In Contempt (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Combat by Agreement - full transcript

After a fatal gang bus shooting, Gwen must defend a 14 year old, while also reconnecting with her former law professor and secret crush, Bennett. Vanessa, under Charlie's wing, goes through public defender boot camp.

Franklin, it's me, Gwen.

A scandal? You're not
taking advantage, are you?

I take advantage
of everyone, Your Honor.

I'm Vanessa Hastings, I'm new.

I gotta share my office
with a rookie?

- Miss Sullivan...
- This is a joke!

And I expect it from a prick
like him but not from you!

You are supposed to care.

Miss Sullivan,
you are in contempt.

What's wrong with passion?

Here's to the win!

Can't wait to do it again!

- I've got trial.
- I'm in arraignments.

Unknown number again?

Must be Amex,
or Bloomingdales or ShopUp.

Thank you, I'm just saying.

I get buying
one purse, but eight?

Free shipping.


Oh my Lord!
You slept with him last night!

Jesus, he said one word.
How did you know?

How did I not know?

It's almost eight o'clock
you haven't sworn at anyone.

You were playing happy
Mary J. Blige this morning...

- It's a good day.
- And, you got that

"I just got some" glow
on your face.

- I was drunk.
- You weren't that drunk.

God what is it with you two?

I do not know except for the sex

which is mind bending...
But you know what?

It doesn't matter he drives
me crazy, so I am done.

I've moved on.
I even posted new Tinder pics.

Oh please, watching you date
is like watching Goldilocks.

He's taller
than my law professor.

He's shorter
than my law professor.


Honey, I know
his name is Bennet.

The point is you've gotta stop
comparing everyone to him.

No. There. Bennet.

That's the hot law professor?

I would show up
for his office hours.

I've been trying to catch up
with you for a minute.

What? You're too important
to answer your phone now?

Listen, in my world, no caller
ID is either a bill collector,

my drunk mother
or somebody wanting to know

why I couldn't get their kid
off on their robbery charge.

My fault.

Well my publicist thought
I should have a secure number...

Your publicist? Look at you.
Somebody went and got brand new.

How long you in town?

Well I'm back now,
I bought a home.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Let me guess, within walking
distance of Red Rooster?

A brownstone
up in Hamilton Heights.

Like that!

Okay, you've come a long way
from teaching me

the difference between
battery and assault.

Hello? Hey.

Can I call you back?

Okay. Bye.

- Sorry. People waiting...
- No, that's okay.

Listen, I'm running late,

but there's something
I want to tell you.

How about dinner?

I'd love to, but I got
this 14 year-old kid

who's being tried as an adult
on a murder charge today.

Really love
you're still fighting power.

That's me. Ever vigilant.

But it's nothing
compared to you.

I mean, you won
a national book award,

you got a movie deal going,

- you're just a celebrity...
- Hey, hey, hey stop it.

You're a badass sister.
Own it, be proud.

- Thank you.
- Come on. Dinner...

a nice glass of red?

Have I ever said no
to a nice glass of red?

All right. Well, I'll call
you with the details.

- Pick up your phone this time.
- I will pick up my phone.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

You have broad shoulders.

That's not what
I'm thinking but yeah,

- I'm wide. I do five sessions...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Take off your jacket
and your shirt.

You want some more
of big Charlie.

A little live fun?
You got it.

Thanks. Now your pants.

I like it when you
have in control like this.

Watch me, yes.

No. We're not
doing that anymore.

- Wha...?
- I'm serious this time.

- I mean it.
- You...

meant it last time
and the time before that.

Yeah. Thank you for these.

Wait, wait what?

Gwen. What?

Have you seen Gwen?

Just went that way, Tom.

Vanessa will shadow you then.
Come in.

Guide her through the wonderful
world of arraignments.

Hi, is there anything
normal about this place?

- It's Casual Thursday.
- Mm-hmm.

Willy doesn't belong
in adult court, he's only 14.

I know, but he did
shoot a veteran

- and in the court...
- Can't you talk to the judge?

She is sympathetic,
but the prosecutor

has to consent to moving
the case to juvenile court

and he never wants
to appear soft on crime.

But, I do have a plan
to try and convince him.

We'll talk about it later,
I'm gonna need your help.

The reality Ms. Walker

is that Willy was carrying
a loaded gun on a city bus...

That was for protection. That
gang was trying to kill him.

I know. But we're going to have
to admit that he had the gun,

so even if we get off
on the murder charge...

How long will they
put him away for?

Depends on which court
the case ends up in.

Willy, I'm going to
need you to put this on.

I just bought him
the suit he's wearing.

- Yours looks too big.
- Exactly.

Give me your watch.

That's my father's watch,
I think it looks good on him.

I don't want him
to look good Ms. Walker.

I want him to look
like the child he is.

He's facing life in adult court.

Well, I can get parole
though, right? When I'm 21?

There's no parole, Willy.

Life is life in adult court.

Here, take this.

What is this for?

For when you get bored.

Six months
of social work, Judge.

Report, after report,
after report.

This is a good kid.

A kid who made a mistake
of falling in with a gang.

I'm just saying
in juvenile court,

at least there's a chance
for rehabilitation.

I've read your motion,
Ms. Sullivan,

and I find it persuasive.

But you know,
I don't have any power here.

Mr. Duchay.

The people haven't
changed their position.

Your Honor, we could have
a hearing, if you'd indulge us.

Mr. Duchay could cross examine
and make the decision.

How's my day look, Meg?

Your Honor, this is ridiculous.

Oh, come on, Mr. Duchay,
what could it hurt?

A 14 year-old's pre-frontal
cortex simply isn't fully

developed enough to discern
higher order, right from wrong.

Would that include
lack of impulse control?

Absolutely. Adolescents lack
mature judgment

and are highly
influenced by their peers.

Can I help you?

Perkins Boys School,
Law and Justice class.

We're doing a report about
crime and punishment.

If they act up, let them.
Hi boys.

Just a happy coincidence?

So, it's actually possible
for kids to do things,

even violent things,

with no adult appreciation
of what they're doing?

Without question.
That's settled science.

So is it possible that kids
who have done violent things

can develop into mature
conscientious adults?

That they can be rehabilitated?

It's not merely possible,
it's commonplace.

Kids change.

In fact, Willy's been getting
A's and B's while in custody,

where there are no gangs
trying to kill him.

Thank you, Doctor.

If I told you that
my five-year old nephew

knows that lying is wrong,
would you dispute that?


And most children know,
like these boys do now,

that if they do something bad,
they will get in trouble.

They could appreciate
the notion of consequences?

Appreciating basic concepts
and engaging

in genuine moral reasoning
are not the same thing.

So, even if a child
knows right from wrong

and can appreciate consequences,

you still don't think
they should be held accountable

for something like this?

in front of the children?

- Oh, please.
- All right.

Given the disturbing nature
of the upcoming testimony,

I'm clearing the courtroom
of all observers

- under the age of 16.
- That's a good idea.

Clearly, 14-year-old children

do not have the capacity
that adults do

to process
this kind of brutality.

We shouldn't treat them
as if they did.

You're not actually
trying to convince me

with that little sideshow.

Wow, Willy.

Good morning, sunshine.

I gotta deal
with this rookie today

but if I make it to Part F,
could you call...

my cases first? My day's insane.

I don't know. Is there any way
you could return my calls?

C.O's, butter them up.

They can move your cases
to the top of the signing sheet.

Assistant D.A.'s
know who you can work,

- and who's out for blood.
- Always stay away from Duchay.

Judge, learn
what pisses them off.

And, if you need anything
from Judge Foley,

make sure you get to her before
her 3 o'clock martini lunch.

And Judge Miller, after his.

You're going to do great.

Willy's father passed away
when he was five,

so he didn't much know him.
Which was a blessing.

He was a violent man.

Beat Willy, burned him
with cigarette butts.

What about Willy's mother?

My daughter Anita... drugs.

She left Willy

home once for four days
when he was six.

I couldn't save her, but...

I could take Willy in.

Love him.

What's Willy's life like
with you, Mrs. Walker?

I did the best I could

but I have two part time
jobs as a Nurse's Aide,

I work 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

So, Willy raised himself?

I tried,

but I was never home.

Is it true that Willy needed
a police escort to go to school?

They made one of those...
You called...

Safe corridors for the kids

on account of gangs
trying to recruit them.

Yet he did join a gang,
the 110th Street Posse.

Those gangs, they make
themselves seem like family.

With me working so much...

He is a good boy but they...

snatched him out of my hands.

Willy is 14,

he won't survive one week
in an adult prison.

Your Honor, please. You have
to listen to me. He is good.

I need you to confine yourself
to the questions, Ms. Walker.

Nothing further.

You love your grandson.

Kept a close eye on him.

I tried.

Did everything you could
to raise him right?

Yes, sir.
Chores, church, respect.

Tried to instill good values,

taught him right from wrong.

Mr. Duchay, you grew up
in Crown Heights didn't you?

Excuse me?

Your mother
was a school teacher,

and your father drove a bus.

Ms. Walker, I ask the questions.

There's no jury here,
Mr. Duchay.

Just you
and the boy's grandmother.

I think it's fair to give her
a chance to convince you.

Ms. Walker, I'm not on trial
for being a gang member

or shooting an innocent man.

Well, young man, if you had been
burned with cigarettes

and left for days
by your mother,

out of her mind on heroine,

found starving and wet
and shaken in a closet,

maybe you would
have joined a gang,

and you would be on trial.

- I don't think so.
- You so sure about that?

Your grandson
had choices, Ms. Walker.

He has to answer
for those choices.

He is a child.

I know people
want to look at black boys

and see them like men.

They don't get the benefit
that those white boys are...

Race has nothing to do with it.

You said you have a nephew.

If he didn't have
the family you have,

if he had done
something terrible,

would you just lock him up
forever and throw away the key?

Would you just give up on him?

Please, he's just a boy.

I'm sorry, Ms. Walker,

I have another family
to answer to.

Your grandson
acted like an adult

when he killed Private Sanchez.

He's going to have
to answer as one.



You guys mind?

Where are your shoes?


We have to try
to convince the jury

that you acted in self defense
when you fired that gun.

How do we do that?

Well you said
you carried the gun that day

because Thrill to Kill
threatened you on social media.

Where'd you see it?

I didn't see it but my boys
were telling me about it.

Okay, I need those pages.

Otherwise, we cannot
prove a prior threat.

Now tell me again, what happened
on the day of the shooting?

So, I got shot at on the street
then I ran on the bus

- and them fools came after me.
- Why did you have a gun?

'Cause you can't be
lacking in these streets.

No! "Only to protect myself."

Repeat that until
you say it in your sleep.

What happened next?

So, I got on the 37 bus,
in the back.

The same three fools
stopped the bus

and tried to hold the door open.

Then one of them came at to me,
so I had to do what I had to do.

I let out
the first shot, pop pop.

Glasses fired, people
was running everywhere.

Willy! If you talk
like that on the stand,

you will be imprisoned
until you die,

do you understand me?

Now we got a bunch of problems.

You know the police, they found
some of the Thrill to Kill guys

but none of them had weapons.

Without weapons, we have
no claim of self defense.

Guess what else?
The prosecution,

they got this photo of you,
smart ass,

holding a gun like you're an OG.

Even worse,
you shot an innocent bystander.

A 25-year-old Iraq war veteran.

Today's problem is you.

You act like it was
a first-person shooter game.

You sound like
you've done hard time.

That shit is not
going to work for you.

- He smiled at me...
- Who smiled at you?

The soldier.
The one that died on the bus.

He smiled at me.
People never do that.

I should have just smiled back.


Tell me what happened
to your shoes. The truth.

The big guys,
they took them from me.

That right there.

Willy. I need this version
of you every day in court.

This is the version of Willy

that might keep you
out of prison. Okay?

I'm asking you to preclude it.

It's irrelevant and more
prejudicial than prohibitive.

It proves the defendant's
gang membership

and goes to show state of mind.

It's a pose, let's face it,
the only reason

why the prosecution
wants this photo in

is to paint my client
as a scary black boy.

When the news media wanted
to paint Trayvon Martin

as a bad kid,
they posted this picture,

instead of this picture.

Mr. Duchay is trying to do the
same thing with the gun photo.

He's trying to paint
a portrait of a scary black boy,

but my client was scared too.

Look, I have a subpoena
for the social media pages

of three Thrill to Kill members
who threatened Willy.

If Mr. Duchay
gets to put his photos in,

I should be able
to put theirs in too.

You want to make this a trial

about scary black boys,
Judge, let's go.

The subpoena is denied,
and the gun photo is out.

Moving on.

Everybody's lying.

Don't expect the truth
until they trust you.

Remember, you're the lawyer,

so be confident
and authoritative.

- Confident and authoritative.
- Manage their expectations.

If you say three days
of community service,

and they get four,
they're going to be pissed,

but if you say they're going
to be in jail for a month

and they get
those same four days,

they'll think you're a champ.

Lie to them about
what they're going to get...

Not lie. Manage.

Underpromise, overdeliver.

You're going to do great.

Mr. Peters,

I'm the attorney that's
been assigned to you today.

It says here
that you were caught

in possession of burglar tools.

A lock pick?

Is that what happened?

I had no lock pick.


You really want to go with that?

Look, I get it.
You don't trust her.

And you think
because she's a PD she sucks.

But the reason that
we're doing this job,

we wanna be private attorneys
and make some money,

which means we need
to build good reputations,

and we do that by winning cases.

So, if we think your case is
a loser, we'll tell you to plea.

But if we think you can win
or beat them on a technicality,

we'll file.
You good with that?

Hell yeah, I'm good with that.

So what happened?

So, I had the lock pick

but the cops
were sweeping the block.

They searched me before they
even asked for my name.

Okay then.
We'll do a Motion to Suppress.

All that stuff about wanting
to be a private attorney,

total bullshit.
I don't care how you do it,

but you gotta find a way to get
your clients to trust you.

Especially you.

You look and act
just like a prosecutor.

I know you have a booty call.

Excuse me?

I know you're getting some.
What I don't know is

why you haven't told
a sister who it is.

And what makes you think that?

Oh girl, bye.

You accuse me of having
an "I got some" glow,

you look like you swallowed
the whole damn sun.

- Okay, yes. I got some.
- I knew it!

I gave some, actually.

Give me seven questions.

Uh-uh, we're due in court,
you get three.

- He works downtown.
- That's a statement,

- not a yes or no.
- Okay. Fine.

- Is he blue collar?
- No.

Have I met him?

- Yes.
- Really?


I got it. Richard Berkowitz
from Park 60.

Gwen, it's not B.O Berkowitz.

- He's cute.
- No, he's not cute.

And speaking of sex, what is the
deal with you and Bennet?

And Charlie, who actually
likes you by the way.

Charlie doesn't like
anyone but himself.

He can never be serious,
it is exhausting.

And there is no comparison
between him and Bennet.

Okay. Well, where is Mr. Brown
taking you to dinner tonight?

Cap Perou.

- To Cap Perou?
- Yes.

But it's not a date,
it's just dinner.

No friend of mine
is taking me to Cap Perou.

I heard the judge
denied your subpoena.

How are you going to prove
the prior threat to Willy?

Pinky was never going
to give me that subpoena.

I gave up something
I was never going to get,

in order to keep
Willy's picture out of evidence.

Besides, your girl always
has a plan B.

- What's plan B?
- I am glad you asked.

I need you take off your bra.

We are going to
create a fake page

- using you, Cardi V, as bait.
- This should be good.

Now, if any of the Thrill to
Kill members friend you,

then we have access
to the posted messages.

Yeah, that's going to be a no.

I don't intermingle
with gangs, ever.

You're going to give up
the bra, sweetie?

Or am I going to
have to take it?

Come on,

do it for justice.


Did I read it?

Oh my God, the snort.

- I forgot all about the snort.
- So, did I.

I haven't laughed
this hard in so long.

Okay. Tell me about your book.

Well, it's another crime novel.
Set in Brooklyn,

the panorama of one city
breaking down in one suburb.

Because another unarmed
young black man

was gunned down by the police?

Mm-hmm. Something like that.

But I don't wanna
talk about my book.

I wanna talk about you.

How are you, Gwen?
Fill me in.

Well, I have
an unconstitutionally

high caseload.

Not a day goes by,
somebody doesn't ask

"How can you
represent criminals?"

And my clients
are presumed guilty

until proven innocent.

- But you love it.
- Damn straight.

Look at you.

Here I am writing about
Philando Castile or Tamir Rice.

But you, you're doing
something about it. Respect.


Must be exhausting.

I do crave eight hours
of uninterrupted sleep.

No, I mean mentally.

You spend all day
fighting for other people,

You got anybody
taking care of you?

I got Tracy.

It's not the same thing.

You know, assuming
that I get the okay,

I plan on embedding myself
into defender's association.

To research my book.

Which means you're gonna have to
deal with me for a little while.

I'll continue to make you
laugh until you snort.

That sounds great.

So, here's to
old friends reconnecting.

I'll drink to that.

The electric bill
is due tomorrow.

I got you.

They're serious about
shutting us off this time.


So, start spilling
the sweet tea.

How was the date?

He is a tall glass
of "Yes, please."

He's too good to be true.

I have never heard you
talk that way about a guy.

I can't stop thinking about him.
Bennet is a real man.

He's not a scrub,
he's not a boy, he's not a game,

he speaks to my spirit.

He asked me
provocative questions

that make me stop and think,
I didn't want it to end.

So, did y'all crazy kiss-kiss,

confessed your love,
and get matching tattoos?

Hell no, that's some
white girl shit.

Desperation is not
a good look, no offense.

Honey, there's a difference

between desperate and honest,
just tell the man how you feel.

He's a celebrity and he used to
be my law professor.

It would never work.

Enough with the nevers,
just tell him how you feel.

Oh my God, I would rather die.

Before you do that,
electric bill.

Robbery, robbery,
come on robbery.

You can take my burglary.

Forget it. I hate burglars.
They're sneaky.

At least robbers have the balls
to hold a gun to your face.

Okay, how about Teddy Larsen?

I just had one, darlin'.

Drug sale, possession,
drug sale, menace...

All right, hello!

Then I get your assault too.

You can have my CPW too.

- Deal.
- Deal.

Thank you.

When we arrived on scene,
the bus was empty.

There were people
lying in the street bleeding.

Several of the passengers
had been struck by flying glass.

A male was deceased,

a veteran who had just
come back from overseas.

And after you arrested
the defendant,

did he make a statement?

He stated...

"I heard Trigger Fiend
and his set was coming for me,

they shot at me,
so I shot back."

Did you voucher any evidence?

The defendant had a 32-caliber
revolver in his waist band.

Mr. Walker claims that
he was shot at first

in the street at that location
were shell casings recovered?

We had reports of shots
fired on the street.

No casings were found.

A revolver would not eject
casing so it made me think

- that whoever fired the shots...
- Objection!

- Had a revolver.
- Sustained.

No further questions.

If Thrill to Kill had revolvers,

it would be entirely possible
that they shot first, right?

We know that
the defendant had a revolver.

We know there were
no casings found, so...

So, whoever shot,
had a revolver.

But a revolver is a very
common weapon, right?

- Yes.
- Thank you. Nothing further.

My eyes must be
playing tricks on me.

I thought I'd find a case
that plays to my strengths.

And what are those exactly?

Rookie's over here,
trying to cherry pick.

- But you and Tracy did it.
- There's a difference

between horse trading
and cherry picking.

Horse trading is collaborative,

cherry picking
is the worst kind of selfish.

But, I just want a chance
to defend the innocent.

When you see one
of those float by here,

you let me know. Okay?

Here's an indecent
exposure to keep you busy.

Spoiler alert: He did it.

We were coming back from seeing

Miguel's brother's
new baby daughter.

And, we got on the 37 bus.

And what happened?

At first, there was yelling.

A bunch of boys stopped the bus.

One of them was
holding the door open

and another one got on.

I looked behind me
and I saw him pull out a gun.

What did you do?

I screamed.
Miguel was sitting next to me.

I grabbed his arm
and I could feel

he was all tensed up.

He was in go mode
from his training. He stood up.

And I heard a loud pop.

Something soft hit me
on the right side of my face.

It was...

It was part of his head.

His head.

There was blood everywhere.

I grabbed him in my arms

but there was nothing
I could do.

I have nothing further.

No questions, your honor.

Bye, love you.

I love you guys,
I'll see you soon.

Oh, hi, Vanessa!

And Vanessa's driver.

Your entourage?

This is Tracy.
The one I told you about.

This is Kevin and Catherine,
my parents.

Well, it is a pleasure
to meet you both.


They've gotta go.

Parents. Wow.

Any chance you'll
keep this to yourself?

What do you think?

- I don't want to testify.
- We have no choice.

You saw the jury's reaction
to the widow's testimony.

The prosecution now has emotion
and patriotism on their side.

- But what do we have?
- You.

Let them know you, Willy.
Let them know your story.

Just drop the banger act.

But what about that
Duchay guy though?

He's going to go after you.

But that's okay because
I get to come back

and fix whatever
he tried to break.

That's called a redirect.

I'm going to be with you
every step of the way.

You can do this.

Willy, when the other boys got
on the bus, what did you think?

I knew they were
going to kill me.

How sure were you that
they were coming to kill you?

It was all over the net.

My friends were
telling me about it.

They were coming for me.

Then they shot at me
on the street.

Were you scared? Is that why
you shot your gun on the bus?

Yeah, I had to.

You thought
you were going to die.


I didn't wanna die.

I'm sorry about your husband.

I didn't mean for anyone to die.

I just wanted to protect myself.

No further questions.

You had a loaded gun
on you that day

because you knew
the guys on the bus

were from a rival gang
that were trying to kill you.


And that's what rival
gang members do right?

They try to kill each other.

- I never tried to kill anybody.
- But you're in a war.

- I guess.
- In a way, you're a warrior.

I mean being in a gang war

is almost like being
in combat, right?

Yeah, it's kind of like that.

I have nothing further.

The People rest, Your Honor.

Miss Sullivan!


Just one moment judge.

- It worked!
- What?

Trigger Fiend,
accepted my friend request.

Let me see that.

Thank you, Cardi V.

Okay, I need you to testify.

What? When?

Did you recently create
a social media account?


And what did you do
with this account?

I friended Trigger Fiend
from the Thrill to Kill gang.

He friended me back
and so did Lil Trigger,

Young Trigger, Big Trigger,
Trigger the Enigma and...

Okay, did you have access
to Trigger Fiend's full page?


And a week
prior to the shooting,

he was making
constant threats towards Willy.

Could you read some samples?

"Let me catch him in the street,

on God, I'm a clap
his little punk ass."

And on the day of the shooting,

"Almost got him, but the boy
skated like a bitch".

Thank you. Nothing further.

I understand you jumped
a turnstile, Mr. Dorinsky.

I lost my fluro cones,
it was stupid.

Well, you don't have a record

so they'll probably just
give you an ACD.

That's an adjournment
and they'll dismiss it

when you do a day of community
service or you pay a fine.

That's it?

Thank God.

Your Honor, the people
request that the court

instruct the jury
on combat by agreement.

Wait, what?

Are you kidding? Are we
teleporting back to 1789 here?

If the court finds

that the defendant's
gang and another gang

get an ongoing understanding

that every time they see
each other, violence will ensue,

then the gun firing on the bus
was a consensual fight.

Much like a duel.
Or a boxing match.

Under the common law,

a claim of self defense
is therefore void.

Judge, this is insane.
The definition is so specific,

the jury would have
no other choice

but to convict my client.

It's an original argument,
Mr. Duchay,

but I will not
instruct the jury that way.

However, I will allow you
to argue the concept

in your summation.

Let the jury decide whether
self defense should apply.

- But judge even if...
- We're adjourned.

Hey! There's a line!

Come on!


Come on, lady!

Sorry, bad hotdog.

Oh wait, hey ma'am.

Hi. I need to talk to you
about something,

it's just part of my process.

Could you just stand there
and listen for me.

So, in my case I proved
the existence of threat

but then they said gang war,

so no self defense,
so I'm screwed, right?

I need to humanize him.

You guys can listen in too.
It's going to help me.

I need to humanize him.

Explain to these jurors
why a kid joined the gang.

It's cause he doesn't have a dad

and there's
no one there to explain

why not having a dad matters.

Yes. Yes. I need an expert.
No. no.

I need a gang expert.

I need a gang expert.

Thank you. You too.
It takes a village.

So, her parents are white-white?

They're not like,
Amber Rose, Steph Curry,

vanilla latte black?

Sugar, they're
as white as sugar.

Your honor, this is
a simple fare evasion,

it's a first offense.

Actually, Your Honor,

the people would like
to dismiss the charges.


There's a warrant,
page four of the rap sheet.

Wait what?

You had a first degree
assault conviction

fifteen years ago?

- No, I didn't.
- Look.

These are based
on your fingerprints.

You tell me, this 100% isn't you
and we'll fight it.

Yes, yes,
I had a convicted case.

Skipped out on the trial,

but still
sentenced to ten years.

I freaked out, I thought he was
going to come and get me,

but he never did.

What does this mean?

It means he's going
to prison. Now.

Sonya, my wife,
she doesn't know.

Isn't there something we can do?

Your honor, we request
that a reasonable bill

be set while we investigate
the circumstances

of his sentencing and absentia.

Mr. Dolinsky has been
an upstanding citizen

- for over 15 years.
- Forget it, Mr. Rigs.

He jumped bail 15 years ago.

I'm not giving him
the opportunity to do it again.

I am executing the sentence.

What? Wait, come on.

- What's happening?
- My wife.

Excuse me.

- Just wait, wait!
- Just talk to my wife.

- Please.
- Vajir?

- Sonya, I'm...
- What's happening?

Mrs. Dolinsky,
let's talk outside.

No, I'm not leaving until
you tell me what's going on.

Okay, then stay here,
but sit down, let's talk.

Sit down please.

It's like legal dinner theater.

How do you know
this so-called expert?

He's a former client
and he's currently

serving a life sentence
on a Federal reco case.

- He's not even an expert.
- Oh for God's sakes,

Mr. Duchay, I'm letting you
argue combat by agreement.

- But your honor, I mean...
- Dinner theater

can be entertaining.

It's simple. If you're not
with the 110, you're the enemy.

- And 110 is 110th Street Posse?
- That's right.

Could you tell me what OG means?

Original Gangster.
That's me. That's my peoples.

Teach 'em shorties
right from wrong, you know?

What do they get out of it?

Community, protection,
it's a family.

So, what if someone like Willy,
were to just say no?

Nobody says no to me.

Not in my neighborhood.

We beg a shorty to join our set,

you either say yes,
or you run for your life.

So there's really no choice?

We all got choices.

Will you join our set?
Or you join the other.

But if you do that,
you're off the count.

- Off the count, meaning?
- Off for death.

Nothing further.

It'd be nice if we got to choose

the world we were raised in.

But we don't. So some children,

are brought up in a world
of abuse, pain and brutality.

That's the world
where Willy was raised.

Yes, he joined a gang.

Yes he carried a gun.

Yes. He fired that gun.

As a matter
of personal survival.

You recall the testimony,

those gang members shot at him

and then they hijacked
a city bus, like ninjas.

They were going
to kill this boy.

This child.

To some of you,
he may look like a man.

He is not a man. He is a child
just like your own.

He is 14 years old,

and a gang
called "Thrill to Kill"

was going to kill this child.

And when it's them or you,

gang or no gang,
that is called self defense.

And it is because
Willy acted in self defense

that you cannot
convict him of murder.

Lack of opportunity
or lack of hope

are not William Walker's fault.

But, what is his fault,
what makes Mr. Walker

an unrepentant
gang banger and murderer

is his utter lack
of personal responsibility.

He's chosen the path
of gang warfare.

He was a willing soldier
in that war.

But there was a real soldier

who fought in a real war.

The innocent bystander
the defendant shot and killed.

Private First Class,
Miguel Sanchez.

Home all of four months

and taken away
from his young wife

and their two-year-old daughter.

Let us be clear.

Once this man started
carrying a loaded gun,

he forfeited his right to
the legal claim of self defense.

It is called combat
by mutual agreement.

When you agree to a duel,

you do not get to say,
"He shot at me first."


- Yeah.
- Do you have a minute?


I don't think this is
the right place for me.

I went to arraignments
with Charlie and the clients

I'm not good with them.

And then there's something
called horse trading

but it's different
than cherry picking,

and then one of the clients
got dragged to prison

in front of his wife.

This whole world, I don't know.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

Listen, the truth?

You know it'll be really bad
if you left right now.

McNamara's out on disability,

Martinez is about to go
on maternity leave

and I'm pretty sure Gilbert
is not long for this world.

I mean frankly,
what we need is a warm body

with a pulse
and a JD degree, okay?

You know a Bennet Thompson?

Oh my God, yes.

He's going to be hanging
around here for a while.

He's one of Chance the Rapper's
favorite authors.

Don't quit yet.

Supreme Court, New York County,

in the case of the People
vs. William James Walker,

on the charge of murder
in the second degree,

we, the jury find the defendant,

not guilty.

On the second count,

criminal possession of a weapon
in the second degree,

we the jury find
the defendant... guilty.

Your Honor,
in light of the verdict,

we would request that
this matter be transferred

to juvenile court
for sentencing.


What does that mean?

It means that he'll be
sentenced in family court

for the gun possession,
it means that we won.

Oh... Thank you!

Thank you so much, Ms. Sullivan.

You were doing
God's work, Ms. Sullivan.

You are blessed.

Hey, isn't it Tom's birthday?

Wait, I thought he was a Taurus.

It was most
definitely yesterday.


Thank you so much,
but my birthday is next week.

You always screw it up.
It's a little sad.

Some of you may
recognize our guest,

writer Bennet Thompson.

And he will be shadowing us
for the next few weeks

for his latest project.

So, try to be
in your best behavior.

They're all yours.

God help you.


What you drinking?

- Single malt?
- Right answer.

I can't tell if they're
polishing each other's knobs

or sniffing each other's asses.

I just can't.

Thanks, I won't be able

to get that visual
out of my head.

Hey, you.

Be a lamb
and go fill the jukebox.

No boy bands or Bieber.

I can't tell if he's into me.

My mama used to say,

a friend will
shoot you a warm glance

as if to say "good to see you."

But the devil take with a smile,

that's like warm
biscuits in gravy, honey.

Hey, hey! Make sure
you play some Blake Shelton.

Next time on In Contempt.

Are you out of your mind?

Everybody shut up!

You all remember
Bennet Thompson,

he is going to shadow
Gwen's case.

I have to protect the process.

Even if it means
convicting an innocent man.

Does anyone care about
the law around here?

Call it a performance review.

- She'll do great.
- Not her, you.

- We're losing.
- It's not your fault.

We need a rabbit.

We sure do.