Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space (1972-1974): Season 1, Episode 6 - The Sun Haters - full transcript

After a meteorite storm cause the Cats to crash-land on an uncharted planet, their rocket is stolen by the Hujos, giant-sized creatures who are allergic to the sun.

[theme song]

♪ Josie in outer space ♪

♪ Pussycats are all in place ♪

♪ Blasting off on another chase ♪

♪ Mars, stars, the Milky Way ♪

♪ When they're groovin'
who can say ♪

♪ Buckle up your seatbelts ♪

♪ They could be in orbit
in the stars ♪

♪ On a spooky planet
maybe Mars ♪

♪ There's no way of knowing ♪

♪ When they're groovin' way
above the atmosphere ♪

♪ Trying to get back to here ♪

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪

♪ Universal brotherhood ♪

♪ Should you ♪

♪ You know you should ♪

♪ Universal brotherhood ♪

♪ Universal brotherhood ♪

Alright, gang, I think
we've practiced enough.

So do I.

Especially since you don't know

when or where
you'll play another gig.

- If ever.
- Let's wrap it up.


Oh, knock it off, Melody.

The practice session is over.

So stop drumming already.

I'm not drumming, but
my ears are twitching.

And when Melody's ears are twitching

it means danger.

- Look!
- 'Oh, wow.'

(Josie) 'We're in a meteorite storm.'

Now this is a well built ship.
There's no need to worry.

It's not that meteorites
that worry me.

'Look, the storm's driving
us into that planetoid.'

(Alexander) 'Oh, somebody
do something.'

It's too late to do anything

even if we knew what to do.

It isn't too late to strap in
for an uncontrolled landing.

My rattled-brained brother
is super belted.

Haven't you heard?
There's safety in numbers.


We'll land any second now.
Brace yourselves.

Wow, we didn't crash.

Let's see what saved us.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Wow.

- Yeah.
- I'm sorry I looked.

(Alexandra) 'Yikes,
did you say saved us?'

(Alexander) 'Fo-fo-for what?'

(Alan) 'Well, maybe
he's friendly.'

(Alexander) 'I hope so.'

(Melody) 'Golly! I hope he
doesn't try to come in.'

I hope he just doesn't
drop the whole subject.

(Alan) 'Hey, I-I think
it's a shakedown.'

- Help!
- Hang on!

Hey, watch it!

(Melody) I hope he doesn't applaud.


(Alexandra) I demand
to be put down.

(Josie) Wow! He's really Mr. Big.

(Melody) He is not
very green or jolly.

[Melody giggles]

(Alexander) Oh, we-we
better watch his step.

Come back with our spaceship,
you overgrown creep.

(Valerie) 'He-he's
hijacking our ship.'

- Oh, now we'll never get home.
- Let's follow him.

(Alan) 'And see where he
puts our spaceship.'

(Alexander) Then let's go.

Faster or we'll lose him!

My chicken brother displaying
bravery? I can't believe it.

(Alexander) 'Help, help!'

Oh, boy. What now?

Oh, oh.

W-wh-what's wrong?

M-m-more weirdos.

(Melody) 'Golly!
They must be small giants.'

'They're just the same size we are.'

Uh, you outnumber them.
See if they're friendly, Alan.

I'll cover for you.

(Josie) 'Careful, Alan.'

Uh, hello there.
We're space travelers.

We accidentally landed here.

And you've lost your spaceship.

Uh, stolen by a giant.

But, who are you?

I am an Agric.
My name is Rayo.

The giant that just stole
the spaceship is a "Hugo."

Is a "Hugo."

You mean, there are more
than one of them?

Oh, yes. There are many.

They're know as "Sun Haters."

Is that so bad?

For centuries the
Hugos have been trying

to device a way to extinguish it.

Extinguish the sun?
That's dumb.

But if they ever succeed

it will mean the
death of this planet.

Golly, we couldn't
even get a tan.

Now, that's silly.
No one can put out the sun.

Why would the Hugos
want our spaceship?

They probably planned to use it

in an attempt to put out the sun.

If you help us get our ship back

maybe we can be of
some help to you.

Come, I will take you
to the city of the Hugos.

(Alexander) Oh, boy, looking
for our ship in there would be like

looking for a needle in haystack.

Now, we won't find it
by talking about it.

Let's go.

Oh, boy. Like, it'll take us
forever to search this big city.

Alex is right.

Rayo, do you have any idea
where they might've taken it?

Their laboratory would
be the first place.

Of course, if they're

they'd take the ship there
to see what makes it tick.

(Rayo) 'That's the
building over there.'

(Josie) 'Come on, let's
start searching.'

[all grunting]

How can we search this dumb place
if we can't even get in?

How about goin'
under it? Hee-hee.

Oh, that's brilliant.

(Alan) As a matter
of fact, it is.

Good thinking, Melody.
We can go in under the door.

Golly! It's like the Grand
Canyon with a roof.


Let's split up
and look around.

Alan and I will go this way.

I'll join you.

Little Miss Tag-Along.

[Sebastian chuckles]

(Valerie) Is our
spaceship in there, Alex?

No, that's only a storeroom.

(Alan) That room's full
of scientific stuff.

But no sign of our ship.

Let's keep on looking.

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep?


Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep.


Bleep, bleep.

'Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep.'

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep.

Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep.

Oh, Bleep, I'm so proud of you.

(Valerie) 'It's all
very interesting'

but do you mind letting us
know what this is all about?

Bleep knows where our spaceship is.

Like, what are we waiting for?

Lead on, McBleep.

There's Alan and the others.

- Hey, any luck, gang?
- 'Bleep found the spaceship.'

(Alan) 'Then let's go.'

Huh! Letting that blinking
Bleep out-hero you.


This thing's as big as mountain.
We can't push it open.

Or get under.

We've gotta try harder.

(Alan) One, two, three, shove.


(Alan) 'That's our ship.'

(Rayo) Shh, be quite
or they'll hear us.

What're those two big
weirdoes doing with it?

(Josie) 'They're working
on some instrument.'

That box looks like a control device.

Hey, maybe they're going to
fly our spaceship by remote control.

I think that completes our work.

I hope our trial flight
is successful, Orco.

Like, wow.
They are going to fly it.

The controls work perfectly.

Good. Now, to test
its maneuverability.

Hey, they're liable to
wreck our spaceship.

Why don't you tell them
that, dear sister?

We have it under complete control.

Oh, they're just two
overgrown kids

who wanted a new toy to play with.

I don't think so. They have
a definite plan in mind.

Success! It works.

Congratulations, Orco.

Wow! I wish we could fly
our spaceship that well.

Maybe we could with those
remote controls.

Orco, we're ready to test
the extinguishing agent.

(Orco) Excellent! We are
ready to join them.

Extinguishing agent?
What's that about?

Knowing how they hate the sun,
I don't like the sound of it.

It sounds like we'll soon know.

Watch it, gang,
we better follow them

and try to find out
where they're going.

Do we have to go?

You see, I'd rather stay right--

Come on. I'll get you
off the hook, Alex.

While they're checking that out

let's take a look at the
rocket ship remote control.

(Alexander) 'Oh, ho, ho, sure.'

'Out of the frying pan
into the fire control box.'

(Alan) 'We'll see you later.'

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep.

Keep going, Alex.

Oh, remind me never to
take up mountain climbing.

So, Orco, we're finally ready.

I have perfected the
formula we've been seeking.

Oh! What a big chandelier.

That's no chandelier, dum-dum.

It's a, uh, uh..

It looks like a model
of the sun to me.

(Valerie) No digital computers,
no field circuitry.

Wow, this is just a simple
remote radio control.

Meaning what?

I think I can operate it.

- With a few minor changes.
- Okay, okay.

So let's change it.

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep.

(Valerie) 'Okay, Bleep,
you can help.'

This formula is highly

What happens when it
is exposed to heat?

It expands many million
times its original size.

That must be the extinguishing
agent Dr. Lujack is holding.

But I still don't dig what
they're trying to do.

Oh, Alan, look.
Our spaceship.

(Alan) 'No, it's just a model.'

Oh, how cute.

'A little toy copy
of our spaceship.'

(Josie) 'And look what
they're filling it with.'

'The extinguishing liquid.'

(Alexander) 'Okay, electrical
whiz-kid. What now?'

(Valerie) 'Now let's
hook this wire up there.'

Take it away, Bleep.

'That does it, Alex.'

The way we've rewired this gizmo

I know more about it than Orco.

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep.

We're ready for the test, Orco.

Good, light the sun model.

It is a model of the sun.
A working model.

Now, I get it.

They're gonna try put it off

by throwing our toy ship into it.

Hah! That little bit of stuff
wouldn't even put out a candle.


Our plan will work.
I know it will work.

The sun is doomed.

Oh, wow! I saw it and
I still don't believe it.

I believe it. And I also
believe we better split.

Right back to our spaceship.

Hey, Val, they're gonna fill
our ship with extinguishing liquid

'and fly it into the sun.'

Yikes! So that's what all
these remote controls are for.

- 'We're caught.'
- Strangers! Seize them.

(Alexandra) Let's scatter.

Oh, this is a top draw defense.

Come on, Josie, run!

Do something, Val. They're
gonna put out the sun.

Not with our ship.


Stop it.
We must have it.

Not if I can help it,
Orky, ol' ogre.

(Josie) Nice going, Val.

- Atta girl, Val!
- Keep it off them.

Now, I'll put it completely
out of their reach.

Never mind the ship,
capture the strangers.

[upbeat music]

[stomp, stomp]

They say the best defense
is a good offense.

Oh, oh, oh, ow!

[music continues]

[boing boing boing]

(Melody) 'Who turned
out the lights?'

(Bleep) 'Bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep.'

This is one time
I don't want a big hand.


Please, let these
people go, Hugos.

Why don't you pick on
somebody your own size?

Golly, I don't guess there is
anybody else their own size.

- You big bullies.
- 'Hey.'

- 'Let us out.'
- 'Wait a minute.'

[all clamoring]

- Come on.
- I demand that you let us go.

I don't think you're
communicating, Alexandra.

It will be a simple task
to return the ship.

Hah! That's what he thinks.

He doesn't know I've
rewired the controls.

Why doesn't the ship return?

(Orco) Something is wrong.

That ship is the key
to our entire plan.

'We must find it.'

Let's try to get out
of this glass, pokey.

Who wants out?

I have Alan all to myself.

No Josie!

(Josie) 'Hey, somebody.
Get us out of here!'

What happened?
Where is everybody?

Look, you know who
is coming out of hiding.

Hey, Alex, give us a hand.

Grab that screw driver and
push it under the glass.

I'm pushing, I'm pushing!

Good boy, Alex.

How about giving good boy
Alex a little hand?

'Lift, you guys.'

This dumb thing's
too heavy to lift.

(Valerie) 'Get out
on the end, Alex.'

Do a little tight rope bit.

I-I'm loosing my balance.

Oops! Whoa!

I did it, I did it!
How about that.

Good show, Alex. Now let's
help Josie and the others.

(Josie) 'We're over here, Alan.'

Grab the handle, gang.

Hey, everybody, help us
lift on this side.

(Josie) 'We're ready.'

Okay. One, two, three..

[all grunt]

Hey, the burner tipped over.

(Alexander) 'Now we're
in for a hot time.'

(Alan) Don't panic.
Now, everyone stay together.

Oh, wow.
We're trapped.

Oh-ho, what do we do?

Golly, all we need is
some of that stuff

the giants used to put
out fires with.

Hey, Melody has point there.

Are you sure it's not her head?

It's a good idea.

But where is that
extinguisher liquid?

Yeah. Where?

All I see is that dumb
tank over there.

(Alexander) 'Dear sister,
that dumb tank could be it.'

(Alan) 'Come on, everybody.
Help turn that tap.'

(Alan) All together now, gang.
One, two, three, go!

(Josie) 'It's working.
It's working.'

(Alexander) 'Yippee! Like,
that'll put the fire out if anything will.'

Hurray! It is putting
out the fire.

Yeah, look at that stuff expand.

Yeow! I think we used too much.

Whoa, it's gonna
fill the building.

Come on. There's a way out.

(Alan) Everyone on board?
Let's go!

(Melody) Whee! Just like
"The Owl and the Pussy Cat."

Putting out to sea.

At least the giants can't use
this stuff to put out the sun.

Hang on.
We'll surf outta here.

How do you hang ten in a bowl?

Wonder where the giants
went to look for our ship.

I don't know where they maybe
looking but I know where it is.

I flew it to the shady
side of the planet.

Shady side of the planet?

We must get there before Orco.
Come quickly.


(Rayo) 'I hope we're in time.'

(Orco) 'We're in luck, Lujack.'

It doesn't seem to be
damaged in any way.


We should find our ship soon.

They've already found it.

Pull up close.
I wanna talk to them.

Wh-wh-what did she say?
T-t-talk to them?

(Josie) Please, Orco,
let us talk with you.

As a scientist, you must realize
that if you extinguish the sun

it would mean the death
of this planet

as well as all the others.

My people have sensitive eyes.

And we cannot stand
the rays of the sun.

It is dangerous.
It must be extinguished.

Golly, back on our planet
Earth, when we have to go out

in the sun, we just
put on shades.

Why don't you Hugos
just put on shades?


We know of no such thing.


This could be the solution.

We shall try these shades,
as you call them.

(Josie) 'In honor of
your super shades'

'we dedicate this musical number.'

♪ Universal brotherhood ♪

♪ Could you we know
you could ♪

♪ If you see somebody
deep in trouble ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ If they need your help
come a-running on the double ♪

♪ And you'll be
unbelievably happy ♪

♪ In a most believable way ♪

♪ You.. ♪♪

If that's there farewell number

the Hugos will be glad
to see us go.


Okay, Val. What's with all
this remote control bit?

We can't get this box
in the spaceship.

No, but we worked out
something just as good.

The only good thing is
to get out of here.

Let's go.

So we're ready to leave.
But where do we go?

Orco is going to fly us home.

By remote control!

We figured out our flight plan.

Well, come on, slowpokes!
Let's head for home.

- Bye!
- Bye, Bye!

(Melody) Smile, you big guys.

We're ready. A-okay.

Fire away.



You might say we overcame
a pretty big problem

with those Hugos.

Right on.

And old Orco has us heading
straight for Earth.

I like happy endings.

Golly, even the giants
turned out to be good guys.

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep, bleep.

Well, at least I have a
souvenir of that dumb planet.

When we get home,
this knob will make

a most unusual coffee table.

What knob?

This one with all those
funny markings on it.

Oh, no, this is the
guidance control knob.

Orco won't be able to
steer us anywhere.

'It has all the
programmed information.'

(all) 'Oh, no!'

Thanks to my dear sister

we're right back
where we started from.


Ressynch: Kilo

[theme song]

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is
the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪