Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 2, Episode 21 - Scouts Honor - full transcript

Jackie finds an ancient necklace. But a relic hunter/thief is also after it. When Jackie returns home, he notices Jade's lack of activity and makes her join the Butterscotch Scouts. Jade returns the favor by making Jackie accompany the troop on a camping trip.


"One more thing.

Go through archway,
then go 30 more paces."

Ah! The sorcerer's eye!

Just where uncle
said it would be.

And the inscriptions are intact.

The museum will be very
pleased to... huh?!


Aah! Bad day! Bad day!

Bad day.


Who are you?!

The new owner of that necklace.

No! This artifact
belongs in a museum.

Heh, sorry.

Oh, you will be.




Whew. Aah!

Are we having fun yet?

No, we are not.
Why are you doing this?

You seem like such a nice lady.

Been called a lot of things,

relic hunter, mercenary, thief,

but Vanessa barone, nice lady?

Ha ha! That is a new one.

The necklace.

No. It belongs in a museum.

Ooh! Aah!

Oh! My leg!

Oh no. I better call a doctor.

For you!

Return to pontello.

But I... you...

Gotta admit it, sal.
Venice is a nice change.

No street crime,
no weirdos, no...

Heh heh. Guide book was wrong.
No subway in venice.

Gondola rides!
All your favorite canals!

The divatello, the
monteleone, the pontello...

Pontello! It is a canal.

That's a-right.
So, how many tickets you want?

♪ La la la ♪

Know what I'm holding
here, paisan?

A key to all.
The riches in the world.

Uh, no speak English.

Ha ha ha!



This belongs in a museum.


Mama Mia!


(Cell phone rings)


I suppose you're having
fun without me, Jackie.

Fun? No, not really, Jade.

What is it you need?

I need to be where
the action is.

How come you didn't
take me with?

I told you!
School is too important, and...

Ha! You missed!

Missed what?

Nothing! Can we talk later?

Fine. Just hurry back.

Uncle won't let me
do anything fun.

Believe me, Jade.

There is nothing
I would like more

than to return to uncle's shop.

Hopefully, in one... wha?!


"Uncle's shop."


How'd you get here so soon?

You were in a taxi
when I called.

Yes, a water taxi. In Italy.

Come again?

Did not expect you until tonight!

You and I both, uncle.

I believe this necklace
has magical powers.

Cool! Can I check it out?

No, Jade. This necklace
could be very dangerous.

Everything is very dangerous.

Traveling to venice,
digging for artifacts, wearing jewelry.

Perhaps the inscriptions from
the mural will help explain.

Uncle will look into it.

Meanwhile, you fix your niece!

What do you mean? Ow!

Open eyes!
Jade turning into a couch potato.

Watches TV all day, all night.
Young girl needs a hobby.

Hmm. I see what you mean.

(Door opens)

Greetings, campers!

I'm a buttercup
scout, and my troop

is trying to raise money by
selling these delicious boxes of...


What kind would you
like, mister?

We have vanilla cream,
chocolate mint, oatmeal raisin...

Oh, may I... Have them all?

You sure may!
Will that be check or...


I try to get out,
but they just keep pulling me back in.

Hey! It was just getting good!

I think I found you a
hobby, Jade.

Buttercup scouts.

This is a joke, right?

It's adventurous,
but not dangerous.

Oh, you look so cute!

(Muffled whispers)

Oh, I mean cool.

I look like an elf.

I have heard that
scouting builds character.

I have also heard that scouts
receive a discount on cookies.

Jackie, I don't wanna
be a buttercup scout!

It's gonna be totally boring.

Please, Jade.
Just give it a chance.

You never know until you try.

Wanna bet?

Uncle: Jackie! Come see!

Necklace has name.
The eye of Aurora.

Ah, Aurora was an ancient
Egyptian Princess said to...

Getting to that!

Aurora was ancient
Egyptian Princess.

Necklace given to
her by sorcerer.

Possesses magical
powers of teleportation.

Travel anywhere in
the blink of an eye.

But why would Princess Aurora...

Getting to that!
Princess was greedy.

Used necklace to travel world
and steal treasure from rivals.

Ah, no wonder Vanessa barone

is so eager to get
her hands on it.

Getting to... who?

A nice lady I met in venice.

Where to, lady?


(Door handle being turned)

Who is there?

Warning you!

Uncle may be thin,
but he is scrappy!


Evil demons.
Must be the necklace.

It has released a curse upon us.



You must learn to use a
napkin, tohru.

Aah! Go away! Demons, shoo!
Shoo! Shoo!



Chill, uncle, it's just us...
Buttercup scouts.

We were gonna
build bird feeders,

but Jade talked us
into making masks.

Don't they look scary?

Scary, no.

Uncle's heart always
pounds like jackhammer!

(Sighs) Just trying to whip
up a little excitement.

Why are you all here?

Don't you have a
camping trip today?

Uh-huh. Oh, gee!
Didn't I tell you, Jackie?

You're today's buttercup mom.

I can not be a buttercup mom.

I'm not even a mom.

Actually, the rule book's
pretty gray on that subject.

A buttercup troop leader can be a
mom, dad, uncle, whatever.

They even have a
uniform in your size.

Come on, uncle Jackie.

Just give it a chance.
You never know until you try.

How about it, Jackie?

You and me turn in our
buttercup badges right now,

leave this whole
dopey idea behind,

head for the nearest
pyramid or...

No, Jade.
This camping trip is a chance

for you and I to have fun together.
Without bad guys.

I try to get out,
but they keep pulling me back in.

And without any TV.

Ok, buttercup scouts!
All aboard!


Maybe there's a way to spice
up this trip after all.

(Door handle turning)

(Door opens and closes)

No more buttercup scouts!
Too late, bus left!

Oh, I'm not interested
in transportation.

I'm looking for
the eye of Aurora.

(Gasps) Never heard of it.
Thank you, come again.

You never heard of it, huh?

Where's the necklace, old timer?

Uh, necklace gone.
Jackie took it, uh, to museum.

How long before Jackie returns
from summit hill, sensei?

Summit hill, eh?
Thanks for the tip, tiny.



And that is how you
tie a bowline knot.

Who wants to try?

Scouts: Me! Pick me!
I wanna try!

All right, Tara and Dana first.

Isn't this fun?

Scouts: Yeah!

Gathering wood, chasing
butterflies, and tying knots.

Oh, yeah. A real party.

Jade, the first rule of
scouting is always be prepared.

You never know when knot-tying
might come in handy.

I'll remember that
when I join the Navy.

Maybe I should give you
a special assignment.

Really? Cool! What is it?

Canteens need refilling.

You want me to fetch water?

Yes, please.

There's a stream
behind those trees.

And please, don't wander off!

(Scoffs) We're a
mile from a mall.

What's he think?
I'm gonna make a prison break,

hop in a getaway car and
return to Siberia... huh?

Whoa! Weird!

Siberia! This thing's awesome.

Doggies! Oh, they're so cute!

And hungry. And so not dogs.

Wolves! Help!

Jackie! Answer phone!

(Cell phone rings)


Jackie, you are in danger.

Bad lady coming your way.

Jackie is not here.

Huh? Who this?!

What are you doing with
Jackie's cell phone?

Um, speaking with you, sensei.

Ah! Must go to summit hill!
Warn Jackie!

Quickly! Find map of city!

How'd we do?

Very nice job.

Very thorough, too.

Scouts: (Gasping)

What is it? A Bear?

Oh, it is probably just
Jade playing a prank.


(Gasps) Vanessa barone!

Now that's a face only
a mummy could love.

The necklace, chan.

I don't have it.
Uh, scout's honor.

If you're lying,
you're going to need a lot more bandages.

A buttercup scout never lies!


Well, hop to it,
buttercup scouts.

I'm not leaving till you
find my eye of Aurora.

Honolulu! Miami! Moose world!

Come on and work all ready!

Whoa! Oof!


Come on! Fly!
Activate! Power up!

Heh. N-nice wolfies.

I'd love to hang out and play
fetch, but, see,

I... I really gotta catch a cab

and return to uncle's
shop before it gets too...

I found one!

A map?

A box of cookies.

I am still. Searching for a map.

Hurry! Jackie is in big... aah!

Hey! It worked!

(Gasps) Where is Jackie?!

At the campsite.

I figured out the necklace.

You just say the word return to,

and whatever you say
next is where you go.

Like this: Return
to uncle's side.

Wha! Do not do that again!

Wait! Do that again!

Must go warn Jackie!

Bad lady headed his way!

No prob. Return to summit hill!

(Sighs) I did not have a chance
to ask her for more cookies.



Ah, express delivery.
How thoughtful.

Well, chan,
love to stay and rap,

but by the looks of it,
you're all wrapped up.

So ta-ta!


Thank you for the lesson in
bandage removal, miss barone.

See, girls? Quick and painless.


Buttercup scouts!
Too violent! Do not watch!

(Scoffs) As if!

Sayonara, all. It's been a kick.

Return to Peru!

I travel solo, chan.
So, step off.

Both: Aah!

Return to Everest!

Both: Ooh!

M-m-mount Everest! B-bad idea!

I wanted a soft landing.

Next time pick a warm place.
Like... Sahara desert!

Uh, oh! Return to Sahara desert!

Brilliant! You must have been
a real a-plus student, chan!

A-minus in school.

A-plus at the dojo.

Well, you're a complete washout
as a scout leader, chan.

Leaving those sweet,
defenseless girls all alone in the woods.

(Gasps) You're right! Wha?!

Ha! Return to aculp...

No, return to summit hill!

Jackie! You're back!

Yes, but so is she.

And I have the necklace.

Return to venice!

You have half the necklace.

Come on, Jackie.
Now's our chance to get her.

Please, Jade. Stay with the others.
I have a plan.

Ok, I give up!

No more fighting!

That's his plan?!

What's the catch?

No catch.
As you said, I am responsible

for the safety of these girls.

If you promise to leave,

I will give you the other
half of the necklace

and tell you where to
find an amazing treasure.

I'm listening.

A small island off
the coast of Chile.

Very remote.
Uh, demolition island.

Uh, devotion island?

Desolation island.
Nice try, chan.

Thought you could
trick me into traveling

to one of the most
remote spots on earth.

No, really. I...

I'd wager you were planning
to alert the authorities

to fly in and pick me up
the moment I got there.

(Sighs) Actually,
I was going to touch

the 2 necklace halves together,
then pull my half back

so you would be
teleported, then stranded.

But you were too clever to say,

"back to desolation island."

Oh, return to desolation island.


Get her!

Jade. The buttercups.

Jackie! Where are...

Can't talk, uncle.
Must go to desolation island.

Desolation island?


Ooh! Where are the others?

With little miss
globetrotter crook.

Scouts: Yeah! We're saved!

Ah, you used the first
aid skills I taught you.

Actually, a little something
I picked up watching TV.

Robinson crusoe goes Hawaiian.

So how we gonna get home,
buttercup mom Jackie?

No way that'll hold us all.


I was hoping to purchase
some more cookies.

Once we are home,
I will buy you all you can eat!

Hey, Jackie?

Do you cook?

My father is a big cook.

My father's a chef but
his son's the worst.

I even don't know
how to cook the rice.

The people tell me
it's the rice machine.

You put some rice in...

I broke the machine.

Somebody give me a
rice, already cook,

then I can put some
oil, with a pepper...

Only that one.

Jackie chan fried rice.