Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 3, Episode 16 - A Night at the Opera - full transcript

Uncle's old opera troupe is in town, which leads to a reunion with an old friend. Jackie finds that someone may be using some Stage tricks to commit crimes.


(Gasps) How did...




Jade: Show me whatcha
got, shendu!

Eat digital steel!

Tohru: No!

That's right, t.

Another slice of dragon
toast for the Jade-ster!

Ohh! My flame-on
button keeps jamming!

Uh... Boys and girls,
I am trying to concentrate.

So are we!

We have to get to medieval
evil, level 7!

Uncle: Forget level 7.
We are going to the opera.


But uncle, my shang dynasty
exhibit opens tomorrow.

I am swamped!

Whoa! Opera?

Since when does uncle go for
fat ladies in viking helmets?

Not viking opera!
Peking opera...

With very special performers.

Seven little fortunes?

(Gasps) But, uncle, that is...

The troupe with which I
received my opera training.


You were in the opera?

When uncle was very young.


Then how come I never hear
you sing in the shower?

There's more to the
Peking opera than song,

as you will see tonight.

Uncle, this must mean...

Yes. My old friend wing is now
the director of this troupe...

And I have not seen
him in nearly 60 years.

This is the story of Lao
sheng, the farmer.

Lao sheng's beautiful daughter
qing yi means the world to him.

(Atonal) ♪ oh, fair daughter ♪

♪ Our cow is sick and
delivers sour milk ♪

Jade, pay attention
like the rest of us!



(Sheepishly) Heh!
I am multi-tasking.

Now you are one-tasking!


That is 4,000 years old!

Excuse me!

Pardon me!

(Artifact rolls)

(Gasps) Wing!

(Rolling continues)

Um, meanwhile...

We arrive at the castle,

where the villain,
also known as the "jing," lives.


Where'd Mr. creepers come from?

(Coyly) Uncle cannot
reveal old stage secret.

Uncle: Villainous jing
summons a powerful ghost,

and together they
terrorize farmer Lao.

Butt whoop?!

Now you're talkin'!

Jackie: Excuse me.

Oh! Pardon me.

Yes. Very exciting.

Jackie! I'm trying to watch!

Ahh! Everyone's favorite!

The clown provides
welcome comic relief.

Audience: Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

And cooler moves than Jackie!

So, you think uncle's old friend

calls him "uncle," too?

Chuckles, is that you?

Chuckles?! Chuckles?!


So, you remember your nickname
for me after 60 years?

Ha ha ha!

Who can forget those fuzzy
caterpillars living over your eyes?

And your never-ending pranks

and gift of laughter.

Is he talking
about the same guy?

So, you have come to
see my "family" at work.

And to introduce
my family to you.

My nephew Jackie...

Ah, yes! Butterfingers.

Uh, hello.
I have heard so much about you.

I am sorry I have to run.

I am mounting an exhibit
at the pacific Asia museum.

Uh... Bye-bye.

Please excuse his manners.

(Proudly) And this is
my apprentice tohru.

(Video game pings)

(Clears throat)

This alarm tells me I
must tend to the shop now.

A pleasure meeting you.

And last, but not least,
my great-niece Jade.

Jade: Hey!

No trapdoors?

So, how do you do all that
passing-through-walls stuff?

Yoo-hoo! Anybody home?

True artisans never reveal the
secrets of their stagecraft.

All part of the
"magic" of the theater.

Uncle told you so, Jade.

Youthful enthusiasm.

I remember a time when
we were brimming with it.

We trained very
hard in school...

Though you, chuckles,

trained hardest in the
art of merry-making.

Ah! So much talent!

You might have become
the grandest clown

in this or any other troupe...

But you chose to abandon
the magic of the theater

for other kinds of magic...

Turning your back on years
of study and brotherhood.

With great sorrow, brother wing,

but I discovered
my true calling.

Jade: Hmm...

So that's what that's for! Heh!

It would seem your proteges

possess the same lack of
respect for the theater as you!

Ohh! Perhaps this is my cue

to again take
leave of the opera!

And this time,
it shall be with great pleasure!

But, uncle, I never found out

how they do that secret
melting-through-walls thing.

Pfft! A cheap trick
called magic makeup!



A typo? (Groans)

What?! That is impossible!


Shouldn't you be at the opera?

Another one?




No! Those are priceless!

Don't they pay
you at the opera?!





Hey, Jackie,
trying out for the opera?

Jade, what are you doing here?

Thought you should know,
uncle's not himself.

He and wing-ding
had a falling out.

Jackie: Aah!
Which beats falling down.



Jade, stay back!
They are thieves!

Don't they pay
them at the opera?

All aboard the magic bus.

Jackie: Wait!



Let me in!

Buck fifty.

But they didn't pay!

Let's put a wrinkle
in your hocus-pocus!


Jade, how did you...

Jackie, hit the deck!

That's gonna leave a mark.


(Sighs) Talk about a
hard act to follow.

Wing: Now, artisans,

once more from the top.

Ah! Have you returned to
apologize for chuckles?

We have returned to accuse
your artisans of a crime.


These two abused theater magic

in order to steal
a small fortune

in ancient artifacts from
the museum last night.

My performers know better
than to use sacred magic

outside the theater!

Perhaps the
artifacts are missing

because you dropped them somewhere...


Or perhaps we witnessed your
ghost suffer a black eye!


Yes! Aha!


Heh heh! Heh!


It did not go well.

Well, it's obvious

mega-brow is the
ringleader of the gang.

Beetlebrow may be a stubborn,

intolerant mule...

But I know him to be honorable

and incorruptible.

He would never
tolerate criminals

in his company! But, uncle,

we saw them!

Promise me you will leave
matters to the police.

(Sighs) I promise.

Tch! That makes one of us.

why do you insist on coming back

if wing upsets you?

Wing not important!

Uncle likes good opera,

that is all.

(Clears throat)

Jade has been in
ladies' room long time.

Did she fall in?

The stolen loot has to be
somewhere on the premises.


Magic makeup.


Time to get the goods
on the gruesome twosome.


(Doorknob rattling)




Aw, just that singing farmer.

Well, do you think
the others suspect us?

Hmm... I am more concerned
with chuckles' nephew.

Wing: Quickly, artisans.
Curtain time nears!

Besides, any suspicions

will first lead to
our fellow jings.

Just be prepared to
grab our cash cow

in the event a quick
getaway becomes necessary.

The walls have ears... And eyes.

Jade: Psst!

Down here.


Found our crooks.

Jade, what is going...

The bad guys only play
the villains off-stage.

the bad guys play the good guys!

In English, Jade.

Those guys are the thieves.

(Stage performance
musical fanfare playing)

Whoa! Talk about your
dedicated actors.

Their "cash cow."

That's it!

What is it?

Where they hide the loot.

Come on! They're gonna
try and bolt with it!

we can't just go out there.

If uncle sees us...

Uncle won't need
to know it's us.

You have to be kidding.

(Atonal) ♪ oh, fair daughter ♪

♪ Our cow is sick and
delivers sour milk ♪

What?! It is too early
for the clown's entrance.


♪ I will take the
sick cow to a doctor ♪

I do not recall a second
clown in this opera.

♪ The cow will feel
better in the castle ♪

These are not the lyrics!

♪ The cow must see a doctor ♪

Both: ♪ the castle ♪

♪ A doctor ♪

Both: ♪ the castle ♪

Jade: ♪ a doctor ♪

♪ Duh ♪

♪ Don't you goons
know anything ♪

♪ About proper cow care? ♪

Who is that?!



We do not fight a
clown in this scene.

Apparently, I do.

I'm sorry. I will bring this back.
Thank you!

Brother wing, I...

So, the prankster takes
his revenge on my opera!

I hope you are happy.

Jade: Uhh!

Audience: Ha ha ha ha!

Your oafish proteges

have dishonored the
sanctity of my stage!


What is the meaning of...

It would seem the
sanctity of your stage

has been previously dishonored.

And so, I take my exit.



Clowning around has its moments,

but I think I will
stick with my calling...


I was blind.

It was your proteges who
were the honorable ones.

We rock! Uh-huh!

I will always wish the opera
had kept you, my friend.

And that is my cue
to say good-bye.

One more thing.

I hope it will not
be another 60 years

before we meet
again, beetlebrow.

As do I, chuckles.

Hey, Jackie,

where did you live
when you were little?

My father put me through
the martial opera school.

One thing's difference...
We have to stay there,

live there, eat there.

So many different teachers
teach you how to dance,

kicking, punch, acrobatic,
all kind of things.

School is very, very important.