In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 3, Episode 19 - Jesse: Week Five - full transcript

Paul is vexed to learn that Jesse sabotaged a meeting with his biological parents.

Now, I'll do...

I'll do the dry and you
do the wet. How's that?

What's that supposed to mean?

You'll beat the eggs
and milk. I'll do the flour.

What did you think I meant?

Okay. Hey, chocolate chips.

Don't tell your mom, okay?

How much milk?

Uh... Read what it
says on the thing.

So how is... How is school?

It's fine.

Are you missing your friends?

I'll make new ones, Dad.



So, now, it says here we mix
the dry ingredients into the wet.

That's not gonna work
because your bowl is smaller.


Okay, um,


So how are... How...

How are things going with Steve?

Has he been
growing on you at all?

Growing on me?
You mean like mold?

I'm just... I'm just curious what
kind of a guy he is, you know.

He's fine.

I figure that if your
mom's gonna marry him,

then he can't be all that bad.

Give us a sec.



You all right?

What's happened?

I need to do my session
tonight instead of tomorrow.

Look, I don't hold
sessions this late, Jesse.

And I'm...


Then fuck you, too.

Fuck everyone.

What's going on, Jesse?

I went to see them. Who?

Who the fuck do you think?

They kicked me
out of their house.

Okay, here's the key
to the waiting room.

I'll see you there
in a minute, okay?

Do you want to tell
me what happened?

I called him after our session.

Who? Kevin?

And I said I was
ready to meet him.

And he was like, "Great,
we'll meet you in the city."

But I, kinda, wanted
to see their place,

so I said I would come to them.

And he was like, "Great." And
I was like, "How's Tuesday?"

And he was like,
"Tuesday's great."

When did you call him?

After the last session?


And why did you
feel the urgency?

I don't know.

I just felt good
after last week.

I felt like maybe it was all
gonna work out somehow.

Well, you know,
we had talked about

spending another few sessions...

What are you saying?

Are you saying that I fucked up?


Do you want me
to leave? No, I don't.

Because I don't feel like
you really want me here.

I don't feel like you actually
want to hear what happened to me.

Jesse, I do want to hear.

Yeah, so...

We were supposed to
meet today at, like, 6:00.

But I'm always late for things,

so I thought I would
just show up early

and scope the place out
and then I'd get some coffee.

So I took a 3:00 train.
It only took an hour.


There were these
kids in the front yard.

And at first I thought, "It
must be the wrong house."

But I checked the
address and it wasn't.

I mean, it was the right house.

And then I thought,

maybe, they were
the neighbors' kids or...

So I looked at them up close
through the zoom lens of my camera.

I took some pictures.
And then I felt really ill.

So I left.

And I went to find a
diner or something,

somewhere where I could think,

but, apparently, there are
no diners in Westchester.

There are 50 million
different tennis clubs,

but you can't get a
fucking milk shake!

Okay, okay.

So what did you do?


I walked around for a couple
of hours and then I went back.

And they were gone.

Who was gone?

Everybody was gone?

No, Kevin and Karen
were still there, but...

The kids, they just


And not just, like,
their physical bodies,

but all evidence
of their existences.

There was this
chalk. And the girl...

She was drawing on
the driveway with it.

And the chalk was gone.

And the girl was gone.
And the driveway was wet.

They washed it, Paul.

So I rang the doorbell.

Kevin answered.


So, what was he like?

He was blond and tall.

They were...

They looked...


And what else?

Uh... She...

She had really nice legs.

Is it weird that I noticed that?


She was wearing
these stockings and...

She had this round face

and these little eyes that
disappeared into her skull,

every time she smiled.


He looked like a
really good guy.

He had a wink...

Like that.

So did they...

Did they invite you in?

Yeah, and we sat
at the kitchen table.

And they put out these
Oreo cookies and milk

like we were in a fucking
Nabisco commercial.

So you found that patronizing?

Yeah, I mean,

I was starving so I ate,
like, half the package, but...

What did you talk about when
you were eating the cookies?

I don't really remember.

You don't remember?

I was just looking around
the room and they were, like,

watching me.

What were you looking for?

Drawings on the refrigerator,
sippy cups... I don't know.

Were you looking
for signs of other kids?

Yeah, and?

The outlets were childproof.

Anything else?

You were convinced that the kids
in the yard were definitely their kids?

They just like held
hands the whole time

and they looked at me like...

Like I was gonna set their
house on fire or something.

And then, like,
10 minutes later,

they asked me
to leave, so I left.

I can't believe I
got dressed up.

I can't believe I
wore this jacket.

I haven't worn it
since freshman year.

And this tie isn't
even mine. It's Nate's.

I tied him up with it
once and I got cum on it,

so he said I could keep it.

Those were their kids, Paul.

Do you want to know how I know?


I went to the bathroom before
I left. I went a couple of times.

There was this bar,

by the toilet, for
handicapped people.


I know, right?

At least, now we know why
they got in contact with me.

Isn't it obvious?


The kid in the wheelchair, look
at his face. He's like a mini me.

And he's fucking sickly.

They want my blood.

My guts... Something.
I don't know.

Are you saying that
they got in touch with you

because of some medical reason?

Yeah, of course. He's dying.

He probably needs
a donor or something.

Okay, let's...

Let's take a...

Take a step back here, Jesse.

How do you know the kid's dying?

Look at him.

I see a kid in a wheelchair.

He might have had an
accident. He might be paralyzed.

There's a number of
things that might be wrong

that aren't life-threatening.

But why would they get in
touch with me after 17 years?

And why would they
hide their kids from me?

Maybe they just
wanted to meet you first.

They washed the
fucking driveway!

Okay, that's...

That's strange.

You're right.

But let's not leap
to conclusions here.

Tell me everything that you
remember about the conversation.

I already told you.

You just told me they had cookies
and they were holding hands.

What did they
actually say, Jesse?

I don't remember what they said.


I was stoned.

You were stoned?


Kinda. A little bit.

I got high while I was
walking around, wasting time.

Maybe that's why
you were so hungry.

Yeah, I guess so.

You said they asked
you to leave the house.

Yeah, they did.

You remember that.


And do you have any idea why?

I think it had something
to do with RISD.


Did you ask them for money?


Well, what does "kinda" mean?

I said that maybe we could
work out some sort of deal.

A deal? Like...

Like a summer for
some bone marrow.

If they paid for college, I'd
throw in a kidney. I don't know.

And what did they say?

They didn't really say anything.

Kevin offered to drive
me to the train station,

so I left.



You know what? I've
got to say that I'm...

What, frustrated with me?


I think you deliberately
sabotaged that meeting.

No, I didn't.

I can't help but feel
that it's another event

in the pattern of your behavior,

that you test everybody around
you and then you push them away

like you did with Marisa
and Roberto and Nate.

Now it's your birth parents.

You hurt the people
who care about you

so that they will
turn away from you,

and then you can
prove to yourself

that you're
fundamentally unlovable.

Sorry, I didn't
know that I did that.

Even coming over here now,
it's late. It's not your session time.

Were you testing me
to see how much I care,

what I'm willing to sacrifice?

Will I put my kid's
needs before you?

Jesse, don't walk out. Jesse.

Jesse, don't walk out.

Jesse, stop.

The only reason I
came here tonight

is because I thought
you should know

how much you fucked
up my fucking life.

If I hadn't taken
your stupid advice...

What advice?

You told me to call
them back. No, I didn't.

Yes, you did. I was
gonna tell them to fuck off.

I wrote that letter.
You took it from me.

You gave it to me.

Stop it! Just fucking stop.

I'm the one in trouble
here, okay? Not you.

Why don't you go back
to your little pancakefest

with your faggoty son!

You know...

Your birth parents,

they made a mistake

by not telling you
that you had siblings.


I don't know what
their intentions were.

Maybe they were
trying to protect you.

Did I just ruin everything?

What do you mean
by "everything"?

My whole life.

Jesse, you're 17.

You didn't kill anybody.

You haven't ruined your life.

But you made a decision

and you took an action, and
that action has consequences.

They kept a crippled kid.

God, what is wrong with me?

There's nothing
wrong with you, Jess.

Nothing. There
must be something.

How old were Kevin and
Karen when you were born?

Didn't he say in his letter?


Like, 17.

17, Jesse.

Your age.

Do you feel ready
to raise a kid?


I know you think there's
got to be some reason

why your birth
parents gave you up,

some secret that
they're keeping from you.

What if they were
just too young?

What if it's that
simple? What then?

Oh, shit!

Okay, okay, stay
over here. Stay there.

Sorry. Just stay there.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.


I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry.

No harm done. It's okay.

It's okay. It's just a
bit of smoke, that's all.
