Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space (1972-1974): Season 1, Episode 5 - The Water Planet - full transcript

The Pussycats really get themselves into hot water when they land on an oceanic planetoid and are netted by Aquor, an evil fish-creature who intends to conquer Earth.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[theme song]

♪ Josie in outer space ♪

♪ Pussycats are all in place ♪

♪ Blasting off on another chase ♪

♪ Mars stars the Milky Way ♪

♪ When they're groovin'
who can say ♪

♪ Buckle up your seatbelts ♪

♪ They could be in
orbit in the stars ♪

♪ On a spooky planet maybe Mars ♪

♪ There's no way of knowing ♪

♪ When they're groovin'
way above the atmosphere ♪

♪ Trying to get back to here ♪

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is the
kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[eerie music]

Ha, that's nutty!
Knitting in space.

I sure hope I finish this
sweater by the time

we get back to Earth.

Unless I can figure
out the right course

we might not arrive
back on Earth for years.

Well, that's okay.
I'll knit slowly.

She's gotta be kidding.


Bleep bleep bleep.

Bleep says, it's very nice

but he likes long sleeves better.


Josie, if you don't stop
fooling around, I'll do the steering.

She's not fooling around.
The ship is out of control.

(Josie) And so are we!

We're loosing our gravity
control within the ship!

We're going to be weightless!

Who cares? I love
that floaty feeling.

I found out what our problem is.

Well, what is it, Val?

All the instruments that
use water have gone dry.

Yeah, something has
drained all the moisture

out of the spaceship.

And out of me, too.

Water, water.
I got to have water.

Me, too.

I'm so dry, I feel like a
chocolate malt without milk.

Bleep bleep bleep.


We've gotta get water.

We'll stop at the next planet
and hope we can find some.


The vehicle and the
instruments of those strangers

have been drained of all water.

My hydro converter machine
has done its work.

They must land here on our planet

and when they do,
it will be step one

of my master plan.

[eerie music]

(Josie) 'What's it look
like, Val?'

There isn't much room for us
to land, it's mostly water.

Good, good, water! Water,
I must have water!

Quiet, Alexander, we have
to concentrate.

Three degrees to starboard.

(Alan) 'Three degrees to starboard.'

- 'One degree back to port.'
- One degree back to port.

- Steady as she goes.
- Steady as she goes.

Oh, goodness, this
is so exciting!

Do you know what they're
talking about?

Of course not.
That's why it's so exciting.

With luck, we can hit that
island over there.

Please don't hit it too hard,
it's such a little bitty island.


- Secure for landing.
- 'Strap in, kids!'

[dramatic music]

Now, to make their landing
one they will not forget.

Excellent, Aquar! Your
hydro converter machine

adds water just as easily
as it drains it.

(Aquar) 'Of course.'

We must not seen.

Up, viewer scope.

Good. The island is
being submerged.

[intense music]

A perfect landing, Alan.

Right on the island.
Alan, you're a genius!

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Well, I would.
And in your honor

we're going to name
it Alan Island.

I will step outside,
and do the naming myself.

No, Alexandra, wait.

I am the only one here whose
beauty and talent

make her worthy of bestowing
such an honor.

So stand back.

Now, listen to me, island

I hereby name you, Alan I..


Well, she isn't thirsty anymore.
Now, she's all wet. He-he.


I'm sure there was an
island below us.

Yeah, something very
strange is going on.

Total confusion.
He he he.

Cool it, Alexandra.


Get me..

...out of here.


Grab this rope.

Now, that's a switch.

She's usually handing
somebody a line.

Now, to lure them away
from their vehicle.

Raise decoy island.

- 'Get the water pumps going.'
- 'I'll fix the instruments.'

Hey, you hotshot pilots,
there's our island over there.

Now, how did we miss it?

Never mind that, let's not
miss a chance for fresh food.

Get the rubber rafts,
we'll explore that island.

Yes, Aquar,
the tubes are ready.



Faster, they're still ahead.

Alan, what's that?

(Alan) 'A welcoming
committee of some kind.'

And they don't look too kind.

We're surrounded!
Look out!

Uh, just a minute, you guys.

'What are you doing?'

Help, Alan. I'm caught.

We're all caught, Josie.

Now, wait a minute.
We're folks, not fish.

I'd say. This was another
fine mesh we're in.

Ha ha ha.

[meow meow meow]

[bleep bleep bleep]

I wonder if they greet
everyone this way.

(Valerie) Maybe it's
a special welcome.

I hope it isn't the
blue plate special.

[intense music]

So you see, my young friends

why you're so important
to my plans?

In a few hours, when
all is in readiness

we will transport my hydro
converter to your planet

in your spaceship.

That way, no one will be
suspicious, and try to stop us.

I'm sure it's an adorable
little machine

but we have big oceans full
of water down there, thank you.

I shall control the weather
on your planet.


'I can create rain,
storms, hurricanes.'

Too much!
A tempest in a tank.

Technologically terrifying!

Wow, that really
stirs up a storm!

That is just a sample of what
my hydro converter can do.

You're water thingamajig could
do so much good for everyone.

- 'Why storms?'
- Why?

To control all the water
planets in the universe.

Remove the hydro converter.
We prepare to execute our plans.

Control the water planets?

These characters are
weird enough to try.


[bleep bleep bleep]

We're trapped, trapped,
trapped, do you hear?

You can say that again.

Alright. We're trapped,
trapped, trapped, oh--

Oh, be quiet, Alexander!

We have to figure a way
to get out of here.

And soon. If Aquar ever gets
that machine working on Earth

everyone will be in
very deep trouble.


We have to out that crazy
machine out of commission.

I wonder how we can distract
the attention of the guards.

They paid plenty of attention
to me. Did you notice?

They found me utterly fascinating.

That's it!

You too, Alan? You find me
utterly fascinating at last?

No, no, no. If Josie
and the Pussycats

go and do a number--

The guards get real curious--

And we might get a chance
to get out of here.

If Josie puts on a number,
they'll get real sick.

That's for sure.


I almost had it. There.

Fish stick drum sticks.

Here's a slick click.

A seashell sym-phony. Ha!

Ready, kids?

The guards are right outside,
in the corridor.

Just a minute.

I wanna make sure this drum
has a good...rat-a-tat.

Okay, we have a very nice

Pussycats ready.

Now, remember, keep playing,
no matter what happens.

And we'll take care of the rest.

Uh, c-c-couldn't I just watch?

Get back here, nitwit,
and grab a net.

Alright, go!

♪ Hey open up your eyes ♪
♪ Hey open up your eyes ♪

♪ Yeah I'm sure you'll realize ♪

♪ Na na na na-na-na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na-na-na na na na ♪

♪ Hey open up your eyes ♪

♪ Ooh I think you'll
be surprised ♪

♪ It's not bad to
face the music ♪

♪ Once you know the tune ♪
♪ Na na na ♪

♪ Doesn't mean you
have to use it ♪

♪ Tu ru ru tu tu ♪

♪ Look at all you can be ♪

♪ Tu ru ru tu tu ♪

♪ You oughta see it through ♪

♪ Na na na na-na-na na na na ♪


♪ Na na na na-na-na
na na na ♪♪

Come on, gang, now we
can get out of here.

I'm with you, Alan.

How come he's never with you?

This way. Shh.

Another guard.
Cool it, gang. Freeze.

Nobody move an eyelash.

[bleep bleep bleep]

Steady, Bleep.

ee ee ee

Oh, no!



(Melody) 'Gesundheit, Bleep.'

Got him!

That sneeze saved us.
Thanks, Bleep.

bleep bleep bleep

Come on, let's find the rafts.

- 'Which way?'
- Let's try this way.

- 'Through that hall.'
- Stick together, gang.

I'm trying, but
I keep shaking apart.

[intense music]

Now, let's move, before
those guards get loose.

Keep down, gang.

There are the rafts.
Come on.

I never thought I'd be
glad to see a paddle again.

Oh, my back hurts.
I'm tired of paddling.

You want Aquar to catch us?

I'm paddling, I'm paddling.

That's it, keep moving.

Golly, it's fun peddling
like this!

Not peddling, Melody, paddling.

Peddling is what you
do on a bicycle.

No, that's puddling.

I like to ride in the rain.


Our only chance is
to get miles away

so Aquar can't find us.

We've gotta move faster.

bleep bleep bleep

Bleep has a plan.

He calls it Bleep's bleep feet.

Let's give it a try.


(Alex) 'And away we go!'

You fools, you let them escape!

I see them, Aquar.
They're moving fast.

A simple storm will
slow them down.

A small hurricane will
be even better.


As soon as we're clear of Aquar,
we'll have to work out a plan

to sneak back and destroy
that hydro converter.

I've got a better idea.
We forget the whole thing

find our ship and scadoodle.
Brilliant, huh?

It's a storm!

- It's a man-made storm.
- An Aquar-made storm.

And it's made Bleep frightened.

Hang on, everybody!

The other raft, I can't see it.

(Josie) 'It's gone!'

Aquar won't ever find us here.

Nobody'll ever find us here.

- I wanna go home.
- Who doesn't?

Now, shape up, Alexander.

We've got to find out what
or who is on this island.

Well, there's a "what"
that's of this island.


Good, we have some of them.

They cannot escape this time.

It seems to be worked by some
kind of remote control.

Looks like a plain, ordinary,
giant vacuum cleaner to me.

And it's going to clean us
off the beach

if we don't stir up a little dust.

Let's go!




No sign of them.

There's not a soul
for miles around.

Sure there is.

Well, not a people soul,
but a fish soul.

mew mew mew

bleep bleep bleep

I think they're really talking.

But they are. Arthur, that's
the porpoises type fish

told Bleep there's nothing
to worry about.

He saw our friends land
safely on an island.

Is he sure?

Well, how does he know
they're our friends?

He says one of them have fur
and makes a noise like "meow".


Hey, that's good news!

Yes. Now, for the bad news.

That mean old Aquar captured
them on the island

and he's taking them back to
the spaceship in his submarine.

- No!
- Yes!

bleep bleep bleep

That means he's gonna fly
them back to Earth.

And take that miserable
machine, too.

- We've gotta stop them.
- But how?

On this raft, we can never
get there in time.

bleep bleep bleep

Bleep says he can get us there
in time with Arthur's help.

- He can?
- How?

Team work!



Never mind "whee". How are we
gonna save the kids from Aquar?

I have a way.
If we get there first.


bleep bleep bleep

Arthur and Bleep say, "Don't
worry, we'll get there first."

Thank you, Arthur. We're
very grateful to you.

mew mew mew

He says, "You're welcome anytime."


bleep bleep bleep

Okay, we're here.
Now, what's your idea?

The escape hatch.

If we can get Aqua and those
other guys to stand on top of it

I can push this control button--

And dump them right out of
the spaceship. Brilliant!

Look, here comes the submarine.

Disappear, everybody.

[dramatic music]

Into the spaceship, all of you.

You Earth people, too.

The other kids are with them.

(Aquar) 'Careful with
that hydra converter.'

Guard it at all times.

Our entire mission
depends on this weapon.

How are we gonna get them
over to the escape hatch?

We'll have to find a way.

How are we gonna get them
over to the escape hatch?

We'll just have to find a way.


Prepare for take off.

bleep bleep


It's Bleep!


[screech, screech]

Get those pest out of here!



Come on, Bleep.

bleep bleep bleep

meow meow meow


Here goes nothing.

Crumbs away!


bleep bleep


Am I glad to see you again!

Oh, I'm glad to see all of you!

Will be gladder to see Earth.

Come on, let's go.

Right on, Alan!

Stand by for blast off!


Bye-bye! It was nice
meeting you fellas.

What do we do with that
weird water machine?

I know exactly what we're
gonna do with that dumb device.

(Valerie) 'Right on, Josie.'

Stand by. Hatch release.

Wait a minute, till we
get high enough.


(Alan) 'Nice, goin', Alex!'

[all exclaim]

Golly, it looks like a
big jigsaw puzzle.

[upbeat music]

Now all we got to do is try
to figure a course for home.

I can hardly wait for all my
friends to see this sweater.

Yeah, it looks great, Melody.

Oh, do you really like it, Alan?

- It's groovy.
- 'I'll take that.

(Melody) 'But, Alexandra,
it's not quite fin--'

(Alexandra) 'I know
how to model clothes.'

'Oh, Alan!'

How do you like the way
the sweater looks on me?

Groovy, hmm?

Well, the part you're
wearing looks alright.

The part I'm wearing?

bleep bleep bleep

(Alan) 'The rest is
a little ragged.'

Oh, no!

My little old sis is
finally unstrung.


Let go, you bleeping
ball of fuzz!

bleep bleep bleep

That's cute!

Bleep says now he has a real
yarn to tell his grand children.

[all laughing]

Ressynch: Kilo

[theme song]

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is
the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪