Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 5, Episode 12 - The Powers That Be: Part 1 - full transcript

Drago kidnaps, Captain Black, Uncle and Jackie. He's willing to return them in exchange for the containment unit with all the demon chi.

Waitress: Refill, hon?

Black: Thanks.


Nice to have a few minutes

before heading into the office.

Waitress: So what do you do?

Black: Oh, uh...

I'm in pest control.

Waitress: Ha. Got a few in this
place, I can tell you that.

(Engine revving)

Black: Hey! What the... uhh!

Waitress: What, no tip?


Uncle: Eyaah!

You break it, you bought it!


Uncle: Eyaah!

Uncle reserves right to
refuse service to you.


Zwwww! Uhh!

I broke it...

You still bought it! Oop!

(Tohru whistling)


Jackie: No! Stop!

The persian carpet should go
to the left of the abyssinian.

(Cell phone rings)

Oh, excuse me.


Tohru: Jackie,
something has happened to uncle.

He has been taken away
in a huge vehicle.

Jackie, yelling: I am
sorry, tohru.

It is hard to hear you.

There is a very
loud truck outside.

Jackie: Bwaaaa!

Uh, deliveries in the
back, please.

Strikemaster ice: Not a
delivery, yo...

It's a pick up...

And you're the merchandise.

Ugh! That's all right.

We'll just kick it old school.

Jackie: Uhh!

Please, no more kicking it...

Or punching it,

and especially no burning it.

Whatever is troubling you,

why don't we discuss it outside?

These carpets are a
thousand years old.

Strikemaster ice: For reals?

Now see, a museum this nice

ought to spring for a
new wall-to-wall shag.

Jackie: Aah!

Jackie: Aah! Kettle...
Hot, hot, hot!

Strikemaster ice: Aw, dawg,

you just need to put a
little ice on that...

Strikemaster ice.

Jackie: Uhh!

(Jackie groans)

Ms. hardman: And this is
another perfect example

of prehistoric man.

Now let's move on
to a later specimen:

The brutish cro-magnon man.

Kids: Ugh! Yikes! What the...

Jade: Tohru??
What's going... uhh!

Tohru: Uh, may Jade be excused?

Ms. hardman: Uh...
Well, I... I suppose.

Has she been signed
out at the office?

Jade: Jackie and uncle?

Tohru: Yes. I phoned section 13

and it seems captain
black is missing as well.

Jade: This is big, t.

Tohru: What's most important
is that I keep you safe.

Jade: Safe, nothing.
Time to tcb.

Take care of business.


Rescue Jackie, uncle,
and the captain.

Jade: Ok. Job one:

Search for clues.

Once we I.D. The perps...

(phone rings)

Tohru: It is Jackie's
cell phone calling.

Jade: Jackie?

Drago: Unnhhh! Guess again.

But your uncle is
a guest of mine,

along with the old-timer
and captain "whack."

Jade: You touch one
hair on their heads...

Well, not captain black,

'cause, you know,
he doesn't have any,

but you know what I mean!

Drago: Uh, you're in no position
to be making threats, junior,

but their safe
return is up to you.

Jade: So it's a
ransom you're after.

I'm listening.

Drago: Here's the deal.

You get all 3 of them back

when I get.
The containment unit.

You know,
the one with all the demon chi.

Jade: Yeah, well...

I don't know what
you're talking about.


You had garlic for
breakfast, didn't you?

Drago: don't play dumb.

Deliver the chi or else.

Jade: It'll take some time.

Drago: Time is something you don't
have, pipsqueak.

We make the switch at 3 A.M.
on the golden gate bridge.

Be there or...

Jade: Be square?

Drago: No!
Be there or you'll be spending

the rest of your wonder years

being raised by
that 500-pound sumo.

Jade: Sheesh! Evil and a jerk.

Tohru: Hmmph! I weigh only 480.

Jade: Ok. We gotta go
along with what drago says.

Jackie and uncle and
black's lives are at stake.

Tohru: But allowing drago to take
possession of the demon powers

will put the entire
planet at risk.

Jade: Duh! That's why we're
gonna pull a fast one.

Sure, we deliver the
containment unit,

but not before.
You come up with a spell.

Tohru: A spell? Jade: Yep.

A spell to put the
kibosh on drago...

To short-circuit the powers
as soon as drago sucks 'em up.

Tohru: That's a wonderful ID...

I am just uncle's apprentice.

A spell that powerful is...

Well, beyond my abilities.

Jade: What are you talking
about, big guy?

You've got mad skills!
You know what uncle told me?

He said, (Imitating uncle) "Tohru
may be most naturally gifted wizard

uncle has ever met."

Tohru: Really?

Jade: Uh, well,
maybe not those exact words,

but with the same accent.

The point is, he totally believes in
you, and so do I.

Jade: Where are you going?

Tohru: I have a
spell to conjure.

Jade: You go, t!
I know you can do it!

She said, hopefully.

Drago: Everyone comfy?

No? Good.

Black: Whatever it is you
want, drago,

(chains clatter) You're
not going to get it.

Drago: Oh, but I am!

In 8 chi-licious flavors.

Jackie: The containment unit.

Drago: I first considered
an assault on section 13

but then realized...
Why battle for it

when the containment unit can be
hand-delivered in a nice, tidy bow.

Uncle: Huh! Too much time in
junkyard makes demon speak rubbish!

Drago: Think again, old-timer.

You know the old saying...

A chan is only as strong
as its weakest link.

Tch. I hope it's
not a school night.

Jackie: Leave Jade out of this.

Drago: Too late!
She's the main attraction.

And showtime's 3 A.M.!

But wait... there's more!

Once the demon chi is mine,

the real fun begins!

Jackie: A trip to
mooseworld is fun.

What you have in mind is...
Probably not fun!

Uh... Whatever it is.

Drago: Oh,
don't be such a party pooper, chan.

See, this world of
yours is a real yawn,

and you know why? No demons.

They're all stuck down under

while you humans run around
like you own the place!

Is that fair? No!

Well, guess what! Planet's about
to come under new management!

And my first order
of business will be

to turn this world inside out!

Just imagine...
A population of demons running amok

with me, drago,
pulling the strings!

Hah hah hah hah hah hah
hah hah hah hah hah hah!

Hah hah hah hah hah hah
hah hah hah hah hah hah!

Yeah, pretty soon now it's
good-bye, humanity,

hello, demonville!

Daddy would be so proud.

Come on, gang, gimme some props.

Uncle: Bah!
Dopey demon will not succeed.

Drago: Oh?
And why's that, grandpa?

Jackie: Because we are going to

stop yo-ou-ou-ou!

Drago: Catch!

Jackie: Uncle!

Black: Jackie.

I think those chains
need a lube job.

Jackie: Ha! The oily bird
always catches the worm.

Drago: Yeah?
Well, today's oily bird special

is some free body work!

(Metal crashes)

Strikemaster ice:
Goin' somewhere?

Jackie, tiny voice: Bad day.

Mc cobra: Ha ha.
- Hope you like your new digs!

Drago: I told you
to stay nearby.

They nearly escaped!

Strikemaster ice: Yeah, dawg, we noticed.
Too much for ya, huh?

Drago: I wouldn't take that
tone with me if I were you.


Strikemaster ice: You ain't
the big cheese no more, d.

Me and my posse got mad powers!

You got zip.

Drago: Yes, well,
that's about to change.

And when it does,
I won't forget our little chat.

Tohru: It is ready!

Jade: The spell?
Tohru: Uh, no. My tea.

It helps me to concentrate.

I am still working on the spell.

Jade: No pressure, big
guy, but clock's ticking.


Tohru: No. Soon.

Jade: We good to go?

Tohru: Not yet.

Jade: Ready?

Tohru: Yes! Jade: Yes!

Tohru: And... No.

Jade: Translation?

Tohru: I believe the
spell could work,

but we are missing
a key ingredient.

Jade: Name it!
I'll make a run to the 24/7 store.

Tohru: It requires
an essence of drago,

something physical
such as a piece of hair

or a fingernail.

Jade: You mean
like a DNA sample?

Tohru: Yes. I have failed.

Jade: Hold up. In school we
learned that relatives share DNA.

So something from a member of
drago's family could work, too!

Tohru: Perhaps. But what good...


Jade: Dear old dad,
in lockup in section 13,

right next door to
the containment unit.

Tohru: He is encased in stone.

Jade: Yeah, well, then guess we'll
have to take a chip off the old block.

Let's move!

(Shendu rasping)

Jade: Aah!

Jade: You're not scaring me.

You're stuck in stone
and can't do a thing!

Shendu: Why so nervous?

As you say,
I am powerless in my current form.

Yet see how the very elements
of your earthly realm

shatter in my presence!

Jade: Yeah. Ok. Whatever.

Great special effects... Not!

Shendu: I know why you are here.

Jade: No way.

Shendu: My ungrateful
traitor of a son, drago!

He is close to gaining
possession of the demon powers.

Jade: But it's not gonna
happen, not on my watch!

Shendu: Foolish child!

There is but one power on
earth that can defeat drago,

and it is I, his father.

Jade: We're on the same
page, rocky road.

Shendu: What do
you think you're...

Jade: Just a trim.
You'll never miss it.

Thanks. Don't get up.
I'll let myself out.

Shendu, in fury: Aaahh!

Tohru: It is nearly 3:00.
Did you...

Jade: Piece of cake! Come on!

We have a date with
a demon to get to!

(Tohru grunts)

Uncle: Eyaaah!
It is almost 3:00!

Do something, Jackie!

Jackie, grunting: Oh!

I am trying, uncle!



Uncle: Trying not helping.

Doing would be helping.

Black: I'm sure Jade
wouldn't be so foolish

as to actually deliver the
containment unit to drago.

Jackie: To protect us,
I fear Jade might do anything.

Uncle: Only one
opportunity to stop drago

if he obtains all demon powers.

Uncle needs to have chi-o-matic,

make a few adjustments.

(Growls from ice and crew)

Black: Jackie, what if we break
huddle, throw ourselves at the line,

and allow uncle to
make an end run?

Not a football fan. Got it.

Uncle: He means you
should create diversion!

Jackie: Oh! Yes.

Strikemaster ice: Yo,
these fools be getting all silly!

Strikemaster ice: Dudes
tried to bust a move. As if.

Drago: Where's the geezer?

Strikemaster ice: Oh.
Ain't no thing.

Gotta be around here somewhere.

Drago: Idiot! Just wrap them
up and get them in the truck.

Strikemaster ice: What's
the magic word, dawg?

Jade: Ok, t,
you hang in the shadows.

Soon as drago shows, you blast
him with that voodoo that you do.

Tohru: We must
time it precisely.

The spell may only be activated

at the exact moment drago
begins to absorb the chi.

Jade: Roger that.

The demon has landed.

Drago: Show me the chi!

Jade: Show me the chan clan!

Drago: I told you slackers
to stay in the truck.

Strikemaster ice:
Yeah, well us slackers

kinda changed our minds
about how it's gonna go down.

Drago: Oh?

Mc cobra: Figured why let
you get all the powers?

Drago: You... Want some of them?

Strikemaster ice: No, dawg.
We want all of them!

Drago: I may not have fire,

but you're still toast!

Tohru: Oh,
this was not part of the plan!

Jade: No kidding.

(Crew making attack cries)

(Drago grunts)

Tohru: This is not good.
The spell!

Jade: I know.
It'll only work if drago grabs the chi!

Never thought I'd say
this, but...

Come on, drago, you're the man!

If you can't do it, no one can!

Jackie: The keys are
still in the ignition.

Jade: Drago won! Yes!

♪ Go, demon, he's a
winner, oh, yeah... ♪

Strikemaster ice: Too bad.
Dude hates the water.

Jade: Hey, no Jackie,
no containment unit.

We had a deal.

Mc cobra: Yeah? Well,
my man dj fist's got the deal-breaker.

Jade: Look out! Tohru: No!

Oh... Uh...

Strikemaster ice: 8
powers, 3 of us...

Let's see,
we gotta divide that by 8 by 3...

Uh, carry the...
Naw, see we... wait. Naw.

Mc cobra: 2 of us gets 3.
One of us gets 2.

Strikemaster ice: Ok,
here's the dilly-o.

Dj, you get earth and moon.

See, 'cause those are
the 2 best powers, yo.

I'm doin' you a solid here.

(Fist growls)

Jade and tohru: Bad day.

Jackie: Can't see!

Mc cobra: Hoo hoo!
Yeah! Feel the burn!

Strikemaster ice: Look
out, San Fran,

'cause we're gonna turn
this sucker out, yo!

Jackie: No, you are not!

Black: Jackie,
you can't take them on.

No arms, no legs.

Jackie: No problem.

It is simply a matter of...


Mc cobra: Ooh!
Here comes the cavalry.

Lemme water their horses.

Tohru and Jade: Whoa!

(The crew laughs)

Strikemaster ice: What
are you gonna do, bite us?

Mc cobra: Let's school the fool.
Check it out, yo!

Thunder and lightning!

Jackie: Is that...
The best you can do?

Strikemaster ice: Naw.
We just gettin' started, yo.

Power of the wind, yo!

(Jackie mumbling)

I am still standing.


Strikemaster ice: Yo,
let's finish this.

We got a whole world out
there to cruise and bruise!

Yo. Somebody call a cab?

Uncle: Yo mo guai
guey à fi Dee tsao...

Mc cobra: Hey,
the geezer's got that chi-suckin' gizmo!

Jade: Uncle! Yes!

Tohru: Sensei must have
adjusted the chi-o-matic,

allowing it to absorb all
the demon-chi at once!

Uncle: Yo mo guai
guey à fi Dee tsao...

Yo mo guai guey à fi Dee tsao!

Something rotten in Denmark!

Drago: Ya gaa mee mo,
à ya gaa mee chi-wah.

Ya gaa mee mo,
à ya gaa mee chi-wah.

Jackie: Drago is drawing
the powers to himself!

How can he do that, uncle?

Uncle: Do not know.
Never heard that spell before.

Yes, keep change!

Jade: Whoa! Drago must have been
taking night classes. Got a new spell.

New spell! Do yours... now!

Drago: Ya gaa mee mo,
à ya gaa mee chi-wah.

Tohru: Mee tahna... Chi!
À chi-mee tahna... Chi!


Uncle: Eeaaah!

Drago: Finally,
all the demon powers... mine!

Strikemaster ice: Uh, yo, we helped, d.
Don't forget that.

Drago: Take a last look at
this world of yours, humans!

Because I'm about to
turn it topsy-turvy

and all kinds of curvy!

But first things first...

Ya gaa mee mo,
à ya gaa mee chi-wah.

Ya gaa mee mo,
à ya gaa mee chiwah.

Ya gaa mee mo,
à ya gaa mee chi-wah.

Jade: Hey Jackie, what's the most embarassing
thing that's ever happened to you?

Oh, I remember.

There was almost
20-some years ago.

I was doing a difficult shot. I was
doing the hacky-sack, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

So many takes.

And sweating.

After the shot,
I want to go in the cold water.

I take off my shirt.
I try to take off my pants,

but my pants stick
with my underwear.

Underwear is gone.

That's the most embarrassing.