Inspector Lewis (2006–2015): Season 2, Episode 3 - Life Born of Fire - full transcript

Lady Hugh, the intolerant Bible-fanatic president of Oxford's Mayfield college, turns against anything gay. Shortly after the popular and decent student Will McEwan shoots himself in the head in St. Mark's church after waving a revolver at Reverend Francis King, who is himself found tortuously murdered by a hot poker in the head the next day. The link between both victims is the Garden, a pious society offering Christian answers to youngsters' contemporary question--its emblem being a Phoenix, which both Will's suicide note that says, "I lost my way between Gethsemane and Calvary," and a message on King's door hat says, "Life born of fire," refer to. Lewis's partner, Detective Sergeant James Hathaway, was a friend of Will's in school and again at university, but his brutally gay-bashing father Henry McEwan apparently repudiates Will posthumously finding out, and his mother believed he was going steady with a nice girl. Lewis keeps digging in all those circles, discovering more secrets and deceit. More blood is to be spilled, and the meaning of names proves crucial....



Who's there?

Who are you?

What the devil are you doing up there?


I'm talking to you.

I'd like to report a murder.


On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

Oh, for God's sake, Will. Please.

And now we've reached the end
of our journey, Reverend King.

No, Will. Please. No.





Where's your better half?

If by that you mean Sergeant Hathaway -

I was going to say your Mini-Me,
but didn't think you'd get it.

Don't be daft, woman.
Even I've seen The Italian Job.

Dear God.

This was his 999 call.

"I'd like to report a murder."

"Sir, tell me where you are."


But this was definitely self-inflicted.

No doubt. He shot himself.

Push someone hard enough in the right
direction, and suicide
becomes a murder weapon.

Push someone hard enough in the right
direction, and suicide
becomes a murder weapon.

He lined up the fatal shot to
deliberately deface the altar.

This is about an extreme
grudge against the Church?

Also, this got the brunt.

The Garden.

Christian answers to contemporary questions.

Hardly a suicide cult.

Cheery start to the day.

Do we have an ID?

Yes. His name's Will -



A suicide note in his pocket.

Back of a photograph.

On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

Gethsemane is -

The garden of Gethsemane.
Christ's last supper. I knew that.

And Calvary's the site of the crucifixion.

Had to be biblical, didn't it?

Hathaway all right?

I'm not sure.

Sir. Yes.

Inspector Lewis.
You're the vicar of St Mark's?

Francis King. Yes.

He just shot himself.

Right in front of me.

Did you know this boy Will McEwan?

Yes. Many years ago, when he was a student.

I was, until recently,
dean of Mayfield College Chapel.

I was, until recently,
dean of Mayfield College Chapel.

Will was part of my wider flock.

Extremely devout, and a pleasure to know.

Did you ever hear of a Christian
group called The Garden?

I can't say it rings
any bells. Why?

Do you know who this is with Will?


Oh, yes, that's Feardorcha Phelan.

Also a Mayfield scholar.

I haven't seen him in years.

He was a troubled boy.

Would you say the name again, sir?

Yes. It's an odd spelling. Here.

It's all...such a waste.

Do you know where we could
contact this Feardorcha, sir?

No. No-one does.

About three years ago, at least,
he just...disappeared.

Were you er...

Yeah. We were close.

Best get off home.
There's a conflict of interest.

Were close, sir.

Went to the same school together.

Hung out in Oxford when I was in the
seminary. Hadn't seen him in years.

Well, if you're sure.

Yeah. I'm fine.

Did you ever hear of this group, The Garden?

No. What is it?

Not sure yet.

Apparently, Will was very devout.

Not surprised.

That he'd desecrate a church?

You can believe in God and
still be angry with him.

His friend's Feardorcha Phelan.
Do you know him?


Met him a couple of times.

Suicide's not usually our
business, but this...

I just know there's something
else at the back of it.

Will was driven to what he did.

On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

The Garden of Gethsemane.

That's where this group,
The Garden, gets their name.

I need to know what they're all about.

Christian answers to contemporary questions.
That could mean anything.

What do you know about his family?

Only child, parents were local,
divorced when we were kids.

Gethsemane. Sort of explains the garden bit,
but what's Calvary all about?

Gethsemane. Sort of explains the garden bit,
but what's Calvary all about?

I don't know, but I doubt it's got very
much to do with his subsequent resurrection.

Thank you.



I have nothing to say to you.

It's Will McEwan.

He killed himself.

Last night.

God forgive me.

I lied to the police.
I just didn't know what to say.


Carey, please.

I spoke to your doctor and he told me you
were aware how little time you had left.

I go to my God with a good conscience.


If this is the last time we speak -


You want me to forgive you.



Henry McEwan is a big property developer.
He's a local entrepreneur.

So, Will had a rich dad.

Yeah. They were very different people.

Will was gentle and softly spoken.
Henry's more -

You ridiculous little inbred - Can
you hear that? That's nothing.

The sound your phone is going to make
the rest of your professional life,

unless you get this sorted now.


Mr McEwan?

It's about Will.

It was his birthday last month.
I thought I should call him.

My last chance.

I could have just said hello.
I could have...

Will rang 999 to tell us what he'd planned.

Can you think why he'd have done that?

I don't know him. Not any more.

You weren't on speaking terms?

No. He made certain choices.

Life choices.

I wasn't - Where do I know you from?

I was a friend of Will's.

You came to stay with us.


Yeah, I remember. Yeah.

He thought the world of you.

So, why wasn't he happy?

What was wrong with him?

I hadn't seen him in a while.

But you live in Oxford, huh?


When I found out what he was doing...

I couldn't look him in the eye anymore.

You stayed with the family?

Yeah, one summer, when we were 14.
I should have told you. I'm sorry.

What did Henry mean, what he was doing?

I think Will was gay.

You think?

Well, he didn't wear a badge or anything,
but yeah, I think I could tell.

So, was this Feardorcha his boyfriend, then?

Maybe. Maybe that's what caused
the rift between Henry and Will.

What a shame.

If my boy was...

It just wouldn't matter.

This is blatant homophobia, Lady Hugh.

I am not homophobic. It is a
question of health and safety.

Don't give me that, please.

Just because you don't want to listen
doesn't make it any less the truth.

You couldn't wait.
New chair of university grounds,

ban what offends your
Christian sensibilities.

My faith has nothing to do with anything.
It is health and safety.

Banning Gay Pride?

You are free to assemble anywhere you wish,
but not on university land.

Health and safety.

I know what goes on behind closed doors.

Set thine own house in order.

And get out.

I am the best barrister in this city.

And I will slaughter you in court.


and do have a leaflet.


"Hey, it's Will.

Leave me a message."

"Will, you bastard.

Are you allergic to my calls or something?"

Come on. You're my best friend. I miss you.

Give me a call. Please.

You OK?

Uh...yeah. It's just erm...

Will's mum was such a lovely lady.

Mrs McEwan, Inspector Lewis.

Yes. Come in.

Um...sorry about the mess.

I'm usually very...

If I'd known I'd have company -

I'm very sorry about Will.


I don't know whether you remember me.
I was a friend of Will's from school.


James Hathaway.

I'm so sorry, Mrs McEwan.

Oh, Sadie, please.

You're old enough and...big enough.
Look at the size of you.

I remember that summer you came to stay.

I think you were the
politest boy I've ever met.

Thank you.

Such a shame you two fell out.

It wasn't really a falling out.


Mothers always get the
wrong end of the stick.

You think you know what
someone's doing and then...

Then it turns out that...

After he met that lovely girl...

What girl was that?

Zoe Kenneth.

She was Will's girlfriend.

Girlfriend? How does that fit in?

It doesn't. Will was gay.

Or in denial, putting on a fake
relationship just for show.

Why did Sadie think
you two fell out?

We did different GCSEs, that's all.

I saw him again when I was going
through my priestly phase in Oxford.

He was still such a sweet guy.

You lost contact again?

I was training to be a priest. Closes your
life down a bit. Then to be a policeman.

That closes your
life down even more.

Thank heavens we found each other, sir.




Oh, yes. Thank you.

No. I'll come over tomorrow.

Early. Yeah.

Everything all right?

Got myself a new hobby.

What hobby is that, then?

Never you mind, Sergeant.

We all have to have our little secrets.

"Hello, Jonjo.

I'm afraid I'm dead.

But there's something I need you to do."


You'd better come in.

"Hey, there, you've reached Feardorcha Phelan's
voicemail, so leave a message. Cheers."

Hey, Feardorcha. It's James Hathaway.

I know it's been a while,
but can you call me when you get this?

It's very important.

No! No!



Feardorcha? Hello?



Say something.

Do you understand the responsibility
of what you're taking on?

I do.

It's not one to be undertaken lightly.

I know.

I've been on the waiting list over a year.

Oh, competitive world,

Early retirement, is it?

Excuse me?

Your retirement, are you -

Oh, no. I'm not retired.

I'm just...

I wanted something to do that wasn't work.

Oh, well, here we are.

Do you know what you're going to grow yet?


Peas, marrows, sort of thing.

Drainage is wrong for peas.

Oh, right.

Marrows? I wouldn't risk it.

Exposure's wrong for marrows.



Well, enjoy.



I'll be right there.

Morning. Morning.


He's only vicar of St Mark's Church,
where your friend -

Killed himself? Yeah.

The Reverend Francis King. Do you know him?

Yeah, I did. Not well. He was very
active in the local church community.

Did you like him?

Too hang-'em-and-flog-'em for me.

Shall we go in?

I'd gladly club you to death
with a blunt instrument.

Or poison, maybe.
Or a knife through the heart.

But what I wouldn't do is stick a red-hot
poker inside your brain,
via your eye socket.

Too gruesome?

For a start. I meant more,
it isn't an efficient way to kill somebody.

This was the act of someone who
enjoyed the process of killing.

It's pretty certain that
King knew his killer.

A social drink before the killing started.

And there's enough saliva on the glass, which
is interesting, to get you a DNA sample.

Much too hot for a fire last night.
Must have started that specially.

Firebird Suite. Stravinsky.

Firebird, fire, poker.
Do you think there can be a connection?

Oh, yes.

As they say in pantomime...

It's behind you.

"Life born of fire."

What the hell does that mean?

I was about to say I don't envy the
fellow who has to sort through all
this, then I remembered it's me.

I was about to say I don't envy the
fellow who has to sort through all
this, then I remembered it's me.

That's almost volunteering.
Good man.

Keep an eye open for anything else
that links King to Will McEwan.

Do you think they're connected?

The phoenix.

The fire bird.

Life born of fire.


Good morning, Lady Hugh. These are for you.

Thank you, Brian.

Apparently, we're using too many paperclips.

Just been reprimanded by stores.

I take that very seriously, sir.
From now on, I'm a staples man.

I found this highlighted among King's stuff.

Last week's Herald. Charlie Newton.
Bit of a character assassination on King.

An angel can fall from grace.
Take the Reverend Francis King,

once a darling of Mayfield College and a
mover and shaker in the outreach programme.

Having fallen foul of the Oxford God set,
King is out of the fold and in the cold.

Journalist with a
bee in his bonnet.

Outreach programmes.
Could that mean The Garden?

Excuse me. Mr Newton?

Has he offended you with his writing?

No. In which case, yes, I am.

Inspector Lewis, Oxford CID.
This is Sergeant Hathaway.

Charmed. How can I help you,
and is there a story in it?

We're interested in the
Reverend Francis King.

Ah. My favourite subject.

Ah. We read your article.
You sound a bit angry.

I've no time for organised religion,
nor the organisers of it.

King's a hateful man. The Good Samaritan
wouldn't have crossed the road for him.

What do you know about The Garden?

Not much, though I'd like to.
Those involved are tight-lipped.

The whole thing folded five years ago.
King was an organiser.

Told us he'd never heard of it.

If I was you, I'd go and
ask him why he's lying.

Oh, my God. He's dead.

Wow. I wonder which one of them did it.

Which one of what, sir?

The Oxford God set. King fell foul
of his clergy comrades in a big way.

I don't know what, but he did
something heinous in their eyes.

So, it stands to reason,
doesn't it?

Some mad old crusader playing the
avenging angel bumps him off.

God, they're all so messed up.


Here's to the start
of a good story.

The Reverend King runs a
Christian youth group,

which Will McEwan's a member of.

The boy commits suicide in King's church.

24 hours later, King's dead.


Fire is significant.

Red-hot poker cauterising the brain.
King was essentially burnt to death.

It could be about revenge.

Someone blames King for
Will's state of mind.

Just for the record, Sergeant,
is there anything I ought to
know about you and Will McEwan?

Just for the record, Sergeant,
is there anything I ought to
know about you and Will McEwan?

Like what, sir?

Anything relevant to the case.


Look at this. Looks like
he was filming something.

Himself, maybe?

Wonder what happened to the DVD.

What does this flat tell us about Will?

Well, the Will I used to know was
fastidiously tidy. This mess
must be a sign of his distress.

Well, the Will I used to know was
fastidiously tidy. This mess
must be a sign of his distress.

Got crucifixes and Bible in pride of place.

Got crucifixes and Bible in pride of place.

He still believed.

Bit of a Brazil thing going on.

Last holiday?

No. No visa.

Looks like the last time he left the
EU was for Morocco, four years ago.

Same design of glass as the Reverend King's.

They're pretty generic. IKEA.

I think I've got some.

On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

Will was comparing his journey
with that of Christ to the cross.

Except Christ made it to Calvary,
Will lost his way.

Life born of fire.

I bet that means
something in Latin.

What makes you say that?

This is Oxford. Everything
always means something in Latin.



Hello, mate.

I'm so sorry about Will.

Yeah. But listen, I thought you should know.

King's dead.


How are you doing with King's paperwork?

Nothing yet. He was a bit of a hoarder.

Haven't been able to find out anything about
Zoe Kenneth, Will's alleged girlfriend.

Haven't been able to find out anything about
Zoe Kenneth, Will's alleged girlfriend.

Maybe she's new to Oxford.

Did a check on Feardorcha, Will's ex.

They split up three years ago.

The family filed a Missing Persons
Report at the time. Last they heard
of him, he was off to Brazil.

The family filed a Missing Persons
Report at the time. Last they heard
of him, he was off to Brazil.

That Brazil tourist stuff at Will's flat
could be from him. Try the Brazilian police.

It could mean that he was
or is back in Oxford.

His number wasn't on Will's phone.

I'll speak to Will's friends,
see if I can get hold of it.


If we can do a phone trace,
it would save us legwork.

The church, St Mark's,
has reopened.

I don't know if you wanted
to pay your respects.



Are you a friend of Will's?

Well, you don't look like a churchman,
so I'm guessing you're police.

Detective Sergeant Hathaway.

I hate churches.

Trust Will to finally get me back in one.

I didn't catch your name.

I didn't drop it.

But it's Zoe. Zoe Kenneth.

Will's girlfriend?

If only it were that simple.
How did you know?

Will's mum, Sadie.

God. I should go and see her, poor woman.

Will was the light of her life.

The light of all our lives.

I knew him from school.


James Hathaway.

I don't think he mentioned you.

Oh. But I'm not very good with names.

Ironic, seeing as
I'm a semiologist.

William from Wilhelm,
meaning desire and protection.


So, you and Will.

I was in love with him.

Will tried to be in love with me,
but of course, he was gay,

so, you can imagine how
well that worked out.

Have we met somewhere before?

Do you drink in the Morestead?

That's it. Faces across a crowded room.

It's funny you never bumped into Will.
He was always out and about.


here, if you need...

Do you know Feardorcha Phelan?

Will's ex.

I knew of him.

I don't think he's around anymore.

Find the bastard who did this.

Will may have jumped,
but someone drove him to the edge.



I thought you were
in South America.

I came back.

So, Will's dead, then?

I'm sorry. I imagine you feel pretty guilty.

I'd no idea he was suicidal.

How could you possibly know, James?

You had to be around to see it.

I hadn't seen him in a while. I know.

It's complicated.

I'm sorry.

Really bad day.

Are you staying around?








Hot off the lab. Full DNA profile
on the saliva will take a while,

but we can safely rule out 51% of
the population from the inquiry.

So, it's a man.

Yeah. Chromosomes - one X, one Y.

But they also found this hair,

stuck in the red paint at
the Reverend King's house.

So, assuming that and the saliva
come from the same person,

we're looking for a man with dark hair.

Not Will's dad, then.

Oh, I met Zoe Kenneth at the church today.

She's upset. Maybe I can
interview her alone?

Yeah, if you think that's best.

Enjoy your reading.

Sir. Sir.

One group photo of The Garden.

Isn't she the woman at Mayfield College?

Lady Hugh, yes. This is Dr Carey Melville,

Dean of Mayfield before Reverend King.

So, The Garden is run through Mayfield.

Lady Hugh, Melville and
King must be the organisers.

Lady Hugh, Melville and
King must be the organisers.

Look at this.

Written to King.

From the desk of Lady Hugh.
In reference to your letter,

the decision to remove you from the
college committee was mine alone.

Your rights of attendance
were entirely my gift,

A confidence which I have no
hesitation in withdrawing.

Charlie Newton was right.
King was losing friends.

Mayfield College coat of arms.

A phoenix. That's where
The Garden got their logo.

Good work, Hathaway.
See what else you can find out.

I'm going to talk to Lady Hugh.

SOSS! Save our screaming spires!

SOSS! Save our screaming spires!

Protect our right to march for Gay Pride!

Think pink, sign the petition,
have a lollipop!


Ladies and gentlemen,

here she comes in her
air-conditioned carriage of power.

A round of applause for the
devil incarnate herself,

Lady Hugh!

Marvel at her prejudice.

Gasp at her bigotry.

Swoon as she defecates on civil rights,

Christian charity and
loving thy neighbour...

Clear away from the car now!

Back away from the car please!

Lady Hugh, come on.

Why won't you let us march?

Clear out of the way!


Clear away. Clear away.
You'll be charged with obstruction.

When did your God make you
judge and jury? Ask yourself -

Get it shut.

You can't hide in there!

My knight in shining armour.

Detective Inspector Lewis,
Lady Hugh.

Inspector Lewis, I can't thank you enough.

The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me.

Please, what have I done to
deserve police protection?

Actually, I just happened
to be passing, ma'am.

The merciful man doeth good to his own soul.

And that deserves a cup of tea, at least.

Ah, thank you, ma'am.

So, what brought you to Mayfield
in the first place, Inspector?

Robbie, please.


I was doing some research into the Reverend
Francis King. I don't know if you knew him.

Yes, of course. Such a
terrible business, his murder.

Well, apparently,

he worked with a group called The Garden,
which was run by Mayfield College.

The Garden? Oh, yes, well, that was one
of our projects from many years ago now.

Could you tell me a bit about it?

It acted as a sort of mutual support group.

Young people and their problems.

Christian answers to contemporary questions.

Quite. I didn't have a hands-on role,
you understand.

That was Reverend
King's department.

And Dr Carey Melville?

Well, The Garden was
Carey's brainchild, but...

perhaps you know all this already.

You had a falling out with
the Reverend King, ma'am?

I wouldn't say that, no.

We found this.

It has no bearing on his death.

I'll be the judge of that, ma'am.

I didn't kill him and I wrote this letter.
The two are not connected.

I didn't kill him and I wrote this letter.
The two are not connected.

Lady Hugh, it wouldn't be hard
to find out what caused the rift
between you and Francis King.

Whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he reap.

An eye for an eye?

Well, I wouldn't go that far.

I decided that King was
not of good character.

I have no concrete evidence
to support my suspicions,

and my personal opinions are
of little use to the police.

Please feel free to contact me
if you require anything else,

but I would be very grateful
if you did not, Inspector.

On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

Does that mean anything to you, ma'am?

Nothing at all. What is it?

Will McEwan's suicide note.

Let me get this clear, Hathaway.

You knew Will McEwan and his parents,
as well as Feardorcha and Reverend King?

Yes, ma'am.

And you're OK with this, Lewis?

Yes, ma'am. Should I not be?

Conflict of interest?

Sergeant Hathaway assures me not.

Right. What else?

Possibly the murder's connected
with Will McEwan's suicide.

I managed to find some financial
documents among King's stuff.

A lot of money coming in recently,
transferred from UBS in Switzerland.

A lot of money coming in recently,
transferred from UBS in Switzerland.

Possibly he was blackmailing somebody.
Or being bribed.

I looked into Will McEwan's finances.

He had large payments going out in the last
three years. He could have buying King off.

Feardorcha Phelan?

No-one's had any contact with him?

No, but I got his mobile number.

From who?

Zoe Kenneth. Will's friend.

It's a non-registered pay-as-you-go,
so no postal address.

The network says he was in
Oxford in the last 24 hours.

Or at least his phone was.

The blackmail angle's a good one.

If King was being paid from an
account at UBS, that's untraceable.

Which of our suspects would
have a Swiss account?

Bet you Will's dad does.

There's this from the lab.

The dark hair at the Reverend
King's house was dyed.

Hard to say what the natural colour was,
the sample's too small, but it was lighter.

Hard to say what the natural colour was,
the sample's too small, but it was lighter.

Blonde, maybe red-headed.

Or grey.

Men who might have dyed their hair.
Henry McEwan? Charlie Newton?

Of course, we're assuming the hair and saliva
at King's place are from the same person.

He might have had a drink with one
person and been murdered by another.

The hair could have come
from a man or a woman.

Or two or more people working together.

Are we overestimating the
connection to Will's suicide?

The phoenix. That's the link.

Life born of fire. That's the
killer telling us that King's
death is linked to The Garden

and its phoenix. And to Will.

Let's assume there was an
accomplice and it's a woman.

Lady Hugh, maybe?

Will's mother?

What, Sadie McEwan?

Who knows, in a case like this.

Zoe Kenneth?
What colour is her hair?

Black, but you don't think that she -

Let's find out more about her,
about everybody.

Are you going to Will's funeral?

Yeah. Keep your eyes and ears open.

At funerals and weddings,
people tend to let their guard down.

Feardorcha Phelan.

He's a redhead. Could have dyed it since.
Keep an eye open for him.

On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

Can that really be true?

God help us if it is.

The phoenix.




Hello, Mr McEwan.

Give me one of those.

Get off me!

I don't need anybody's help.

What's wrong with him? He's been drinking.

If Will were here,
he'd have died of embarrassment.

Zoe. James.

It is James, isn't it? I'm terrible -

Terrible at names. You said.

It seems wrong, doesn't it?
Laughing at a funeral.

Can't imagine how she feels.

It's very kind of you.

Will was...wonderful.

I know at least ten people, who,
if ever they were in trouble,
would have called him first.

How did you meet?

At a bus stop.


Started dating,
which lasted all of six weeks.


Romeo and Juliet became Will and Grace.

He was my best friend.


Will McEwan.

Such a sweet boy.


So tragic.

Tragic how, sir?

Caught between two stations.

Who he was and who he should be.

Could you be more specific, sir?

We taught them to be like the Phoenix.

Burn away the old life,

emerge reborn.

Life born of fire.

He was losing his faith.

His heart was empty.

Such a sweet boy.

What did the Reverend King
do to upset you so much?

30 pieces of silver.

The moneylenders in the temple.

What temple, Dr Melville?

Dr Melville?

Will was quite simply the
nicest person I knew.

Everyone who knew
him said the same.

Then something changed.

And that wonderful light we
all saw in him just faded.

Erm...I'm sorry. Er...

Will said he believed in
God as strongly as ever.

But he truly wished he didn't.

'Faith,' he said, 'is a curse.'

He wanted me to read this poem.

"The boy stood on the burning deck

Whence all but he had fled

The flame that lit the battle's wreck

Shone round him o'er the dead

Yet beautiful and bright he stood

As born to rule the storm

A creature of heroic blood

A proud, though childlike, form."

That's beautiful, Conan.

James. Jonjo.

If you'll excuse me,
I'm just going to say hi to Sadie.

That was a lovely reading, Jonjo.

Yeah. Public school nonsense, really.

But Will seemed to like it.

Pushed us all away in the end for her.


Have you any contact with Feardorcha?

It's Will's funeral. Let's leave
the interview for another day.

I'm sorry.

I'm upset, you know.

Why's that?

Trying to avoid me.

Even after all these years.

It was stupid.

Come on, James.

You know what you did, don't you?

I'm sorry.

Are you two friends?

Not really.

He was close to Will?

Yeah. Very.

But you don't think he's worth interviewing?

Yeah, you're right. I should have
said something before. I'm sorry.

Not like you to drop the bone.

It's just today,
you know? I'll speak to him.

If you're sure.

James. Thank you for coming.

I'm glad to have caught you,
Inspector. I wonder...

may we speak?

He loved Oxford.

He loved his life here.

When he brought his boyfriend home,
that was a bit of a shock, but...

he was happy.

So, I was happy too.

And then something changed in him.

They rowed endlessly,

until finally Feardorcha disappeared,
and Will faded away.

When did Will start seeing Zoe Kenneth?

Erm...a few months ago.

His first ever girlfriend.

He seemed more optimistic.

I really hoped it would work.

But then they split up, and...

Can you think what might have
started Will's deterioration?

New Year's Eve, 2001.

That's the first time I really noticed it.

It must have been over
the course of that year,

that Will started this...


And something else happened that year.

Will joined a group called The Garden.

Not that he told me anything about it,

but...the timing,

it all fits.

What if...

they did something to him?

Jonjo said that faith is a curse.

And is it?

No, but it can make things
difficult sometimes.

Why did you...

None of my business.

Leave the priesthood? Yeah.

None of your business.

Zoe Kenneth and Feardorcha
Phelan never met, did they?


But she gave you his number.

I suppose he gave it to her.

What, he gave her his ex-boyfriend's number?

I don't know. Why?

If you say you got the number
from Zoe and knew Jonjo slightly,

I believe you. What is this?


Will started to get depressed
and you left the priesthood
around the time you met up again.

Will started to get depressed
and you left the priesthood
around the time you met up again.

Did something happen between the
two of you that I don't know about?




Lots of reasons folk take on allotments.

Boredom's one,

obsession's one.

Most common, though - frustration.

Nagging wife, noisy kids,

trouble at work.

My kids are grown up.

My wife's died.


Work, then?

If I was to retire,
this could be me every day.

Well, why don't you, then?

How do you trust somebody
you don't really know?

You trust what you really know about them.

So, why do you do it, then?

The allotmenting.

I like beans.


Is Lady Hugh about?

I'm sorry, sir. She's not been in today.

Oh, OK. Thanks.

Excuse me, got a light?

Sorry. Don't smoke.

No-one does, these days.
Now, you look like a policeman.

What gave me away?

Your shoes.

Plus I think I recognise you from court.

I'm a barrister. Nova Rose.

Sorry. Is that -

My real name? Yes.

Mother was a romantic, Father was a Jew.
Rosenbank fetched Rose, Nova meaning new.

Mother's attempt at Zeitgeist.

My mum only managed
a Robert for me.

Not very edgy, I'm afraid.

Well, you can be a Rob or a Robbie,
or a Bert or a Bertie.

It splits in so many interesting ways.

Now, Bertie, tell me you've come to Mayfield
college to arrest that old bag, Anna Hugh.

I couldn't possibly comment.

But no.

Well, you definitely should.
Homophobic old witch. I can't stand her.

But she can't stand me either, so we cancel
each other out on some universal scale.

Do you ever look at her and think,
"That has to be a man in drag?"

I don't suppose you happen to know
anything about Lady Hugh falling
out with Reverend King, do you?

I don't suppose you happen to know
anything about Lady Hugh falling
out with Reverend King, do you?

Oh, I might, as it happens.

You're the second person to ask me that
today. Charlie Newton from the Herald.

He's been sniffing around the same story.

If I were you, I'd speak
to the owner of Communion.


The hot new ticket. A nightclub?

THE nightclub. And tell them I sent you.
They owe me a favour.

Oh, that's me.

Yeah, gotta dash.

Bertie, it's been a slice.


"Hi. This is Zoe Kenneth.
Please leave a message."

Mr McEwan.

So, you're the owner of this club?

Yeah. Where else could I
get this drunk for free?

I'm trying to establish a
connection between Lady Hugh

and Reverend Francis King.
I'm told you might be the missing link.

Told by whom?

Nova Rose.

Ha-ha. Nova Rose.

What a peach.

She said you owe her a favour.

You try and buy a church

from an Oxford college.
There's a whole lot of problems.

All those saintly people
in the way of a sale.

But Nova made them all disappear.

And at a discount, too.

Why would she do that, sir?

Old scores. Old wounds.

Her and Lady Hugh.

Lots of bad blood
under that bridge.

Oh, shit. Did I mix a metaphor?

Needs tequila.


No, thank you.

I have nothing to say to the sober.

So, this building used to
belong to Mayfield College?

Yeah. And Her Ladyship was most displeased

that I was turning a house
of God into a den of sin.

Moneylenders in the temple.

That's why the Reverend King fell
foul of Lady Hugh, wasn't it, sir?

You bribed him to approve the sale.

A finder's fee. Perfectly standard in
my line of work. I did nothing wrong.

He, on the other hand, violated all he held
sacred as he handed me this hallowed place,

for 30 pieces of silver.

And all it took was a little push.

There's nothing faster
than a fall from grace.

Do you know why I love this place?

God killed my son, but in these
four walls, I killed God.

He was my son.

My little boy. My little William.

Here's to my boy.

My queer little boy.

My beautiful gay son.



I think you called and mysteriously
forgot to leave a message.

How did you know it was me?

"I don't know anyone else who'd
listen to chamber music."

You should be a detective.

Let's go clubbing.

I can't.

I'm sorry.

I really can't.


Friends of Will's.

They think I was trying to steal him away,
which isn't true, but...

Nova, Conan, hi. This is James Hathaway.

Nice to meet you. Aren't you tall?

You were at the funeral, weren't you?

Yeah. I'm sorry about Will.

It's that bloody God squad I blame.

Guilt-tripping him to the edge.

Don't get me started.
I'll ruin the night. Drinks, anyone?

Come on. Let's have some drinks.
Small, fabulous drinks with umbrellas in.

Did I mention I was gay?

Does it show?

Hard to believe he got a first in economics.

It's true, alas.

My shallowness is only skin deep.

Conan organises The Screaming Spires.

Gay Pride march? The one and only.

Will we be seeing you there?

If it happens at all.

The warden of Mayfield College
is barring us from using
university land for the assembly.

The warden of Mayfield College
is barring us from using
university land for the assembly.

Let her try. If there's one thing seven
years at god-awful public school taught me -

you don't let the bullies win.



I'm burning.



I'm burning!


Good night?

Eyes hurt, skin hurts,
tongue too big for mouth.

That's a good night.
Same killer, do we think?

Life born of fire. Definitely.

Death caused by magnesium sulphate.
Gets into the bloodstream.

Feels like you're burning
up from the inside.

Death by fire again.

There's a puncture in the drip bag.

The magnesium was diluted, so it would
have taken time to reach the lethal dose.


There's a fingerprint, too.

Match that to the DNA on the wine glass at
the Reverend King's - we've got our man.

A few questions, Lady Hugh.
I didn't expect you at Will's funeral.

What is all this?

I'm casting you in the leading role
in my film, alongside Reverend King.

King's dead.

I've got all the footage I need of him.

How does it feel to have
Will's blood on your hands?

Will's suicide is a tragedy.
How am I involved with that?

On the road from Gethsemane
to Calvary, I lost my way.

We both know what it means.
I have nothing to say.

You have no right to invade my privacy.

I have every right.
I have the highest authority.

What do you mean by that?

Message from the grave.

Will died with unfinished business.

Got it.

The ID on our killer.

Took a bit of chasing,
but he's on the Northern Ireland system.

It matches the DNA from the
saliva on the glass at King's

to the fingerprints on the
syringe at Dr Melville's.

Who is it?

Feardorcha Phelan.

Our killer.

* STRAVINSKY: Firebird Suite



Nothing to say.

You'll get a press statement later.

Come down this afternoon or later today.

No. No comment.


Life born of fire.

He's carved it with this
paperknife and cut himself, look.

Left a blood sample.

That's handy.

Several blows to the head.

First couple knocked her out.

Phoenix. Mascot Mayfield College.

* STRAVINSKY: Firebird Suite

That's the Firebird Suite, like at King's.

He's running out of ideas, though.
It wasn't death by fire this time.

No. He hit her with Vulcan,
Roman god of fire and volcanoes.

The Phoenix Killer strikes again.

Phoenix Killer. Do we have
to start calling him that?

I'll bet you the fortune I'll never
have that blood's Feardorcha's.

The messages, the fingerprints,
the DNA evidence. Why's he making
it so obvious that it's him?

The messages, the fingerprints,
the DNA evidence. Why's he making
it so obvious that it's him?

Lady Hugh's secretary is adamant that
nobody matching his description was here.

Could someone have got hold
of some of Feardorcha's blood?

What about the saliva on the wine glass?

Maybe the glasses weren't King's.
Someone could have brought them,

having had a drink with Feardorcha
first to get the saliva sample.

It all brings us back to the same question.

Where is Feardorcha?
Why does nobody ever see him?


Calm yourself down.

Look, I'm a filmmaker. I make films.
It's not a crime yet, is it?

It's all right. I'll take it from here.

Thank you. Thanks, guys.

What are you doing?

Murdering bigots,
according to your colleagues.

I didn't know it would happen.
If I had, I'd have brought a longer lens.

I need to show you something.

"What I did to Feardorcha,

is sacrifice.

Please, make a film about
why love is never wrong."

Please, make a film about
why love is never wrong."

What was Feardorcha's sacrifice?

I don't know. I haven't seen him in ages.

But I'm pretty sure Will still did.

He talked like Feardorcha was
still living around the corner. I
don't think he ever left Oxford.

He talked like Feardorcha was
still living around the corner. I
don't think he ever left Oxford.

Go on.

I wasn't really around that much.

The last few months,
Will really kept us at arm's length.

I don't know why.

Maybe it was to spend more
time with Zoe Kenneth.

Maybe he didn't want us to get to know her.

What did you make of all of that? Weird.

Not to mention unhealthy.

How's your film going?

The ending breaks your heart.

I use that clip of Will.

Make a film where love is never wrong.

Hey, why don't you talk to me about love?

Love? Me?

Oh, God. Yes, James. Even you.

That middle-aged heart of yours.

Don't patronise me cos I don't
go shagging every Friday night.


I love...

the bells of Oxford.

On the hour, every hour,
like a...soundtrack.


I love the bells of Oxford.

And that's not middle-aged?

I'm happy with my life.

Yeah, right.

"Hello, Conan.

I'm afraid I'm dead. But there's
something I need you to do."

I'm very involved with Oxford Gay Rights,
and Lady Hugh was very anti them.

So, we clashed on
several occasions.

But I didn't kill her.

No, we're pretty sure who did.

Feardorcha Phelan.


Will's ex-boyfriend.

Oh. The Irish nut job.

Sorry, Bertie. Before my time.

Nut job?

From what Charlie and Conan say,
he had a bit of a mad-dog temper about him.

Could he have been
blackmailing Will?

There were large amounts of money
going out of Will's account.

I doubt it. From what I heard,
they were very much in love.

As I say, before my time.

So, where did Will's money go?

I don't know.

Maybe Feardorcha needed it.

Maybe Will gave it
to him willingly.

Maybe it was true love, after all.

Not everything has to be cheapened
by the exchange of funds.

I'm a lawyer with paying clients.
I should know.

King was cheapened.

Henry McEwan's 30 pieces of silver.

King was greedy, and about to retire.

His church pension would not keep him in the
style to which he had become accustomed.

It's all so pointless.

Will dead, then these church types.

I mean, just because I'm not down on my knees
in prayer, doesn't mean I wish them dead.

I mean, just because I'm not down on my knees
in prayer, doesn't mean I wish them dead.

1964, we abolished hanging.

We're supposed to have moved on since then.


You think he's the killer?

Possibly not working alone.



I like you.

So, I hope you won't
think this antagonistic,

but if you're not going to arrest me,
you have to let me go.

And you're not going to arrest me, are you?

Can I just confess and get it over with?

I killed them! I killed them all!
There you go.

I've got a date waiting outside, you know.

6'4" Brazilian. Oh...

This is police harassment.
Obstructing Rodrigo.

Would you just drop the act,
just for a moment?

I didn't kill anyone.

I've got the absolute right to act
how I choose. Freedom of speech.

A freedom you were prepared
to fight Lady Hugh for?

Oh, yes. I led a legitimate
protest against Lady Hugh,
therefore I must have murdered her.

Oh, yes. I led a legitimate
protest against Lady Hugh,
therefore I must have murdered her.

No. We know who murdered her.
Feardorcha Phelan.


Is he back in Oxford?

Has he been in contact with you?

No, he's not made contact with me.

The funny thing is, you're not the
only person not to have seen him.

No-one has seen him. Yet we have fingerprint
and DNA evidence linking him to the murder.


Maybe he's got an invisibility cloak.

Or a very good accomplice.

How do you know Will?

Clumsy one-night stand at freshers' week,

which turned into a lifelong friendship.

I wasn't madly,
psychotically in love with him.

The journalist Charlie Newton and you.

Both ushers at Will's funeral.

He's my best friend. We're the odd couple.

And he hates the Reverend King,

and the organisers of organised
religion, as he put it,

which includes Dr Melville and Lady Hugh.



You want the truth?

I just don't have it in me.


But when you've got God on your side,
you can do anything.

But me,

I just don't have the faith.

You do have a cause, though, don't you?

I'd say that's pretty much the same thing.

Found anything on
Feardorcha Phelan?

I finally heard back from the police in
Brazil. Basically, the
trail goes cold there.

He flies in three years ago and never leaves,
or he leaves on a different passport.

How likely is that? An identity change.

On the record, they want to show their
progress in the fight
against identity fraud.

Off the record, they accept it's rife there.

He must be back in the county.
But then he's living under an assumed name.

Why did you and Will McEwan
fall out when you were kids?

It's not relevant to the case.

He came out to me that
summer when we were 14.

I think he thought we'd kiss and
everything would be roses, but
we were kids and kids are stupid.

I think he thought we'd kiss and
everything would be roses, but
we were kids and kids are stupid.

I was just a horrible teenager.

So, what did you do?

I laughed at him.

Might as well have shot him in the face.
He hated me. Don't blame him.

Are you...


No, go on. Ask.

No. It's... Doesn't matter.

You've been dying to ask.

It's none of my business.

But you really want to know.

Well, OK.


Are you?


Are you gay?

What does that mean?

You know what that means.

What, that there's boys and girls and
a nice, neat line down the middle?

Gays like shoes and musicals and
straights read Loaded and eat Yorkies?

No, no.

Find a definition, then, sir.

Loaded and Yorkies?
How stupid do you think I am, man?

I just...

Ah, it's none of my business. You're right.

What do I know?


All three of the victims were
well known in the Oxford area.

We're asking that anybody who may know the
whereabouts of Feardorcha Phelan contact us.

We're asking that anybody who may know the
whereabouts of Feardorcha Phelan contact us.


One at a time, please.

Charlie Newton. Oxford Herald.
Do you think these killings

have been motivated by the
suicide of Will McEwan?

Mr Newton.

Hang on. I'll call you back.

What do you know that you're not telling us?

I got sent this today.

It's from Will.

He wants me to expose The Garden. Blow the
lid off their lies. This
is meant to help me.

He wants me to expose The Garden. Blow the
lid off their lies. This
is meant to help me.

The trouble is, it's the ramblings
of a deranged soul, and I'm
still not sure what they did.

Ah. I did make sense of this bit, though.

The Garden based their method
on the stations of the cross.

A bit like the 12-step programme.
And the final stage is resurrection.

Your problem solved.

But in order to get there -

You have to go through Calvary.


The crucifixion.

The hardest part.

Will lost his way before then.

So, why did Will go to them?

I think he and Feardorcha were
having problems, and they used
it as relationship counselling.

I know he left the group but then changed
his mind and went back. I don't know why.

But it wasn't suicide.

I'm sure of that.

They killed him, Inspector.

Sir, Zoe Kenneth wants to meet us.

I didn't realise you were linking
the murders to Will's death.

Well, it's one avenue we're exploring.

Erm...I know you were very close to Will,

I mean, more than just friends.

It's very private.

I understand that.
But if you could -

Sir, maybe it's not relevant.

No. No, it's fine.

Feardorcha could be a suspect, if he thinks
The Garden was responsible for Will's death.

Will said Feardorcha
killed himself.

He couldn't cope with being gay.

The shame on his family.

That's why Will wanted
the suicide kept secret.

And that's why Will was so depressed.

It had nothing to do with The Garden.

And you think Feardorcha's dead?

He sent Will a letter.

Suicide note.

I don't know if he went through with it.
There was no body found.

But Will believed it.

Feardorcha's sacrifice, he called it.


Do you believe Feardorcha's dead?


If you wanted to disappear, faking suicide's
the perfect way, so keep your eyes peeled.

If you wanted to disappear, faking suicide's
the perfect way, so keep your eyes peeled.



You look like a fish out of water.

Yeah. I feel like one.

Don't you just love it, though?

I was supposed to be in court,
but my partner insisted, on pain of death.

Is she here?


Inspector. Sergeant. Hello.

Mr Newton.

So, if Lady Hugh hadn't been killed, you'd
have had to cancel the Gay Pride march?

So, if Lady Hugh hadn't been killed, you'd
have had to cancel the Gay Pride march?

Ding-dong! The witch is dead.


Look at you two, all...casual.

This is us dressing down.

We're not very good at it.

What do you make of our Screaming Spires?


Can I have everyone's attention?

Any point hanging around?

I want to hear what this bloke's got to say.


It nearly didn't happen.

I'd like to dedicate this year's Screaming
Spires to my friend Will McEwan.

Will couldn't be here today.

Here's why.

"I'm going to tell you a story.

Once upon a time,
there were two men, in love.

They were nice men. Never hurt anybody.

But they rowed sometimes,

as lovers do,
so they joined a group.

Bit of couples counselling.

The group was called The Garden.

And it lived for one reason.

To cure gays.

Like we're some disease.

And they got inside the head of this man,

and they made him hate himself
and his one true love.

I reached out. I did.

I asked a good friend.

I said, "Is this really
what God wants for me?"

He said, "Yes." So I went back.

And they ripped me apart.

But I'm telling you now,

because I can see it so clearly,

love is never wrong."

The friend Will went to - was that you?

You knew what The Garden did.

You knew why Will killed himself,
all the time.



Life born of fire.

All along, you knew.

It wasn't like that.
What was it, if it wasn't like that?

It wasn't planned. You lied to me!

I didn't - How old are you? You lied.

Sir - I trusted you. I always trust you.

You said to my face, "I don't know
what The Garden is." Didn't you?

Sir - Didn't you?

Yeah. The times I gave you the chance.

You could have said.

You've no idea what this
has been like for me.

Why's that, then, with your lies?
You're not listening to me!

I never meant to hurt Will.

Hurt him? How?

Well, kids are stupid.
You can forgive kids. But adults...

Have you ever been so sure you were
right and later can't believe it?

Tell me. I was training to be a priest.

It was so exciting.

Everyone thought just like me,
I thought just like them.

But these things that they say, so easy.

Like breathing. You believe it.

And I believed that being gay was wrong.

Will came to you for advice.

I didn't understand what he was asking.
I was too bloody sure I was right.

He said, 'Can God love me
without change?' I said,

'Men who commit indecent acts
with other men will receive due
punishment for their perversion.'

'Men who commit indecent acts
with other men will receive due
punishment for their perversion.'

So, Will went back to The Garden.

And they ate him up.

I could see that my blind faith
had destroyed any chance of him
ever allowing himself to love.

I could see that my blind faith
had destroyed any chance of him
ever allowing himself to love.

And that's why you gave up the priesthood.

You always understood his suicide note.

Yeah, but I had to see the case through.

You could have told me.

I wanted to - Life born of fire.

What does it mean? I don't know.

It's not that easy to believe you anymore.

Sir - You lied to me.

Forget Will. Forget the case.
You lied to me. To me!

Please! No!

Just... No. Go away.
I don't want to see you.


Bad day?

Like you wouldn't believe.

One problem with living
on your own. What's that?

You're on your own.

Come back to mine.

I don't want to be on my own.

Not tonight.

Come on.

Knock-knock. Ma'am, come in.

Just checking on your progress.

Well, no sightings on Feardorcha Phelan,

but some activity. He seems to have
set his sights on Sergeant Hathaway.

Good God. Why?

Because of his
friendship with Will?

Anyway, I've got a protection
team keeping tabs on Hathaway.

So, if Feardorcha makes a move...

Well, maybe he'll show his face tonight.

Lewis, you and Hathaway
have you fallen out?

It's fine. But thanks, ma'am.

So, what's your lead now?

Well, Feardorcha's prints are on this too.

So, either he's the killer
or he's being set up.

If it's the latter,
it has to be somebody we've met.

How can you be certain?

Only a handful of people know enough about
Hathaway and Will to have reason to do this.


But what?

I've drawn a blank.

I don't know.

I haven't told you this, but you remind
me of my inspector when I was a sergeant.

I felt like half the time, I was just
there for him to bounce ideas off.

And mostly, that was enough.

If you're sure you've got the time.

Well, my busy, exciting social life...


Yeah. Why not?

I don't think I've ever
drunk so much in my life.

Trying to make myself cry.

Don't know what's wrong with me.

There's nothing wrong with you.

There is.

There's nothing wrong with you.

There's nothing wrong with you.

There's nothing wrong with you.

So, there are three options.
One, Feardorcha's the killer.

Two, he's being set up and he's alive.

Three, he's being set up and he's dead.

That's it, ma'am.

There is a fourth option, which
is that he's alive and working
in cahoots with somebody else.

There is a fourth option, which
is that he's alive and working
in cahoots with somebody else.

What does this mean?

The significance of names.

This killer's obsessed with symbolism.

I just wondered if there might
be a double meaning in a name.

Feardorcha using an alias,
or working with somebody else who is.

I know this great site.

My sister's having a baby.

Lucky her.

Now, if we put in, let's say, Robert...

it means...

Bright fame. I know.

Try the names of some of the other suspects.

If that's all right
with you, ma'am.

Yeah? Lewis.



Uniform have lost Hathaway,
somewhere in Jericho.

I really like you, James.

You're trembling.

It's been a while.

It doesn't matter.

If you're not ready, then that's fine.

Hold on.


Specially for you.

I need to get the iPod.
Don't you go anywhere.

Charles, meaning man, army or warrior.

Any use? No. Try Henry.

From heim ric, meaning home ruler.

How about Conan?

Little wolf, or hound.

Is there any way of doing
it the other way around?

Putting in the meaning first? Yeah. Hang on.

OK. Go on.

Put in Life Born Of Fire.

I'm going to have to break it up.

Let me put Life in, separately.

Hold on.

Zoe means life.

Try Kenneth.

From the Gaelic Cinaed,

and Cinaed means...

..born of fire.

Zoe Kenneth.

Life born of fire.

I think I'm a bit drunk.

It's just a sedative.

Don't worry.

I didn't want the flames to hurt you.

Despite it all, I like you.

In fact, I always did.


Not my real name.

I'm afraid you don't
know me at all.

I killed them all.

Every twisted founder
of that hateful garden.


Because I loved Will and they destroyed him.

Will wouldn't have -

I didn't do it for him, but for me.

Because he couldn't love me,

because of them.

Every time I tried to touch him,
and he'd pull away.

And that look in his eyes,

that guilt, that disgust.

And what I did to make him happy,
you can't imagine.

You can't imagine.



It all began with you, James.

Twice Will reached out to you,
twice you turned away.

One word from you,
none of this would have happened.

No garden, no suicide, no life born of fire.


Feardorcha was here all the time.

He's in this room now.

Standing right next to you.

He went to Brazil but didn't come back.

My sacrifice, James.

I'm Feardorcha.

Should be in here somewhere.

Wait. Wait.

Yeah. I knew it.

Zoe Kenneth, 31 Stalton Street, Jericho.

Stalton Street, Jericho. Now.


The sex change
capital of the world.

Imagine that.

Because I loved him so much.

And he...

He couldn't finally
be with a woman.

New face.

He almost bankrupted himself paying for it.

New chin, new cheeks, new nose,
dye the hair, lose the accent.

I am the phoenix, James,
rising from the ashes.

That's better.

The Firebird Suite.

I lost the man I love.

And I killed the people I hated.

And now there's only you and me.

And the cleansing fire.

Number 31!

Break it down!

Life born of fire, James.

You and me.

The firebirds.


Get her off! Get her off!

No! No!

Come on! Get up!

Argh! James!

Argh! Arghh!

Argh! No! No!

* STRAVINSKY: The Firebird Suite

Argh! Oh, shit.

Get her in the car!

We need an ambulance for this one.

Come on.


Zoe! No!

Come back!

No! Zoe!


No! Get off me!

* STRAVINSKY: The Firebird Suite




Hello, Sergeant.

How long have I been erm...

Quite a while. You were drugged.


She didn't...

I'm sorry.

You saved me.

Don't be so melodramatic.

So, how are you feeling?


Well, I just wanted to make sure you...

You know.

Thank you, sir.


I'm giving up the allotment.

Why's that, then?

Too relaxing. I'll save all
that for my retirement.

Is that going to happen any time soon?

Not for a little while.

Mr Lewis...

Mr Cooper.

Your work problem, that all sorted out?

It is, yeah.

Why do you ask?

Folks have lots of reasons
for giving up allotments.

Some can't hack it, some get bored.

Some don't like being outside
in our glorious British weather.

And others -

they just remember they're
needed somewhere else.

Goodbye, Mr Lewis.



Six o'clock.