Jake 2.0 (2003–2004): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Tech - full transcript
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
What do we got?
Doesn't look good.
Damn things been frozen
since I booted up
this morning and the
floppy drive's jammed.
All right, let me take a look.
All right, talk to me, baby.
Well, it's a 20-minute job.
I'll have you up and running in two.
Take your time.
I'm due for a coffee break.
Notify NORAD.
Negative telemetry intercept
on the missile test
over the Sea of Japan.
Per FBI request, the Echelon watch list
is being updated with
the following list.
Ammonia nitrate, cyclonite
and the name Ivan Benikov.
Okay, listen up, everyone.
The CIA station in Kandahar
has been tracking Ivan Benikov,
a terrorist on our watch list.
Now, once we've confirmed
Benikov's I.D. with satellite visuals,
U.S. Centcom has an unmanned drone
standing by to launch a
hellfire missile right at him.
This is so freaking cool.
Uh, can I help you?
Oh, yeah, uh, act-actually,
I'm-I'm helping you.
Uh, uh, I-I'm Jake Foley,
tech support.
I-I was just fixing this computer,
but I'm done. It's fixed.
No problem-o.
Great, Mr. Foley.
Now I'm going to have
to ask you to leave.
Oh. I'll just leave this behind...
...just in case.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Come on, buddy,
we have talked about this.
Trust me, you don't want
to be one of those jerks.
Darin, I would kill to be
one of those jerks.
No, we're in the perfect position
because we're practically agents,
- but we're not props.
- What are props?
Yeah, props - "property of the state" -
guys who actually have clearance.
Those guys, they have no lives.
See, you and me, we can quit
anytime we want and go start
a band or open up a restaurant
or something because we still
have that kind of freedom.
Two tequila shots over here,
please? Thank you.
The minute you know
any kind of real secrets,
like stuff you probably wouldn't
want to know if you want
to go to sleep tonight anyway,
that's when they own you.
And they own you for life.
Darin, you're the only guy
I've ever met whose life goal
- is to keep his options open.
- Cheers.
Huh, God, I hate tequila.
Whoo! Dude, six o?clock.
- Pull out your NSA badge.
- Why?
Because chicks dig spies.
Yeah, but they don't dig geeks.
Excuse me, ladies.
I'm Agent Darin Metcalf.
This is Agent Jake Foley.
- Hi.
- You guys work for the NSA?
- Yes.
- Yes.
That's so sexy.
Do you have a license to kill?
Only if you are really bad.
I like that. I like that.
That usually works.
Yeah, that was really good.
Um, I'm going to go home.
- I'll see you later.
- Oh, hey, hey.
The spoils of victory do not always go
to those that give up easily, my friend.
Uh-huh, yeah. I'm going
to go ponder that thought
at home, and I'll see you later.
Hey, leave the door open because,
- uh, I don't have a key.
- Bye.
Hey, stranger.
- Sarah!
- It's been a while.
Yeah. I read about you in alumni notes.
You're working for Senator
Thompson. Congratulations.
Thank you.
I see you're still at the NSA.
Oh, don't tell me - this is your way
of picking up the ladies?
No, no. No, no, no. This... I, uh...
just got off work a little late and I
didn't even realize
that this was even on.
So what are you doing for Thompson?
Oh, right now I'm reviewing
department of defense budgets.
Several of the research divisions
have come in under budget.
I'm trying to figure out
where that money went.
What, you don't trust the government?
I don't trust my therapist, Jake.
Hey, listen up, what
would you think about...
- I don't know...
- Sarah!
... Maybe a...
- Oh.
Come on over.
Those are some of the most
powerful aides in town.
All they wanna do is
drink martinis and gossip.
- Do you want to join us?
- Oh... ye... um...
well, maybe next time.
- I'll see you around, then?
- Yeah.
Oh, Jake...
what, what are you doing
Saturday afternoon?
Saturday? No plans.
Wait. Uh... can I have one of these?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
Um, do you think you could come by
my place and check on my computer?
Something's not right.
Here's my number.
- Sure.
- Great. See ya.
See ya.
Okay, I know you don't smoke.
Who's the girl?
Oh, it's Sarah. I bumped
into her at the bar last night.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Georgetown Sarah?
years-and-never-asked-her-out Sarah?
That's the one. She wants me
to come by her place on Saturday.
That's awesome!
Why are you not the least
bit excited about this?
Because she wants me
to fix her computer.
It's a service call.
Define "service."
I'm serious. This is your chance.
If you show up like a tech,
then that's all she's going to see.
I hate to break up the moment,
ladies, but we got a server off-line.
That means 'let's go'.
You know, not a lot of people
have been within these walls,
so consider yourself lucky.
- Foley.
- Yeah?
- Foley!
- Oh. Coming, coming.
Nobody reads programming code faster
than you. What am I looking at here?
Let me see.
Hey. You guys know you're off-line?
Don't worry about it. We'll have
you up and running in two minutes.
Oh, this is weird.
So it says here that they're uploading
all the lab's research into, uh...
Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
Since you're obviously the
smarter one, I need you
to disengage the diagnostics
system so that tech services
doesn't send anyone
else up here. Do it.
Okay. All right.
We have a problem.
Jake Foley, tech support.
I'm done.
Nothing personal.
Drop it!
You okay?
120/80. Good.
That means that your
blood pressure is normal.
Uh... you okay?
Uhm. I just asked if you were okay,
which is an incredibly stupid question
when you consider that
you just saw that. Um,
can I get you anything?
Do you want some water
or some aspirin or...
- I'll be okay, thanks.
- Sure.
Dr. Hughes.
Excuse me.
- Yeah?
- What's the status here?
Well, everything seems to be fine
and Hazmat's got containment, so...
You worked with this
guy for three years.
- Did you have any idea?
- No.
No. Dr. Gage was a jerk.
I mean, this guy thinks equal opportunity
is something you put in your coffee.
But a traitor?
No. Never.
I want to know everywhere Dr. Gage
has been in the past few months -
every phone call, every e-mail...
everybody's he's
been screwing and everybody
who's been screwing him.
He was with us for ten years
so we know he didn't come cheap.
Is that the guy who
made the distress call?
Yeah, Jake Foley. He's tech support.
He's really shaken up
right now, though, so I...
- I want to see him.
- Of course.
Mr. Foley,
I'm Deputy Director Louise Beckett.
I understand that you
made the distress call.
- Nice work.
- Thanks...
I-I... but I was just doing what
any good employee would do
I'm a go-getter.
Yes, so I've been reading.
It says here that you
applied for intel training.
Yes. Twice.
You've served your agency
well today, and I would
like to take this opportunity...
... to reiterate your
confidentiality agreement.
Under no circumstances are you to
recount what happened here today
... to anyone
... ever.
Or what, you'll have to kill me?
- Jake.
- Hope you like vino.
Uh... of course.
- Yeah. Uh, come in.
- Okay.
Oh, wow. This is a great place.
Rumor has it Bill and Monica
had a couple of trysts here.
- Really?
- Yeah, I didn't buy it at first,
but it kind of has that vibe -
don't you think?
I feel it.
Oh, so here it is.
Ah, the offending piece of hardware.
In all its Pentium II outdated glory.
Do you want me to open this?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's pop it.
"Let's pop it"?
We have a problem.
Jake Foley, tech support.
It sounds like you have a problem.
Take care of it.
... You have a problem...
I know this guy -
Eric Vaughn -
black market arms dealer
with ties to the IRA
operating out of Belfast.
Been on British CTU's
wanted list for a year now.
He was behind the research
theft for the SS-G-20,
their next-generation
laser-guided missile.
Well, our agents in Belfast
will have their hands full.
I'd like your permission
to head a team to track him.
- No, we've discussed this before, Kyle.
- I belong in the field.
- Your cover was compromised.
- Yeah, through no fault of my own.
- They never forget a face over there.
- Come on, it's been two years.
- Listen to me. Listen to me!
- I'm being wasted here.
I'll use my agents as I see fit.
You want to work for me, you work here.
Well, I can tell you already
you need a new mouse.
These days, it's all about the wireless.
- Really?
- Uh... oh. Thanks.
Hey, I was wondering:
Who are these guys?
This one's my dad.
Oh, yeah? Was he in, uh, Desert Storm?
Not technically. He went over
to test some classified weapons system.
Wow, that's really cool.
He never came back.
The worst part is they won't even
tell my family what happened.
He's gone, and all they say is,
"that's classified."
Just makes me feel
so helpless, and I...
I'm sorry.
Here you are, coming and doing a favor,
and I'm dumping all
this baggage on you.
No, no - dump on me.
- Um...
- Yeah.
Look... well, it's...
it's like when we were in college, and
I'd come and fix your
computer all the time, and
you were always apologizing,
and, well...
You probably didn't know, but...
I-I-I didn't mind.
I liked helping you.
I like helping you.
Um... the-the-the thing is...
- Uh...
- What?
Uh, you should probably get that.
Hello. Oh, hey.
How was last night? 4:00 A.M.?
So glad I didn't come.
Who was there?
He was there?
Oh, my god. You fixed it.
- How did you do that?
- Uh...
I, uh... I don't know.
Jake, you don't look so good.
I, uh... I think that, um,
24-hour flu is more like, um,
a 36, or maybe a 48.
I'm sorry. I-I-I... I got to go.
Over here, mister.
Yeah, here you go.
- Sorry.
- Hey, you all right, man?
- Sorry.
- God.
That guy's got some arm.
There're rumors going around
there were problems in your lab.
What's going on?
Oh, nothing, really, you know.
Some shelves collapsed
and some... some of my mice got out,
but, you know - no big deal.
Oh, let's go, let's go, let's go.
You mean, there wasn't any gunfire?
You kidding me? Girl, you need
to stop watching so much TV.
- Jake.
- Hey.
Hi. Oh, uh...
- Diane.
- Yeah, right.
Yeah. What are you doing down here?
Oh, I just, uh, wanted to follow up
and make sure your
server's running okay,
'cause that's my job -
to, um, follow up.
Oh, thanks. Well, yeah,
the server's fine.
- Good.
- Who-whoa.
So is your arm.
Yeah. Yeah. I-I-I've got one of those
killer immune systems.
I got to go, uh,
so I'll see you around.
If you have any more problems
with the server, just give us a call.
Oh! Whoa!
Oh, my god.
What is with these double locks?
Please tell me that there was some
really rough sex going on here.
Darin, you are not going to believe...
You remember Casey.
Ah, Yeah. Hi.
Hey. I never pictured spies living
like really poor college students.
Yeah, that's, uh...
that's exactly our cover.
So... Agent Foley...
don't you have an op to go to?
Come on in, come on in. Let me
show you our debriefing room.
You wanted to see me.
Eric Vaughn is in the country.
Probably the east coast.
Most likely D.C.
How do you know?
I called some former assets.
I think he's here because
he doesn't trust anybody else
to pick up whatever
he paid Gage to steal.
Gage failed.
We got him before he managed
to steal anything.
We got a problem.
Sarah, look, I am so sorry
for barging in like this,
but I have got to talk to you.
- Jake. What is it?
- This is going to sound insane,
- but there are these things and...
- You got to try this.
It's the guanciale,
makes all the difference.
Peter, this is Jake. Jake, Peter.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- So what were you saying?
- Oh, uh...
oh, it's nothing that
can't wait, actually.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah.
- It was nice to meet you.
- Nice meeting you, Jack.
I am so bad with names. Dinner's ready.
Let's go
Oh. Thanks.
Not a problem.
If there's one thing I'm good
at doing, it's pushing buttons.
You didn't think that
was very funny, did you?
Uh... no, well, yeah, I did.
No, you're just being polite.
My humor doesn't translate here.
Back in Ireland they'd be dying by now.
I know. Sure.
Are you really, Jake?
I'm sorry, how'd you know my name?
Let's just say I have an interest in you.
Or rather what's inside of you.
Don't worry, Jake.
I wouldn't hurt you.
But my associate might.
- Hey!
- Use a tazer!
We got to him just in time.
It's remarkable.
You see how the nanites
have positioned themselves
along his central nervous system?
What they're doing is establishing
contact with the brain
via electrical impulses,
but eventually,
that link will be seamless.
I mean, whatever...
whatever he wants
them to do, they'll do.
So this is what Vaughn's after,
some kind of future soldier.
It began as a research program for DoD.
It was intended for soldiers in combat
to help repair damaged tissue.
But we realized pretty early on
that when you're dealing with
molecular-sized computers,
the possibilities are endless.
I mean, this guy can
interface with technology.
He's like a universal remote.
And every one of his body
functions is enhanced.
- Meaning what?
- Meaning that...
I can hear everything!
We're just going to run
a few more tests, Mr. Foley.
We're going to have you
out of here in no time.
- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.
How are we going to get
these things out of me?
Uh... well...
the nanites are fully integrated
into your system. They're...
they're part of you now.
They're not something we can
take out of you.
But I'm going to be fine,
right? I mean,
it's not like they're going
to hurt me or anything...
- ... right?
- There are side effects.
Like what?
Some of the lab mice
experienced muscle spasms...
partial or full paralysis.
In rare cases, they rejected
the nanites and the results...
not good. But that
doesn't mean that any
of these things are going
to happen to you, all right?
What is going to happen to me?
Honestly, we just...
we don't know.
So how long are you going to hold him?
Mr. Foley is none of your concern, Kyle.
Did you even give him a choice?
Choice is a luxury. You know that.
I have the agency's
interests to consider.
Oh, the Agency's interests or your own?
You're out of line.
Look, it was an accident,
... and I'm sorry about that,
but I am not going to
pass up this opportunity.
- Opportunity?
- Yes, we don't know how long this guy's
going to live and we need to learn
what we can while we can.
Unbelievable. Lou,
this guy risks his life for us
and in exchange, we're going
to turn him into a lab rat?
I hope it's worth it.
You are a very brave
man flying international,
very brave. Between the security,
the background checks...
The metal detectors,
the national guard standing there
- with their semi-automatic weapons...
- Hello?
- Jake?
- Oh, Sarah.
I need to talk to you.
Well... now's not really the best time.
Jake, please. I'm really scared
and I have no one else to turn to.
You remember what I told you about
the budget discrepancies at the DoD?
- Yeah, yeah, unused funds or something?
- They weren't unused, Jake.
They were diverted... to the NSA.
- What?
- Yeah. Nobody knows what it's for,
and whoever does wants
to make sure I don't find out.
- Sarah...
- No, wait.
Maybe I'm being paranoid, but.
Remember when you
stopped by the other night?
Ms. Neilmeyer in 3-C saw
two weird guys in the lobby.
The next morning, the place
was completely trashed.
I mean, did you see anything?
No. No. No. Uh,
it was probably
just a couple of guys...
kids... pranks... it was a prank.
Look, maybe it sounds crazy, but
I think I'm being followed.
We've got visual.
Target is seated in the window,
speaking to a caucasian woman.
... It's like at any minute,
someone's going to come for me.
Sarah, listen to me,
I want you to get up,
- walk straight out of here and get in a cab
- So you believe me?
Sarah, please. Go back
to your office right now.
You're right. Right.
We never should've met here.
What was I thinking?
Oh, I'm sorry. My fault. You all right?
Sarah, you got to listen to me.
No, Jake, you listen to me.
Meet me at the Chemdyne
Research Facility,
midnight, alone,
or your friend is dead.
- Hello.
- Casey dumped me, man.
She thought it was too
dangerous dating a spy.
You're not a spy.
Rub it in, man. Rub it in.
Darin, can we talk about this later?
Uh, okay, whatever.
Hello? Darin...
Darin, I'm losing you, man.
Hello, Jake.
Chemdyne Research.
Now, just what the hell
do you think you're doing
at a cryogenics facility?
What? What?
Are you tracking me?
That's right. I'm sorry, Jake.
I need to bring you in.
Kyle, you can't.
Please, he's got my friend.
Who has your friend?
That Irish guy, the one
who was coming after me.
Jake, don't do anything.
I'll have a team there in ten minutes.
No, no, no! Kyle,
it's a trade. Me for her
or she's dead. I got to go.
Wait, wait! Jake, now
listen to me very carefully.
I'm tracking three figures
inside the building.
One of them is probably your friend.
- How do I get in?
- There's a stairwell
on the side of the building
leading to the roof.
Now, that's your best
chance of getting around
Vaughn's men at the front entrance.
Okay, okay. Thanks.
Jake? Jake!
Hold it!
Sarah? Sarah? Sarah?
Millions of dollars in
research and development
and the best they can
come up with is you.
She'll be fine.
Just taking a little nap.
Where you're going is far more restful.
What you gonna do?
- Huh, freeze me in liquid nitrogen?
- No,
First I'm going to put a
bullet through your brain.
Then I'm going to freeze
you in liquid nitrogen.
What's the point of that?
Unfortunately, Jake,
you've reduced your worth
- to that of a carry-on case.
- Wait, no, no.
Listen. I can do some pretty
amazing things, right?
Don't you think people
would pay more money
if they could see it for themselves?
What are you suggesting, Jake?
A little bit of show and tell?
Yeah, yeah. I could do some jumping
and some cool strength stuff.
I can bend some... or- or
I have great vision.
I can see to, like, Texas.
And I can do stuff you
don't even know about.
I can interface with computers,
totally wireless. Incredible.
And how do we suggest
we demonstrate that?
Like that.
Go, go, go! Go on!
Sarah? Sarah?
He's dead, sir.
Sarah, are you okay?
We'll take care of her.
We've been ordered to bring you in.
Can I offer you a glass of water,
a cup of coffee?
Are you joking?
I have millions of these little things
running around in my body
that might kill me
at any moment.
I have spent the last couple
of days running for my life,
getting shot at because
of these little things
that might kill me at any moment.
So do I want a cup of coffee?
No, I don't want a cup of coffee.
You know what I want?
I want my life back.
I'm afraid we can't do that, Jake.
Yeah, yeah. Big surprise.
What I can do is upgrade
your security clearance,
effective immediately.
I've just been authorized
to create a special
ops team with you at its core.
Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on.
I didn't ask for any of this, okay?
Yes, you did... twice.
This is your big chance.
Don't waste it.
Hey, bought you a gift.
Oh, thank you.
I guess you heard about what happened.
Yeah, Sarah, I am so sorry.
Sorry? Why? It wasn't your fault.
I was the one looking
into the missing money.
- What?
- That's why they came for me.
Obviously, I was getting
too close to something
the NSA doesn't want us to know about.
Sarah, maybe you should
consider just leaving that alone.
Look, I know you're trying to
protect me and I appreciate it,
but I can't let this go.
You know, you don't have to be a hero.
Oh, I know. There are no heroes, Jake.
Not anymore.
Right. Right.
Look, I just wanted you to know that...
Uh, that...
I'm here for you...
uh, in case you need me.
You're the best.
Thank you.
# Where do you go?
# Are you looking for answers
Um, okay.
# To questions under the stars?
# Well, if along the way
# You are grown weary
# You can rest with me
# Until a brighter day
# When you're okay
# I am no superman
# I have no answers for you
# I am no hero,
# ah, that's for sure
# but I do know one thing
# is where you are is where I belong.
What do we got?
Doesn't look good.
Damn things been frozen
since I booted up
this morning and the
floppy drive's jammed.
All right, let me take a look.
All right, talk to me, baby.
Well, it's a 20-minute job.
I'll have you up and running in two.
Take your time.
I'm due for a coffee break.
Notify NORAD.
Negative telemetry intercept
on the missile test
over the Sea of Japan.
Per FBI request, the Echelon watch list
is being updated with
the following list.
Ammonia nitrate, cyclonite
and the name Ivan Benikov.
Okay, listen up, everyone.
The CIA station in Kandahar
has been tracking Ivan Benikov,
a terrorist on our watch list.
Now, once we've confirmed
Benikov's I.D. with satellite visuals,
U.S. Centcom has an unmanned drone
standing by to launch a
hellfire missile right at him.
This is so freaking cool.
Uh, can I help you?
Oh, yeah, uh, act-actually,
I'm-I'm helping you.
Uh, uh, I-I'm Jake Foley,
tech support.
I-I was just fixing this computer,
but I'm done. It's fixed.
No problem-o.
Great, Mr. Foley.
Now I'm going to have
to ask you to leave.
Oh. I'll just leave this behind...
...just in case.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Come on, buddy,
we have talked about this.
Trust me, you don't want
to be one of those jerks.
Darin, I would kill to be
one of those jerks.
No, we're in the perfect position
because we're practically agents,
- but we're not props.
- What are props?
Yeah, props - "property of the state" -
guys who actually have clearance.
Those guys, they have no lives.
See, you and me, we can quit
anytime we want and go start
a band or open up a restaurant
or something because we still
have that kind of freedom.
Two tequila shots over here,
please? Thank you.
The minute you know
any kind of real secrets,
like stuff you probably wouldn't
want to know if you want
to go to sleep tonight anyway,
that's when they own you.
And they own you for life.
Darin, you're the only guy
I've ever met whose life goal
- is to keep his options open.
- Cheers.
Huh, God, I hate tequila.
Whoo! Dude, six o?clock.
- Pull out your NSA badge.
- Why?
Because chicks dig spies.
Yeah, but they don't dig geeks.
Excuse me, ladies.
I'm Agent Darin Metcalf.
This is Agent Jake Foley.
- Hi.
- You guys work for the NSA?
- Yes.
- Yes.
That's so sexy.
Do you have a license to kill?
Only if you are really bad.
I like that. I like that.
That usually works.
Yeah, that was really good.
Um, I'm going to go home.
- I'll see you later.
- Oh, hey, hey.
The spoils of victory do not always go
to those that give up easily, my friend.
Uh-huh, yeah. I'm going
to go ponder that thought
at home, and I'll see you later.
Hey, leave the door open because,
- uh, I don't have a key.
- Bye.
Hey, stranger.
- Sarah!
- It's been a while.
Yeah. I read about you in alumni notes.
You're working for Senator
Thompson. Congratulations.
Thank you.
I see you're still at the NSA.
Oh, don't tell me - this is your way
of picking up the ladies?
No, no. No, no, no. This... I, uh...
just got off work a little late and I
didn't even realize
that this was even on.
So what are you doing for Thompson?
Oh, right now I'm reviewing
department of defense budgets.
Several of the research divisions
have come in under budget.
I'm trying to figure out
where that money went.
What, you don't trust the government?
I don't trust my therapist, Jake.
Hey, listen up, what
would you think about...
- I don't know...
- Sarah!
... Maybe a...
- Oh.
Come on over.
Those are some of the most
powerful aides in town.
All they wanna do is
drink martinis and gossip.
- Do you want to join us?
- Oh... ye... um...
well, maybe next time.
- I'll see you around, then?
- Yeah.
Oh, Jake...
what, what are you doing
Saturday afternoon?
Saturday? No plans.
Wait. Uh... can I have one of these?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
Um, do you think you could come by
my place and check on my computer?
Something's not right.
Here's my number.
- Sure.
- Great. See ya.
See ya.
Okay, I know you don't smoke.
Who's the girl?
Oh, it's Sarah. I bumped
into her at the bar last night.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Georgetown Sarah?
years-and-never-asked-her-out Sarah?
That's the one. She wants me
to come by her place on Saturday.
That's awesome!
Why are you not the least
bit excited about this?
Because she wants me
to fix her computer.
It's a service call.
Define "service."
I'm serious. This is your chance.
If you show up like a tech,
then that's all she's going to see.
I hate to break up the moment,
ladies, but we got a server off-line.
That means 'let's go'.
You know, not a lot of people
have been within these walls,
so consider yourself lucky.
- Foley.
- Yeah?
- Foley!
- Oh. Coming, coming.
Nobody reads programming code faster
than you. What am I looking at here?
Let me see.
Hey. You guys know you're off-line?
Don't worry about it. We'll have
you up and running in two minutes.
Oh, this is weird.
So it says here that they're uploading
all the lab's research into, uh...
Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
Since you're obviously the
smarter one, I need you
to disengage the diagnostics
system so that tech services
doesn't send anyone
else up here. Do it.
Okay. All right.
We have a problem.
Jake Foley, tech support.
I'm done.
Nothing personal.
Drop it!
You okay?
120/80. Good.
That means that your
blood pressure is normal.
Uh... you okay?
Uhm. I just asked if you were okay,
which is an incredibly stupid question
when you consider that
you just saw that. Um,
can I get you anything?
Do you want some water
or some aspirin or...
- I'll be okay, thanks.
- Sure.
Dr. Hughes.
Excuse me.
- Yeah?
- What's the status here?
Well, everything seems to be fine
and Hazmat's got containment, so...
You worked with this
guy for three years.
- Did you have any idea?
- No.
No. Dr. Gage was a jerk.
I mean, this guy thinks equal opportunity
is something you put in your coffee.
But a traitor?
No. Never.
I want to know everywhere Dr. Gage
has been in the past few months -
every phone call, every e-mail...
everybody's he's
been screwing and everybody
who's been screwing him.
He was with us for ten years
so we know he didn't come cheap.
Is that the guy who
made the distress call?
Yeah, Jake Foley. He's tech support.
He's really shaken up
right now, though, so I...
- I want to see him.
- Of course.
Mr. Foley,
I'm Deputy Director Louise Beckett.
I understand that you
made the distress call.
- Nice work.
- Thanks...
I-I... but I was just doing what
any good employee would do
I'm a go-getter.
Yes, so I've been reading.
It says here that you
applied for intel training.
Yes. Twice.
You've served your agency
well today, and I would
like to take this opportunity...
... to reiterate your
confidentiality agreement.
Under no circumstances are you to
recount what happened here today
... to anyone
... ever.
Or what, you'll have to kill me?
- Jake.
- Hope you like vino.
Uh... of course.
- Yeah. Uh, come in.
- Okay.
Oh, wow. This is a great place.
Rumor has it Bill and Monica
had a couple of trysts here.
- Really?
- Yeah, I didn't buy it at first,
but it kind of has that vibe -
don't you think?
I feel it.
Oh, so here it is.
Ah, the offending piece of hardware.
In all its Pentium II outdated glory.
Do you want me to open this?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's pop it.
"Let's pop it"?
We have a problem.
Jake Foley, tech support.
It sounds like you have a problem.
Take care of it.
... You have a problem...
I know this guy -
Eric Vaughn -
black market arms dealer
with ties to the IRA
operating out of Belfast.
Been on British CTU's
wanted list for a year now.
He was behind the research
theft for the SS-G-20,
their next-generation
laser-guided missile.
Well, our agents in Belfast
will have their hands full.
I'd like your permission
to head a team to track him.
- No, we've discussed this before, Kyle.
- I belong in the field.
- Your cover was compromised.
- Yeah, through no fault of my own.
- They never forget a face over there.
- Come on, it's been two years.
- Listen to me. Listen to me!
- I'm being wasted here.
I'll use my agents as I see fit.
You want to work for me, you work here.
Well, I can tell you already
you need a new mouse.
These days, it's all about the wireless.
- Really?
- Uh... oh. Thanks.
Hey, I was wondering:
Who are these guys?
This one's my dad.
Oh, yeah? Was he in, uh, Desert Storm?
Not technically. He went over
to test some classified weapons system.
Wow, that's really cool.
He never came back.
The worst part is they won't even
tell my family what happened.
He's gone, and all they say is,
"that's classified."
Just makes me feel
so helpless, and I...
I'm sorry.
Here you are, coming and doing a favor,
and I'm dumping all
this baggage on you.
No, no - dump on me.
- Um...
- Yeah.
Look... well, it's...
it's like when we were in college, and
I'd come and fix your
computer all the time, and
you were always apologizing,
and, well...
You probably didn't know, but...
I-I-I didn't mind.
I liked helping you.
I like helping you.
Um... the-the-the thing is...
- Uh...
- What?
Uh, you should probably get that.
Hello. Oh, hey.
How was last night? 4:00 A.M.?
So glad I didn't come.
Who was there?
He was there?
Oh, my god. You fixed it.
- How did you do that?
- Uh...
I, uh... I don't know.
Jake, you don't look so good.
I, uh... I think that, um,
24-hour flu is more like, um,
a 36, or maybe a 48.
I'm sorry. I-I-I... I got to go.
Over here, mister.
Yeah, here you go.
- Sorry.
- Hey, you all right, man?
- Sorry.
- God.
That guy's got some arm.
There're rumors going around
there were problems in your lab.
What's going on?
Oh, nothing, really, you know.
Some shelves collapsed
and some... some of my mice got out,
but, you know - no big deal.
Oh, let's go, let's go, let's go.
You mean, there wasn't any gunfire?
You kidding me? Girl, you need
to stop watching so much TV.
- Jake.
- Hey.
Hi. Oh, uh...
- Diane.
- Yeah, right.
Yeah. What are you doing down here?
Oh, I just, uh, wanted to follow up
and make sure your
server's running okay,
'cause that's my job -
to, um, follow up.
Oh, thanks. Well, yeah,
the server's fine.
- Good.
- Who-whoa.
So is your arm.
Yeah. Yeah. I-I-I've got one of those
killer immune systems.
I got to go, uh,
so I'll see you around.
If you have any more problems
with the server, just give us a call.
Oh! Whoa!
Oh, my god.
What is with these double locks?
Please tell me that there was some
really rough sex going on here.
Darin, you are not going to believe...
You remember Casey.
Ah, Yeah. Hi.
Hey. I never pictured spies living
like really poor college students.
Yeah, that's, uh...
that's exactly our cover.
So... Agent Foley...
don't you have an op to go to?
Come on in, come on in. Let me
show you our debriefing room.
You wanted to see me.
Eric Vaughn is in the country.
Probably the east coast.
Most likely D.C.
How do you know?
I called some former assets.
I think he's here because
he doesn't trust anybody else
to pick up whatever
he paid Gage to steal.
Gage failed.
We got him before he managed
to steal anything.
We got a problem.
Sarah, look, I am so sorry
for barging in like this,
but I have got to talk to you.
- Jake. What is it?
- This is going to sound insane,
- but there are these things and...
- You got to try this.
It's the guanciale,
makes all the difference.
Peter, this is Jake. Jake, Peter.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- So what were you saying?
- Oh, uh...
oh, it's nothing that
can't wait, actually.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah.
- It was nice to meet you.
- Nice meeting you, Jack.
I am so bad with names. Dinner's ready.
Let's go
Oh. Thanks.
Not a problem.
If there's one thing I'm good
at doing, it's pushing buttons.
You didn't think that
was very funny, did you?
Uh... no, well, yeah, I did.
No, you're just being polite.
My humor doesn't translate here.
Back in Ireland they'd be dying by now.
I know. Sure.
Are you really, Jake?
I'm sorry, how'd you know my name?
Let's just say I have an interest in you.
Or rather what's inside of you.
Don't worry, Jake.
I wouldn't hurt you.
But my associate might.
- Hey!
- Use a tazer!
We got to him just in time.
It's remarkable.
You see how the nanites
have positioned themselves
along his central nervous system?
What they're doing is establishing
contact with the brain
via electrical impulses,
but eventually,
that link will be seamless.
I mean, whatever...
whatever he wants
them to do, they'll do.
So this is what Vaughn's after,
some kind of future soldier.
It began as a research program for DoD.
It was intended for soldiers in combat
to help repair damaged tissue.
But we realized pretty early on
that when you're dealing with
molecular-sized computers,
the possibilities are endless.
I mean, this guy can
interface with technology.
He's like a universal remote.
And every one of his body
functions is enhanced.
- Meaning what?
- Meaning that...
I can hear everything!
We're just going to run
a few more tests, Mr. Foley.
We're going to have you
out of here in no time.
- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.
How are we going to get
these things out of me?
Uh... well...
the nanites are fully integrated
into your system. They're...
they're part of you now.
They're not something we can
take out of you.
But I'm going to be fine,
right? I mean,
it's not like they're going
to hurt me or anything...
- ... right?
- There are side effects.
Like what?
Some of the lab mice
experienced muscle spasms...
partial or full paralysis.
In rare cases, they rejected
the nanites and the results...
not good. But that
doesn't mean that any
of these things are going
to happen to you, all right?
What is going to happen to me?
Honestly, we just...
we don't know.
So how long are you going to hold him?
Mr. Foley is none of your concern, Kyle.
Did you even give him a choice?
Choice is a luxury. You know that.
I have the agency's
interests to consider.
Oh, the Agency's interests or your own?
You're out of line.
Look, it was an accident,
... and I'm sorry about that,
but I am not going to
pass up this opportunity.
- Opportunity?
- Yes, we don't know how long this guy's
going to live and we need to learn
what we can while we can.
Unbelievable. Lou,
this guy risks his life for us
and in exchange, we're going
to turn him into a lab rat?
I hope it's worth it.
You are a very brave
man flying international,
very brave. Between the security,
the background checks...
The metal detectors,
the national guard standing there
- with their semi-automatic weapons...
- Hello?
- Jake?
- Oh, Sarah.
I need to talk to you.
Well... now's not really the best time.
Jake, please. I'm really scared
and I have no one else to turn to.
You remember what I told you about
the budget discrepancies at the DoD?
- Yeah, yeah, unused funds or something?
- They weren't unused, Jake.
They were diverted... to the NSA.
- What?
- Yeah. Nobody knows what it's for,
and whoever does wants
to make sure I don't find out.
- Sarah...
- No, wait.
Maybe I'm being paranoid, but.
Remember when you
stopped by the other night?
Ms. Neilmeyer in 3-C saw
two weird guys in the lobby.
The next morning, the place
was completely trashed.
I mean, did you see anything?
No. No. No. Uh,
it was probably
just a couple of guys...
kids... pranks... it was a prank.
Look, maybe it sounds crazy, but
I think I'm being followed.
We've got visual.
Target is seated in the window,
speaking to a caucasian woman.
... It's like at any minute,
someone's going to come for me.
Sarah, listen to me,
I want you to get up,
- walk straight out of here and get in a cab
- So you believe me?
Sarah, please. Go back
to your office right now.
You're right. Right.
We never should've met here.
What was I thinking?
Oh, I'm sorry. My fault. You all right?
Sarah, you got to listen to me.
No, Jake, you listen to me.
Meet me at the Chemdyne
Research Facility,
midnight, alone,
or your friend is dead.
- Hello.
- Casey dumped me, man.
She thought it was too
dangerous dating a spy.
You're not a spy.
Rub it in, man. Rub it in.
Darin, can we talk about this later?
Uh, okay, whatever.
Hello? Darin...
Darin, I'm losing you, man.
Hello, Jake.
Chemdyne Research.
Now, just what the hell
do you think you're doing
at a cryogenics facility?
What? What?
Are you tracking me?
That's right. I'm sorry, Jake.
I need to bring you in.
Kyle, you can't.
Please, he's got my friend.
Who has your friend?
That Irish guy, the one
who was coming after me.
Jake, don't do anything.
I'll have a team there in ten minutes.
No, no, no! Kyle,
it's a trade. Me for her
or she's dead. I got to go.
Wait, wait! Jake, now
listen to me very carefully.
I'm tracking three figures
inside the building.
One of them is probably your friend.
- How do I get in?
- There's a stairwell
on the side of the building
leading to the roof.
Now, that's your best
chance of getting around
Vaughn's men at the front entrance.
Okay, okay. Thanks.
Jake? Jake!
Hold it!
Sarah? Sarah? Sarah?
Millions of dollars in
research and development
and the best they can
come up with is you.
She'll be fine.
Just taking a little nap.
Where you're going is far more restful.
What you gonna do?
- Huh, freeze me in liquid nitrogen?
- No,
First I'm going to put a
bullet through your brain.
Then I'm going to freeze
you in liquid nitrogen.
What's the point of that?
Unfortunately, Jake,
you've reduced your worth
- to that of a carry-on case.
- Wait, no, no.
Listen. I can do some pretty
amazing things, right?
Don't you think people
would pay more money
if they could see it for themselves?
What are you suggesting, Jake?
A little bit of show and tell?
Yeah, yeah. I could do some jumping
and some cool strength stuff.
I can bend some... or- or
I have great vision.
I can see to, like, Texas.
And I can do stuff you
don't even know about.
I can interface with computers,
totally wireless. Incredible.
And how do we suggest
we demonstrate that?
Like that.
Go, go, go! Go on!
Sarah? Sarah?
He's dead, sir.
Sarah, are you okay?
We'll take care of her.
We've been ordered to bring you in.
Can I offer you a glass of water,
a cup of coffee?
Are you joking?
I have millions of these little things
running around in my body
that might kill me
at any moment.
I have spent the last couple
of days running for my life,
getting shot at because
of these little things
that might kill me at any moment.
So do I want a cup of coffee?
No, I don't want a cup of coffee.
You know what I want?
I want my life back.
I'm afraid we can't do that, Jake.
Yeah, yeah. Big surprise.
What I can do is upgrade
your security clearance,
effective immediately.
I've just been authorized
to create a special
ops team with you at its core.
Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on.
I didn't ask for any of this, okay?
Yes, you did... twice.
This is your big chance.
Don't waste it.
Hey, bought you a gift.
Oh, thank you.
I guess you heard about what happened.
Yeah, Sarah, I am so sorry.
Sorry? Why? It wasn't your fault.
I was the one looking
into the missing money.
- What?
- That's why they came for me.
Obviously, I was getting
too close to something
the NSA doesn't want us to know about.
Sarah, maybe you should
consider just leaving that alone.
Look, I know you're trying to
protect me and I appreciate it,
but I can't let this go.
You know, you don't have to be a hero.
Oh, I know. There are no heroes, Jake.
Not anymore.
Right. Right.
Look, I just wanted you to know that...
Uh, that...
I'm here for you...
uh, in case you need me.
You're the best.
Thank you.
# Where do you go?
# Are you looking for answers
Um, okay.
# To questions under the stars?
# Well, if along the way
# You are grown weary
# You can rest with me
# Until a brighter day
# When you're okay
# I am no superman
# I have no answers for you
# I am no hero,
# ah, that's for sure
# but I do know one thing
# is where you are is where I belong.