Island of the Sea Wolves (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Fall - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Blaze has been on his own
for a full week now.

Just waiting.

There's still no sign of his pack.

He's too young to hunt for himself.

And he's only getting weaker.

So his leg isn't healing well.

He makes a gut-wrenching decision,

to try and find his family.

But a young sea wolf
isn't safe alone in these woods.

If he meets a bear or a cougar,
he won't be coming out again.

The very next day,
Jasper finally returns for his son.

He calls out all day for Blaze,
waiting for an answer...

...but he never gets one.

Jasper has got to find him
and get his pack reunited quickly.

There's only one season left

before winter closes in
on Vancouver Island.

Rocky's prepping for his first winter too.

He's getting bigger and stronger...

and doing more of his own food shopping.

He's still pretty spoiled though.

Skye continues to give him
one-third of her daily catch.

Rocky's life with his mom
is as sweet as ever.

But there's someone
who's set on destroying this special bond.

Rocky's father, Titan.

He wants to mate again with Skye...

...and push Rocky out.

Skye knows Rocky
is still too young to survive on his own.

Titan isn't taking
no for an answer though.

She's got to stand her ground...

and fight back.

Rocky jumps in to defend his mom.

But he's way too small.

Skye lunges at Titan.

But he overpowers her.

Finally, Rocky and Skye send him packing.

This mother and son make a strong team.

But Titan's return
means their time together is almost over.

Youngsters are facing
independence all across the island.

Luna is itching to spread her wings.

All she's ever known
is this cramped little space in a tree.

Just one more flap...

could open a whole new world for her.

And her dad, Spiro,
is her biggest cheerleader.

It's extremely windy today...

...and that's going to make flying tricky.

Though Luna's never lacked confidence.

Not bad.


Emergency landing.

She's gone down
dangerously close to the sea.

Luna has to
get out of this mess on her own.

Not exactly a triumphant return,
but a pretty stellar maiden flight.

Her proud father
brings her a juicy participation trophy.

Daddy's food delivery service
will be ending soon though,

and then,
she'll be responsible for her own meals.

Leaving home is hard.

High atop Mount Washington,
fall has already begun.

There's no one left at the old nest box.

Esmerelda and Bonnie
have moved on to new digs.

But it's been a tough month.

The cougar has been on a killing spree.

And he's taken more than one victim.

Everyone is on high alert.

Esmerelda and Bonnie

are the only survivors
from their release group.

They're learning some very hard lessons
about making it in the wild.

Every day they must
leave the safety of their den to forage.

It's risky, but they seem to have a plan.

Esmerelda goes first
while Bonnie stands lookout.

Lupines are the best,

but can become a dangerous distraction.

Every marmot
on the mountain knows this call.

Esmerelda has the farthest to go.

A marmot's best defense
up here is teamwork.

This sister duo
will need to stick together

as they prepare for winter
on the mountaintop.

Close family ties
are also key for these locals.

Killer whales live in tight-knit groups
that hunt and travel together.

Today, one of them
has broken away from the family...

and is swimming
dangerously close to the shore.

But it's a deliberate danger.

And soon,
the whole family is in on the action.

It's called beach rubbing
and it's not about exfoliation.

It's about pushing limits
and having fun as much as anything.

Just one big whale party.

And after their little rec stop...

comes the largest feast of all.

Every year, millions of salmon arrive,

destined for the island's rivers,
where they will lay their eggs.

It's one of the largest migrations
of life on the planet

and in their wake
come legions of hungry predators.

More than a hundred
different kinds of animals feed on them.

It's the grand fall banquet.

The salmon's arrival
kicks off the new season.

September brings
the full spectrum of fall color.

It's the island's call to action.

Now, the race is really on
to fatten up for winter.

Two sea wolves are combing the shore
for food left behind by the tide.

It's the alpha female, Dagger, and Cedar.

Co-parenting has created
a special bond between them.

Jasper calls the pack together.

They come from miles
up and down the coast.

For the first time in months,
the whole family is together again.

And Blaze is back with them.

Jasper found him a few weeks ago.

His leg has healed nicely.

He's slightly smaller than his siblings,
but he's just as lively.

Jasper has finally
reunited his entire family.

It's a chance for the alphas
to remind everyone who's boss...

and for a good old catch-up.

But the search for food must go on.

And this time,
no one's getting left behind.

As fall marches on,
temperatures start to plummet.

Esmerelda and Bonnie
have had a lucky break.

The cougar has finally gone away.

Now, they can focus entirely on foraging.

These sugar-rich huckleberries

are perfect
for gaining weight for hibernation.

But there's a lot more than berry picking

these captive-raised sisters
need to figure out.

Marmots who grew up in the wild
learn from their parents

how to find the best dens
and build snug, insulated nests.

And cuddling up as a family
means more warmth all round.

As first-time homeowners,
this abandoned den

might not be the best investment
for Esmerelda and Bonnie.

Is it deep enough?

Safe from flooding?

They have no parents
to teach them the ropes...

or to warn them to be wary of strangers.

Esmerelda is going to
check this older guy out.


She likes what she sees.

Ezekiel, like her, was raised in captivity
and released here a few years ago.

He might actually want
to share his den with her for hibernation.

And perhaps share some body heat too.

But that would
leave Bonnie out in the cold.

Down in the valleys, lots of other animals
are preparing for winter sleep as well.

A mother black bear, Willow,
is foraging with her cubs.

Lucky for them,
the bounty of the ocean is moving inland.

Countless salmon
pour into these forest streams.

Battling their way upriver.

Overcoming every obstacle.

On a trip that none will return from.

This huge salmon run could sustain
Willow and her cubs through the winter.

If they can make the most of it.

But the salmon attract other bears too.

Like this big male.

Willow is not taking any chances
with her cubs.

It's his fishing spot now.

For Willow and her family,

it's back to the safety
of the dense forest...

and back to hunger.

By mid-September,
the nice fall weather is coming to an end

and the rain is here to stay
for the next seven months.

And that's just fine with Rocky.

Water is his home.

And he's nearly full-grown,
so he can feed himself now too.

Though, for some reason,
mom's dinner always looks tastier.

Skye is exhausted from six months
of constantly catering to Rocky.

But now Rocky's father,
Titan, is returning.

And Skye's reaction
is completely different this time.

She's ready to move forward with Titan.

And just like that, Rocky is on his own.

Skye and Titan
will spend several days together,

renewing their bond.

Then she'll need time
to build up her energy reserves again

before she has her next pup.

Rocky's no longer welcome
in his father's territory.

It's an abrupt shove out the door...

into a new life of uncertainty.

September brings
the first in a series of massive storms

that smash records across the island.

A month's worth of rain in just two days.

It's thought climate change

is making these extreme
weather events twice as common.

River levels swell by more than six feet.

The creeks are transformed.

But the salmon are unstoppable.

To overcome a force this strong...

shows the incredible drive they have
to reach their spawning grounds.

The big male bear
has come to try his luck at the falls.

It's risky
fishing so close to the raging current...

but he's got
an old bear trick up his sleeve.

In this white water,
the fish are jumping blind.

He doesn't even have to get wet.

Things are not going so well
for Willow and her cubs.

She still hasn't caught any salmon,
so she's trying her luck further upstream.

But the water is still dangerously high.

And the salmon can easily escape.

The cubs aren't safe here,
and the risk is not worth the reward.

Back to eating berries... again.

Some islanders are enjoying
a more comfortable fall, though.

Rocky has been
living on his own for a while now.

Thanks to his mom's excellent schooling,
he's finding plenty of food.

But he still needs
a safe place he can call home.

And he's lonely.

Today, Rocky discovers
something he's never seen before.

A community of sea otters. All males.

And they seem friendly.

The place is part seniors' home...

and part frat house.

Maybe they'll welcome him in.

Almost instantly, he is challenged.

Maybe this is how they initiate newcomers.

Rocky passes the test.

And he's made a friend.

Joining up with these guys
is a perfect start to adult life.

He might spend several years here

before he'll be ready to strike out
and establish his own territory.

Rocky may have found a community,

but some young ones... have to go it alone.

Luna's fled the nest.

And is realizing how hard it is
getting by without Spiro and Misty.

On the upside, she has learned to fly.

Finding food has been tough though.

Finally, she tracks down
a sea lion carcass.

But a feast like this... an open invitation.

And the adult isn't willing to share.

Luna's too scared to challenge him.

If she doesn't learn
to stand up for herself,

she won't make it
out here in the big wide world.

A bold attitude is paying off for some.

Assertive, young Esmerelda
and her handsome Ezekiel

are now officially an item
and are moving in together.

Ezekiel's hard at work
getting things ready for hibernation.

Looks like Esmerelda is all set up... share her first winter
in the wild with her new man.

And to share with her bestie sister.

Bonnie is hooking up with Ezekiel too.

It's a pretty unusual setup.

But sometimes,
in the marmot world, three's company.

Next spring, they might both
mate with him and have pups of their own.

Excellent news for one of the most
endangered mammals on the planet.

These sisters are crushing it.

They survived the cougar
by having each other's backs.

And by sharing Ezekiel,

they should both make it
through the winter just fine.

It's October, and the cold weather
is chasing the birds south.

Things that have died
are transformed into things of beauty.

Earthstar fungi unfurl in the humid air.

And falling raindrops
unleash their spores.

Roosevelt elk
are just finishing their fall rut.

And the salmon have finally arrived
at their spawning grounds.

They will use
their last reserves of energy

for one final life-giving ritual.

The females dig nests.

And as they lay their eggs,

the males jockey
for position to fertilize them.

Across the island, millions of new lives
are set into the gravel.

With the salmon run in its final weeks,
Willow has got to make the most of it.

She instructs her cubs to stay put.

This will need to be a solo venture.

It's not as easy as it looks.

But she'll never give up on her family.

And that is a family-sized fish.

If she keeps this up
for the next few weeks,

they'll all be bulked up enough
to make it through till spring.

Just like Willow,
thousands of other black bears

are carrying tens of thousands
of salmon deep into the forest.

And here, the salmon
give their ultimate gift to the island.

Up to 80% of the nitrogen
in these trees comes from the sea,

carried here in the bodies of the salmon.

It's the ocean
reaching far inland to feed the forest.

Not every salmon's journey
ends in the interior, though.

Thousands of carcasses
wash back down to the sea.

Setting the scene
for the last big eagle feast of the year.

And if you want a seat at the table... have to fight for it.

Luna is here too,
but on the edge of the fray.

At last, it's her turn.

Breaking a wing
would be a death sentence for Luna.

But there's more where that came from.

Unless Luna learns
to stand up for herself,

she's always going to lose out.

In the eagle world, it pays to be bold.

By early November, the sea wolf pack
is leaving the coast and heading inland.

And Cedar is leading the way.

The pups are close to full-grown
and can keep up on long journeys.

But back on the beach,
two wolves have slipped away.

It's up to Cedar
to keep an eye on the rest of the group.

She's had an unbelievable journey.

From outcast... trusted lieutenant.

For all the island's residents,

it's been a year of unprecedented events
and enormous challenges.

And those who've made it through...

are now ready to take on whatever
the next year has in store for them...

...on the island of the sea wolves.