Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 5, Episode 3 - Black and White and Chi All Over - full transcript

Drago recruits some new henchmen for his quest. Two demon chis are activated, spoiling Jade's birthday

Drago: You look tired.

Why don't you knock off early?

Agent: Ooh!

Drago: Now that's what
I'm talkin' about!

Demon chi...

And all for me.

Jackie chan, yawning: Oh, Jade,

what are you doing out of...


Drago: Did I wake
you, sleepyhead?

So sorry!

Jade chan: Hey, Jackie,
what are you doing out of...

Wha... drago!

(Jackie and Jade grunt)

Jade: Ok, jackienator...
You go left, I'll go right,

and we'll catch drago...

Jackie: Jade, you stay here.

Jade: You can't go
in without backup!

Jackie: Hyah! Hut! Haut!

Have you come to section
13 to turn yourself in?

Drago: In your dreams, chan.

Jackie: Uhh!


Drago: I'm here to
throw a little barbecue.

(Alarm blares) Huh?

Black: You're surrounded, drago.
Game's over.

Drago: Over?
I'm just gettin' warmed up.

Jade: Call me crazy, but I'm thinking
it's time for a security upgrade.

Drago: Raaahh!



Maybe I shouldn't
have gone solo.

But I will not repeat your
mistakes, father!

I will find the biggest,
baddest henchmen in the world

and fulfill my destiny.

(Jade yawns)

Jade: (Gasp) It's my birthday!

(Loud yawn)

Oh... There you are!

What's everybody doing?

Black: Is the chi
containment unit stable?

Uncle chan: You want
demon chi kept safe? Yes?

Then let uncle work
without lookie-loos!

Jade: Hello!
Anybody wanna say something?

Tohru: Good morning, Jade.

Jade: Is that... All?

Don't you know what today is?

Uncle: Hot cha!
Very important day!

Day for uncle's hair cut!

Jade: Aw, come on!
You know it's my birthday.

Now, for breakfast,
I want chocolate chip pancakes

with whipped cream and
strawberries and...

Jackie: I'm sorry, Jade.

Things are a little busy
around section 13 this morning.

We will have to celebrate
your birthday later.

Jade: What?! How much later?

Jackie: Ehh... Just be patient.

Jade: Oh...

Drago, quietly: Next.

(Whipping sounds)



Punchy: Duh! Get away! Get away!

Drago: Raaah!
You are all pathetic!

I'm looking for henchmen...

skull-caving henchmen!

I can't believe I'm gonna
say this out loud, but...

I never should have
fired the enforcers.

Strikemaster ice: Yo, dude.

You seen the rest.
Now eyeball the best!

Punchy: Duh!

Henchman: Uhh!

(Buzz) (Smash)

Strikemaster ice: So
we got the gig or what?

Drago: What's your name?

Strikemaster ice: They
call me strikemaster ice.

This here's my crew... dj fist,

and mc cobra.

Yo, gecko-boy be buggin'!

Drago: It's near.

Let's go.

Strikemaster ice:
Yo, hold up, dog.

Now, we don't work for free.

You want our services,
you gots to show some green!


Drago: You each now have a small
piece of my fire demon power...

Dragon speed...

Dragon strength...

And dragon breath.

Strikemaster ice: That'll work!

Drago: You're on the clock now

and we have demon chi to claim.

Uncle: The containment
unit is unharmed.

Demon chi cannot escape.

Black: I'm installing
heat and motion sensors

to make sure our fire-breathing
friend can't pay another visit.

Jade: All right, then. Let's get
Jade's birthday train back on track.

Hmm... What's first,
lunch at pizza burger?

Or maybe I should
open my presents!

Tohru: (Giggles)
I love birthdays.

Uncle: Aiyaa!
Demon chi has been activated!

Jade: No way.
Not on my birthday!

Uncle: Dai gui, the earth demon.

Tohru: The flower
of the immortals.

The demon chi is trapped within.

Jackie: The coronado
bridge in San Diego!

I am sorry, Jade.

Your birthday celebration will
have to wait just a little longer.

Jade: That's ok.
We can party in San Diego!

Jackie: Uh...
It's too dangerous.

You will stay here.

Jade: That's not right.

You can't dis the birthday girl.

Uncle: Demon chi is very close.

Jackie: Then all we have
to do is find the...


Jade: Hey, Jackie!

Jackie: Aah!

Uncle: Demon chi
is in this room.

Florist: Ahem! May I help you?

Jackie: Uh,
it's a flower freshness detector.

My uncle is very picky.

Drago: So am I. I want a flower
that smells like demon chi.

(All gasp)

Tohru: Drago.

Jackie: And... Strikemaster ice?

Jade: Hey,
pizza-face got a drago makeover!

Strikemaster ice: Yo dog, you didn't say
nothin' about puttin' the hurt on chan.

First day on the job and
we're already gettin' a bonus.

(Attack cries and grunting)

Drago: Chi loves me...
Chi loves me not.

Jade: (Gasps) Hurry, uncle!

Jackie: Uhh!

Strikemaster ice: Yo, start pickin'
out flowers, chan, for your funer...


Jackie: Bless you?

Strikemaster ice: Ah-choo!

Whoo! Ah-choo!


Jackie: You must be allergic.

Strikemaster ice: Ah-choo!

Jackie: Bless you.

(Flower pots crashing)

Jackie: Bless you.

Strikemaster ice: Ah-choo!

Uncle: No, no.

Strikemaster ice: Ah-choo!

Uncle: No... No...

Uncle: Hot cha!

Drago: For me?
You shouldn't have.

Jade: Hee-yah!

I picked this for you.

Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-


Tohru: Uhh!

Strikemaster ice: Ah...

Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-


Drago: No!


Florist: My hydrangeas!

Uncle: Jackie, pay nice man.

Jade: Now that we
have the flower power,

it's time to party down!

I'm still the birthday
girl for 10 more hours.

Jackie: We'll be back home in
time for a big birthday dinner.

Uncle: Aiyaa!

Jackie: Huh?

Jade: Oh, no!

Uncle: Moon demon tso LAN?

Lotus pod?

One more chi is nearby!

Turn car around!

Tohru: 2 demon chi
powers on the same day?

Jade: Figures.

Tohru: I'm sorry, Jade.

You know we would all prefer
to celebrate your birthday.

Jade: (Sighs) Whatever.

Drago: Was that a
joke back there?

Did I hire clowns?

I give you powers beyond
your wildest imagination

and you amateurs can't
get past an archaeologist,

a tub of guts, an old
man, and a little girl?!

Strikemaster ice: Yo,
he's buggin' again!

Drago: You three are about
to get a second chance.

Tohru: I know it isn't
much, but happy birthday.

Jade: Oh, thanks, t.

Uncle: Moon demon chi is there!

(Drago growls and Jackie,
Jade, uncle, and tohru gasp)

Jackie: Jade, stay here.

Jade: Oh!

Drago: Smells like chi spirit.

Jade: Step away
from the lotus pod!

Jackie: Jade!

Jade: I'm your backup, remember?

Tohru: The demon chi stays.
You go.

Drago: We'll see about that.

What? It was here a second ago.

Uncle: Moon demon chi...
Control over gravity.

(Drago snarls)

Jade: Uncle,
let's bring the "floater"

back down to earth.

Tohru: Uhh!



Jade: Hey, boy, come over here!

Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-

Jade: Mmm! Cotton candy!
Yummy in your tummy!

Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-

Jade: No hitchhiking!

Drago: I'll come
back for you later.

Jackie: Whoooooa!


Tohru: Uh... Whoops.

Jackie: Which way did they go?


Bad day, bad day, bad day!

Bad day, bad day, bad day!

Bad day, bad... bad day!

Jade: Uncle!

Uncle: Leave Chinese Bear alone!

(Fist, cobra, ice,
and drago scream)

(Seals clapping)

Jackie: Nice panda, come to...


Jade: Jackie!

Jackie: Whooaaa... oof!

Good catch, tohru.

Jade: Step on it, t!

Jackie: don't worry,
we'll bring it back later! Thank you!

Jade: Whoa!
The panda's going all moony.

Uncle: Panda will return to normal
once the demon chi is removed.

Jade: Hey, boy, trade ya!

Cotton candy for
that yucky demon chi!

Uncle and tohru: Yu-mo-


Jade: Yes! And now it's time
for Jade's birthday bash!

Uncle: Uncle was afraid of this.

Tohru: Sensei?

Uncle: Chi-o-matic can only
hold one power at a time!

Drago: Fore!

Now that is some
serious hang time!

Uncle: Jackie!
Drago must not obtain earth demon chi!

You must become living vessel.

Jade: Ooh! Ooh!
Let me be the living vessel!

I can handle it.
I have experience.

Come on, it's my birthday!

Drago: It's a 2-for-1 special.


Jackie: Ooh, tingly.

Uncle: Jackie!
Do not let drago touch you!

He will try to drain demon chi!

Drago: Oh,
I won't just touch you, chan.

I'll rip you apart!

Jackie: Did I do that?

Uncle: Of course!

Why do you think it is
called earth demon chi?

Jade: You dine with the t,
you get a helping of the j.

Strikemaster ice: Yo, shortstop,

why don't you let the
grown-ups handle this, a-ight?

Jade: Afraid I'll
whoop your butts again?

Strikemaster ice: You got the
crust, little lady.

Let's see if you got the sauce.


Drago: Hey, chan... Catch!

(Jackie coughs)

Jackie: Uncle!
Have you fixed the chi-o-matic?

Uncle: Do not rush uncle!

Drago: Fire in the hole!

Jackie: Aah!

Drago: All that digging must
have made you thirsty, chan.

How about a little juice?


Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-

Drago: No!

Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-


(Rumbling and crackling)

Strikemaster ice: Yo,
ice gonna bring the heat!

Jade: And this is for
ruining my birthday!


Come on, yin-Yang,
let's get you home.


Strikemaster ice: Yo,
d, a little hizzle?

(Drago roars)

Uncle: Yu-mo-gue-



Black: 4 down, 4 to go.

Jackie: And someone is still the
birthday girl for 4 more minutes.

(Jade snoring)

Jackie: Shh. She is sleeping.

Jade: Hey Jackie, is there a yin
and Yang to your personality?

Jackie: Yin-Yang.
I think everybody have a yin-Yang.

Sometimes I feel I'm very strong,

but sometimes I do
feel I'm very weak.

In my body, the Yang always
want to beat the ying.

Sometimes when
I'm doing a stunt,

this side tell me, "dangerous,"

but another side tell
me, "no, you can do it."

So, this way,
I do have a yin-Yang, yes.