In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 3, Episode 12 - Adele: Week Three - full transcript

Paul explores his fears of losing Max to a stepfather.


Dad. Cease, please.
Those aren't even the words.

What? I'm practicing
for the big show.

Doesn't anybody
sing along anymore?

did you get the address?

It's Ludlow near Stanton.

You got your cap?


- Got your coat on?
- Yeah.

Okay, I got my keys.
I got my wallet.

Okay, let's go.


You're sure you don't
have any ibuprofen?

I don't.
I'm sorry.

- What about the other stuff?
- No.

- Plain old aspirin?
- I have water.

- Unbelievable.
- Would you like some water?

It's... it's... it's...

It's really crazy
when you think about it.

I mean, you're a doctor.

You prescribed me
sleeping pills two weeks ago.

And if I needed morphine,
I know you could get me some.

But you can't give me
two aspirin.

I already said
I don't have any.

You still feel I'm denying you.

I'm just... I'm not
up to this today.

Why do you think
I would do that?

I don't know.

Cruelty maybe,

Uh, power, control,

Youthful clinging to protocol.

My father used to do
the same thing.

If ever I got sick,
or my brother did,

He'd never write out
a prescription.

He'd always send us
to the clinic

For an antibiotic.

Do you get headaches a lot?

Yeah, I do lately.

How often?

three in a week.

That's another Parkinson's
symptom, by the way.

Not all the Web sites list it,

But I found
five or six that do.

So we've got tremor, rigidity,

Frequent headaches,

Loss of sense of smell...
that's a fun one.

You've been researching online.

I was.
Now I'm...

I'm not.

- You mean...
- I mean I'm stopping.

I've stopped.

Why is that?

How about an ice pack?

You wouldn't refuse me
an ice pack, would you?

If you really feel you can't
continue, we should...

No no, it's okay.
I was just kidding,

Sort of.

I'll muster through.

So where...
where were we?

Your research.

Oh yes, the joyful discovery

That headaches are
a symptom of Parkinson's.

That's one
possible explanation.

Well, I'm gonna ask
the new neurologist.

I'm seeing him on the 7th.

- Could there be others?
- Other neurologists?

I don't doubt it.

Other explanations
for your headaches.

How are things at home with...


My son's name is Max.

- I remember.
- You do?

I just saw you were kind
of searching for it there.

No, I wasn't.

So how are things at home?

Do you remember I told you

About my teenage patient,
the adopted one?

- Jesse.
- Yeah.

Well, he showed up
with a black eye this week.

Seems he got into a big fight,

Suspended from school.

Why do you bring him up?

Because I've been
worried about him.

I... I don't see
what the problem is.

I asked how things were at home

And you moved on
to your teenage patient.

You asked me if
there were other reasons

Why I've been suffering
from headaches.

You sit with Jesse

And you'll know
he's a valid answer.

I've been concerned
about his treatment.

I'm just not certain anymore

That I'm the right
person to help him.

Truth is,
he might be better off

If he were seeing
you instead...

Seeing anyone else, really.

I actually came here today

To ask your opinion.

Earlier you said you came
back because of Max.

- Earlier as in...
- Last week.

- Oh.
- You said he was your reason

For returning
to therapy.

You said you wanted
to discuss

How best to tell him
about your illness.

You know...

You seem upset.

Have you been reading
Gina's book?

I'm sorry?

Gina's book,

Her critically acclaimed

Deeply deluded work of fiction.

I told you
that's her big theory...

That I invested in my patients

At the expense
of real relationships.

I remember it upset you she gave
a character these shortcomings.

Oh yeah, it upset me.
Do you know why?

Because it's horseshit.

You know, I can worry
about my patients

And still be there for my son.

I'm... I'm...

You know, I'm perfectly capable

Of doing two things at once.

In fact, I was just out
with Max last night

To see his favorite band.

- How was that?
- It was fine.

It was loud.

It, you know, was...

What was it? Every time I
bring up Max, you seem to...

Christ, I'm not trying to avoid
your questions about Max,

I promise you that.

And the connection
with Jesse will make sense

If you'd just let me get to it.

Of course.


Two days ago Jesse
brings his mother in.

- His...
- Adoptive mother.

He's trying to get me to tell her
about his birth mother's phone call.

Of course, I didn't
want to do that.

So Jesse finally blurts out
the news himself.

His mother flees
the room immediately.

Then Jesse accuses me
of taking her side.

Do you think that's...?

He's right.

I didn't realize it
at the time, but...

You see what's
going on here, I'm sure.

It's perfectly obvious
what's at play.

I'm not certain I...


Here's this woman.
She's sitting across from me.

Her son is struggling.

She's spent years
raising this kid...

Feeding him, clothing him,

Trying to do the best she can

To, you know, connect with him.

Then in comes
this other person,

Swoops in, trying to
claim him as her own.

Of course I felt for her.

You know?
How could I not?

You're talking about
Kate's fiance.


You feel
he's swooping in,

Trying to claim your children.

He's done his best.

So clearly I'm less than
objective here.

My question for you is...

Can I still

Treat Jesse effectively?

You're asking my advice

About your practice?

I'm asking your opinion.

I'm asking you
whether you think

I've lost my objectivity.

All right?

I mean, you must have
some opinion.

What, are you so appalled
by my admission

That you're not even
going to address it?

I think the question
you're asking

Is one you might ask
a supervisor.

And what does that mean?

You're asking me to step outside
my role as your therapist.

I know with Gina this was...

Oh, we're back to Gina again.

May I finish?

Sure, go ahead.

I know this was common
practice with Gina.

I'm not Gina.

You say
you're finding it hard

To be objective with Jesse.

You know this has a lot to do

With your feelings
about Max and Steve.

You point this out.
You make the connection.

But then you'd rather
not look at it.

Maybe you can tell me
some more about Steve.

I don't know what exactly
there is to say about him

Except he's made
my son miserable.

Has Max told you that?

In his own words.

Which were what?

That the guy's a total putz,

He's a warlock, a republican.

Should I keep going?

If you like.

As soon as he bought
Kate her ring,

The warlock decided they
should move into his castle.

Oh, he's an architect

And very proud of this
modern monstrosity

That he built
in Aberdeen, Maryland.

So he announces they're
all gonna live there,

Starting immediately,

Even though Aberdeen is
40 minutes outside the city

And Anour's bus ride
from Max's school

And the few friends
that he has.

And Max isn't happy
with this arrangement?

He traveled 200 miles alone
on the train to prove it.

And how have things been
since he got here?

Last week I signed Max up
for school.

I told you... a decent place
around the corner.

It's the third highest
test scores in Brooklyn.

But Kate and the republican...
they don't approve.

So she calls me twice a day to say
that he's gonna pay for poly prep...

Which is a mer 30 grand a year.

And last time she lets it drop

That he's prepared
to cover college.

This feels threatening?

Oh, I guess
I should be relieved,

Let him support
my kids for life.

And I'll just retire tomorrow.

Do you want to retire?


You know, I've been
trying to talk to you

About how poor a job
I might be doing,

Whether I'm failing
certain patients,

But you're kind of
making it clear

That you don't want
to discuss that.

I wonder if you feel

You may be failing
your son too.

Steve's presence obviously has
affected your relationship.

Can you tell me what
disturbs you most about...?

Apart from the fact that he's
trying to buy my son's love,

That he thinks he knows better

What's right
for my kid?

It shouldn't be
too hard to grasp

What my problem is
with Jesse...

Why I don't know
if I can treat him.

'cause I see him obsessed

With this new parent figure,

Rejecting the people
who raised him.

But Max hasn't rejected you.

He chose to live with you.

He hasn't withdrawn.
He's come closer.

Well, geographically
closer, yes.

He still feels

Nothing's changed this week?

He's still the same...

Drawing, sleeping,

He was out of school
for a couple days

With a cold.

It's not that.

It bothers you deeply
to see him unhappy.

You said you took him
out last night.

How was he then?

Do you know animal collective?

I'm gonna assume that's a band.

Max told me last month
that he'd missed them

When they played in Baltimore

Because of his mother and
Steve's engagement party.

So I saw that
they were playing here

And I got tickets.

It was the craziest scene...

400 hypercharged kids

And a few traumatized parents.

All the other kids
were going berserk,

Rushing the edge of the stage,

Crushed together,
screaming frantically.

And Max?

Max stayed pinned to my side.

He went closer when
I prodded him, but...


You know, he kept coming
back to check on me.

So I'd send him off again

And he'd go stand
at the edge of things,

Against the side wall,
with his hood on.

It was...

It was just hard
for me to watch him.

This is his favorite band?


You say it was hard
for you to watch him.

- Can you tell me why?
- Because I'm his father.

- Yes.
- He's my son.

You're asking me why it was
hard for me to see him unhappy.

Clearly you haven't had kids.

I'm asking if you can
describe in more detail

What it felt like to watch him.

You said he kept coming
back to check on you.

Why do you think that is?

I was deafened by the noise.


I couldn't help
wondering how Sunil...

What he would make of all this.

- Sunil? Your patient?
- Right.

Why do you bring him up?

I kept seeing the whole thing
through his eyes...

The assault of it, the frenzy.

It was so...

So extreme, so...

So American.

I know exactly how he feels,

Why he locks himself off
in that room.

And you think Max
somehow picked up on this?

That's why he kept coming
back to check on you?

Surely you weren't
the only parent

Standing uncomfortably
in the back.

I... I guess
I'm not so clear

Why Max would be so concerned.

Are you all right?



I made a terrible mistake.

Tell me.

I let Max use my computer
before we left

To find the directions
to the concert,

And I...

I didn't realize
I hadn't cleared

The searches from the list

From the...
the history.

So I walk into the room

And he's scrolling through
this list of searches,

Hundreds of them...
Parkinson's institute,

Parkinson's disease foundation.

I know all of them by heart.



I just... I just knew
from his face

Exactly what he'd seen.

And he...

Asked me...

If I was sick.

- What did you say?
- I said no.

I said it...
that wasn't about me.

I was researching
for a patient.

But Max is...
he's exceptionally bright.

It's never been easy
to lie to him.

His sister's seven years older,

And he told her
there was no tooth fairy.

Did you consider
telling him the truth?

I was just in shock.

And he was just looking at me

With his big eyes.

And I thought,

"he's scared."

Get through the moment,
get out the door,

See the concert.
You can ruin his life later,

"Not like this though.
Not right now."

I mean, it's fucking crazy...

All this time I'm consumed
with how best to break it,

And then to have it
happen like this,


In the worst possible way.

Was that the entire

Pretty much.

We got home.
I put him to bed.

And I went to my computer

And I just erased
the whole history.

Then I had a drink.

And then

I had a few more.

And then I went to sleep.

And I didn't wake up till
Max called me for school.

So there.

There's your other explanation

For my now splitting headache.

It is worse, having told me?

I shouldn't have had those drinks.
I know that.

I don't drink alone.

After the night that I had...

You said you went to bed
after your drinks

And slept till morning.

That's right.

You didn't wake up?

Did you have
your dream?

I... I... I...
I don't know.

I may have.

I don't remember really.

Am I right that this is
the first time

You were able
to sleep well in months?

Well, I guess I've got the
whisky to thank for that.

I'm wondering if there's
another reason

You were able to sleep well

Quite apart from the alcohol.

Why do I have the feeling
that I'm not gonna like this?

You mentioned
that in the morning

It was Max who woke you up.

- Mm-hmm.
- Does he usually wake you up or...?

It was late.
I was sleeping.

- I understand.
What I'm ask... - he was late for school.

I was sleeping. You know, I don't
know what you're getting at.

- What I'm try...
- it isn't relevant.

It isn't meaningful.
It was just a hangover.

You're speaking very loudly.


Are you suggesting that I
left my Internet history up

On purpose,
for Max to discover?

I think it can be a dead end to
try to ascribe intentionality.

- Let's just... - oh Jesus, come on.
Listen to you.

You sound like a textbook...

"when patient
tries to ascribe"...

Damn it.

Damn it.

Are you all right?


Would you like some water?

No, thank you.

Let's talk
about the effects

Max's discovery
has had on you.

The scene
you described to me...

Max coming to check
on you at the concert,

Getting you up
in the morning...

Does that dynamic seem
familiar to you?

A child
caring for a parent.

When, you said, your own
mother wasn't well

You had to take care of
her when you were young.

And now here's Max
taking care of you.

Can you tell me
what you're thinking?



I wish I could tell you
to go fuck yourself.

What's stopping you?

I don't know
what you must think of me.

What must I think of you?

I'm subjecting my son to the
same misery I went through.

Not only that but I...

I'm getting some kind of

Comfort from it,

Sleeping like a baby
through the night.

I mean...

I don't know how you can
stand to look at me.

When I look at you,

I see a father profoundly
concerned for his son.

Fuck it.


I've got to meet Max
in 20 minutes.

I have to take him to Penn
station for a 6:50 train.

He's spending the weekend

With Kate and Steve.

I don't know if I can face him.

What frightens you?

That he's gonna look up at me

And pretend...

Just pretend that
everything is fine

When the truth is

That he's worrying
that I'm dying.

He'll be thinking

If I'm unfit to be his father.

Are you unfit to be his father?

I think you've been
working very hard

To prove
you're unfit...

To yourself, to your
neurologist, to Max,

To me.

How to you?

Since you came in today,

You've tried to get me
to take care of you.

You've asked me
for painkillers.

You even imagined
I'd give you morphine.

You asked for help with
one of your patients,

Even suggesting I would do a
better job with one of them,

Despite the fact,

As you are very fond
of pointing out,

You have 20 years of
clinical experience over me.

I think I'm beginning
to understand

How the dynamic between
you and Gina developed,

How she came to play

So many roles in your life...

Supervisor, mentor, therapist,


How was it you say she
presented you in the novel?

Needy, childish,

Poor husband, deficient father?

Is it possible
that you convinced her

That you were,
in fact, incapable?

That you've convinced

Why would I do that?

Why would I do that?

You said
Max's train's at 6:50?

Yeah, I should...

I should go get him.

Paul, we'll talk next week.
