Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 4, Episode 3 - The Amazing T-Troop - full transcript
The next Oni mask is in San Francisco. When the mask is located, Jade decides Jackie needs some re-enforcements, and brings in the T-Troop.
Jackie chan,
it was nice knowing you.
Gorilla fist!
Horse kick!
Weasel strike!
Otter slap! Huh?
Perhaps you should save it
for the real Jackie chan.
Towel off and grab your
shoes, hak foo.
I have located
the next oni mask.
I shall wear it proudly,
master tarakudo,
and with its magic,
summon vast armies
of shadowkhan!
Oh, incidentally...
Floating head
annihilates punching bag!
Scruffy hates puppy prison.
How long do we have to keep
tormenting him this way?
Jade, scruffy must
attend obedience school
until he learns to listen.
No doubt he takes
after his master.
Har har.
Look, I can prove scruffy
obeys all my commands.
You ready, boy? Play dead!
Heh! "Dead" needs work,
but he has the "play" part down.
Uncle: It is your move, tohru.
Hmm. No.
Who's winning?
Jade, the Hana fuda
cards are no game.
Huh! Huh!
We are attempting
to make cards reveal
location of next oni mask
before forces of
darkness find it.
(Scruffy sniffing)
Aiya! No animals in shop!
Shoo, shoo!
Uh, 52 pickup is no game?
It is the next mask we seek.
Jackie: And this card
shows us where to find it.
Right here in San Francisco?
And it looks like the mask
removal spell ingredient
is Japanese rice!
Tohru, boil rice!
Jackie, find mask.
Jade, read sign.
The one in shop window.
No pets allowed!
(Banging on door)
Howdy, y'all.
Farmer MacDonald?
Did you not see sign
in uncle's window?
The one that says, "stop on by"
"if you're ever in
this neck of the woods
for a big city tractor pull"?
Uh, farmer MacDonald,
we were just in the middle of...
Well, deal us in!
Mordecai and egbert haven't had
much real fun since
y'all left my farm.
If you ask me,
they miss them crazy
magic powers they had.
You mean,
heat-beam eyes and levitation?
Float like a butterfly,
sting like a... Hot-eyed pig.
Please, farmer MacDonald,
Jade is very impressionable.
Right, unc.
Time to play find that mask.
Say, y'all don't mind if we bunk
here, do you?
Well, strap on my feed bag!
What's for supper?
Uncle was thinking
pork or chicken.
Oh! Heh heh heh!
Jade, why don't you stay here
and help uncle find farmer
MacDonald and his friends
more... Appropriate lodgings.
Aah! Ohh!
Wrong museum, Jackie.
The mask is Japanese,
not Jurassic.
Jade! I thought I told you
to help farmer MacDonald
find a place to stay.
Tsk! Did!
(Squawking) (Alarm)
Hey, there he is!
Hey, where's he going?
Hey, pig! Come here, pig!
He's up there!
Fancy supersecret
underground base
you got here, captain.
So where do you keep
the flying saucers?
Jade! Section 13 is not a hotel.
And ancient artifacts
are not doggie treats!
Scruffy, heel!
Heh! He thought I
meant "dinosaur heel."
the card is leading me to...
Ohh! The oni mask!
I always said scruffy
was part bloodhound.
They didn't teach you that
at obedience school, did they?
Did they, you good boy?
we had better leave before...
Grr! T-Rex decapitates dodo!
Go, go, go!
Give me the mask, chan.
Only if you promise
never to wear it.
Then suffer extinction!
Jackie, I'm open!
He so never obeys me, either.
Tarakudo Rex,
king of the shadowkhan!
Jackie, heads up!
Lobster claw pinches mask!
Hak foo, show me a face
only a demon's
mother could love.
At last! Unh!
Check it out!
Scruffy's totally helping.
No, he is totally playing!
Hyah! Argh!
Jackie, go wide!
Nice catch!
That is not a frisbee!
Not exactly who I had in mind.
Um... Bad doggie?
Tiger tears mask off pooch!
Friendly reminder, muscles,
the only thing that can separate
a mask from its wearer is...
Blecch... good magic.
Now go enjoy a protein shake.
Here, boy!
Scruffy could be dangerous.
Tsk! My dog loves me.
Don't you, scruffy-wuffy?
Oh, no.
Aah! Jackie!
Scruffy, stay! Please?
Seems it's time to walk the dog.
(Jackie groans)
Jackie, are you all right?
(Moans) No broken bones.
Come on!
We have to find scruffy.
Before tarakudo teaches
him any new tricks.
Both: Like summoning shadowkhan!
Chan to section 13,
requesting transport for Jade.
But... My dog!
I'm sure egbert and mordecai
just loped on down
to that silo you
mentioned for some grub.
It's a missile silo,
not a grain silo.
Scruffy's all
which means Jackie's
gonna need help.
Farmer Mac did say you
guys miss the magic.
Heat-beam eyes!
Motion for a motionless moose!
And superstrength for t-girl!
They do a body good.
Scruffy! Here, boy!
Wha?! Eww!
Huh! Pee-yuu!
That is the largest
poopie I have ever...
I must be on the right track.
Well, doggie park certainly
has been invigorating.
But it's time you answered
a different call of nature.
Scruffy, no! Stop!
Don't you think he
looks more like a spike?
Spike, unleash your pack!
Supermoose, humming charge:
♪ doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Hang on, Jackie!
Say hello to t-girl and
her amazing t-troop!
The animals! Your moose!
Your muscles.
Heh heh. Joined a... Gym?
This is your team, Mr. chan?
A child, a ham, a stuffed moose?
Ha ha ha!
And a flying chicken?
That's levitating rooster to
you, fat-head!
Take 'em, t-troop!
♪ Doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Antler action!
I got your back, Jackie.
Titanic t-slam!
I so totally don't
know my own strength.
Uh-huh! Who da moose?!
Me da moose!
You da chicken!
Reinforcements, spike!
His name's scruffy,
you no-necked demon!
And he obeys me!
Here, boy! (Whistles)
Here, boy!
♪ Doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Bad dog!
And growing worse.
Soon the mask will
take hold completely,
making doggie a demon forever.
Not if I pull it off him.
Don't you listen?
Even your biceps don't
possess enough strength
to remove a demon
mask from its wearer.
That's why I swung by uncle's
for a little rice potion.
Good magic!
Huh? Hey!
Give it back!
(All groaning)
Playtime is over, child.
(Pig snorting)
What?! Timmy's trapped
at the bottom of a well?
Help! Please! Pull me out!
I must rescue Jade!
You don't wanna reveal t-girl's
secret identity, do ya?
T-girl? I...
I am debating with
a stuffed moose.
T-troop away!
I just hope your
barnyard buddies
haven't wandered into
any highly sensitive
off-limits quarantined areas.
Well, instead of frettin',
why not try cluckin'?
And a-soowee-in'?
Uh, come again?
Talk to the animals, son!
Works like a charm.
(Quietly) Soo-wee.
Come on!
Sound off like you mean it!
Be the hog!
Relax, missy.
Strength is no match
for the power of shadow.
I want my dog back, tarakudo!
There they are.
We must retrieve uncle's
mask removal potion.
Scruffy, help me out, boy!
Scruffy can't hear you.
His transformation
is nearly complete,
which I shall demonstrate
with a little obedience test.
Spike, be a good demon,
and make a meal of
your former master.
Not gonna happen, taradoo-doo.
Dogs never turn
on their masters!
(Gulps) Do they?
Good work, egbert!
Now I am complimenting
a rooster.
Scruffy, don't you remember me?
I walked you, fed you!
you're about to feed him again.
Supermoose: ♪
doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
T-troop is in the house!
You people are giving
me quite a headache!
Bring it on, my feathered foe.
♪ Doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Ninja knockout!
Jackie: Sit! Heel! Stop!
Secret identity!
I'm gonna say it one more time.
Ok, the kid gloves are off!
Welcome to obedience
school, t-girl style!
Anytime, Jackie!
Your... Talisman magic...
Is no match for... Huh?
Got it!
Scruffy! Good dog!
I am a sore loser, t-girl.
He was a good dog,
wasn't he, Jackie?
A very good dog.
Well, what do you know?
He does play dead.
farmer MacDonald isn't too worried
about his missing animals.
(Everyone clucking and snorting
like chickens and pigs)
What'd I tell ya?
Works like a charm.
Hey, Jackie,
if you could be a dinosaur,
which kind would you be?
If I were a dinosaur,
I would be a brontosaurus,
because big,
but only eat vegetable.
Nobody can touch him.
Even the t-Rex.
The t-Rex, too violent.
And... Yeah.
I want to be a brontosaurus.
Ah, difficult!
it was nice knowing you.
Gorilla fist!
Horse kick!
Weasel strike!
Otter slap! Huh?
Perhaps you should save it
for the real Jackie chan.
Towel off and grab your
shoes, hak foo.
I have located
the next oni mask.
I shall wear it proudly,
master tarakudo,
and with its magic,
summon vast armies
of shadowkhan!
Oh, incidentally...
Floating head
annihilates punching bag!
Scruffy hates puppy prison.
How long do we have to keep
tormenting him this way?
Jade, scruffy must
attend obedience school
until he learns to listen.
No doubt he takes
after his master.
Har har.
Look, I can prove scruffy
obeys all my commands.
You ready, boy? Play dead!
Heh! "Dead" needs work,
but he has the "play" part down.
Uncle: It is your move, tohru.
Hmm. No.
Who's winning?
Jade, the Hana fuda
cards are no game.
Huh! Huh!
We are attempting
to make cards reveal
location of next oni mask
before forces of
darkness find it.
(Scruffy sniffing)
Aiya! No animals in shop!
Shoo, shoo!
Uh, 52 pickup is no game?
It is the next mask we seek.
Jackie: And this card
shows us where to find it.
Right here in San Francisco?
And it looks like the mask
removal spell ingredient
is Japanese rice!
Tohru, boil rice!
Jackie, find mask.
Jade, read sign.
The one in shop window.
No pets allowed!
(Banging on door)
Howdy, y'all.
Farmer MacDonald?
Did you not see sign
in uncle's window?
The one that says, "stop on by"
"if you're ever in
this neck of the woods
for a big city tractor pull"?
Uh, farmer MacDonald,
we were just in the middle of...
Well, deal us in!
Mordecai and egbert haven't had
much real fun since
y'all left my farm.
If you ask me,
they miss them crazy
magic powers they had.
You mean,
heat-beam eyes and levitation?
Float like a butterfly,
sting like a... Hot-eyed pig.
Please, farmer MacDonald,
Jade is very impressionable.
Right, unc.
Time to play find that mask.
Say, y'all don't mind if we bunk
here, do you?
Well, strap on my feed bag!
What's for supper?
Uncle was thinking
pork or chicken.
Oh! Heh heh heh!
Jade, why don't you stay here
and help uncle find farmer
MacDonald and his friends
more... Appropriate lodgings.
Aah! Ohh!
Wrong museum, Jackie.
The mask is Japanese,
not Jurassic.
Jade! I thought I told you
to help farmer MacDonald
find a place to stay.
Tsk! Did!
(Squawking) (Alarm)
Hey, there he is!
Hey, where's he going?
Hey, pig! Come here, pig!
He's up there!
Fancy supersecret
underground base
you got here, captain.
So where do you keep
the flying saucers?
Jade! Section 13 is not a hotel.
And ancient artifacts
are not doggie treats!
Scruffy, heel!
Heh! He thought I
meant "dinosaur heel."
the card is leading me to...
Ohh! The oni mask!
I always said scruffy
was part bloodhound.
They didn't teach you that
at obedience school, did they?
Did they, you good boy?
we had better leave before...
Grr! T-Rex decapitates dodo!
Go, go, go!
Give me the mask, chan.
Only if you promise
never to wear it.
Then suffer extinction!
Jackie, I'm open!
He so never obeys me, either.
Tarakudo Rex,
king of the shadowkhan!
Jackie, heads up!
Lobster claw pinches mask!
Hak foo, show me a face
only a demon's
mother could love.
At last! Unh!
Check it out!
Scruffy's totally helping.
No, he is totally playing!
Hyah! Argh!
Jackie, go wide!
Nice catch!
That is not a frisbee!
Not exactly who I had in mind.
Um... Bad doggie?
Tiger tears mask off pooch!
Friendly reminder, muscles,
the only thing that can separate
a mask from its wearer is...
Blecch... good magic.
Now go enjoy a protein shake.
Here, boy!
Scruffy could be dangerous.
Tsk! My dog loves me.
Don't you, scruffy-wuffy?
Oh, no.
Aah! Jackie!
Scruffy, stay! Please?
Seems it's time to walk the dog.
(Jackie groans)
Jackie, are you all right?
(Moans) No broken bones.
Come on!
We have to find scruffy.
Before tarakudo teaches
him any new tricks.
Both: Like summoning shadowkhan!
Chan to section 13,
requesting transport for Jade.
But... My dog!
I'm sure egbert and mordecai
just loped on down
to that silo you
mentioned for some grub.
It's a missile silo,
not a grain silo.
Scruffy's all
which means Jackie's
gonna need help.
Farmer Mac did say you
guys miss the magic.
Heat-beam eyes!
Motion for a motionless moose!
And superstrength for t-girl!
They do a body good.
Scruffy! Here, boy!
Wha?! Eww!
Huh! Pee-yuu!
That is the largest
poopie I have ever...
I must be on the right track.
Well, doggie park certainly
has been invigorating.
But it's time you answered
a different call of nature.
Scruffy, no! Stop!
Don't you think he
looks more like a spike?
Spike, unleash your pack!
Supermoose, humming charge:
♪ doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Hang on, Jackie!
Say hello to t-girl and
her amazing t-troop!
The animals! Your moose!
Your muscles.
Heh heh. Joined a... Gym?
This is your team, Mr. chan?
A child, a ham, a stuffed moose?
Ha ha ha!
And a flying chicken?
That's levitating rooster to
you, fat-head!
Take 'em, t-troop!
♪ Doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Antler action!
I got your back, Jackie.
Titanic t-slam!
I so totally don't
know my own strength.
Uh-huh! Who da moose?!
Me da moose!
You da chicken!
Reinforcements, spike!
His name's scruffy,
you no-necked demon!
And he obeys me!
Here, boy! (Whistles)
Here, boy!
♪ Doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Bad dog!
And growing worse.
Soon the mask will
take hold completely,
making doggie a demon forever.
Not if I pull it off him.
Don't you listen?
Even your biceps don't
possess enough strength
to remove a demon
mask from its wearer.
That's why I swung by uncle's
for a little rice potion.
Good magic!
Huh? Hey!
Give it back!
(All groaning)
Playtime is over, child.
(Pig snorting)
What?! Timmy's trapped
at the bottom of a well?
Help! Please! Pull me out!
I must rescue Jade!
You don't wanna reveal t-girl's
secret identity, do ya?
T-girl? I...
I am debating with
a stuffed moose.
T-troop away!
I just hope your
barnyard buddies
haven't wandered into
any highly sensitive
off-limits quarantined areas.
Well, instead of frettin',
why not try cluckin'?
And a-soowee-in'?
Uh, come again?
Talk to the animals, son!
Works like a charm.
(Quietly) Soo-wee.
Come on!
Sound off like you mean it!
Be the hog!
Relax, missy.
Strength is no match
for the power of shadow.
I want my dog back, tarakudo!
There they are.
We must retrieve uncle's
mask removal potion.
Scruffy, help me out, boy!
Scruffy can't hear you.
His transformation
is nearly complete,
which I shall demonstrate
with a little obedience test.
Spike, be a good demon,
and make a meal of
your former master.
Not gonna happen, taradoo-doo.
Dogs never turn
on their masters!
(Gulps) Do they?
Good work, egbert!
Now I am complimenting
a rooster.
Scruffy, don't you remember me?
I walked you, fed you!
you're about to feed him again.
Supermoose: ♪
doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
T-troop is in the house!
You people are giving
me quite a headache!
Bring it on, my feathered foe.
♪ Doodle-la doo-do-doo ♪
Ninja knockout!
Jackie: Sit! Heel! Stop!
Secret identity!
I'm gonna say it one more time.
Ok, the kid gloves are off!
Welcome to obedience
school, t-girl style!
Anytime, Jackie!
Your... Talisman magic...
Is no match for... Huh?
Got it!
Scruffy! Good dog!
I am a sore loser, t-girl.
He was a good dog,
wasn't he, Jackie?
A very good dog.
Well, what do you know?
He does play dead.
farmer MacDonald isn't too worried
about his missing animals.
(Everyone clucking and snorting
like chickens and pigs)
What'd I tell ya?
Works like a charm.
Hey, Jackie,
if you could be a dinosaur,
which kind would you be?
If I were a dinosaur,
I would be a brontosaurus,
because big,
but only eat vegetable.
Nobody can touch him.
Even the t-Rex.
The t-Rex, too violent.
And... Yeah.
I want to be a brontosaurus.
Ah, difficult!