In Plain Sight (2008–2012): Season 3, Episode 10 - Her Days Are Numbered - full transcript

Mary is assigned to protect a witness named Judy Wagrowski, whose extraordinary mathematical abilities allowed her to keep all the financial records of a numbers racket in her head. That skill, however, is the result of her Asperger's Syndrome, which also makes it difficult for her to understand figures of speech or to keep the secrets necessary to remain a protected witness. Judy also has trouble breaking her ties with Larry Silvers, one of the suspects she will testify against, whom she regards as her only friend. At the same time, Marshall and Stan try to help a nurse secure the green card she was promised as part of her agreement to testify - meeting with puzzling resistance on the part of the INS.

6-3-4 combo.


3-8-0 combo...


- Unemployment may be high,

But our business is booming.

- Good take today.

- People need hope, I guess.


- Thanks, Judy.

- 6-2-9.
That's $100.

- How much we make last week?

- $353,640, and the number
that hit was 3-4-2.

- You're a gem.

That's what you are, a gem.

What we'd do without you,
I have no idea.

- You'd need a computer.

- Computer, right.

Might as well put up
a big sign,

Flashing my name
and occupation in neon.

- Why would you want
a neon sign flashing your name?

- We wouldn't.
That's the point.

That's why we're glad
we have you here.

We don't need computers.

Dale, how you doin'?

- Ask her.

How am I doing, rain man?

- You made $370,000
this week on 8-0-6,

And my name's Judy.

- I still say
we're paying out too much.

Our odds are better than lotto,

Better than online.

- Yeah, but our profit margin
is way...

What is it, Judy?

- 76.2%.

- Yeah, let's not
get greedy here, Dale, okay?

People take a risk,
they come to us.

'cause they're more likely
to win. Right, Judy?

- Right,
and because pay-out's...

- Hey! I work here,
too, you know.

You can skip
the math gymnastics.

- Hey.

Who's that handsome guy?

- That's you, Larry,

And that's me.

- It's a joke, Judy.

- Oh.


- Yeah.

- FBI!

All right, hands up high,
moving slow!


Stand up!
Let me see your hands!

Up against the wall.
Let's go!

Move it!

Move! Everyone!

Quick! Now!

You, back there!
Let's go!

- But I... I have
a lot of work to do.

- I don't think you understand.

I'm an FBI Agent,

And you're under arrest.

- Oh.



- Okay.

Por aqui. Gracias.

- What's going on, Reina?

- I hate to bother you again.

- Bother me?

Until last week, I'd
barely ever heard from you.

You were quiet as a sniper.

How's everyone holding up
since the break-in?

- Good.
Getting back to normal.

We were a little scared,

But the new security
has been very helpful.

- A phone call
to abq p.D.,

An email to a friend
in private security.

It took me
less than a lunch break.

You have to watch out.

Pharmaceuticals are currency,

And, unlike banks,
free clinics don't have much

In the way of armed guards.

So what's the latest?

My "s" visa is
about to expire in one week,

And if I don't get
my green card,

I'm going to lose my job.

- I called the a.U.S.A.
Last month,

And he assured me
everything was in order.

- But I testified
six months ago.

What is taking so long?

- Doubtless, the oppressive
sluggishness of bureaucracy.

You know,
Franz Kafka characters

Trying to enter castles
and turning into bugs.

Red tape.

- Is it possible
that immigration

Maybe changed their mind?

- You were promised
a green card

As a condition
of your testimony.

I'm sure there was
just a snafu along the way

To approving the paperwork.

Don't worry.
I'll fix it.

- Gracias.

- Gracias.

Ciao, Marshall.


- The language of betting
is rampant with bluster.

Its cup runneth over
with metaphor.

Bluff, raise, tell,

Call, fold, hit,

Stand, bust.

Some say, stay in the box
and do what you know.

They fret about crapshoots,
to hell with jackpots.

They crave what's familiar
and cling to routine.

So what's better,

Pulling up short
of doubling down?

You think I know?
Don't bet on it.

- Hey.

- So, Scott,
how long you in town?

- What, are you
sick of me already?

I don't know.

I'm kind of playing it by ear.

I'm crashing
at this little motel,

It's got a pool, a decent rate.

- And your life at home,
your job?

- Have laptop, will travel.

Day-trading's all chasing
numbers on the Internet.

- Huh.

- Let's take a look here.

Yeah, I just lost 17k on gold.

- Scott!

My God.

- Ah, don't sweat it.

I made 30 last week
on a new malaria vaccine,

So I'm actually up
a little bit...For now.

Gotta love the bio-techs.

- Yeah. It's good to see
you're not gambling anymore.

You can get your fix
right here,

You know, in my kitchen.

- Pretty much.

- Oh, speaking of that,

Uh, Scott invited me

To come to his
gamblers anonymous meeting.

You want to come with?

- Yeah.
No, I'm running late,

And shoot me first.

- Well, any open meeting, Mary,

We'd love to have you.

Think you'd find it
pretty compelling.

- Oh, well, I've already been,

And it wasn't.

- You have?

- Yeah. I...I went
a while ago.

I had to drive a friend...

Just whatever.

I didn't get much out of it,

But, you know, burnt coffee
and stale cookies.

Knock yourselves out.

Don't forget your tissues,
though, and Xanax.

We'll share later.

- I'd apologize for her,

But I swear, if I start,
I will never stop.

It's your turn.

- Ha ha.

- So what's the 411 on alfaro?

- The a.U.S.A. Says he doesn't
understand what happened,

And Reina's paperwork
was submitted.

- So what's the hold-up?

She made their case,

Put away some serious
dirt-bag smugglers, right?

Give the woman a green card.

Who's the ice guy
in charge here?

- Uh, the file says...

Jack Suarez.

- Jack Suarez?

- You know him?

- Oh, yeah,
from the Paleozoic era.

We knocked heads
on a joint task-force.

He was, uh...
Less than malleable.

- Is he a stand-up guy?

- Oh,
a little too stand-up.

Talk about an Agent who would
collar his own mom,

Suarez actually did,
on a coke charge.

Got famous quick.

Lemme take a crack at this.

Forward me the info.

Good morning, Mary.

You have a new witness.

- It never ends.

What's her story?

- Challenging.
- In what sense?

- Key witness in an interstate
numbers-running ring.

She was the accountant.

Feds kicked in the doors,

Only to find no computers,
no files,

Not a hard drive in sight.

Just some phones,
the odd betting slip,

And our Ms. Wagrowski
in the conference room.

Kept every bet and payout

For the entire operation
in her head.

- Meaning she's not
the key witness in the case.

She is the case.

- Something exactly
like that, yeah.

- So the challenge is, what,

Finally dealing
with my intellectual equal?

- The challenge is
she has asperger's,

And you're, you know.
You're you.

- Asperger's has
a number of symptoms

Of which you should be aware.

- Oh, yippee,

- Off-the-chart recall,

Total inability to relate
emotionally on any level.

- So, my dream witness.

- Also, it's difficult
for some people

With asperger's to lie,

Or even grasp
the concept of lying.

- Which is why this is

Her third relocation
in six months.

- Aces.

- She testifies in a few days.

If she blows
her new identity again,

She's out of WITSEC.

- Since 1970, the federal
Witness Protection program

Has relocated
thousands of witnesses,

Some criminal, some not,

To neighborhoods
all across the country.

Every one of those individuals
shares a unique attribute,

Distinguishing them
from the rest

Of the general population.

And that is,
somebody wants them dead.

- So, Judy, this is
your third relocation.

I'm sensing maybe
the rules of WITSEC

Haven't been made
entirely clear.

- They're clear.
I know the rules.

- Okay,
then why all the breaches?

- They sent me to st. Louis

And got me a job
in a clothing store.

I told them
I'm not good with people,

But no one listened,

And I ended up getting fired

Because I told a lady she
looked fat and she told my boss.

I said, "this
is a stupid job anyway

And my job with Larry in
Pittsburgh was better for me."

- Which got you relocated.
- Yes.

- Was she fat?
- Of course she was fa

Why would I say she was
if she wasn't?

- Love it.

Then they sent you
to San Francisco.

What happened there?

- At the museum
where they placed me,

A co-worker wanted to know
what High School I went to,

So I told her the cover story.

And when she googled me
and couldn't find my name,

I said it's because she wasn't
looking under the right name

Because my real
name isn't Judy Stevens,

And she was looking
under Judy Stevens.

I don't understand
why I have to lie all the time.

- It's for your safety.

- I don't like lying.

I don't understand it.

Lying's very stressful.

- You want stressful?

Keep telling people
your real name.

The men you're testifying
against will find you,

And they will hurt you.

- Larry would never hurt me.

- Larry is...

- The former employer
you're testifying against.

- A man who is very,
very motivated to hurt you.

- Larry's my best friend.

- No, he was your best friend.
Was, Judy.

Not anymore.

You need to understand,
you're testifying against him.

- The FBI asked me to explain
Larry's business

And what my job was.

- And you know
that what you will say

Will send him to jail.

- I can't perjure myself.

- No, that's right, you can't.

- I'm supposed to lie sometimes
and not others?

How am I supposed to know when?

Judy, look.

- Okay, let's...
let's just talk about

Getting you settled here
in Albuquerque before the trial.

What can you do?

- I can cook.

I can drive. I can juggle.

- I think Mary means,
what can you do for a living?

- That's not what she said.

- Oh, my God.

- You should mean what you say.

- You know what?
- Focus.

- Judy, let's see,

You were a bookkeeper
for this Larry guy.

Maybe you'd
like to try that again,

But, you know...
Minus the criminal part.

Man, you think you've seen every
kind of witness there is.

- A few things you're gonna

Everything is
literal with Judy.

Also, she can't really
decipher visual cues...

Shoulder shrugs,
raised eyebrows.

- Look, I know
I'm not the smartest girl

In the room anymore,

But I think I have
a pretty good handle

On the definition
of "visual cues."

- She's obsessed
with fairness and honesty,

So never lie to her.

And if you ask her to lie,

Expect a lack
of comprehension at best.

- I can't comprehend
how I'm still awake.

- Oh, and one more thing.

She absolutely cannot grasp

The life-blood
of your repartee...

Bitter sarcasm...

So every second
you're with her,

Try being someone other
than who you actually are.

- Ooh, role-playing.
My favorite.

- I knew my dad for 23 years.

He was a good salesman,
a bad golfer,

And a world-class

Better than I knew, because
it turns out what he told me...

Well, a lot of it...

It was a lie.

I never knew him.

Just a side of him,

The side that
he wanted me to see,

Which was kind of like
not knowing him at all.

But here's a shocker...

Something that I never knew,
but I should have.

He was addicted to gambling.

Explains a lot, clearly.

But, um, I've got a lot
to be grateful for,

Including two awesome sisters
that I'm just getting to know.

And we are gonna crack the code
of our old man together,

One way or another.

- Thanks.

- For what?

- A couple of months ago,
if you hadn't called me

With a "hey, I'm your brother,"

I'd be, um...

Well, 10 grand poorer, anyway.

- Yeah, I've been
meaning to ask you

What you're gonna do
with the money.

I'm, uh, thinkin' about
of betting it on the ponies.

I'm kidding.

But I did have an idea,

But it's stupid.

Um, I think about it,
and all I can hear in my head

Is Mary calling me an idiot.

I don't know.
- Okay, so tell me.

And if I think
that you're being an idiot,

You'll know
it's not just knee-jerk.

It's that you are,
in fact, an idiot.

You know you friend there
iniami, jacy?

- Mm-hmm.

- She said...

I have what it takes,
whatever "it" is,

And, um, I haven't stopped
thinking about it since.

- Jack.

- Stan. What's doin'?

- Reina alfaro.

- What about her?

- Well, her temp visa's
about to run out,

And she needs
that green card now.

- Yeah?

It's not gonna happen.

- Come on, her green card
deal's with d.O.J.

- Doesn't exempt her.
From what?

- Let's just say certain
information leads me to believe

She wouldn't exactly make
a model U.S. Citizen.

- She commit a crime?
Let's see the charges.

- Stan, you're tellin' me
she's in WITSEC?

- Come on, Jack, I'm not saying
anything about WITSEC.

- See, here's the thing.

You know what you know,
but you don't wanna share.

You think you have the market
cornered on secrets?

- All I'm saying is this is
someone who matters, all right?

Don't make me put
a call in to the a.G.

- So this is an official request
to back off?

- Yeah.

- Understood.

- Good.

I swear.

- Hey!

So Scott has the craziest
dating story ever.

Some girl pushed her plate

Across the table with her nose,

Like that spaghetti scene
in the dog movie.

Lady and the...
- and the tramp.

Yes, and if you think
that is crazy,

On our second date,

She came back
from the bathroom with a gun.

- What?
- Kept calling me sollozzo.

- Oh! Uh, I know!

- Right.
- Godfather!

- Ooh, besties!
Now I know what all those

Junior high pajama parties
were like.

Let me just go grab
my Ouija board.

- Hey, uh, we're gonna
meet Peter for drinks

A little bit later.

You want to come with?

- Thanks. I've got a date
with a bathtub

And a crappy Merlot.

- Tell her.

- She's in a bad mood.

- No, she's not. What?

- Brandi has got a great idea
for a new business.

- And bad mood
in three, two, one...

- Oh, come on.

Okay, so it's not great,

But I think that
I could do it and be good.

I'm going to be a masseuse.

- Oh, boy.

Sorry, are you serious?

- Yeah.

- Just, given
your stellar past,

My mind goes right to
the late-night call from vice.

- No, no, no,
this is totally legit.

I have a friend in Florida,
jacy, who does it as a living,

And she told Brandi
she'd be amazing at it.

- Really? Oh, well, I mean,

If jacy thinks she could do it.

Brandi, I mean, do you have
any idea how many hours

It takes to train for that
to even,

I don't know,
get a license or whatever?

- 165 hours
in anatomy and physiology,

75 hours
in general instruction,

And 30 hours
in professional ethics.

- Which is more time than you've
ever spent doing anything,

And way more than you've
ever even spent

about professional ethics.

- Okay, so there's a lot to do,

But from a business
point of view, it's actually...

What is it?

- Low overhead,
decent hourly wage,

Minimal advertising...

- Right, as long
as you advertise

In a tank top
and a pair of Daisy Dukes.

Seriously, Brandi,

I mean, the fact
that you might be parlaying

Your assets here,

That isn't a factor
in choosing this over,

Say, micro-processing?

I mean,
does Peter know about this?

- I'm gonna surprise him.
- Excellent.

All right,
well, when you tell him,

I want third row on the aisle.

He's gonna love this.

- Can I just ask you a question
in a totally UN-hysterical way?

Why can't you see what "is"
with me?

- Brandi.

Not what I was, what I did,
or what I'm trying to be.

Okay, and you sure
as hell aren't

Taking the time to try to get
to know our brother.

- This your version
of UN-hysterical?

- Yeah.

- Another quiet night at home
with the shannons.

Your side of the family
this much fun?

- We have our moments.
- Mmm.

- You know,
she really could do this.

Oh, you got pineapple?

- And ham.

- Ugh.

There is no way we're
from the same gene pool.

- Okay, hang tight.

Stan, I thought
you said everything

With Reina and ice was set.

- What? I told Suarez I wanted
him to back off.

He said he understood.

- I guess when ice said

They mean,
"let's go to Reina's house

And interrogate the neighbors
as to her whereabouts."

- Damn it.

Luckily, she just left for work

And they pretended not to know.

- Christ.
Uh, go scoop her up.

- What are we gonna do then,

Hide her
from the U.S. Government?

- Pretty much. Go.

I'll call you.

We'll figure this out
on the fly.

- Mary. Hey.

- Hey.

So thanks for that stock tip
last week.

Made sure to avoid it
like the plague.

- Good move.
It dipped.

- How's Judy working out?

- A godsend.

That woman has a head
for numbers

Like no one I ever met.

Never writes anything down,

Doesn't need a computer.

- That's Judy.

- Brings me a coffee,
two sugars,

Every morning at 9:00,
every evening at 5:00.

- Man, I wish someone
would do that for me.

- I don't drink coffee.


- Huh. Have you told her?

- Every day.
Doesn't seem to take.

- Well, I guess you knew
the deal when you hired her.

- Yeah, no, listen,

She's exactly what I needed
around here.

I don't know
what I'd do without her.

- Well, you're
about to find out, Howard.

I've come to pick her up

For our camp reunion, remember?

- Oh.


Judy said you were gonna see
her old friend, Larry,

To testify.

- Testify? No.

No, no, no.
No, Larry was our counselor.

We're going to give
a testimonial.

- In Pittsburgh.

- Michigan, Judy.

Yeah, it's Michigan.

Larry's from Pittsburgh,
but the camp was in Michigan.

- But Judy said
that you were...

- Well, like you said,
dynamite with numbers.

- Ah.

- Judy, have fun.

I'll be counting the days
till you get back.

- What are you talking about?

I haven't even left yet.

- All righty then.

Have her back before you
know it.

- Excuse me,
we're looking for Reina alfaro.

- Reina alfaro.

Think she called in sick today.

- Her landlord saw her leave
for work.

- I don't know
what to tell you.

She never signed in.

- Reina, it's Marshall.
Where are you?

- In the basement.

- Okay, sit tight.
Is there any other way in?

- There's an entrance
through the back, in the alley.


- Reina.

- Stan,
a threat-assessment ruse

Is only gonna buy us
a few days, tops.

- Well, we claim we don't know

Who was tracking Reina
at the clinic.

We didn't get a good
look at the guys.

The witness is in danger,

We're simply following
WITSEC protocol.

- I would say we're
on a fine line between honesty

And a profound breach,

But we crossed that line
a mile back.

- I don't know what Suarez
wants or why.

Until we figure it out,
we do our job,

We keep her safe.

Hey, Reina, come on.
We got you a room, okay?

Can I help you with that?

What's the matter?
You okay?

- No, I'm not okay.

None of this is okay.

- Reina, easy.
We're here to help you.

- I did what I was asked,
didn't I?

I was asked to testify.
I did.

I was asked to be patient.
I was.

I love this country,

I love my home.

I just want to be safe in it,
that's all.

Is that so much?

- No, of course not.

- I'm asked and asked
and asked,

And the more I say yes,
the more I get in trouble!

- Things are a little crazy
right now.

- No, you think I'm a victim.

Ice thinks I'm a criminal.

You know what I am?
I am a nurse.

That's all I ever wanted to do
is help people,

And that's
what gets me in trouble.

- Reina,
what are you talking about?

- Nothing.

I'm just...

- This is a bureaucratic mix-up,
that's all.

We'll sort it out.

- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm just tired.

- It's fine.
It'll all be fine.

We'll get you checked in,

You'll be trying to wrestle
the TV remote from me

Inside of ten minutes.

- Okay, Judy.

You wait in here.


Call you when I'm ready
for her.

- Will Larry be there?

- Yes.

Yes, he'll be sitting
at the defense table

When you're
on the witness stand, but...

He can't come near you,

And we'll be with you
the whole time.

- I haven't seen Larry
in six months,

Three weeks, and five days.

- Right.

And you know that once you
testify, that'll be it.

You'll go back to Albuquerque

And never lay eyes
on Larry again.

- He's not dying.
He's just going to jail.

People in jail get visitors
all the time.

I've seen it, in movies.

- No, I know.
I'm not saying...

Look, Judy, the thing is,

You won't be able to visit him.

That's one of the rules.

- Maybe I can see him
when he gets out.

- No, you'll have a new life.

That means no more Larry, ever.

- But he's my friend.

- No, he's not your...

Look, I don't think...

After today,
there's a good chance

That Larry won't want to be
your friend.

Let's just take it
one step at a time, okay?

All you have to do today

Is answer the a.U.S.A.'s
questions honestly.

That's it.

- How else would I answer them?

- No other way, Judy.

This part you've got down pat.

- You look funny in that shirt.

It looks weird on you.

- Like I said,

Down pat.

- Miss Wagrowksi,

The number would come in how?

- It was the last three digits

Of that day's purse
at the track.

- So if the jackpot
at the racetrack was 3,943.56...

- Then that day's number
was 3-5-6.

Anyone who picked 3-5-6
as their number would win.

My job was to keep track
of how much money had come in,

How much we were paying
to the winners,

And how much was left.

- And where did you keep track
of all that?

- In my head.

- Thank you, miss wagrowski.

No more questions.

- Let's recess for the day.

Court is adjourned.

- Hi, Larry.

- Judy, let's go.

- It's me, Judy.


- Judy.

- Why didn't he wave ck to me?

- What?

- I waved at him,
and he didn't wave back.

- Judy, I know
this has gotta be confusing.

- I answered
all the lawyer's questions.

What else was I supposed to do?

- Not a thing.
You did your job,

And you did it really,
really well.

- I told the truth,

And he won't wave at me,
won't say hello,

Like he doesn't even know me.

- Judy.
- And you want me to lie.

You want me to say my name
isn't my name

And my job isn't my job
and my friend isn't my friend.

- Whoa. Jesus, Judy,
just take a take a breath.

- All I wanted when
I was little was a friend,

Just one.

They'd come over to my house,

And they'd want to
leave as soon as they got there.

And then I met Larry,

And I finally had a friend,

And he never thought
I was weird.

And now he's gone.

I just lost my only friend.
- No, look.

- Now I'm gonna be alone

For the rest of my life.
- Okay, Judy.

- Don't touch me!
Don't touch me!

I don't like it,
I don't like being touched.

- Okay, okay.
Judy, it's okay.

Look, just give us
a little space?

- You're too close to me.

- Okay, I'm backing up, okay?

Look, I know it's hard,

The thought of losing
your only friend,

But Larry was not your friend.

- Yes, he was.
Larry was my best friend.

- Okay, maybe he was,

But he took advantage
of your abilities

To make money illegally.
He used you.

- I'm not doing this.

I don't want
to testify anymore.

- Judy, you can't do that,

You'll be kicked out of WITSEC.

You could be charged
with a crime.

- I don't care.
I'm not lying anymore,

And I'm not hurting Larry.

- Look...
- leave me alone.

- Judy.
- Go!

I don't want to talk
to you anymore.

I don't want to talk
to you anymore!

- Okay. Okay.

You don't have to do
anything you don't want to do.

Let's just take
a breath together, okay?

You and me.

- "a breath together"
doesn't even make sense.

- Be right back, Judy.

Why don't you and the team take
her back to the hotel, okay?

Get her secure.

Gotta find the a.U.S.A. And make
sure he's got a heads-up.

- No problem.

- Judy.


Inspector Lancaster's gonna take
you back to the hotel, okay?

We can talk about
tomorrow's testimony later.

- No.

No more testimony.

- She was fine
a half an hour ago.

I mean, totally comped,
a dream on the stand.

- Well, apparently alienating
the only person

That ever mattered to her
was more than she could take.

- How do you think
she'll take it

When I charge her
with accessory?

- She doesn't respond well
to threats.

She responds to fairness
and honesty.

She needs to be convinced
that taking the stand

Equals doing what's right.

- I thought
she understood that.

- She does.
She will. It's just,

For her the world is...

Hang on.


- She's gone.
- What?

Lancaster, tell me you're
not talking about my witness.

- We were stopped
at a street light,

She started saying,
"coffee, two sugars,

Coffee, two sugars,"
over and over.

I saw a coffee shop,
and we pulled over.

Thought maybe
it would calm her down.

She bolted.

- You get paid for this, right?

I could get a guy
off the street

If all I needed was someone
to not keep track of witnesses.

Christ. Keep looking.

Rry's home address, I need it.

- Wait a minute,
what's happening?

- They lost Judy.

- Oh, no! No! No!

- Hey, how 'bout you be
the only one around me

Not having a tizzy?
Could you do that?

Get me the goddamn address.

Come on.

- I just got off the phone
with the deputy director.

He's either having
a very bad day,

Or he's trying out some
very creative new curse words.

- So he's not buying
the threat assessment?

- I may have
to cut Reina loose.

What do you got?

- Maybe nothing.

Kinda hope not, actually.

Those break-ins
at the clinics.

- Yeah?

- I'm a little worried Reina's
mixed up in this.

- Well, doesn't sound like her.

- I didn't think so, either.

But there was that thing
she said,

Something about how helping
people got her into trouble?

- And?

- All three clinics reported

Missing drugs and other items,

But not
your typical recreational

Oxycontin and pain-killers.

We're talking penicillin,

Infant flu vaccine,

Blankets, diapers.

And the day
before Reina calls me...

- Son of a bitch.

All right, you take Reina.

I got Suarez.

- Reina, I have a theory
I'd like to run past you.

Someone comes to you and says

That there are babies
in need of basic medical care,

But their parents are illegals

And too scared to bring them in,
even to a clinic.

So you and some
other Florence nightingales,

Along with
doctors and orderlies,

Are asked
to make a few supplies...


Am I close?

So ice starts connecting
the dots,

Tracing vaccines and you
to one of the breached clinics,

Figuring an inside job.

Next thing you know,

Suarez shows up at your door

With his bravado and his badge.

Then what?

- He saw that my visa was
about to expire,

And he said
that he could help me

If I became his informant,

Reporting illegals.

But there was no way.

I didn't say no or yes,

And I couldn't tell you,

Because I knew I had
committed a crime,

And I would have been
kicked out.

I was only trying to help.

- Judy,
what are you doing here?

- I want to talk to you.

I brought you coffee,
two sugars.

Two sugars.

Sorry it's after 5:00.

- Where are your marshals?

- I came to see you,
to explain.

- I trusted you.

I gave you a job
when nobody would.

I'm your friend, Judy.

- I know.

- Then why are you hurting me?

That's not what friends do.

- I'm sorry!
I'm really sorry, Larry.

What do I do?

- Stop.

Just stop talking,
stop hurting me.

Be my friend.

Look, you gotta go.
You shouldn't be here.

I'm out on bail.

Just go.


- Was that the friggin' retard?

- Don't call her that.

That girl is smarter than you,
me, and 90% of the city.

- Larry, think.

If that was her
and she's on her own,

We got a window.

- What are you saying?

I'm saying we got
an open window here.

You know everything about her,

She knows everything about you.

Where's she going, Larry?

That's all you need to tell me.

You don't need
to know anything else.

Tell me, Larry,

And it just happens.

Nature takin' its course.

You don't do a thing.

And then, like that,

We're out from under
all of this.

- U.S. Marshals.
Where the hell is Judy?

- She's not with you?

- I swear to God,
I've got a rainy day fund

For when I get
suspended without pay,

And I am this close
to dipping into it.

Where's Judy?

Coffee, two sugars.

She's a little late today.

What the hell
did you do to her?

- Nothin'.
I swear, nothing.

- Larry, Judy cares about you.

Look, she risked her life
to come here

To talk to you,
to try to explain something

She doesn't even understand.

To make things right.

So if you know where she is,

Do the right thing.

Be a friend.

Every day after work,
she'd go to highland park

And get a hot dog
with Sauerkraut

And sit on a bench.

- We're moving.

- Okay, three that way,

Two that way.


- Drop the knife!

drop it!

Get an a.P.B. Out
on the goddamn car!

- Here's the thing, Jack.

All right? No flexing,
no threats,

No going to your boss or mine,

Just you and me,
talking off the rec, all right?

- Mm-hmm.
- All right.

Reina made a mistake.

- She committed a crime.
- All right, all right.

- I offered her a chance
to clean that up.

- To be fair,
you tried to leverage her

Into being an informant

Because she was scared,
all right?

Now, you didn't step
outside the lines,

But from where you're sitting,

Reina's just another name
on a pile of illegals,

All right?

Let me tell you something,

Reina's a hero, all right?

She is here
because she's a patriot.

- Yeah? How's that?

- Uh, I can't tell you.

Okay? But if I could,
I would tell you

That when she had the choice
to hide or tell the truth,

This woman stood up.

She risked her life
for a country

That wasn't even hers yet.

Don't tell me she blew it

Funneling surplus flu vaccine
to a kid with a cold.

Don't tell me that.


This is in your hands.

Do this thing for me.

Whatever it is down the line,
I owe you.

- Witness is secure.

- Not yet, she's not.

Is that your chief?
- Yeah.

- Tell him he's got
a long report headed his way,

Your name all over it.

Let's go, Judy.

- Who was that man?

- God.

- How'd you know where I was?

- Come on.

- Where are we going?

- Back to the hotel.

I don't care if you watch TV,
order room service,

Or stand on your head.

Tomorrow, though,
you're going to court.

- But, Mary, I...

- If you don't want
to testify, don't, fine.

But there are consequences.

- What kind of consequences?

- You'll be arrested, Judy!
You'll be arrested.


I get that you're
not good with people,

And I get that
you only have one friend

And that lying makes you

I get you don't like to be
touched, forget being hugged.

I'm not wild about handshakes.

In a lot of ways,
I'm like you, Judy.

You minus the math skills.

And I've been trying,
best I can,

To keep myself in check,
to not be so...


And you know what?

You ran off anyway.

Because you don't need
soft-spoken condescension

And... and taking breaths.

I sure as hell don't.

What we need is the truth,
both of us,

Unvarnished and sugar-free,

And, frankly,
that's all I've got left.

- That's called monologuing,
what you just did.

I do it all the time.

- Judy,

You promised to testify.

Look, you said
lying is hard for you,

"stressful," right?

Breaking a promise, that's...

- The same thing as lying.

- Exactly.

Did you ever promise you
wouldn't testify against Larry?

- No.

We only talked about numbers,

and the Pittsburgh steelers.

- And you understand
that what he was doing,

What you were
helping him do, was illegal.

That you were breaking the law,

And the law is...

- A promise.

I know that.

- I need you to trust me.

I know it's not easy.
It's a gamble.

Everything is.

I think you
should gamble on me.

Okay, I might
not be the best person,

But I'm a good bet.

My job is to keep you safe.

If you don't go to court
tomorrow and tell what you know,

You will not be safe,

And that's a promise, too.

- You smell bad.

- Can you identify
Lawrence silvers?

Please note for the record

The witness has identified
the defendant, Lawrence silvers.

And what was the nature
of your relationship?

- He said he was my friend.

I don't know
if that was true or not.

But he was my employer.

That's true.

That I can prove.

- Hey, Howard, how you doin'?

- Ohh, tough week.

How was your trip?

- Good.
It was good.

It was a good week.

What can I do to help?

- It's just a mess.

I can't find Mrs. Anderson's
I.R.A. Information.

Now she wants to make
a deposit.

- Remember
you asked me to transfer

Mrs. Anderson's assets
to the short-term Cd?

I've been keeping track
from the road.

She's up at 31/2%.

Tell her. 31/2%.

- Judy, you're a godsend.

- Would you like some coffee?
Two sugars, right?

- I'd love some.

Uh, a lot of milk, though.

Uh, mostly milk.

Mrs. Anderson, yeah,
I have it right here.

It looks like you're up 31/2.


- Would you
like some coffee, Mary?

- Empanadas.

- My mother's recipe.

I just wanted to thank you

For everything you did
to help me.

- We were just doing
our job, Reina.

- And you're sure
that my temporary green card

Is not going to expire?

- Agent Suarez
and I have reached

An interagency understanding.

- Muchas gracias...

To both of you.

Okay, enjoy.


- Ciao.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Holy mother,
what is that smell?

- Homemade empanadas.
- What kind?

- Mine, that's what kind.

- How come you get
the witnesses who cook you food,

And I get the
ones who can multiply

Very large numbers
in their head?

- It is commonly referred to
as karma.

- Tu empanadas
es mi empanadas.

- Actually, it would be, "tus
empanadas son mis empanadas."

- So, in High School,

Who didn't hate you?

- Actually,
I was both well-liked

And widely admired.

How's Judy?

- Adjusting to change.

- Hey. Who isn't?

- One, two, three.

- Okay, that meeting was

That one guy...

I mean, how do you lose
ten dry-cleaning businesses

In one poker game?

- How?
- Listen, Brandi,

I, uh...I might need
that 10 grand back.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah. You know, my business
it's cash out, cash in.

I've just had a brutal run
the last couple days.

But I will get it back,
I swear.

- But I need that money
to start my business.

- I know that,

And you're gonna get it back
with a big profit,

Just like last time.
But the thing is, I...

You know, I kinda need it soon.

- Like, how soon?

- Hey.

- Mary,
what are you doing here?

- Well...

Look, this isn't my thing,
you know.

It's probably never gonna be.

I mean, if you want to sit
in a circle and talk to me,

It's gotta be at a table

With rib-eyes
and a bottle of scotch.

I'm buying.

- Well, now, that sounds good.
I'm up for that.

- Squish, rib-eyes,
this way.

Chop chop.

You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
Let's go.

- What I told Judy that day
on the hill was true.

Trusting anything...
your family, your instincts,

The dim-witted anchor
on the 10:00 news...

It's all a gamble,

With plenty of promises
and no guarantees.

But I'm finding
the longer I live,

No matter
how often I fall on my face,

That folding's for losers,
that winners take hits.

Call it going all-in,
call it rolling the dice.

Screw hedging your bets.

Bluff, raise, call, stand,
again and again.