Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 3, Episode 7 - Rabbit Run - full transcript

The quest for the rabbit leads the Chans to a high school where the rabbit is the mascot/lucky charm.

According to our GPS unit,

we are directly in the
heart of the Sahara desert.

Heh. Wyoming is not in
Africa, is it?

Hmph! Technology!

Carrot will tell us
when we are near.

So where in yellowstone park

would a talisman-powered
rabbit hide?

It's gotta be in one of
these giganto rabbit holes.

Jade! Yeah, yeah, I know.

(As Jackie) You are
supposed to be on the tour.

No, Jade!
Those are not rabbit holes!

"Danger! Geysers"?

(Rumbling) Uh-oh.


Jackie, I'm stuck!

Grab on!


(Gasps) Jackie,
dark warriors ho!

Finn: D-master wong wants the
power of superspeed, chan.

So hand over the bunny pronto!

But we haven't
even found it yet.

Be that way.



Whoa! Timber!


Uh, ratso?


Nice catch.

Oh, thanks. That was close.


Come on!

So the dark warrior wants
a piece of unc... aah!


A geezer in a geyser.


Stay in here.




I'll teach you to
mess with Finn 2.0.



And I will teach you to mess
with uncle original recipe.

Heh. Occupied.


So that's where you're
hiding Peter cottontail.

You caught me, Sherlock.


Short ears.





Yup. That'll leave a mark.



Sayonara, chan.


Finn: Gah!

You mean, "cowabunga."

Come on, uncle.

Something tells me we are close
to finding our rabbit, uncle.

Aah! What manner demonic
creatures are these?!

Midget deer.

Uncle, they are rabbits. Ow!

Rabbits do not have antlers!

He's right, you know.

Howdy, folks,
and welcome to Douglas, Wyoming,

home of the jackalope.

Whatever it is,
it's not packin' talisman heat.

(Gasp) It destroyed the locator!

Uh, sir,
I am hoping you can help us.

It is very important that we
locate a particular rabbit.

Heh heh, well, you're barkin'
up the wrong tree, partner.

I said this was
jackalope country.

Look, we both know
jackalopes are rabbits

who wear fake antlers
for the tourists.

(Chuckles) No sirree.

I assure you that Douglas
jackalopes are the real deal.

that was an ugly thing to do.

Jade, you know the dark warriors
could return at any time.

Uncle and I must search
for the rabbit alone.

But, Jackie,
I'm an essential member of clan chan!

Which is why I am giving
you an essential mission.

Go to the nice library
down the block,

and do your homework.

Ooh. Highly classified.

When is Jackie gonna realize
I'm his secret weapon?!

Tch! His loss if
he can't figure out

I have a nose for
sniffing out magic.


I got it, coach!


Good arm.

Thanks for making me look
bad, kid.

Coach: Hey, chip!

Ready for me, coach?

How about some h-2-0
for the troops?

Oh, right away, coach.

Nice work, chip.

Now, let's get all that
equipment stacked nice and neat.

Then can I get in some practice

for the big game tonight?

We'll talk.

Now hustle!

Hey, sorry I goofed on
you back there, chip.


It's tough enough getting
coach to take me seriously.

I don't need your help
in that department.

Tch! Listen, chip.

If there's one rule Jade chan lives
by, it's this.

If coach won't give you a shot,

you have to put
yourself in the game.

You're just a little girl.

What do you know about football?

Let's just say my coach doesn't
always put me in the game,

but I know you can't make the
big plays from the sidelines.


I mean, I'm as good as
any of the other players.

Well, I could be faster.

Faster shmaster.

I can see you've
got what it takes.

You can?

Sure thing.

So are you gonna just
stand there and look pretty

or are you gonna belt
this pigskin to the moon?

Go jackalopes!

Coach: Hey, chip!


You need me coach?

Yeah. Did you feed lucky?


Right away, coach.


Our mascot.

Yeah, we never lost
a game he's been at.

The other schools try to
steal him just to jinx us.

Lucky wouldn't happen to be a
rabbit, would he?


Chip: Mmm.

There you go, luckster.

Hmm, can a rabbit wear silly
antlers and still be noble?

Let's find out.



Come on, super-speed,

and you're off.

Activate already!



Jackie, I found our bunny.

You... wha... you did what?


Jade, what was the bunny
doing at the library?

Uh... crrrrrr.

Uh, you're breaking up.

Meet me at the town square...

Crrrr... and make it snappy.


You need me coach?

You wanna explain that?

Locator carrots also
make good rabbit bait.

Jade: Here comes turbo-hare.

Jackie: Got you!


Aah! Ugh!

Nooo... oof!

Aah... oop!




you are terrible rabbit catcher.

You have to go about this the right
way, Jack-rabbit.

Speed catches speed.

Jade: Go get 'em.

Come to Jackie!


Bad day, bad day, bad day!

Jackie: Yes!

Come to Jackie!

Jackie: Huh?

Daolon wong.

Daolon: Ah, super-speed.

Chip: I know I
shut the cage door.

I bet that Jade girl took lucky.

She's gotta be a ringer
for the other team.

Oh, if coach ever finds out

I led her to our mascot,

I'll be benched forever.



Whoa... agh!


Sir, you are in possession of

Warren oates memorial high

football team property.

Haaa! Whoa!

What school are you from?

I will not bring it back later!

Thank you!

How many schools are
trying to nab him?

Because of you,
I have lost the rabbit.


Um, it's a jackalope.

Mondo blading, Jackie.

Listen carefully...

Aah! Shoo! (Blows air)

For you will bring
the rabbit to me

tonight at the town square.

In your dreams, creepopotamus.

If you do not,

this child's fate shall
haunt your dreams.

(Jade gasps)


Jade: Jackie.

It's all my fault.

We have to rescue chip.

Of course, and we will... ow!

We cannot hand over the rabbit

to forces of darkness.

Of course, and we won't.


I just had a light bulb.

Come on, jackalopes.

We don't need lucky to win.

Announcer: Touchdown, bears.

That chip better
find lucky soon.

Chip: Please let me go, mister.

The game already started,

and it's homecoming,

and this could be my...


If I must hear about

your cursed big
chance once more...

Jackie: Daolon wong.

Hand over the boy.

Not until you deliver
the power of the...

That is not the rabbit.

Uh, yes, it is.

Then why does it not move?

Um, it is napping?

(Chants quietly)

Wake up!

See? It moved.

If this is indeed the rabbit,

why does my scepter
not glow bright red?


Because it is
really a jackalope.

Aiyaah! Whoa! Bwaa!

(Chants rapidly)


Jackie, what's taking you?

Jade? You are supposed
to be at the motel,

guarding the...


Daolon: Hoo!

No sweat, Jackie.

As long as I have the rabbit,

old rigor mortis can't catch me.

Don't worry, chip.

You're in good hands.

So you did kidnap lucky.

It was me or the
forces of darkness.



Lucky's more than lucky.

He's magic.

Jade: I'm greased lightning.


Whoop! Ooh!


Give me that.

Chip: Hand-off.

Time to put myself in the game.

No, wait!

Ball hog.


Both my running backs
are out of the game?

Ready for me now, coach?

What do I have to lose?

Only one way we can win this
one, lucky.

Announcer: Touchdown,

He's fast.

I knew it. There's chip.

you must retrieve the rabbit.

How can I get near him?

Oh, wardrobe.

Announcer: Unbelievable!

Another touchdown, jackalopes!

Yeah, chip! That's my boy.

You know, he's like a son to me.

Show 'em what you got, chan-man.

Gan! Ren! Chui!

Hey, football.

Bonding time, eh, big "d"?

We knew you were one of us.


The rabbit.

Let's win one for the wongster.

Go dark warriors.


I will destroy you.

Uncle, singsong: Hey, ugly!

(Daolon and uncle chant)


Chip, please give me the rabbit.

No way.
I'm on a major streak here.

Listen, you are in grave danger.




He's going the wrong way.

Who is that guy?

(Chants) (Chants)

Uh-oh, uncle needs an assist.

Hey, girls,
wanna learn a new cheer?





Jackie: Buh!

Dah! Egh!



That's not how I
drew up the play.

Uh, I don't have the ball, guys.

But you do have Mr. floppy ears.

Chip: Baaah!

Oh ho ho.





Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Please do not run,
little bunny rabbit.

Come to Jackie.

It's ok.

Good bunny.

Give me a "d"!

"D"! "D"! "D"!

Give me a zho!

Zho! À zho! À zho!

Put that together,
and what do you have?

(Cheering in Chinese)




Go, jackalopes.

Jade, where's lucky?

There's only 10 seconds
left in the game.

Lucky's taking 5, chip,

but that's all right

because you don't need
no stinkin' rabbit.

You can win it on your own.

You think?

I know.

Now go out there,
show us what you're made of,

and win one for the jadester.

Hey, buddy, that's our mascot.

Uh, you must be mistaken.

No antlers.

Quarterback: Hike.

(Slow motion) He's
gonna make it!

Crowd: Chip! Chip! Chip!

Chip! Chip! Chip!

Chip! Chip! Chip!

Player: You the man!

Who knew you had it in you, son?

Let's try starting
you in the next game.

Aw, keep your rabbit.

That kid's my good luck charm.

he's a chip off the old block.

Hey, Jackie,
how many push-ups do you do a day?

There's a lot of
things to train.

Push-ups, lift-ups,

kicking, punch,

30 each for 6 times.

It's not like I can do 1000
push-ups, then what?

After you do 1000 push-ups,

you can't.
You cannot do anything.