Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 5, Episode 1 - Relics of Demon Past - full transcript
Drago escapes from Section 13. He recruits the Dark Hand for a new quest. Collecting the immortal weapons that contain demon chi.
Jackie: And that is ursa major,
more commonly referred
to as "the big dipper."
Jade: Incoming!
(Jade burps)
Jackie: Ohh, Jade!
(Tohru giggles)
Jackie: Please, tohru,
do not encourage her.
(Jade burps) (Tohru
stifles giggles)
Uncle: Ai yah!
Jade's belly breezes
not important.
Alignment of stars
reveal that now
is very good time
for very bad chi.
Drago: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
No prison can hold
the son of shendu.
Captain black: Give it
up, drago.
You're not going anywhere...
And neither is
your dragon daddy.
Drago: Now who said anything
about busting out that old gecko?
I'm going solo.
Men: Aaah! Get away!
(Jackie gasps)
Jackie: Drago has
black pinned down.
I need to create a diversion.
Jade: Yo, hothead!
Remember me?
There are no "get out
of jail free" cards
as long as j-girl's
still got game.
Black: Drago!
Jade: Told ya.
Jackie: Jade!
Drago: Hello, payback.
Jackie: Jade!
Jackie: Jade!
Jade: You Tarzan, me Jade.
(Agents screaming)
(Drago growls)
Drago: Mess with a dragon,
you're gonna get burned!
Jackie: If drago does
not want to help shendu,
then what does he want?
Jade: Hello! Freedom!
Tohru: Perhaps the answer lies
in the alignment of
the "bad chi" stars.
Uncle: Stars, yes,
but also in uncle's bookshelf.
Come, tohru,
we must do research!
Black: I have agents
combing the bay area.
Drago won't get far.
Jade: That overgrown handbag
doesn't stand a chance!
So, cb, what's my assignment?
Jackie: The only assignments
you will be getting
today are at school.
Jade: Ohhh!
(Kids burping)
(Jade burps loud and long)
Kids: All right!
Ms. hardman: Ahem.
Jade: Heh heh. Pardon me?
Black: Looks like t-Rex
Jr.'s catching a catnap.
Jackie: I believe
he is in a trance.
(Cell phone rings)
(Drago growls)
Black: Jackie.
Jackie: Hold, please. Aaah!
(Phone rings)
Jackie: Hello?
Yes, Ms.
hardman, this is Jade's uncle.
Chow: Ready?
Finn: Let's do it.
Finn: Closing time.
Everybody out.
(Children groaning)
Man: don't forget
to wash your hands.
Woman: Let's go, honey.
It's time to go home.
Second man: don't give me that.
Finn: Eww! I hate my job.
Ratso: Wanna switch?
Chow: Come on! Show's over.
Amscray! Get outta here!
Drago: I am drago,
the son of shendu!
Serve me well now
and be at my side
when I rule the world.
Chow: Uh, sorry, kid,
but your old man
kinda burned us.
Ratso: Yeah.
And I got the scars to prove it.
Drago: You're turning me down?
Finn: Look,
all that world domination stuff
just don't pay the rent.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa whoa!
Drago: Who's next?
Chow: Hey,
money isn't everything.
Drago: Agreed.
Now it's time for
your makeovers.
Chow: Makeovers?
Ratso: But I have
sensitive skin.
All: Yeoww! Aaaah!
Finn: Smokin'!
Chow: Sweet.
Ratso: Hey, I can make grilled
cheese sandwiches whenever I want!
Finn: So,
what should we steal first?
Chow: Cash? Ratso: Jewels?
Drago: A fan.
Ratso: Oh, boy.
Jade: But what about
freedom of expression?
This is America, you know.
Jackie: Jade,
this has nothing to do with free speech
and everything to do
with self-control.
Promise me, no more burping.
Jade: Fine.
I'll just explode from
all the built-up gas
before I'm 16.
(Truck brakes screech)
Black: Drago's been spotted.
Jackie: Jade, stay here.
Jade: Seriously... Jackie: Aaah!
Jade: don't you ever get
tired of saying that?
Drago: The fan's here somewhere.
I can feel it.
Clear the place out.
Finn: Thought you'd never ask.
(People screaming)
Finn: Stee-rike!
I see a bus pass in your future.
Black: And I see prison
stripes in yours.
Jade: No way!
The enforcers are now
drago's fire flunkies?
Chow: Jackie chan!
Long time, no rumble.
Jackie: I will draw their fire.
You run back to
captain black's truck.
Jade: But Jackie...
Jackie: And no arguments.
(Jade groans)
Chow: Come out,
come out wherever you are.
Jackie: Hyah!
Chow: Aaah!
Ratso: Yeowww!
Black: Claws up, drago.
Drago: With pleasure.
Black: Aaah! Uhh!
Jackie: Unhh!
Jade: Hello! Uncle Jackie?
Drago: Say good-bye, Jade.
(Jade gasps)
Jade: Whoa!
Black: I'll grab Jade.
You find drago.
(Air vent whooshes)
Drago: The fan of the immortals.
(Doorbell rings)
Drago: Unhh!
(Drago exhales)
Drago: Looks like
we'll have to do this
the old-fashioned way.
Black: You boys
need to cool off.
Chow: Aaah! Ratso: Whoa!
Finn: Get ready to
fry, small fry.
Finn: (Groans) Whoaaah!
Jade: May I also interest
you in new car scent?
Jade: Hyaaah!
Drago: Unhh!
Black: You two all right?
(Drago grunts)
Drago: (Groans)
Get the fan!
Chow: ♪ ah ha ha-ha! ♪
Jackie: All of this for a fan?
Uncle: Not a fan.
The fan of the immortals.
Dragon teeny-bopper
wants to absorb
its powerful wind demon chi.
Jackie: But uncle,
we already defeated
the other 7 demons.
Ow! Ow!
Uncle: Clean wax out of ears.
Uncle said "demon chi,"
not demons themselves.
Tohru, explain research.
Tohru: Thousands of years ago...
An immortal warrior
used a magical fan
to defeat xiao fung,
the wind demon.
But traces of the
wind demon's power
are rumored to have clung to the
fan throughout the centuries,
Jackie: They were
again activated
by the alignment of
the "bad chi" stars
uncle discovered last night.
Jade: So drago busted
out of section 13
in order to double
up on demon powers,
fire and wind.
Uncle: By stealing
fan of the immortals.
Why did you let demon
take immortal fan?!
Jackie: Ohh...
Bad day, bad day, bad day.
Finn: This dump is
home sweet home?
Drago: This is useless!
The wind demon chi has
already been drained from it.
Chow: And that's a bad
thing, right?
All: Yeeowww!
Finn: Uh,
we're gonna let you have
a little alone time now.
Jade: Come on!
Let's get outta here and
stomp those fire thugs!
Uncle: Do not rush uncle!
Demon chi removal
spell very tricky.
Jade, make yourself useful.
Get ancient Tome à
of warts and toads
from bookcase.
(Stomach grumbles)
Jade: Aaaaaah!
Jackie: Jade?
(Jade whistling)
Ms. hardman: And
early sailing ships
were also affected
by the doldrums.
(Children giggle)
Ms. hardman: The doldrums
are an area of low pressure
with almost no wind at all.
(Children laughing)
(Jade burps loudly)
Ms. hardman: That's
it, young lady!
I am sending you
straight to the...
Nurse's office.
Uncle: Uncle almost finished with
wind demon chi removal spell.
One more thing...
Why has drago not yet
used wind demon powers?
(Cell phone rings)
Jackie: Hello?
Yes, this is Jade's uncle.
I will be right there.
The school says Jade
is not feeling well.
I wonder if it
has anything to do
with all those sodas she drinks?
Chow: This guy's worse
than his old man.
Ratso: But he looks so peaceful.
Finn: Yeah. So do cobras,
right before they strike.
Drago: Raaah!
We're going to school.
(School bell rings)
(Children laugh and shout)
Jade: So I'm a
little gassy today.
Blame the cafeteria burritos.
Jade: What's wrong with me?!
(Door creaks open)
Drago: You're short, green,
and a real pain in the butt.
So stick out your chi
and say "aaah."
Jade: I'm warning you...
I don't feel so...
(stomach rumbles)
(Through rushing wind) Good!
All: Aaah! Unhh!
Jackie: Jade?
Jade: Uncle Jackie!
(Jackie gasps)
Jackie: What's happened to you?
Jade: What happened to me?
Jackie: Jade,
tell me you've been fooling around
with uncle's spells.
Jade: No, I swear!
I just looked up and bam!
Toad girl!
Jackie: It's all right.
Uncle will know what to do.
Jade: But what if I'm
a gross-out forever?
Just sitting around,
eating flies,
waiting to croak.
Jackie: Time to leave before
your demon prince arrives.
Drago: I'm gonna need
to see your hall pass.
Jackie: Pardon us, coming through!
Got to run!
(Drago groans)
Drago: Do something!
Jackie: Aah!
Hop on!
Aah! Aah aah! Hot!
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Hot! Hot!
Drago: Cut off their exit!
(Jackie sighs in relief)
Jade: How did this happen to me?
Jackie: You must have
absorbed the wind demon chi
from the immortal
fan at the car wash.
Jade: Me? The wind demon chi?
So, why am I running?
Jackie: Jade, the longer the
demon chi remains inside you,
the harder it will be
for uncle to remove.
Uncle: Hello, uncles antiques.
Jackie: Uncle,
drago and the enforcers
are at Jade's school and...
Uncle: Jackie? Jackie?!
Drago: Sorry,
your minutes have expired.
And now, so will you.
Jade: Fire! (Strong burp)
Drago: Aaah!
Jade: Excuse me... Not!
(Jackie coughs)
Jackie: Uh,
I could use a little fresh air.
Jade: Heh heh. Follow me.
(Flames sizzling)
Finn: Keep chan busy.
Jackie: Jade, run!
Uh, hop... whatever!
Finn: Drago wants
the wind demon chi.
Jade: Isn't he enough
of a blowhard already?
(Burps, wind rushing)
Finn: That is rank!
Finn and chow: Unhh!
Jade: Hmm,
it's not so bad being green.
Ratso: Yeah?
Jade: Yes! (Gasps)
Uncle Jackie!
Drago: Today's lesson...
Never stand downwind
from a wind demon.
Jade: (Grunts) Get
your claws off me!
Jackie: Hyah!
Jade: Hey, I'm me!
Jackie: But if you're
back to normal,
that means...
Drago: You're all toast!
(Tohru and uncle chanting spell)
Drago: No!
Uncle and tohru: Whoa!
Jackie: Uncle!
Drago still has
his fire demon chi!
Uncle: Removal spell
was for wind demon chi
not fire demon chi.
Pay attention!
Finn: Uh,
little help here, boss.
Drago: Weak and worthless.
You're fired!
All: Aaaaah!
Ratso: Uh,
anybody going by the petting zoo?
Drago: This isn't over.
Jade: Oh, yeah?
Then why are you running away?
Uncle: Because drago
knows 6 other demons
were defeated by immortal
warriors in ancient times.
Tohru: Which means 6
more immortal relics
will have traces of
demon chi on them...
Jackie: And drago will
be seeking them all.
Jade: So we'll just
have to find them first.
Uncle: Or entire world
will be under drago's claw.
Jade: Hey, Jackie,
in your own words, what is chi?
Jackie chan: Everything
is about chi.
It's about...(Exhales)
You're doing this kind of...
more commonly referred
to as "the big dipper."
Jade: Incoming!
(Jade burps)
Jackie: Ohh, Jade!
(Tohru giggles)
Jackie: Please, tohru,
do not encourage her.
(Jade burps) (Tohru
stifles giggles)
Uncle: Ai yah!
Jade's belly breezes
not important.
Alignment of stars
reveal that now
is very good time
for very bad chi.
Drago: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
No prison can hold
the son of shendu.
Captain black: Give it
up, drago.
You're not going anywhere...
And neither is
your dragon daddy.
Drago: Now who said anything
about busting out that old gecko?
I'm going solo.
Men: Aaah! Get away!
(Jackie gasps)
Jackie: Drago has
black pinned down.
I need to create a diversion.
Jade: Yo, hothead!
Remember me?
There are no "get out
of jail free" cards
as long as j-girl's
still got game.
Black: Drago!
Jade: Told ya.
Jackie: Jade!
Drago: Hello, payback.
Jackie: Jade!
Jackie: Jade!
Jade: You Tarzan, me Jade.
(Agents screaming)
(Drago growls)
Drago: Mess with a dragon,
you're gonna get burned!
Jackie: If drago does
not want to help shendu,
then what does he want?
Jade: Hello! Freedom!
Tohru: Perhaps the answer lies
in the alignment of
the "bad chi" stars.
Uncle: Stars, yes,
but also in uncle's bookshelf.
Come, tohru,
we must do research!
Black: I have agents
combing the bay area.
Drago won't get far.
Jade: That overgrown handbag
doesn't stand a chance!
So, cb, what's my assignment?
Jackie: The only assignments
you will be getting
today are at school.
Jade: Ohhh!
(Kids burping)
(Jade burps loud and long)
Kids: All right!
Ms. hardman: Ahem.
Jade: Heh heh. Pardon me?
Black: Looks like t-Rex
Jr.'s catching a catnap.
Jackie: I believe
he is in a trance.
(Cell phone rings)
(Drago growls)
Black: Jackie.
Jackie: Hold, please. Aaah!
(Phone rings)
Jackie: Hello?
Yes, Ms.
hardman, this is Jade's uncle.
Chow: Ready?
Finn: Let's do it.
Finn: Closing time.
Everybody out.
(Children groaning)
Man: don't forget
to wash your hands.
Woman: Let's go, honey.
It's time to go home.
Second man: don't give me that.
Finn: Eww! I hate my job.
Ratso: Wanna switch?
Chow: Come on! Show's over.
Amscray! Get outta here!
Drago: I am drago,
the son of shendu!
Serve me well now
and be at my side
when I rule the world.
Chow: Uh, sorry, kid,
but your old man
kinda burned us.
Ratso: Yeah.
And I got the scars to prove it.
Drago: You're turning me down?
Finn: Look,
all that world domination stuff
just don't pay the rent.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa whoa!
Drago: Who's next?
Chow: Hey,
money isn't everything.
Drago: Agreed.
Now it's time for
your makeovers.
Chow: Makeovers?
Ratso: But I have
sensitive skin.
All: Yeoww! Aaaah!
Finn: Smokin'!
Chow: Sweet.
Ratso: Hey, I can make grilled
cheese sandwiches whenever I want!
Finn: So,
what should we steal first?
Chow: Cash? Ratso: Jewels?
Drago: A fan.
Ratso: Oh, boy.
Jade: But what about
freedom of expression?
This is America, you know.
Jackie: Jade,
this has nothing to do with free speech
and everything to do
with self-control.
Promise me, no more burping.
Jade: Fine.
I'll just explode from
all the built-up gas
before I'm 16.
(Truck brakes screech)
Black: Drago's been spotted.
Jackie: Jade, stay here.
Jade: Seriously... Jackie: Aaah!
Jade: don't you ever get
tired of saying that?
Drago: The fan's here somewhere.
I can feel it.
Clear the place out.
Finn: Thought you'd never ask.
(People screaming)
Finn: Stee-rike!
I see a bus pass in your future.
Black: And I see prison
stripes in yours.
Jade: No way!
The enforcers are now
drago's fire flunkies?
Chow: Jackie chan!
Long time, no rumble.
Jackie: I will draw their fire.
You run back to
captain black's truck.
Jade: But Jackie...
Jackie: And no arguments.
(Jade groans)
Chow: Come out,
come out wherever you are.
Jackie: Hyah!
Chow: Aaah!
Ratso: Yeowww!
Black: Claws up, drago.
Drago: With pleasure.
Black: Aaah! Uhh!
Jackie: Unhh!
Jade: Hello! Uncle Jackie?
Drago: Say good-bye, Jade.
(Jade gasps)
Jade: Whoa!
Black: I'll grab Jade.
You find drago.
(Air vent whooshes)
Drago: The fan of the immortals.
(Doorbell rings)
Drago: Unhh!
(Drago exhales)
Drago: Looks like
we'll have to do this
the old-fashioned way.
Black: You boys
need to cool off.
Chow: Aaah! Ratso: Whoa!
Finn: Get ready to
fry, small fry.
Finn: (Groans) Whoaaah!
Jade: May I also interest
you in new car scent?
Jade: Hyaaah!
Drago: Unhh!
Black: You two all right?
(Drago grunts)
Drago: (Groans)
Get the fan!
Chow: ♪ ah ha ha-ha! ♪
Jackie: All of this for a fan?
Uncle: Not a fan.
The fan of the immortals.
Dragon teeny-bopper
wants to absorb
its powerful wind demon chi.
Jackie: But uncle,
we already defeated
the other 7 demons.
Ow! Ow!
Uncle: Clean wax out of ears.
Uncle said "demon chi,"
not demons themselves.
Tohru, explain research.
Tohru: Thousands of years ago...
An immortal warrior
used a magical fan
to defeat xiao fung,
the wind demon.
But traces of the
wind demon's power
are rumored to have clung to the
fan throughout the centuries,
Jackie: They were
again activated
by the alignment of
the "bad chi" stars
uncle discovered last night.
Jade: So drago busted
out of section 13
in order to double
up on demon powers,
fire and wind.
Uncle: By stealing
fan of the immortals.
Why did you let demon
take immortal fan?!
Jackie: Ohh...
Bad day, bad day, bad day.
Finn: This dump is
home sweet home?
Drago: This is useless!
The wind demon chi has
already been drained from it.
Chow: And that's a bad
thing, right?
All: Yeeowww!
Finn: Uh,
we're gonna let you have
a little alone time now.
Jade: Come on!
Let's get outta here and
stomp those fire thugs!
Uncle: Do not rush uncle!
Demon chi removal
spell very tricky.
Jade, make yourself useful.
Get ancient Tome à
of warts and toads
from bookcase.
(Stomach grumbles)
Jade: Aaaaaah!
Jackie: Jade?
(Jade whistling)
Ms. hardman: And
early sailing ships
were also affected
by the doldrums.
(Children giggle)
Ms. hardman: The doldrums
are an area of low pressure
with almost no wind at all.
(Children laughing)
(Jade burps loudly)
Ms. hardman: That's
it, young lady!
I am sending you
straight to the...
Nurse's office.
Uncle: Uncle almost finished with
wind demon chi removal spell.
One more thing...
Why has drago not yet
used wind demon powers?
(Cell phone rings)
Jackie: Hello?
Yes, this is Jade's uncle.
I will be right there.
The school says Jade
is not feeling well.
I wonder if it
has anything to do
with all those sodas she drinks?
Chow: This guy's worse
than his old man.
Ratso: But he looks so peaceful.
Finn: Yeah. So do cobras,
right before they strike.
Drago: Raaah!
We're going to school.
(School bell rings)
(Children laugh and shout)
Jade: So I'm a
little gassy today.
Blame the cafeteria burritos.
Jade: What's wrong with me?!
(Door creaks open)
Drago: You're short, green,
and a real pain in the butt.
So stick out your chi
and say "aaah."
Jade: I'm warning you...
I don't feel so...
(stomach rumbles)
(Through rushing wind) Good!
All: Aaah! Unhh!
Jackie: Jade?
Jade: Uncle Jackie!
(Jackie gasps)
Jackie: What's happened to you?
Jade: What happened to me?
Jackie: Jade,
tell me you've been fooling around
with uncle's spells.
Jade: No, I swear!
I just looked up and bam!
Toad girl!
Jackie: It's all right.
Uncle will know what to do.
Jade: But what if I'm
a gross-out forever?
Just sitting around,
eating flies,
waiting to croak.
Jackie: Time to leave before
your demon prince arrives.
Drago: I'm gonna need
to see your hall pass.
Jackie: Pardon us, coming through!
Got to run!
(Drago groans)
Drago: Do something!
Jackie: Aah!
Hop on!
Aah! Aah aah! Hot!
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Hot! Hot!
Drago: Cut off their exit!
(Jackie sighs in relief)
Jade: How did this happen to me?
Jackie: You must have
absorbed the wind demon chi
from the immortal
fan at the car wash.
Jade: Me? The wind demon chi?
So, why am I running?
Jackie: Jade, the longer the
demon chi remains inside you,
the harder it will be
for uncle to remove.
Uncle: Hello, uncles antiques.
Jackie: Uncle,
drago and the enforcers
are at Jade's school and...
Uncle: Jackie? Jackie?!
Drago: Sorry,
your minutes have expired.
And now, so will you.
Jade: Fire! (Strong burp)
Drago: Aaah!
Jade: Excuse me... Not!
(Jackie coughs)
Jackie: Uh,
I could use a little fresh air.
Jade: Heh heh. Follow me.
(Flames sizzling)
Finn: Keep chan busy.
Jackie: Jade, run!
Uh, hop... whatever!
Finn: Drago wants
the wind demon chi.
Jade: Isn't he enough
of a blowhard already?
(Burps, wind rushing)
Finn: That is rank!
Finn and chow: Unhh!
Jade: Hmm,
it's not so bad being green.
Ratso: Yeah?
Jade: Yes! (Gasps)
Uncle Jackie!
Drago: Today's lesson...
Never stand downwind
from a wind demon.
Jade: (Grunts) Get
your claws off me!
Jackie: Hyah!
Jade: Hey, I'm me!
Jackie: But if you're
back to normal,
that means...
Drago: You're all toast!
(Tohru and uncle chanting spell)
Drago: No!
Uncle and tohru: Whoa!
Jackie: Uncle!
Drago still has
his fire demon chi!
Uncle: Removal spell
was for wind demon chi
not fire demon chi.
Pay attention!
Finn: Uh,
little help here, boss.
Drago: Weak and worthless.
You're fired!
All: Aaaaah!
Ratso: Uh,
anybody going by the petting zoo?
Drago: This isn't over.
Jade: Oh, yeah?
Then why are you running away?
Uncle: Because drago
knows 6 other demons
were defeated by immortal
warriors in ancient times.
Tohru: Which means 6
more immortal relics
will have traces of
demon chi on them...
Jackie: And drago will
be seeking them all.
Jade: So we'll just
have to find them first.
Uncle: Or entire world
will be under drago's claw.
Jade: Hey, Jackie,
in your own words, what is chi?
Jackie chan: Everything
is about chi.
It's about...(Exhales)
You're doing this kind of...