In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 3, Episode 22 - Frances: Week Six - full transcript

With her sister's condition worsening, Frances turns to Paul to cope with her mounting anxieties.

Hello, Paul.

This is Adele Brouse.

I, uh...

I just had
an appointment open up...

tomorrow actually,
at 1:00...

and I was wondering

if you were interested
in taking it.

We had sort of a truncated
session last Friday

and I had some
lingering concerns.

Perhaps you did as well.

And so

if you want the extra time

to continue our talk,
let me know.

You've got the number.

Um, okay, thanks.

Okay, bye.

It's okay.

What's okay?

Well, I know I've told you
not to tell me

if I look tired or old,

but you can say it.

I look exhausted.
I know.

Do you feel exhausted?

Not so much but...

although I am starving.

Do you have anything to eat?


- This is your house, right?
- Yes, it is.

And you have a kitchen
in your house?

Yes, I do.

Okay, I get it.

It's against the rules.

I'm fine.

Would you like some water?

No, I'll be fine, really.
Don't worry.

That's actually something
that you say quite a lot...

"I'll be fine.
It's okay."

Is there some message
that you want

to communicate with me in that?

So what happened last night?

What didn't happen
last night?

Oh, did you hear that?
That was my stomach.

See, you remind me of Izzy.

You have a certain

I told her about
the results to my brca1.

- You did?
- Yeah.

And how did she
respond to that?

You know, hearing that
her mother was healthy,

that she would be healthy?

She accused me
of being a narcissist.

Yeah, I thought I was
giving her good news...

a gift... and she
called me a narcissist.

Why do you think she
called you a narcissist?

No, you tell me.

I mean, that's essentially what you
were saying to me all last week.

That's really what you took
away from our last session...

that I think
you're a narcissist?

From what recall, I didn't
say anything of the kind.

But I do remember
strongly encouraging you

to visit your sister.

How did you come to talk
to Izzy last night?

Wasn't it opening night?

Yes yes, it was.

- So did she...
- No, she did not come.

So she didn't go, but you
talked to her afterwards?

I told Izzy at the hospital.

Patricia's in the hospital.

She called me at the theater.

She said she thought
she was dying,

so I went straight
over to her house.

And how was she?

Eventually I did have to
take her to the hospital

at about 3:00
in the morning.

Russell and Izzy met me there.

The doctors stabilized her.
They got her comfortable.

I was waiting with Izzy

and I told her about
the results to my brca1.

And that's when she told me
I was a narcissist.

Evidently she's just
finished reading some book...

"the gift of
the dramatic child."

"The drama
of the gifted child."

- Oh, you know it?
- Yes, I do.

It's sort of seminal
in this field.

Did Izzy say why she was
reading that particular book?

You know, Izzy thinks

she had such
a difficult childhood.

Izzy doesn't even know what a difficult
childhood looks like, all right?

Are you saying that you do?

What I'm saying is
she had it easy.

Gifted, huh?

Actually I think the title
is kind of misleading.

The book doesn't have anything
to do with intellectual ability.

Well, she loved it.

She thinks it explains


We were in the waiting room...
Russell and Izzy and I.

She was sitting there in
this big baggy sweatshirt

with her pajama pants

and her chin up on her knees.

I looked at her, I thought,
"Jesus, she looks so...

she's just a kid."

And she was really scared
when she saw tricia.

So I thought, "I gotta
tell her something nice.

I gotta make her feel better.
I gotta reassure her."

So I told her that the
results of my test came back

and that they were negative

and that that meant
that hers were too

and that I wasn't gonna
pass it on to her.

I mean...

She gave me that look

that she's just
so very fond of.

I mean, why couldn't
she just be grateful?

I gave her good news
and she looked as if...

if she's gonna hate me,
just let her hate me.

I don't know
what to do anymore.

Frances, how is Patricia?

Not good.

You said that when
she called last night,

she thought she was dying.

She did.

She left a message

right before the end
of the play. She said...

"I'm sorry, franny,"

I think this is it.

I need help."
She kept apologizing,

saying she was sorry.
She knows I don't like dealing with illness.

So when you heard that
message, what did you do?

I left the theater.

I mean I just told Eddie that
I had a family emergency.

I couldn't believe she was
apologizing for being sick.

I told him I couldn't
make the curtain call

and I just walked out
the stage door.

I was still wearing my costume.

And I just took
a cab to Brooklyn.

I went straight to her place.

The door was open.

I found her...

she was lying on the cold tile.

She was drenched in urine.

And I put her
in the bath and...

what kind of state was she in?

She kept saying that
she didn't want to die.

She was scared of dying.

And I just needed her to stop.

I needed her
to let me help her.

And I shook her...

Kind of hard.

I just wanted her
to cut it out.

I wanted her to stop talking
about dying right then.

- Did that scare you?
- Yes, it scared me.

Did it make you angry?

I guess so.



No, my sister is dying

and I'm angry
at her.

A lot of the time fear
makes people shut down.

It seems to have
spurred you to action.

Maybe it did.

D does that surprise you?

Well, it hasn't exactly
been my pattern.


I don't know where
it all came from.

I wasn't thinking
about anything.

I wasn't thinking about
anything at all.


I just remembered
this director...

when I first came
to New York, in a play.

He said, you know,
"franny, stop worrying about

what you're feeling so much and just
think about what you're doing."

- That's what you did with tricia.
- Yeah.

What am I doing?
Treat her symptoms.

Bring the fever down.
Hydrate her.

You know, she...
she was in the bath,

so I got her out of the
bath and into the bed.

And then she was cold.

There was this short little

period of time though...

40 minutes maybe...

I don't know.
It seemed almost peaceful,

like everything
was gonna be okay.

She was cold,
so I got her into bed,

covered her with a blanket.

She started to fall asleep,

but she wanted me
to talk to her.

So I sat next to her,
talking to her.

And what did you talk about?

Just nonsense,
I guess... gossip.

I told her about
Laurie Littman...

our fifth-grade

who left her husband
for a woman.

And then I told her
about the theater

and what had happened to me

and how I left before
the curtain call

and the look on Eddie's
face when I told him.

That made her smile.

I ran out of things
to talk about, I guess,

so I reached up
on the shelf for a book.

I thought I'd read to her...
"Jane eyre" of all things.

I was reading to her.

I thought she'd fallen asleep.

All of a sudden
she just gripped my hand.

It really frightened me.

She said, "I love you.

Love you."

That must have felt very good.

It didn't?

No, it did.
Of course it did.


that's a pretty powerful moment

you've just described...

to have that kind of connection

with tricia.

It didn't last.

We fell asleep...

I don't know how long it
was, maybe 15 minutes...

then she woke up with a
stabbing pain in her stomach,

worse than before.

And she started hallucinating.

She thought I was our mother.

Her neighbor helped me
get her down into the car.

I called Russell
on the way to the hospital.

What? What?
What is that look?

- What are you looking at me like that for?
- Like what?

No, you're scrutinizing me.
There's something skeptical.

Skeptical? Why would
I be skeptical, frances?

Why... why?

If anything,
I've been impressed

with the way you've
handled yourself.

You've had some distance
in the past with Patricia,

and now her illness...
the gravity of it...

has become very real.

And you've experienced...

you've experienced that
face to face.

But I guess
I'm a little confused

as to why you're
throwing it back on me.

I'm trying to gauge
what's going on with you.

I feel sad.

I feel incredibly
scared for tricia.

I feel tired.

I feel hungry.

I feel...


I don't fucking know, okay?
Isn't that enough?


When we got
to the emergency room,

this whole crowd
descended on me...

doctors, nurses, e. M.T.S...
I don't know.

They just literally
pushed me out of the away.

And then this one
enormous nurse

starts bombarding me
with questions, you know...

"how long has
she been like this?"

When was the last time
she had food and water?

"Why didn't you
bring her in sooner?"

Can you believe that?

It was like she
slapped me in the face.

I definitely felt like
slapping her back.

Did you feel like
she was accusing you?

I was trying to help tricia.

I... I thought
I was doing pretty well,

but she made it sound like I kept
her home on purpose, you know,

like I had some sick
pleasure taking care of her.

Do you really think
that's what she thought?

She all but said it.

Did she?

It just sounds to me
like the nurse made...

she made
an insensitive comment.

But it doesn't sound like she was
questioning your motives here. Perhaps...

I was doing the best I could.
I'm not a doctor.

No one... I mean,
nobody expects you to be.

I guess I'm just wondering
if your reaction came

from your conflicted feelings.

Oh, there there.
Here we go, right. No, come on.

No, you were the one who brought
up her comment, frances.

You said that you felt pushed aside
when you got to the hospital.

So you're accusing me too?

No, you think
that some part of me

got off on taking care
of tricia.

I'm not accu... but if
it were to be true,

it would be completely

I guess what I'm saying

is that I want to explore
these feelings with you

if that's what you want.

All right. Okay.

We were waiting.

And the attending doctor
came out and told us

that tricia had to stay
for a few days,

but then we could
take her home,

and that it was time

to start hospice.

And is that what tricia wants?

Did he...

did he tell you how long?

He said it could be two weeks,

but six at the very most.



I think I'm gonna
quit the play.


why are you gonna
quit the play?

I'd rather stay home
and take care of Trish.

I mean,

I don't even really
like doing theater.

You have that look again.


but doesn't the hospice mean

that tricia would have
professional care?

Yes, Paul.

She'll have a nurse
during the day

and she'll have a number
to call at night.

But I want to be there
in addition,

and not just as a visitor.

I want to move in with her.

Into Patricia's home?

Yep, the hospice nurse takes
care of her physical needs,

but who's gonna take care
of her emotional needs?

She doesn't have any children,

a husband or a mother.

I'm all she's got.

And have you talked
to Patricia about this?


Izzy and I were in the cab.

We were not talking.

We were just
processing the news.

She was looking out the window

and she started to cry.

And then this bus pulled up

right next to us

with a big ad for my play.

That's when I told her
I was quitting.

So was that the moment when
it first occurred to you?

No, but that was when it made
perfect sense to me though.

What? What?

I think...

I think it's
a wonderful impulse,

but I...

do you think that
it might be possible

that you are reacting

to Izzy's attitude
towards you, her comments?

No, I'm reacting to the fact
that my sister needs me.

I understand.

But by announcing that
you're leaving the job,

do you think that you might
be making a statement?

Oh, I get it.
Wait, you're telling me

I'm trying to prove
Izzy wrong, yeah,

trying to prove
I'm not a narcissist.

- I mean, not just prove it to Izzy.
- No, really.

No, you really think
the world of me, Paul.

I don't mean just trying
to prove it to Izzy.

Well, if that's what it was,

it sure as hell backfired.

She started to rant.
She told me

I've been gone
for months and months.

Now I'm just gonna make
this big entrance

and, you know, pretend to
take care of everything.

She said I was doing it
just for me.

She even told me
that the nurse was right,

that I should have
brought Trish in sooner

and that I should do
the fucking play.

Now I'm guessing that
you think she's right.

No, I don't.

No, go ahead, say it, Paul.
I don't care.

I don't.

You took your sister to the
hospital when she needed it.

You also had the chance

to spend that time with her

and to show her...
and yourself...

that you were up to this task

of seeing her though
to the end.

You should feel good about
what you did for tricia.

At the same time,

maybe you should think
a little more

about what
quitting the play means

and consider

what might be driving
your decision here.

She called me last night, Paul.

I know she wants me there.

And you will be there for
her... that's clear to me...

whether you quit the play
or whether you don't.

I'm just perhaps
concerned about

where this choice
might lead you

in the long term.

You came to me

with real concerns
about your career.

And since then
you've expressed to me

a sense of
personal loneliness...

a deep loneliness.

Your sister's gonna die,

and these things that you feel

are gonna come back more
powerfully when she's gone.

I can see how
moving in with her

may seem like
it's the real answer.

You'd get to feel more of
what you felt last night...

this connection
between you both.

And also you...

you get to walk away
from the play.

So you think I'm running
from the play?

I don't know.
What do you think?

A month ago you thought I was
running away from tricia.

You thought I took
the play to escape.

God, you are so much like Izzy.

There's no winning
with either one of you.

You know what she said to
me in the taxi before?

She said she felt
sorry for you,

that it was a joke
I was even in therapy,

that true narcissists
can never really change,

that there's nothing
you could do to help me.

Did she get that
from that book, Paul?

She might have, yeah.

So do you agree with her?

Well, I think that it's...

Can you excuse me for a moment?

- Mom.
- Izzy?

I'm sorry.
Why aren't you answering your phone?

What are you doing here?

Dad called.
She's back in the I.C.U.

She had a seizure or something.

Oh God.

- All right, I gotta go. Paul, Izzy.
- Come on.

- Hi. - Hi.
So you're the famous Paul weston.

Isabelle, not now.
Come on.

So how has it been
going in here?