Jack Irish (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript
Jack struggles to recuperate and his mind takes an increasingly turn towards Rob Shand. Back in Manila, Linda is abducted. Longmore refuses to act against the church leaving Jack alone to fight for Sarah.
ORTON: That was the only village
that wouldn't sell to Holman-Dang.
(Gun fires)
FRASER: Move! In the car!
I'm an Australian journalist
and I would like to interview
Hadji Adhib.
I sent Fraser and the boys
out looking for you.
She's gonna be a handful.
(Woman screams, gunfire)
SUE: Before he left us, Mr Gomes
stole some financial records.
SHAND: Would it be fair to say that
losing someone who's very close
to you is your greatest fear?
JACK: I reckon losing someone
you love's as bad as it gets.
(Man speaks indistinctly)
Hey! Get off me!
I'll belt the living suitcase
out of both of you, I swear to God!
MAN: Now, settle!
Well, what's the lying bitch
being saying about me?
You right, Mrs Irish?
It's not broken, is it?
What do you reckon, Len?
Young Jack, eh?
You're the one that made the call?
Yeah, good lad.
You look after your mother, alright?
Your old man,
he just overdid it a bit.
You'll keep. Both of ya.
Is he gonna live?
Excuse me.
♪ You may run on for a long time
♪ Run on for a long time
♪ You may run on for a long time
♪ God almighty's gonna cut you down
♪ Tell you
God almighty's gonna cut you down
♪ Go tell that long-tongue liar
♪ Go tell the midnight rider
♪ Tell the rambler, the gambler,
the back-biter
♪ Tell them
God almighty's gonna cut 'em down
♪ Tell them
God almighty's gonna cut 'em down. ♪
(Children laugh)
(Both speak in local language)
Oh, how did it go?
Oh, fine. Yeah, she's in good hands.
Safer there than in Mindanao.
It's clean. It's well-run.
I mean, what else could I do?
I will not be judged by
some hack ex-pat bureau manager
who works a 40-minute week -
and not that
it's any of your business,
but I intend to keep in touch
with Fatma, we will correspond.
I'm the one who found her
and made her safe.
Where do you get off accusing me?
I don't remember accusing you,
You're hardly Mr Family Man -
or does being married
to a barmaid once
qualify you to make moral judgments
on the rest of us?
No, probably not.
Oh, Linda? There is a phone call
from Melbourne. Drew Greer?
Hey, it's me. What's happened?
I have to go back.
It's a personal emergency.
Is what's-his-name alright,
the emergency?
I don't know.
Am I renting out these
state-of-the-art facilities...
I don't know.
Uh, Adonis, can he drive me?
Ask him. He speaks English.
You were right -
I am totally out of my depth.
I was... I was sitting in Quiapo
Plaza eating ice-cream and...
...her little face...
If you don't think
that broke my heart...
Can I get a lift?
(Shand chuckles)
OK, now this is a true story.
Jesus walks into a bar
with his disciples.
The barman says,
'What can I get you?'
Jesus winks at his disciples
and says,
'13 glasses of water, thank you.'
(Laughs) I love that. I love it.
I'm with a great friend of the show,
Pastor Rob Shand
from Way of the Cross.
And I think we've got time
for some callers.
In fact, we have Kay on the line.
Kay, you're on the air.
WOMAN, ON PHONE: Pastor Rob,
does the rise of Islam concern you?
Extremist Islam, absolutely.
Religion and violence
should never go hand in hand.
COTTLE: I have a situation
in Manila.
Fraser Boyd's been grabbed
by the Jihadis.
For months I've been telling you
the security people you've been
training are not up to scratch!
They should all be ex-military.
And not ex-cons!
They're being trained
by Reece Stedman. He's ex-SAS.
None of you could operate overseas
without them - least of all you, Jim.
And we have Graham on the line.
MAN, ON PHONE: It's actually
Neville, Pastor Rob.
Neville Gomes?
You might remember me.
I'm the one you were so afraid
of speaking
before the Senate Inquiry
into charitable organisations.
My wife died last week, Pastor,
so you can't silence me anymore...
(Button clicks)
I'm afraid we seem to have lost
that caller, God bless,
but we have Gavin on the line.
MAN: Look, I think Jim's right, Sue.
I think the rivets
are popping out on this one.
Everything's under control...
Really? Another girl dead?
This is control, is it?
That was an unfortunate accident.
Well, we're drowning
in unfortunate accidents.
And now we've got a nosy journo
sniffing round the island,
asking me questions
about the Holman-Dang Bank.
Well, let her look.
(Phone chimes)
I'm afraid the Chair can't join us.
(All scoff)
I've flown nine hours
from the Philippines
and he can't even
swan in from Balwyn?!
Where the hell is he?!
Today? He's getting out today?
Well, it doesn't necessarily
mean we have to move him.
Well, I can't imagine
he'd be too pleased
finding this in his courtyard.
A pet is just what Jack needs.
Pets are proven to be valuable
for people trying
to recover to full health.
It's a fairly big pet, Harry.
Look, a general rule of thumb
with domestic pets
is you shouldn't be able
to ride 'em.
Jack's not licensed to ride
a thorough, anyway.
Besides, you know why
this needs to happen.
Ah, trust me.
It'll be just the boost he needs.
The doctor says
they have grief counsellors.
I don't want a counsellor.
Jack fucking Irish.
You taking the balloon I gave you,
or you just leaving it?
Brendan, now's not a good time.
Oh, look, I know what it's like
to lose someone special, Jack.
When my cat died last year,
I thought I'd never recover.
I just want to be left alone, mate.
Yeah. Well, I get that as well.
I'm the same when I get a bit down,
you know?
A little island of solitude,
that's what you need, Jack.
So, I'll see you tonight.
I'll bring some soup.
Oh, and I collected your papers.
So, the Amateurs had a win.
Kick after the siren.
Simmo's boy kicked five.
Hey, will you take me to Sarah's?
Is that... wise? I mean...
I can get a cab, mate,
if you'd rather.
Keep driving, mate.
(Horse whinnies)
LINDA: You know there's a horse
in your courtyard?
I just missed you at the hospital.
I've still got my key.
Here, let me help you.
Don't fuss, please.
No, it's OK.
Thank God you're alright.
Sorry. Did I hurt you?
Just a few bruises, that's all.
What did you come back for?
Why - don't you want me here?
I see.
I'm sorry you wasted your money.
Look, a lot's happened,
but right now you really need
someone to take care of you.
I don't, actually.
You don't need to be here, Linda.
You just...
You feel like you should be.
And that's what you do, isn't it?
You walk into people's lives,
tick a box, walk out,
think it's meant something.
Where's that coming from?
I'm just here to help you.
I didn't ask you to go to Manila
or ask you to come back.
For fuck's sake, Jack, this is
your mess that I'm wading through!
You think I don't know that?
I just lost
someone I was in love with
because of the shit I walked into,
...the shitty swamp
I always walk into.
You were in love with her?
What's going on?
Oh, don't worry about it.
Where did you find this?
It's got the same markings
as a bullet I found in the village.
Everything that's happened to you,
everything that's happened to me,
it's part of some bigger...
bigger thing.
(Door opens and closes)
Oh, you frickin' thing!
You winning?
Oh, fat chance.
This table leans more to the left
than Fidel Castro.
Jack, I contacted the coroner.
There's not going to be an inquest.
Police report, the arson report
all determine that Sarah's death
was caused by a faulty oxy torch.
So, that's it, is it?
Move along, nothing to see here.
It was a bomb, mate.
I mean, there's gotta be traces
of accelerant...
Oh, mate, you're talking
about an artist's workshop.
It was full of accelerants.
She had paint, turpentine,
propane, butane...
They fucking killed her, Barry.
I know they did.
Rob Shand sent me
a very clear message.
Mate, it was a recording.
Anyone could have sent that.
Rob Shand's not on trial.
No, and that's just it, isn't it?
He's never gonna be.
Don't get any ideas, Jack, OK?
Me police, you civilian.
MAN: Well, I hope you enjoy it.
And, er, you can go in now.
Excuse me. Reverend Dennis?
That's right.
Jack Irish. We spoke on the phone.
You don't look very well to me.
I'm alright, yeah.
Neville's inside. Come on.
It's all very hand-to-mouth here,
like them.
All donations and volunteers.
Have you got anything
to do with Way of the Cross?
Look around you. If we had
their millions, we'd spend it.
There's Neville.
He's doing it hard.
His wife passed away recently.
Neville Gomes?
She's dead now. You can't shut me
up! I've got nothing to lose!
I'm not with the church.
My name's Jack Irish.
I know they got to you.
I was at one of those mask parties.
I saw you there.
This is what a real not-for-profit
church does with its money.
The Way of the Cross,
their humble little house of God -
7.5 million, it cost.
Debt-free, I imagine.
Well, it's tax-free,
more to the point.
They got investments everywhere -
here, Asia.
And Via Crucis is just a corporate
parasite working a tax loop.
Via Crucis?
It's Latin for Way of the Cross.
Their Board -
heavy hitters only at that table.
And is Rob Shand part of that?
Well, he has to be.
He's the head of the snake.
'The Pastorpreneur', I call him.
$300,000 a year, official salary,
taxed, over a million untaxed.
$4.5-million house already paid for.
Doesn't even have a seminary degree.
That guy over there, 40 grand
a year, gives half of it away.
I was never anti-church, Mr Irish -
just those making a travesty
of what it's supposed to stand for.
God knows I'm a long way
from perfect.
SARAH, ON TV: Things that we desire,
the things we hope for
and the things that we fear.
an artist, what do you most fear?
Um, I suppose it would be
not living my life to the full,
not being able to surrender myself
to, um...
...well, love.
That's the expression
I'm ultimately striving for.
I mean, a lot
of my earlier relationships -
actually, all of them if I'm honest -
were car wrecks,
hence the materials that I use.
So, my process is, in part,
a physical exorcism
of those bad experiences,
but also an exploration
of why I keep pushing people away.
Or do they run? I don't know.
In your recent works,
you've highlighted...
What do you make of it?
Mmm, I think it's quite beautiful.
Do you know the artist?
Not really.
You're Senator Longmore.
I used to be.
No, her name's Cherry Blossom,
if you must know.
Cherry Blossom?
God, sounds like a deodoriser.
Get out!
Can I have a whisky, Stan?
Actually, make it a bottle, will you?
Yeah, sure, mate.
Jack, the committee's decided
to shelve the Bill Irish statue,
out of respect.
Should have been a statue of Mum
with a broken nose.
That's your sporting hero.
Cherry and I even have the same
hobbies, Jack. I mean, I think...
Oh, for fuck's sake, Stan.
No-one is actually
called Cherry Blossom, alright?
Why don't you just transfer all of
your funds out of your bank account
and be done with it?
Well, he's looking good.
Yeah, fighting fit.
He looks like death warmed up!
Which reminds me, Stan.
What happened to those pies, mate?
Oh, yeah, boys. Coming up.
Doctor's got you on a special drip,
I see?
Proven painkiller.
Proven side effects too.
You need to get rid of that horse.
Well, it's just until next Saturday.
Trying to keep him under wraps.
Well, shouldn't it be training
for the big race?
Oh, so, you're an expert on horses
now, are you?
We're freshening him up.
What Lost Legion needs
is to be safe, warm, and loved!
Harry, I told you
I didn't want to get dragged
down this equine sinkhole,
so shoot the bloody thing
for all I care.
Seems a bit flat.
You break a man's heart,
you break his spirit.
Keep an eye on him.
No worries, Harry.
(Smooth jazz plays)
Hey, it's Jack.
I know it's late,
but do think you could come over?
(Horse whinnies)
You know there's a horse
in your courtyard?
I'm sorry to drag you over here.
Oh, can I have some of this?
Yeah, I'll get you a glass.
Everything alright?
Mmm. Yeah, no, good.
Married life is everything
I dreamed of and more.
I am so happy I can't tell you. It's
really, really just good and great.
Glad to hear it.
You know, apparently, I am
Conchita the cleaning woman now.
Don't get me wrong,
I love kids, just not his.
Do you wanna take a seat?
Yeah, I should've seen
the writing on the wall.
I mean, he wore a cummerbund
at the wedding. Can you believe it?
I mean, who wears
a peach cummerbund?
'Cummerbund' -
even the word is ludicrous.
Um, I'm guessing
this is Janene Ballich's phone
and I can't seem to make it work.
I'm just wanting to see if there's
any messages on there from,
well, Sarah's sister, Tina,
or Rob Shand.
The SIM card's shot.
I'll see if I can find something
off the hard drive, though.
And there's a name that
I hadn't heard before, Via Crucis.
I'm just wondering who runs
that company, who's on the board.
Mm-hm. Actually, um,
could I get one more for the road?
You look terrible, Jack.
Alright, then. Thanks.
(Door shuts)
Yes? What do you want?
Why are you staring at my house?
I'm a journalist.
Hadji is not here.
He hasn't lived here for years.
Linda Hillier. Yes, I know.
I've just come from the Philippines.
I was on Mindanao.
Did you see him?
(Speaks Arabic)
We have not spoken to him for years.
Would you like to?
It is how he left it.
In case.
That's him in his cricket uniform.
He played Australian football.
Look - Best and Fairest.
He was a good player.
He was many good things.
But... (Sighs)
..we have lost our son.
We accept this.
If you press 'redial',
you can leave him a message.
'Unsung master'.
Oh, he'd love that! Ha!
'Journo's family slain
in bomb blast.
Wojcik's wife, five-year-old daughter
tragically killed
in a Manila terrorist attack.'
(Knocking at door)
(Sighs) I can't concentrate.
Simon's interstate on business.
He's left me with the kids.
They've gone ballistic.
His sister dropped round and
I crawled out the bathroom window.
Can I work here?
Yeah, I was just going out anyway.
(Door shuts)
Hello, silence, my old friend.
(House music blares)
What's he doing?
You gonna buy me one of those?
I'm Rosie.
Have you got a death wish, Rosie?
Why, what's in it?
I wouldn't stand too close.
Women tend to die around me,
you know? Ask anyone.
Fucking creep!
Hey. Do you have a problem, mate?
Well, where do you want me to start?
(Shouting and screaming)
Get off him, get off him!
Come on, that's enough!
(Keyboard clacks)
Is Jack home?
(Shrieks) Oh, my God!
Sorry! It's OK. I'm a friend of his.
I have a key.
We used to be in practice together.
Drew Greer.
You gave me a fright.
Does Jack know there's a horse
in his courtyard?
I think he does.
I've been trying to reach him,
saw the light on.
He went out.
I'm doing research for him.
Simone Benston, right?
He speaks very highly of you.
I can see why.
Impressive - the typing.
Thank you.
How many words a minute?
Oh, wow! Um, mind if I watch?
While I wait.
Oh, they'll be naming a wing
after you soon.
Uh, thanks for coming, they... Oh!
They made me call someone.
Well, I did come back
from the Philippines
to take you home from hospital.
Is this some sort of quest
for self-annihilation?
Well, if it is, it's not working.
I'm still here.
So, tell me, where did those bullets
from your place come from?
I... I commandeered them off someone
who was planning on
putting them in me.
Mine came from a fishing village
in Mindanao.
They killed a little girl's family,
not that anyone knows
where the bodies are.
That's where Sarah's sister was.
Tina, she was stationed there doing,
um... doing volunteer work
for that happy clapper church.
And your Holman-Dang bank is buying
up huge tracts of land there.
There is a connection.
But we just can't work out
what to do about it.
It's a bit like us.
I think I know what to do about it.
Alright kids, come on, we're going!
Let's go! Move, move, move!
You coming?
Where's Mum?
We don't wanna be late.
Here, um, I think that one's yours
and that one's yours.
Let's go. Let's go. Right.
(Door opens)
Jump in the car. Go on.
Move! Let's go.
I'll be there in a sec. Come on.
Where the hell have you been?
Seriously, you're asking ME?
What the hell do you care?
Of course I care, and so do our kids.
Oh, bless them!
Better not tell them
you've been screwing
half your congregation, then.
Think I'm so stupid I didn't know
about you and Tina and whoever else?
OK, I'll drop the kids at school,
come back, we'll have a good chat.
No, no, no, I don't want to talk
about it - I don't care -
but every time you screw
some nubile, doe-eyed girl,
you'd better warn them
they could end up dead.
If you're talking about Tina,
I had nothing to do with that.
That is ridiculous!
Yes, you did.
You made her a problem
they had to make go away.
Dinner will be waiting for you
when you get home.
(Kids shout indistinctly)
Please... Put your belt on, please!
Can you just put your seatbelt...
Look out!
(Tyres screech)
Oh, shit!
This isn't what it looks like.
It just looks like two naked people
who have had sex in my bed.
So, it is what it looks like, but...
We didn't mean to fall asleep!
Yeah, we might just have had
too much whisky. Sorry, Jack!
She types 105 words-per-minute,
What was I supposed to do?
I'm only human!
None of my business, mate.
Well, it is your house!
Ghosts and horses live here.
Where are you going?
I am a bad person. Who does this?
I have been married for 20 minutes.
I've already had a passionate affair
with a handsome stranger
and left my husband's children
with his insane sister.
God, who am I?
So, 'handsome', you say?
I am supposed to be helping Jack.
Well, I could help him too.
I'll type.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's alright. I got it.
Hey! I can see you. (Chuckles)
This is some kind of voodoo magic,
Yeah, modern technology.
It's miraculous, isn't it?
Lets you find out
all sorts of things...
Why didn't you tell me who you are?
That man doesn't exist anymore.
Your wife, she was a doctor.
You told me she was a bar girl.
She liked drinking in karaoke bars.
Beautiful... dreadful voice.
I used to love your articles.
I hunted them down.
You wrote with such compassion.
But you never had a photo by-line.
So... what's-his-name,
Jack English, he's OK?
Deliberately getting his name wrong
is beneath you, you know that?
(Chuckles) No.
Jealousy is as noble as I get.
Orton, do you remember
the first question I asked you
when I got to the Philippines?
Why was the toilet blocked?
No. At the power plant do.
Yeah, you were wondering
how it was being powered.
Yeah, and Cottle gave
some long-winded defence about coal,
but he never actually mentioned
how the coal was getting
to the power plant.
Through the main port on Mindanao.
Yes, but a bulk carrier needs
a minimum depth of 14m.
The existing harbour in Mindanao,
it's only 9m deep,
so it's too shallow - I checked -
and it would be impossible
to dredge that harbour.
So, what they need
is to find a place on the island
where they can dredge
a deep-harbour port.
Our fishing village.
Yeah, without it,
Cottle can't power his plant.
So, does this mean
you'll be coming back?
I'll be in the office Friday
if I still have a desk.
What were their names?
and our daughter was Divina.
It's beautiful.
You can take my desk.
I never use it.
(Power saw roars)
Sorry, did I wake you?
I needed somewhere to crash, Charlie.
You look like you've done
enough crashing.
I gotta go.
Were you planning on telling me
or not?
You have enough bad news.
How much money do you owe?
Maybe 50 - thereabouts.
I trust you enjoyed your stay,
Ms Hillier.
Oh, thank you.
I just, um... I just wanted
to see you before you went.
I didn't want things
to end like this.
Someone recently told me that
I was incapable of a deep connection.
What arsehole
would have told you that?
Well, I think that arsehole
was partly right.
I've come to the horrible realisation
that in chasing the big things,
I've missed
the important little ones.
Is that what went wrong with us?
(Sighs) Nothing went wrong with us.
It was...
It was what was wrong
with me, I think.
You know, we would have made
a good kid.
Do you know why we couldn't get over
that last hurdle?
Well, the last hurdle's
always the hardest, isn't it?
That's why they...
That's why they put it last.
I do love you, you know?
I know.
What will you do now?
If I'm ever in Manila...
You really need to get a passport.
It's a big world out there.
Oh, you know I went and saw...
her exhibition.
I'm not a huge fan of banged-up
metal, but... I get it.
I do.
SUE, ON VIDEO: Tina, I want you
to share with us
your greatest single fear.
My greatest fear?
...it's a really stupid one.
When I was a kid, this...
this really mad, vicious dog
just came out of nowhere
and, um, he jumped on me
and they couldn't pull him off,
and... it almost killed me.
So, yeah, I'm scared of dogs.
Well, that is all in the past now,
You're safe here.
You're among friends.
You killed her.
You fuckin' killed her!
And the sister! Dogs - I saw it all.
We cleaned up your mess, Rob.
Tina Longmore was about to cause us
a great deal of harm.
We couldn't permit that.
This is madness, this...
Oh, please. You know there's
much more than you at stake here.
You're a performing seal, Rob,
a show pony.
But you aren't completely stupid.
I'm not going to let you
get away with this.
God forgive you.
(Door opens)
(Door shuts)
You didn't need to get dressed up.
Just gonna let him get away with it,
are you?
Rob Shand.
I saw you talking to him
at Tina's funeral.
You in bed with that lot, are you?
(Sighs) And which lot would that be,
Via Crucis.
I mean, they shut down
your Senate Inquiry
and you didn't do anything about it -
but then, your government does love
big business.
And that is a church
that worships it.
I think that explosion
messed with your head, son.
Did you know Rob Shand
was having an affair with Tina?
Not something he or his minders
would want getting out, I imagine.
Sarah was on to them
and they shut her up.
Are you going to do anything
about that?
Sarah told me that when
she was raped, when she needed you,
you didn't do anything.
I hired the best silk in
the country, gave her what I could.
Yeah, right.
There's no word for it,
that's the trouble.
No word for what?
You lose a wife, you're a widower.
Lose your children
and, er, what are you, hmm?
You're just not a father anymore.
Hell of a player, your old man.
I used to watch him
from the terraces.
Took no prisoners, Bill Irish.
Oh, there were prisoners.
You know, someone has to fight
for Sarah, Michael,
and if you're not gonna do it,
I will.
Best you leave that to others, Jack.
Ooh, Jack!
Hi, mate.
Jack, we got something.
What are you looking for?
Have you been nosing around in here?
No, I swear.
Um, we got Janene's mobile working.
There's a text message
from Tina Longmore.
Do you know anything
about this Pier Okant?
We don't know.
There's nothing online.
And the numbers?
It's not a phone number.
Doesn't appear to be a bank account.
Could be combination for a safe
or a safety deposit box, but...
We don't know.
There's also a voice message
from Rob Shand.
Message received 5 August, 6:57AM.
ROB, ON PHONE: Janene, it's Rob.
I got your message.
I'm on my way.
She was dead an hour later.
(Gate opens)
So, who won?
I need that gun, Cam.
Why - is someone bothering you?
Listen, I know you've taken it
and I want it back.
No, can't do that, eh, brother?
Can I at least have your car?
BRENDAN: Jack fuckin' Irish.
Next cubicle along, please, Jack.
It's a nice one, that.
Used one myself just recently.
Little family dispute.
Pleasing result.
Know your way around a gun,
do you, Jack?
I know where the bullets come out.
Yeah, well, don't be shy with it.
My advice - point it in the general
direction, just keep squeezing.
Is this loaded?
(Gun fires)
Let me revise that. Yes.
We should get out of here, right?
Ah, don't sweat it. Gunshot's
like a dog barking round here.
That's gratis, by the way, Jack -
that's on the house.
Plus, if you need a hand...
No, it's alright, I need to...
I need to do this myself.
Thanks, mate.
Have it your way, you little scamp.
(Aeroplane drones)
LINDA: I could have caught a taxi,
Orton wanted me
to pick you up in style.
Did he?
Yes. Oh, good news!
Sam got picked up in Thailand
with a ladyboy prostitute,
so you can keep your apartment.
Mmm, that is good news.
You know,
I've never asked you, Adonis...
What do you make of your country?
My country?
We were under Spanish rule
for about... 300 years.
Americans for another 50.
We've only really been ourselves
for about 70 years,
so we don't really know
who we are yet,
but we're trying,
if, um... the world would let us.
(Phone buttons click)
(Mobile phone beeps)
(Linda cries out)
MAN: Don't move!
(Breathes heavily)
(Linda whimpers)
(Heavy breathing)
(Groans) Please help me... Jack.
My phone, I beg you.
(Door slams)
I know you had Sarah killed.
I didn't kill anyone.
You have to believe me, I...
I didn't know anything about it.
I'm... I'm...
Please... don't do this. Help me.
God is watching.
No, I reckon he gave up
a long time ago.
I don't wanna die.
What if there's nothing there?
(Door opens)
I didn't do this.
that wouldn't sell to Holman-Dang.
(Gun fires)
FRASER: Move! In the car!
I'm an Australian journalist
and I would like to interview
Hadji Adhib.
I sent Fraser and the boys
out looking for you.
She's gonna be a handful.
(Woman screams, gunfire)
SUE: Before he left us, Mr Gomes
stole some financial records.
SHAND: Would it be fair to say that
losing someone who's very close
to you is your greatest fear?
JACK: I reckon losing someone
you love's as bad as it gets.
(Man speaks indistinctly)
Hey! Get off me!
I'll belt the living suitcase
out of both of you, I swear to God!
MAN: Now, settle!
Well, what's the lying bitch
being saying about me?
You right, Mrs Irish?
It's not broken, is it?
What do you reckon, Len?
Young Jack, eh?
You're the one that made the call?
Yeah, good lad.
You look after your mother, alright?
Your old man,
he just overdid it a bit.
You'll keep. Both of ya.
Is he gonna live?
Excuse me.
♪ You may run on for a long time
♪ Run on for a long time
♪ You may run on for a long time
♪ God almighty's gonna cut you down
♪ Tell you
God almighty's gonna cut you down
♪ Go tell that long-tongue liar
♪ Go tell the midnight rider
♪ Tell the rambler, the gambler,
the back-biter
♪ Tell them
God almighty's gonna cut 'em down
♪ Tell them
God almighty's gonna cut 'em down. ♪
(Children laugh)
(Both speak in local language)
Oh, how did it go?
Oh, fine. Yeah, she's in good hands.
Safer there than in Mindanao.
It's clean. It's well-run.
I mean, what else could I do?
I will not be judged by
some hack ex-pat bureau manager
who works a 40-minute week -
and not that
it's any of your business,
but I intend to keep in touch
with Fatma, we will correspond.
I'm the one who found her
and made her safe.
Where do you get off accusing me?
I don't remember accusing you,
You're hardly Mr Family Man -
or does being married
to a barmaid once
qualify you to make moral judgments
on the rest of us?
No, probably not.
Oh, Linda? There is a phone call
from Melbourne. Drew Greer?
Hey, it's me. What's happened?
I have to go back.
It's a personal emergency.
Is what's-his-name alright,
the emergency?
I don't know.
Am I renting out these
state-of-the-art facilities...
I don't know.
Uh, Adonis, can he drive me?
Ask him. He speaks English.
You were right -
I am totally out of my depth.
I was... I was sitting in Quiapo
Plaza eating ice-cream and...
...her little face...
If you don't think
that broke my heart...
Can I get a lift?
(Shand chuckles)
OK, now this is a true story.
Jesus walks into a bar
with his disciples.
The barman says,
'What can I get you?'
Jesus winks at his disciples
and says,
'13 glasses of water, thank you.'
(Laughs) I love that. I love it.
I'm with a great friend of the show,
Pastor Rob Shand
from Way of the Cross.
And I think we've got time
for some callers.
In fact, we have Kay on the line.
Kay, you're on the air.
WOMAN, ON PHONE: Pastor Rob,
does the rise of Islam concern you?
Extremist Islam, absolutely.
Religion and violence
should never go hand in hand.
COTTLE: I have a situation
in Manila.
Fraser Boyd's been grabbed
by the Jihadis.
For months I've been telling you
the security people you've been
training are not up to scratch!
They should all be ex-military.
And not ex-cons!
They're being trained
by Reece Stedman. He's ex-SAS.
None of you could operate overseas
without them - least of all you, Jim.
And we have Graham on the line.
MAN, ON PHONE: It's actually
Neville, Pastor Rob.
Neville Gomes?
You might remember me.
I'm the one you were so afraid
of speaking
before the Senate Inquiry
into charitable organisations.
My wife died last week, Pastor,
so you can't silence me anymore...
(Button clicks)
I'm afraid we seem to have lost
that caller, God bless,
but we have Gavin on the line.
MAN: Look, I think Jim's right, Sue.
I think the rivets
are popping out on this one.
Everything's under control...
Really? Another girl dead?
This is control, is it?
That was an unfortunate accident.
Well, we're drowning
in unfortunate accidents.
And now we've got a nosy journo
sniffing round the island,
asking me questions
about the Holman-Dang Bank.
Well, let her look.
(Phone chimes)
I'm afraid the Chair can't join us.
(All scoff)
I've flown nine hours
from the Philippines
and he can't even
swan in from Balwyn?!
Where the hell is he?!
Today? He's getting out today?
Well, it doesn't necessarily
mean we have to move him.
Well, I can't imagine
he'd be too pleased
finding this in his courtyard.
A pet is just what Jack needs.
Pets are proven to be valuable
for people trying
to recover to full health.
It's a fairly big pet, Harry.
Look, a general rule of thumb
with domestic pets
is you shouldn't be able
to ride 'em.
Jack's not licensed to ride
a thorough, anyway.
Besides, you know why
this needs to happen.
Ah, trust me.
It'll be just the boost he needs.
The doctor says
they have grief counsellors.
I don't want a counsellor.
Jack fucking Irish.
You taking the balloon I gave you,
or you just leaving it?
Brendan, now's not a good time.
Oh, look, I know what it's like
to lose someone special, Jack.
When my cat died last year,
I thought I'd never recover.
I just want to be left alone, mate.
Yeah. Well, I get that as well.
I'm the same when I get a bit down,
you know?
A little island of solitude,
that's what you need, Jack.
So, I'll see you tonight.
I'll bring some soup.
Oh, and I collected your papers.
So, the Amateurs had a win.
Kick after the siren.
Simmo's boy kicked five.
Hey, will you take me to Sarah's?
Is that... wise? I mean...
I can get a cab, mate,
if you'd rather.
Keep driving, mate.
(Horse whinnies)
LINDA: You know there's a horse
in your courtyard?
I just missed you at the hospital.
I've still got my key.
Here, let me help you.
Don't fuss, please.
No, it's OK.
Thank God you're alright.
Sorry. Did I hurt you?
Just a few bruises, that's all.
What did you come back for?
Why - don't you want me here?
I see.
I'm sorry you wasted your money.
Look, a lot's happened,
but right now you really need
someone to take care of you.
I don't, actually.
You don't need to be here, Linda.
You just...
You feel like you should be.
And that's what you do, isn't it?
You walk into people's lives,
tick a box, walk out,
think it's meant something.
Where's that coming from?
I'm just here to help you.
I didn't ask you to go to Manila
or ask you to come back.
For fuck's sake, Jack, this is
your mess that I'm wading through!
You think I don't know that?
I just lost
someone I was in love with
because of the shit I walked into,
...the shitty swamp
I always walk into.
You were in love with her?
What's going on?
Oh, don't worry about it.
Where did you find this?
It's got the same markings
as a bullet I found in the village.
Everything that's happened to you,
everything that's happened to me,
it's part of some bigger...
bigger thing.
(Door opens and closes)
Oh, you frickin' thing!
You winning?
Oh, fat chance.
This table leans more to the left
than Fidel Castro.
Jack, I contacted the coroner.
There's not going to be an inquest.
Police report, the arson report
all determine that Sarah's death
was caused by a faulty oxy torch.
So, that's it, is it?
Move along, nothing to see here.
It was a bomb, mate.
I mean, there's gotta be traces
of accelerant...
Oh, mate, you're talking
about an artist's workshop.
It was full of accelerants.
She had paint, turpentine,
propane, butane...
They fucking killed her, Barry.
I know they did.
Rob Shand sent me
a very clear message.
Mate, it was a recording.
Anyone could have sent that.
Rob Shand's not on trial.
No, and that's just it, isn't it?
He's never gonna be.
Don't get any ideas, Jack, OK?
Me police, you civilian.
MAN: Well, I hope you enjoy it.
And, er, you can go in now.
Excuse me. Reverend Dennis?
That's right.
Jack Irish. We spoke on the phone.
You don't look very well to me.
I'm alright, yeah.
Neville's inside. Come on.
It's all very hand-to-mouth here,
like them.
All donations and volunteers.
Have you got anything
to do with Way of the Cross?
Look around you. If we had
their millions, we'd spend it.
There's Neville.
He's doing it hard.
His wife passed away recently.
Neville Gomes?
She's dead now. You can't shut me
up! I've got nothing to lose!
I'm not with the church.
My name's Jack Irish.
I know they got to you.
I was at one of those mask parties.
I saw you there.
This is what a real not-for-profit
church does with its money.
The Way of the Cross,
their humble little house of God -
7.5 million, it cost.
Debt-free, I imagine.
Well, it's tax-free,
more to the point.
They got investments everywhere -
here, Asia.
And Via Crucis is just a corporate
parasite working a tax loop.
Via Crucis?
It's Latin for Way of the Cross.
Their Board -
heavy hitters only at that table.
And is Rob Shand part of that?
Well, he has to be.
He's the head of the snake.
'The Pastorpreneur', I call him.
$300,000 a year, official salary,
taxed, over a million untaxed.
$4.5-million house already paid for.
Doesn't even have a seminary degree.
That guy over there, 40 grand
a year, gives half of it away.
I was never anti-church, Mr Irish -
just those making a travesty
of what it's supposed to stand for.
God knows I'm a long way
from perfect.
SARAH, ON TV: Things that we desire,
the things we hope for
and the things that we fear.
an artist, what do you most fear?
Um, I suppose it would be
not living my life to the full,
not being able to surrender myself
to, um...
...well, love.
That's the expression
I'm ultimately striving for.
I mean, a lot
of my earlier relationships -
actually, all of them if I'm honest -
were car wrecks,
hence the materials that I use.
So, my process is, in part,
a physical exorcism
of those bad experiences,
but also an exploration
of why I keep pushing people away.
Or do they run? I don't know.
In your recent works,
you've highlighted...
What do you make of it?
Mmm, I think it's quite beautiful.
Do you know the artist?
Not really.
You're Senator Longmore.
I used to be.
No, her name's Cherry Blossom,
if you must know.
Cherry Blossom?
God, sounds like a deodoriser.
Get out!
Can I have a whisky, Stan?
Actually, make it a bottle, will you?
Yeah, sure, mate.
Jack, the committee's decided
to shelve the Bill Irish statue,
out of respect.
Should have been a statue of Mum
with a broken nose.
That's your sporting hero.
Cherry and I even have the same
hobbies, Jack. I mean, I think...
Oh, for fuck's sake, Stan.
No-one is actually
called Cherry Blossom, alright?
Why don't you just transfer all of
your funds out of your bank account
and be done with it?
Well, he's looking good.
Yeah, fighting fit.
He looks like death warmed up!
Which reminds me, Stan.
What happened to those pies, mate?
Oh, yeah, boys. Coming up.
Doctor's got you on a special drip,
I see?
Proven painkiller.
Proven side effects too.
You need to get rid of that horse.
Well, it's just until next Saturday.
Trying to keep him under wraps.
Well, shouldn't it be training
for the big race?
Oh, so, you're an expert on horses
now, are you?
We're freshening him up.
What Lost Legion needs
is to be safe, warm, and loved!
Harry, I told you
I didn't want to get dragged
down this equine sinkhole,
so shoot the bloody thing
for all I care.
Seems a bit flat.
You break a man's heart,
you break his spirit.
Keep an eye on him.
No worries, Harry.
(Smooth jazz plays)
Hey, it's Jack.
I know it's late,
but do think you could come over?
(Horse whinnies)
You know there's a horse
in your courtyard?
I'm sorry to drag you over here.
Oh, can I have some of this?
Yeah, I'll get you a glass.
Everything alright?
Mmm. Yeah, no, good.
Married life is everything
I dreamed of and more.
I am so happy I can't tell you. It's
really, really just good and great.
Glad to hear it.
You know, apparently, I am
Conchita the cleaning woman now.
Don't get me wrong,
I love kids, just not his.
Do you wanna take a seat?
Yeah, I should've seen
the writing on the wall.
I mean, he wore a cummerbund
at the wedding. Can you believe it?
I mean, who wears
a peach cummerbund?
'Cummerbund' -
even the word is ludicrous.
Um, I'm guessing
this is Janene Ballich's phone
and I can't seem to make it work.
I'm just wanting to see if there's
any messages on there from,
well, Sarah's sister, Tina,
or Rob Shand.
The SIM card's shot.
I'll see if I can find something
off the hard drive, though.
And there's a name that
I hadn't heard before, Via Crucis.
I'm just wondering who runs
that company, who's on the board.
Mm-hm. Actually, um,
could I get one more for the road?
You look terrible, Jack.
Alright, then. Thanks.
(Door shuts)
Yes? What do you want?
Why are you staring at my house?
I'm a journalist.
Hadji is not here.
He hasn't lived here for years.
Linda Hillier. Yes, I know.
I've just come from the Philippines.
I was on Mindanao.
Did you see him?
(Speaks Arabic)
We have not spoken to him for years.
Would you like to?
It is how he left it.
In case.
That's him in his cricket uniform.
He played Australian football.
Look - Best and Fairest.
He was a good player.
He was many good things.
But... (Sighs)
..we have lost our son.
We accept this.
If you press 'redial',
you can leave him a message.
'Unsung master'.
Oh, he'd love that! Ha!
'Journo's family slain
in bomb blast.
Wojcik's wife, five-year-old daughter
tragically killed
in a Manila terrorist attack.'
(Knocking at door)
(Sighs) I can't concentrate.
Simon's interstate on business.
He's left me with the kids.
They've gone ballistic.
His sister dropped round and
I crawled out the bathroom window.
Can I work here?
Yeah, I was just going out anyway.
(Door shuts)
Hello, silence, my old friend.
(House music blares)
What's he doing?
You gonna buy me one of those?
I'm Rosie.
Have you got a death wish, Rosie?
Why, what's in it?
I wouldn't stand too close.
Women tend to die around me,
you know? Ask anyone.
Fucking creep!
Hey. Do you have a problem, mate?
Well, where do you want me to start?
(Shouting and screaming)
Get off him, get off him!
Come on, that's enough!
(Keyboard clacks)
Is Jack home?
(Shrieks) Oh, my God!
Sorry! It's OK. I'm a friend of his.
I have a key.
We used to be in practice together.
Drew Greer.
You gave me a fright.
Does Jack know there's a horse
in his courtyard?
I think he does.
I've been trying to reach him,
saw the light on.
He went out.
I'm doing research for him.
Simone Benston, right?
He speaks very highly of you.
I can see why.
Impressive - the typing.
Thank you.
How many words a minute?
Oh, wow! Um, mind if I watch?
While I wait.
Oh, they'll be naming a wing
after you soon.
Uh, thanks for coming, they... Oh!
They made me call someone.
Well, I did come back
from the Philippines
to take you home from hospital.
Is this some sort of quest
for self-annihilation?
Well, if it is, it's not working.
I'm still here.
So, tell me, where did those bullets
from your place come from?
I... I commandeered them off someone
who was planning on
putting them in me.
Mine came from a fishing village
in Mindanao.
They killed a little girl's family,
not that anyone knows
where the bodies are.
That's where Sarah's sister was.
Tina, she was stationed there doing,
um... doing volunteer work
for that happy clapper church.
And your Holman-Dang bank is buying
up huge tracts of land there.
There is a connection.
But we just can't work out
what to do about it.
It's a bit like us.
I think I know what to do about it.
Alright kids, come on, we're going!
Let's go! Move, move, move!
You coming?
Where's Mum?
We don't wanna be late.
Here, um, I think that one's yours
and that one's yours.
Let's go. Let's go. Right.
(Door opens)
Jump in the car. Go on.
Move! Let's go.
I'll be there in a sec. Come on.
Where the hell have you been?
Seriously, you're asking ME?
What the hell do you care?
Of course I care, and so do our kids.
Oh, bless them!
Better not tell them
you've been screwing
half your congregation, then.
Think I'm so stupid I didn't know
about you and Tina and whoever else?
OK, I'll drop the kids at school,
come back, we'll have a good chat.
No, no, no, I don't want to talk
about it - I don't care -
but every time you screw
some nubile, doe-eyed girl,
you'd better warn them
they could end up dead.
If you're talking about Tina,
I had nothing to do with that.
That is ridiculous!
Yes, you did.
You made her a problem
they had to make go away.
Dinner will be waiting for you
when you get home.
(Kids shout indistinctly)
Please... Put your belt on, please!
Can you just put your seatbelt...
Look out!
(Tyres screech)
Oh, shit!
This isn't what it looks like.
It just looks like two naked people
who have had sex in my bed.
So, it is what it looks like, but...
We didn't mean to fall asleep!
Yeah, we might just have had
too much whisky. Sorry, Jack!
She types 105 words-per-minute,
What was I supposed to do?
I'm only human!
None of my business, mate.
Well, it is your house!
Ghosts and horses live here.
Where are you going?
I am a bad person. Who does this?
I have been married for 20 minutes.
I've already had a passionate affair
with a handsome stranger
and left my husband's children
with his insane sister.
God, who am I?
So, 'handsome', you say?
I am supposed to be helping Jack.
Well, I could help him too.
I'll type.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's alright. I got it.
Hey! I can see you. (Chuckles)
This is some kind of voodoo magic,
Yeah, modern technology.
It's miraculous, isn't it?
Lets you find out
all sorts of things...
Why didn't you tell me who you are?
That man doesn't exist anymore.
Your wife, she was a doctor.
You told me she was a bar girl.
She liked drinking in karaoke bars.
Beautiful... dreadful voice.
I used to love your articles.
I hunted them down.
You wrote with such compassion.
But you never had a photo by-line.
So... what's-his-name,
Jack English, he's OK?
Deliberately getting his name wrong
is beneath you, you know that?
(Chuckles) No.
Jealousy is as noble as I get.
Orton, do you remember
the first question I asked you
when I got to the Philippines?
Why was the toilet blocked?
No. At the power plant do.
Yeah, you were wondering
how it was being powered.
Yeah, and Cottle gave
some long-winded defence about coal,
but he never actually mentioned
how the coal was getting
to the power plant.
Through the main port on Mindanao.
Yes, but a bulk carrier needs
a minimum depth of 14m.
The existing harbour in Mindanao,
it's only 9m deep,
so it's too shallow - I checked -
and it would be impossible
to dredge that harbour.
So, what they need
is to find a place on the island
where they can dredge
a deep-harbour port.
Our fishing village.
Yeah, without it,
Cottle can't power his plant.
So, does this mean
you'll be coming back?
I'll be in the office Friday
if I still have a desk.
What were their names?
and our daughter was Divina.
It's beautiful.
You can take my desk.
I never use it.
(Power saw roars)
Sorry, did I wake you?
I needed somewhere to crash, Charlie.
You look like you've done
enough crashing.
I gotta go.
Were you planning on telling me
or not?
You have enough bad news.
How much money do you owe?
Maybe 50 - thereabouts.
I trust you enjoyed your stay,
Ms Hillier.
Oh, thank you.
I just, um... I just wanted
to see you before you went.
I didn't want things
to end like this.
Someone recently told me that
I was incapable of a deep connection.
What arsehole
would have told you that?
Well, I think that arsehole
was partly right.
I've come to the horrible realisation
that in chasing the big things,
I've missed
the important little ones.
Is that what went wrong with us?
(Sighs) Nothing went wrong with us.
It was...
It was what was wrong
with me, I think.
You know, we would have made
a good kid.
Do you know why we couldn't get over
that last hurdle?
Well, the last hurdle's
always the hardest, isn't it?
That's why they...
That's why they put it last.
I do love you, you know?
I know.
What will you do now?
If I'm ever in Manila...
You really need to get a passport.
It's a big world out there.
Oh, you know I went and saw...
her exhibition.
I'm not a huge fan of banged-up
metal, but... I get it.
I do.
SUE, ON VIDEO: Tina, I want you
to share with us
your greatest single fear.
My greatest fear?
...it's a really stupid one.
When I was a kid, this...
this really mad, vicious dog
just came out of nowhere
and, um, he jumped on me
and they couldn't pull him off,
and... it almost killed me.
So, yeah, I'm scared of dogs.
Well, that is all in the past now,
You're safe here.
You're among friends.
You killed her.
You fuckin' killed her!
And the sister! Dogs - I saw it all.
We cleaned up your mess, Rob.
Tina Longmore was about to cause us
a great deal of harm.
We couldn't permit that.
This is madness, this...
Oh, please. You know there's
much more than you at stake here.
You're a performing seal, Rob,
a show pony.
But you aren't completely stupid.
I'm not going to let you
get away with this.
God forgive you.
(Door opens)
(Door shuts)
You didn't need to get dressed up.
Just gonna let him get away with it,
are you?
Rob Shand.
I saw you talking to him
at Tina's funeral.
You in bed with that lot, are you?
(Sighs) And which lot would that be,
Via Crucis.
I mean, they shut down
your Senate Inquiry
and you didn't do anything about it -
but then, your government does love
big business.
And that is a church
that worships it.
I think that explosion
messed with your head, son.
Did you know Rob Shand
was having an affair with Tina?
Not something he or his minders
would want getting out, I imagine.
Sarah was on to them
and they shut her up.
Are you going to do anything
about that?
Sarah told me that when
she was raped, when she needed you,
you didn't do anything.
I hired the best silk in
the country, gave her what I could.
Yeah, right.
There's no word for it,
that's the trouble.
No word for what?
You lose a wife, you're a widower.
Lose your children
and, er, what are you, hmm?
You're just not a father anymore.
Hell of a player, your old man.
I used to watch him
from the terraces.
Took no prisoners, Bill Irish.
Oh, there were prisoners.
You know, someone has to fight
for Sarah, Michael,
and if you're not gonna do it,
I will.
Best you leave that to others, Jack.
Ooh, Jack!
Hi, mate.
Jack, we got something.
What are you looking for?
Have you been nosing around in here?
No, I swear.
Um, we got Janene's mobile working.
There's a text message
from Tina Longmore.
Do you know anything
about this Pier Okant?
We don't know.
There's nothing online.
And the numbers?
It's not a phone number.
Doesn't appear to be a bank account.
Could be combination for a safe
or a safety deposit box, but...
We don't know.
There's also a voice message
from Rob Shand.
Message received 5 August, 6:57AM.
ROB, ON PHONE: Janene, it's Rob.
I got your message.
I'm on my way.
She was dead an hour later.
(Gate opens)
So, who won?
I need that gun, Cam.
Why - is someone bothering you?
Listen, I know you've taken it
and I want it back.
No, can't do that, eh, brother?
Can I at least have your car?
BRENDAN: Jack fuckin' Irish.
Next cubicle along, please, Jack.
It's a nice one, that.
Used one myself just recently.
Little family dispute.
Pleasing result.
Know your way around a gun,
do you, Jack?
I know where the bullets come out.
Yeah, well, don't be shy with it.
My advice - point it in the general
direction, just keep squeezing.
Is this loaded?
(Gun fires)
Let me revise that. Yes.
We should get out of here, right?
Ah, don't sweat it. Gunshot's
like a dog barking round here.
That's gratis, by the way, Jack -
that's on the house.
Plus, if you need a hand...
No, it's alright, I need to...
I need to do this myself.
Thanks, mate.
Have it your way, you little scamp.
(Aeroplane drones)
LINDA: I could have caught a taxi,
Orton wanted me
to pick you up in style.
Did he?
Yes. Oh, good news!
Sam got picked up in Thailand
with a ladyboy prostitute,
so you can keep your apartment.
Mmm, that is good news.
You know,
I've never asked you, Adonis...
What do you make of your country?
My country?
We were under Spanish rule
for about... 300 years.
Americans for another 50.
We've only really been ourselves
for about 70 years,
so we don't really know
who we are yet,
but we're trying,
if, um... the world would let us.
(Phone buttons click)
(Mobile phone beeps)
(Linda cries out)
MAN: Don't move!
(Breathes heavily)
(Linda whimpers)
(Heavy breathing)
(Groans) Please help me... Jack.
My phone, I beg you.
(Door slams)
I know you had Sarah killed.
I didn't kill anyone.
You have to believe me, I...
I didn't know anything about it.
I'm... I'm...
Please... don't do this. Help me.
God is watching.
No, I reckon he gave up
a long time ago.
I don't wanna die.
What if there's nothing there?
(Door opens)
I didn't do this.