to find out.

You're bulging a little,honey.

- You might want to drop a thousand.
- Yeah?

Hey,um,those guys called
back about the roof.


Their estimate was just
as high as the other guy'S.

- Wh-what are you
saying? - I don't know.

Are you suggesting that we use
this money to pay for the roof?


I don't know.I'm just
having a discussion,

but that's why I hate having
it here,because,when it is...

you're tempted to spend it.

That and people could find it.

Like seven-year-old boys who
aren't very good at keeping secrets.

He shouldn't need to keep secrets.

That's why I'm getting
rid of it in the past.

Can't we hide it in the attic,

- where kids can't find it?
- Yeah,when I get home.

- Where you going?
- I have a lunch.

You look nice.Who is he?

Very funny.

I didn't tell him it was you.

- Why?
- He'll get mad.

Yeah,he is the jealous kind.

He hates to share me.

no,my going back to work threatens him.

Oh,dan seems more evolved than that.

No,it's not that.It's just...

you know,there have been
layoffs at the paper.

- So?
- So,will there be more?

He's safe.For now.

As long as I'm around.

So you want to get back in tv?

I'm thinking about it,yeah.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

And you know grant hauser at kryl,right?

I can give him a call,but...

boy,if they don't remember you.

- Miss vasser?
- Yeah.

- Oh,come on.Let me get this.
- No,your paper can't afford it.

- There's a problem with your card.
- Really?

- How can that...?
- It's not going through.

- Looks like i am getting this.
- Oh,no,hugh.


Katie,talk to dan.

You guys shouldn't be keeping secrets.

Well,I'll tell him tonight.

Uh,neighbor saw him blow up
a toy rocket back in '86.

I have a first and
last name,not much else.

Okay,michael kowalchuk
wrote a letter to the editor.

Gas prices too high,blames
the big oil companies...

- going out on a limb.
- Yeah,that's a perennial.

Okay,here's the kid I remember.

Michael kowalchuk,age 17,steals a
car,leads police on a three-hour chase.

This was in '89.I wrote it
up as a human interest piece.

Now,his father was an
immigrant,owned his own garage.

Used to smack the kids around.

- Old school.
- Yeah.

Too bad siberia wasn't available.

Judge gave the kid three
years in juvie,but...

considering his old man,I think that
jail might've been a better deal.

A kid with a troubled past
is facing a troubled future.

Anything else?

I never did a followup,but you might
want to check california correctional.

- Repeat offender profile?
- Yeah.

So you had another
thing,a letter combination?

and an "O."

"O" with a diagonal line through it.

Maybe you could talk to a street
source,someone who knows gangs.

I'll do that.

- Hey,question.
- Sure.

Did elliott langley stop
by last week,a scientist?


What did he want?

Why do you want to know?

All right,he was...

helping me with my book.

Oh,so now you're working
on your book on my dime?

He dropped in unannounced.He
stayed for ten minutes.

You know elliott langley?

I knew that he was a
scientist,had some oddball ideas...

and he worked at,uh,thurn-tippett
before he went to livermore.

Your book...

it's not going to be about that
serial bomber a couple years ago,is it?

Serial bomber?

Never mind.

Hey,maybe between chapters for
your book,a news item for the paper.

Uh,how about a
coming-of-age story?

Car thief tries to turn his life around?

Sounds breathtakingly dull.

- I didn't say that it ended well.
- Good.

hey,come here.


- Hey,hey!Whoa,whoa!
- Back off!

I got a knife.

Why,you forget your keys?

I told you this was a stupid idea.

- You're a lousy lookout.
- I didn't want to be a lookout.

I didn't want to do any of this.


He's that guy.

He saved you when the rocket blew up.

- Let's get you home.
- No!

Don'T.My dad will kill him,Please.

He says michael's useless.

He didn't ask,motormouth.

He says you can't raise
a teenager in america.

He'd take us all back to
the ukraine if he could,

- except the communists are gonna be there forever.
- Don't bet the over.

Listen to me.

Something tells me your dad's wrong.

You're not useless.

There's gotta be
something you're good at.


Fixing them or stealing them?

There's a '69 chevy a
guy's getting ready to sell.

My dad can't fix it,but mike can.

- Mike's really good.
- Shut up!

It's a camaro.

- Pebble beige.
- For how much?

- The guys says he'll sell it for 200 bucks.
- Oh,yeah?

- Buy it for me.
- Whoa.

Here's an extra $300.

Get it back to cherry.

In a year,if you're as good as he
says,I'll pay you $3,000 for it.

- If not,or if you don't see me again...
- what?


you can keep it.

Who are you?

- better get outta here.
- Go.Go.

What are you doing?

My brother'S.


Candy-apple red.

There's that radar detector he
tried to hide under the dash.

You remember it?

He still owns it,what,20 years from now?

It's my old neighborhood.

I grew up here.

- Feels like you're off course.
- Why?

'Cause I'm here.

What's doing this to us,livia?

I don't know.

I just go with it now and try to adapt.

Well,I want to know.I want answers.

How you doing about gathering stuff?

I've got a cell that works from '95 on.

Still working on old ids.

How about relevant currency?

That,that is not a problem.

Come on!

Come on.

- Wait.
- Come on,danny.

- Is that...?
- Yeah,that's my brother.

Come on,danny.

- That'S...
- oh,my god.

That's you.

Get in the car,danny.

It's stupid to be out
this late.Mom's worried.

- So what?
- Don't be such A...

- you shouldn't have sold dad's cameras.
- That's what's been bugging you?

- What are you looking at?
- Is that a problem?

Come on.

He's supercop always.

Is this how you want to
spend the rest of you life,

playing donkey kong or frogger?


- Danny.
- What?

He's not coming back,okay?

Dad's not coming home.

Come on.

I want to go home.

Can I drive?

What do you think?

he never let me drive.

- dan?
- Yeah?

- Hey,we have a little problem.
- What's wrong?

They put a hold on our credit cards.

- I mean,I called and it's all cleared up,but...
- what happened?

The sfpd asked to examine
all our recent transactions.

- They're looking for cash withdrawals.
- But why?

Isn't it obvious?

Jack's tracking our money.



- So,what do you think you're doing?
- I was trying to get this thing running again,

but they stoppedmaking the ignition barrel so
some guy could charge me 500 bucks for it on ebay.

What are you doing,putting
a hold on our cards?

I didn'T.It was the bank.I
just asked some questions.

You know,if they got a little nervous...

- how many ways can we say it?
- You're betting again.

I see it: The running away,the lying.

- You think that gives you the right...?
- Until I get the truth,I'm asking questions.

- Before somebody else does.
- You can't stop being a cop,

- can you,jack,even when it comes to your own family?
- I see what it's doing to katie.

Don't you talk about
katie.She's my wife.

You guys say you're going through
some sort of family crisis.

I'm supposed to trust you?

Well,you've given me no reason to.

When I'm ready to
talk about this,I will.

But I'm not ready to tell you,and jack,

you're not ready to hear it.

I told him to back off.

And that's gonna do it?

The card thing's temporary.

Once he figures out there's
nothing wrong,then...

he wont back off,dan.I know him.

I'm fine keeping jack at
a distance.I prefer it.

He's concerned.

I mean,in a lot of ways,he's justified.

Not that I'm taking his side.I'm not.

Sweetie,there's something else
we should probably talk about.

Can something wait?

We need to talk.

Okay,I'll call you back,all right?

- In my office now.
- Sure.

Nancy said you've been
asking about some initials.


Want to tell me who
your source is on this?

Not yet.

There was that package bomb,

killed a chemical engineer and a
research assistant about seven years ago.

The east bay petrol company.

This is privileged
information,you understand?

The cops told us don't
show it to anyone.

About a week before it
happened,we got a letter,

a manifesto blaming the petrochemical
industry for everything wrong with the world.

The writer demanded that we print
it on the front page or else.

And you didn't print it.

Dan,if we printed every
threatening letter we got...

that was the first in
a spree of bombings.

The guy was never caught.

Even threatened your buddy,elliott
langley when he was at thurn-tippett.

"Global freedom now group zero."


This gonna be another dead-end story?

- What do you mean?
- I mean,the last time...

you said you had a lead on dylan mccleen

and what happened to his
missing hundred grand.

- Hugh,I...
- "dry hole" is how you put it.

Now you're telling me you've
got this guy's identity.

- Well,I can't be sure.
- Well,be sure!

I got it.

- May I take this?
- Yeah.

Just don't let it out of your sight.

- And dan?
- Yeah?

This time tomorrow I want to hear
you've got a story that does pan out.


Bomb kills two at East Bay Petro

You need to find michael kowalchuk?

Got a current phone number.

michael kowalchuk (415 555 036)

Excuse me.I'm looking for dan vasser.

His desk is right over there.

Michael kowalchuk?

- Thanks for coming down.
- Hey.

I wanted to thank you in person

and show you the camaro.

- Still have it.
- That's great.

I'll come down and take a look.

You,you look the same.

So,your brother...

it's two times I've met him now

and both times he's running
off someplace,no explanation.

What about it?

Well,it's nothing.I don't
mean to make a big deal.

It's just that in the er
when we see a guy like that...

like what?

You know...nervous,

won't give you a straight
answer,won't look you in the eye...

you don't have to tell
me what's wrong with dan.

- I got a pretty good idea.
- I didn't mean to...


So that's it?


Look,if you needto deal with that...

I should really.It's just
this thing with my brother.

It's okay.

Jack,is this thing
between you and dan...?

- Don't worry about it.
- I'm not.

I'm just wondering.It...

is this thing between you and him or
is this thing between you and his wife?


It's just something I noticed.

A girl has to ask.

I'll call you later.

I don't know what else I can tell you.

Dad died a few months after I saw you.

I had to take over the business.

So you're still...

yeah,keeping it in the family.

If you would have told me back
then,I'd wind up running a garage...

things didn't turn out
the way that you planned.

Yeah,I guess.

Michael,uh,do you blame anyone?


Your life didn't go the way you wanted.

That could make you angry.

Make you want to get back at someone.

I didn't say I was angry.

- my wife.
- You're married.


I got two little ones,annette and greg.

- Want to see their pictures?
- Sure.

So you'd say you were happy.


I mean,

it was tough there for a while,

supporting a family...

and a brother.

- Your brother steven?
- Yeah.

- So what happened to steven?
- Look,uh,I have taken up enough of your time.

- I don't get exactly...
- what happened to steven,michael?


developed problems.

Emotional ones.

I mean,

he was off-the-charts
smart,you know?

He was getting his phd in
mathematics at stanford.

- He just couldn't finish the program.
- Where is he now?

We lost touch.

He'd still write to me sometimes.

Long letters.

And crazy stuff in them.

Wh-why did you want to talk to me?

What is "gfng0," michael?

It's a thing...

my father used to call us.


Steven... he used...

he used to make an abbreviation
out of it as a joke.

- so do you know where he lives?
- No.Like I said,we lost touch.

Look,is there something
you're not telling me?

Is there something you're
not telling me,michael?

Do you really not know where he is,

- or what happened to him?
- I think I'm going to go.

- Thanks for coming.
- Yeah.

Listen,if you do know something...

Kowalchuk Automotive Services
Mechanic On Duty Licesed


- What day is it?
- I don't know.I just got here.

You want a new travel tip?

Registration tags.It's 1965.

Oh,yeah?Kid's on a cell phone.

Okay,so it's not a perfect system.

Excuse me.Is michael kowalchuk around?

He's delivering a
vehicle.You need something?

Yeah.The time.

- Five to 8:00.
- And the date?

Uh...april 12.

Yeah,the 12th,I think.

- 2000?
- Yeah.

Two people are going to die from
a mail bomb in about 30 minutes.

You know who did it?

Michael kowalchuk's brother.

I think he knowswhere he is.

Do you know where this
bomb is going to blow up?

On the peninsula.We
need to call the police.

You call the police
about a bomb threat,.

they'll trace that number
and start asking questions

Then everything unravels,dan..

- then I need a car.
- How?Who's going to drive you?

It's okay.It's okay.I
know where I can steal one.

Wait.I know where we are.

Are you going to steal jack's car?

If he's still living
where I think he's living.

And there she is.

He looked after it like
it was his own baby.

I remember he left a spare here once.

One of those magnet things?

- That's kind of dumb for a cop.
- We were all dumb once.

Here's hoping this is his time.

It's not here.

What are you doing?

You know why I still wear hairpins?

It's called being prepared.

It actually works if you...

you gonna tell me
where you learned that?


This is some kind of teen
fantasy for you,isn't it?

No,but yeah.

Do you know where this is gonna happen?


east bay petrol labs,off of
mission,south of 280,in about

15 minutes.

You know you're never going to make it.

I'm in a bright red car
that I stole from a cop.

- What makes you say that?
- Better go the speed limit.

Cynthia mcnaughton!

Cynthia mcnaughton!


Please stand up!

Please stand up right now!

You have to get out of here,all of you.

- I'm sorry?
- Albert voss?

It's all right.I...

don't ask me how I
know,but this is a bomb.

Please,everybody keep moving.

Everybody keep together.

How do you know about this?

I overheard someonein a bar.

It's probably a hoax.

the police are going
to want to talk to you.

wait.Where are you going?


katie barron vasser.

Audition tape for kryl,channel 6 news.

Should it be katie barron?

Hi.You may remember me as katie barron,

reporter for action...for...


so here's where I tell a little bit
about who I am and what I've done.

I won a local emmy
for covering city hall.

My husband's a time
traveler,but I can't tell anyone.


Erase that.

- the door was open.
- How long have you been there?

Dan's not at work.He's
not here.Where is he?

- What did you two...?
- We had a badone today.

- You gonna tell me you don't know?
- I don'T.

Don't lie to me.He's up
to his old tricks.You know.

I know it.

He's not.

- Jack,you can't just come in here...
- so you'd tell me if he's spending cash

that he can't account for,right?If
he's suddenly broke?Or flush?

- Why?
- Because it's worse than it was before,and that was bad.

I care about him.

And I care about you.


You making movies?

I'm thinking about going back to work..

that's not a bad idea.

Sorry to bother you.

Here at the headquarters of
the east bay petrol corporation

where the package was
delivered this morning.

Thanks to an anonymous
tipster,there are no fatalities,

but damage is reported to be in the
hundreds of thousands of dollars.

- You think my brother did that?
- You tell me.

- What are you,the fbi?
- No.

Then get the hell out of here.

- What proof do you have?
- None.

But you know that he's capable
of doing something like this.

That he's angry and he's brilliant.

That he had an abusive father who
didn't appreciate either one of his kids.

There's a lot of men
like that in this town.

A smaller percentage of
them like to blow things up.

You can't expect me to
turn my own brother in.

I'm not asking you to.Just
tell me where he is.

Two people almost died,michael.

More are going to die.

You want him to spend the
rest of his life in prison?

I'm his older brother.

And I was never there for him.

But he always...

he always worried about me.

Then pay him back,michael.

Be there for him now.

Keep on driving it that
way,you're gonna do some damage.

The key doesn't work.

I might be able to help you with that.

Steven,open the door!It's michael!

Steven,open up!

steven,it's me.Michael.

I brought someone here.

He remembers you.

don't be afraid,steven.I'm a friend.

You're back.

- I knew you'd come back.
- You did?

The godel metric has been disproved,

but there's still the
possibility with tachyons.

- Tachyons?
- Yeah.

You know what tachyons are?

They're particles that travel
faster than the speed of light.

Traversals through
higher-dimensional space.


Remember,mike,when we
were building the rocket,

we needed it to go higher and faster?

- We needed tachyons.
- He gets like this.

He needs to take medication.

Don't you get it?

- He doesn't age.
- Steven...

are you from the future or the past??

Are you from the future or the past?

The future.

I knew it.

It's the shoes.

It's always the shoes.

Yes,steven,he's come...

to give you a message.

Don't be afraid of the future,steven.

The science,technology,things
changing so fast.

Some of it... it's kind of cool.

And some things don't change.

Like what?



Love's a constant.


michael's here out of love,steven.


he's here for you.


what do you say?

Do you feel like getting out of here?

come on.

- Good luck.
- Thank you

So,are we done?

Isn't jack going to
notice that's missing?

hold on.

Is that jack?


Who is he with?


- Wait a minute.
- This is 2000.

Weren'T...weren't you guys married?

Not yet.

But we were about to be.

Word of advice: Don'T.

It's probably nothing.

I bet they just talked.

I'd have remembered.

Just come on up and I'll call you a cab.

I'm sorry,I...

I just need to...I need
to sit down for a second.


You know,he's probably home already.

- He could be there now.
- Maybe.

Look,I don't know what to
tell you,okay?He's my brother.

- I like to think he's improving.
- How?

He tells me to go to hell a lot more.

Shows emotional growth.

is there something else?


Kate,I know when
something's bothering you,

because you say nothing's bothering you.

Dan asked me to marry him.

Wow.When did he...?

When I...

told him that I was pregnant.

I said yes.


Are you sure you're pregnant?

- Because we had that scare...
- I'm sure.

I'm really sorry I have to tell you.

No,please,I asked.

Note to self,though,it's a bad idea.

- jack,it's just all moving so fast.
- Katie...

I mean he lost livia only a year and
a half ago,and then there's you and me.

- Katie.
- What?

Do you love him?

I don't know.

I think so.

Well,he loves you.He wouldn't have
asked you to marry him if he didn'T.

I know that guy a little.

And whatever happens,you can come to me

if you need someone
to straighten him out.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

We should probably get you home.


thanks a lot.

There's got to be some
cabs out there somewhere.

Jack was always looking out for you.

Yeah,I know.

Hey,katie loves
you,dan.She's just unsure.

You guys got slammed with
a lot of stuff back then.


Come on.I want to just
talk to him in person.

- Where is he?
- Out.

What do you wantthis

- I'd say you're upset.
- A little,yeah.

- Hey,babe.
- Hey,so what's he doing here?

- "He?"
- Yeah.

He came by to tell you something.

Your credit statements check out.

I also called an officer at your
bank about your cash accounts,

and there's no unusual
movement of funds.

I was way out of line.I'm sorry.


I think that's the
part you're looking for.

- Where'd you get this?
- I got a friend,owns a garage.

We go way back.

Thank you.

All right.

- See you guys.
- See you later.

- See you.
- See you.

If you could do it over again,would you?

You mean...



Of course.

Then you may be the crazy one.

Thanks for coming to see me.

- I only have a couple of minutes.
- Oh,we're good.

Thank you.


- I'm still on parole.
- I know.

- In the care of your brother?
- Yes.

- He says he owes you.
- No,no,he doesn'T.

Well,maybe a free tune-up.

- You wanted to talk?
- Yes.Um...

the article that I'm writing,it's
not just about your recovery.

It's about the work you were
doing in menlo park regarding...

anomalies... space-time journeys
through higher dimension...

it's not possible.

- I'm sorry?
- Time travel.

I've done some more work since then none
of it published,of course,but then it...

it proved time travel can't happen.

Not even if we posit the
existence of tachyons.

I see.

What,and the research you were doing... have
you ever crossed paths with an elliott langley?


You wrote letters to him,claming
that his researchlead to global...

those were not my best days,mr.Vasser,

and I'm not the same
person... thanks to you.


I'm sorry to disappoint.

all right.

And you gave me too much credit.Your
brother deserves most of it.

Yes,he does.

Well,thank you again.

Take care.

- I like your shoes.
- Uh...oh,thanks.

- I know what you're going to say.
- You do?

The guy who bombed the
east bay petrol lab.

You want to know where
I am on the story.

What are you talking about?

The letter,remember?Sent to the paper?

A bomb threat?This was
about seven years ago.

Vaguely.Guy turned himself in,right?

Right.Steven kowalchuk.

So why's this a story?

It's not.

I mean,that's what I
was going to tell you.

Okay,um,you know what I was gonna
say is you can give katie a message.

Grant hauser at channel 6 is going
to give her serious consideration.


You and your wife need to talk more.

You ready?


You parked at a bus stop?

Yeah,who's gonna give me a ticket?

- Are you sure about this?
- Yeah.

- You drive.
- Okay.

Okay,now don't go crazy.

- She's not all she used to be.
- Yeah,yeah,I know.

- Seriously.
- I know,I know.

Season 1 Episode 6
Sync: YTET - ?????伣