Janet King (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - An Achilles Heel - full transcript

He's the new boy, Janet.
He feels isolated.

He's an arrogant, patronising
show pony.

You know that every time
a barrister applies

for the senior counsel

well, the silk committee
appoint a colleague

to keep an eye on him.

They've got Janet King
looking at me?

Mr Moreno, I find you not guilty.
You're free to go.

Pull out Judge Renmark's decisions
over the last two years.

- Why?
- Something was dodgy in Moreno.

We're drowning in work
and you're stalking Renmark?

Someone leaned on him. How else
could he get Moreno so wrong?

He's clever. He chooses
his opportunities very carefully,

twists things
just as much as he needs to.

So there's nearly
100% conviction rate

for the last 18 months
until Moreno.

He's convicting everyone
that comes before him.

They're all connected -
Blakely, Nelson, Moreno.

Especially Renmark.

You needed something concrete

before you could start
a formal investigation.

And here it is. You realise
this could sink us both?

I heard you've been reviewing
some of my judgements.

Did you?

I'd tread very carefully
if I were you, Miss King.

My findings could be
very damning,

but I'm offering you
one last chance.

Resign now.

Goodnight, Miss King.
Pleasant dreams.

We've compiled a list
of people

who might hold a grudge
against you.

I don't need this.
I know who did it.

What have we got?
Not sure.

What's up, babe?

Hey, handsome. I missed you
at breakfast this morning.

Yeah sorry, they called me out
early. I didn't want to wake you.

Ah, will you have some time
later today or...?

What is it?
Ah, well, it's just, um...

Will you... will you be home
for dinner?


I'll, ah...
I'll call you back later.

I should have told him last night.
I'm such a chicken.

He'll call you back when he can.

He's so desperate
to have children.

It's not a definite, is it?

Kids'll happen
when you're both ready.

Probably when you least
expect them.

And if all else fails,
do what the rest of us do

in times of crisis -
bury yourself in work.

Oh, how's Nelson looking, by the
way? Maya ready to demolish him?


Andy, is everything OK?

In one judgement, Renmark even
quotes a precedent from a case

when the case itself
doesn't even exist.

We already have
lots of stuff on him already,

and I've only fully checked
about half of them so far, so...

He's dead.

Judge Renmark.

Well, we can't be certain
about anything.

It might be suicide.

We haven't found a note.

There's nothing to suggest
he was suicidal.

And it's not a known suicide spot.
An accident?

Could be. Leaning over the edge
to look at something.

Maybe he dropped his parking
ticket and was trying to grab it.

Or maybe some kids were
trying to rob him and, you know,

a bit of shoving got out of hand.

How's the scene?
Anything on the body?

Yeah, bits and pieces
on and around.

Keys, monogrammed handkerchief,

pen, also monogrammed.

But no wallet.
So it all fits a robbery.

Apart from this,
anything else unexpected?

Not really.

Who was the last person
to see him alive?

Well, he didn't look like a man
about to suicide.

Not when he was in here.

No talk of nothing left to live for
since finishing the job?

What, apart from beach, beer,
test cricket,

a very generous pension scheme?

Oh, retirement's all I live for.

No, not Judge Renmark, no.
He was gloating yesterday.

He had all the rumour
and innuendo he needed

to dump on Janet
from a great height,

and he was relishing
the prospect of doing so.

But he only told me that.
Not Janet?

No, I don't think so.
Was she here?

I'm not sure.

She might have been outside.
I can't remember.

But you didn't see them
talk at all? Um...

OK, thanks.

Yes, I did see him. He stopped
to talk to me on his way out.

He said unless I resigned,

he was intending to get me fired.

Which you would have been
pretty upset about, I imagine.

It's hardly unexpected,
but if you're looking for people

who'd gain by his death,
I suppose I'm one of them.

Although you did have
witness protection officers

outside your door all night,

which is pretty good
as alibis go.

Any other ideas?

The more we look
at the crime scene,

the more it looks like there
was some sort of altercation.

One of his shirt buttons
was missing,

a few of his items
were scattered around the body.

A random attack got out of hand.

It's our best bet at the moment.
Random?! Are you serious?

We know that Renmark
let Moreno off in court,

and Moreno rented
Blakely's beach house.

We know that Blakely and Nelson
are linked,

and as soon as we started
lifting the lid on them,

Blakely was killed

and my whole family was nearly
blown up, and now Renmark.

Of course I think
it's something bigger.

We still can't prove Moreno
and Blakely even knew each other,

and your car was blown up by
ammonium nitrate and coal dust.

That says to us someone big.
Someone with serious connections.


And I doubt a guy like Moreno could
even mix that stuff together.

You really don't think
Renmark's death

could have been a random attack?

He was being influenced by someone
to bend his judgements,

then suddenly he finds out
he's being investigated

and oh, dear,
there's a random attack?

Come on, Andy! It is someone
with serious connections.

That is exactly my point.

What, he knew he was being

I think they're talking
about me.

You're paranoid. Why would they
be talking about you?

I can tell. I've got
a very acute sense of this.

Richard, a judge is dead.

We've got an unsolved murder of a
police officer and a car bombing.

You really think
they're talking about you?

No, no, you're right.


When you were collating
Renmark's judgements,

did you talk to any counsel,
mention what you were doing

about Renmark to any other
solicitors, admin staff?

No. I mean, most of it
was on the online database.

Didn't talk to anyone?

Well, I had to ask
a couple of clerks

for a few of
the older judgements,

but I always said I was
checking for precedent.

I never mentioned Renmark
personally. OK. Thanks, Richard.

Someone from the
Courts Admin Authority

may have noticed something or...

One of the juniors from around...

Owen knew. I told him

when I asked about the Crown
against Gianopolous judgement.

When was this?

Mate, you got a sec?
Yeah, what's up?

Renmark's dead.

Fell off a car park
four storeys up last night.

Fell, pushed, who knows?

Did you tell anyone about Richard
going back over his judgements?


He's dead? Really?

How do you fall off a car park?

Easy if you get pushed.
Who else was there?

What are you thinking?
Don't know.

Forensics give you anything?
CCTV? Not much, no.

Wow, this is getting
weirder and weirder.

Yeah, I know.

It all means
another investigation, of course,

trawling over the last few months
of his life.

Yeah, I can imagine
there's a few questions.

Yeah. Why was he appointed
to run this inquiry

into Janet and Erin?

And did he lobby for it?
Who fed the story to the media?

He sure wanted Janet out of
this place, we know that much.

If you hear anything
just let me know.


Gotta run.

Tonight, I promise.

Before we go to sleep,
we're going to get half an hour.

You can talk and I will listen.
Thank you.

OK? What's it about, anyway?
My fertility results.

But it's not a ten second

But tonight, though, please.
I promise, OK? I really promise.

Where was it?

Renmark's study,
taped up underneath the desk.

Who found it?

No-one else knows? No-one.
I took it out and texted you.

OK, thanks.

- This had better be good.
- Oh, it is.

Normally, I hate surprises.

We were searching through
Renmark's house,

looking for anything that might
indicate why he went out.

Excuse us for a sec.

Or who he was planning to meet.
Anything, really.

And we found this USB.

That's the same one that was
at Keith Nelson's house.

but Nelson's had nothing on it.

And Renmark's?

Over 84,000 photos,
over 30 videos of porn.

All clearly underage.

Any idea where these images
come from?

We're still checking.

The kids,
they're from everywhere.

Fuckin' hell.

Owen, Maya just... Sorry.

Maya just sent an email
to Janet and me

confirming she won't be a witness
on the Nelson trial.

Which means there's a record
of it now.

You know, for the date?

Well, what should I do about it?

I don't know.
Let me think about it.

I'll get back to you.
Gotta make a call.


- Where's he going?
- Out to make a call.

Did you see that email
that Maya sent?

Well, what do I do?

Well, we have to change her mind.

Can you please beg her to let us
have one more conversation?

Mm, I'll see what I can do.

Can't you make it lunchtime?
That won't be nearly so obvious.

OK, well, what time
does your flight leave?

What about tonight?
Got time tonight?

Alright, yep, 9am.

No, not on the phone.

Thank you.
Yeah, tomorrow morning then.

Yeah, same place.
OK, yep, bye.

Uh, uh, uh, not so fast.

Can you come with me?
Why, what is it?

I have some good news, which is
an unexpected turn of events

given the last few weeks,

but I have no intention
of saying it twice, so in here.

I have something to impart.

Right, well, I've just come
from a conference call

with the President
of the Law Society

and her Holiness,
the Attorney-General.

In the aftermath of Judge
Renmark's tragic death,

we were reviewing the inquiry
he was heading

and I was able to tell
my learned colleagues

that when Judge Renmark was
summarising his findings to me

last night,
prior to writing his report,

he indicated that he could find

no substance in the rumours

and he was intending to clear you
both of all accusations.

He was? That's my recollection
of the conversation.

I don't think anyone else
was there, were they?


So the upshot is, the inquiry
is to be abandoned,

which means you're straight,
you're gay,

you're a solicitor advocate
and we're all just good friends.

No need for thanks.

Applause and alcohol
at the appropriate time

will be gratefully received.

Right, well, um...
see you then.

Are we OK?
Yes, Erin, we're OK.

Let's just not drink together, hmm?

OK, so this is
how it's looking so far.

Someone who we don't know yet,

possibly someone here,
possibly not,

finds out that Renmark
is a paedophile

and forces Renmark to
convict all these shitkickers

because it suits him
to have them in jail.

Yeah, but Renmark acquits Moreno,

and the Moreno family
go on holidays

to Steven Blakely's beach house

and some of the photos
taken there

end up
on an Eastern European website.

While Renmark's stash of porn
is found

on the same sort of USB
Nelson has.

And Keith Nelson was a mate
of Steve Blakely.

And in Janet's scenario,

this someone killed Steve
when he thought

they were all about
to be uncovered,

then tried to kill Janet when
she started guessing the truth

and killed Renmark as soon
as he knew we were onto him.

If this is one person,

then we're dealing
with a serious player here.

Any ideas?

Ask Keith Nelson.
He's the one who can tell us.

I know, but why would he?
Have you put it to him?

Put what to him?

I can hardly say, 'We'll go easy
on you for assaulting Maya

if you tell us who ran
the child porn ring

that we're not even sure
you belonged to?'

Nelson had the same USB
as Renmark,

and Renmark's was full
of illegal kiddie photos.

That's got to be worth
a polite question, doesn't it?

Yes, but he's also
a up-himself son of a bitch

who's convinced
he's going to get off.

Then convince him he's not.
It's 15 years old!

Her word against his.
I'm not a bloody magician.

Now, I'll go in
as hard as you like

if or when Nelson starts
to realise he's been cornered.

So if there's anything more
you or Owen can do

to get him to that point,
it will be very, very helpful.

We won't hound you, Maya,
I promise,

but it's been some time
since the committal

and we thought...

we thought if we could just
have one last meeting...

Do you think that I'll
change my mind?

Well, I want to be able to say
we tried. That's all.

If I agree to one more, that'd be
it, right? No more follow-ups?

No more, guaranteed.

With you and Owen?

Probably. Yeah, sure.

No, just... just you two.

I really don't want to see Janet.

No, you won't.
She's a witness in the case.

She can't be part of it.

It'll just be Owen and me.

Yeah, alright. OK.

Just spoke to Maya.
She didn't hang up on you?

She said she'll give us half an
hour to say our bit, that's all.

Nine o'clock tomorrow.
That's great.

Maya's coming in at nine o'clock

Can we talk about
how you should approach her?

Obviously, this is very,
very important.

I can't do nine.

I can't do nine o'clock.
Can you make it ten?

No, I was lucky to get her here
at all.

Well, I'm sorry, I can't do nine.
Why not?

I've got another appointment.

Excuse me? Where are you going
that could possibly

be more important than changing
Maya's mind about this trial?

Janet, take a Valium or have
a massage or something.

Just relax.

Owen, if we have to tell the court
Maya's withdrawn,

Nelson walks away

and we lose our best chance of
finding out who's behind all of this.

Anytime after lunch.

Evening, midnight, I don't care.
I can't make nine.

If I call her again, I really
think she'll pull out completely.

Cancel it.

Whatever it is at nine,
why don't you reschedule that?

If you wanted me here at nine,
you should have asked me.

Don't just set a meeting
and then assume I can make it.

Where are you going?
I don't have to tell you.


Listen, I really do want to
run this matter.

Can you please call Maya?

See if she can reschedule.

Don't contact Maya.

If we've only got one shot,
do it tomorrow.

OK, should I tell Owen?

No, not yet. Maybe text him tonight
or maybe tomorrow morning.

Just wait as long as you can
and then say you tried

but she wouldn't change.

OK. Um, if he finds out...

Look, I'll cop any fallout.
Don't worry about that.

Just leave it as it is though,


And can you just come
into my office?

I want to play out a few angles,
see how they sound.

And see if Erin's around too,
yeah? Sure.



Have you got a second?

I've been thinking about Renmark,
and how he knew

what we found out about him.

And the rest of us,
we were all on the team

who were doing the finding out,

so I'm just thinking,
it had to be Owen, didn't it?

Or at least come from him,
indirectly somehow.


When you asked Owen

about that case he ran
in front of Renmark...

Crown against Gianopolous.

Did you say enough for Owen to
know that you'd found a matter

in which Renmark
had lied in his judgement?


Can you close the door?

If anyone interrupts us,

just say we're having a small
informal gathering

to celebrate the fact that,
I don't know,

the inquiry's been abandoned.

Mm, I'll drink to that.

Now before we get on to Maya,

didn't you say once,
back on the Simpson matter,

that Owen had got bank records
without a subpoena?


I always thought he'd asked
one of his copper friends.

Has he ever done anything
that you thought was dodgy?

Is this just for this room?

Well, I did ask him

how I could prove one of the girls
in those photos

for the Clarke matter
was underage, and he said,

'Why don't you slip a photo of
a five-year-old in there?

No-one would pick it.'

Oh, my God, what if
he paid Renmark

to find Gianopolous guilty?

Whoa, I think that might be
going a bit far.

Is it?
What if it was blackmail?

What if he discovered
Renmark's interest

in child pornography

and used that to force him
to make convictions?

That would mean that Owen was
the one controlling everything.


Why not?

We already know he cheats

if he thinks the end
justifies the means.

We know he benefited from some
of those convictions himself.

It all adds up.

Aren't we getting a bit
carried away here?

He knows that you were on
the right track with Moreno,

that explains the car bomb.

Then I mention that Renmark
is being investigated

and he couldn't take the risk
that Renmark might talk

to save his reputation.

Wait a second, just back it up.

Don't you also think Nelson's
a part of all this gang?

And yet isn't Owen trying hard to
convict Nelson? How does that work?

What do you think? Do you think he
really wants to prosecute Nelson?

I don't know.

We said that we wanted to talk
to Maya tomorrow morning,

and see if she could testify again,

but Owen said he had to be somewhere
else and wouldn't say where.

There you go.
What, she pulled out?

Long story.

Owen also knows that
if we can put some heat on Nelson,

he might be able to tell us more
about who tried to kill me.

But... Now you're saying
that person could be Owen?

Well, who is suddenly unavailable
to talk a witness around

so the case against Nelson
falls apart.

I mean, how convenient.

That's mad.
Is it?


Right. Thanks.


Hi, Tracey. I just...
it's no big deal.

In fact, you don't even have to
tell me even if you do know.

I just wanted to know if you did.

Know what? Where Owen's going
tomorrow morning.

He's here, as far as I know.

Ah, no, he told Janet and Lina
he had an appointment

and wouldn't be in till ten.

News to me. But even if he is,
why should it bother you?

Oh, no, it doesn't.

But he wouldn't tell
Janet or Lina either

and, um, we don't need to know
where he's going,

we just want to know
that you know

so that if there's an emergency,
you can contact him for us.

Oh, thank you, Richard.

Your concern for office efficiency
is most welcome.

Right. Great. OK, then.

The respected
District Court judge

apparently died
after falling from

a multistorey car park in
the early hours of this morning,

but police are yet to release

the details surrounding
the incident.

We're appealing to the public
for any information

regarding this incident.

Are you treating it
as an accident?

We're pursuing several lines
of inquiry at the moment,

but we won't say anything
more definite

until we've completed
further investigations.

Thank you.

I'm off.

Got something on tomorrow morning.
I'll be in about ten.

Oh, whereabouts?
Be on the mobile.

I really should know
where you are.

Tough. Tell Janet I said that.

How'd you go with Maya?

She said she'd get back to me.

Text or email when you get
an answer from her, please?

Oh, I hate lying.

That is one of the many things
I love about you.

So, what does 'idiopathic' mean,

Well, according to Google,

it means 'arising from
an unknown cause'.

Ain't that the truth.

Basically, they don't know.

So when they say
idiopathic infertility,

they're really saying
it could be permanent,

it could be temporary, we're
in the dark, you might have kids,

you might not, we can't tell.

Yep. And then they charge you

I want their job.

Hey, just don't think, you know,
if it doesn't happen,

that it's going to eat away at me
or anything.

There'll be a reason.

We're still gonna be together.

And you know, if it does happen,

it'll happen
when it's meant to happen.

I really believe that.

Sorry, I've... it's...
It's OK.

It's OK. I cried too.

I love you.

Hi, darling.
No, no, it's good.

I'm well. I'm well out of bed.

Yeah, I'm just up
and getting some exercise.

What about you?

How are the little ones
treating you?

They are being good for you.

Yeah, I'm just...
I'm just watching the dawn.

Isn't it beautiful?

Can you see it
from where you are?

Yeah, it's beautiful.

You know, it feels like
you're here with me.

All together again.

Yeah, I hope so. Soon.

I miss you.

OK. Bye.

Owen Mitchell?
That's their latest theory.

I said it was bullshit.

You didn't know Owen when
he was a cop, did you?

Not really, and by the time
I did the detective course

he was already
in police prosecution.

Yeah, he worked under a guy
called Aarne Tees

when he first started.

Oh, wow. Now, there's a famous name
from the bad old days.

Aarne used to type up
a lot of his confessions.

Rumour has it that once or twice
he actually stuck to the story

the offender told him.

Courts accepted
written confessions back then.

Should I take him
more seriously?

Not yet. No, I'll ask
a few more questions.

You just stick with
Nelson and Moreno, OK?

Good morning,
Miss Solicitor Advocate.

Hi. How's that Clarke matter

Still waiting for Moreno's wife
Eliza to land back in the country.

The defence won't accept
birth certificates, apparently.

I suppose you knew that?

Yes, they want to hear it
from a live person,

because we're so much
more reliable.

I Googled myself last night.
Feel good?

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Tragic, I know, at my age.

Well, the inquiry
might have been abandoned

but I'm still all over the net

as the lesbian lawyer who had
an affair to get promoted.

Not much you can do about it.

I could call up some journos,

Go on the radio, get the truth
out, clear my name...

I've got to do something.

No, no, I know from bitter

the more you deny
an allegation,

the more substance
they give it.

The press are jackals.
They'll twist anything.

Tony, this stuff about me
is all over the net.

Well, don't give it any oxygen.

I know it's hard
and totally unfair,

but they are bastards,
every last one of them.

OK. Well, it's no secret
what we'd like to talk about.

Really? Could have fooled me.

We just want to make sure
you're certain.

That's all.
Certain? Certain of what?

Certain that I can live
with myself

knowing that I could have helped
save a lot of other girls

but I didn't?

I could have been an inspiration
to other people like me?

I could have showed everyone
why bastards like Nelson

can't get away with it?

No, I think
we've already said that.

Yeah, you have.

We've all thought a lot about
what you said after the committal.

Who is we?

Owen and me.

Maya, hi. Sorry.

Owen's just called in.
He's been caught up.

Something's happened at home,
but he wanted me to sit in for him.

He knows you can't spare us much
time, so where were you up to?

Can we just...
It's OK.

No. Ah, sorry. Sorry, Maya.
Ah, could we just...?

Just a second.


What do you think you're doing?

You can't just ask me out
for a private chat.

What do you think that's telling
her? You don't want me there?

She doesn't want you in there.
Of course she doesn't.

She knows I get inside her head
which is why I need to be in there.

Janet, you're a witness.

If the defence finds out you're
in there having a conference

with the victim,
they'll have a field day.

How's that gonna happen?
Are you gonna post it on YouTube?

No! Then let's ignore that
objection. Anything else?

It is so inappropriate what...

I'm sorry, you're saying
I'm inappropriate?

Aren't you facing an assault
charge, for hitting a defendant

in broad daylight in front of
a dozen witnesses?

You are days away from facing
a criminal record,

and you have the gall
to stand there

and tell me what's appropriate?

Do you have any vague notion

of how stupendously hypocritical
that is?

Sorry about that.

A small misunderstanding.
It's all sorted now.

Let me guess. Don't tell me.
You got your way?

Maya, I'm not here to trap you
or outsmart you.

The fact is, at the committal
you handled yourself brilliantly.

And you want me to get back up

and say it all again
while he watches me.

While he sits there
and listens to me.

He actually gets to do it to me
all over again

just by hearing me say it.

Why would I do that to myself?

You once told me that your dad
helped you a lot.


Can you remember what he did
or said?

Well, he made me stronger and
he gave me a lot of confidence,

especially about making decisions
for myself.

Why, do you think
that Dad would say

I've let Nelson beat me
if he were around now?

Well, you have at the moment.

Yeah, but that is my decision,

This is my decision.
It's not yours!

We don't want to
talk you into anything

into anything you don't want
to do.

We're just saying if you want
to change your mind, that's OK.

Oh, thank you. Oh,
that's different. Um, no.

We want to make absolutely sure

you won't regret a decision
you made

at a highly emotional moment when
there's still time to change it.

Hello, Maya. Ah, we've met before.
Tony Gillies.

Ah, Janet, could I see you
in your office?

I'll be along in a second.

We're almost done here.
It's urgent.


You, ah... you really don't want
to get up in court again,

do you, Maya?

Oh, it's not much fun.

If you could stay out of court

and still see Nelson get
what's coming to him,

well, that'd be sweet,
wouldn't it?

Yeah. The irony is,
if you do agree to give evidence,

you'd probably get your wish.

Because if Nelson knows you're
gonna be as strong as you were

at that committal,

well, he'd probably decide
he's better off pleading guilty.

Oh, that is a very likely outcome.

The more determined you are
to stand up in court,

the more likely it is
you won't have to.

How's that for a win-win?

Do you know
what I was doing there?

Bringing the integrity of
the office into disrepute?

Indulging in grossly unethical

She'd pulled out of the trial!

I heard, but you can't be the one
to make her change her mind.

Tony, please, I can't just hope
that Lina gets it done.

Well, you won't have to.
I've... I've spoken to Maya.

Well, she's thinking about it.

You can't bend the rules, not
with David leading the defence.

If he gets wind of
the slightest grounds

for abandoning this trial,

he won't hesitate.


How'd it go?
She couldn't come in later?

Ah, no, it had to be nine.
But she's agreed to go to trial.

Great. Good work.

Wouldn't have been easy.

Well, Tony helped. Tony?
Why the hell did he get involved?

So Janet couldn't.

Right. Let's get to work then,
shall we?

You know, you can call Owen
a lot of things,

but one thing he's not
is stupid.


Now, he might have a secret plan
to get Nelson off,

but he can't be seen
to be doing that.

At the same time,
he's got to look like

he's going for
an all-out conviction.

But if he is going all-out,
it'll look the same.


This is doing my head in.

The closer I look at Owen,
the more cracks I've found.

For example, as a young constable
in the Drugs Squad

he managed to own two investment
properties before he turned 25.

How did he get the capital
for that?

Was he on-selling the drugs
that he'd impounded?

I don't know yet.

He was also part of a joint task
force under Steven Blakely.

Managed to lock up a few bikies
for dealing in,

get this, rocket launchers
and ammonium nitrate.

Has he kept up contact?
I don't know.

Now, look,
you've got protection 24/7.

Nothing's going to happen to you
in the DPP.

You just keep doing
what you're doing.

I'll take care
of everything else.

OK, evidence in chief,

areas we need more detail,
order of the offences.

What have we forgotten?

Did you get on to Drew?

But he's pretty reluctant.
Can you explain it to him?

How's it going? We're looking
pretty good, I think.

What are we doing about a deal?

That'll come from the cops,
won't it?

I mean,
now we've got Maya back,

won't they going to sit Nelson down
and explain the facts of life?

Or you could take the initiative.

Best time for me to say anything
will be half an hour
before we start.

No, I don't agree. I know David.
Well, you can't talk to him.

We can agree on that at least.

Maybe. But on the other hand,
he's still a friend.

He's a silk and you're a witness
for the prosecution.

If you tell him about how
you got together with Maya

and why Nelson better take
a deal or else,

he'll get the whole thing
called off before lunchtime.

OK. Just don't leave it
to the last second.

David responds
to negotiating time.

Who wants a negotiation?
He will.

I don't.

He'll wanna talk Nelson around,
make him see sense,

feel like he's won something...

The only time this'll be real
for Keith Nelson

is the last few minutes
before it starts.

That's when he'll think, 'Shit.
This is real. What if I lose?'

At that point,
when he's staring at the abyss,

that's when a deal looks great.

When he hasn't got time
to review his options?

Who wants to give him options?

When a guy's drowning,

you don't start discussing
the relative merits

of a pool buoy compared
to a life vest or driftwood.

You say, 'Hey, schmuck, you can
drown or take what you're given.'

That's our best chance.
Not with David.

With anybody!
Owen, don't be so bloody-minded.

Please, just give him a day or two.
I know it'll work out better.

Janet, fuck off!

I'm sick of you trying
to run this case.

I bet 100 bucks you made sure
Maya came in this morning.

Am I right?

Thank you.

And then when she did come in,

Tony had to make sure
you didn't fuck everything up.

And now you're trying to cut
a deal with Nelson?

And you know why!

I'm not running this prosecution
to find out who bombed your car.

If we do, that's great.

But this is about Maya,
it's not about you.

It's my job. Let me do it.

Make sure about Drew.


Don't you think Maya'd be
a lot happier

if she just dropped
the whole thing?

No, not in the long run.
I do.

Well, she won't, so wouldn't
you rather help her?


The stronger the case is
against Nelson,

the more likely he'll settle.

That's why we need you.
I don't make it any stronger.

Yes, you do.
Why? How?

What can I say? I didn't see
or hear him do anything.

Wouldn't I just be a stronger
witness for him?

You validate the opportunity.

Keith Nelson is saying

that the whole first weekend
never happened,

but according to Maya,
they babysat you and her

while your Mum and Dad
had a weekend away.

But Keith Nelson says
they were there the whole time.

And without you,
we have no independent evidence

to support what Maya's saying.

You don't?

She says one thing,
they say another.

But you told the police

that weekend alone with them
did definitely happen.

And that's crucial.

That's why Maya needs you.

Right. I see. This is so...

I'll do it.

For Maya's sake.


Thought I'd give you
an update on

how Owen got a deposit
for those two apartments.

He's on the payroll of
an international drug cartel?

No, no, he was a youngster,
put into a surveillance room

and had to listen for hours
on end to phone conversations.

Anyway, he overheard
that someone had a horse

and they were fixing a race
so it could chalk up a win.

Put his life savings on it without
telling anyone. Cleaned up.

So, he's an opportunist?
Oh, well, he was back then.

But not a real player?
I don't really want to say.

I mean, when you look at
the overall picture,

there's still questions that
have to be answered.

We still haven't proven Blakely
and Moreno knew each other.

What about Renmark's USB?

Were any of the photos taken
at Blakely's beach house?

No, they were all from overseas
as far as I know.

I only saw a handful.
Pretty awful, really.

I know that whenever we do
catch 'em, they just say,

'Oh, we just love children'.

In their eyes it's not about
dominance or power.

They just love them.

But if it was up to me,
fucking castration.

Very tempting.

Then you look at the internet now,
there's nothing you can't get.


When I was a kid,
my mother said to me,

'Giacomo, don't take lollies
from strangers.'

That was it. There was nothing
else I had to worry about.

I hope you listened to her.
She made sure I did.

And if I didn't, it was bed,
no dinner.


Yeah. She loved me.

I bet she's really proud
of what her boy's achieved.

Yeah. I don't envy you,
you know,

bringing up twins in this world.

I'm not at the moment.

No, and that's why I'm here -

just to reassure you
that everything's going to be OK.


David, quick word?

Please let me handle this.

Let me guess, you'd like to
drop all the charges?

No, I'm just wondering

how your client's feeling
about things?

Anxious, but confident.

He doesn't want to change his plea?
Not a chance.

He does know jail's
a real possibility?

Maya will be very convincing.

Is she? Come on, think about
your client for a second.

Ten years, two years,
there's a big difference.

My client maintains
his innocence

and he'll be vigorously

Bullshit. He's into little girls
and has been for decades.

His friends in high places
can't get him out of this

no matter what he thinks.

No jury's going to believe him
over Maya and Drew together.

Well, that remains
to be discovered.

David, if you were
doing your job properly,

you'd make him see
what he's facing

and make him understand his only
faint hope of getting off lightly

is to tell us what he knows
about others like himself.

If you're talking about me,
I'm right here.

Please, it's alright.

What's happening? Is this it?

Yes. If they walk in together,
it's a plea deal,

if not, the trial's on.

Is this about a deal?

It's OK, I haven't agreed
to anything.

I will never plead guilty

to this evil piece
of teenage fantasy,

not for anything.

You cannot prove it,
you cannot intimidate me

into some sort of cowardly

And for your information,

I'm well aware why you don't want
to run this trial.

An acquittal would hurt you
a lot this year,

won't it, Mr Mitchell?

- Shit.
- What does... No!

You all said this...
It's never guaranteed.

Thanks for the offer,
but no thanks, Owen.

You ready?

Let's nail this arrogant shit.

Can you talk to him?
You used to work with him.

Please. Please!

I can't. It'll spoil everything.
We have to go with it.

I'm so sorry.
No, I can't.

No, I can't do it!

Good morning, Maya.

It's been a long time.

You hate him, don't you?

Just keep hating him.


Maya, how old were you
the first time

Mr Nelson first visited
your bedroom?


Could you speak up for the court,

I was seven.

And why was Mr Nelson
in the house?

He and his wife
were taking care of us.

My parents were away
for the whole weekend.

Was this a regular occurrence?

Being looked after by Mr Nelson
and his wife?

Could you speak up for the court
a little bit, please?


Can you describe for us
what happened

when he came into the room?

He sat on the edge of my bed

and he asked me why I still
had the light on,

and I told him that
I was scared of the dark

and that I always kept
the light on.

And then he said
that he would show me

that there was nothing
to be afraid of.

And then what happened?

Well, then he turned off the light
and it... it was so dark,

and he took me by the hand
and he squeezed it...

..squeezed it really tight
and he told me that I was brave.

But I didn't feel very brave.

Then he lifted up the doona

and he rolled into the bed
next to me,

and he said that he would stay
there for a while

until I got used to the dark,

stopped feeling scared.

And we stayed like that
for quite a long time.

I didn't like it.

He was big and he smelled weird.

And he was breathing
really heavily.

It's like all I could hear
was this breathing.

And then he put his hand
on my tummy.

He said that it would make me

and that it would, um,
stop the butterflies in there.

And he laughed
when he said that,

but I didn't think
it was very funny.

And then slowly...

..really, really slowly,

almost as if it wasn't even

he... he moved his hand down

into the front of my pyjamas.

Right down.

His hand was hot and big.

It was like, um...

It was like a giant paw.

And I couldn't move

because on one side of me
was the wall,

and he was on the other side.

I was sure that
if I stayed really still,

he might just go away.

But he didn't.

He put his fingers inside me.

Too many of them.

And I got tears in my eyes.

I remember them rolling down
the back of my throat,

and I was scared
I was going to...

I was scared I was going to cough,
or make a noise.

I was just so sure that
if I stayed perfectly still

and really quiet, it would...

..it would be just like
I wasn't there.

Did Mr Nelson ever do this
to you again?

Yep. It wasn't always the same,

Sometimes it was, um...

..it was worse.

OK. Let's go through them
one by one,

as many as you can remember.

You right for tomorrow?

Sure. Did Maya finish?

Sinclair only asked
three or four questions,

so you're first up, then Drew.


I'm just trying to juggle
some appointment times tomorrow.

How long do you think Janet's
going to be giving evidence for?

An hour or two.

She should be done by lunch

unless Sinclair starts some
lengthy cross-examination.

So, if we say 3pm,
that should be safe?

Should be.

And then how many days have been
set aside for this matter?

Three or four.

So, Lina should be free
next week? I hope so.

Unless something unexpected




All those little backroom beavers
finally found something.

Drew Blakely.

It was in a frame in his
old bedroom at Steve's house.

On the back.

Moreno Photography.

He's known Steve Blakely
for at least five years.

Steve, what were you doing?

Owen really gets under your skin,
doesn't he, Tracey?

We know where he went the other
morning, that's all I'm saying.

We're not judging.

Where, a brothel?

A radio station?
Ah, television, actually.


Well, he met Karen Shaw,
journo for News in Focus.

Right. Well, thanks for this

You didn't get it illegally?

We looked at his phone's call

Which is not a breach
of the Digital Copyright Act.

We didn't forward
to another phone.

So you called Karen Shaw
and confirmed the meeting?


Owen's in his office. The court
just adjourned for lunch.

G'day. Things still going well
for us?

Yeah, pretty good.

Janet was fine.

Drew on after lunch
and then it's their turn.

Do you know Karen Shaw?

I take it that's a yes.
Met her once or twice.

Nothing important.

What'd you talk to her about?
Protecting our sources.

Sources of what?

Listen, Tony,
let me just say that

I've never given her any
information about any matter

I or anyone else here is
prosecuting or has prosecuted.

Well, what information
did you give her?

How'd you find out I met her?

Oh, don't you question me, Owen.
I'm bloody furious about this.

No-one in here goes
to the press behind my back.

Absolutely no-one.

We are a huge target

and the only way I can protect us
all, collectively

and individually, is by putting
myself between those doors

and all the press outside.

If you want to continue
working here,

in fact, if you want
to even finish this trial,

you'll tell me what went on
in that meeting.

No fudging, no bullshit.

Why did you go to the press?

Tell me now or you can fuck off!

Drew, can you confirm

that Mr and Mrs Nelson stayed
with you and your sister

on the June long weekend
15 years ago?


And they were looking
after you

because your parents
were away?

That was the situation,
wasn't it?

Ah, no.
They were there, actually.

They were in the house,
with you and Mr and Mrs Nelson?


But that isn't what
you told police. No.

So that evidence is a lie?

Yes. But I couldn't say it
till now.

I, um... I'd never want to do
anything to hurt Maya,

but I have to be fair
to Mr Nelson too.

Fair in what way?

He wasn't the one
creeping into Maya's bedroom.

It was Dad.
You liar!

What are you doing?


Are you telling this court
that your sister was in fact

abused by your father?

Drew, that's...

Your Honour, I ask that this
witness be declared hostile

and seek leave to cross-examine.

Yes, I believe that you have

sufficient grounds
for that request, Mr Crown.

You dictated a statement
to Constable Caroline Martin

on the 2nd of this month
and signed it at 8:09pm.

Is that a fact?

Yet not once in this statement
did you mention

that your father abused
your sister.

Therefore you lied, yes?

Yes, but only ever for Maya.

why should we believe you

now you're a self-confessed liar?

Who knows when you're lying?
Why would I lie about this?

You and your dad
didn't get on well, did you?


To put it bluntly,
you didn't like him.

Would you, when you know what
he was doing to his daughter?

But was he?

Or are you using this situation
to put the boot in

now he can't fight back?

No, I'm stopping an innocent man
from getting convicted.

Are there any other instances
of abuse

you haven't told anyone
up until now?


You'd have to say that,

otherwise what you've just said
wouldn't sound right, would it?

He picked on me all the time.

What do you mean, how?
Well, what constitutes abuse?

How's Owen going?

Did he get angry when you didn't
put the dishes in the sink?

For God's sake.

Well, we haven't heard
anything yet.

You know he was the one who
spread the rumour to the press

about you and Erin?


And you've waited a lifetime to
get him back, haven't you, Drew?

Whatever it takes.

And I put it to you that's why
you'd lie about him and Maya.

When I was five years old,

my dad took us down to the beach
after school.

But he said,
'Don't go on the rocks',

because they had all these,

..like, oyster shells on them.

Jagged, sharp things.

But I was collecting pebbles
and when the tide came in,

the only way back
was over the shells,

so I called out for help.

He just stood there.
Five. I was five years old.

And every step
I cut myself more.

He didn't lift a finger.

He just stood there, watching me,
and it was agony.

My feet covered in blood

and he just stood there
and fucking watched!

Mr Blakely. I'd call that
abuse, wouldn't you?

When I told him I couldn't ride
my bike without training wheels,

he pushed me down a hill.

The feet of Blakely's corpse.

Whoever killed him cut up
his feet, remember?

What more proof do you need?

Renmark wasn't my mate.
Was he in on the scoop too?

Both have a good laugh
about the big lesbian scandal?

You ever do anything like that again,
I'll make sure you lose your job.

I called you on your mobile.
You could have been anywhere.

I wasn't anywhere. I was here.

I do not like to be made
to look like a liar!

- Danny Novak!
- Get away from the table...
- What are you doing?

Let him go!

Either give me something I can use
or you're wasting my time!

If they know that I told you this,
they will kill me.

You head straight
to the safe house.

Do not call anyone, no-one,
stay there until you hear from me.

Oh, thank God.

Is this about...