Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 4, Episode 5 - The Demon Behind - full transcript

Jackie recovers an Oni mask and attempts to learn more about Tarkudo with some Talisman help. When the mask escapes, and ends up in on Finn.



This antique looks valuable.

Today is my lucky day.



Demon magic, here I come.

Finn: Not!

You clowns had your shot
at being ninja masters

and you blew it.

We was doin' ok
till chan showed up.

Well, it's Finn's turn, baby.

Those shadowkhan are
gonna be my slaves,

'cause nobody's taking
this mask from me.


Told ya.


I hate fish.

Jackie: Tohru!

Go, go, go!

Finn, chow, and ratso: Not!

Heh heh heh.

Look what washed up on deck.

Jade! What are you doing here?

Heh. It looks like
I'm catch of the day.

Give me back my mask, chan...

Or it's anchors
aweigh for your niece.

So, what's it gonna be, chan...

The kid or the mask?


All: Aah!


Come here, you!

Hunh! Hah!


Unh! Unh!








Tohru, gun it!

Ahoy, maties!

Oh, man.

Tarakudo's gonna have our heads.

That could be arranged.

(All gasp)

Jade: Uncle, we're back!

Jackie: And this time,

the mask did not wind
up on anyone's face.

We rule!


I will "rule" after
a nice hot bath.


No time for rest, tohru.

Uncle has located Japanese
encyclopedia of evil.

You must research way
to defeat tarakudo

and put end to oni mask quest.

Yes, sensei.

One more thing:

Do not forget to sweep.

Tohru: Yes, sensei.

One more thing:

Sink is clogged.

Please plunge!

Yes, sensei.

One more thing...


Rotten fish!

Take a bath!

One more thing...

No more things!


You disrespect uncle?

Uncle took you in,

put roof over your head,

put food in your belly...

Lots of food...

And this is how you repay me?!

I cook, I clean,

I travel the world to
be smothered in fish,

and you thank me by
demanding many more things?

Both: I will never
speak to you again!


Come on now!

You two are like family.

You have so much to talk about.

Jade: Tch.

Like how come our new buddy

has a full-page ad in
demons illustrated?

"and he was known as ikazuki,

the most fearsome of
the oni generals."



Please tell tohru to refrain

from making slurping sounds.

Uh, uncle said...

Jade, please tell sensei

that I will eat my
dinner however I please.


Please ask tohru

if he would like piece
of uncle for dessert!

Jade: Uh...

Uncle says you're doing great.

Keep reading.

Tohru: "A natural leader",

"ikazuki was second in command

"to the lord of all oni,

king of the shadowkhan."


The chapter ends.

Well, betcha he could tell us

how to take down tarakudo
once and for all.

but I do not think it is possible

to interrogate a mask, Jade.


If you wanna talk to
an inanimate mask...

Try the talisman that brings
motion to the motionless.

Are we sure dabbling
with dark forces

is the best idea?

Ikazuki lives!

Bow before my mighty form and...

Where is my mighty form?

Insolent humans.

You shall pay for your trickery

at the hands of my shadowkhan!



At the hands of my shadowkhan!

The masks may only
summon shadowkhan

if they are whole,

attached to a human host.

Jade, please tell tohru

not to state obvious.

Uncle says "duh."

Ok, Jackie...

Good cop, bad cop.

Uh, hello, Mr. ikazuki-San.

We were wondering

if maybe you might tell
us how to defeat tarakudo?

I shall devour your brains!


All right, you half-baked
arts and crafts project,

start talking or I'll
redecorate your mug

with macaroni and puffy paint!

Please, we just need to know...

I have a glue gun

and I'm not afraid to use it.

Your threats do not interest me,

but he does.


With my magnificent face
atop your mighty form,

we would be unstoppable.

Uh, no, but I...
I do not want, uh...

Jade, please tell tohru to stop
quivering like frightened chihuahua!

Please tell the
scowling Billy goat

that I am not frightened.

Uh, easy there, boys.

Please tell tohru that
uncle will give him

something to be
frightened about!

Please tell sensei that I
would like to see him try!

Stop! We should not be
arguing with each other.

We should be
questioning the mask.

Um, what mask?


It is gone!

How?! It is a mask!

It did not just get
up and walk away.

Did it?

Ollie, Ollie, oxen free?!

If ikazuki gets loose,

he could wind up
on someone's face.

And be able to summon
his shadowkhan.

Finn: Jelly!

Mmm. You gonna eat that?

Hey, dunk in our own coffee.




A cup of talkin' Joe.

I sense that that mask is
again within our reach.

Place me upon your face...


Aah! Aah!

Ai! Uhh! Oy!

Any sign of masky?

Nada. Uhuh.

Well, our psychic leader says
it's around here somewhere.

That's it.
I'm tired of hoofin' it.

Let's motor... whoa... ooh!

Ikazuki lives!

Bow before my mighty form!

Uhh! This is not happening.

This is not happening!

No way I'm bowin'
to Finn's tuccus.

Jade: So we just go back to
uncle's and use the Hana fuda cards

to find the mask again.

No biggie, right?

Yes, biggie!

Hana fuda cards work
only once per mask.

After mask is found,
cards are wiped clean!

Jade, please tell sensei that we
should conjure a locator spell.

Jackie, please tell tohru
that proper locator spell

will take too long to make,

not that I could hear him.

Ooh, please!

I am tired of listening
to you two not talk.

The mask escaped because
you two were fighting,

and if you keep fighting,
it will wind up on an innocent face

before we can find it.


Tell ex-apprentice he did not
give uncle mask removal potion!

Please tell sensei
that his ex-apprentice

has it covered.

Remove your hands from my face!

Remove your face from my cheeks!

Uh, Finn,
I don't think he's letting go.

Yeah, once the mask is on,
only good magic'll pull it off, remember?

You need one of them
removal potions.

In that case...


I will have to make
do for the time being.

(Sobs) Whoa.

Lizard says mask is this way.

Blowfish says the
mask is that way.

Please tell tohru uncle's lizard

has seniority over his blowfish.

Ohh, I give up.

Please tell sensei...


I have the willies.

And I'm guessing they're why.

General ikazuki,

how good to see you.

You're looking rather...

Oh, help me out, tarakudo-mundo.

Your guy's really
giving me a wedgie!

Pipe down, wart!

Indeed, lord tarakudo,

I must seek a more
suitable host.

Tohru: Raah!

It would seem my
search is already over.


Hello? Rude to stare.

(Gasps) Aiyaa.

The demon from planet ura...

Jade! Er, Neptune.

Shadowkhan, attack!


Shadow swords?

Dokeru kimen yaaku...


Jade: Look what someone tossed
out, tarakudo.

Some perfectly good oni poison.

No, anything but onions!

Aah! Aah! My eyes! My eyes!

Hmph! Hmph!

Take the giant.

Jade, please tell tohru
to look out behind...


Tohru? Tohru? Tohru?

The giant will make
a most suitable host.

Yeah, better "t" than me.

Hey, say, Eddie,

chance we could
swing by a bathroom?



Oh, no.


Uncle: Ow!



Uncle, please.

No, uncle has it coming.

Ow! Uncle had opportunity
to warn tohru,

but did he? No!

All because of silly argument.

Now my apprentice is in
danger of becoming demon.

Ow! One more thing:

Tohru was right.

Uncle says "one more
thing" too often!

Do not worry, uncle.

Ikazuki cannot remove
himself from Finn

without the mask removal potion,

and that is safe and sound.

In tohru's pocket?

Ohh. Bad day.

We must find tohru before
ikazuki finds potion

and places himself
on tohru's face!

But how do we find tohru?

He got sucked into the shadows.


Ikazuki: They tell me you
are a conjurer of good magic.

They tell me you are the
maker of mask removal potions,

so provide me with
the potion I require!

Your breath smells
like Finn's underwear.

Dude, let me have a crack at it.

Tohru, t-man, buddy.

Look, maybe you haven't noticed,

but I kind of have a
face on my sitting place,

so I was wondering if
you could be a pal and...

The potion,
or I shall feast upon your brains!

Ohh, the old good cop, bad cop.

Come on, "t", help me out here.

I really need a potty break.

Insolent slug!

I command you to produce the...



And to guide us to him,
a strand of tohru's hair.

He never did unclog sink.

Uncle are we sure dabbling with
shadow magic is the best idea?

If we are to find where
shadowkhan are keeping tohru,

then like shadowkhan,

we must travel through shadow.



Whoa! - Whoa! - Whoa!

Bad day! Bad day! Bad day!

Remove the wart from me

and place my glorious face
upon the giant's mighty form.

Whoo-hoo! Free at last, baby.

No. Anything but oni.

Well, what are you waiting for?!

Uh, well,
this is kind of awkward.


Do as you are told!

What he said.

Ok, but we are never
gonna bring this up again.

I'm not even here.


Uncle: Tohru!


Uh, glad you guys
are talking again,

but talk later!

Hyah! Hyah!

Tohru! Where is the potion?!

Uh, Jackie?

Here goes nothing.

Not now, fool!

I would lose control
of my shadowkhan

for the brief duration
my face is between hosts!

Tohru! Behind you!

Sensei, watch out!

Hyah! Aah!

Jackie, watch your behind...
er, behind you!


Whoa! Ohh...

Jade: Yo, Finn! Heeyah!


Talk about your ancient
art of butt whoop... ohh!


Ratso, low 5!



No. No!



End of the line, wart.

Infidel. I will have my revenge!

Uh... Gotta go.

Heh heh heh heh.
Heh heh heh heh.

I shall claim a new mighty form

and devour your...

Blah, blah, blah.

Thank you, Jade.

Yes, all that chatter was
giving uncle headache.

Besides, there are others whom
I would rather hear speak.

Likewise, sensei.

Chow: Hey, yo, Finn.

What's the big rush?
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!

Hey, Jackie,
do you like to eat raw fish?

Yeah, raw fish, yes, I do.

When I eat Japanese
food, and the Sushi,

I do eat raw fish,

but I have to put
a lot of wasabi.

Sometimes I ask myself, "do I like
raw fish or wasabi?" I don't know.

But you give me raw
fish, I don't like it,

but with wasabi, yes.

I like raw fish.