Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 2, Episode 26 - The Eighth Door - full transcript
The Chans send the last demon sorcerer through the portal. But Jade gets caught in the spell. The only way to free Jade is to find the Eighth Door, Shendu's portal.
Nice day for a Tsunami.
Too nice.
Why here?
The water demon
will need a palace
from which to rule her
new undersea kingdom.
Here she comes, uncle.
Bai tza.
Uncle: Jackie, take the gourd.
I will prepare the chi spell.
Right... wah!
Uh, no. I'm a moose.
Marlon moose.
Jade, you were supposed to
wait back at section 13.
(Scoffs) I've been at every
demon send-off so far.
Did you really think I was
gonna sit out the last one?
Besides, then we can sell
our story to reality TV.
Shall I turn back?
No. Please,
just keep out of harm's way.
The chi wizard!
Ooh, fish fry. Yah!
Uncle, we have to get Jade!
You have to re-open the portal!
The chi spell has
sealed the portal,
like it has sealed
all the others...
Uhh! Uhh!
Uhh! Hurry, uncle!
We must fly to Rome.
Jade is not in Rome, Jackie.
She is trapped in the
demon netherworld.
why couldn't it have been me?
There must be something we can
do, uncle!
A counter spell!
A stronger spell!
Some way to... ow!
I cannot think with
all your noise.
The eighth door.
We have permanently sealed
7 portals belonging
to 7 demon sorcerers,
but not the one
belonging to shendu.
It is Jade's only hope of escape
from the demon realm.
But how do we find
shendu's door?
There is only one way.
The pan ku box.
But shendu has it.
How do we find him?
Our hideout!
It's the helms fish cannery!
Uncle: Quickly.
We must find the eighth door
before the demons find Jade.
Jade: "The demon netherworld:
"Where demon sorcerers
go when they've been bad,
where no human has gone before...
Until now."
My ratings will be huge!
(Sighs) If I ever find
a way out of here.
Uhh! Long way down.
We have liftoff.
Hsi wu: Sister po!
Sister po!
(Snorts) Hmm? Dinner time?
Meeting time.
Our sister bai has returned.
I see.
Well, perhaps she
brought hors d'oeuvres.
Mmm, I love the taste of humans.
Oh, boy.
Over here!
Double oh, boy.
Shendu: You may take your
leave, hak foo.
Valmont's voice: I
order you to stay!
Shendu's voice: Leave!
Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Leave! - Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Leave! - Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Leave! - Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Your ruffian
has outlasted
his usefulness to me, valmont.
Get rid of him.
Valmont: And be
left alone with you?
I think not, shendu.
On the contrary,
the both of you...
Are far from alone.
Shendu: Brothers and sisters,
so good to see you.
Your sentiment will quickly
subside, shendu...
Once your punishment
is underway.
Before I've finished
securing your release?
And how do you plan to do that
with all of our portals
permanently sealed?
Yeah. How?
Why, through my
portal, dear sister.
The eighth portal?
It remains unsealed.
All I need do is unlock it
with the pan ku box,
a task for which I have
retained the services
of a mortal servant,
who may touch good magic.
What is mine is
yours, demon brethren.
Uhh... Uhh.
What in the netherworld is
wrong with you, po Kong?
Uhh... Itch. Cannot reach.
Hsi wu,
scratch your sister's back
so we may get on
with our meeting.
Uhh. There's a lot of back.
Could take a while.
So, you want a back scratcher?
It passed.
Now, about the eighth
door, shendu.
It is the portal
of your banishment.
Only you may pass through it.
That once was true, bai tza,
but now that I am a spirit,
my portal is vacant...
Waiting to be filled by others.
You mean another.
Only one may pass
through each portal.
That is the rule.
Do you think I have
been dallying here?
I have discovered a spell
which will keep the portal open
until the last of you is freed.
In fact, I was just
preparing to journey to it
when you called.
Hak foo...
Bring me...
The pan ku box!
Shark snatches bait!
Bai tza: What shark?
Xiao fung: What is
he talking about?
Shendu, what is happening?
Uh, hak foo always sounds the
gong as we take our leave,
which reminds me...
See you all at my portal!
Can he be trusted?
Of course not!
Yet we have no other options.
But all of eternity
to punish him
should he again deceive us.
Hsi wu: Then let us
go to the eighth door.
Yes... Let's.
Hyah! Hyah!
Ohh... Ohh!
Why the interest in the
box, chan?
You have sealed the portals.
I want a keepsake of
our time together.
Jackie: Uhh!
Buffalo tramples field mouse!
You want the box, shendu?
It's yours!
Angry crow takes...
Unh! (Sighs)
What is taking so long?!
Let's go.
Uncle: In ancient times,
shendu ruled what is now China.
I'm betting that that is
where we will find his portal.
But even if we are
able to make this box
provide the portal's location,
how will Jade find it
from the demon side?
With proper guidance.
That is why I have
brought research.
Ohh, nothing.
Jade is good at puzzles.
She could figure it out...
If she were here.
I thought this rock
looked familiar.
I'm going 'round in circles!
Valmont: And we are on
our way to China why?
Chan has stolen the pan ku box.
Clearly, he wants to find
my portal so he can seal it.
Now why would chan
go to all the trouble
if he knows you don't need the
portal to pass between the realms?
For good measure, I suppose.
my brothers and sisters
are expecting me to open
my door and free them.
I brought your spell book.
You brought the phone
book, you simpleton!
I was bluffing!
So there is no way
to free all of them.
Of course there is!
I... Just need to find it...
That's all.
Uncle: Hotcha!
He is in a trance.
He's looking for Jade.
Day number...
Ohh, I haven't the foggiest.
The good news: The
demons have left
to find the eighth portal.
The bad news: I
lost their trail.
Jackie, toru, uncle.
I may never see you again,
but in case you ever
find this footage,
edit this mushy part out before
you sell it to a TV show.
Just want you all
to know I miss you.
I even miss uncle's
garlic breath.
Uncle? How did you...
Not important,
and garlic is good for you!
Are you ok?
(Scoffs) Just lost.
Listen closely.
We are trying to
find the eighth door.
Shendu's door!
You know about that?
The demons are looking for
it, too.
Shendu told them
he's gonna open it up
so they can all break out.
(Gasps) Shendu deceives them.
Only one being can now
exit through that portal,
and that being must be you.
So how do I find the
portal, uncle?
When I know where it is,
I will lead you there myself.
Go, uncle.
One more thing: I
cannot know where it is
unless I know how
the pan ku box works.
Jackie said you are
good with puzzles.
Those little lines
on the pan ku box!
The tri-grams?
Yeah, those!
Tell Jackie the tri-grams
must be the key!
I will do that, Jade!
Time flies
when you're waiting for
a cell door to open.
Where's my camera?
Oh, Jade...
Say "chi spell."
The tri-grams must be the key.
What could Jade mean?
Shendu's tri-gram
representing "fire"
is a broken line
between 2 solid lines.
The tri-grams could
be a morse code.
Or the combination to a lock.
If a solid line
is a half turn...
And the broken lines
are quarter turns...
Um, perhaps the unbroken lines
tell us to turn it the long way?
Jade knows her puzzles.
And I know my demons!
Shendu's portal is in Hong Kong.
Jackie: Nothing yet, uncle.
According to the pan ku box,
the eighth door should lie
just beyond this tunnel.
Oh! It is near!
You have to be kidding.
It is as if Jade
herself guided us here.
Jackie: Hong Kong moose world.
Uncle: I will alert Jade.
Hsi wu: Brothers and sisters,
I bring you the mortal called...
Mmm, yummy!
If you think you're
all getting out,
well, I hate to break it to ya,
but shendu's lying.
Only one of you can
go through the portal.
End of story.
How do you know?
Uncle told me.
The chi wizard?
So shendu did deceive us.
There's a surprise.
So, uh...
Which one of you is it gonna be?
Surely there must be a
simple way to resolve this.
Like what, alphabetical order?
Jade awaits us!
We must open the
portal immediately!
Shendu: So that is why
you wanted the box!
Well, I assure you, chan,
the only thing emerging from my portal...
Will be a demon.
Gorilla grip!
There is more than
one way to skin a cat!
And 2 ways to open a portal!
The symbol of the
immortal who defeated me!
Sword slays dragon.
Brothers and sisters!
Bai tza: The portal!
Every demon for himself!
Age before beauty.
Hsi wu?
One goes through,
that's the rule.
Uhh! Jade!
Did you miss me?
Not at all.
Uncle: Jade.
Dai gui: That is number eight.
Tso LAN: Which would make
us fresh out of portals.
Hsi wu: Say, "chi spell."
Perhaps we should seek a tear
in the time-space continuum?
All 8 portals are
finally sealed...
He's gone!
He's gone, gone, gone!
I've got my body back,
♪ la Dee da Dee da ♪
♪ Boom-shaka-laka-laka,
boom-shaka-laka-laka ♪
♪ Oh, I've got my body back ♪
Can we, Jackie?
We're not really...
You're kind of early, but...
(like bullwinkle)
Welcome to moose world!
Through. The portal we go.
It's gone. I've got my body back!
Hey Jackie,
do you play an instrument?
Yes, I do. Harmonica,
when I was very, very young...
And also I know how to play...
Chinese guitar.
But now I forget.
But I do sing.
Yeah... Actually,
I'm a pretty good singer.
Too nice.
Why here?
The water demon
will need a palace
from which to rule her
new undersea kingdom.
Here she comes, uncle.
Bai tza.
Uncle: Jackie, take the gourd.
I will prepare the chi spell.
Right... wah!
Uh, no. I'm a moose.
Marlon moose.
Jade, you were supposed to
wait back at section 13.
(Scoffs) I've been at every
demon send-off so far.
Did you really think I was
gonna sit out the last one?
Besides, then we can sell
our story to reality TV.
Shall I turn back?
No. Please,
just keep out of harm's way.
The chi wizard!
Ooh, fish fry. Yah!
Uncle, we have to get Jade!
You have to re-open the portal!
The chi spell has
sealed the portal,
like it has sealed
all the others...
Uhh! Uhh!
Uhh! Hurry, uncle!
We must fly to Rome.
Jade is not in Rome, Jackie.
She is trapped in the
demon netherworld.
why couldn't it have been me?
There must be something we can
do, uncle!
A counter spell!
A stronger spell!
Some way to... ow!
I cannot think with
all your noise.
The eighth door.
We have permanently sealed
7 portals belonging
to 7 demon sorcerers,
but not the one
belonging to shendu.
It is Jade's only hope of escape
from the demon realm.
But how do we find
shendu's door?
There is only one way.
The pan ku box.
But shendu has it.
How do we find him?
Our hideout!
It's the helms fish cannery!
Uncle: Quickly.
We must find the eighth door
before the demons find Jade.
Jade: "The demon netherworld:
"Where demon sorcerers
go when they've been bad,
where no human has gone before...
Until now."
My ratings will be huge!
(Sighs) If I ever find
a way out of here.
Uhh! Long way down.
We have liftoff.
Hsi wu: Sister po!
Sister po!
(Snorts) Hmm? Dinner time?
Meeting time.
Our sister bai has returned.
I see.
Well, perhaps she
brought hors d'oeuvres.
Mmm, I love the taste of humans.
Oh, boy.
Over here!
Double oh, boy.
Shendu: You may take your
leave, hak foo.
Valmont's voice: I
order you to stay!
Shendu's voice: Leave!
Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Leave! - Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Leave! - Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Leave! - Valmont: Stay!
Shendu: Your ruffian
has outlasted
his usefulness to me, valmont.
Get rid of him.
Valmont: And be
left alone with you?
I think not, shendu.
On the contrary,
the both of you...
Are far from alone.
Shendu: Brothers and sisters,
so good to see you.
Your sentiment will quickly
subside, shendu...
Once your punishment
is underway.
Before I've finished
securing your release?
And how do you plan to do that
with all of our portals
permanently sealed?
Yeah. How?
Why, through my
portal, dear sister.
The eighth portal?
It remains unsealed.
All I need do is unlock it
with the pan ku box,
a task for which I have
retained the services
of a mortal servant,
who may touch good magic.
What is mine is
yours, demon brethren.
Uhh... Uhh.
What in the netherworld is
wrong with you, po Kong?
Uhh... Itch. Cannot reach.
Hsi wu,
scratch your sister's back
so we may get on
with our meeting.
Uhh. There's a lot of back.
Could take a while.
So, you want a back scratcher?
It passed.
Now, about the eighth
door, shendu.
It is the portal
of your banishment.
Only you may pass through it.
That once was true, bai tza,
but now that I am a spirit,
my portal is vacant...
Waiting to be filled by others.
You mean another.
Only one may pass
through each portal.
That is the rule.
Do you think I have
been dallying here?
I have discovered a spell
which will keep the portal open
until the last of you is freed.
In fact, I was just
preparing to journey to it
when you called.
Hak foo...
Bring me...
The pan ku box!
Shark snatches bait!
Bai tza: What shark?
Xiao fung: What is
he talking about?
Shendu, what is happening?
Uh, hak foo always sounds the
gong as we take our leave,
which reminds me...
See you all at my portal!
Can he be trusted?
Of course not!
Yet we have no other options.
But all of eternity
to punish him
should he again deceive us.
Hsi wu: Then let us
go to the eighth door.
Yes... Let's.
Hyah! Hyah!
Ohh... Ohh!
Why the interest in the
box, chan?
You have sealed the portals.
I want a keepsake of
our time together.
Jackie: Uhh!
Buffalo tramples field mouse!
You want the box, shendu?
It's yours!
Angry crow takes...
Unh! (Sighs)
What is taking so long?!
Let's go.
Uncle: In ancient times,
shendu ruled what is now China.
I'm betting that that is
where we will find his portal.
But even if we are
able to make this box
provide the portal's location,
how will Jade find it
from the demon side?
With proper guidance.
That is why I have
brought research.
Ohh, nothing.
Jade is good at puzzles.
She could figure it out...
If she were here.
I thought this rock
looked familiar.
I'm going 'round in circles!
Valmont: And we are on
our way to China why?
Chan has stolen the pan ku box.
Clearly, he wants to find
my portal so he can seal it.
Now why would chan
go to all the trouble
if he knows you don't need the
portal to pass between the realms?
For good measure, I suppose.
my brothers and sisters
are expecting me to open
my door and free them.
I brought your spell book.
You brought the phone
book, you simpleton!
I was bluffing!
So there is no way
to free all of them.
Of course there is!
I... Just need to find it...
That's all.
Uncle: Hotcha!
He is in a trance.
He's looking for Jade.
Day number...
Ohh, I haven't the foggiest.
The good news: The
demons have left
to find the eighth portal.
The bad news: I
lost their trail.
Jackie, toru, uncle.
I may never see you again,
but in case you ever
find this footage,
edit this mushy part out before
you sell it to a TV show.
Just want you all
to know I miss you.
I even miss uncle's
garlic breath.
Uncle? How did you...
Not important,
and garlic is good for you!
Are you ok?
(Scoffs) Just lost.
Listen closely.
We are trying to
find the eighth door.
Shendu's door!
You know about that?
The demons are looking for
it, too.
Shendu told them
he's gonna open it up
so they can all break out.
(Gasps) Shendu deceives them.
Only one being can now
exit through that portal,
and that being must be you.
So how do I find the
portal, uncle?
When I know where it is,
I will lead you there myself.
Go, uncle.
One more thing: I
cannot know where it is
unless I know how
the pan ku box works.
Jackie said you are
good with puzzles.
Those little lines
on the pan ku box!
The tri-grams?
Yeah, those!
Tell Jackie the tri-grams
must be the key!
I will do that, Jade!
Time flies
when you're waiting for
a cell door to open.
Where's my camera?
Oh, Jade...
Say "chi spell."
The tri-grams must be the key.
What could Jade mean?
Shendu's tri-gram
representing "fire"
is a broken line
between 2 solid lines.
The tri-grams could
be a morse code.
Or the combination to a lock.
If a solid line
is a half turn...
And the broken lines
are quarter turns...
Um, perhaps the unbroken lines
tell us to turn it the long way?
Jade knows her puzzles.
And I know my demons!
Shendu's portal is in Hong Kong.
Jackie: Nothing yet, uncle.
According to the pan ku box,
the eighth door should lie
just beyond this tunnel.
Oh! It is near!
You have to be kidding.
It is as if Jade
herself guided us here.
Jackie: Hong Kong moose world.
Uncle: I will alert Jade.
Hsi wu: Brothers and sisters,
I bring you the mortal called...
Mmm, yummy!
If you think you're
all getting out,
well, I hate to break it to ya,
but shendu's lying.
Only one of you can
go through the portal.
End of story.
How do you know?
Uncle told me.
The chi wizard?
So shendu did deceive us.
There's a surprise.
So, uh...
Which one of you is it gonna be?
Surely there must be a
simple way to resolve this.
Like what, alphabetical order?
Jade awaits us!
We must open the
portal immediately!
Shendu: So that is why
you wanted the box!
Well, I assure you, chan,
the only thing emerging from my portal...
Will be a demon.
Gorilla grip!
There is more than
one way to skin a cat!
And 2 ways to open a portal!
The symbol of the
immortal who defeated me!
Sword slays dragon.
Brothers and sisters!
Bai tza: The portal!
Every demon for himself!
Age before beauty.
Hsi wu?
One goes through,
that's the rule.
Uhh! Jade!
Did you miss me?
Not at all.
Uncle: Jade.
Dai gui: That is number eight.
Tso LAN: Which would make
us fresh out of portals.
Hsi wu: Say, "chi spell."
Perhaps we should seek a tear
in the time-space continuum?
All 8 portals are
finally sealed...
He's gone!
He's gone, gone, gone!
I've got my body back,
♪ la Dee da Dee da ♪
♪ Boom-shaka-laka-laka,
boom-shaka-laka-laka ♪
♪ Oh, I've got my body back ♪
Can we, Jackie?
We're not really...
You're kind of early, but...
(like bullwinkle)
Welcome to moose world!
Through. The portal we go.
It's gone. I've got my body back!
Hey Jackie,
do you play an instrument?
Yes, I do. Harmonica,
when I was very, very young...
And also I know how to play...
Chinese guitar.
But now I forget.
But I do sing.
Yeah... Actually,
I'm a pretty good singer.