Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 4, Episode 4 - Black Magic - full transcript

Captain Black ends up with the latest Oni mask. The Chan Clan must work quickly before the mask corrupts Black, and they lose him forever.

Uncle: We will
find next oni-mask

in pacific northwest,
near base of cascade mountains.

Why did I let you
talk me into this?

You said it yourself,
Jackie, you're too fat.

I said I am too heavy
to climb the totem pole

without risk of damaging
it, Jade.

Heavy, fat... same diff.

Hey! He looks just
like his mug shot.

He will fit snugly...

Upon my face!

Flying squirrel cracks acorn!








Hang on!


You there! Chop chop!

Fetch the mask...

While I destroy chan. Hyah!



Hunh! Flying dragon corkscrew!


Make it easy on yourself, kiddo.

We just want the mask.

Then come and get it. (Echoing)

is mask removal potion ready?

Uh, almost, sensei.

So, what's the deal with
these oni-masks anyway?

You worry about driving.
Let uncle worry about masks.

Uh, sorry, dude.

Uh, rocks crush paper.


Unh! (Growls)


Wait a minute!
Paper covers rock.


End of the line, chans.

(Trees falling)


It... Jostled.

(Gasps) Ingredient for mask
removal spell was very rare!


Who told you to
drive like hot shot?

With no potion,
we must ensure that no one wears mask.

Will do.




Look out!

Captain black!

I said look out, not up.


Tiger snatches mask
before it sticks!

Guess again, kitty cat.



Captain black's got game.

Huh! Hey!


Exit's that way.


Happy trails.


Captain black, are you...
All right?

Never better.

(Coughing and sputtering)

Finn: Tarakudo's gonna
be one unhappy camper.

Well, it ain't my fault.
I was paper.


What is not your fault?

We never had a chance,
big head honcho, sir.

That oni mask, it's defective.

captain black's wearing it,

but he didn't go all dark side.

The captain black?

All: Uh-huh.

Then we now have a
man on the inside.

Whoa! Captain black.

Your face...

Relax. It's only a mask.

Does it come off?

Why would I want it to?



Jade: He's... Peppy.

But he does not seem evil.

Because captain black's
inherent goodness is keeping

the dark forces
within him at bay...

For the moment.

But we must remove the mask
before it corrupts his chi.

And to accomplish that,
we must acquire more spell ingredient.

Apologies, sensei.

One more thing!

While tohru and I are away,

it is essential
that captain black

not learn the full extent
of the mask's magic.

He must not summon
his shadowkhan.

So what are we supposed to do,

distract captain hornhead
with videos and board games?

(Alarm sounds)

Code blue.

3 dozen tourists have
been abducted on Alcatraz.

All right, let's go!

Roger that!

Take 5, boys.

I'll handle this one solo.

Uh, maybe that is
not such a good idea.

What's wrong, Jackie?

Don't think ol' black
magic is up to it?


Help! Help us!

Help us!


You watch captain black's
back, I watch yours.

Help us!

Help us! Help!

Oh, captain black!

We've never been
formally introduced.

I am tarakudo,
king of all shadowkhan.

You may bow.

The only king I bow to is Elvis,

and I don't see you
wearing blue suede shoes.

And I don't see you wearing
your mask at full throttle,

and I can help you unleash
its true potential.

No sale, helium head.

(Sighs) Oh, well. Plan b.

Ha! You'd better cook up plan c.

I already ate your
goons for breakfast.

He's being straight, t.K.

We can't beat him.

Wait for it...


Now watch as the good captain

gets in touch with
his dark side.

(Grunts) This is black!
I need backup! Now!


Big ones.


I thought these guys were
supposed to be on our side.




Black here. Cancel that backup.

Captain black has new recruits.

Ahh, things are going
exactly as I envisioned.

This is the plan?!

You have the right
to remain busted!

Jackie, why didn't you tell me I
could summon these shadow guys?

They're gnarly.

Heh heh.
Must have slipped my mind.



These midday swims
are getting to be

quite the habit with you,
aren't they, hak foo?

Uhh... Black has beaten us...

Calm down.
By summoning his shadowkhan,

black has sealed his
promotion from captain

to demon general.

Where did all the agents go?

Black: Mandatory
leave of absence.

Meet the next generation
of law enforcement, Jackie.

Captain black, they are ninjas.

My ninjas...
Obeying my every command.

Loyal, efficient, tireless.

Even as we speak,
they're out there,

cleansing the streets of scum.

He-hey! We got another one!

But I didn't do anything!

I'm telling you, I'm innocent!

Yeah, yeah,
save the drama for your mama.

Good work, men!

what did all these people do?

It's what they didn't
do, Jackie.

I'm sorry?

(Softly) They're not one of us.

(Softly) How can you be sure?

(Whispers) The mask tells me.

It knows who's naughty and nice.

It tells me who to punish.

Where is uncle?


Here is where we will
find more rare seaweed

for removal spell, tohru.

Oh, I hate fish.



If the oni-mask keeps
"talking" to captain black,

who knows what it
will tell him next?

If we keep him inside section
13 until uncle gets back,

what's the worst
that could happen?

(Gasps) The other oni masks!

We have to snag
those face-huggers

before captain black remembers
they're in the vault!

Jackie: Easier said than done.

Section 13 is crawling
with his shadowkhan police.

We must act like
nothing is wrong.

Bad move, Jackie.


Where you off to, buddy?

Ha ha! Captain black!
Just out for a stroll.

Hmm. Like to... The vault?

Uh, no.

Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.

I thought I could trust you.

I thought we were friends.

We are friends.
That is why you must listen to me.

The mask is turning you into
one of tarakudo's generals!

You must resist it!


The mask lets me
see things clearly.

Like the fact that
you want to betray me.

And since you're not one of
us, Jackie,

you can join the others.

Please! Listen to me!

Not to the mask!

(Electronic beeps)


Come on, come on! Unh!


Oh, Jade! Don't go and
make captain black mad!

"Black." A fine name.
The color of darkness.

(Grunts) Denied!

(Growls) No!

Duh, Jade, they're shadows.

You weren't planning
on stealing my masks,

now, were you, Jade?

You're getting kind of greedy,
aren't you, captain black?

You only have one face.

But 3 partners in darkness,
itching for a makeover.

The captain black I know
would never do that!

The captain black you know
is on permanent vacation.

Well, he's about to catch
the next flight back!


Ohh. Haven't been
feeling quite myself.

Your other self isn't quite
yourself, either.

Whoa, Nelly!

So you've gone and yanked
my yin from my Yang.

Feels like a
burden's been lifted.

Now what?



Hey! The power of
an ox in my pinkie!

Jackie's behind bars
and uncle's m.I.A.,

so it's up to us!

Let's go kick my butt!

What's the matter, chan?

Don't you like your room?

Heh heh heh heh. Maybe you should
complain to the management.

Boys, I come bearing gifts.

No! Unh! Uhh! Uhh!

Put on a happy face.

Huh? - Huh? - Huh?


You've been jacked...

By the rabbit.

Catch her!

If you can!





Rrr... Rrr...

Tiger talisman?

Brought out the best in me.


They keys!



The bigger they are...

The slower they are.

Hyuh! Uhh!



Rrr... Uhh!

Ha ha ha!

I'm as strong as any
one of you bruisers.



Evil captain black:
Oh, captain black...

I don't think section 13 is
big enough for the both of us.

Then I'm afraid I'll
have to ask you to leave.

Hurry, uncle.

Quickly, tohru!



Tohru: Aah! - Uncle: Aiyaa!


Warning... I may look small,

but I'm a giant
can of butt whoop

just waiting to be opened.




I'm embarrassed that
we're even related.

Ah, my masks.



I told you...
do not allow captain black

to summon shadowkhan!

Captain black doesn't live
here anymore, old man.

Guess again, sparky.

Give up yet?


Thought so.

Look, I know we've been
at each other's throats,

but... Friends?

No agents.

Security here stinks.

Heh heh heh heh.

Jade, you may want to add
this to your collection.

It's good to have you
back, captain black.

It's good to be good.

Uncle: One more thing!

We must find phone
booth removal potion!

Hey, Jackie, have you ever had a
disagreement with a good friend?

There's so many,
so many times that happened.

Either one, you have to call,

"hey, are you angry about me?"

If I do something
wrong, I say, "sorry."

Because very hard to make a
friend, a good friend.

When you have a good friend,
I would never let go.

Besides, parents important,
friends also important.

All those years,
I travelled so many places,

the friends helped me.

So friendship, friendship is
very, very important.