Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space (1972-1974): Season 1, Episode 15 - Outer Space Ark - full transcript

While Melody is talking to the friendly animals on an uncharted planetoid, Alan, Josie and Alexandra are being taken prisoners by other animals which are behaviorally controlled through the tones of an electronic organ that are scored by the diabolical Arkapos.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[theme song]

♪ Josie in outer space ♪

♪ Pussycats are all in place ♪

♪ Blasting off on
another chase ♪

♪ Mars, stars, the milky way ♪

♪ When they're groovin'
who can say ♪

♪ Buckle up your seatbelts ♪

♪ They could be in
orbit in the stars ♪

♪ On a spooky planet,
maybe Mars ♪

♪ There's no way of knowing ♪

♪ When they're groovin' way
above the atmosphere ♪

♪ Trying to get back to here ♪

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is
the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and
dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪

[instrumental music]

We're lost. Lost, I tell you.

Okay, kids. Let's start this
number right from the beginning.

And a one, and a two,
and three...

Wait! Wait, hold it.

How can you think of
rehearsing a musical number

when we're lost like this
out here in space?


Well, we could sit around
and worry about it

and get all nervous and jumpy.

And scared and jittery.

Yeah, like they said.

All nervous and numpy
and jared and scittery.

I see what you mean.

Alright, quick. Rehearse
the music. Rehearse the music.

Ready. And a one, and a two,
and a here we go.

♪ Na na na ♪

♪ Na-na-na na na na ♪

♪ Hey open up your eyes ♪

♪ Ooh I think you.. ♪

Sebastian, I order you to stop
enjoying yourself so much.

'It's undignified.'


bleep bleep bleep



[Sebastian hissing]

That's what I call a smash ending.

Alexandra, upsetting the animals.

That was very uncouth of you.

You oughta be
ashamed of yourself.

Running around without any couth.


Hmm, all I did was
save outer space

from having to listen to
any more sour notes.

[alien music]


bleep bleep bleep

Bleep's so upset he just
hit the ceiling.

(Alan) 'What could be causing
that sound out here in space?'

That foul humming is sure
having a weird effect

on Bleep and Sebastian.

What a creepy sound.

Simmer down, Sebastian.

And that's an order,
you fluttery feline.

'Cut that out.'

bleep bleep bleep

[Sebastian meowing]

We're being bounced
out of control.

I wish those two would cool it.

They won't stop as long as
that creepy sound goes off.

If we only knew where
it was coming from.

[eerie music]

[music continues]

[laughing] Yes. Yes.

I am now sure that with this
device, I can place any animal

under my complete control.

And soon it will
help me to conquer

everything, everywhere.

[munch munch]


[eerie music]


[laughing] I'm certain of it.

No animal will escape my control.


(Alan) 'We're really out
of control. Hang on.'

(Josie) 'Alan, Alan,
we're falling fast.'

(Alex) 'Do something.
Do anything!'

[music continues]

Oh, why didn't you say so?
That's easy.

Bleep and Sebastian, please
stop bouncing around.

'Remember you are people
and not jumping beans.'

- meaow
- bleep bleep

Oh, Melody, when it comes
to animals, you're terrific.

Yes. But when it comes to
geography, I'm terrible.

I don't even know what
state Australia is in.



[dramatic music]

Stand by. I think we can
bring the ship down safely now.

You'd better. I won't stand
for any rough landings.

- Ow!
- Ha-ha-ha.

Right. Why stand for rough
landings when you can sit down.


I wonder if there's any
life on this planetoid.

Are you kidding?

Who'd want to live
in this junkyard

except a freaky weirdo?

[indistinct animal calls]

(Josie) 'Do you think
it's safe here, Alan?'

Well, I don't know. That
weird sound has stopped anyway.

It won't take long to get
the ship into flying shape.

So, we might as well do a
little exploring first.

Ho-ho-oh, no.

I'm not leaving this spaceship

for the best reason in the world.

- What's that?
- I'm chicken.


[Alexander laughs]

We're going, you
spineless jellyfish.


Hey, take it easy.

We spineless jellyfish are
very delicate, you know.

Shh. There's something
straight ahead.

(Alexander) 'Trouble, I knew it,
I knew it. Let's go.'

Holy smoke!

I see it, but I don't believe it.

It's impossible.

Scientifically nothing
is impossible.

It's impossible.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

There's that sound again.

'The animals are reacting to it.'

(Alan) 'Just like
Sebastian and Bleep.'

Melody, Alexandra. Better hold
on to Bleep and Sebastian.



[music continues]





If I took him home

I wonder if my mother
would let me keep him.

Shh. Pipe down, dum-dum.

[music continues]

[stomp stomp]

[stomp stomp]

[chomp chomp chomp]

He chewed up a whole
hunk of steel.

Golly, I bet his mother made
him brush his teeth every day.


Excellent, my little pets.
Just as I taught you.

Who in the universe or anywhere
else can stop me and my... army now?

So he must be the one playing
that strange sound.

He has those animals perfectly
trained and under control.

Could they be his army?

We oughta find out what
this is all about.

Alan, dear, why don't you and I

go somewhere and discuss it?

Just the two of us, hmm?

Come on, there's a
lovely secluded spot

right over there behind the...uh!


Who's there?
Who's hiding in those bushes?

(Alan) 'Quiet, Alexandra.'

(Arkapos) 'Come out,
whoever you are.'

'Or I shall use other
means to get you.'

G-g-get who? There's nobody here
b-b-but us leaves and twigs.

That does it, gang.

Ah, strangers.
A perfect situation.

At last, my soldiers
can practice the things

I have taught them.

[eerie music]

Uh-oh. There's that
weird sound again.

Pierced eardrums, anyone?
I can't stand it.

(Josie) 'Those animals
seem to take it.'

'Look at them run
to that building.'

Round up those strangers.
Bring them to me unhurt.

Oh, no. Here they come.
A mad menagerie.

- Alan, what are we gonna do?
- We better split.

That's the magic word.

[dramatic music]

Let's hide behind that tree.

Hope they won't be
able to see us there.

[boing boing boing]



Oh, stop showing off,
you muscle bound rabbit.


- Huh?
- Don't waste time translating.

Let's get outta here.



(Josie) Uh, it's silly to ask,
but wh-what's that?


To the rear. Run.


(Alan) Into the woods.


(Valerie) We're safe here.
Nobody can see us from the ground.

Oh, boy, I hope so.

All this running around
is wearing me out.

It's wearing out your shoes too.

I can see right through them
to your toes. All eight of them.

Eight? Come on, Melody.
I have ten toes.

Almost everybody does.

See, I'm even worse at arithmetic

than I am at geography.


Oh-ho, oh, boy.

A whiz kid from Weirdsville.

bleep bleep bleep

Aw, come on, Bleep.
You're making that up.

Things are strange here but,
who ever saw a bird ten feet tall?


- Yikes.
- Oh, hi there.

Now I see a bird ten feet tall.

quack quack quack

- Likewise, I'm sure.
- Quick, let's get outta here.

Too late. Something's already
cutting us out of here. Look.

Boy, now that's a saw-head,
if I ever saw one.


Let's slip away, gang.

bleep bleep




quack quack quack

I think we lost them.

That's lucky for them.

I would have clobbered
the nutty-looking twerps.

[tap tap]


Ah, you and your
little pink eyes.

Get lost.

munch munch munch

- Come on, Alexandra.
- Hurry. Through there.


O-o-oh, will I get you for this.

Alexandra, are you alright?

Now, watch it.

The first one of you who sings

rock-a-by-baby gets clobbered.

Except you, of course,
Alan, dear.

Now, aliens,
I am Arkapos.

Your friends will soon be
captured and then you will all

'be my prisoners. Ha-ha-ha.'

Gee, what's the point of that,
Mr. Arkapos? We mean no harm.

That's right.
We're from Earth.

And all we want is to get
back to our spaceship.

And say goodbye to this planet.

Ah, space travelers
as I suspected.

You see, I want your spaceship.

I have been alone on this
planet for many years

training the animals to
obey my every command

'through my thought control
super sonic transformer.'

'Now, at last with your ship,
I have found a way'

to carry me to other planets
where no one will be able

to resist my little pets, and I,
I will control everything.


Well, wait a minute, if you
take our spaceship

what's gonna happen to us?

Oh, you will learn to like it here,
after several years.

[Arkapos laughing]

What? Why, you'll never get away

with that kind of a stupid stunt.

Take them away.

[eerie music]

Alright, alright, don't rush me

unless you want a fat lip.

My expedition will begin the
moment the other aliens

are brought to me.

And knowing my animals,
that will be soon.

(Valerie) I can see animals everywhere.
I'm afraid we're surrounded.

Huh? Surrounded? Oh-ho-ho,
did you hear that?

We're surrounded. Do you
know what that means?

- Oh-ho-ho.
- Don't look at me.

I'm even worse at
language than I am

at arithmetic and geography.


T-that means that there's
no place we can go

without running into one of
those weirdo animals.

Look there.

[Alexander crying] 'Run-aways
from a nutty nightmare.'


And there's a flying guard,
watching us.

quack quack quack

(Alexander) 'Probably a
ring-necked rubber necker.'

I had a yellow crested
wingading once.

Oh, no. No-no-no.
I can't stand it anymore.

Oh no. This is it.
Ho-ho, this is the end.

- Farewell and goodbye.
- Alexander, calm down.

I've got to do some
heavy thinking.

We have to figure out some
plan to get those animals

out of our way.

Golly, is that all
we have to do?

Why didn't you say so?

'Come on, Bleep.
Let's go take care of this.'

bleep bleep bleep

- Melody, stop!
- You can't go out there!

Sure I can. See, it's easy.

bleep bleep bleep

- Melody, come back.
- 'Don't worry, Valerie.'

I know what I'm doing.

Well, I did know.
Now I can't remember.

Oh, yes. Now I remember again.

[giggles] That keeps
happening to me.

Oh, hi. My name is Melody.
What's yours?

- Zurphace.
- Zurphace?

My, that's a pretty name.
And rare too.

You don't run into a lot
of Zurphace these days.

This is my friend Bleep.

bleep bleep bleep


Well, I'll be a Zurphace's uncle.

You can say that again.

Uh-oh. The air watch
is watching.

Well, hello there. Gee,
what pretty feathers.


Pleased to meet you, Mr. Trumst.

My name is Melody.
And this is my friend Bleep.



bleep bleep bleep

Golly, isn't this just
the grooviest party?

bleep bleep bleep



If we don't get out of here
and stop Mr. Arkapos pretty soon

this planet is gonna be our
home sweet home forever.

Just look at the way those
strange animals are guarding us.

Oh, I don't know how we're
gonna get past 'em.

We're really...

growl growl growl

What is it?
What's happening?

Whatever it is, it's too noisy
for my sensitive ears.

Pipe down, you loudmouths!

Look. I-I don't believe it.

(Alexandra) 'I-I can't believe it.'

(Josie) 'Well,
you better believe it.'

'Melody has those
kooky animals'

'wrapped around her
little finger.'

bleep bleep bleep

I believe it.

Hi, gang. I want you
to meet Myron.


bleep bleep bleep

[Melody giggling]
They're all our new friends.

They're going to take us all
back to our spaceship as soon--

Aha, the other intruders
have returned.

It's impolite to interrupt.
Besides that, it's rude.

Now, you are all my prisoners.

I think Myron and his
friends oughta take us

back to our spaceship now.

He's right, Myron.

Come on, everybody.
Let's leave this rude man.

Stop, you hear?
You can't do this to me.

'I'm ready to start my
invasion of the planets.'

My super sonic machine
will stop them.

They can't get away.

[eerie music]

Me, oh, my, Myron.
What's wrong?

[music continues]

It's that spooky machine
that Arkapos uses

to control the animals.

Oh, no. He'll get 'em back
in his power again.

Then they'll turn on us.
You know we're doomed.

'We're doomed.'
[Alexander crying]

No, we're not.
We'll be okay.

You're still on our side,
aren't you?

(Josie) 'That's amazing!'

(Melody) 'How about you fellas?'

(Josie) 'It's unanimous.'

Oh, yes. The unanimous
is with us, too.

(Alan) Then come on. Let's
get back to our spaceship.

Yeah, already. Let's go.

[rumble rumble]

What just happened to my
control over the animals?

They no longer respond
to my sonic machine.

Oh, those aliens must be stopped.

I better take my emergency
remote supersonic controller.

(Arkapos) Follow them.

Faster, we can't let
them get away. Faster!

It's Arkapos. Quick,
everybody scatter.

[rumble rumble]

[dramatic music]


[music continues]


Ah, oh, those aliens.


[music continues]



Val, get the engine started quick,
so we can blast off.

- Right.
- Okay, kids.

Say goodbye to your
friends and we'll...

Hey, hold it. Melody,
where did he come from?

He was wandering all alone out there.
So I brought him along.

Feeling better now, Stanley?

Yeah, but I think we better
leave him with his own friends.

Wait, that machine.

It's probably the one that
caused all the trouble.

(Josie) And Mr. Arkapos
doesn't have it anymore.

Now he won't be able to make
those nice animals

do such awful things.

I'm going to take this
little gadget for my own use.

A few beeps and maybe
I can control Alan

the same way Mr. Arkapos


[boom boom boom]

Congratulations, sis.

You've just created the world's
largest instant jigsaw puzzle

by remote control.

[all laughing]

(Valerie) We're ready.
Fasten your seatbelts.

Bye, Myron. Bye, Stanley.
Bye, Igor.

Bye, Mr. Arkapos.
Wherever you are.

Get me down from here.


I am your leader and
I command you

to do exactly as I order.



(Melody) 'Goodbye, Igor.
Goodbye, Igor. Goodbye, Igor.'

Which one was Igor?

All the rest of them.

I couldn't think of
any more names.


Names is another subject
I'm not very good at.

I know a subject
we're all not good at.

You don't mean animal training?

(Alexander) 'No, navigation.'

'Oh, just in case anyone
didn't remember, we're still lost.'

'Oh-ho-ho, I wanna go home.'

Ressync: Kilo

[theme song]

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is
the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and
dig the chase ♪

♪ The Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪