Il était une fois... la vie (1987–1988): Season 1, Episode 24 - Les chaînes de la vie - full transcript

Is life, is life, that's life

Is life, is life, that's life

Sing the song of life

Every heartbeat's a miracle

Feel the rhythm growing

Day by day as we go

Look inside, your body's humming

There are million drums that are drumming

Fill your lungs, get ready

Celebrating the joy, that's life...

Is life, is life, that's life

Is life, is life, that's life


And so the men decided
to abandon their search,

and as night began to fall,

the great wolf came out of his lair.
His teeth glittered in the moonlight.

There are no wolves anymore. Wolves
are just there, to frighten children.

Yes, there are, my boy,
there are still several.

Well, maybe at the zoo.

Aren't they funny!

Grandpapa, what do squirrels eat?

Seeds, acorns,

beechnuts, pinecones.

-And the squirrels, who eats them?
-Sometimes it's the falcons,

but more often, it's the foxes.

Then, who eats the foxes?

Men kill them, when they can, for
their fur.

But mostly, because the foxes
eat their chickens.

And we like to eat the chickens ourselves.

If the small are eaten by the big ones,
then who eats the big ones?

Well, sometimes it's man.

But mostly it's those smaller
than themselves.

When they're rapacious,

they have to wait for an opportunity,
or create one.

But it can happen that the smallest eat
the biggest.

So it just goes round like a big circle?

It must all begin somewhere!

You're right my boy.

Everything has a beginning
and lives because of the sun.

The sun? But why? How does that work...

Yes, without the sun,

Earth would be a dead planet, like so
many other planets.

Hello there, I'm Photon.
I’m a light particle.

You do remember me, don't you?

How could you forget?

No? Oh, please do try to remember.

Photon, right, that's me.

Well, anyway, the other Photons
and l, we transport energy.

Would you like to see?

Did you see that shot of energy,
l gave him?

Great, right?

Oh, yes, it's thanks to me that energy...

I mean, that life exists.

What I meant was,
I mean it's thanks to us.

And yet we’re so tiny, so very, very tiny,
that it's impossible to see us.

But, believe me, we certainly
make our presence felt.

Please explain how everything
begins with the sun?

It's because the Sun is the basis
of all food chains.

It's the suns' heat, that develops
everything which is nourishing.

Without the sun there
would be none of this.

Would you like another example?

Oh yes please, I would.

You see, there is nothing much
happening in this leaf, huh...

Peaceful, isn’t it?

But believe me, there will be fireworks!

Now that's enough! We’ll have a bit of
order here!

An oxygen here please,
what do you think of that?

And a carbon there, not bad, hey.

Another oxygen! It's prettier like that.

-Yes, you're right!

Are you crazy? I said sugar!
Do you call that sugar?

But it's pretty, don’t you think, Chief?

I want sugars, do you understand?

We'd better drop it, he doesn't
understand abstract sculpture.

A carbon

An oxygen, a hydrogen,
an oxygen... All done.

Yes, that's what a sugar should look like.

Good, send it down here.

Yes indeed, it's sunlight that provides
the energy needed

for the maintenance of life,
for the whole chain of life.

And what about us?
What's our place in the chain?

l mean nobody eats us, do they?
And we eat lots of things.

Much more than we really need to... yes!

It hasn't always been like that though.

Let me tell you about it.

Tens of thousands of years ago...

Oh, ouch!

Ah, ow, ow!

-Well, here's supper for the children.
-You call this supper?

Well, I almost caught an
enormous animal, this big...

Oh, you and your hunting stories...

You see, my boy, with that lifestyle,
they were always hungry,

and their bodily needs
were hardly satisfied.

Fats, twelve calories, proteins, eight,

vitamins, ooh, they're very few,
there aren’t many vitamins, are there?

Oh well, fortunately we’re used
to Spartan diets.

Okay, all in order, let them through, let
them all through.

All the same, a little bit more food
wouldn’t do any harm.

Look! At last some proteins and
a little fat for the reserves,

and it's about time too,
the reserves were exhausted.

Not surprising, after two days
without food.

Have you noticed there’s not much
Vitamin C in that lot, is there?

Is that bad?

l don't know. We'd have to ask...

Oh well, he's still asleep.

Aaah... Well, help me out of here.

Huh! Heave-ho!

-What's happening, professor?
-What's going on?

I’ve seen this sort of thing happen
before. That could be very dangerous,

if that artery should burst,

well then we’ll have blood pouring.

It must be repaired quickly.

Move it guys, we must block
that hole right now.

All right Blocko, to work,
to work big man.

And you, Blockette, come on this way,
come along.

Blockie, stop dreaming,
we’re going to need you soon.

What are you doing here?

Hang on to me.
I'm going to check if it'll hold

before the others arrive.


Hm. Hm. Hup, hup, hup!

Okay, you can come.

Come along!

What incredible work.

And don't you tell me, these platelets
aren’t any good.

Still, it's not normal.

Blood vessels shouldn’t
degenerate like that.

What is that?

But? What...

There, take that and that...

Oh! But...

Maestro! Maestro!

Maestro! It's very urgent!

What? What’s the matter?

We've been informed of a total
lack of vitamin C in the system.

Is that important?

What! Is that important? It's crucial!

Yes, without it we have fever, anamia,

the blood vessels degenerate, and that
causes hemorrhages,

or scurvy, a very serious disease.

Oh! But then Maestro we must quickly order
some Vitamin C to be made.

Sadly, we cannot.

The body doesn't manufacture Vitamin C.

It has to be brought in from outside, from
fruits and vegetables.

What are we going to do, then?

Nothing. Just hope and pray.

Hmm, they're a bit ahead of their time.

Oh... Ah...

Just as I feared.

The vessels have ruptured
and that's very serious.

Aah... ooh.

Take care of Daddy. I'll be back soon.


Where's Mummy going?



Oh. He has a fever.

But there's really no need to worry,
I'll arrange everything.

Rest assured.

I shall return.

Here I am!

There you go.

I have just what we need.


But, what have you got there?

D'you really think that’s going
to cure him?

And then give him this.

Just for good measure,
he should eat this as well.

Now, where is it? Oh, this as well.

-That's delicious.

No, no, no. No arguments,

he must follow this diet for five or
six days, and he'll be alright again.

Look what I’ve brought for the invalid.

Vitamin C! Four hundred milligrams.
Very good, let them through.

Oh... Hey!

It’s okay, you can come! Nice and solid.

They're nearly finished.

All's well that end's well, although we
did get quite a fright.

A hundred and ten grams of proteins and
three hundred calories of fat.

Good, that's marvelous.

Let's see what's happening in the liver.

To execute your order
for cholesterol Maestro,

l need lipids and fatty acids,

and if I haven’t got any, I can’t
manufacture them!

I’ve never heard such impertinence!
What school did you go to?

If you were given an order, it means
the materials are on their way.

Here's the promised delivery of lipids.

Well, what are you waiting for?
Start making the cholesterol now.


How's it going in your sector?

Not very well.

And why not?

I’ve been asked to look after
the fat reserves,

and I’d like to,

but you can’t call these reserves.

Do you know if there's
going to be a delivery soon?

-Just a little bit for my reserves Sir.
-And what’s that, down there?

Oh, goodie, reserves!

Hi there!

It's about time, we were getting lonely.

Now, we can have some fun.

Good morning.

Aaah... Well. I’m feeling much better now.

After all, they won’t do
me any harm either.

Many thanks. Thank you!

Off hunting!

Do you see those berries?

They're very good for you, and they’re
full of vitamins.

Yes, but one had to know that.

That's true. And it took
a long time to find out.

No, no, no,

no, oh no.

Oh, too late.


Life wasn’t easy for our ancestors.

Far from it.



They were always starving.

There was never enough food.

Life was difficult, they barely
had enough to eat

to replace the energy they used up.

Many of them died from epidemics

or scurvy.

Scurvy! We need fresh
vegetables and fruit.

But Grandpapa, one’s always hearing
about the huge feasts,

and gargantuan meals of
the Middle Ages, and even before.

Reserved for the elite, yes,

for the noblemen, princes and kings.

For the common man, it was quite

And don’t forget my boy, that even the
elite had to extend themselves,

and set examples.

Physical effort was the common lot,

to a degree we can’t imagine.

And, fighting aside,

the brave crusaders covered ten of
thousands of kilometers on foot.

Who could to that today?

Nowadays everything is easy, too easy

in our modern countries.

We have motorcars or public transport,

a sedentary life,

food that's too rich, and too much of it,

not enough physical exercise!

Yes, everything's has become too easy.

And the chain of life,

which rules our existence,
hidden in our body's cells,

have difficulties to function properly.

It's not made for this kind of imbalance.

So, if we learn to treat our cells well
and to nourish them properly

they should last forever, shouldn’t they?

They'll last better, and much longer,
but forever?

There’s constant renewal as we grow but
as we get older,

our cells become tired, that's inevitable.

Just as does our whole system.

Ah. Good.

Ah, there.

Wow, that looks good.

Eat slowly.

-Look there Grandpapa!

Hey? Does that make you hungry?

Yes, it does, a bit.

-Are you still hungry?
-No, not really,

-but it's as though l...
-It's like a desire or a need.

Uh, yes, a bit like that

If only I could explain to you what is
going on, right now,

in your system, in your brain.

Reserves of sugar and fats, sufficient.

Reserves of protein, also sufficient.

Let's cut the appetite?

Yes, alright. Do it.

Cut the appetite,
to be transmitted at once.

Immediately huh? That's easily said.

l mean, even in our modern times,

it's going to take a little while before
the message reaches its destination.

Meantime anything could happen.

They could have allowed us a bit of cake.

After all, a growing body needs quite a
bit of sugar.

-Nourishment in sight.

-I see it.
-Give the order to seize it.

Order from the primitive brain,
nourishment in sight, to be seized.

But what's he doing, the old fossil, the

We’ve got enough food!

Cut the appetite, you bearded old goat.

There is never enough food and one must
seize it whenever one can,

bearded old goat yourself.

Do you want to say that again,
you old fossil.

Yes, the orders received by the brain
aren’t always simple.

Memories and ancient instincts still
exist, which the modern brain

can’t always subdue, you see.

There you are.
This can’t do you much harm.

Fats, two hundred and thirty calories

proteins, a hundred and thirty.
Sugars, just over two hundred.

Stop, no more fats,
that's plenty of calories.

And the vitamins, not too many.

Oh well, that will do.

That's enough! No more fats,
no more sugars.

We’re not using enough energy
and we're eating too much.

Did you hear that? That guy's never happy.

If there's not enough, he sniffles.

If there's too much, he complains!

It’s not easy keeping the right balance.

No, the right balance isn’t easy.

And the excesses which accumulate,

become as dangerous as the scarcities.

-We eat so often in our lives.
-About seventy thousand times.


And, all that food comes from the sun?

Oh yes!

Even meat. Milk, cheese,
vegetables, fruit,

the oxygen we breathe...

Everything which nourishes our cells
comes from the sun.

Buster, here!

Tell me, Peter. Don't you think he's going
to become a fatty like his master,

with no exercise and eating too much?


Take a road to wonder

Where the whys and the wherefores hide

Join us and discover

Celebrating the joy, that's life

Is life, is life, that's life