Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 5, Episode 9 - Stealing Thunder - full transcript

Drago possesses the Thunder Demon Chi. He moves to a new base where he can increase his powers. The Chans must remove the Thunder Chi before it becomes permanently linked to Drago

Jade: Previously on
Jackie chan adventures...

Uncle: It is t'changzu,
the thunder demon!

Drago: And now for
the main attraction!

Uncle: Aiyaah!

Drago's absorbing
power of t'changzu!

Drago: Now that I possess
the thunder chi of t'changzu

and my own fire chi,

there will be no stopping me.

Strikemaster ice: Yo,
you're going down, clown!

Mc cobra: Yeah, you wish.

Be droppin' you
like a bad habit.


Drago: Now do I
have your attention?

Strikemaster ice: This
dude needs to chill.

Drago: Grr!

Mc cobra: S'not really
convertible weather, d-man.

Drago: Time to dump this dump.

Tohru: I hate rain.

Uncle: Quiet.

Chi-o-matic senses
presence of duel demon chi.

Drago must be near.

Jade: So let's throw 'em
a little surprise party,

chan style.

Jackie: Jade,
I told you to stay by the car.

Jade: Hello!
You didn't say which car.

(Tohru shudders)

Drago: Sounds like we
have junkyard rats.

Time to put you all
out of my misery.

All: Aah!

Strikemaster ice: Yo,
it's time to throw down.

Uncle: Jackie, must get closer
to remove thunder demon chi

from snotty-nosed dragon!

Uncle needs distraction.

Jade: Nice timing, t.

Mc cobra: Yo, girlfriend.

You disrespectin' my hizz-ouse.

Jade: My bad.
I meant to dis you!

Mc cobra: Ha ha ha!

You can run, but you can't hide.

(Jade imitates buzzer) Wrong!

Jade: Peek-a-boo!

Jackie: Bwaaa!

Strikemaster ice: You're way
out of your league, gramps.

Uncle: Smarty-pants teenager
want a piece of gramps?

Strikemaster ice: Ha ha ha!

Jade: Up high.

Down low.

Mc cobra: Too slow.

Drago: 2 chans for
the price of one.

Jade: Uh, how come scale face
isn't cooked cajun-style?

Uncle: Thunder demon
chi has allowed drago

to absorb storm's power!

Drago: Rraah!

(Horns honking)

Jackie: Find something that
won't conduct drago's lightning.

The tires!

Strikemaster ice: Ho ho ho!
Epic light show, d-dude.

(Mc cobra coughs) Whoa.

They gotta be charcoal
briquettes under there.

Drago: Let's go.
It's moving day.

Jackie: Is everyone all right?

Uncle: Aiyaah!
Uncle not all right!

The longer punk demon
possesses thunder demon chi,

the more difficult it will
be for uncle to remove!

Drew: Oh, yeah.

Float like a butterfly.
Sting like a...

Right jab! Right jab!

Ha! When I'm through,

you're gonna be nothing
but spare parts!

Jade: Dream on, tin man.

Drew: Have a nice trip.

Winner and still
robomercs champion.

Learn from the
master, young one.

Jade: T'ch, right.

Rematch, drew. Now.

It wouldn't be fair.

Face it, Jade,
you need a lot more practice.

Uncle: Creating fire
chi removal spell is

a very difficult task.

Only much Patience
and concentration

will yield success.

Jade: Please, please,
please, please, please.

I'll do all my chores.

Jackie: You'll do all
your chores regardless.

Jade: Uncle Jackie,

I'm like the only
kid in the world

who doesn't have robomercs.

Jackie: Ohh.

Video games will distract
you from your studies.

Jade: That's not true!

Program in your
mondo cool sayings,

that's creative writing.

Keeping score, that's math.

Honestly, robomercs is more
educational than homework.

Jackie: We will see.

Jade: Translation:

Tohru: Perhaps a drop
of black widow saliva.

Uncle: Tohru, no!


Does uncle's shop
look waterproof?!

Tohru: Ohh.

Security guard: Keep it
movin', boys.

Building's closed
for renovations.

Drago: Right. Ours.

Security guard: Uhh!

Strikemaster ice: Yo, major d.,

why don't you let
me and the posse

trick out your new digs?

Drago: As long as it doesn't
interfere with my plans.

Strikemaster ice: Sweet.

Capt. Black: This was taken
by a surveillance camera

at pacific steel
outside of Seattle.

Sheet metal, steel
girders, cast-iron pipes.

And that's not all.

Similar crimes have been
reported throughout the area.

Roller coaster cars,

a prefab swimming pool,

even the sound system
at sea breeze stadium.

Jade: Talk about your
shop till you drop.

Jackie: But why is
strikemaster ice stealing

those particular items?

Capt. Black: No se, compadre.

But, I'll bet where there's
ice, there's a fire demon.

Tohru: It is very gray here,

very, very gray.

Jade: Cheer up, big t.
It's Seattle,

home of grunge rock,
mega-mocha grandes, and...

Jackie: And soon the
thunderstorm of the century,

if the weather
reports are correct.

Tohru: Grr. Jackie: Oh, sorry.

Jade: Come on, t. I'm treating.

What'll you have?

Tohru: Hmm. Double mocha latte,

or chocochino steamed Espresso,

or double decaf
half-caff with a twist?

Uncle: Hot cha!
À coffee is coffee!

Police radio: All units,
robbery in progress.

Clarksman aircraft

3 youths on skateboards,
appear armed and dangerous,

possibly using some
sort of flamethrower.

Jackie: Ice.
Tohru: No, thank you.

I prefer my coffee piping hot.

Jade: Your attention, please.

This flight has been grounded.

Strikemaster ice: I thought
we put you dawgs to sleep.

Mc cobra: Ha ha ha!

Uncle: Uhh!

Jade hyah!

Jackie: Where is drago?

Strikemaster ice: Kickin' it
in his new digs, where else?

Love to stay and jaw,

but we've burned too
much daylight as it is.


Jade: That's one way
to get more legroom.



Jackie: Uhh!


Dj fist: Uhh!

Jade: Ooh.
That's gonna leave a mark.

Strikemaster ice: We outta here.

Jade: Uncle Jackie,
they're getting away!

Jackie: Jade,
what are you doing?!

Jade: Is this a trick question?

Strikemaster ice: One chan
ka-Bob, coming up!

Strikemaster ice: Yo, d.

Check out the
windage we snagged.

Jade: Gotcha!

Jackie: Jade!

Jade: I really gotta work on that
"look before you leap" thing.

Jackie: Drago could have taken
Jade anywhere in the city.

Uncle: No. Drago came to
Seattle with a purpose.

Discover purpose,
and Jade's location becomes clear.

Tohru: He certainly
did not come to Seattle

for the weather.

Jackie: Perhaps he did.

Uncle: Jackie, explain.

Jackie: Drago's
power was magnified

when he was struck
by the lightning

at the junkyard, so...

Tohru: So his new lair
would be easily accessible

to the power of Seattle's
frequent thunderstorms.

Uncle: One more thing,

taller is better
for lightning rods.

Jade: No way.

Drago's new crib is
the space needle?

Jade: So this is what all those
freaky robberies were about.


Jade: This place rocks!

Mc cobra: Waah! Ooh! Aah!

Jade: Whoa.
Life-sized robomercs.

Strikemaster ice:
Rule number one...

There are no rules.

Mc cobra: Yaah!

Dude, you're seriously wack!

Strikemaster ice: Word.

Drago, on intercom: Ice!

Strikemaster ice: Yo.
Drago: Playtime's over.

The storm's almost here.

Finish securing
the lightning rod.

Mc cobra: You got it, dawg.

I mean, sir, dawg. Dawg sir!

Drago: Once I absorb
the storm's lightning,

I'll be able to wipe
out entire cities.

No one will dare oppose me!

(Alarm beeping)

Drago: Except for those chans!

I'll make the adjustments
up on the roof.

You three can deal with
our party crashers.


Jade: I gotta warn uncle Jackie.

Jade, on p.A.: Uncle Jackie!
Come here, uncle Jackie!

Jackie: Jade, where are you?

Jade: Uncle Jackie,
if you can hear me,

it's a trap!
Ice and his crew are... aah!

Jackie: Jade? Jade?!

Strikemaster ice: Yeah,
nothing like a roaring fire

to warm up a rainy day.

Strikemaster ice: Give it
up, runt.

No way you gettin'
outta this room alive.

(Music blaring)

Strikemaster ice: Aah! Aah! Uhh!

Jade: What, no earplugs?

Uncle: Aiyaah-ah-ah-ah!

(Dizzy) Uncle
doesn't feel so good.

Tohru: Sensei! Àjackie: Uncle!

Uncle: Can't uncle have
one moment to clear head?

Mc cobra: Uhh!


Uncle: Must uncle do everything?

Mc cobra: Uhh!

Jade: Uncle Jackie,
drago's up on the roof

tryin' to get
supercharged by the storm.

Jackie: Uncle and
I will stop drago.

take Jade outside to safety.

Tohru: Uh,
but it's raining out there.

Jade: Ohh.

(Elevator music playing)

(Elevator chimes)

Drago: No visitors.

Jackie: Whoa! Uncle: Aah!

Jackie: I suspect drago
knows we are here.

Tohru: Uhh!
Jade, this is not helpful.


Strikemaster ice: Yo, peewee.

You and me got some
unfinished bidness.

Tohru: Jade, run!

Jade: I got your back, t.!

Tohru: No! The other way!


Strikemaster ice: Looks like
it's just you and me, homes.

Mano a sumo.

Uncle: This is why uncle's
shop on ground floor.

Tohru: Uhh!

Strikemaster ice: Ha ha ha!

Ah, snap! Game over.

Jade: Hey, why don't you pick
on somebody your own size?

Think you got game?

Bring it on.

Tohru: Whoa!

Strikemaster ice: Waah!

Jackie and uncle: Bad day!
Bad day! Bad day! Bad day!

Jackie: We're pulling your
plug, drago.

Uncle: Yumo guay
guai à fie Dee tseio!

Yumo guay guai à fie Dee tseio!

Yumo guay guai à fie Dee tseio!

Drago: Too late!
The storm has arrived!

Uncle: Jackie!

Jackie: I know!
We need a distraction.

Strikemaster ice: Not
bad for a short stack.

But today, first is best,
and second is dead last.

Jade: Think I'm ready for
that rematch now, drew.


Jade: Aw, the ice man's all wet.

We'd better get you dried off

before you catch
something nasty.


Jackie: Bwaaah! (Gulps)

Uncle: Yumo guay
guai à fie Dee tseio!

Drago: Uhh!

Uncle: Yumo guay
guai à fie Dee tseio!

Yumo guay guai à fie Dee tseio!

Drago: No! Not now!


Jade: Ohh!

Don't tell me we missed
all the fireworks?

Drago: You can't defeat me!

I'm on top of the world!

Jackie: Jade,
I have reconsidered.

If you promise to play

only after your
homework is completed,

you may have the robomercs game.

Jade: No, thanks, uncle Jackie.

Been there. Done that.

Jackie: Well,
I am very proud of you.

Tohru: Jade,
I do not believe this will fit

in the overhead compartment.

Jade: Hey, Jackie,
do you like riding roller coasters?

Jackie: I do like these
kind of exciting games.

Roller coaster, airplane,
everything high, fast.

It makes my blood go
fast, then I like it.

I don't know why I like
these kind of things.