Janet King (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Lurking Doubt - full transcript

It's not an offer. I still
have to go through an interview.

Yeah! Wednesday the 30th.
I know. I saw the email.

You read my private messages?

- You told me to look in your mail.
- You didn't have to read them.

- You didn't have to have...
- You have to control everything!

How do you find the defendant,
dianne vasilich?


My client is an innocent woman.

She and her son have been imprisoned
for a crime they did not commit.

Janet king's gung-ho approach
in this trial

has caused a serious
miscarriage of justice.

A bushwalker
just found Steven Blakely's body.

- Who buried him?
- I have no idea.

You find us this third man
or dianne and her son will walk.

Steven blakely was murdered
and buried with a cricket bat,

which mr cranford would have known
if he'd buried him,

which he most clearly did not.

Mr moreno, I find you not guilty.

You are free to go.

Blakely's murder was
just a small part of it.

If you want to sort this mess,
ask yourself -

how did Alex moreno
manage to get acquitted?

Tim Clarke, my child porn man.

- You get fuck away from her!
Get the fuck away!
- What the hell?

That's what you did in adelaide.
You're a filthy fucking rapist.

You're nuts, woman.

I'll look after you.
Who is she?

Touch her and I'll kill you.
You forced her into your car.

I saw you.

Leave my dad alone.

I tried to talk him
out of charging you.

Doesn't matter.
Lots of witnesses, apparently.


And the jerk is playing the victim
for all he's worth.

There was a moment,

when I was...

..When I was watching him

with the girl, just a...

..Just a second...

..Where I thought about
letting him go...

..Letting him do whatever
he was going to do to her...

..Just so there'd be something...

Just so there'd be
something concrete against him.

You shouldn't have been
anywhere near him.

That's so much better than fighting.

Yes, it is.

I know it's late.

Let me guess - fraud.

Child pornographer.

The criminals aren't the only ones
who need your attention.

I've missed something. I don't know
what, but I've missed something.

Find it in the morning.
It's serious.

It's always serious.
No, this is serious.

You're not a cop. Solving blakely's
murder is not your responsibility.

I know that look.

Another half hour.
A girl could die waiting.


We had our chance.

They're fast-tracking
the vasilich appeal.

Just been
served the defence submission -

public interest and all that crap.

First we had to hurry up
and prosecute her

because of the bloody
supersensitive public,

now we have to unprosecute her
even faster.

It plays right into the ag's hands.

Another nail in the coffin
of jury trials.

Let the court of criminal appeal

sort out another mess
juries have got us into.

It's all our fault of course because
we're too bloody good at our jobs.

That's how they'll spin it.
Can I put my bags down first?

No, I want you
in as much of a lather as I am.

Fast-tracking means
it's right on top of us.

We need to look at
judge renmark's decisions

over the last few years
as a matter of urgency.

Can't we just focus on one crisis
at a time? Is renmark a crisis?

Forget about the moreno case.

Danny novak was
messing with your mind.

Why would he bother?

Other than he's a murdering
arsehole, no idea.

Your place or mine?
Yours. Just give me five. Erin?

Pull judge renmark's decisions
over the last two years.

What, why?

Something was dodgy in moreno.

What do you think?

Congratulations on your promotion.

I wish I didn't have to wait to be a
crown before I get to wear all this.

Appearing in a suit doesn't
feel like such a big deal.

Being promoted to a solicitor
advocate is a big deal.

Now I'm starting
to feel a bit nervous.

Good - you're taking it seriously.
It's a training position.

You'll only be given simpler matters
to start with.

Like the simple matters thrown at me
when I first joined the dpp?

It's what you wanted, remember that.
You applied for it. You'll be fine.

Thank you for all your help.

I didn't do anything.
Yes, you did.

You know you did. I'll never
be able to thank you enough.

You can get me another cup of tea

as I prepare myself
for the dianne vasilich appeal.

They're pretty gross?

I didn't get your message
till this morning.

I'm so sorry. What happened?

I wanted to kill him.
I don't blame you.

No, I really wanted to kill him.
Tony's going to hit the roof.

He's not having a good morning.

A cup of tea for me.
Very thoughtful.

You're out of luck.
This one's for Janet.

Wouldn't want to steal anything
of Janet's.

Best not. Talk to you later.

Very close those two, aren't they?

Erin helped deliver Janet's twins.

There's a whole lot of images
I wasn't expecting this morning.

By the way, congratulations
on the dirty Harry act.

Word travels fast.

We're jealous. You did the one thing
none of us had the guts to do.

Lina, it's going to be fine.
You'll get a slap on the wrist

and both sides of the bar table
lining up to buy you a drink.

And you'll have to undergo
months of compulsory counselling.

I could lose my job.

Now, there is the upside.

I'm the obvious person to run it.

You think dianne vasilich is guilty?

That's not relevant
if I think we got it wrong.

What's this,
a self-flagellation thing, is it?

A mistake is made, you want to take
the rap, restore your reputation?

This has nothing to do with pride.

Yes, it does. Pride, ego, face -
call it what you will.

You're not following due process.
Trial lawyers never run appeals.

That's why we have an appellate
section full of weirdy geeks

who get off on academic fine points.

I know this case.

There won't be time for anyone
to get their head around it.

It's loaded, you know that.
It has been from the start.

All the more reason for one of the
whisperers to have carriage of it.

Then if there's a lynch mob,
they can deal with it.

You're happy for one of them
to be Cannon fodder?

Jesus, do you have to
argue with everything?

I'm trying to protect you.

I'm a grown-up, Tony.
I don't need your protection.

I need those judgements of renmark's
on my desk in half an hour.


And whatever you've got
on the vasilich appeal.

You want me to instruct
one of the whisperers?

You'll be instructing me,
whatever Tony says.

Thanks for coming.
An unexpected pleasure.

I've been going over
the Alex moreno case.

Waste of time. The judge got
it wrong. Happens all the time.

A judge who's
known to be pro-police?

He might have had a fight with his
wife or a bourbon with breakfast.

He might have an undiagnosed
brain tumour. Who knows?

Judges are just another variable
we deal with every day. It's done.

We move on to the next catastrophe.
Just like that?

What's the alternative?

There wasn't anything
about the case itself, moreno,

that was out of the ordinary?

I'd really like to help you
with your conspiracy theory,

but I was there,
watching Caroline, the informant,

asking myself,
'does she make a good witness?

How does she handle the courtroom?'

if we're going to use cops
to trap paedophiles this way,

I'd like to know I've got
the right people in the job.

I like to do this
with all my undercover people.

You might call me a control freak.

I just want to make sure

that the resources
are productively utilised.

What are you wasting your time for?

I thought you guys
were up to your eyeballs.

I'm a control freak too.

Why don't you put that energy into
keeping dianne vasilich in prison?

She murdered a good friend of mine.

Thanks for the coffee.

Please! I just want to go outside.


I don't like it.

It makes me feel funny.

I don't like this game.

Sorry. Can I disturb you
for a moment?

I heard about you being charged.

Seems like everyone has.

Maybe this unit
isn't right for you, lina.

I could talk to Tony on your behalf.

I can talk to Tony by myself.

I thought you wouldn't mind
if it came from someone else.

I saw the email about
the solicitor advocate position.

You've organised Erin's career,
and now it's my turn?

You're not still working on Clarke,
are you?

Until Tony tells me not to.

Tony's got his hands full
with the vasilich appeal.

You know you can't work on this
if you've assaulted the defendant.

Are these photos from...

From a Russian website, yeah.

This is Ruby moreno.

Her father was the child groomer,
the one renmark acquitted.

The photographer?

Are you sure?

I saw her in court.
She was there with her mother.

It's not moreno's house.
You sure?

It's not his home.

He lives in one of those open,
warehousy-type places.

Inner city, very groovy.

Do you know if he owns
any other houses?

Not that we could find.
Nothing in his or his wife's name.

This changes everything. I'd love
to have another go at the creep.

Thanks for bringing it
to my attention.

Will you bring moreno in?
No point, we'd just tip him off,

but I'm happy to put him
under surveillance.

I'll find out about his daughter and
her friends. They might be involved.

Do we have a date of birth for her?

In this photo she could be 12,
or 17, 18.

I can find out.
She's 14 or 15, from memory.

Prove she's under 16
and we get Clarke.

Was there anything else about moreno
that didn't make it to the brief,

something you suspected
but couldn't prove?

He's a creep who takes
pornographic photos of children,

including maybe his own daughter.
What else did you have in mind?

I'm not sure yet.

We should stop meeting like this.
People will talk.

My office has received
an application

for a pardon for dianne vasilich.

What? They haven't even
started the bloody appeal yet.

I asked you to sort this out.

We did. She was convicted,
if memory serves.

I don't want anyone to think

this government has locked up
an innocent person. Shut it down.

You're the number-one prosecutor
in this state.

I want you to run this appeal
and win it.

That's a specialist job.

I don't want to read
that pardon petition.

It'd be a dangerous precedent.

We need this conviction to stand.

Of course.

I'll have a word
to the chief justice,

see if we can organise
something about the bench.

You're starting vasilich without me.

I asked him to look at it.

I know the case, Tony. I have time.

You want the good news
or the bad news?

The good news is,

our esteemed attorney-general
cares so much about us,

she wants to know about every single
thing that comes across our desk.

She wants to be involved.
Warms the cockles, doesn't it?

The bad news is
she's dragging you off the field

and sacrificing me to their honours
of the court of criminal appeal.

That's ridiculous.
You can't run this case.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Sorry. I meant,
as director of public prosecutions.

No, you're right, I can't run it.

But as I've discovered, as dpp,

I have even less power
than I had before.

I'm nothing more than
the ag's factotum,

a word that sadly sounds ruder
than it actually is.

So, I'll start with these
and meet you in hell.

The renmark judgements are all
on your desk, the last two years,

plus an article he wrote
for the law journal

and a paper he delivered
last November

at the australasian
convention of jurists.

Thanks. I'd better get on with this
for Tony.

Let me know
if you need anything else.

Bloody hr are leaning on me

to take some of my 300 years'
accumulated leave.

I get a call like that
every two weeks.

This time they're not taking no
for an answer.

Bullshit. Now?

They want you to step up
and run my patch.

What about the blakely case?

I'm running the investigation
of the biggest shitstorm

this department's seen in years.

I tried to suggest somebody else,
but they wouldn't budge.

You're free to take on
the high commissioner.

We have this cranford scumbag
right in front of us.

He knows who was involved.
We've got to keep leaning on him.

Don't worry. The task force
continues, just without you.

Who are they bringing in?

A guy called ramesh nahar.
I don't know him.

Apparently quite thorough.

I feel so much better now.
Has he ever handled a homicide?


It's not all that bad.
Means they've got their eye on you.

The timing's shit, but ultimately,
it's great for your career.

You ready to start the handover?

Thought you might
give me a lift home.

I could do that.

They've pulled me off
the task force.

I have to mind the fort for
Jack rizzoli for a couple of weeks.

They've promoted you?
It's babysitting.

The guy they've brought in
to do my job, ramesh nahar,

spent all day reading.

Wants to see every piece of
everything before he makes a move.

We could all be dead by then.

That does mean you've gone up
a rung.

It means that
they've taken me off blakely.

What's the obsession with promotion?

Having a criminal wife
hasn't affected your career.

I'm not shitty with you.
You've hardly spoken to me.

I've hardly been around!

You haven't really been around
since blakely died.

You know why
I don't like vigilantes?

Other than the total breakdown
of society?

Because they can get it wrong.
They can get themselves killed.

What if that scumbag Clarke suddenly
hit back at you, really lost it?

There were a lot of people around.
What if there weren't?

What if he had a knife?
Leave that stuff to us.

So you can get knifed instead of me?
That would be my preference, yeah.

If Jack doesn't come back, will they
keep you in his job, behind a desk?

I'd go crazy.
Better crazy than dead.

Ooh, bubbles.


This is so much easier,
with the two of us.


They look so cute together.

Hey, don't do that.
Do what?

Take a photo of them in the bath.

Relax. They look gorgeous.

Got to have something embarrassing
for their 21st.

You take photos,
put them on the computer,

we get hacked,
who knows where they end up?

A couple of kids in the bath?

Yes, a couple of kids in the bath.

Ok, fine. Point taken.

This is what I was talking about.

An innocent picture
taken by a doting parent,

or a still from a video
in a Sydney house

that ended up on a Russian porn site

and was downloaded
by a man in homebush?

How terrible.

A beach house?
Well, she's wearing swimmers.

Dolphins on the wall.

People always decorate beach houses
with beachy stuff.

It's weird -
the beach is just out the window.

I can even tell you which beach, but
I guess the cops already told you.

No, they haven't.

See here?

There's a reflection.

The lighthouse.

I never noticed that.

I think it's point Galloway.

We used to go to that part
of the coast every January

for years and years.

Whose house is this?

We're off.


Mothers' group likes
to get to the cafe early,

make sure we all get seats.

I'll let you know if I hear anything
from st Bart's.

Fingers crossed.

You need a hand?
I'm fine. Do it all the time.

Ashleigh Larsson?

How long has Janet been
sleeping with Erin o'shaughnessy?

Did you know about this affair?

Did you know she organised
a promotion for Erin at the dpp?

She was on the selection committee.

Just get inside, ash.
I'm happy to speak to you first.

You promoted your lover, Erin.

Would you describe this promotion
as typical

of the gay mafia
operating within the dpp?

How dare you invade
the privacy of my home?

Do all your lovers get promoted?

That is not why miss o'shaughnessy
was promoted.

How does it feel, being responsible
for jailing an innocent woman?

You're on private property.

Senior crown prosecutor Janet king

today denied
an improper relationship

with dpp solicitor
Erin o'shaughnessy.

Miss king has further
denied allegations

of a gay mafia within the dpp,

and that miss o'shaughnessy's
recent promotion

was based on anything
other than merit.

Jesus, it's everywhere.
You could read about it on Mars.

There was only one reporter.

The rest of the world's caught up.
Gay mafia.

Just the kind of bullshit muckraking
this department needs.

How did they know where I live?

No bloody comment. Is ash alright?
No, not really.

She's stuck in with two kids,
doesn't want to venture outside.

But the two of you...

You're asking me
if she thinks I'm guilty?

I'm an insensitive baboon.
I'm sorry.

Look, if you want to go home...

I don't care if they hassle me
about my work, but my family?

Just as well
I'm the bunny in the headlights

doing the vasilich appeal, isn't it?

That's the golden lining, is it?

Who would think that Janet and I...
Not me. I can vouch for you

having screwed your way through
half the male legal fraternity.

That doesn't help.

But for someone who doesn't know you
as intimately as I do,

you and Janet seem very close.

I know. Friends.

You and I
spend a lot of time together.

You and Janet hugged.
So have you and I!

But I'm not gay.

Because it's Janet, it's
ridiculous to assume we're lovers.

Someone saw her take you into the
conference room and close the door.

That's the type of thing we wouldn't
do if we were having an affair.

I know, I know. I'm just trying to
put myself in someone else's shoes.

Someone who's out to get me,
or Janet.

Can you see how it might look
from their perspective?

Ok, so it might look suss.
That's one thing.

But ringing some current affairs
show and spilling it to them?

Why would anyone do that,
and which of those arseholes was it?

You and I are really
in the shit now, aren't we?

I'm very sorry this has happened.

The gutter press can be so brutal.

Can I get you anything?

No, I'm fine, but thank you.

I don't blame you.

Erin is a beautiful girl,
and she knows how to use it.

You're not the first
to be caught in her net.

At least in your case,
it's not adultery.

You have to be married
to commit adultery,

and you're not even really in
a relationship,

in the eyes of the lord.

Lust can make fools of us all.

Fuck off, Tracey.

Close the door.

Isn't that going to look suss?
Can you just close the door, please?

You alright?

Do you think it's Tracey?

Tracey? No, no.

She's as bigoted as they come,
but she loves this place.

She'd never do anything
to create adverse publicity.

Someone's happy to do it. I really
think we should keep the door open.

Someone might have seen us.
The door's fine.

How's ash? Is she ok?

She'll get there.

Would it help if I talked to her?
I don't think so.

She doesn't think
there's anything going on?

Of course not. I can still
come round, see you guys?

I think it's better
if we just leave it for a bit.

Fair enough.

Just for a while.

For the vasilich appeal,

finding blakely's body
constitutes new evidence,

evidence that was available or could
have been found with due diligence.

As opposed to fresh evidence,
which wasn't in existence

at the time of the trial?

If the police had done their job
and found blakely's body

before charging dianne vasilich,
we wouldn't be in this situation.

Possibly, but just because she
didn't dispose of the body...

They're going to argue that
this new evidence means

this conviction was, one,
unsafe or unsatisfactory,

two, was wrong in law

or three, constituted
a miscarriage of justice.

You don't need me.
Not so fast.

You're not going anywhere.

I'm not getting on the floor.

But these are part
of the defence submissions.

I don't need a bloody map to tell me

that vasilich and her son
couldn't bury blakely.

For God's sake!

Of course.

What we want to argue for
is a retrial, correct?


What do we need to argue
to achieve that?

We need to show that
there is no lurking doubt.

We need to show the conviction
is safe, despite the new evidence.

Lurking doubt?

Lord widgery, crown and Cooper,

'On the basis of the general feel
of the case

as the court experiences it,

there may remain a lurking doubt
in the minds of the appellate judges

which makes them wonder
whether justice has been done.'

general feel? Crap.

They're not going to decide an
appeal on feelings.

On the other hand, the high court
of Australia has stated that

the question of reasonableness of a
jury's verdict is a question of law

and not of feel -

the court's function
is analytical, not instinctive.

If the high court says that,

why are we bothering with
all this lurking doubt bullshit?

Because all judges,
and lawyers, use intuition.

Any decision anyone makes
is never purely analytical.

Emotion plays a huge part.

It's one of the things that's been
proven in neural-plasticity studies.

The brain's wiring
emphatically relies on

emotion over intellect
in decision-making.

You should have an affair
with Janet.

She can get you promoted
to the appellate section,

and you could play with
all the other little whisperers.

Let's not contradict the high court

in front of the court of
criminal appeal. Not this time, ok?

Just got to get my bulldog clip.

I'm working in here today.

Yeah, Tracey said.
No distractions.

I'm sorry about what's happened.

Thank you.

And about giving you attitude
over the Clarke stuff.

I was out of line.

I know you're just trying to help.

Has Tony given Clarke
to anyone else yet?

I think he's avoiding me.

You still have prints of the photos
from this website?

Boxes and boxes of them.
Could I borrow them this morning?

And the website address.

This photo was taken near
the lighthouse in point Galloway.

On the South coast?
But I don't know which street,

and I don't know who owns it.

If I find more photos featuring
Ruby moreno and this house,

I may find a way
to identify the exact location.

Caroline Martin
and the police will be able to...

I haven't got time for that.
This house has to belong to moreno.

The person who's hidden the camera

needs constant access
to change batteries.

That camera is taking video
of naked children,

and someone is selling those images
to porn sites.

I know, but...

I'm not asking you
to look at this yourself.

I know it's not appropriate,
given what's happened.

There are tens of thousands of them.
That photo is just the beginning.

That's why I need to start now.

Can you just get me
those boxes of photos, please?

I get more visitors here
than in my office.

Have you got time to listen to
an opening for vasilich?

I'm refuting lurking doubt.

You're stalking renmark?

We're drowning in work,
and you're stalking renmark?

Someone leaned on him.

Danny novak says
someone leaned on him.

There's a big difference.

How else
could he get moreno so wrong?

Past his use-by date.

He's always been pro-prosecution,
you know that.

This is an about-face overnight.

There's no such thing as overnight
in the criminal justice system.

There's months between decisions.

Something's wrong.

Let it go.
No. Can't.

If there's any truth in this, Tony...

Look, you want it to be true

because you think
it takes the pressure off you.

Now, I know it's been difficult
since you've been back.

'Disastrous, ' isn't it,
the word you're reaching for?

This is all going to blow over -

blakely, vasilich,
this impropriety thing.

Some footballer's wife will
get busted for shoplifting,

then suddenly life will be peachy.


I've never used that word
in my life.

You'll want to see this.

Following recent allegations
in the press

about senior crown prosecutor
Janet king,

the government has appointed

recently retired judge
granville renmark

to inquire into the functioning
of the office of the dpp.

He'll be interviewing
past and current staff

of the department
of public prosecutions

and anyone else he thinks relevant.

It is vital this state has a strong
and effective prosecution service.

I've asked the director of the dpp
and his staff to give his honour

their full cooperation
and assistance.

First I've heard of it.

Judge renmark will report
directly to cabinet.

Would it help if
I don't take the job?

You'll take the bloody job.

Renmark. Tell me that's
a coincidence.

Of course Janet knows
I want to be a crown one day.

She's been a sort of unofficial
mentor since I started at the dpp.

And miss king
was on the selection panel?

One of three, yes.

You see each other socially?

Yes. There's nothing
wrong with that, is there?

When did you discover that
you and miss king

shared the same... lifestyle choice?

Which particular choice
are you referring to?

Our shared love of tolstoy?
French films? The Sydney swans?

Unfortunate when our private desires
conflict with our public duties.

You were the one who proposed
the creation of the position

of solicitor advocate?


And you created that position
with miss o'shaughnessy in mind?

If you had any sort of relationship

outside the office
with an applicant,

you should have stepped back.

As a crown prosecutor, you're
held to the highest standards.

You must be unimpeachable,
above reproach.

Just like a judge.

Yes, just like a judge.

I'd tread very carefully
if I were you, miss king.

Thank you for the warning,
judge renmark.

Not that way.
There's a mob of reporters.

Thank you.

That beach house
doesn't belong to Alex moreno.

If I wasn't going to look
at the Clarke photos,

I needed to do something.

I tried to think like Richard.

I used the reflection
of the lighthouse.

I measured the angles, narrowed
the location down to a street,

figured it must be one of
the six houses on that street.

They could only be on one side of
the street to catch the reflection.

I did a title search on all six.

No.26 is owned by a company
called blue and white holdings.

The director of that company
is Steven blakely.

Steve blakely knew moreno?
Must have.

I found dozens of photos of naked
children taken in the same house.

The question is, did he know
what moreno was doing there?

There's an easy answer to that - no.

If dianne didn't kill blakely,

we're looking for another murderer,
another motive.

He found out what moreno was doing
and moreno killed him?

Or they were in it together, they
fell out, moreno feared exposure...

Steve blakely's producing porn?
It's possible.

It's also possible that every family
that has stayed in this house

has had photos taken of them
without their knowledge.

Why are you looking at this?
Wild conjecture is my job.

I have found a link
between moreno and blakely.

You don't want to think
you prosecuted the wrong person.

That's not why.
What, then?


You've got moreno under surveillance.
Maybe you need to do more.

Like what?
I don't know. Something.

I'm not even on the task force
right now.

Tell me who I need to talk to.

Alright. Talk to me, ok?

I want this sorted
just as much as you do.

Fantastic views.

We've been renting it
twice a year during school holidays

for three, maybe four years now.

My daughter loves it.

You rent it through the owner?

Through an agent, a local outfit -

Is there a problem with the house?
Something happen?

Perfect place for taking photos.
You do work while you're there?

I don't even take a point-and-shoot.

Don't go in for
the holiday-snap thing.


Never use it.

October the 9th.

What were you doing that night?

October? It was a fair while ago.
I'm not sure what I was doing.

No idea at all?

No, sorry.
You want to give it some thought?


October. Wednesday.

I could have driven down to coogee,
taken the dog for a walk.

I often do that midweek.
On your own?

No, I had the dog with me.

Ok, so the real-estate agency
checks out.

The moreno family stay there
twice a year, pay by credit card.

All above board. We still
have him under surveillance.

So we just wait?

Welcome to my world.

Heard a rumour
you might be interested in.

Apparently, renmark volunteered
himself for the inquiry.

Make of that what you will.

Someone in reception for you -
Maya and drew blakely.

Are they here to see Tony?

I don't think he's expecting them
so soon. I don't think he's here.

I called them in early.

I want to explain why
I won't be handling things.

Should I join you,
explain the approach we're taking?

No need. The intricacies of an appeal
will be lost on them.

I'll just reassure them.
Leave them with me.

We just get shunted
to the next available lawyer,

is that how this works?

I understand how you feel,

but Tony is the most senior advocate
we have at the dpp.

He's highly experienced
at appearance work.

They know what they're doing.

Do the police know
how dad's body got to be out there?


This woman might
be declared innocent?

If her appeal is successful,
it doesn't mean she's innocent.

It means the court doesn't think it
was reasonable

for the jury to convict her.

It turns on a question of doubt.

You don't doubt that she killed dad,
do you?

The only person

who can ever know that without doubt
is dianne vasilich.

I believe the jury
did reach a reasonable verdict

on the facts in front of them
at the time.

She hated dad.

There's no way she'll get off.

It's always a possibility, and you
need to prepare yourselves for that.

Do either of you know

if your father knew a photographer
called Alex moreno?

Not that I know.

Why do you ask?

Do you recognise that bedroom?
Yeah, that's our beach house.

The girl is Alex moreno's daughter.

We believe the photo was taken
with a hidden camera.

The police found the photo
on a porn site.

Someone's making porn
at our beach house?


You think our father
had something to do with this?

I don't know.

That house is with an agent.

We only get to use it a couple
of times a year, in the off-season.

Whoever put the camera in needed
constant, easy access to the house.

Did you ask the agent? Did you?

Why should the automatic assumption

be my father had something
to do with this?

It could be anyone.

Let's put it on the dead man.
He's not here to defend himself.

That makes things really neat
and tidy for you, doesn't it?

Is that why
you're not doing the appeal,

because you think that
my father is a child pornographer?

It might not be your father. It might
be someone associated with him.

This is what we're trying
to establish.


I just think that
we should just leave...

..We should just leave dad
out of this.

Maybe it was dad.

He, um...

He got me to buy him
a stack of security cameras

through my it company
a couple of years ago.

I got him a trade discount,
gave him the receipts.

I never asked
what he wanted them for.

They could be for anything.
They could be for the police.

Yeah, yeah. I don't know.

Maybe it's cop-related.
I'm just trying to help.

What size were the cameras?

State-of-the-art, and small.

You'd never see them
if you weren't looking for them.

You don't happen to have copies
of the receipts for those, do you?

He was a police officer.
He was very security-conscious.

This doesn't prove anything.
Why can't you just shut up?

Janet. Thanks for explaining things.

Tony gillies,
director of public prosecutions.

I believe you'll be
joining us in court today.

I'm sure Janet's run through
what to expect. Pretty dry stuff.

We shouldn't oppose the appeal.

I'm sure now that dianne vasilich
didn't kill blakely.

Don't spring this sort of shit on me

when I'm about to front up
to the court of criminal appeal.

You know what the chief justice
has done? He's stacked the bench.

Clearly, he's sick
of all the media attention

and political interference.

He wants to make it crystal-clear
to the ag that she has to butt out.

I've got Jonathan macleod,

a judge hell-bent
on abolishing the jury system.

I've got Michael manzarelli,
who I turned down for a job as crown

and Bernie Lane,
a former defence silk.

I mean, it's a total set-up.

So unless you've got
video footage of moreno

with his hand on
a bloody great shovel,

I'm not going to play nicely
with the other children.

In the matter of the appeals

of dianne Mary vasilich
and Brian Patrick Vincent

against the department
of public prosecutions,

an appeal against conviction.

If the court pleases,
Gillian warden.

I appear for the appellant.

Ms warden.

Tony gillies. I appear on behalf
of the respondent.

Mr gillies. No jury here for
you to play to today, I'm afraid.

Your honour.

Your honours, I would like to speak
to the submissions before the court

on behalf of the appellants.

We've all read the submissions.

You're pushing at an open door,
ms warden.

As your honour pleases.
Your honour, in the submissions

before the court...

If I could stop you there,
mr gillies. Sorry, your honour.

Your submissions were
very comprehensive.

There's no need
for you to elaborate.

If I might, your honour,
raise the issue...

We're in a position
to rule on the appeal today.

We're ready to give our decision now

and our written judgement
will follow.

As your honours please.

Mrs vasilich, mr Vincent,
if you could please stand.

Speaking on behalf
of my brother judges,

we have read the submissions
prepared by counsel on your behalf,

and we hereby allow the appeal.

In relation to one count of murder

and of accessory after the fact
of murder,

we order the convictions be quashed
and an acquittal be entered.

Loathe as I am to interrupt,

if your honours are of a mind
to allow the appeal,

I wish to be heard
on the merit of remitting the case

for retrial to the supreme court.

We've already determined the matter,
mr gillies.

You are free to go.

All rise.

Fuck it.

She paid franzen
to rough blakely up.

I'm arresting her
for conspiracy to murder.

We've got all the evidence we need
for that.

It's a publicity nightmare.
Just let it go. Just drop it.

Well done.

There's some stuff that's been shot
in Steve's beach house

that's somehow found its way
onto a Russian porn site.


Drew reckons

Steve bought a couple of dozen tiny
surveillance cameras through him.

The receipts check out.

I mean, these cameras
are just perfect

for spying on little kids
without them knowing.

Don't you just hate it
when all that work you've put in

turns up something
you just didn't want to find?

I'm afraid Janet king gets the prize
for that bit of work.

She's wasted at dpp. Wasted.

Sometimes we see too much.

We get stressed out,
our defences are down.

See these other guys
making all this money,

and we struggle
to pay the mortgage.

Then we realise we've got easy
access to whatever we want -

money, drugs, porn, girls, kids.

I'm not offering excuses...

..I'm just trying to make sense
of how it happens.

Steve's dead,
and all this shit's floating up.

I don't know what to think anymore.

We never did.

Yeah, but Steve?

Now I... I don't...


I've got to piss.

What's your excuse
for leaving so late?

I'm prey for the paparazzi

because I'm a wild lesbian who's
shagging her boss to get ahead.

If only they knew how tragic
my love life really is.

About as tragic
as a crazed solicitor

attacking an innocent man
at a railway station?

Any word about your job?

Too much else going on.

I suppose that's a good thing.
Is it?

Feels like I'm in limbo.

Do you know what you want to happen?

Other than Clarke getting locked
away for life, I don't know.

I don't think I can keep going,
not in that department.

That's the first time
I've said that out loud.

You know, I really terrified myself.

I didn't think I had that in me.

I always suspected
you were ferocious.

Anyone still out there?

Looks like lesbian sex scandals

aren't worth staying out
all night for.

Anyway, we should be celebrating.

It's not every day you get a shiny
new job. I am so proud of you.

I shouldn't be worried, should I?

God, no.
There's a new scandal every day.

Ash, of course not.

I know how flattering it is

when someone young and gorgeous
has a crush on you.

Erin doesn't have a crush on me.

You spend a lot more time with her
than you do with me.

You seriously think
I might do something like that?

I don't know. Don't make me
the bad guy just for asking.

Well, I'm not the bad guy.

We're tired, and the kids...
This is not about being tired.

Maybe in some ways
it is about being tired.

Let's face it, it hasn't exactly
been a sex-fest around here lately.

I am not sleeping with Erin
or anyone else.

I'm sorry.
I wish I'd never said anything.

Come here.
No, no.

Just don't.

I would never do anything
to jeopardise us.

You and the kids are my world...

..And you have me completely.


Come here.

So much for the stroller theory.

Maybe we could put them in the car,
drive them around a bit?

It's worth a try. Come on.

Let's take the beast.

Why don't we swing by
the gelati place on the way out?

We'll be moving them tonight

to separate safe houses.

I thought I should
make it easy for yuou.

A perfectly honourable
course of action.

I don't trust myself anymore.

I've compiled a list of people who
might hold a grudge against you.

I don't need this. I know who did it.

If I tell you the truth,
no-one needs to know, do they?

Terry renner's looking into
the organised crime...

This has nothing to do with a drug
dealer I put away five years ago.

You don't think it happened?
I don't know.

- I didn't see it.
- It happened!

Both our families
are being attacked by someone.

I just don't know
what his involvement is.

They nearly died because of me
that's all that matters.

Resign now and go back
to private practice.