Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space (1972-1974): Season 1, Episode 11 - The Four-eyed Dragon of Cygnon - full transcript

After escaping from the Circle of Doom when their spaceship lands on the planet Cygnon, the Pussycats are captured by Varan, a diabolical ruler who wants to know how to break into the vicious circle so he can secure their rocket.

[theme song]

♪ Josie in outer space ♪

♪ Pussycats are all in place ♪

♪ Blasting off on another chase ♪

♪ Mars, stars, the Milky Way ♪

♪ When they're groovin'
who can say ♪

♪ Buckle up your seatbelts ♪

♪ They could be in
orbit in the stars ♪

♪ On a spooky planet,
maybe Mars ♪

♪ There's no way of knowing ♪

♪ When they're groovin'
way above the atmosphere ♪

♪ Trying to get back to here ♪

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie is on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪

[upbeat music]

[click click click]

If my calculations are accurate

we're finally on the
right course for Earth.

- Great, Val
- Super, Val.

Awful, Val.

What do you mean awful?

I just started this jigsaw
puzzle, and it'd be awful

if we got home before
I finished it. Ha-ha-ha.

Melody, I've seen
you work a jigsaw puzzle

and the only one slower than
you is that furry brained Bleep.

bleep bleep bleep

(Melody) 'Good show, Bleep.'

Something's strange.

What's that?
What's happening?


Help! Yikes.

Oh, stop whimpering,
chicken brother.



[zap zap zap]

(Alexander) 'What's up?'

Well, I am for sure.

Something's causing this
energy disturbance.

It must be some strange
force from that planetoid

we're passing over.

[dramatic music]


People of Cygnon. Listen.
Thergo speaks.

'I command you to bring me
your tribute before nightfall.'

If you do not, then you'll
know the wrath of Thergo.

Only Thergo stands in the way

of my complete control
of this entire planet.

I must. I will find
a way to blast him

from his mountain fortress.

Veran, behold.
Falling from the skies.

[zap zap zap]

[zap zap zap]

You have been warned.

Beware, Thergo has spoken.

[dramatic music]

- Hey! Now what?
- Oops! Sorry, Alan.

I'll bet you are.


Rugo, that strange ship.

If it were mine, I could destroy
forever the threat of Thergo.

- No, it will never be yours.
- Why not?

It is falling deep within
the circle of doom.

[intense music]

We're wrecked!
It's a ship wreck.

Abandon ship.
Abandon ship.

Oh, stop cackling like
a chicken, chicken.

Or at least give us a
few eggs. I'm hungry.


Alright. Cool it, gang.
The ship's okay.

That's good.

- Except that water tank crack.
- That's bad.

With all those trees, ther
must be plenty of water around.

Let's go get some, so we
can take off again.

We'll all go.
It's safer that way.

Alexander, I'll have
to be the look out.

So, you're gonna
drive the Space Buggy.

- Me? Oh, no, I'm not.
- Oh, yes, you are.

Oh, yes, I am. Oh, boy.
Why me?

And you'll drive us exactly
where I order you to go.

Some kids have guinea
pigs or horn toads.

I have to have a bossy sister.

- That way.
- Yes, general, and away we go.


(Josie) Do you see
any water, Alan?

Nothing out there but
a lot of nothing.

(Alexander) 'B-b-b-what's that?'


Look! It's like a circle of fire.

Oh, goody. I love
the Fourth of July.

This is no holiday. Ha-ha-ha.
I'm turning around.

No, Alex, keep going.

It's the only way we
can get out of here.

Keep going? What do you want?
Barbecued Space Buggy?

Alan's right.
If we go fast enough

we can sail right over
it like a ski jump.

Alright. Here goes.

[upbeat music]

This is more fun than
a roller coaster.

(Alan) Recheck your seatbelts.

(Melody) Whee!

Wow! We made it.

By the skin of our Space Buggy.

With me at the wheel,
it was simple.

(Alexandra) That's you. Simple.

[music continues]

Strangers, stop!

Wow! Dig those two weird ones.

Veran welcomes you to
the planet of Cygnon.

Thank you very much, Mr. Veran.

Our space ship needs water.

Can you show us where
we can find some?

I will allow you to
travel no further.

Are you kidding? Get out of
the way, planetoid roadblock.

The button, Rugo.


Hey, now, see here. What..

Hey, watch it.

Yeah. What do you think
you guys are doing?

I think they did it already.


Transport them.


I am your friend.

All I want to know
is how you escaped

from the circle of doom.

- We're not talking.
- Yeah, our lips are buttoned.

What? You refuse to answer?

I'll unbutton,
I'll unbutton.

Quiet, chicken.
Don't you dare cluck.

We're not saying a word till
you tell us what sneaky scheme

is on your sneaky mind.

Very well. I shall give
you one last chance

to change your mind.

Rugo, show them the
fate that awaits them

if they defy me.

Yes, Veran.


What in the world is that?


Whatever it is, you can have it.

That is "Thergo The Terrible."


O-only terrible?

That's like calling
a dragon cute.

Yes, and if you still
refuse to answer

you will be delivered to him.

By slow mail I hope.

You will have ample
time to think about it

when you reach the
cave of the creatures.

W-what's the cave of creatures?

I've got a feeling, it isn't
exactly the fun house.

Rugo, now.


Let us out of this glass
cage, you bird brains.

(Alex) I've got a sinking
sensation about this whole thing.

[giggling] Going down.

Kitchenware, garden furniture,
sporting goods.

Stand back in the elevator, please.


Luggage, baggage, cabbage,
cribbage, sausage, glibbich.

- What's glibbich?
- I don't know, but it rhymes.


L-last stop. C-cave
of the c-c-creatures.

You should feel right
at home, insect.


Ah, yes. And you'll soon
meet the creatures, my young friends.


Then they will talk.


After my prisoners tell
me what I want to know

then, Thergo, I shall
rid myself of you.

Now, Rugo, bring on the
creatures for our friends.

Creature number one, Veran.


- Oh, dear.
- What now?

Alexander, will you
stop that whining?

Who? Me? I didn't whine
a single whine.

No, but that...that thing did.


What's that?

Never mind that.
What's that?


[squeak squeak]

They're all around us.

(Alexander) 'I wish I was
around some place else.'


A short visit with my creatures

and I assure you those
earthlings will talk.

Yes, Veran. Your cave of
creatures has never failed.

(Valerie) 'It looks like
some weird dance move.'

(Melody) 'They're very good
at reeling and writhing'

'And rhythmatic.'


bleep bleep bleep

meow meow

- Alan, what are we gonna do?
- For one thing, don't panic.

That's what I do best. Panic.


I majored in panic.

Listen, you freaky
faced nightmares.

Bug off, or I'll clobber you.



That did it! Look what
you did to my hair.

Hold it, Alexandra.
Look at Bleep.

bleep bleep bleep

Bleep, bleep, bleep,
bleep, bleep.

bleep bleep bleep

For Pete's sake, Melody.

Stop bleeping and tell us what
he's so excited about.

Bleep says, they're


What on Earth are hallunisations?

Wait, Melody. Did you
mean hallucinations?

That's what I said.

It doesn't matter, Melody.
Now, we know what they are.

Just computer electronic images.

Veran figured out a
way to project them

down here to scare us.

Argh! Confound that
little bleeping beast.

It has discovered my secret.

Enough. We shall go to the
cave of the creatures ourselves.

There are other ways to obtain
information from the prisoners.


Hey! The creatures are gone.

Come back, you cowardly cowards.
You don't scare me.

Well, that problem is over.

Now, how do we get out
of this glass case?

Without a glass cutter
we're stuck.

Stuck, stuck, stuck.

Stuck. Do you hear? Huh?

What do you want?

So unique.

Big deal.


[creak creak creak]


- Neat, Sebastian.
- What a great cat.

He takes after me.

Stand back. You can
all take after me.




- They will soon talk, Rugo.
- What is your plan, Veran?

(Veran) 'It is simple.'

'We must find out how they
crossed the circle of doom.'

So, when we know that,
their spaceship will be ours.

Yes, I'll use the ship to seal
Thergo in his cave from above.

And then the people of this planet

will pay tribute only to me.



Keep your hands off our spaceship.

You scattered skull Cygnonians.

Ah-oh! That does it.
Val, let's roll.

I hope this does it.

It does.

Josie, hit the red button.

Hit the red button. Roger.





[upbeat music]


[music continues]





That stopped 'em.

We made it.
We made it.


(Valerie) 'He's right.'

Look! Daylight.

(Melody) 'Whee.'

Oh, golly, that was great.
Just like the tunnel of love.

Sure. But guess who was
in the wrong car.


- End of the line.
- Yeah. What now?

(Alexander) 'All aboard.'

- Next stop, the spaceship.
- 'How'd you find that?'

Our little old Speed Bug

was just sitting here
waiting for us.

Well, what are we waiting for?
Come on, kids. Let's cut out.

Excellent, Rugo. Now,
they'll never escape us.

But this road leads to Thergo.

We shall capture them
before they reach his lair.

Quickly. There they are.

Oh! Hurry up, Alexander.
Here come the gruesome twosome.

Look! We're coming to a dead end.

(Alan) 'No. There is an opening.'

Let's try to go through.
It's our only chance.

Into the cave.

- Uh-oh! D-d-dead end.
- Don't panic.

We have them now.


O-okay, Alan. Is-is it
alright to panic now?

- It is Thergo.
- Run, Veran. Run.



[zap zap zap]

[zap zap zap]

Strangers, you dare to enter
the domain of Thergo.

Oh, pipe down,
you big tin windbag.

We're just looking
for our spaceship.

You dare to defy,
to defy, to defy..

[dramatic music]

beep beep beep

bleep bleep bleep

Hello, my young friends.
Don't be afraid. I too am from Earth.

- 'From Earth?'
- But how.. Why? Uh, when?

I can understand your confusion.

My spaceship crash landed on
this planet 20 years ago.

And I've been here ever since.

My goodness, it must've been awful.

Twenty years without hot dogs.

Ha-ha-ha. No, I managed.

I built Thergo and
the circle of doom.

Which I operate by
these remote controls

to protect me from
Veran and his followers.

What's gonna happen to
Veran and Rugo now?

Well, they're too frightened
ever to come out

of the forest of darkness.

So, the people are now
free of their tyranny.

Then you can come
back to Earth with us.

Thank you, but...I shall remain
here and try to teach

the people of Cygnon to enjoy
their new freedom.

Now, if you'll come with me,
I'll take you to your spaceship.

(Valerie) We've had navigation
problems, Dr. Benedict.

I've programmed your spaceship
to take you straight home.

H-home? Home.
Did you hear that?

Ho ho ho. Oh, boy, oh, boy.

- I can hardly wait.
- Me too. All those hot dogs.

Alright, gang. Let's get
ready to blast off.

- Goodbye, Dr. Benedict.
- Goodbye. Speedy voyage to you.


[upbeat music]

Now, we'll just hold this
course, Alexandra.

'The auto-pilot is all set.'

Anything you say, Alan dear.

(Josie) 'Okay, gang, we'll
dedicate this number to Dr. Benedict.'

♪ If you smile ♪

♪ If you smile
when it hurts ♪

♪ Things will be
alright with you ♪

♪ Things will be
alright with you ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Why are you crying ♪

♪ Why are you crying ♪

♪ But don't say you're not ♪

♪ You'd only be lying ♪
♪ Lying ♪

They figured if they're going home,
they better practice.

The way they sound, they
need more than practice.

Come on, Alan. Let's be
cozy and sit down.

No. Wait.


Uh. There goes our auto-pilot.

(Alexander) 'Oh, no!'

Well, thanks to Alexandra,
we're off course again.

Golly, now, maybe I can
finish my jigsaw puzzle.

Hey, sis, why don't you
sit here, next to Alan?

No, thanks, smart Alex.

I've had all the sitting,
I can stand.


(Alexandra) 'The fire is out,
Sebastian. So, cool it!'

[all laughing]

[upbeat music]

Ressynch: Kilo

[theme song]

♪ They're blasting off now ♪

♪ Josie's on a rocket ride ♪

♪ Pussycats all by her side ♪

♪ Bleep Bleep is
the kooky guide ♪

♪ Come along and dig the chase ♪

♪ With the Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ The Pussycats
in outer space ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪