Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 2, Episode 28 - Demon World: Part 2 - full transcript
The Chans need help to undo Shendu's alterations. They gather the J Team.
Previously on Jackie
chan adventures...
Mom, dad!
What brings you
out to Hong Kong?
Jade: Jackie?
I'm at the airport!
Shendu's flying to Australia!
The book of ages,
where all history's
magically recorded!
Jade: Are you telling me
shendu rules the world?
Each of the 8 emperors
has his or her own domain!
When shendu wrote in it,
he must have rewrote the past!
I'm in demon world!
Why don't I remember any of it?
This is from the book,
and it's about me.
It didn't get rewritten,
so neither did I!
If the book's not here
in shendu's library,
there's only one other
place it could be.
This will let us
grab the 12 talismans
that give shendu
his magical powers.
Huh? Huh?
How can it be?
My talisman!
I'm sorry, I'll give it
back, thank you!
Uhh! Oh!
How did I do that?
And why do you not catch fire?
Dog makes you immortal,
ox makes you super strong.
What else we got?
Speedy rabbit,
levitating rooster,
invisible snake,
and explosive dragon.
Ooh! Good ones!
Maybe we better not try
for the other half dozen.
Grab the supplies!
Forbidden magic's gonna
be hard to come by
out there in demon world.
Tear them apart!
Levitation plus
speed equals flight.
Huh? Huh?
Whoa! Whoa!
Stop them!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Oh! Dead end!
Dragon blast.
We'll outrun 'em...
By a hare.
Aah! Aah!
Centuries of history altered.
Your very memory erased.
And still, somehow, you defy me.
I shall find you, chan,
and I promise you,
I shall erase more
than your memory.
Jade was right, uncle!
I am a hero.
We can infiltrate the fortress,
find the book of ages,
and correct history!
There is a big army of ninjas
at the fortress
in no man's land!
No magic trinkets
will help us because
we will be outnumbered!
Uncle's right.
He is?
If we're gonna pull this off,
we're gonna need more muscle.
We're gonna need...
The j-team!
Ooh? Huh?
I see no one here I would
choose as my apprentice.
Well, look again.
Uhh! Uhh!
He's... Big.
(Thundering footsteps)
(Uncle gasps)
But po Kong... Is bigger!
We must be in her domain.
Looks like shendu's
keeping all his enemies
under demon watch.
More salt for my meal,
or I shall... Devour you all!
Our hero cannot stop
a demon that size!
You're right. You do it.
There's only one surefire
way to stop a demon,
and that's to show 'em the door.
Page 94,
follow the instructions!
You run interference!
Jackie! Leap and kick!
Leap and kick!
Uhh! Oh, gee!
Uncle, hurry!
I do not have the symbol
of the immortal
who defeated her!
Fire was sword, water was
gourd, sky was flute...
You are going to be scrumptious!
Earth was flower, wind was
fan, mountain was...
You... you know my name?
Talk later.
Bang the drum 3 times.
(Coughing, sputtering)
Aah! Ah!
Oh, ohh.
That was a very good spell.
(Cheering and laughing)
(Both grunting)
No mercy, gladiators!
Battle to the finish!
(Both grunting)
El toro will win.
El toro is the greatest!
(Uncle chanting)
Fancy fan-work
courtesy of paco...
El toro's biggest fan!
Finally we can remove
these ridiculous masks.
El toro fuerte never
removes his mask.
No music while I bathe?
Sing for me,
my little caged songbird!
Tweet, tweet.
(Uncle chants, flute plays)
What? Who's playing the flute?
I despise the flute!
(Uncle chanting)
No! No!
Who are you guys?
Everybody, say hello to viper-
The craftiest member
of the j-team.
"Team," huh?
It's a wrap.
The j-team is reassembled,
and hsi wu's singing
career is down the drain.
(Thunder rumbles)
Uh, guess you didn't know
hsi wu was scrubbing up
'cause he was expecting company.
The thunder demon!
Jackie: Ah! Watch out!
(All yelling)
Aah! Oh!
Heh. Time flies when
you're having fun.
Viper: Give me your
hand, sweetie.
Leap and kick, leap and
kick, leap and kick.
Go, Jackie.
Your mouse man is good, Jade,
but El toro is the best!
No time for that now, paco.
How's that portal spell
coming, uncle?
You did not mention
that the thunder demon
would be in this domain!
We do not have the
symbol of the immortal
who originally defeated him!
(Sigh) And it's not like
we can pull castanets
out of thin air.
I prefer the maracas,
but they are too
large for my pockets.
(Grunts) Ohh!
(Uncle chanting)
(Grunts) No!
What are we waiting for?
To the book of ages!
So he is behind this!
And things were going so well.
We were even almost beginning
to like you, brother.
(Sputters) What do you mean?
I was just coming to visit...
Hsi wu?
He has been banished
to the netherworld!
The child!
She somehow escaped
the historical alterations.
And if she knows the
history that was...
Then chan now knows of the book.
What's up, Mr. pouty snout?
I do not belong
with these heroes.
The ox made me strong.
Without it, I'm...
Hello? The talismans never
made Jackie chan a hero.
You didn't even like to use 'em.
Courage, brains,
and heart are your secret weapons,
and you've already got those.
All you need is proper training.
Jackie, I can teach
you what you taught me.
You game?
Cool! First lesson...
The ancient art of butt whoop
starts with breathing.
The breath flows
to the fingertips,
then down to the toes.
Jade: The book lies
behind those walls.
Ready, team?
Let's make history.
There is no way in.
Both: T'ch!
Guys in pajamas.
They don't look so tough.
I am good at this.
The mouse man is not bad, but...
Don't start.
And they didn't even
use the talismans.
Quick! The spells!
What spells?
(Demonic laughter)
(Demonic laughter)
(Demons roar)
Locate the book of ages!
We better split up.
Bai tza: Destroy them!
Shendu and his
accursed talismans.
You're not the only girl
with tricks up her sleeve.
But you are the only
one who can do that.
Behold my mastery of gravity!
Behold my mastery of, uh, pollo.
(Both grunting)
Jackie, help uncle search!
Stop fooling!
I'm not immortal!
Pff! Excuses!
There it is.
The book of ages?
Locate the page shendu altered
so that we may change it back.
No problem.
Look for a page with
a missing corner.
(Gasps) Unhh.
(Sinister hiss)
T'ch. There's, like,
5 million pages here!
Shendu: Get away from that book!
Your team has been neutralized.
Big whoop.
If I can't find
shendu's changes,
I'll make some of my own.
"And then Jackie
grew 20 feet tall."
(Growls) (Gasps)
Now Jackie is the greatest!
Jackie: Shendu!
The girl!
"Here comes...
Super tohru!"
(Growls) Huh?
"Say hello... To robo-viper."
Like nuking fish
in a barrel.
My turn!
Hey, no fair!
Now El toro is the greatest!
Jackie is!
El toro. - Jackie. - El toro.
El toro. Jackie.
You want to defeat the demons?
Then write that uncle
banishes the demons already!
Duh! Duh!
Bad day...
For demons.
Demons: No!
I will have my revenge, chan!
Yes! Ha ha! We did it!
I have found the page!
Uh, this means you
can change us back,
right, uncle?
Once we make changes
to shendu's changes.
Ooh, here!
Don't want to lose
my place in history.
Jade! Jade!
Mom! Dad!
Cousin Jackie!
What brings you to Hong Kong?
Tohru: Hong Kong moose world.
Uh, look at the
watch Jackie got me!
Paco: Moose world?
Can I go, too?
What mooses?
We were fighting demo... unhh!
Uh, traffic!
We were fighting Hong
Kong traffic to visit you.
So I could show you how much
I've learned in America.
We know you have been doing
very well there, Jade.
No doubt due to cousin Jackie's
excellent training.
In all honesty,
it is Jade who
sometimes trains me.
Hey, Jackie!
What kinds of martial
arts do you know?
So many, so many style
you talking of martial arts...
a thousand.
Most important,
whatever you learn,
it doesn't matter karate, hapkido...
But everybody has
the same goal...
It's discipline.
It's not fighting, remember.
chan adventures...
Mom, dad!
What brings you
out to Hong Kong?
Jade: Jackie?
I'm at the airport!
Shendu's flying to Australia!
The book of ages,
where all history's
magically recorded!
Jade: Are you telling me
shendu rules the world?
Each of the 8 emperors
has his or her own domain!
When shendu wrote in it,
he must have rewrote the past!
I'm in demon world!
Why don't I remember any of it?
This is from the book,
and it's about me.
It didn't get rewritten,
so neither did I!
If the book's not here
in shendu's library,
there's only one other
place it could be.
This will let us
grab the 12 talismans
that give shendu
his magical powers.
Huh? Huh?
How can it be?
My talisman!
I'm sorry, I'll give it
back, thank you!
Uhh! Oh!
How did I do that?
And why do you not catch fire?
Dog makes you immortal,
ox makes you super strong.
What else we got?
Speedy rabbit,
levitating rooster,
invisible snake,
and explosive dragon.
Ooh! Good ones!
Maybe we better not try
for the other half dozen.
Grab the supplies!
Forbidden magic's gonna
be hard to come by
out there in demon world.
Tear them apart!
Levitation plus
speed equals flight.
Huh? Huh?
Whoa! Whoa!
Stop them!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Oh! Dead end!
Dragon blast.
We'll outrun 'em...
By a hare.
Aah! Aah!
Centuries of history altered.
Your very memory erased.
And still, somehow, you defy me.
I shall find you, chan,
and I promise you,
I shall erase more
than your memory.
Jade was right, uncle!
I am a hero.
We can infiltrate the fortress,
find the book of ages,
and correct history!
There is a big army of ninjas
at the fortress
in no man's land!
No magic trinkets
will help us because
we will be outnumbered!
Uncle's right.
He is?
If we're gonna pull this off,
we're gonna need more muscle.
We're gonna need...
The j-team!
Ooh? Huh?
I see no one here I would
choose as my apprentice.
Well, look again.
Uhh! Uhh!
He's... Big.
(Thundering footsteps)
(Uncle gasps)
But po Kong... Is bigger!
We must be in her domain.
Looks like shendu's
keeping all his enemies
under demon watch.
More salt for my meal,
or I shall... Devour you all!
Our hero cannot stop
a demon that size!
You're right. You do it.
There's only one surefire
way to stop a demon,
and that's to show 'em the door.
Page 94,
follow the instructions!
You run interference!
Jackie! Leap and kick!
Leap and kick!
Uhh! Oh, gee!
Uncle, hurry!
I do not have the symbol
of the immortal
who defeated her!
Fire was sword, water was
gourd, sky was flute...
You are going to be scrumptious!
Earth was flower, wind was
fan, mountain was...
You... you know my name?
Talk later.
Bang the drum 3 times.
(Coughing, sputtering)
Aah! Ah!
Oh, ohh.
That was a very good spell.
(Cheering and laughing)
(Both grunting)
No mercy, gladiators!
Battle to the finish!
(Both grunting)
El toro will win.
El toro is the greatest!
(Uncle chanting)
Fancy fan-work
courtesy of paco...
El toro's biggest fan!
Finally we can remove
these ridiculous masks.
El toro fuerte never
removes his mask.
No music while I bathe?
Sing for me,
my little caged songbird!
Tweet, tweet.
(Uncle chants, flute plays)
What? Who's playing the flute?
I despise the flute!
(Uncle chanting)
No! No!
Who are you guys?
Everybody, say hello to viper-
The craftiest member
of the j-team.
"Team," huh?
It's a wrap.
The j-team is reassembled,
and hsi wu's singing
career is down the drain.
(Thunder rumbles)
Uh, guess you didn't know
hsi wu was scrubbing up
'cause he was expecting company.
The thunder demon!
Jackie: Ah! Watch out!
(All yelling)
Aah! Oh!
Heh. Time flies when
you're having fun.
Viper: Give me your
hand, sweetie.
Leap and kick, leap and
kick, leap and kick.
Go, Jackie.
Your mouse man is good, Jade,
but El toro is the best!
No time for that now, paco.
How's that portal spell
coming, uncle?
You did not mention
that the thunder demon
would be in this domain!
We do not have the
symbol of the immortal
who originally defeated him!
(Sigh) And it's not like
we can pull castanets
out of thin air.
I prefer the maracas,
but they are too
large for my pockets.
(Grunts) Ohh!
(Uncle chanting)
(Grunts) No!
What are we waiting for?
To the book of ages!
So he is behind this!
And things were going so well.
We were even almost beginning
to like you, brother.
(Sputters) What do you mean?
I was just coming to visit...
Hsi wu?
He has been banished
to the netherworld!
The child!
She somehow escaped
the historical alterations.
And if she knows the
history that was...
Then chan now knows of the book.
What's up, Mr. pouty snout?
I do not belong
with these heroes.
The ox made me strong.
Without it, I'm...
Hello? The talismans never
made Jackie chan a hero.
You didn't even like to use 'em.
Courage, brains,
and heart are your secret weapons,
and you've already got those.
All you need is proper training.
Jackie, I can teach
you what you taught me.
You game?
Cool! First lesson...
The ancient art of butt whoop
starts with breathing.
The breath flows
to the fingertips,
then down to the toes.
Jade: The book lies
behind those walls.
Ready, team?
Let's make history.
There is no way in.
Both: T'ch!
Guys in pajamas.
They don't look so tough.
I am good at this.
The mouse man is not bad, but...
Don't start.
And they didn't even
use the talismans.
Quick! The spells!
What spells?
(Demonic laughter)
(Demonic laughter)
(Demons roar)
Locate the book of ages!
We better split up.
Bai tza: Destroy them!
Shendu and his
accursed talismans.
You're not the only girl
with tricks up her sleeve.
But you are the only
one who can do that.
Behold my mastery of gravity!
Behold my mastery of, uh, pollo.
(Both grunting)
Jackie, help uncle search!
Stop fooling!
I'm not immortal!
Pff! Excuses!
There it is.
The book of ages?
Locate the page shendu altered
so that we may change it back.
No problem.
Look for a page with
a missing corner.
(Gasps) Unhh.
(Sinister hiss)
T'ch. There's, like,
5 million pages here!
Shendu: Get away from that book!
Your team has been neutralized.
Big whoop.
If I can't find
shendu's changes,
I'll make some of my own.
"And then Jackie
grew 20 feet tall."
(Growls) (Gasps)
Now Jackie is the greatest!
Jackie: Shendu!
The girl!
"Here comes...
Super tohru!"
(Growls) Huh?
"Say hello... To robo-viper."
Like nuking fish
in a barrel.
My turn!
Hey, no fair!
Now El toro is the greatest!
Jackie is!
El toro. - Jackie. - El toro.
El toro. Jackie.
You want to defeat the demons?
Then write that uncle
banishes the demons already!
Duh! Duh!
Bad day...
For demons.
Demons: No!
I will have my revenge, chan!
Yes! Ha ha! We did it!
I have found the page!
Uh, this means you
can change us back,
right, uncle?
Once we make changes
to shendu's changes.
Ooh, here!
Don't want to lose
my place in history.
Jade! Jade!
Mom! Dad!
Cousin Jackie!
What brings you to Hong Kong?
Tohru: Hong Kong moose world.
Uh, look at the
watch Jackie got me!
Paco: Moose world?
Can I go, too?
What mooses?
We were fighting demo... unhh!
Uh, traffic!
We were fighting Hong
Kong traffic to visit you.
So I could show you how much
I've learned in America.
We know you have been doing
very well there, Jade.
No doubt due to cousin Jackie's
excellent training.
In all honesty,
it is Jade who
sometimes trains me.
Hey, Jackie!
What kinds of martial
arts do you know?
So many, so many style
you talking of martial arts...
a thousand.
Most important,
whatever you learn,
it doesn't matter karate, hapkido...
But everybody has
the same goal...
It's discipline.
It's not fighting, remember.